4 OREGON CITT ENTKRPUISE. FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1903. Oregon City Enterprise CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Evtry Friday. 1 4th. So you see that the letter was here four days before I dare ns); for I a. . . ; ' - . ii. .awry im .Mexico, luitod States is good enough for uie. I sometimes thought that our govern ment might be amended a little, in the way of trusts and tariffs, but Subscription Rates: I . U1 ""Bls.." ianU8 UUl One year .. 1.50,from now on 1 wl vo more Bli months 76 I complaints to make. Talk about a Trial subscription, two months.. 25 Advertising rates on application. Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. It this Is not changed within two weeks after a payment, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postoffloe at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1905. LET'S ALL CELEBRATE. ' A three days' programme of un surpassed interest and attractive ness has been provided by the com mittee in charge of the Firemen's Tournament and Fourth of July celebration to be held at Oregon City July 3-i. Inclement weather alone, will prevent one of the most notable celebrations of Independ ence Day that was ever held in the Willamette Valley. We should observe the day in a spirit of reverence and a full ap preciation of what the anniver sary means. But wJiile we are cel ebrating, let us not become uneces sarily boisterous. Let the celebra tion and its attendant demonstra tions be strictly sane. Discard the giant fire cracker and other heavily charged explosives. They are a menace to a successful celebration and are not only a source of great and unexpected danger to the per son handling them but to the inno cent bystander as well. We hope the poiice force will see to it that the city ordinances regulating the use of these explosives is strictly enforced during the three days' cel ebration next week. A VALUABLE INSTITUTION. If there is one local institution that is more valuable than any other to the people of Oregon City and Clackamas county, to say nothing of the entire Northwest, it is the Willamette Valley Chautauqua As sociation. The Twelfth Annual As sembly of this Chautauqua Associ ation will be held at Gladstone Park, near this city, July 11-23. A programme of exercises, exceed ing in value any other before offer ed the people of the state, has been provided by the energetic Board of high taritT, if vou want to see tar- in, come to Mexico. About the trusts, I am ready to trust Teddy with that. One thing about . the, Mexican laws I like is this, though, is a protection to their labor. No corporation can be formed for the operation of any business, railroad, merchandise, factory or anything else unless a clause is inserted that ninety per cent of the labor em ployed in the operation of this bus iness must be the native labor ot Mexico. If the United States had such a law I believe it would be for the best. If vou look over uearlv all our labor troubles, and strikes, it is the Anarchistic element of Da goes, Fins and Russians and Greeks that generally cause our trouble. But with all "this, I am not finding fault with the dear old U. S. "I want to see the Coast towns" of Mexico before I tro back. We have been in almost all the cities in the interior, and have seen what thev call all their great antiquities, some of their richest mines, and their best agricultural country, but I have not found anvthinr that 1 think would induce me to stav here yet. The laboring men get three bits, or thirty-seven cents a day. and l-of ."r, ' 1 .uciitau money, wcicu makes their wages seventeen cents a day, and yet it costs you a great deal more to live here than it "doe id the U. S. Sounds funnv, don't it?" LAND OFFICE GOES TO PORT LAND. In the removal this week of the Oregon City Land Office to Port land one finds convincing proof in the old saying which suggests the locking of "the barn after the horse is stolen. No onnosition wns nfTor. ed by the people of this city until ine iact was officially announced at Washington that the change in lo cation would be made. And it is possible that no intervention on the Dart Of the Tieonlp nf thp distrinf 4 I f- V V V" A could have defeated the plans of the . . i r. powers mat ne, put tne situation was deservinz of an effort. It mav 1 that the President and Secretary of the Interior contemplate a consoli- aation ot one or more of the Land Districts in the state with establish ed headquarters at Portland where tne omcial business may be handled with greater dispatch and conven ience. In that event, onrwxsirirm in j l .w the proposed removal could but have oeen iruitiess. But the lesson to be deducted is that concerted effort is requirad of re live service, although ordinarily th;' results of the efforts of the commit tee would warrant the cancellation of official orders of even greater im portance. But the oxerieuee should prove a profitable one and in the future it in wife to assume that a lock will be placed on the stable door before the horse is stolen. There are many openings here for institutions of various kinds. Prin cipal among those is a creamery, the demand for which increases with the rsnid crowth of the dairv industry of this section. There is also needed a cannery as a means of providing for the producer a more profitable market for the largo and l . . V incomparable iruit crop ot this part of the Valley. These, and other needed enterprise's, cau be readily secured through the Oregon City Board of Trade ami the co-operation of the people of this city. lA't' get some of them. o DEGENERA TE DEMOCRA CY. Present day conditions in the Democratic parh find many ilh's- trations in current politics. But none other is ouite so striking or significant as that afforded in Mas- i sachusetts, in the refusal of Gov. i Douglas to stand for a renomina- tion at the hands of that partv. ;i Massachusetts, let it be remember- J ett, was an oasis in the howling Democratic desert of last year. In the w reck of matter and "crush of worlds. Massachusetts raised in echo of old border wars, and Doug las was the cry. A remarkable thing had happened in that state, which was found to have given Theodore Roosevelt, as the candi date of the Republican party on its pianorm aim its historic record for 4 ; 1: The SOAP that sells the fastest AMMONIA A B benzene:. Directors. It includes orators and lecturers of national reputation and ! entertainers of whom there are none j tain that which it has in the way of Detter. taucationaiiy, the program Federal offices as well as tha secur this year is better than . ever and ino- of ntlmr curh ;r,ct;h,t; ti, taking ot this important office to Portland removes with it practical ly all claim Oregon City had for a public building for the' aceomoda- and the there is provided no end of enter tainment, a baseball tournament be ing among the attractions. In their efforts to maintain this popular institution, increase the tion of the Land Offic value and attractiveness of each j Postoffice. succeeding year's programme andj Timely action was required that the extend the helpful influence of the interests of Oregon Citv, and in this institution, the members of th-i instance not only this" city but the Board of Directors are deserving of j majority of the people of "the Land the loyal support and hearty co-op-1 District might have received eration of the people of Oregon1 at least a respectful consideration. City as well as the entire Willamette i There was no demand made bv tho valley. j patrons of the office for the removal tariff protection, a great majority. while at the same time giving to William L. Douglas, an eminent free trader, the gubernatorial candi date of the free trade party, and running on a state platform strong ly expressive of the free trade doc trine, a sufficient plurality over his Republican opponent to elect him. When the storm which had pro: trated the party all over the country had passed away sufficiently to al low the survivors, like so" manv prairie dogs after a Western cy clone, to venture out of their holes far enough to survey the field, and note the extent of the disaster, Mas sachusetts was seen standing its about the only thing in sight, in a monotonous wiping out of old land marks. But it was not long, after the wise men had taken the dimen sions of the rout and were burr 'vy ing in their holes again for tlm causes, until the decree came no out of the ground, where many of them, were still in hiding, that Massa chusetts had pointed the way to an early conquest of the country by her stanch standing by the old" flac of throwing open all our ports. .See. they cried, the force of an idea, and the w'sdom of an early return to an old delusion, with which, of old time, we have so often deluded the people. Old as it is, they insisted and often as we have fooled the tv.,! u : :.. .1:11 ii. 1 . j"ln; mill ll, ll IS Mill uie thing wherewith to convince men ! it: it t It; t t t - If you have It you'll agree with me; if you haven't you know nothing about it. Those that are using it is because it is all soap 1 00 per cent. pure. It acts like magic on delicate fabrics, rug carpets, woodwork, dishes. Excellent for laundry, leaves the clothes sweet and clean, the hands smoothe and white. AMMONIA is known to everyone as a healthful and powerful disinfector. BENZINE is the highest refined product of petroleum, having all the cleansing qualities found in coal oil without its impurities. Read here tow to secure a hat of this Soap Free! To the first fifty customers making a cash purchase of fifty cents at my store, you will receive a bar of A B Soap absolutely free. GET IT, TRY IT AND YOU WONT DENY IT. H. P. BRIGHTBILL Phone 1261 503 Main Street VA Uttttttt by the tremendous defeat dealt to Parker at the polls. Some of the 'iM-st principals" of the Socialist Mid the Populist parties, he says, are lieing adopted by the Democracy, and will' be put in the platform of 1!08, but the party will not be either Socialist or Populist, but will still le entitled to 1h; called the Democratic party. What Mr. Brvan savs about the triumph of radical Democracy in the convention of his party three years henca has been prophesied bv who are getting enough to cat that10 any other eminent Democrats it would grcatlv imnrove their! that the country expects it. All health and happiness to eat less. j indications point to the triumph of It is clear that Mr. Douglas ik'v- j t litit lirand of Democracy in the or understood bis partv. After be-! convention. 'I h, Cleveland ii-nl jing inaugurated he sought to use his j to Portland, in fact, the true reason for making the change lias not been i divulged. WAY THEY DO IN MEXICO 1 riM. . i - -i. . , ....ui. n. nuii rwnu; i-aciim' will i;e It is oitcn only when we know o;dvi.n for the chan mav , t. conditions as they exist elsewhere !wl wht.n the Ijenilj fanil f1raU( that we place a true appreciation on trials are concluded. ,lhe m ;ny,'nK'M!H We ':njcy -at I Kt be that as it mav, there is no home. And n would not require ; reason why timely and" vigorous ae the reading of many sucn rara-;,iPn to. prevent the consummation of graphs as the ones ,naehed o can-ithe scheme should not have ken one o be thankful that he truly takl.n. The commiitee. that was ttatcf S m lmu"1 named to intercede with the Presi- ' v'-i c .i i . ,! dent with a view to having the order An id.a of the administration of j0f romovai recinded, was not ap pubiic at.ai:-s ,n Mexico may be jK,:nted in time to form .. vuviijii t..V.H'l7 that were taken from a letter, re ceived last week by County Treas urer Cahill from a relative who is spending some time at Mexico City: "We got your letter a ouple of days ago, and was very glad to hear from vou. Your letter wa in the city here live davs before I got it. Such is the style of Mexico. In every postoffice there is a sign up that reads: "Don't ask anyques tions." When mail arrives they look it over at their -leisure, and' then make a list of every letter they re ceive, and post up the list. "You are supposed to go over the list, and if your name appears on the list, you may go to the window and ask for your mail, and then they will ask you if your name is on the list and if you tell them yes, they will ask you to take them to the list and show it to them. They will then go back to the office and look the mail over. If they find the letter you can get it. The letter I got from you is stamped on the back re ceived in office June 1st. Entered on 'Lesta,' which means list, June official influence against some of the great protected interests of the state, and to do all that in him lay, so far as Massachusetts legislation was con'-erned. to take the initial step-; toward free trade The Probahii- rarkor element of the party has been so thoroughly lieaten and dis credited that it will have no influ ence three vears hence. It will ha vo no standing in the convention eillier on the platform committer or elsewlier. Populist policy. But will that give tne Democracy the victory? I'm questionably it will imt. It is en tirely safe "to predict, however, that under the leadership whi-h the Democracy will have in that vcur it will make a far more rvspeotaldc canvas than it did last year N'oith cr Socialism m.r Populuni will ever get the sanction of a u aioritv of the votes of, the Amerii.tn wl. pie. Under the leadership, though, of intrepid, honest ami capable mm like Bryan, the Democracy in 1!'08 will Ik; likely to put up a fight .vhich will compel the Republican i'oi t 10 nam.! a strong 'jcket a ml maKe an active canvass in order to maintain control of the govern ment. St. Louis (in. DcnuM-rat. Oregon Showtime and Union Pacific THREE TRA TO THE EAST DAILY Through i-uiimiin ntunrtnrd nt Tour Hjx'kmie; louM Nlrrning cr7 dally ! C"yi l",rm,K'' ''""""n Srlil tl '.n ci! l'!"'ly conduced) TJ V ,' u,l,'Ki. Kannaa City, rrrlln- The overwhelming it v is that he sought to put himself j r-pudiation which it received at the at the front of a great national ; 'oIls last Aovember has put it out iwmciueiii, which wouiii imiKc nis:"i "ii cnance 01 receiving anv hoohv the issue, and himself the;: ! candidate of the next national I )-ni- i liartv iocr:it:c ca:npaign. But no sooner land figlit Is. battles. Part, of jdid he reach the line of po-itive. ag-1 course , of that I'.'iOO.OOO popular grcssive action, than the practical ' plurality for Ifofisevelt was due to I politicians of Boston an 1 oihcr : the .ibsurdit y of I'arkcr's candidnev parts of trie Mate began oppo.ing ! but with the strongest tiossiM uarter iv the men who s bane t c phi form, nut un its HeL-..i ! COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Portland anri Tho nalloc ! wuuiiuw ROUTE b'clion from the Cleveland up. faction I 4 i Regulator Line Steamers hours Portland to CIiIciro 7fi No Channc-of Car. v Depart Ayers m wnir II Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you don't. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why Hair Vigor not be pleased? Aver'sHair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. nil hay nMd Ayer'i Hair Vlpor for a Ion "me. It It, Indeed, a wonderful hair ti. remormir health to the hair and .rain. ai,d, xt the aaiue time, proving a rpnd)d rirnatnr." . jATtn, Maaui, lna. i. (1.00 a bottle. fori J. C. AVER CO., Weak air ;;v' ; ; 7 i " ir. ;n,n "ba,lev catzert--dalles citv- I" m " itui uui lue i. I ll- j "i nit: , 'ii 1 1 v inc tieieai would nave ' "REGULATOR" "METLAKC cipals he liad declared on the sturnri. ! b"cn overwhelining. The Cleve-, "Sadie b." . 1.1 1 i il. - .. 1 1 ' i' . f .1 . .. il iiu!u nun uie pany ami lose i ouia hi-ciion 01 me partv, while them money, they insisted. So j strong at one time, is out of her. Douglas refuses to stand again, meny with the masses of the Demo, washes his hands of politics and re- cracy of today. It has been (-at tires, leaving it to somebody, who 'out utterly, and though it ira-' understands it better, to find a maul turn up in the majority in the par- and issue for th degenerate I)en ocracy one who will want to votes, not results. Exchange. o jtv at some time in tl K! PLANNING FOR 1908. William at Muscogee, I. '1 has been pointing out many chanc.'si li niincrnlic nnrlv in 10O which have taken place in his par- St. Louis convention of 1901 he wns - 1 "' V , 1 III pi II (III I convention of 1101, and rejoices at. those changes. "U.idieal Demo cracy," l.c says, is to be at the front in the convention three vears lienc The party and the country has had enough, he declares, of "conserva tive Democracy." nieanin'' it. is io lx' presumed, the sort that was reo- resented by Parker last year. Mr. Bryan fought that kind7if Pciuo- cracv eloquently and courai';oiNlv in the St. Louis convention, an, I fitr. Ilnllpy nalarrf Ivnvra Portlatid 7 A. M. Mumlaya. xWHiii-Rdaya nrid Krl ! daya; ( nv-a Th Dnllr-a 7 A. M. Tu.a ! lny, Thiini(lHy. and Riilurduyp. I itr. '!:, -Buintor" la Portland 7 A M. Tufdnya. Tliumilayi and Hutunlnja ! 1'iv.. Tli Dall.-a 7 A. M. Monday, i Wi-dnt-hdiiya and Fr" lnya. Ptpam.TB It-avlnit potilund make Hmu j connectlf.n at I.yle with R. A N. train ' , for Goldr-ndalD and Klickitat Valli- i Iolni. . i... H. N. tialn Imvca Ooldi'iidal on ilundny. Vdn.dBy and Krld.iya h t-30 A. M.. maWng connection with iteamcr "Regulator'' for Portland and way polnU. C. rt. N. train leavea Goldendala on Tuesday Thursdaya and Baturdaya at 8:30 A. M., connecting at Tyle with ateamer "Sadie B." for The Dallea, con nectlng there with O. R, A N. tralni Eaat and Weat Btr. "Sadie B." leave Caarade Lock AaUv iTMht fl..nn.. -. ). . . . - - . m 1 1 I ' L'U.iUa , ii i a, u, lor in onsrht i arker and the thniL's which 1 Ualle 1 way polnta; arrlvee at ll A .i ii-nfTi Ana uniii'i i u . I . . fut 11 n get 'will i.e far back in the shadow ij jthe canvas throe, years from now. K very thins that Mr. I'.ryan sn: about Domoeri'.tie plans for I'M)", h ' j entitled, to the attention of Dcmo- J. Rrvan, in an address crats and Republicans. He is tho Oil UeillOCraCV ' innsr oouer ll nfr-i,n.ir. ; 4l, ). At t if ChUaKii I'oi Hand Hpcrlill :16 a. in Atlantic Kxprraa 815 p. m Via. Hunt lnt;tiii. Time 8chedult. Salt l.ako, tunver y Worth, (Jnmha. tiula. C'hli'.iui. .,.i! Knat. Aaaiva 8:26 p m. Halt Lake, IVnvcr Vi. Worth. Oiimha!i;00 a m KaiiNua City, 8t Irfinla, CIiIcbko and bust. St Piiul l n;t Mnlljwaiin Wn, t.w. "16 l in iIhioii, Spokane. Mln ila Spo- iK-upi.lia, .au kun.. I'olutli, Mllwaiixee, 1 1 hli'iiun ii'nl ,;pt 7:16 Asloria & Columbia River Rnilroatl Co. Ii.-av.-a. rxi,,N i,R,.0-P , Aprlvfli i.nd tho vulgar stamp of politics represented by Hill, lielmon'", Mur phy and Cockran was alien to cverv nun? lor wnicn jsrvan stoo.l. Jirvan t i rancor typified in the convnition, and though he was defeated in tnat body he was overwhelmingly indi fated at the polls. rmlu.htcdl be is correct in saying that the rad ical Democracy will run the partv in 1 008. Something as )y declares ViM A.M. Dnlly. probably feels taat he is vindicated j u ill be borrowed from Socialist aVl Caacade Lock a p. M. Mcala aerved on all tcameia. Fine acriornmodationa ror teama and wagon a. Landing at Portland at Alder Street Dock. H. C. CAMPBELL. ' Manager. Gen. Office, Portland. Oregon. 7:00 P.M. I'or Muyi-i m Italnlwr, l liitskanln, WvRtnnrt -lilton, Aatoila.War- n-ninn, l lavo . Ham mond. t'ni- Hi,.. ...... 'Ifiiihart Park, 8pa- H OH. AkIi-Iu A Hf-aahore, lCxproaa Dally. ABtoria 12xpre Dally. 11:10A.M. 9:40 P.M. Ald.-r atrct-t. Phone Main 000, 3. C. MAYO. O. F. A p. A., Aatorla, Or. Ocean and River Schedule For Ban Frnnclaco Every five daya at a p. m. For Aatorla, way polnta and Portland. Oivon. 8 p. m.j Saturday at 10 p. m. Dally aprvlce (water pt-rmlttlng) on Willam ette and Yamhill rlvera. dntallod Information of ratea, The Oregon Hallroad A Nav!natlon Co., your noareat ticket a Kent, or Oenoral Paaaenger Agent A. U CRAIQ. it il 8 ! t t: t;