OltEOON CITY ENTKBFBISE. FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1905. 3 NEW TO-DAY MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 1 per cant. Farm nwurlty. U'Rn & Bchubel. MOKTOAQ1C LOANS NKOOTIATED.- kt lowt ratsa, LtourUe'i office, Commorolal Hank IJulldlng, Oregon Cliy. Wanted horitn-I will exi lmtma a new $ti drop-hond Hlnni'r ei-wlnu machine for liimo, It. H. Ilobaile, Awnt, OrrBon City, Ort-gon. Local Events Free Fire Crarkore with ptirrhitm-a 60c UFA) FltONT. up, AVanli'd-ft girl for Renernt hoimi-work. Hood wagce. Apply at 410 Hlnlli etrritt. The Infiint daiiKhtnr of Mr. and Mm. Chna. Iluyni.e, of Oewcgo, dlml Saturday nfli'inonn and wna burled Hundiiy. O. W. Iiiiwry and Kiniim Andraon wi're iniirilid In title lty Thuieibiy morning, Jtieth o I.lvy, Htlp uuVliitlng. Trimmed Hate, many el mat, It 14 tip; t'hlld e Hut. 00c up. HKD FIIONT, Jiiatli-e Htlpp rv it at Mllwaokte Hutur iv evening where he olllrlated at the inarrliige of Mia Italia Minm l and Frank Aright. For Bnl Two good eroond-hand up right plain, lit'iulre of W. L. block, the Furniture Man, Oregon City. A.liun I,. Hurtling and Clara Morrle were murrled at the court hotieo Wedne. day fvenlng, County Judgn Hyan oltklnt' Ing. Walk fur pedeelilane are being con' nil ii led on Imth aide of the auepen' Klnn bridge aero the Willamette In title city by order of the county court. ynr Hule Two gnod aecond-hand up rlaht Klanoe. Inquire of W, I Jllock. the Furniture Man, Oregon City. ltln the vicinity of Cbickninan, Thuiedity evening, Iioaton Hull Terrlor lillch named Flirt. Kewnj.U Ad.e iHnwer T. Oregon City. Oregon. Marriage llcenee were lueued l)y Clerk Oreeiimun Thurediiy ae follnwe: C, A l Ij.iib and Iila J. Weetenelt; V. K fhrleieneen and A. H. Vlgler. A muelcal evening waa enjoyed at the homo of Mia Mary Adll Cao at Full View Monday evening when Mia Caao ntrtnlnid a few friend In honor of Mia Theo Ptackpole, of Portland. Money to loan on Farm. Land Title aamlned. Dlmlck 4V Dlmlck, Lawyer Oregon City, Oregon Mie Zoe Shaver, niece of Sheriff J. U Shaver, and tleorge Dougherty, both ol Mot alia, were married at high noon Wea neaday, June 28. 19. at the (Jlud Tiding ohtirch In Ibe preeence of a large company of Invited friend. Tony Farr and Claud Mntheny return rd thl week from a month delightful outing. They epent four week c.n netting along the Yamhill and Willamette riu,.r. eturtlna from Ihiyton, luniltlll county, In a row bout. Teacher of the I'arkplace hool fur the cunning year, were recently electeil a follow: L. A. Iteed. principal; Mane Kennedy. Jeeale McAiliilty, Kiln Cueto, and Jeanette Chuk, of Iji Grande, aeo elate. MOriTQAGE LOANS NEOOTAITED at lowest rate, Latourette'a offloe, Com nterclal Bank Building, Oregon City. Receiver Q. W, Illtiee, of the Oregon City Iind Olllce, ha old hi realdenc Dronerty at Green rolnt to Kill Hro of Sheridan, at a reported cotulderatloit of IIDO0. Mr. Itlbee will remove with hi family to rottlund. Among the contribution to the fruit al I h 1 1 y at the Cliu-kiimaa county exhibit ut Mui Ij.wI & Clark Fair nt Portland I a plate of cherrlc. "The Tho. V llvan." a variety oroduced by Heiir: Ouna, of Oawego. InvllittloitH have been lumied for the niiirrliiKe of Mlea Jennie Imogen llltnllng liitiahtcr of Mr. and Mr. George Jliirdlng, to Kdwiird Kverott Itrodle. The wedding will take place nt St. J'uul Ki.lHcoiiiil church at 8:30 p. m., WcdneB day, July 12, 190B. Tnlnt! pulntl paint! nnd get It at Char ninn & Co.', their price are always Juat right. Through their own effort and the pro .i,,,.f r,r niiu.h hunt work, the enci'Ki'tl women of the Flrat HuptlHt church have raised about B00' that will be used us a nucleus toward defraying- the cost of erecting a 1I)0 parsonage at the roar of the church on Main and Eighth Sta. Dnby caps and hat greatly reduced. Mis Goldsmith'. F. H. Welsh nnd Clund Smith, who re turned Monday from the headwaters of tho Molalla, report the strike recently of a very promising deposit of ore that ex ceeds In vnluo that which hit been taken out In recent month, much of which av eraged IVi per ton, Tho Autoflller, tho best eelf-fllllng Fountain Pen, (2.50 and upwards. Evory pen guaranteed, Chnrmnn & Co., drug gist, sole agents. 13, Andrews hns been appointed IS. guardian of tho persons nnd estate of Zota, May, Corliss and Lorena Andrews, tho minor children of Mr, and Mrs, For est Andrews, who were burned to death Rt their home near Port Townssnd, Wash ington, a few weeks .ugo, Tho estates of the three children consist of Insurance money aggregating about $3000, An IncrcaiM from 11000 to $1)00 per milium Iih boon unwind AnHlnlunt PoMt nuwtor Nimh In tho Oroifon City pout of fht) unit nn additional dork at IliOO jnr unriutn Ik ulluwnl. Till ptwt will be nilcil IickIiiiiIiik July 1, by MIm Iouva llunilull. Apodal prlooi on mllllniiry thli woek At MIm Ooldmnlth's. A pntiiotlo nrvl; of irc!ul Intorent will t) lnl(l At the Coimri'Kutlonul church nxt Hunduy bvmiIiih. Two of our Ore- gon City "boyi" who have both made i-x-citllcnt record lie epciikme, W, 1), Hlilv ly at reijldo tlnlverelty end Trafton Dye ut Oliorlln, O., will dollvwr oddreiNos on Oio oerimlnn. Clothing at eot; Hhoi-e, Fine Hlilite, minrwcar, HiiNpi'tidure, Htiaip Cute, 1UCD KltONT. Mia. Himih Initio, aged M yi-iue, and 'or twonly yenre & rceldi-nt of thl etat, dli'd Wfdin'Ndiiy morning at hi-r hornn at Oewrgo, The di-opum-d la mirvlvcd by a htielinnd, agi-d 87 ycare, and one daugh- it, who rcaldi' la Hun KNim-Uno. llur- lul 4irvlc'K will bo lii'ld today. Hubecrlhe to the F.ntrprlHft, bi-et local piipor In Wlllainetto Vallny. At a epi'diil meeting of the City Coun cil Monday night the ordinance providing fur the Improvement of Fifth and Hlxth trei la betwven Itallroad avenue and Water etreel whb defeated, a etrongly elgned n'tiiiiliettaiice having been llli'd agalnet the propueed Improvement. Wanted Man under 34, from Oregon Ity, to prcpurn for good poaltlon a Hall way Mull Clerk. Kxperlenco In poet of- llco not neccKury. lCittrance eiilury K0 per annum, gradual promotion, an ex eotloual opening. Kxitiii. oon. Addrea luimedlalely, I. O. liox 1D63, Denver, Colo. O. W. P. Ity. Co. Sunday round trip rale to F.aturada 75 cent. TK'Ket mut be purchaed at Company' oltlcea, At Tualatin Springe, near Willamette, there wa held a few day ugo a regit lar "Mlnneitota" picnic, all of the partici pant having realded In that Mate hut are now numbered among the realdent. preneiit and prospective, of Oregon City. A moat enjoyable time I reported by the company which couelated oi: J. jn. oou and fuinlly, J. N. Wood, Sr., and family; J. A. McGiueliun and family; and Arthur Thompson, of Waterloo, Iowa. rtntavla and Duck and Linen bat, new arrival. Mis Goldsmith'. Frank Newton wlshe to announce to the people of Oregon City and Clackama county that he ha opened up new under taking parlor In the building formerly occuptcd by Wilson & Cooke and adjoin ing the Commercial Hunk. He will car ry a complete line of undertaking good and will make a apeclalty of embalming, Cndertnklng parlor I provided with l chapel. New modern hearse In Connec Hon. Call promptly answered night or day. Commencement exercise of St. John' Parochial and High Sijtool were held Wi.diiesduv In Shlvcty Opera House John Flnttcane, Wlllurd P. Hawley. lier Ida I. Chamber. Flora E. Walker, Itoae K. Btlcbrll nnd Thenle K. Draper, were iriaduatcd from the Tenth Grade and received diploma. An Interesting pro gram wa presented, at the conclusion of which Most Itev. Archbishop Christie, of Portland, delivered an address to the cine. Among the notable feature of the Ar gon nut for Juno 20th will ne Jerome Hart' second Arcadian pastoral; "An Kioerlment In Realism." an unusual story by Jullen Josephson; "New York New Actress," a letter by Geraldlng Hon ner; "Wagner' I-ove Story," consisting of extract from letter written by Rich aid Wagner to Mathllde Wesendonck letter from Lady Grove, who describe the llasnue country; criticism of "Hnr rlef Honeymoon" at the Alcniur The atro and "The Itlack Hussar," at the Tlvoll Opera House, and an account of William Winter lecture by Josephine Hurt l'help. Court Roblnbood No. 9. Foresters of America, met Tuesday night In special session and elected ofneer for the enu Ing six months, a follows: R. T. Hur hnr, chief ranger; J. Scarle, gub-chlc ranger; F. Koenlg, recording-secretary A. Kohl, senior woodward; A. Hlttenhouse lunlor woodward; F. Jones, senior bend le; H. Hrown, Junior .beadle; Dr. M. Strickland, lecturer. Financial Sccretnry and Treasurer hold office until the end of the yenr, and trustee nre elected for term of three years. Installation of the olllcers will take place Tuesday, July 11 CliLckama County Summer Normal School opened Monday In the Y. M. A. building, nnd will continue until Au gust 4. Tito Instructors nre County Su porlntondctit J. C. Zlnscr, Prof. L. Kccd. of Park Place nnd Prof. T. Gary, of Willamette, and the brnnchc tuiurht are pedagogy; grammar, school law, arithmetic, rending, spelling, his ton'. cIvIcr, physiology nnd geography The at tendance for the opening week Is very Hi.tlsfitctovy. Mrs. Stephen D. Wiley, of Fresno, Cnl Ifornln, and several friends from othc cities were In Oregon City Sunday, visit Intr Mr. and Mr. C. H. Dye. Mrs. Wiley Is a grand niece of George Rogers Out nnd William Clark of the Lewis nnd Clark Exposition. She hns brought with her from her California home her splendid collection of Clnrk relics, which Is on ex hlbltlon In the California building nt the Fair, Mrs. Dve was Instrumental In ge ting Mrs. Wiley's relics for tho fair, hav Ing conferred a number of times with President Goode on the suliejet. Decorntor Dynes, who so elaborately decorated the streets of the city for the G. A. R. Encampment, will leave the dec orations In place until after the Firemen's Tournament and Fourth of July celebra- ' Hon, such nn arrangement having been made with him by tho celebration com mittee. Business men of tho city Bhottld begin at once to properly decorate their stores and residences for the approaching three days' celebration. There will be hundreds of visitors In the city which should certainly be nttlrod In Its very I best dress. Personal Mention W, M, Shank wa at Canby Sunday, Ml Florerieo Grace I vlltlng at hehall, Washington. Sheriff J. It. Shaver served papers at Meadowbrook Thursday. George W. Ogle, of Molalla, wa In the city the first of the week. W. S. U'llen, the attorney, wo a vis or to Woodburn, Monday. George Meyers, of Molalla, was a vis or In thl city Wednesday. Mr. W. W. Evcrhart, of Molalla, 1 (siting Oregon City friend. Mr. O. A. llolnx visited over Sunday with relative at McMlnnvllle, Mis Edith Cheney was tho guet of friend at McMlnnvllle Sunday. Mr. Harry M. Malon ha returned from visit with relative at Eagle Creek. Mr. J. M. Powers, of Weston, ha been visiting with friends In thl city. Mis Nellie Dickinson, of Portland, ha been visiting with Oregon City friend, H. II. Bnodgra, a prominent Itepub- can of Meodowbrorok was In this city Tuesday. Ml Katie Lynch, of Norfolk, New York,, Is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cheney. Mr. Minnie McKeun, of Cornelius, has wen visiting at the home of Attorney , D. lialourette. Attorney Grunt II. Dlmlck waa at Sa in Tuesday where he appeared before the Supreme court. J. Franklyn Wood, editor of the For est Grove New, was In the city for a i-w hour Mimday. Mr. and Mr. E. Copeland, of Hartland, Washington, visited thl week with Or egon City relative. Mr. Stella Reynold and son, Mort. of Seattle, were thl week the guot or Oregon City friend. Mr. and Mr. John Schultx, of Everett, Washington, are visiting their daughter, Mr. W. II. Wettlaufer. Mr. and Mr. M. L. Bpanglcr, of Oak land, California, nre visiting at the home of Mr. Bpanglcr' lster, Mr. L. L. Por- er. J. W. toiler and Kenneth I-ntourette attended the commencement exercise at McMlnnvllle College the latter part of last week. towl Haitgulum. of Orient, wa In the Ity on biiBlncs Monday. Mr. Haugu lum I one of Cluekuma county' rust ling farmer. John Knnpp, on of Councilman and Mrs. A. Knupp, has returned from the Corvulll Agricultural College for the Summer vacation. W. L. Patterson, a Itaker City attorney, Ira Wlshart und Fred Smith, of this city. left the firt of the week for a fishing trip up the Molalla. Mr. and Mr. jBine A. Jacob, of Whit man county. Washington, visited this week with Mr. Jacob lter, Mr. T. M. tong, at Canennih. Mr. and Mr. Arthur Sltton, of Port Townend. Washington, are visiting in Oregon City this week, the guest of their aunt, Mr. W. M. Shank. Roy Sleight has returned from Conal- II where he ha been attending the State Agricultural College and will pend the summer at hi home In thl city. Prof, and Mr. W. Gilbert Beattle left thl week for Sitka. Alaska, where Trof. Henttle will accept the charge of the Government Indian training school. too Rosensteln ha returned from Cor- valll. where he ha been attending the state agricultural college and will pend the summer at his home In this city. Miss Nellie Swafford. who has been In this city for the past two weeks visiting Mis Uelle Crouse, ha returned, to her home In Oregon City. Salem Statesman. Mr. nnd Louis Levlnger and baby, of Raker City, visited this week with Mr, tovlnger' sister, Mrs. L. E. Jones. Mr. Levlnger la engaged In the drug bualnes at Baker City. Misses Clara Caufleld and Nelta Hard ing were members of the graduating das of tho Portland Academy this year, the commencement exercise being held last Friday night. Harry M. Shaw ha returned from Bak er City, where for a few week he haa been In the employ of the Democrat and has resumed his old place as linotype operator on the Enterprise. Mis Sttsle Hantelmnn, who has been visiting nt the homo of Dr. C. A. Stuart In this city, left this week for her home at Chicago. En route, she will visit nt Pasadena. California, and at points In Iowa. Jame Tufts and family, of Algoma Wisconsin, visited this week with Mr Tuft's nephew, J. A. Tufts, In this city. Mr." Tufts nnd family will locate at St John nnd become permanent residents of the state. Mrs. C, 11, Wilson returned Thursday from a visit with relatives at Salem and Brownsville. Mrs. Wlllson was accom panied home by Miss lone Brown, of Brownsville, who will visit In Oregon City for a short time. J. II. Mnder, who will be remembered ns a former resident of Oregon City, Is visiting old friends here. For the Inst seven years Mr. Mader has been located nt Manila where he hojds a. good posi tion with a transportation compnny. Emmett Termnn, who hns for several months been working in the Greenback Mine near Lelnnd, Josephine county, Is home on a visit to his father, F. M. Termnn. Mr. Termnn Jr.. expects to visit the Ogle creek mines before he re turns to Southern Oregon. J. S. Crumbley, a former resident of tills city, but now located nt Seaside, wnere he Is engaged in the lumbering business, wns In the city this week on business connected with the sale of his properly nt urecn roint to a man iiameu Mlnlch, the sale being made by Flow man & Co. E. liefer, editor of the Salem Journal, was In the city lust Friday evening for a few hours, In discussing the congress ional situation In the First District, Mr. Hofer spoke highly of the candidacy of Hon. Walter L, Toozo, of Woodburn, whom he said he considers the most avail able man for the place, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rlggs, of Seattle, also the Yaw Brothers, of Seattle, and Mr. and Mr. The, Wlke, of Oakland, California, were thl week the guest of Mrs. M. J. Moreland. George Ogden and Mr. Casey, repre senting the government land department at Washington, D. C, were In the city this week. Wm, Clark, of Kent, Washington,, wa this week the guet of his nephew, Bruce C. Curry. Thl was Mr. Clark's first vllt to Oregon City lnce 1848 when he came running Into the city to avoid In dian. Aithur Thompson, of Waterloo, Iowa, were the guest of Mr. and Mr. J. A. McOlaMhan, In thl city. Mr. Rlggs and Mr. McGlushan were at one time engaged In buslneM at Minneapolis, both subse quently coming to the Coast. Trafton Dye returned last Tuesday night from Oberlln University, Ohio, after two year at school with hi brother, Em ery Dye, who was graduated Wednesday. Tho latter left yesterday for home and will visit en route, arriving here In about three weeks. Trafton Dye will complete hi course In I'M. Mr. and Mr. Jume A. Balrd, of Port land, were In the City thl week. Mr. Balrd I in the employ of the Board of Fire Insurance Underwriter and the purpose of hi visit to Oregon City I the re-ratlng of the city with respect to fire Insurance. Another week will be requir ed to complete the work. Mr. Balrd on the 21st Instant married Miss Louise Southwlck, an estimable young woman of Oregon' Capital City. Dr. Beatle & Beatle, Dentists, Room 1, IT 18, Weinhard Building. Hon. Walter L. Tooze, of Woodburn, ha been appointed a the Oregon Rep resentative to the National Fraternal Congres, composed of representative of 64 beneficiary Fraternal organization in the United State. The appointment wa made by Hon. I. I. Bok, Head Consul, Woodmen of the World, Pacific Jurisdic tion. Thl Jurisdiction, consisting of nine of the Western and Pacific Coast state, will end from the states outside of Or egon four representative. The Fraternal meets at Macklnau Island. Michigan, on August 23. Mr. Tooze ha delivered many oration In Oregon for the Woodmen at unveiling ceremonle and upon other oc casions. He ha been a member of near ly all District Convention of the' Wood men for ten year and sen-ed as delegate to the Head Camp Session at Salt Lake City In 1900. and at Los Angeles, in April, 1905. The appointment, which la a cov eted one, being second to none held by a Woodman In the state, has been ac cepted by Mr. Tooze who will attend the Congress. Lost On Seventh street between Main street and Mr. Painter's residence on Seventh street, on the morning of April 29. a mink cape with long stole ends. Cape Is lined with fur and the stole ends with brown satin. Reward will be paid for the return of the cape to the Enter prise office. WILL MAKE BETTER TIME. S. P. Company To Reduce by Nine Hour Portland-Frisco Schedule. From Portland to San Francisco in 27 hour, cutting down by nine hour the present running time of the Southern Pacific between the two point. Is a serv ice shortly to be placed In operation through the addition of an extra train, says the Telegram. The matter has been under consideration for some time, and while the details have not been settled, they will be arranged on the return of General Manager O'Brien. The reason for placing the fast train on Is the Immense travel which has been carried over the road since the open ing of the Lewis & Clark Fair. The trains both north and south bound have been laden to capacity, and a number of time It ha been found necessary to op erate them In two sections. A week ago an order wes sent forth from San Fran cisco office abolishing the use of passes on train 15 and 16 south of Ashland, the aim in thl being to make more room for through business, but even the cutting off of the graultuous transportation did not afford a remedy. The reduction of nine hours In the run ning time will not place the train on an equality with the record-breakers of the Enst, and the speed will not exceed that made In many places on the lines of the O. R. & N and on the mountain division of the Southern Pacific, but it will travel quicker than any other fast train ever placed on a regular schedule on the Oregon & California division of the road. A SECRET. The richest of pure cream; the juice of ripe, fresh fruits; highest grade flavorings and pure crystal sugar carefully blended and frozen to a creamy smoothness by skilled workmen. This is the only "secret" of the sale of SWETLAND'S IceCreqm It is absolutely pure and contains no secret powders or "fillers." This "Ice Cream of Quality" is received fresh every day by J. A. TUFTS Sole Agent for Oregon City. FREE SOUVENIR. When visiting Portland, call Ht Swetland's, 273 Mor-1 rison St., and present this ad. Yon. will receive FREE an attractive souvenir for the table. (jjjt EGDML W DAYS J ARE fifP :A HAPPY y Zz L DAYS. MM What would yog not gtve now for some pictar es yog might have had Baby, Pets, Friends, Picnics, Ex cursions, the Old Home. See aboot th t Kodak to-day. So simple a child can cse itso inexpensive anybody can afford one. Brownie Cameras, $1, 2, 5, 9. Pocket Kodaks, $6, 10, 12, 15. Stop and get a catalog today and let us show yo how simple it is to make pictures with a kodak. We handle the best Plate Cameras also. Huntley Brothers Co. PETTIT & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY Yard and Office Avenue, Opposite Phone No. i 547 OREGON CITY, OREGON How Do You Spend Your Money? Are you doing it in a way to secure substantial bene fits? Are you laying something aside for a "Rainy Day"? If not, you will never have a better time to be gin than now. To get quickly started in the easiest way, come to this bank and open an account. "A DOLLAR WILL DO IT." Ute Bank of Oregon City AM! itn2ns Nature's Best Remedies combined by HIGHEST SKILL, into a Perfect Tonic Improves Appetite aids Digestion Overcomes Biliousness peevents Catarrh cures Constipation strengthens Nerves Gives Added Vigor to the Entire System. Guaranteed, Samples Free. CHARMAN & CO. Dependable Druggists, SO LB AGENTS. OASTOniA Be tii ) Iha KM Vcu Have Always Bocfi ThaKind You Have Always I Signature of Head of Molalla Evethart's Store Do Yoa Know Anything ABOOT Eppley's If not you should know. I t's a pure article put up in pint Mason jars full weight. Sold by all Leading Grocers Bmn th ? lh8 Kill(t 1,011 Have lwa)S B0UtH Mil I Powder?