Kh.iUN CITY ENTERPRISE, Fill DAY, JUNE 23, 1905. S TUHSHI.Y.TOI.D TAI.IiH OH THU WEEK'S DOINUS. ......... ........ ...Short Sidehead Stories, Kllltd In Looalna Csmp Andrew I'lucid, aged 12 year, only mm of Ambrose l'lured, of thl uliy, wb wo rldcnlally klllml In the Hoof h Kelly log glug camp near Cottage Orove yesterday morning ty being crtinlnxl by noma log, Iteiiiuln of unfortunate lad arrived here Tueaday evening unit litirlul took phice WniliM'Niliiy. Dancing Party Tonight ' Till evening llu I.llstlgcn Miieili hell will give un Informal dancing party Hi Canemah k. Member of th ot tcitn -liutlim me Mlaae Martha Franoea Dm per, Allot) l,ewlhwalte, Muiojilo Ciiu field. I .aura J'ri, Imogen Harding, nml CIk llaicliiy I'rntt. I'atrnneasc for tliu nfTiilr will lic Mm. Franklin T. OrlfTlth, Mr. Clyde Huntley, Mm, I .Minim pick tn, Mm. Ioul Adum. Mm. John Ncl Kon Wlaner, Mm. L. Floyd Duly, Mm. John Iwthwiilt Jr. voloca In tho large chorus, which will Ini'luili) Mm. Itoae Itloi'h-Iiiiunr and mnny other prominent I'oi t lnnil singer. Tliu chorus will bit atigumcntcd by between SO nml 76 value from thl ell y . Two cantata will bo presented during the session, "The May Queen" will b given Hatuidiiy evening, July IB, nnil thn follow Inif Haturdtiy iilnlil, thn 22(1, "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast" will be tliu attraction. A FOOLISH PLAN Will Devtlop Power Thn Cluckomna Illvi'r company ha been Incorporated. J. T, Appelant), Har vey 12. Ciona, C. If. Hyp. K. U. Cautield, nml Irwin H. Hanbnmn are the Ineor porators. The avowed ohrjet of the com niny I to erect and maintain dam on thn Clnckainaa rlviT, to develop flower, to buy unil sell ri'hl estate, to operate, a ikrIk Industry, etc. Thn capital stock Ik KB.OOO divided Into sharea of -60 each, Tim company I permitted to Incrcaae It capital Dtork to 150,000. Man-lad In Thla City A quiet wilding occurred limt Friday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mm. UiwriiH'i' Kucoiilch when Mix Kllxn-bi-th ltohliinder, alater of Mm. Lawrence l(in'ilh, waa united In marriage to Andrew llelllnger, of Douglas County, Washington, Hev. K. B, Itollugcr, paator of thn Klral CointteKntlonul Church "-r-furmlnif tha ceremony. After a brief honeymoon, Mr. and Mia. HellttiKcr will KO to Wiinhllticton to realdn, Th. Foatara Appaal An nppenl to tha Circuit Court from thn rulliiK of Hie County Court hit bnun tiiken by K. N, Koyter and Klalo J. Koa ter, pclltloncra. In tho mutter of thn va cation of atreel and alley In Urn Kiilo Creek Townaltn. In ronaldcrlng tho peti tion, the. member of tha County Court lulled the premlaea, and, after hearing the proleata of K, K, ICHIott, who beenme a In i Inveator In tha property under f a vol utile rcprcaentntlona on the, part of thn petltlonem, Kianted tha petition In puil only, It wiia contnnded by Elliott Unit ii'Kturlng th tnu t to nrriue would defeat and niukn ImixiKalbln the Irnprove metila to the. property by tha Koatom that he wiia uaaured would be mild a when he Invented In tha property. Prtachad Initial 6armon Hev. Henry II, Itoblna, of UiM'heater, New York, the newly elected pimtor of tin Klral lliiptlat church of thla city, niToinpimled by Mia. Hnblua, arrived In drrgiill City the latter pint of butt week mid occupied the, pulpit of the Oregon City chureh for the mat time Sunday morning. Hev. Itoblna I a fine apcaker mid a culiured gentleman and hiia al ready gained a worm ilc In tha heart of the coiigrrgntlon. He la a young man Wil Mournad a Dead lr. (leorge Hoeyti, of thla city, thla week enjoyed a vlalt from hla brother, Hiram, who hud for yrara been mourned a a dead. Twenty-alx yeara ago Dr. I lory e and hla brothera, Hiram and Joe, rum to Oregon from thn Euat. After four yrara, II hum returned to Illlnol and a year later removed to Texa where ahoilly afterward he waa Injured In a railroad wreck and hla name appeared In the Hat of thoae that were killed. Ite- roverlng from hi Injurlea, h failed to reaiime hi correapondence with the mem Ix-ra of the family who mourned him a deud. The mlaalng brother la now a re- I'b-nt'of tha atate of Arlion where he la quite proaperoua. Clark la Still In Jail George Clark, who haa eonfeawd hla complicity In the robbery of an Oregon City dental parlor a an accomplice to Curl Kvuna, remain In jail In thl city deapltn the deapernte effort of a or rowfnl wlfo and hi friend to aecure hla relniae by furnlahlng a bond of 1500.00. Clmk la a property owner In the atate of Wnahlngton, but tho officer decline In accept hla peraonnl bond for the re uulred 1600. According to the wife' and with hla nggrcealvmuaa will doubt-i atory, Clark la a locomotive fireman Irxa extend tho Influence of hla church In thl community. Will Obiarv Sacajawaa Day One hundred mrmbera of Wacheno Tribe No. U. Improved Order of Hed Men of thla city, will attend the 1-ewla & Clark Kxixixltlon and pin Ibipute In the exerclaea on Hacajuwea and Hed Men'a Hay, Thuradny. July 6. The Oregon City delegation will go to I'ortlund In two apectul cura and will tie accompanied by a bund. Hr. V. K. Carll. of thla city, haa been Hpolnted an able on the Grand MarahaU'a atalT for the day and J. H. Howard la dealgnlug three beautiful tlnuta that will be need In the monater atreet deiiioiiHtratlon on Bucajawea Pay. Muela Fof Chautauqua lTofeHHor Frederick W. Omidrlch, of 1'iirtlniul. who hua been engaged na In atrucliir ami muatcal condctor for the Willamette Vnlley Chiiulnuiiiii Aaaocla tlnti. waa In the city thla week und re port a that the mualcal feature of the Aaaemlily will tie up to the hWh atnnd- whom, reputation waa good until a few weeka ago, when, being out of employ ment and without fund, he become na mil la ti d with Carl Kvana. an ex-dentlat. In the plundering of dental olTlcea, Clark acting aa look-out while Evan commit ted the burglary. The ofllcem have been unable to locate Evana. jflllp CONCERNING 13 Til a Joy to eat-T welcome my dinner hour Hccaute I rout iixllgratlun with Auguat Flowerl ConatiriMtlon ia the renult of nrl!oY.tnn tiliouaneaa, flatulency, loa of appetite, aclf iKiifMiiiiiij;, anemia, emaciation, uric acid, neuralgia in variou part of the yttm, catarrhal inflammation of the in tettiiiul canal and mimeroui other ail ntenti that rob life of it pkaaurea if they no noi nnauy ron you oi Hie ttaelf. "I'm bound In the bowcla," ia a com mon expreKiim of Motile who look mi. enihle mid are miaeratile yet who peraiat in "letting nature take it coiirac.'' What a filiih plan, when nature could be aided by the uae of Green' AiiruhI j'"lowcr, which ia natiire'aown remedy for cuiiatipa'ioii unil all B'.omadi ills. AtP'imt I-iower ;iv" new life to the l:veiiiml ii i.nrca hjcl'.lty atools. i;7i-, j'ic aim 75c, Ail fini.r'.i'iiu CharmanA. Co., City Drug Store 1;, 1 tail. PIONFER Transfer and Express Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES REASONABLE Quality is the first importance in selecting a watch and it requires expert knowledge of the business to actually know the real value. There are all sorts of watches on the market and all look somewhat alike. There are differences, however in constructive workmanship, in finish and decoration, in wearing quality, time keeping and in price. That is why you must rely entirely upon the party from whom you purchase your watch. ' Our record for honest, straightforward dealings 5 what has made us the largest house in Clackamas County. We are constantly adding new goods of the latest designs and are showing an unusually attract ive assortment of handsome patterns in solid gold and filled watches. We have watches in nickel for boys from $1.00 up; for men from $5.00 up. Ladies and gents gold filled watches from $10.00 up. We would like to have you come and see our $ J 5.00 and $20.00 watches. They are beauties. We do fine watoh repairing and guarantee all work. BURMEISTER & NDRESEN Bhot Through th Neck- Fred Aune. the 12-year old eon of Harry Atine, of Clockamna Height, waa ahot through the neck by a 26-callbre rifle Tueailay afternoon white plnylng with hla coimln. Amel Tonaeth, aged about 10 yrara. Tho boy hod been playing with the rifle and when railed to the hoiiae, young Tonaeth alexed the firearm from the around and aa he ralaed It, the rifle waa accidentally dlacharged, the bul let atrlklng Aune, who waa atandlng a fi'W paera dlatant, at a point on the chin and then entered the right aide of the neck, panning nlmoat entirely through and lodging Jtiat beneath the akin on the opponlte aide from which the bullet waa extracted by Dr. E. A. Rommer. While Attendance Promlee to be Large Management of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua? Aaaoclatlon I already much encouraged with the proepeet for a record-breaking attendance at thl year Aaaembly, July 11-23. Secretary Cro report that already there have been made extenalve reaervatlon for the ac commodation of camper, many of whom will remain through the eeaalon. Among thoae point from which Intending camp er have written are Walla Walla, The Dalle and Aatorla, bealdca numeroua other Oregon cltlea. The Chautauqua management ha doubled the capacity of It reataurant to which a lunch counter hna been added, all of which will be un der the management of Mr. C. O. T. William, who wo almllarly engaged laat year. Everything that will In any way contribute to the comfort and conven ience and complctencaa of the entertain ment and add to the comfort of thoae at tending thla year' Aaaembly, 1 being done by tho management. 4 The I Oregon Gtyl Jewelers nrd of exeellence eatiibllahed by former tm injury' la n moat painful one. It la not Chailtiiuiiia acanliuia. There will be 100 Nervous Women Their Suffering Are Uiunlly Due to Uterine Disorder Perhaps Unsuspected A MEDICINE THAT CURES Can we dlnpute tlwt wll known fuct that American tNwotncn are ncr- voua? Ml wr thought anything aerloua will reaiill. Suspension Bridge Corner Alumni Electa Officer The Oregon City High School Alumni naancliitlon held Ita annual reunion Fri day night on the bank of the Clncka mua river. A hundred or more member gathered nround n big rampflre, where lunch waa aerved and a mimical program waa carried out. An nddreaa of welcome waa made oy the retiring prealdent, Mr. Kenneth Latoiirette, which was followed by n graphophono aelectlon. Mlaa Edith Cheney Kimg "A Meaange," and the Tel ford family gave a aelectlon on atrlngcd Inatrumcnta. MIh Amy Thomn gave n aoprann aolo and Arthur Draper whlatl ed. The nnaoclatlnn elected tho following inttlcera for the cnaitlne year: I'realdent. Civ Annual Social The Toung People' Society of Chrla tlan Kndeavor of the Preabyterlan church gave Ita annual aoclal and entertainment laat Krldny night at Shlvety'e oiwra house. The altnlr waa well arranged and waa canted out In an admirable manner. The attendance waa large. Mlaa Gertrude Kolrclough gave two piano aolo. Joaeph Jefferson Tlndall, a tenor alnger from "Onco In tho Purple Twilight." and "Oood Night, Beloved." Mlaa Margurlte Shelley, a talented reader of Portland, pleased the audience with two numbers and Mlaa Ethel Jackaon played a piano! aolo. An appreciable number waa the singing of little Mlsa Mario Freldrlch, who ang "The Swallows" In a sweet voice that ahowa great possibilities. Miss Freldrlch Is a pupil of Mrs. Kathryn Ward Pope. The Oregon City quartet, Dr. Hhea Morris, E. E. Taylor, Jn Con fer, K, "TC Woodward also sang and re sponded to encores as did also Miss May ale Foster. 1 low often do we iMi,, .iniil lt.M.tilc: vlce-nresldcnt. Miss henr the cxprea- j ,.,,.1,,, cauileld; secrelary, iuddun Ga- sion. "taiuHoncr-1 t,.onlir,.r, ltaiph Mlllan. fcUhouldllyi " or, )"l)on't Kpcttlc to! Ha Sl i.(nte." Little things j i,,t,.r ifjunnoy you nml Fvm Sinned the Pledoe Hurgess. of this' city, has taken mn oath to abstain from the Inilnlg- niee of Inlnxlcnnta In any form In the future. This action on the part of Tlur gees, who Is a laborer, Is tho result of excessive dissipation (luring which he abused his family to tho extent that on maWft vou Irritiible: voti Clin't sleep, you are unable to quietly and calmly perform your daily tasks or care for your children. Tho relation of the nerves nnd iron- Crntivo organs in women i HO close (WO occasions they have been obliged to that, nlne-tentlm of the nervous pros- ' h ave homo to Insure their personal snf- trntlon. nervous debility, tho blues, ,.iy, liecomlng repentant after one of his sleeplessnesH und nervous irritability j , I'.urgess was taken In charge by ariso from soino derangement of tho ilrVi k, a, Hniilngcr and has regularly organism which makes her a woman, declared Ills Intention of refraining from Kits of depression or restlessness ana , .. tinlulgenee In llouors of nil kinds bv Irritnbllltv. Stiirits Otisllfr affected. 80 ! Mi,H,.1ii,inir to n formal nllldavlt. Should that one tninuto she laughs, the next ))0 V(,it (no 0nth, Hurgess In his afll minute weeps, l'nln in tho ovaries and , ,t invokes tho "pains and penalties between the shoulders. Loss of voice; : ()f - prt-jiivol person nnd the wrath of nervous dyspepsia. A tenrtency 10 cry i ri()() wll0 ,,,, nn observes nil my ne at the least provocation. All this points onH " nurges todny began working In to nervous prostration Nothing will relievo this distressing condition and prevent months of pros tration and suffering so surely as Lydia E. rinlihnm's Vegetable Compound. Mrs. M K. RhotweU, of 103 Flatbush Avenue, llrooklyn, N. Y., wrUes: n local paper mill. Land Office la Removed After having been located In this city for half a century, the Oregon City Land Olllee at the eloso of business hours to diiv will be removed to ronuinu wm re mi tho Waxier building, Washington streets, bus General Summary The past week haa been Bhowery and coo), especially during the afternoons, when the temperature was usr.nlly four or five degrees below normal. Tho rains have ben benellclal to spring grain, and the cool days have been favorable for fall wheat and barley, which Is now heading and filling nicely. The dump weather has caused the grain aphis to become more numeroua In tho Willamette valley, where many fields of spring wheat and oats arc badly Infected with this pest. Oats are turning red In some localities, and tho crop generally Is not doing as ' well as expected. Forago crops are gen- crally heavy und pasturage is much bet- j ter thlm usual at this time of the year. I l'he llrst crop of alfalfa has been secured and the second crop promises to be above the average In quantity. Haying, which , has become general, has been delayed j by the rains, and somo cut hay In the fields has been more or less Injured by tho wet weather. Potatoes and gardens are making splendid growth. Hops, al- though uneven, nre now making satis- i factory progress. Cherries are ripe and plentiful In tho market, although the i crop Is considered smaller than usual, I Apples, 'peaches, prunes, and pears con- IIihio to make good advancement, but tho fruit crop generally will be lighter than liBiial, owing to frosts and cold rains Rt Vim time of pollenissatlon. i Having szcut ect the agency lot the Sttictebake Company for Oregon City and vicinity, W. L. Blocfe,the Ftirnitti e man, is now p epa ed to supply your wants in another way. THE REPUTATION of the Sttidebake Company's pro ducts is too well known to require any introduction to the people of this vicinity. The trademark of STUDEBAKER "I cannot, express the wonderful relief I , ; ... h .. lf have- experienced by tok ng LV Went Park and W, affi'w KSK K l,,, wl.l be oonllnued without any Ir, .v Kt , ,i,.i, 1. of Aimetlto. 1 eould . terniptlon, beginning tomorrow morning. not sleep and would walk tho floor almost j Mliny 0f tho records belonging to this every night, , , . ., , important department were packed and "f hail throo doctors nid got no bettor, anrt Portland early In the week. afdimsw," -Led wonder; celver Whec, tho present force o e " 1 am a well woman, my norvousness Is all i.nnd Olllee consists of: Mrs. Matilda gono and my friends say I look ton years Mm1,. nm Miss Minn Kelly, clerks; nnd yonngorf I Miss Ethel Oraves, contest clerk. The G. B. Burhano testifies after four years. O. B. lUuhana, of Carllslo Center, N. Y writes: "About four years ago I wrote you slating that I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick dust sedi ment, and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glnd to say that I have never had a return of any of those symptoms during the four years that have elapsed and I am evidently ! cured to stay cured, and heartily recom- ...... i ii. - i ..twinnifi'Mi . . ,, .... ...hi ..... .iiu..,i tt,n 'mend Foley's Kldiicv Cure to any one W Ul noi mo yuhiuico m I removal or mo omen win "'i v..r,....u , V ,,, i, ,. 4,.i,i women made strong by Lydia B. rink- 11(1,mllmi of the clerical force which will .suffering from kidney or bladdei t.ouble. ham's Vegetable Compound convince ,10(,ommnv tho oniee. Register Dresser Huntley Bros. Co. all women oi Its virtues t ou.v;.j, luu U(HM,Vor mw0 wm reinovo men etmr,,.h cannot wish to remain sick and weak ,.,,,, to porUlln,i and become perma- Energy alk gone? Headache? Stonuuh and discouraged, exhausted each day, m,nt ,.(,Hll(,n,s ot that city as soon as out of order? Pimply a case of When yon can be US easily cured aa Uwy vnn m(! drBll,nlli0 houses into which liver. Burdock Wood Hitters will make a i stands for the best in the way of Wagons, Buggies and Carriages. Delay making any purchases until you have consulted Mr. Block who will carry a complete line of Stude haker vehicles. ' " O J.Lw o THE FURNITURE MAN Main and Seventh Streets Otegon City, Oregon other women. new man or woman of you. to move.