0 City 3 i ''.t-.i-: RB.OON ""1 fTk 0- VOL. 38. NO. 34. OHEGON CITY, OHEOON, Fill DAY, JUNK ,'50, m. ESTABLISHED 1866 HELP THE EXHIBIT CROSS & SHAW Leading Real Estate Agents LOYAL CLACKAMAS C0UNTYITE8 URGED TO CONTRIBUTE. Main Street, Oregon City. Roil estate at the present time li presenting a profitable field for the Investment of money. It la the real basis of all valuea. Hera aro preeented a few epeolmen bargalna to ault the varied wants of home eeekere and Inveetorai 42 acre. In the Washington Williams claim, 25 Invi'l, 1 ui'ina In oiiltlvatliiii, running wutnr, ori'lmrd, aoll jrood 6-room house cost $400; 1 miles to Urrtfon City. Price, $1500. 77 aoree, t miles from Oregon City, well IimjuIo.I. rihmI aull, llOIIM, barn, orchard, living wntnr, 15 acta In cultivation. Price $2i00. A bar guln. Terms. 1M aoree limber land on B. P. railroad, half of It full ly level and aoll nt fur cultivation. Timber aultalilo for lumbor, wood, lulling accessible to Willamette rlvnr. Tit timber will more than pay fur the plari. Price, 12400. Term. 320 acrae level, I mike from Can by, on Mulalla rlvnr, K6 aoree In cul tivation, A great doul of valuable heavy timber, (It for lumbar, piling and wood e acrre orchard 7 room home barn whole plava fenced 120 par acre. 280 acree of ftplnndld rich land, quite level. In Heel Ion it. T. I H. It, I K; lit mllea from Molalla river. Thla place hue no Improvements, but la covered with valuable limber, and preaotita a fine Inveatinent for pec ulators would tuke part trado In city property. 10 per acre. Many other places, big and little, and stiit . able for all needs at prices that are right. Send for more definite information and tell us what you are looking for. CROSS & SHAW L. L. PORTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abatracta of Property Furnished, Office with Oregon City Enterprise. C. D. and D. C. LATOURETTE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon, I Furnlah Abatracta of Title, Ioan Money, I Foreclose Mortgago. and transact I - General Law Dualneaa. . i O. W. EAHTIIAM ATTORNEY AT LAW Collection, Mortgage Foreclosure, Ab atracta of Title and General Law Bus Inoaa. Office over Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or. W. 8. U'Ben 0. Bohiobil U'REN A SCHUEIJEL Attorneys at Law, Will practice In all courta, make collec tion and settlements of estates. Furnlah abatracta of title, lend you mon ey, lend you money on flint mortgage. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. JJ'Y STIPP Attorney at Law. JuhMch of the Peace. Knur Bldg., Oregon Ciy J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW Oregon City, .-Oregon Will practice In all tho courta of the state Office In Cauflold Building. CLACKAMAS TITLK CO. Your Clackamas County abstracts of Title should be prepared by the Clackamas Title Company, Incor porated, Chamber of Comnwce building, Portland. This compauv Is the builder and owner of the best, and most complete plant of Clack amas county titles. Astracts from Us offices are compiled by experts of long exporlence, competent attor neys and draughtsmen, and are of guaranteed accuracy. Clackamaa County Lands, Mortgage Loans, Eitates managed, Taxes ex amined and paid. L P. Riley, pres.., F. B. Riley, see. 233 Washington Street, Portland. Or. 100 aoree at Highland 20 In culti vation house, bum, aoll good. Many aurea anally cleared, $11 par acre. 40-acre farm at Clarkee Iflvel, good new houan, cost 1300. Hnrn IbtbO. Urunary JsxSO, woodhed 14(18 fruit living water. A nice little home, Io0. Terma. 80 aoree 4 rnllea from Oregon City, In proatiuroua neighborhood, 40 acrea In cultivation- good Iioubo. barn and outbuildings, orchard. Half mile to wbool. prc, 14000.00. 123 acret near Mnrkaburg, about 8 iiillea from l.'unby, 40 acrea In culti vation, 3t, acrea slushed, 3b acrea In grain. Nw houae and fair outbuild ing, Thla la cheap at 3500. Fred Moahberger place ISO acrea. Nfc' of Heo. 1 T. 6 8. 1L 1 fc:alt level HO acre heavy timber, balance light timber. Price 12500. Terma. 160 acree In Matthew Richardson claim all good aoll on main plank road, I . rnllea from Oregon City. 4b aoree in cultivation email orchard well and living aprlng. Poor houae and barn, but a very cheap place at IJuoo, liooo down, balunce In 1 years at I per cent Interest M acree of splendid farming land on main plank road a mii.. (.. ...... ion City 46 acrea In cultivation living spring lureo frame bam no UWVIIlllg. Price $3000. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY Oregon City Oregon AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 D. C. LATOURETTE F. J. MEYER Transacts a general banking business. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. LET US Do Your Work Work quaranteed We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Oflice Opposite Masonic Building T""p,Z"rm Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Dering & Morrison Lumber Co. Rough and Dressed Lumber Dry Rustic, Flooring, Shiplap and Ceiling at lowest cash prices. Telephone Dering & Morrison, Viola," Or., from Huntley's Drug Store. The Oregon Restaurant LUNCH COUNTER IN CONNECTION. Some of oar Specials: Ham and Eggs 20c ; Chicken 20c Sirloin Steak 20c CHINESE NOODLES and CHOP SUEY. OPEN ALL NIGHT. MAIN BTREET, HnUvemi 3rd and 4th, OREGON CITY. Ore gon :City I Enterprise and Weekly Ore 40 acree 1 mile from Ej'.acado 20 acre In cultivation rolling land red loam aoll 2 aprlnga and rood well. Houae, barn. Price 12000 T'rme 80 acre at Sprlngwater 7 acrea In cultivation 70 acree heavy valuable timber. 2 rnllea to Cazadero. Fair building. Good outrange. Thla place la all right at , $1100. 2'. acree In heart of Oregon City level ua a floor. Uood houae, barn and outbulldlnga and plenty of fruit. Thla place la a snap at $2800. Terma. 225 acre balry Farm 9 miles from Oregon City, 100 acrea In cultivation, whole place, fenced 40 acrea nearly ready to break living water 75 acrea linn bottom pasture land 14 head Jeraeya, farming tools, crop, horaea, wagon. Price very low at $35 per acre. 344 acre grain and atock farm at Sprlngwater. 180 acrea In cultivation, living water. Hnrn U0x80, email dwelling. 10 acrea orchard 15 head cattle farming toola, crop, horaea end all $35 per acre. 80 acree at Marmot, rear Adolph Aschoff. known aa Chaa. Kyler place and owned by Mode, at one time 16 acrea In cultivation over 60 acrea A. No. 1 aoll email houae and barn Great outrange for cattle on main road. Terma to ault $10 par acre. 160 acree In Section 14, T. 4 8. R. 5 E; 2 acrea In cultivation email houae, I rooma; 40 nice fruit treea, two million feet valuable timber, cedar and lir; 2 rnllea to Linn mill. Val uable place for only $800. President Cashier Prices Reasonable gonian $2.00 Wa ' ' ' , I J -'' . , . ',' ' X - ' ' .' ' '",'. '" A I '" '' ' '?y's': ' J Hon Walter L. Tooze, of Woodburn, Orator of the Day. ALL WILL OBSERVE OREGON CITY CELEBRATION WILL BE GRAND 8UCCESS. Official Programme for the Three Daya' Firemen' Tournament and In dependence Day Exerclies. Now for the Fourth!" All Clacama County will unite In the monatHr three duya' featlvltlca that have bcrn arranged to be hold In thla city July S-6. In addition to the Flremen'a Tourna-mt-nt, for which oaah prlzea aggregating 1650 have be-n appropriated, there will be a regular genuine Fourth of July cel ebration lasting from early morning until late at night on Tuesday, Independence Day, The aerlea of racea that have been provided In the hone tournament have been Judiciously dlxtrlbuted through the three daya and If you expect to enjoy the complete program you muat come pre pared to remain the full three daya. ' Three of the best banda In the "Willam ette Vulley, via. Aurora, Mllwaukle and Oregon City, have been engaged. Insur ing complete, entertainment along this line. To contribute to the entertaining featurea of the celebration, the committee In charge Is preparing an exceptionally Interesting musical and literary program. In which the city's very best talent will participate, to be held at the city park on the hill Monday evening. Hon. Walter L. Tooxe, of Woodburn, will officiate as the orator of the day and the other officers will be: J". U. Camp bell, grand marahall; W. H. Howell, pres ident of the day; Rev. P. K. Hammond, chaplain; Mrs. Kathryn Ward Pope, vo calist; Miss Mayme Long, reader of the Declaration of Independence. The car riages containing the officers of the day will be In charge of H. S. Moody. Miss Ella Luta, Goddess of Liberty, has al ready appointed her maids, who will be Misses Ella Shaver, Echo Samson, Hins and Fairclough, two of those originally selected being unable to officiate. The programme ts an unusually good one and there will be keen competition for the prlxea that have been offered for the beat appearance of the various fra ternal orders and the volunteer fire com panies of the city In the grand parade on the Fourth. Several of the lodges are planning to capture the prizes offered for the best floats, while three of the five Are companies of the city, the Cataracts, Fountains and Columbia Hook & Ladder Company will make a hard fight for the special prlie of $50 that will be awarded the company making the best appearance. The detailed programme follows: Monday, July 3. 10:00 a. m. Home team hose race, prize $50.00. 2:00 p. m. Wet test; First prize $100, second prize, $50. 6:00 p. m. 100 yard dash for firemen only; prize one box cigars, value $12.50. 8:09 p. m. Entertainment In city park. Tuesday, July 4. 9:30 a. m. Grand Street Parade. Line of march form In front of Elec tric Hotel, facing south, march to Second street, counter march on Main to Tenth Street, thence to City Park on the hill. Formation Led by Platoon of police, sec ond, Grand Marshall J. U. Campbell and Aides; Aurora Band,(Grand Army escorted by Boys' Brigade; President of Day, Speaker of Day, Mayor of Oregon City and Vice-President of Day In carriage; Chaplain of Day, Vocalist, and Reader of Declaration of Independence In carriage; City Council In carriages; Liberty Car with Goddess and Maids, Lady Committee In carriages; Oregon City Band, La dles' Fraternal Orders and floats; Mllwaukle Band, Fraternal Orders and floats, Oregon City Fire Depart ment; Miscellaneous floats. Programme at Park. 4 Music by the Bands Invocation Rev. P. K. Hammond Chorus of Children, led by Mrs. Kathryn Word Pope. Address of Welcome ....Mayor Sommer Reading of Deevlaratlon of Independ ence Miss Mayme Long Oration Hon. Walter L. Tooze ( of Woodburn, Selection Male Quartet Water Sports. 1:30 p. m. Log rolling contest; first prize $15, second, $5. , 2:00 p. m. Swimming race; first prize, $5; second $2. 2:10 p. m. Boat Race; one-half mile with turn, two sets of oars, prize one box cigars, value $12.59. Street Sports. 2:30 p. m. 100 yard dash, free for all; , first prize 110; second $5. 2:45 p. m. Boys' race, under 15 years; first prize, 13; second, 12. 3:00 p. m. Fat Man's race, prize, briar pipe, value $10. 8:15 p. m. Wheelbarrow race, prize $5. 3:30 p. m. Sack race, prize $5. 3:45 p. m. Dry test, first prize $100; sec ond $50. 5:00 p. m. Grand Balloon ascension. 8:00 p. m. Band Concert and Grand Ball at Armory. Wednesday, July 5. 10:00 a. m. Hub and hub race, first prize $100; second, $50; third $25. 1:00 p. m. Champion race; first prize $100; second, $50; third $25. 8:00 p. m. Band Concert CITY MAY HAVE MAIL DELIVERED. Receipts of Oregon City Office Entitle City to Free Delivery. When Oregon City people make up their minds to accomplish anything they know nothing of the word "failure." Aa the result of this enterprising spirit, the peo ple of Oregon City are now on a fair road to secure a free delivery of mall within the city limits. Before any. city can apply for a free delivery of mall within Its corporate lim its, It Is required that the receipts of the office for the fiscal year prior to the filing of the application, shall exceed $10,000. Now the fiscal year upon which will be based the acquiring of this service for Oregon City, does not expire until tonight the 30th Inst. But the receipts of the of fice, as early as Tuesday of this week, exceeded by a good margin, the minimum amount that Is required. And all that remains now to do ts to deal with the Postmaster General at Washington. In j doing this Postmaster Randall will lose no time. He will immediately prepare a petition, reciting the situation, which will be signed by himself. Mayor Som mer and perhaps the membrs of the City Council. This done, the petition will be forwarded to the proper authorities at Washington In the form of an applica tion for the Installing Of a free delivery of mail sen-Ice here. There is nothing' definite as to when favorable action on the application may be expected for the reason that the city will first be visited by an Inspector who will determine If the streets and houses are properly named and numbered. If they are not numbered as required un der the government regulations relating ( t0 delivery of mall, there will result some j little delay In having the service estab- lished. In order that the work may be expedited, citizens might acquaint them selves with the system of numbering their residences that was recently Intro duced here and proceed to properly num ber their respective places of living. ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION. Some of Newly Elected Officers In Dis tricts of County. The following Is a full list of all the school officers elected In Clacamns coun ty at the recent annual election: Logan C. N. Tracy, director; Matilda Frakes, clerk. Garfield C. Krlgbaum, director; J. J. Davis, clerk. Salmon Geo. A. Bell, director; C. W. Kern, clerk. Oak Lawn S. G. Ackerson, director; F. M. Samson, clerk. Union J. W. Lugle, director; F. M. Osbum, clerk. Concord C. W. Rlsley, director; A. C. Arnold, clerk. Mark's Prairie D, B. Toder, director; R. W. Zimmerman, clerk. Boring J. B. Jonesrud, director; J. P. Woodle, clerk. Gibson A. J. Douglas, director; J. P. Woodle, clerk' Holcomb W. W. Bradley, director; di rector, L. D. Mumpower, clerk. Whiskey Hill D. C. Toder, director; J. F. Watchman, clerk. Union W, L. White, director; I. A. Mlley, clerk. Marmot Ernest Aschoff, director; R. D. Alexander, clerk. Trecey II. M. Tracey, director; W, H. Holder, clerk. i , ; Dodge James Marrs, director; E.' Lao ey, clerk, Dover Joseph Deshazer, director; F, Ahnert, clerk. Mullno I. Wiles, director; Fred Ereck son, clerk. " . , ; District No. 91 J. J. Kramer, direc tor; H. H. Deetz, clerk. ' ' f Demonstrate That We Make, Raise and Have What Can't Be Found In Any Other County. While the exhibit that Is being made from this county at the Lewis Clark Exposition Is a reasonably creditable one, it should be better and It Is up to the people of the county to Improve It. Be cause of the convenient location of Clackamas County to the scene of the Exposition there can be offered no valid excuse for the exhibit not being the best possible, especially when Is considered the extensive resources from which the county has to draw In the making of a display of Its products. All that Is lack ing, apparently, Is that essential quality county pride and an aggressive public spirit. County Judge Ryan this week Issued the appended appeal to the producers 'of Clackamas county and there should be a general response: 1 To the Farmer, Fruit Growers, Manu facturers, Miner, Business Man and Woman of Clackamas County! ' If you are Interested' In the develop ment and growth of Clackamas County, the promotion of Its industries, the open ing up of its mineral resources and the marketing and manufacturing of Its mag nificent timber, you should come forward and assist in making a creditable exhibit of what we have; in the Clackamas County Exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition we need and should have an exhibit of every article manufactured in the county, from every farm and orchard, from every berry patch and vineyard and from every mine and quarry we should have a sample exhibit of the very best we have; do not wait for your neighbor to do this,' do something yourself. Bring or send what you have to either the Clackamaa County Exhibit in the Agricultural Building at the Lewie and Clark Exposition Grounds, or to the un dersigned at the Court House in Oregon City; good care will be taken of every thing and due credit will be give every person for every article exhibited. Let us, one and all unite in this mat ter, and prove to the world that we raise make and have In Clackamaa County, what can be found in no other county in the state or nation. Information given and articles received at Court House, by , THOS. F. RYAN, County Judge and Supt of County Ex hibit There is no room to find fault with the exhibit which represents the earnest, hard work of a number of the public spirited people of the county, a numBer of whom, fortunately, were assigned to places on the various committees. But there is plenty of room for other willing hands to accomplish something and It is time reinforcements were responding. It is not right that the entire responsibility for the exhibit from this county should rest with the few. Each resident, and particularly producer, has an equal In terest in the display in seeing. to it that the county ia properly represented. There are great benefits to follow the Exposi tion and it is the opportunity of a life time for Clackamas county to get her share. The producers of the county should unanimously respond to the appeal of Judge Ryan and make of the txhlblt from this county an eye-opener to the East ern visitor as well as a revelation to the other competing counties. And this is quite possible if the people of the county will lend the situation their hearty in terest and hearty co-operation. RESOLUTIONS WErtE ADOPTED. Before adjourning last Thursday after noon, the following resolutions were adopted by the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic: Whereas, we the Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic, have been so hos pitably received by the people of Oregon City, and realizing the fact that the citizens and comrades have greeted us with cordiality which we do recognize and acknowledge, therefore be it Resolved, That the thanks of this con vention be extended the citizens for the warm welcome extended during out stay In their city. Resolved, That the thanks of this con vention be extended to the drum corps who so delighted us with their music on Wednesday afternoon and also to all who assisted in our entertainment and for the courtesies extended our dear De partment President by the Department' Commander and Captain Shaw, chairman of the Citizen's Committee: Mrs. Mary L. Bradley, and the members of the G. A. R., whose Courtesy will be ever held in grateful remembrance and will go down into the history of our order as an event unparalleled or unexcelled since Its organization. Resolved, That the reception tendered the greeting committee by the Grand Army of the Republic is stamped on the tablet of the memories of extreme pleas ures. ' Resolve, That w.e extend our heartfelt thanks to our Department President, Sister Rebecca Small, for her earnest work and kindly rulings, Resolved, That we extend our thanks to Meade W. R. C. for all their many courtesies, also for favors shown us by all press reporters. Resolved, That we extend our thanks to the Woodwen for tho use of their hall and to the members of Meade Post G. A. R. for their many kindly services rend ered. Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoul der.. These are three common ailments for which Chamborlaln's Pain Balm Is es pecially valuable. If promptly applied It will save you time, money and suf fering when troubled with any one of these ailments. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. - ' '' ' Scald head Is an eczema of the scalp very severe sometimes, but It can be cired. Doan's Ilntment, quick and per manent In Its results. At any drug store, 50 cents.