i ORKGOV CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1903. I'f ' i SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for Clackamas County. C. E. James. Plaintiff, vs. Anna S. James, Defendant. To the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: Tou are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause, on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which la first published o the 2nd day of June. A. D. 1905. "And the date on or before which you are requl-ed to appear and answer is the 14th day of July. A, D. 1905. which Is the day prescribed In the order for publi cation of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer on or before said 14th day of July, A. D. 1905, for , . V. t L n.l.tt I ) 1 ...i,, want uieirvi urn 'ittiiuiiL lit nipi) iu j the Court for the relief demanded In ? said complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plain tiff and defendant, upon the grounds of "desertion and cruel and inhuman treat ment, rendering life burdensome, and for such other and further relief as to the Court snail seem meet. This summons Is published by order ! of the Honorable Thos. F. Ryan. Judge of the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. Made and entered on the 25th day of May. A. D. 1905. MILLER & MILLER. Attorneys for Plaintiff. First publication June 2, 1905; last pub lication July 14th. 1905. . SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, J. A. Sweeney, Plaintiff, vs. Florence M. Sweeney, Defendant. To Florence M. Sweeney the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court on or before Friday the 21st day of July, 1905, said day being six weeks from the 9th day of June, 1905. the day of the first publication of this summons, and If you fail to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for, to wlt: For a decree of divorce forever dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and the defendant and for the care, custody and control of: Lavanceur Sweeney, age 9 years, Lawrence Sweeney of the age of t years. Delia Sweeney of the age of 6 years, Sidney Sweeney of the age of 3 years, and Austin Sweeney of the age of 14 years, the minor children of said marri age. The order for the publication of this summons was made by said Court on the 6th day of June. 1905. W. S. T7.REN. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. E. A. Hamblln. Plaintiff, vs. B. J. Hamblln. Defendant, To B. J. Hamblln, the above named defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: Tou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the shove entitled suit, on or before the 24th day of June, 1905, being six , weeks after the first publication of this ! Summons, and If you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In said complaint, namely: For a decree of said court, dissolving the marriage contract , are prov.aea oy me carter or Oregon and obligations now existing between j Clty- yourself and said plaintiff, and that plain- The above cessment will bear interest tiff may have all such and different re- twenty 20 da- after the fir8t P"bllca lief as he Is entitled to in equity. tlon of tn,s notlce- This Summons Is published by order of Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court, made and entered on the 6th day of May, 1905. The date of the first publication of this notice Is the 12th day of May, 1905. aqd the time prescribed for the publica tion thereof Is six successive weeks. H. E. CROSS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Sale ef Real Property at Prl- Notice Is hereby given that the grade of vate Sale. tne aIle5r ln Block from the East line of Main street Easterly to. the West line The undersigned, having been duly au- j of Railroad avenue, of Oregon City, Ore thorized by the County Court of the State ! on- 18 ordered established, of Oregon for Clackamas County, here- I BX order of tne Council of Oregon City, by gives notice that from and after the Oregon. 20th day of June. 1905, he will proceed tor w- A- DIMICK. sell at private sale to the highest bid- j June 23- Recorder. When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. M1YS1H1M corrects irregularities CURED OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE. Mr. Robert Q. Burke, Elnora, Ssrstogs Co., N. Y., writes: I am glad to have an oppor tunity of telling whit magnificent results I have had from uiing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB after having tried other advertised medicines snd several physicisn. Before I began tt I had to get up from n to so times each eight to relieve my bladder. I was all bloated up with dropsy and my eyesight was so impaired that I could scarcely see one ofay family across the room. Ia fact, I wtt so badly ued up thst I had given op hope of living when I was urged by a friend to try FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. One 50-cent bottle worked won ders, and before 1 hsd taken the third bottle the superfluous fleth bad gone, as well as all other symptoms of Kidney trouble. My friends were surprised thst I was cured, as they all thought I was going to die. Every few days some one comes from miles away to leant the oame of the wonderful medicine that cured me of Bright'! Disease, and not one that has tried it has failed to be benefitted. I mmammmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm&immtMammmmmmmMm mMirnmrwiiiiiiiimiiMiiiii mm mnmrn . jijji--miuiiwiMiimiiiiii u 11111 "" der for cash, the following real property, in parcels, or as a whole, belonging to the estate of James E. Currle, deceased, and particularly described as follows, to wit: , The south-west quarter of the south east quarter, the east half of the south west quarter, and lot 4 of section SO, township 6 north of ran Re g west of the Willamette Meridian, containing 163.90 acres in Clatsop County, Oregon; also The north-west quarter of section 12, township 3 south, range 5 east of the Willamette Meridian in Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon. Bids will be addressed to the under signed at Salem, Oregon. A. M. Craw ford, administrator of the estate of James E. Currle, deceased. A. M. CRAWFORD, Administrator of the estate of James E. Currle. Deceased. June Id. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT, For Improvement of Third Street of Ore gon City, Oregon. From the East Lino of Main Street Easterly, a Distance of 179 Feet. . Notice is hereby given that the council of Oregon City, Oregon, at a regular meeting held Wednesday, June 7, 1905, declared an assessment by ordinance No. S - S. for the Improvement of Third street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line of Main street Easterly a distance of 179 feet. In manner provided by ordinance No. 309, upon each lot. parts of lots and tracts of land benefitted, to be as follows, vli: Lot 3. Block 28, the following described portion of, to-wit: Beginning at the corner of Lots S, 4, 6 and 8 of said Block, running thence East- erly along the line between Lots 3 and 4, 74 feet, thence Norther ly parallel to the Westerly line of said Ixit J, 31.7 feet, thence West erly parallel to the line between said Lots 3 and 4. 74 feet, thence Southerly along the line between Lots 3 and 6, 31.7 feet to the place of beginning, Portland Flouring Mills Co $ 10 64 Lot 4. Block 28. the Westerly 74 feet of, Oregon Water Power & Rail way Co 87.89 Lot 5. Block 2S. Oregon Water Pow er & Railway Co 114.67 Lot 6, Block 28. the Southerly 31.7 feet of, Portland Flouring Mills Co 26.93 Lot 1, Block 29, the Westerly 74 feet of, McMlnnvllle College 335.08 Lot 2, Block 29. the following de scribed portion of, to-wlt: Be ginning at the corner of Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 of said Block 29 and run ning thence Easterly along the line between Lots 1 and 2. 74 feet, thence Southerly paralled to the line between Lots 2 and 7, 30 feet, thence Westerly paralled to the line between Lota 1 and 2, 74 feet, thence Northerly along the line between Lots 2 and 7. 30.7 feet, to the place of beginning, T. L. Charman 76.25 Lot 7. Block 29, the Northerly H of Mary E. Moore. Agnes Mllln and Clara M. Pickens 32,88 Lot 7. Bloek29, the Southerly of and the Southerly 14 of the North erly H of, Charles E. Bray, Rebec ca T. Bray arid Anna E. Rhoades 25.95 Lot 8. Block 29. Southerly 30 feet of. Mary E. Moore, Agnes Mllln and Clara M. Pickens 77.88 Lot 8. Block 29, Northerly 36 feet of, Oregon City 180.62 A statement of the aforesaid assess- ment haa ten entered in the docket of c"y LlenB- and 18 now due anl payable 81 lne omce ot tne -y Treasury of Ore gon City, Oregon, In lawful money of the United States, and If not paid within twenty (20) days from the first publica tion of this notice, such proceedings will taken for tne collection of the same as i tsy oraer oi tne council oi uregon uiiy. Oregon, made this 7th day of June, 1905. W. A. DIMICK. Recorder. Date of first publication of this notice, Friday, June 18, 1905. j Notice of the Establishment of Grade of j the Alley In Block 22. and cures Kidney and 1 Two Sizes. 60 Cents and $1.00. Z SOLD AND RECOaBEHDED BY Z HUNTLEY BROTHERS COMPANY, OREGON CITY SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Harriet Mabel Twomey. Plaintiff, vs. Harry Orant Twomey, Defendant. To Harry Grant Twomey, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon: j Tou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before Saturday, the first day of July. 1905, be ing six weeks after tlx first publication of this summons; and If you fall to an swer or appear, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In her complaint, vli: for a decree dissolving the bonds of mat rimony now existing between you and the plaintiff, and that the plaintiff be allowed to resume her maiden name. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan. Judge of the County Court for CVacKamiia County, Oregon, made and entered on the 17th day of May, 1906. The date of the first publication of this summons Is May 19ih and the date of the last publication there j of Is June JOth. 1905. and the time order ed for publication Is six weeks success ively from and after the 19th day of May, 1905. ? ) J. F. IIOOTHR, ' Attorney for the riatntlff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Jerry Young, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the under signed, administratrix of the eMute of Jerry Young, deceased, to the creditors and all persons having claims hk.iIii.hI sfd deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within six months after the first publication of this notice, to said administratrix at the ollice of I" Ren A Schuebel in Oregon City, Ore gon, within 6 months after the 23rd duy of June. 1905. This notice dated and first publication hereof June 23rd. 1905. ORA H. BROWN. Administratrix of the Estate of Jeny Young, deceased. IT Ren A Schuebel. Attorneys for sulJ Estate. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the 3 at of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Maud F. Davis. Plaintiff, vs. Adeibert J. Davis, Defendant. To Adeibert J. Davis, the above niyo-J defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and suit on or before the expiration of six weeks from and after the date of the first publica tion of this summons, to-wlt: on or be fore the 7th day of July, 1905, and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint on file herein, to-wlt: that the bonds of matrimony now existing between plain tiff and defendant be dissolved upon the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat ment of the plaintiff by defendant, and of the practice of personal indignities towards her., rendering her life burden some.; and that she be permitted to re sum her maiden name of Maud F. Page, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem equitable and proper. This sumons is published by order of the Honorable Thos. F. Ryan. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and said order was made and dated the 23d day of May, 1905, and the date of the first publica tion of this sumons Is the 2Gth day of Maj. 1905. COOVERT & 8TAPLETON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. i Notice Is hereby given that the under signed administratrix of the estate of Herman Llns, deceased, has filed In the I County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, her final account as such ad ministratrix of said estate, and that Mon day, the 3d day of July, 1305, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has been appointed by said Court as the time for hearing of objections to said report and the settle ment thereof. KATHERINA LIN8, Administratrix of the estate of Herman Llns, deceased. Saloon License. Notice Is hereby given that we will ap ply at the next regular meeting of the City Council of Oregon City for a liquor license for a saloon to be conducted on Main street between Fifth and Sixth streets. FORTUNE & CO. CAUSE ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL DEATHS. Bladder diseases in every whole system, and the diseases that have resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, because the cause has been removed. Com mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at the first sign of danger. Do not risk having Bright' s Disease or Diabetes. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oir- Kn, for the County of Clackamas. John Kern, Plaintiff, vs. Knthorlno Margaret Kern. Defendant. To Kalherlne Margaret Kent, ttu nuovo named defendant. In the name of the Stale of Oregon: You are hereby required to iippe-ir In the above entitled court and answer the com plaint tiled against you In the above enti tled suit on or before the 22d day of July. ti5; and If you fall so to appear or uns wer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the decree de manded In the complaint, to it. for n decree of absolute divorce. This summons la published pursuant to an order made upon the 8th day f June, 1905. before the Hon. Thomas A. MetlrMe. Judge of the above entitled court, nnd the first publication is made uon the 9th day of June, 1905. URODIB A MERCER. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Date of last publication, July It. WOOD WANTKD. Sealed Mils will I received by the School hoard of School district No. H3, Oregon City, Oregon, until ft o'clock Saturday, July H, ltlO.I, for ruriilahlng 113 cords of rirstifass flr wood, said wood to be four fret in length, cut from sound, large, first growth timber, well seasoned and split reasonably fine, TO cords to be delivered at the llnrvlay school building and cords at the liastham school building in Oregon City. All of said wood to t delivered on or tielore rtcptetntsrr I, llto.l. The school board reserves the light to reject any or all bids. Ilidders should en close their bids in a sealed rnveloiw and mark "HID FOR WOOD" and address the same to the Clerk of School District No. ttil. By Order of the School Board, II. K. IIKODIK, District Clerk. Dated this 33d day of June, 11)0.1. Notice of Final Settlement In the matter of the estate of Abra ham Yoder. di-ceast-d. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the above entitled estate has tiled In the County Court of Clackamas County. Oregon, his final re port as such administrator, and the Court has set Monday, lb loth day of July, A. I).. 1905. at the hoar ef 10 o'cloc k A. M. of said day. In the County Court room In the county court house. In Oregon City, Clackamas County. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all objec tions to said final report, and the dis charge of said administrator. Dated this 5th day of June. 1905. I). C. YODER, Administrator of said Estate. Dlmlck & Dkjnlek Attorneys for Adminis trator. Treasurer's Notlcs. I now have money to pay County War rants endorsed prior to September 1. 1903. Interest will cease on such warrants on the date of this notice. Oregon City, Oregon, June 16. 1906. ENOS CAIIIIX. Treasurer of Clackamas county, Oregon. DIGESTION DECIDES IT. Good Digestion More Than Half the Bat tle. Life is a ceaseless struggle for success. Competition Is everywhere. Everybody wants to reach the top. Success Is sought for because It Is supposed to Insure hap piness. Ambition snd ability make for success, but without health too, failure Is more than probable. If the digestion Is poor, the nerves unsteady, the blood thin, the weight less than It should be, and ambition and en ergy at low tide because of stomach trouble, failure is almost a certainty. Whether you make much or little of I life, whether you fall or succeed, your j digestion largely decides It. So confident are Huntley Bros. Co. that Pepslkola j tablets will renew your energy, steady your nerves, drive away that tired feel ing, give lone to me oigesiion, improve your appetite, bring up your weight to where it should be, put new life Into your stomach, that they continue to sell this grand dyspepsia remedy on the money back plan. Have confidence. The guarantee ab solutely protects you. Huntley Bros Co. will gladly pay back your money If at the end of the ten duys' treatment you have not been cured or decidedly bene fitted. OA.STOn.TA.. Bears the Kind Vm Har Alirars BocjM Iris Kind Yon Han Always Birnstuo ef T1 form, tones up the try for Health ?J'J Smith Teorl St., Ciii'io,Iu... tKt. 7, IXW. Eight months hpa I was so ill that I vn roiiit'i'lliHl to li or it ili.nii nearly all tho time. My stomm-h win 0 Wfftk "d that 1 cunll keep nolhlnff on It and ! voutitotl frrxjumitly. I could not iinnntu without grwt paiu anil I cuiiulx-.l so much that my thrift iuhI lung wart raw and srro, Th doctors pro nounced it, Hriaht'i disease and other said it M consumption. It i.i.utTtd litii. to oi what they tailed it and I bad nods sire M. A sister Tisitcd tat front hi. Iiuii snd asked ni it I had evrr tried Wim o( Cardul. I told h r 1 had not and she nought a U tile. 1 Mier that it saved my life. I believe many won 1.1 i.uuU save much iu flar ing i( (Lev bid knew of iU value. D'n't ytm e:tTit freedom from pair? Tn!:e Who of Cardul and m l 0:1 siiprrmt effort to la well. You do not need to b a vi i. Vlp'.-t .ilr. Tou can have a woman's health and do a woman's work in life. Wny nut secure a bottle of Win of Canlui from your druggist la day f tJi;:30SIDU! LIU Furious righting. "For seven years," writes Or-o. V, Hoffman, of Harper. Wash., "I hncl a bit ter battle w(th ehronlc stnmarh ami Iher trouble, but at lust I wuii, ami eurril my diseases, by the use of Kleelrlu Hitters. I unhesitatingly recommend them to all, anil don't Intent! In the future to be without them In the house. They are certainly a wonderful medicine, to have cured such a bad rasa as mine." Hold, under guarantee to do thq same for yuu, by Howell tt Jones, drusslsts, at BOc a bottle. Try them today. A earrful estimate made by a I'ortlan t I'm 1st pliicrs the numlx-r of runes now In bliHim In Portland nt I0.0ov.ooo. while other estimates are twice as high . The lw wis and Clark Kxixwltlon grounds 11 r dcflccd with the fraarant blussoms which Hie found everywhere In ejrent profusion The magnificence of Portland re hni In -i n a sottrre of astonishment to early lsltnia from the East. ' QABRIEL. The large Kentucky Jack will stand throughout the season of 1S0S at the C. V. Stoker farm, fiv. miles south-east of Oregon .City, near the Iceland School house. C. V. STOKER. Owner, June JO. Oregon City, Ore. Deserves Your Patronsgs. The growth of a community and the success of Its local Institutions depends entirely on the loyalty of Its people. II Is well enough to preach "patronise home Industry" but except the sen Ice given at a home Institution equals that of out-of-town t'lterprlses, this argument car ries no weight and Is entirely disregard ed. as It should be. Hut with Oregon t'ltj people It Is different. A few months ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas cade Laundry. It la equipped with the latest Improved machinery and la dally turning out work that la equal to any and superior to much of the laundry work that la being don In Portland. Being a home Institution and furnishing employment for many Oregon City people it Is enjoying an Immense patronage. The high standard of the work being done commends It to the general public. Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop will be promptly called for and delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 1204. E. L. Johnson, proprietor. Brights Disease Not Rare, but Common Kidney Diseatie Dcvelopca Into Brlht'a DIhcbho the 8th to 10th Month; Then Incurable by All Known Mcanti Excopt tho new Fulton Compound), which Record 87',' of Rocovorlcn. We have before us a little work on kidney dleaHc by Joseph F. Edwards, M. D., of Phila delphia, that contains some things that every one ouifht to know. Many people Imagine Origin's Disease Is rare, when. In fact It oovers nearly the who;e gamut of kidney dis eases. This book sets out that the kidneja have but one function, vli., the elimination of the urea snd waste products, and that all Interferences with that function sre called Urlght's Disease. Dr. Edwards adds: "For the beneilt of physi cians who may read this book I will give a list of the cnNes which I attribute to Bright' Disease, viz.: Albumenurla. Congestion of the Kidney. Defeneration of tlie Klilnev. Katty Degenerutlon of the Kidney. Ir.tlitmniationof the Kidney. I'raeuiia. Dlseaae of the Kidney." Thus nearly all kidney disease bclnfr Brlght's Disease, the serious question Is, in it In the prlmury or secondary siuger After the eighth to tenth month It becomes chmnln and Ih iiicn Incurable by all known means except the Kulton Compounds. There Is often no fiotlce of the trouble till It has fastened. If you have kidney disease ln the lirst stage the Henal Compound will cure It quickly. If It Is of more than 8 to to months standing It Is the only thing known tbat will cure it. In proof that nothing else will we cite all medical works In evidence. The stock holders of the John J. Kulton Co., business nnd professional men of Han Francisco, are the first In the world to announce the cure, presenting a jeflulie percentage of recoveries (H7 per opiit) and giving out the lists of the cured, all among purely chronic, well-defined caws. If you have ny ilnd of kidney trouble, there Is only one thing to take. The Renal Compound for llright's Disease Is II; for Diabetes, 11.M), JohnJ.Fulton Co., (9 Washington street, ban Francisco, sole compounders, l'amphlet free. We are Uis sul. agents. Charman & Co., City Drug Store. DO YOU GUT UP WITH A I,AMI$ BACK Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable Almost cverylxxly who rnH the m. u. ' jxiiwrs is sure to know of the woihI.X tnirci iniide hy j,r K (Mil, tins Krfllt ul, , iwy, liver nnd tIU. r n ier reinriiy, 11 ;ii 11 hi iriiiiinm mli oi 11.. nineteenth rei,i. 'I I .11. .i,. 71 (1 - 1 i. .... '"! .y i.r, iviimcr, eniineiifki. n-v .j tiliuldcr ajiedallHt, nnd is wiii.!er(n. successful in pronititly curing lttttir tsnclt uric acid, catarrh of the hliu,icr l0(j Hi lint's Dlseiife. which U the ,)flt form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's 5wmp-Root i not re, omincnded for everything but If you In, kidney, liver or bladder trouble llwillh, found Just the remedy yuu need. Iwen tested ill so nmny ways, in honui work and in private pruclicr, ami lui proved so successful in every cuttt, xclnl arrangement has been made bj which all readers nf this pnper, wholuf, not alrtiuly tried it, may have a mui bottle sent free by mail, also. lookttl. inn ""re bot Swamp-Rout, and liowio fiiiiloutif you have kidney or bladder troa. bl When writmir mention rradmsUij grncrousollcr in this pajwr aiidemfyw address to Ir. Kilmer .V Co., Hiiinhiimtoii, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one- dollar Ue lKittlcs are sold by all clruKxUt. Don'! miii any mistake, but rrmcmlirr the nmt, Swamp-Root, Ir. Kilmer's kiwauip-Rool and the address, lUnghauilott, N. Y.,s 'very liottle. UPPFR WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. SALEM, INOtPKNOINCC, All ANY, COnVALLIS ANO WAV LANDINQI 1-4-ave Tin Hand a. m. dally (rnst Monday) fur flatem and way points. Uovii I'mlland 1:4ft Tursday, Tburtdif and Huturday fur Independpnes, Al bany and Corvallla. slsfes of wu permitting. DAILY RIVER EXCURSIONS or OREGON OITY BOATS TIME CARD Week Days a. m. a. m. p a. '.ease Portland 1:00 11:10 IN a. m. p. m. pa. Iave Oregon City.. 10:00 1:10 . ROUND TRIP lo Tickets eachans-ed with O. V, p. I). ears. SPECIAL Sunday Excursions ROUND TRIP JSo Iave a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. pa I'ortland 1:30 9 J0 It. JO 1:10 III I.eavt a.m. a m, p m. p.nt p is Or. City 10:00 11:10 1:10 1:10 B OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO Office and Dockt Foot Taylor Street Phone Main 4a THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL Maintains unexcelled service from West to the Kust and Huuth. M111I4 close connections with trains ot sll trssf continental lines, passengers are h their choice of routes to Chicago, Loutt vllle, Memphis am New Orleans, is through these points to the far Kast. rrospectlve travelers desiring Infurnu tlon as to the lowest rntea are Invited correspond with the folkiwlng rcpresrt tut Ives: 11. II. THt'MUCI.U Commercial Agent 142 Third Street. Portland .Orel J. C. I.1NDHKY, Trav. 1'assenger Agent H2 Third Htrt, I'ortland, Ortf PAUL. II. TIlOMl'HON, Passenger Arnl Colman Building, Beattle, Ws OREGON CITY MARKET REPORT. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 80c to 90o per bushel. Flour Valley, 14. GO ped bbl, Hrt wheut SB. 15. I'ortlund, $1.25 per ! Howard s Best, 11.25 per suck. Oats In sacks. 11.37 1-2 per cental. Hay Timothy, baled 14ia15 per to! clover, 112 to 113; out, 113 to $14; mM huy, $12 to $13; cheat, $13 to $14. Mlllstufrs-Ilran, $21 per ton; l!i0rU . $23.00 per ton; chop $20 per ton; barW, roiled ijo per ton. Caliliiige 6O0 per dox. Onions 3o per pound. Potatoes new- c pound. PensH4 ml 3c pound. Turnips, Cnrrola 40c dot bunchea 8lliiwlienles$l.H) per crate. CiiitiuiIm-lie box. ltHHplienles-7u box. Eggs Oregon 17 1 to 1814 per do market strong, llilllel - Ituni li, 30 to 10; sepuiiilor i""1 creamery, 40 to 45. Cherries 3 to 6c per pound. flood Apples-$1 to $1.25 Honey 11 to 12V4o per pound. .Primes (dried) Petite, 3o per H! I1Rl' tun, large, 6c per lb; medium, 3Wc; SHV" c . Dried Apples Sun dried, quarterc 4l4c pound; sliced, 60; fancy bleachci 7 He Dressed Chickens 12'4c per lb. Livestock and Dressed Meats-B''' live $2.00 to $2.60 per hundred. I''1 live, Do; liogH dressed, 7!4 cents; 1,l,,,p' $2.00 to $2.60 per bend; dressed or; V' dressed, 6H to Gc; Inmbs llvo, '" $2.00 per head. OABTOIlXA' BstrstLs velhlKlndYiwHaYislwwi Blgnatnrs of sbsJI r- H