2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1003. utif orresponacnts' corner t Brlel !Vlts of Gossip From All Paris of the County. Correspondents are requested to re new their work. We will furnish all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear In these columns every week. HUBEU. Mrs, Masslnger visited with Mrs, R. Glnther one day lust week. John Heft has completed Improvements on Mr. Fisher's house. KUIan Schmidt and G. A. Schuebel, progressive farmers of this community, attended the Exposition one day last week and pronounced It simply irrand. The Mutual Telephone Is all the go here. Fourteen members on our line. Rev. Wettlaufer of Oregon City, preach ed an eloquent sermon In the Evangeli cal church here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ernst, of Seattle, are visiting the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hornshuh for a few weeks. Mrs. E. YS Hornschuh and her mother. Mrs. Grimmer, are visiting friends and relatives in Washington. In the school election last Monday, Robert Glnther was elected clerk, John Heft, director for one year and Jacob Grossmlller. director for three years. The rain Is breaking down much grain. Miss Laura Glnther has gone to Oregon City to work. Jacob Grossmlller made a business trip to Oregon City one day last week. Isn't it about time that the tables and chairs used at the ice cream social be put into the, school house again? The teacher should have seen to those things Immediately. MT. PLEASANT. Miss Imogene and Wllmah Myers, who have been visiting relatives at The Dalles for the past two weeks, returned home Saturday. Mr. Warnock bought a new cream sep arator last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Braker and sons spent Sunday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and family went to the Fair last Friday. Mr. Marshall Laielle and Mrs. Meln del and Miss Snidow went to Gladstone last Friday evening. Mr. Miller is the guest of Mrs. Clark. Mr. Guy Walker is working for Mr. Warnock at present. Mrs. Humphreys was calling on Mrs. Smith last Sunday evening. Mrs. L. Hamilton of Oakland,. Calif., Is the guest of Mrs. Dan O'Neil and Miss Holmes at Rose Farm. Mr. John Pulse of Grangevllle, Idaho, spent Tuesday with James Partlow. Mr. Pulse was at one time In the drug busi ness in Oregon City. Mr. A. B. Niles of Walla Walla, spent Sunday' at Locust Farm. Miss Mona King left for Ilwaco, Wash., last Saturday. Mrs. Fred P. Stauffer and sister Miss Margaret Gllman, of Indianapolis, Indi ana, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warner, at the Lilacs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams, of Pleasan ton, Calif., spent Tuesday at Rose Farm. Mr. Adams is a member of the Califor nia Press Association. Mrs. L. Thomas and daughter, Miss Ford, of Kansas City, have arrived to spend the summer at "Illon," the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Taber. Judge Ryan Is adding a new fence to the residence portion of his farm. Mrs. D. O'Neil and Miss Holmes spent Monday visiting the Lewis and Clark Fair. At the annual school meeting Arthur Warner was re-elected director and Ward B. Lawton, clerk. Torture of a Preacher. The storv of the torture of Rev. O. Ti. Moore, pastor of the Baptist Church. ofland by ,ts b! ctln UP" the Harpersvllle, N. T., will Interest you. He scay's: "I suffered agonies, because of a persistent cough, resulting from the grip. I had to sleep sitting up In bed. I tried many remedies, without relief, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which entirely cured my cough, and sav ed me from consumption." A grand cure for diseased conditions of Throat and Lungs. At Howell St Jones, druggists; price 60c and 11.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. MULINO. Mr. C. T. Howard Is Improving his house by building a new kitchen. J. Davis and family were dalllng on Mr. H. Seltzer Sunday. Mr. Wiles Is getting along nicely with his new house. Born to the wife of Chas. Selby, a seven pound daughter. Mother and child are getting along very nicely. Mr. C. T. Howard has all of his hay cut and laying In the swath now. Born to the wife of O. Daniels, a nine and one-half pound boy. Both mother and child are doing fine. Mr. lllnech, who has bought property of Mr. Manning, moved back to Oregon City. Mrs. F. A. Woodslde and daughter Echo, spent the week with her parents. Tom Fish has returned from Esta cada where he has been working. We understand that the wedding bells will ring in our little burg again soon. Mr. Evans and family called on Mr. J. J. Mallatt last Sunday. Mr. Ashby brought a bunch of horses from Antelope last week. Mr. F. Erlckson and family attended the Fair last week at Portland. Mr. Orm Adklns of Mullno has moved to Dix's mill. Mr. F. Woodslde made a business trip to Canby last week. Crops In general around this commun ity are good, but some of the Spring oats has been knocked down by the late rains. Miss Belva Shaw Is working for Chas. Belby. Mrs. Fred Howard and children of Taqulna Bay, are visiting relatlces here. Mr. J. Evans and C. Mallatt are cutting brush for J. Mulvaney. Mrs. W. A- Woodslde called on her daughter, Mrs. E. P. Dodge of Molalla. Mrs. W. M. Wallace called on her brother, Mr. Berry Buckner, of Carua, last week. Born to the wife of Bill Curries, a son. SPRING WATER. Mercury Light rain for the last week, everything growing nicely al though the leaves of much late sown grain aw turning red. Do not know what the outcome will be as it is a new ' pest and is not the regular grain rust. The Grange social on the 4th was not largely attondod an account of the rain, but those who were present had a splen did time and enjoyed a good program. Mrs. Sarah Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, of Mehama, were visiting rela tives and friends here last week. The series of meetings that was held at Bethel closed Sunday. Quite a num ber attended from Beaver Creek, Spring water, and Viola and heard an able ser mon by Rev. Levy Johnson, of Portland. There were several additions to the church and three were baptised Sunday. The services Sunday lusted nearly alt day and included a sumptuous basket din ner. In the evening Rev. Johnson preach ed at Sprtngwater. Quite a number of home-seekers have been In these parts lately and consider able land has changed bands. It oth ers come, A. M. Shlbley will be pleased to assist them In locating on desirable places. LOGAN. - The farmers who have hay down are trying to "grin and bear It." M. H. Rlebhoff sold his property at Stone and Is at preaent temporarily lo cated at the old home, with his son. Miss Ante Toung closed a very suc cessful term of school at Lower Logan Friday last. The entertainment given by pupils of Miss Toung's school at Harding Grange Hall, Friday night, was a very success ful affair. At the close of the program Ice cream and cake were served, the re ceipts amounting to $17,3. Whooping cough Is going around. F. W. Rlebhoffs baby has it now. Miss Lillle McCubbin Is staying at home now. Mrs. Orr, of Sumpter Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Holcomb. Mrs. C. C. Robbins, of Portland, is vis iting with relatives at Stone. It has been reported that Wm. Mum power had sold his saw mill. Mr. Boss intends to have his new barn painted soon. Next Saturday will be the regular meet ing of Harding Grange and also young folk's day on program In the contest. The greater portion of the Spring sown grain seems to be affected with blight. Where are you going the 4th? Is a question often asked now. Most people prefer a home picnic to a noisy, tiresome day In town, where accommodations for farmers' families are few. Some country place Is best, no automobiles to cause, runaways, etc. BEAUTIFUL OREGON CITY WOMEN. The Secret of Their Increasing Charm. It is really surprising that in such a short time there should be so marked an Improvement in the appearance of so many Oregon City ladles, but It is not surprising when the cause of this Im provement Is known. Few women are willing to disclose their complexion secrets but It Is pretty well known that in many Instances the Im provement is due to Laxakola. Rarely indeed does any purchaser fall to receive Immediate benefit from the use of a 25 cent bottle of Laxakola and In not more than one or two instances have Huntley Bros Co. been called upon to refund the money. Laxakola is a fine tonic as well. It ongntens xne eyes, quicKens me circuia- "an. opens me pores, stimulates me liver Due pigments u iresnens ana clears up the skin and gives It a clean, velvety ap pearance. This statement should Interest every one who Is costive or bilious or subject to nervous spells and sick headache with coated tongue and a cloudy, sallow com plexion, for Laxakola Is the only liquid laxative sold In Oregon City with the positive understanding that it absolutely must relieve these conditions or Huntley Bros. Co. will cheerfully return your money. VIOLA. Grandpa Walker, of Dufur, has sold his farm at Viola. Although It rains the committee on en tertainment for the celebration at Viola Is busy. Mrs. Sarah Evans of Sheridan, Oregon, and Grace Blackman, of Harrisburg, 111., are visiting Mrs. Patton. George Hicinbothom is hauling lum ber to Estacada. Capt. C. O. Branson Is expected to speak in the Methodist church on the evening of July 4th. Just What Everyone Should Do. Mr. J. T. Barber, of Irwinville, Ga. always keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand ready for Instant use. Attacks of colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that there Is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for med icine. Mr. fiarber says: "I have tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy which la one of the best medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of it In my room as I have had several at tacks of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine I ever used. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. RED LAND. Mr. BametL of this nl has snld his farm to some parties from Colorado. Mr. B. C. Courtwriaht. who has been sojourning in Eastern Oregon for some time, is now at home on a short visit. Mr. E. M. Brock, our genial "central" certainly haa a good supply of "hello girls" on hand. Mr. Charley Bonnev. of Hubbard. na. ed through our burg one day last week. Mr. D. H. Mosher, late returned from school, la entertaining one of his friends, air. enieids, of North Yakima. 1 Mr. Arthur Barrett Is nnd in mm: tag a party out from Portland. Mr. Ripley, of Portland, was thm..rh our burg one day last week. BARGAINS GOOD UNTIL JULY 6th. Ladies' Street Hats 48c up Chllds' Trimmed Hats 60c up Ladies' Trimmed Hats, sharp cut, $4.42, 3.37 2.35 and f .14. Men's Shoes cut, save 25 to 50c. Childs Slippers cut 46, 72 and 86c. Best shears or scissors, 65c value 39c I Oc Satin Ribbons, oer vd 5c Laces and Embroideries, 10 to 25 per cent oft. Canvas Gloves, leather tips, 2 for 25c Ladies bleached Vests,2 for 1 5c Ladies Lawn Waists, 1.25 value t. 08 Bargain lot Waists, $ to value. Ladies' 1.40 shoes, till 6th July 98c Ladies 1.25 pat. Slippers till 6th lulv 88e Cotton Clothesline 5c Cut prices on shoes 9c up Cut prices on underwear, 50c goods 44c and 40c, others cut to 33c Cut prices on Hats 9c up Arm & Hammer Soda pkg 6c Starch 6c Lemons . . . ic Peanuts per lb . . . . 10c Soap 8 bars good Soap 35c Best built Lard nc lb Better Lard aoper cent less in price. Tin Cups 3c Galvanized Pail, 8 qt ... 15c Hats cu 9c, 48c and 97c. Men's Fine Shirts, cut 39c to 63c Free Fire Crackers with Purchases. Coupons for Free Dishes. Red Front Store L C HAMILTON, Proprietor . OREGON CITY, OREGON Mrs. A. J. Hughes, and Miss Minnie Hubert were taking In the Fair last Monday. Mr. Gaskell, who has been stopping In Washington. Is home again. Mr. Fred Walker and father of Dufur. Or., were visiting friends here a few days last week. Mr. W. D. Brown, of Viola, who has had some horses missing fur some time has found them strayed off at Lents. Mr. Levi Johnson, assisted by Rev. Allen, closed a successful revival at Beth el last Sunday. Mr. John Berreth has been engaged In buying up cows from this surrounding country for the fast several days. Mr. Julius Spees, who haa been down on the river working In a logging camp, Is now home for the Bummer. The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many Imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless imitations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Is a yel low package. Ask for It and refuse any substitute. It Is the best remedy for coughs and colds. Huntley Bros. Co. MACKSBURG. Mrs. E. Hartle, of Portland, was here Sunday visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. Faulkner. Mr. n. Cochran, of Portland, was vis iting his wife and child Sunday. If the weather continues the hay around here will be very badly damaged by the rain. At Metropolitan Park the Fourth of July there will be a grand celebration and a ball game. Joe Roth sold his band of goats to H. Faulkner. Jesse Hepler has quit working for Mr. Scramlin and is helping his father. Joy Russell haa been spending a few days with his mother In Portland. John Roggie has Billy Hummel's house nearly finished. The postofflce at Aurora has put on two more routes. John Helns has started drawing lum ber for his new house. Some one got guy around here and shot Frank Mathew's poor old dog. CARUS. Several from this vicinity attended the dance at Beaver Creek Friday evening. Mr. and Hrs. Sherman, of Portland, visited In this neighborhood the first of the week. Walter Emmott has purchased a hack fro P. Wlliams. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were accompanied by several of their friends from Mt. Pleasant Monday. Rachel Lewis spent a few duys with her parenta this week. C. Morris was In our burg Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kinney spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of Mullno. We now hove our telephone up. Mrs. Moshbergcr and family were the guests of Mrs. C. 8pangler last Wednes day. , Isabelle Gregory and Utile Lewis vis ited with Clara Schoenborn Sunday. lVlla White was buggy riding 0110 ev ening lust week. Kd. Hornshuh, our road supervisor Is doing some good work around here. Lew nu.kuor was the guest of Ralph Howard Hunduy, Lawrence Derringer haa come hobs from Liberal to work during harvest. At the regular school meeting lust Monday night. J. R. Lewi was elected director, and C, K, Spenoo, clerk. Mrs. K. Jonea spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. P. Spall. Mr. and Mrs. Uuyer are visiting with some of their old friends of this place. ELDORADO. Mrs. Mabel Fraaer, of Huleni Is visit ing with her mother, Mis. A I. Jones, King-ring Hollola nil you can hear since the new telephone la up. Mr. and Mrs. ("litis. N'oblett spent Bun day with Mr, and Mrs, It Uomiiers. Kotit. Schuebel Is digging his siyul. Veva and Frank Kinney visited at C. K. Ppenoe'a Sunday. Emerson Spats I home after a few months In Oregon City. Cora Smith was In Oregon Oily one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mlnlek have moved to Oregon City to live, Cora Stryckor Is on the alok list. 1). J. Helvey and sons are busy hoelng spuds. Win. Jones Is home for haying after a Drives Fttifnitttse and Hardware, j .ft $ UR FURNITURE FACTORY in Oregon City running day and night to make up for lost time. q manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail. OUR SO-CALLED NO. JO BUREAU PROVED TO BE A PRIZE WINNER. We are taking orders! now for this celebrated piece of furniture which will be lima 1 QtV. runt llll. $6 t j ' Via;' "' - ' - ' v4. :. , ?- ? 11 1 Full size Bureau, fine clear Mirror, made out of thoroughly seasoned lumber, finished in jiolden oak, dark cher ry and white maple. Sold for cash only. Special price in dozen lots. .JLJLiJ Writing: m $5.50 Warranted Steel 6 holes, 18 inch C')'7 CA oven, hiih closet 4 -w w U. 4- Rubber Garden Hose $4-5 for fifty feet. fit. f AiijTuwowvfcfas gallon. few week clerking In a store In Oregon City. AI. Kchoenliorn la hauling lumber for hi new barm. Kin Jones and wife spent Sunday ev. cli I UK at John rallies, Minnie MuCulloch I stating with lier parent at present. Jutlu Moshvetaer Is doing soma sdash-Ing. MAKQUAM. As no Item of Mum mini have been seen for a few Week 1 thought 1 would write some. 1 hope you'll pardon m for my blunders, n the correspondent seems to have dropped out of rslsleww. The weather has turned from sunshine to rn'n which we hope will Inst a few days. Tuesday, May 20th, school was out, of which all the children were glad. A plo nlc dinner was held In a most beautiful grove and after lunch all went to the chiHl house mid listened to a program given by the children. The Ice cream social which was to be held at the pavilion June 30, Is post poned a few weeks, on account of the cool weather. Strawberries ore ripe now and there haa benn a great demand for thrm. lr. Weaver, of Hubbard was called to see Klsa Hubbard last week, who has been unite III. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, of Idaho and Mrs. Hell ltoss und two children, Ivor and The children's Jaynels Tonic out blood impurities. Makes Gives tone, vitality and (Jet it from your druggist GET IT FROM YOUR DRUGGIST 50 During the I'air you w ill have to put up an extra irf-it to accom modate your friends Buy one of our $1.95 IRON BEDS Look at our $7.50 Ex. Table Range Paint your house with Phoenix Pure Paint the best o n earth. $1.75 per Furniture & Hdware " --.fmnMft rurposcg j - i 0 FRANK k jr aw. mi i i --ii BUSCH Hebo. of Washington, vlslled ru(1 or Portland and also Mr, and Mrs 3 ? Miuqimm of this place last week, ' I'renchliig at the M. M. ehureii (Vt second and fourth Hunday of t),a m ,7 Miss (lold Disk of this pia,. h, '"' face all broken out with poison onk W Miss, Dolly Maniuam and Miss ru Julnii had the two books, "juoo w under the sea" and "In His Hie,,,'. senled to them by their teacher fr bJT" neither tardy nor absent during Urn ni month of schooling here, Messrs. (i. W. and I). M. llntillry .,. II. Hubbard attended tnn (). a. I( campment at Oregon City last Wpy all repot t a good time, Mm. Mary twite Hklrvln and dimmum of , Montana, arrived at their f, ' home, Mr, J, P, Hidings, ut vo,,(1. Wo understand that the two Mrs. i,nU ley of llil placo went In Wcn cherries and landed up at Ml. ,,Ul.f, There are some auspicious, ' Mr, ('has, Flicker wa seen town last week. Hunday school at 10 a. in. Hunday sn league at half past seven p. in, Miss Hchafer and (leo. mmglietiy Wt milled In niarrlagn at ths M. K, church at OladstuiiM last Wednesday. No need to fear sudden attacks cholera Infantum dysentery, dlarrhoH, or summer eomplalut, If you tiav r Fowler' Kitract of Wild Htrawborry hi 1 bo medicine cheat. friend Vermifuge strong nerves and muscles, snap. has been built up again and Only warranted goods are ready for delivery about t Such a ld is always welcomed in the children's bed room, too. tN , mm 1 Hammocks We sell a good one for $2.50 1 V DOORS and WINDOWS ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? We have some doors lelt that were slightly damaged by our disastrous fire, which will go cheap. iP"""" " V Estimates! 17 jg f givenon! oJ h L j&) JHardware Cots. $2.25.