OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1905, R m " ' " ik DO IT TO-DAY!" i ...Short Sidehead Stories. TIil!I.Y-TOI.I TAI.K8 01' THB WI!I!K'3 DOINOS. " ,- , -J I I t Of!)"" City Man Die I. I'Veneh, 47 years nlil 1ImI nt his liuum nt riirkpliicn limt Friday morning nl 10 o'clock of iuiImIci'm eolln, leaves three clillilnn. two ilini(htir iiiid u mm, Mr, French's wife died only , 11 kIiimI 1 1 mo ago. wim a. iiiiiIi.' unil riiiiinirloi', unil n popular -l t lxi-ti. Councilman Bhiahan Preientsd Hat A few iluyn hmo ('oimrlliiiiin Hheuhiin nf III" Wllliiiiiitlii I'ulp A I'm per plant I, i i I V I'M II llllll Mill IIIIIIMlflll'tllll'll froin I hi' iiiitlvn IiiiiiiIhio of the Philippine IhIiiihIh. I Iiii Iii ihImi'HI' ciiiiii. nit Ihd gift nf Jnllll J. llolll, Wllil will III" I'ellll'llilil'l- fit UN ii former employe of the W. I', & , CiiiniMitiy. Mr. iioup, or "Jink," im m wim Kini'iiilly known, In mniliini.il t liiiiln, I'miiiy InIiiikI, unil prosperous. Hi' rx i to I'Wimln In Itin Islands for iiiinllicr ycnr wlicn ho will return lo this nidi". from Harding Orange, I'utrmis of Una' hiindry, a copy, of tho leMoluilotis that winn passed by Unit (JifiriKH, opposing tlm construction of tlm llurton bridge Hct'iwN tlm (.'luckiimiiM river. Tlm pro posed bridge site In In Harding precinct. I "' I'CNlllllllOh Will lj HI.HI'(.1 ' oniny l onrt lit It n,.xt meeting, July ll. to regular Gatot-Powell Nuptials Mlna Myrtle I'mWiII wna j it l-t ly mar- ilnl IhhI 'I'll in mlny afteri n nt 5 o'rlork in I'luilles (Intra lit I lie Inline nf the liihli'ii itiiri'iilN, li, mnl Mr. J. W. I',. will, nt Moliillii, ('mil n fi'w iiionttia ago, Mlna I'owi'll liiul resided nil her lfi in (iirgon City, where she Ima h Inmt nf filmilH '!'hi ceremony wua witnessed l,y tlin Immediate relatives of the fund Hi a Mi, Mini Mia. Oaten will iiiiikx (heir Iiiiiiik III this city, where Mr. lliitin la employed by tint Oiegon Clly Muniifiic lining Company. it'sper Company Expands I 'I'll.' Cniwn mid Columbia I'ulji A I'll l . r i iiniiiiiy huai jiiurliiiai d from tlm i in iiiin Clly lunik tlm sawmill ptopcrty ,.! II, , I',. I,, I ,1 Mlllt, ,, It ..t .1.1- ..I... llic puirhiisc. price was $r,Uiio, Thia nireliase la the (lint ad p fit (-cgi,it City ii ixpuitHloii of Imaliii na that the ccini miy Ima In view mid whli h wna Initial. , Kivi'iiil week iik a ly lhi! 1'iiiiaiillilii inn nf Ihn down uml Ciiliitntilii 1 'a iinipiinti a. ll la uiulei stood Unit tin, pi-w ,wni'ia will repair uml renovate tin. nw nlll uml will opriuto It Hi n fi,i f.ipii.ny. I"jlp Soared High 'I'lii' KhkI'- aimirit liluh u Wllliunillr ul In liiimliiill Ktiiiimla ImhI Hiiinl.iy nf .iiiiiiiii hut llic Iti'd Miii wi'it not fur ililnil. In (itlur whkIm. tin. ai'iiiiiil Kiuim if Immlnill I nl w.- ii lhi- D.mlm uml lhi. il Men naiilii'd In a victory for Iho inmr hy thf aroln of 13 to 12. Thu inli-iit, which wna hlulily ''iin-i liilnhiit an WlllliKl.nl hy 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 11 III I K' Ullilli'lllc. i lhi tliHt pint of th kiik', tho Hi-d Mill nin hiima iilimiKt nl llnlr pli-nain v. III,- Ki'iin. at the h KloiilliK of thn clKlith I'inliiK lln 12 to S In favor of tho anv- ik- h Imt hy haul work th" tilrda until -iK.il to tin th acorc In thn ninth mid inn llnii" wna muii. llilnif dulnir. The nin I'liiitliu'il a ll. until thi twelfth limliiK whi'ii thi' lianli a aciircd nnd i-nd- I On' Kami'. The third mnl di'ilnlvi- jr im,' n a to (In' i-hnmplKimhlp Will hi ilu,ni within m fi-w wiika. In tha Divorce Court tl I! rivn in vin it. (ii.(ii.ii were ri'liii'iicd Bnliirdny hy Jiiilv McHrlilii i,x followa: AiiKiiatii M. lliiyia va. K. Jum-ph UnyBaj r. ji, iiitnti va, DpIIu llulm; Julia, Kltch ln va. Jiia. If. Kllchlng; J,.,il lmffy va. Juinca Imrfy; Bt.'phin llmnllton va. Adnllnn llnnillton. IlialdcH ohlnlnlnK (llvoicn, Mia, Duffy a Bwurdcd JudKincnt for M4 HKiilnat her former hualmnd. An order of default and referenc wna n tered In thn divorce ault of C'lnia, lid wlud Miller va, Dnlay M. Miller unil nn order enjolnlnij tlm pliiliitlff In thn di vorce ault of John M. llendrotli va, Alma 1". llendrotli, from tnovliiK thn minor child out of thn tnt wna made. Lowthwalte-Peel Wedding The fiillowlMK accoiiiit of the imiri Iiikd of John It. I wthwiilte, u iiniliir youriK mnn nf thla city, to Mlaa l'eel, nf iort hind, wna imhllahed In the Hiiiiduy Ore K.iiilnn: "(m Thuradiiy rvenlim, Jtmo IS, at ft 3d o'clock, occurii'd one of tlm pret tleal weddliiKN In the hltory of the Klrat Cumhiilniid I'riahylerlnn ('hutch. It wna the mnrrliiun of Mlna Klorenco Hulimfoid l'eel to Mr, Jack llrondow lwthwulte, of Oi'i-uon City. Murguer Ilea, piilma and ilkhorn in una from Mount llmxl were uai-d In dccoratlnjr. A putty Incident waa thu entrmioo of 35 little tola of the Hawthorn School, Ihn hrlde'a former chiaa. The ceremony wna performed hy the Ilev. K, Nelaon A Ih n, It wua preceded hy Allltaen'a "Honit of ThmikaKlvIng," aunv hy Mlaa Imogen HnrdltiK, of Oregon irily. The hrldul puily entered thn church to tho atrulna of the Wedding tnnrch, Mr. I.cwlliwiille helng nccompmiled hy hla beat mnn, Mr. Korhea Trntt. The four uahera were Mr. Ijiwnnci. Ilufton, Mr. Hummer limith, Mr. Wither ltennett and Mr. John (linvley. They were followed hy alx little flower glrla uttlred In white, cnirylng Iji France roaea. Thn two hildeiuniilda, Mlaa Alice I-cwUi wulto, ala tcr of the groom, and Mlaa Unrtenan IVrrlne Oreffof. Wefn uttlred In pnlo green, wore liugn picture hitta, unil cur ried mm hoipieta of hrldeamiild roaea. The inn Id of honor, Mlaa Male l'eel, me ter of the bride, wua chiiririlngly gown ed In nn nil-pink coatume. The brldo wua led to the altnr nnd given In marri age hy her brother, Mr. Allan C. Peel. Hhe wore a white luce drtaa. Her vnll wna held In Jiluce with oninge blnaaoma nnd a creacent of peaiia, tlm gift of the groom. A reception for thn brldnl party waa held ul the brlde'a home. Mr. nnd Mia. Iwthwalto left on the 11:40 train for Victoria, it. C. and from there will mnke un extended trip through Booth- cm Alnakn. They will be nt home In Oregon City nfter July 10." CONCERNING tetter Mall Service Wanted The lliiunl (f Tmde hml Krldnv nluhl iliiicti( Hecleliiiy J. t Cninphell to niaie pctlttolta to the I'ontnttlce lie I in, nt. it nk I n u fur n noondny aervlce it of Oi.trmi city to I'liitlmul. Thla win dlHcoiitlniied aevernl weeka hko. mid i hltcr mulled here nfter 9 A. M. doea id tench I'm tliiiul until thu following tB 'iiiliig . I IiihIikkm men mnl otln-ra Hnve liintliul.il n vlgoriiiiM proteat, nnd Will endeavor lo bring it limit u rcminip tlnn of tin old acheilule, Becretiiry Camphcll wiih a Iho liiHtructej to inncure TWO OPENLETTERS I lUMinTlllVi wv .... .. w ii wim riii iv nrwrviMLV n U TILI1 lira. Mary Dlmmlck of W8hlnirton tellg I How Lydla, K. Plnkhara'a VgeUb!a I Compoaod Mad Bar Wall. It Is with crrcat pleasure wo nubllsh iho following' letters, aa they convino $ri(fly prove tho claim we have so nmny urn c8 in an c in our coiumua thut Rim. i Mrs. Mary Dimmick Oetervea Your Patronage. The growth of a community and the eucceaa of t local Inatltutlona depend! entirely on the loyalty of Ita people. It la well enough to preach "patronlae home IndiiHtry" but except the aervlce given nt a home Inatltutlon equula that of out-of-town enterprlaea. thla argument car rlea no weight and la entirely dlaregard' ed, aa It ehould be. Hut with Oregon Cltj people It la different. A few month ngo E. L. Johnaon eatabllahed the Caa ende laundry, It la equipped with the latent Improved machinery and Ii dally turning out work that I equal to any and auperlor to much of the laundry work thnt la being done In Portland. Helng a home Institution and furnishing employment for many Oregon City people It la enjoying an Immenaa patronage. The high standard of the work being done commends It to the general public Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop will be promptly called for and delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 1S04. IS. L. Johnaon, proprietor. General Summary. The weather during the pnnt week htia been (iilte favorable for the growing crops. In some few loculltlcH late sown wheat nnd oats would ho ticnellted by more rnln, and owing to the dry weather Kiiihh on the low hind rungcx In the In terior counUi'H la turning brown, but it la Mill green and abundant In the foot hills and moiintiilua. Block generally Is In excellent condition. Kali wheat Is filling nicely nnd fall barley is ripening nnd will soon be rendy to cut. Spring whent continues to make satisfactory progress, and oats, although not in so good condition ns spring wheat, look promlHlng. The grain aphis is disap pearing, and no great damage has been done by this pest. Haying has begun and will become general In n week or two. Much clover, vetch nnd nlfalfa has already been secured, and the hay crop generally promises to be nn n vertigo one, If not better. Hops me nrmlng nnd show considerable. Improvement since last re port. The yards uro well cultivated, but on account of missing hills nnd uneven growth yields are expected to bo less than usual. Kurly potatoes are In the Cherries are ripe nnd tho crop is below the average, being good In some localities and almost n failure In others. Bt rn wherry picking Is nearly Mulshed, and the crop turned out below the aver; age In quantity, but ulioiit as usual in quality, 'Inkham, of Lynn, Mass., la fully quail icd to ir ivo lie nf ul advice toslck women. Jtcftd. Mrs. Dimniick's letters. Her first letter! Inar Mrs. I'inklmtn : I have been a aufferer for tho past eight cars with a, trouble which Hint originated i market nun painrui menstruation thn pains were xcrticlating:, with intlmumntion and lilcera n of tho womb. The doctor aavs I intuit "ive an oiierntion or I cannot live. I do not f nnt to submit to an operation if I can poHsl ly avoid It,. Please help me." Mrs, Mary nnunick, Washiimton, D. 0. tier second letters Jenr Mrs. Plnkhnm " Yon will rnmiimlmr mv enndlMnn whnn T Jost wrote vou. and that the doctor said I inust have an ottoration or 1 could not live. I ,, J received your kind letter and followed your, 1 : wiviee verv careiiinv anil am now entire v tWell. As my case was so serious it seems a Biiiraclo that I am cured. I know that I owe Hit oil V lliv tw.iiltli linl.. niv lifn tn l.villfi 111 ii-i..i.i .;.;:7r" ; . , w iimiiitiii s v egeuioie v oiiipounu mm vu your . dlneasu fiovico, i onn walk miliis without an ache or ,i.t T k .... i . ... i r ...i l ...! "" i'iliii, nun i winii evurv auiiertiiir wuiuun VOIlIll ..H,4 tltlu 1.,! t,,i d n,1 tnnll,i wltnf vn.i svnii no ror thom." Mrs. Alary l)immick..WtU , l,ml ""vo i'" " fcnd Hast Cnnlt.nl SlTHctji. Wnsliliurtnn. n. O. cured to stay cured, and O. B. Burhana testlfiei after four years. (I. 11. Hurhnns, of Carlisle Center, N. Y writes: "About four years ago I wrote on stating that I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking- less than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick dust sedi ment, and pain nnd symptoms ot kidney disappeared. I am glad to sny havo never had a return of any of those symptoms during the four years I am evidently heartily rocom- 1 How easy it was for Mrs. Dimmick to nd Folpy'a KU,npy C,T to ?ny n," Kite to Mrs. rinkham at Lynn, Mass,, 1 suffering from kidney or bladder trouble. t-na now little It cost her a two-cent " I il In n Yt.knwvnliiii)ilcinriiBfkii iwnlut I ' . ,. M u, hm ays-n saved her life, i ltlB M You Hava Always Boiifjht ''I. . lUIVllltlil 1 UB UU U113 f just such letters as the fferg ailing- women helpful advice. rlhusr,S'B-tb. ;Th9 Kind VoaHavB Always "And to thlt.k thnt trn nuinthn S"o I liKiked like iiuai i owe it iiK.ctiiiaii Hyrup," Hie time-worn injunction, "Never nut (df til to-morrow what you can do to day, " in now generally presented n this lorm ; no ii iiMiny ! ' That is the terse advice we want to jjive you about that hiu kinx cough or (Iciuornii.iiig cold with which ymi have lietn strtilinK for cv cml days, jx rlnijis week. Tuke some reliable remedy for it TO-IMV mid let that remedy lie Dr. Hoschec'i German Syrup, which has In-en in use for over thirty-five years. A few doses of it wil! undoubtedly relieve your cotih or cold, and its continued use for a few days will cureiyou completely. No matter how deep-seated your couh, even if dread consumption lies attacked your luns, Gennnii Kvrup will surely effect a cure ssit Ima done before in thousands of ap parently hoiel(-wi cfiM-s of lunx trouble. New tti'l IhiHIc, 25C; regular size. 7.V. At "ll .!r .;-:Rt".. f Charman & Co., City Drugstore ME LLP l 2,000 mileB of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,2.rj0 towns. Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard aa Port land. Oregon City office at i Harding's Drue Store. PIONEER Transfer and Express Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES REASONABLE Quality is the first importance in selecting a watch and it requires expert knowledge of the business to actually know the real value. There are all sorts of watches on the market and all look somewhat alike. There are differences, however in constructive workmanship, in finish and decoration, in wearing; quality, time keeping and in price. That is why you must rely entirely upon the party from whom you purchase your watch. Our record for honest, straightforward dealings is what has made us the largest house in Clackamas County. We are constantly adding new goods of the latest designs and are showing an unusually attract ive assortment o handsome patterns in solid gold and filled watches. ' Wc have watches in nickel for boys from $1.00 up; for men from $5.00 up. Ladies and gents gold filled watches from $10.00 up. W would like to have you come and see our $15.00 and $20.00 watches. They are beauties. We do fine watch repairing and guarantee all work. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The I Oregon Qty Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner DON'T WAIT. Take Advantage of Oreoon City Cltl xen'a Experience Before It'i Too Late When the back begins to ache, , Don't wait until backncho becomes chronic; Till nerloiia kidney troubles develop; Till urinary troubles destroy nlKtit'a rent. Olof Johnson, who la a gardner by oc cupation, living at the corner of 15th and 11 streets, North Salem, Ore., says; "Kidney complaint Is no new thins; for me. I have been bothered off and on I from ft discolored condition of the kid neys for 10 or 12 years. I did not suffer m much from backache as moat people do who have kidney secretions which are both dlstresalng nnd nxKruvatlnfr. There was a scnldlnff sensation In pnsalnK, and a heavy brick-dust like sediment ap peared after standing In the vessel over nlKht. I had attacks of dlzzlneRS In my head, nnd oft-times a blurring; would I appear before my eyes, and I could hard- ly see. I tried numerous remedies, but j all In vain until I saw Doan's Kidney IMIls highly recommended for Just such troubles. I will say that In all my ex perience with doctor's prescriptions and different kidney remedies nothing has given me the amount of relief that I have received from ponn's Kidney rills.'' Plenty more proof like this from Oregon City people. Call at C. Q. Huntley's drug store and ask what his customers report. For sale by all dealers. P.-lce BO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., BufTalo, N. 'Y., sole agents , for the United States. Hemember the name Doan's and take no other. Diplomat Are Issued. Eighth grade dlplomns have been is sued by Supt. J. C. Zlnser, Cliickiinins county, for the June examinations as follows; Stanford Moore, Clackamas; Hallle Johnson, Tarkplace; Emma Chltwood, Oreshnm; Margaret Canning, Orient; Munis Wllmarth, Waymnn Fisher, Hor Ing; Ruby Lubrle Rlchey, Gresham; Ed na Gibbons, Ethel Longwell, Sandy; Katie Currln, Zoe Irwin, Ionnle Van Dyke, Currlnsvllle; Ova Mans, W. U Snldow, Oregon City; Dorrts Young, Sherwood; Sidney Nutnll Chester Car others, Oregon City; Rose Moehnke, Irene 'Moehnke, Harry Klrbyson, Shu bel; Emma Held, I.ents; Ralph Wills, MIHvuukle. Having secured the agency foi the Studebake Company for Oregon City and vicinity, W. L. Block,the Furniture man, is now prepared to supply your wants in another way. THE REPUTATION of the Studehaker Company's pro ducts is too well known to require any introduction to the people of this vicinity The trademark of &TTT TTO7R A WVl R GABRIEL. The large Kentucky Jack will stand throughout the season of 1905 at the C.iV. Stoker farm, Ave miles south-east of Oregon City, near the Lealand School house. C. V. STOKER, Owner, June 80. Oregon City, Ore. Energy all gone? Headache? Stomach out of order? Simply a case of torpid liver, Iturdock Blood Bitters will make a new man or woman of you. stands for the best in the way of Wagons, Buggies and Carriages Delay making any purchases until you have consulted Mr Block who will carry a complete line of Stu de baker vehicles w HI THE FURNITURE, MAN Main and Seventh Streets Oregon City. Oregon