OIIMON CITY KNTKItPHISB, FIIIDAY, JUNE 23, MM. o NEW TO-DAY MONRY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 por cent. Frm curlty, U'lton &. 8cbubl. MOUTGACJE LOANB NKOOTIATJCD, t lownnt. mltii, Latouratte'i ofllnn. Commercial Cliy. MurrlMKii llcmNa with ImiiuiI Oil wmk Hy County OlurU Oratmman a Mlowi; Hoil''a A, I fourth ami tJIma W. Oinvj filnnlii MnhliirMltir unil Thomiia A. Hrnl'.h; ltiiltn MatrM ami Krank Arlhl; M. J. (If-pajrina and AniKlla Iinrntth; lOIUitlwth JJoTilunrJur ana Andrew Hull liitsnr. ttatavla and Dunk arid Linen liata, now arrival, MIkk OuldNinlth'i, lwlht I). Hun and MIforl WIkIo, ,!. ,....,, ' " " Mil ium yvikk Hank liulldlnc, Oregon I tnu ll.iliMmta In trniic.,ntlniiui autm.io Personal Mention Itolwrt Cllnlhitr, of 8lmbl, wit In tho city lunadity. Mr, flurry Miilon In ftpnnrllng the vm-k 1. T, ttavla, of Ui CliurkHm dlatrlct, wn ncre weurieadiiy. Kil. liati'H. f u,,.. i.,,. Wanted n liniI will cxi'hunKa a m-w Iflfi ilrop-hi-m! HIiikim' wln imiohlnn jor a imran. 11, u, itolwrta, AK"Mt, uncoil I'lly, (Mi-noil. l.llo nico from Now York City to I'ort t thl city Wt-dheaday. Local Events I!orn-To Mr. ami Mia. A. Mlhlatln, on. iioin -io tin. wm. of John I, Ki'iitliiK ai ui nimiiy imm In thla ilty, Mondiiy, juiif j, a uiiiiKiiicr. N. J. IHxnn )m l....n urutiti-d a divorce Innil, iiirlVHd In UiIm oily uliout 10 o'clock wHini'aduy nioniln;, ili-partlriK for I'ort- uinu i)(,ror noon. Will hurn II.,. d,tu. Kim in mi) miiihliiM Dnt.-rtiilnnd a larva comimny of old aokllera by tucountlnB an mtwwiting lulu of their trip, In thu anniml dlatrllmtlon of prlxoa Mix K, Onrtrtido liunhor viu,i win. iht roiativ at Sulcm Sunday, Mcintyra, of C urkoa. wum In fir. K"n my yi-Htcrdny on hualn.-a Ml Nva Orlawold. of H,.i,.,r, vitt wrcgon tity fi-lnnd luat Haturday. If I. VUnrA - t .. ly thu Bun Kranclauo ICxumlinir, Mlaa mMKhhorhood, will In tho city Baturday Cl'Cl'lItt (illlldNinlth, Of tlllM CllV la iim ! If of th. - I..- . .. . ' T "" 011110 U"nH""- of the Clacka- . ... . in in v 'Hr. A Il'w I rniiai iIIuIhI.. iliiya ao Mi- h " wu" ",8 cy Haturdny. from VV, o. II. t. and m th rlKht . ' 7 ? V'r,,n"' y"H,,,rd to r..miillo h..r .,..,i.. ......... I u,n court null for Mr. and Mra. Ira Wlahart. of nt,.nt. 1'iiaa, aro vlaltlna- with rt.lmiv. in hi. city. Mra. J, W". Ixulir and aon liavn puium fd from a vlalt with frl,.n,iu . mi.,u.. ion. Ur. II. Oorhr, of Carua. wna n O. aon fltv tlufi.r, iVin i. ...... s . ...., .,. iwiiinnu, yi'Hii.rany ninci l)-utlfii ojion-fiice aold watch and chuln aocomiiaiilnd hy a not a alutlnir thai it had lMHn drawn In conniMtlon with n,.. laiT a dlatrlhutlon of jirU.'i. llahy rapa and tmta aroatlv ri.diiril Aiiaa uoiUMiiiitha. (II ll'Hllllll. Ill, fill! clx arniT Uiaim No. 117 will hold It m.'Ptlnii ntxi Hiiliirdny, IMcnlo dlnmr nd pioKiiim in camp Kround. Frlnda urn inviifd to coino and liriup ihi'lr lunch lutakcta and enjoy thcnulv-a dlvorr- from (1, c, !akir to whom aha waa married nt I'oiiliind In Jnn inn Thrcultnlim to kill, awBiirlna. fnlliir to provi.ii. ami crinl tnatm.nt aro aom of haiB. ii-fi.rrt.d aKiilnat linker by lli wlfi. who diMlri-a to rcaumo hur maiden name, Ida Muchlor. Notice la hcrehy alven that thera will Hrw reaiiltlnc from it faulty chlmm-v. Im n mctina- of the iw. mi,. i.... 10 u,e f'0"'"1 ' i-i-nldence of im,t Mini,,- I..,.. " I'HddiMk at Canemuh Monday uf i. .a v ir ... u ... .' . ... temwin, Ncliihhora aaalatvd memhera of KrM.v i riHa M.ti-i... ...... - , - . , ..,..,,, . ., riimiit. f,. M,.t'l. at,,. t.li ..... (tl pttium ,.,,irt in int. hoiiaehold etlecta hut tho building, which waa only recently purchaaed by the Iad dock family, win totally d.atroyed. The building and contenta were not Inaured July pr N. l!)G. I. Inn K at o'clock. Jonea, Hi'O. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Morfitt. of Oniarin have been the mieata of Conernah riicndi. meaara, Wal ac Mefnril nA r.-.t n,, in m 1. 1-ll llHlint hnvn li.U,... narid of horaea to TlllamiKik. Miwa Nelllo Atmliiliv. of r,.liinhum WiiHhliiKton, haa returned ia h..mL aner a via t with Minn v,.im r.n..i.i Mra. K. T. 11. Thomaa and Ur J w iiiomua, of Molulla, were in the city Mlaaca Helen who have hw 'fl tttt ton tilts. T.,,,ti- -nlveralty at Foreat Orove. have arrived tiome for the Bummer vacation. V. M am. of Oarflehl, waa in the city t Friday, Mr. Olll returned only rZ : ' irn Oregon where ho ha been orannlzlng Orangea. If a reporta Kwd aucceaa at the work wwuk !.,, .v... l .. Will , '1 ,n" "ttni territory within a '"nrii Mr. T v , Srl-thTorX cTn Slar. h"Pt"r l the Eal- Monay to loan on rarma. Land Tltlaa mind. Dlmlck A Dlmlck, Lawytri, Oraoon City, OrB0n... r w i;r l amp meeting, jv .a,. ' ' " !-...- xu.cu nero peca ,.akera and medium. wllM i JU""Uiy n,m '""""O and fc. Ulb-.rn. Mlendance. nod campl, g yro!i d Bel """'l relcaed the fol- "J" ;Vh h " wn th keta day n'kef, lo" , hild '""'"'f m0,n,",f' Th" hU' wer8 Wm' J' ff"- under IJ. free. l.K)d hotel on 'h around Mam"r uu- rrpre- Mr. and Mra. M, A pen of carrier pigeon arrived hera mra. jjmio Walker Chenev. of Han franclaco. ia viaitlng with relallvea In una city. Edwin Ilyron. of Tualnti n. a nrnmlnont waamngion county pioneer, haa , been viaiung ma aaugnter. Mra. I). C. Ely. Mra. e.. Ulbaon. of The Dull,., i. u,. gueat of Mr. and Mra. Uood hotel on th ground. An Ice rream aoclal will tw given by the I.wer Uignn B.hool iXatrlet No. i i in lining Hull thla, Krhiiiy, evening, June 23. Kred Oerber waa In the city In rrmay and reMrta tlmt a good attend mic a expected, in third quarterly meeting of lh M. K. Church Mouth, will be held next watunlHj- and Bunduy at Teaala Crwk church. Ilev. . I. (inrdlner. of Juneib.n City, wilt be n attendanca to aaalat the puator, J, W, Craig. Taint! paint! paint! and tt It at Char n.iiliitlvi? for the expreaa comimny. Af ter being properly lubeled the pigeon wero releaaed by the agent Wedneaday morning. t oraeua a., wire or Will am D ion, a pioneer uf Clackumna county, died at the family home at Klyvlllo Bunday. l)e cenaed waa 74 yeara of age and ia aur vlved by a huaband and one aon, Elmer Dixon. ex-County Clerk. Interment waa had at Mountain View cemetery Tuea day. after funerul acrvlcea had been con ducted by Ilev. J. H the lute home. man 4 Co.'a. their prlcea ar. alwaya iu.t aUy, 'J"1 l BmMt Clty' The We,t el.,,. ' ' Bide la boomlna. Inatallmenta. V. M right Murrliige lh-enue were granted the latter part of luat week by Clerk Ureen man aa followa: Nellie Miller and Ch. vt. hunch; Wyona K. Burfua and It fl Hlaliiei ker; Adeline lluvekoat and Kortat Haatlnga. I'etltlona iM-urlng about fifty algna- la booming. Inatallmenta. E. M. Howell & Co., agenta, I. O. building. Governor Chamberlain ha leaned proclamation naming Monday, June 4, 19WS, aa the time for voting on the refer etxlum petition filed with the aecretury of atutet unking thut appropriation bill be aubmltted to a vote of the neotila Thla I the bill that carrle the appro print Ion ture. and aeklng for woman nltrage on ,h normBl choola Mr. Grarge Kidder and aon, Ceorge, amendment to Conatltutlon, were thla M" "h'''h ?otiltlrbl objection hua been J of Prlnevllle, Oregon, were the gueat ol amendment to Conatltutlon, were thla week filed with County Clerk Oreenmnn. Theae are the only petition of the kind that have been filed In thla county, The Autoflller, the beat aeir-filllng l ountaln Pen, f 2.80 and upwarda. Every pen guaranteed. Chatman & Co., drug glata, aole agenta. J. A. Tufta, the veteran confectioner, Included in hla elaborate decoration for the encampment, the auapendlng of an elegant, huge allk Hag from the norch In front of hla place of huaineaa. The nag waa only to be aeen to he admired. Hrt Inaert IhoH. Hearle waa on Monday elected a member of the board of director for the Ciujemah achool Dlatrlct No. 3 and t a meeting of the board of director monnuy evening, Bum L. Btevena wan re-elected clerk of the dletiict for the enaulng yea eallev. of Gladalnnn leave aoon for an extended vlalt In Eng- lunu and Hcotlund E. E. Judd. of Molalla. and Pie DeHhlelda, of Clackamaa. were Drevnn uity vialtora Wedneaday. Mlaa Clara Bchmclter waa called home to her parent Tueaday morning on ac count or the Illneaa of her mother. J. A. Spangler and daushter. Mlaa Lulu, of Corvallla, were the eueata Bun- day of Mr. and Mra. I,. I,, porter Mr. Fred J. Melndl la attenrflnv onm l4tmUboroogh at mencement at Monmouth and renewing in i!iniimim-e ai me aiumni reunion. Mr. J. A. Roman and aon. Samuel, ol Mt. Pleasant, left for their homeatead In Lincoln county, Monday morning. Mia Ida Roppel went to Aurora thla week for a vacation vlalt following the cloae of school. She will remain for aome time Mia IJcaale Gulnn. of Walla Walla, la viaitlng In thla cltv. the guest of her cousin, Mlaeca Ethel Green and Clara Nehren. Ir. Ceatle A tiu..... .' ".17 n, Welnhard Building. Th Commeneemi.nt hn's Parochia. High School wiU take t'luce on We(inea,l,.u t... . ...take i. . ""f muhb t(jin at Hhlve- LI 2'" M. The follow. grraauate from the loth mde and receive their diploma. John Hnuoan,. Wlllard P. Hawley Benha I Chamber. Flora r. ,.. ' 1 rlna J- Stl-brlt Thenle. v. h " r'? A chblahop Chrlatie. of Poland, wil address ,h claM and confer J" tlng honors. An excellent program ha. wm prepared for the nijoyable evening 1. prornllJed u ,,.nn,n i0 cents. Trial of Senator Mlieh..n i. i.. t Ported ,n United .CZTZ leveland farmer. Salem, Ma, Ion coun- oml " farmftr' Kerl Jowphfn, oun y n. h. Oliver, grocer. Pendleton. M mi C0Unty; B, rt "n. farmer McMlnnvllle, Yamhill e,. , . T ' ter, armer, Dallas. Polk county;' J P Clauson farmer, Rlverton. C004 county co.m v b 7 ' Hllver,on. Marion wunly; g. A. Carlton, farmer, Wellen Jackaon countv: n v n - ' iinrin vjiuin, iarmer, Harlan, Lincoln county; Frank War- ... .arner, warrenton. Clatsop county; w, H. Lewis, farmer. Jewel -i. county. -. Detail of programme for h - . campmeetlng of the Bplrituallst. of thla I 0 06 nel1 t Era July 8-30 are bemg completed. One of the proml nent lecturer of fhA . 1 iiarry j. Moore, ha been secured and will lecture on Sunday, July 9. Other talent In dudes Mrs. Eva M,.rv. - . Chicago; and Mr. Ella Royal William,, of Washington. D. C, who will give spirit message. The music will be under the direction of Mrs. G. C. Love f l ortland, and Miss Bernlce Williams, of vVimhlnglon. D. C. Th of the organization are: G. C. Love pres ident; B. F. Athene !.!.... Lorena Melndl, secretary! rsonr- t selle, corresponding- secret? Tnhn goyne, treasurer. May we Supply Your Dru Store Goods Wc serve many people living along R. F. D. faates with their Drag Store and Book Store goods. As we cheerMy take back any ensat tefactory article, and as we pay postage on all small packages, this is a most satisfactory ser vice. If yoo don't know the price, send enough, ior we make change by mail same as over the counter, easterners .who have accounts can order by postal card. We invite yoa to try this service. We guarantee entire satisfaction. Huntley Brothers Co. Progressive Dftirtrists. OO m The Y. P. B. C. E, of the First Pre. byterlun church will give an entertain. ment at Bhlvely Hull on Friday eve. nlng. June 23. 1906, to which all are moat cordially Invited to attend. A musical and literary programme will bo rendered including home talent and assisted by Miss Marguerite Shelley, elocutionist, of Portland, and Mr. J. Jefferson Tynlall, a tenor singer from Vancouver. VViah. Ington. Mr. and Mrs. McCord, of Mt. Pleasant this week Miss . Theo StackpoU, Miss Evelyn Hurley land Mr. Henry Btackpole . of 'ortlund, are guests of Mr. Kathryn Ward Pope Mrs. Clarence Hileman and Mrs. Wm Waring, of Tacoma, visited Oregon City this week, the guest of Mrs. E. J. Marshall at Canemah. Ilev. P. K. Hammond was at Portland Wednesday evening where he nreached the ordination sermon on Rev. Mr. Webb Rooms, partly furnished and suitable at st- Stephen's Chapel. for light housekeeping. Hath with hot Arthur Gallogly. a cadet at West Point water. Inoiilra 60S Jefferson street. MUit.rv A,-i.i..n,i- hin a ..r,, the eliiH. nt 1 Qrt? la .ma tir a vlalt n?tlh v !. ii. limine b, jacKaon. an aiiornev nr i ,-in. ...... r,,y,,. r-u,. ff,.M..tit,P0 an.. Ul.. A..r 1V.II rnb... I were man led last Wednesday In Ht. . . ' iin.o iwuii.vu iiuiii vuivnuiB n.iviv Liiey Paul's church, Ilev, P. K. Hummond of Helming. Grant 11. IMmlck and Mrs P. K. Httmmond and others witnessed the ceremony. Mrs. Jackson Is a native Q .... ... . i vutcRumus county, ana nus been r. w ,,.. on miuinery mis wecK at ,..,., the Ro.ehura- nnhlle .ch.w.l. Miss Goldsmith's. On the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, failure to provide and deser lion In August, 104, Mis. Sarah M. t-muips Is suing Matthew Phillips for a divorce In the Cluckumii county circuit court. The pintles were married at Port' laud In October, 1H!I8 during the past year. Hose burg their home. They will make Last Monday evening u volunteer (Ire depart mi nt was organised by the enter prlnliiR citizens of Willamette. Otto I olsen was chosen president nnd T. J. iary. secretary-treasurer. The neces sary apparatus will be purchased to give tills thriving town needed protection from fire. Subscribe to the Enterprise, best local paper In Willamette Valley. ' Frank Cnpen nnd J, F. O'llrlen were the successful candidates for director in the iinnuul school election for Willamette Monday. There were twp directors to he nnmed and In u' three-cornered ilKht, J. A. Moehnke, was the unsuccessful tiHplrunt. Flunk Newton has rented tho building on Main street adjoining the Commercial Hunk, formerly occupied by Wilson & Cooke, nnd about July 1 will open up undertaking parlors therein, For several weeks Mr. Newton has been at Portland nc.iiiiliitlng himself with the details of the business. W. W. Cotton, of Portland, has been appointed by President Roosevelt to sue ceed the lute Judge Bellinger as United Slates District Judge for Oregon. In asmuch as Mr. Cotton hus stated that he would bo unable to enter upon his new duties until September 1, the nn- polntment Is to take effect at that time. Senator Fulton strongly urged the ap pointment of Mr. Cotton, and the choice wiih also approved hy the attorney-gen ertil. , Buy a home at Sunset City nnd save rent. Values will increase. E. M. Howel & Co., agents. attended the annual commencement ex ercises of the State Agricultural College. J. Mcintosh, editor nnd nublisher of the Grant County News at John Day Eastern Oreaon. aceomnanled bv Mrs. Mcintosh were Oregon City visitors the first of the week. Mrs. Vinnle II. Walden and daughter. Miss Antoinette, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Charman and daughter, June, have re turned from East Auburn, California, where they spent the winter Howard Lntourette, of this city, a member of this year's clnss from the Oregon, has successfully passed the ex amination before the Oregon Supreme Court for admission to the bur M. E. Bain, formerly engaged In the newspaper business in this city but now located at Sumptcr where he is success fnllv cncaired in mining deals, was in the city tne latter part or last wcck Miss Myrtle Shonkwllcr, who was re cently re-elected as a member of the City Oregon City's Blnce the ooenlna. lt rwK chool ha enrolled thirty-six student The plan pursued for securing students and the method employed in teaching have been uch as to merit the patron age It haa received. The school 1 located Ht thp onrnAf rt Main and Seventh atreet in the Garde Block, which 1 a new and n,i equipped building . The annltane. uie sonooi are such as to afford all neces sary advantages to those pursuing the course. The equipment used hy h siuaenta or the typewriting denrmn alone represent an Investment of from nve to six hundred dollars. 8uch a training aa is offered by an Institution of this kind la Just what many parent noma cnoose for their aon and daughters. iToreBgor Allen, who is in ehr states that student are already enter. ing ror tne summer term, and that nil who intend entering for this term, for euner day or evening sessions, would do well to make arrangement at once 8tudents may enter at anv time, inrti. vidua! instruction I given no one being neia DacK by other not so aot or ener gene, run information regarding the courses of study with other particular will be furnished any who will address r-resmeni v. u. Alien. Oreeon Cltv rw The Herald of Eureka. Cal.. will send a party of five to the Lewis and Clark hxposltlon In August, paying all the ex penses of the party for a period of ten days. Those who will enjoy the generos Ity of the Herald will be the most dodu lar saleswoman, the most popular city teacher, the most popular postal employe the county teacher who receives the most votes, and the most popular lodge mem ber. Valuable prixes are offered also for those who stond second In the contests PETTIT & CO. Mantifacttttets and Deales in Lumber ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY Yard and Office Head of Molalla Avenue, Opposite Evethatt's Store ! Phone No. 1847 OREGON CITY, OREGON 0. W. P. Ry. Co. Sunday round trip rate to Estncadn. 75 cents. Tickets must lie purchased at Company's olllces. Lost On Seventh street between Main Htrcet nnd llr. Painter's residence on Seventh street, on the mornltw of April 29, a mink cape with long stole ends. corps of teachers In the Oregon schools, has been elected to a place in the Portland schools and will resign her position here. Attorneys Gordon E. Hayes and C. D. Lntourette went to Salem Wednesday where they appeared in the Supreme In the Interest of Ellis Hughe; whose suit for the possession of the large meteor found near this city was Among the notable features of tho Ar gonaut for June Iflth will be "In Area din," an extremely amusing article by Jerome Hart; "All In," a story of fron tier life by William H. Blssell; "Gifts for the Soldiers," n letter from .Helen Hyde, who tells of the things liked by Court Japanese soldiers nt tho front; and cm Iclsms of "The Vsurncr.. at the Colum iiv. lie iiu-ieui i, i bin Theatre, and "La Tosca" at the Cal- up Hr nrgumcnt Itlillllit llieniie, ,Y uuorniuiB I1HH ,, . J. U. Latourette, who hna developed l nt'ipa. I ... .... , ..... . . lino ll luii-iieiiHeu uiiuft HKCUl, leiurueu ,, ,., nvcunesony irom a trip to ustacnua una MORTnARE LOANS NEOOTAITED , , ..... . . - - ringie i;reea ami omer interior points oi at InniAiir raten T.n tnnent tn a nfnnn Cnm. . ... .... "v " ----".- tle county, jock is a good talker and ......... I T1....I. ll.tlljlnn ".HA.n I ""l,lu "u,,n "'. v...,. h nvnl.ably manages to land a sub ae.'l nt l,li fi'mn unnh 'l,-.tl,-rt h ntfnelia MlHcrennts broke into the Frank Busch . . . . ... j. j iciz, oi nunuy, was nn uregon i.ny uu.mu.c iacuuy e.u.e. u. lu visitor Monday. Mr. Tlet Is a farmer or on Sunday night, tine or tne electric and t8 cropB ,n R prom,H,nj, comll. motors was started full speed, placing t aUnouRln tne nny crop ,8 very DaoU. i.i ...ni...,i,c ... ufk.""... "-".ward. Timothy has not yet headed nnd criminal fled, leaving the power to do Its work. The motor pulley became red-hot and foil off, burning a hole In the floor. Belting; was burned oft tho shufts by the 1', a millK cape wuu h.uh mom t nun. mining was ourneu oil u.w euiaiiB vy iiiu (.'ape is lined with fur and tins' stolo ends terrific speed, and on electric receiver with brown satin. Reward will be paid was also destroyed. There Is no clue to ior uie l euilTl OI ine CHiu iu um e.nti - i iu lil.iy jm. ly uiu u iiirenei.vieu iio prise ollloe. will Bet what he deserves. For Sale Two good second-hand up- i. a .. t ,i, ,1 V, .i '.,c nine 1WU HUIIU nr,.uiiw'iir.i,u Me rui DIIIP- iivu Sul'u Bvuiiu-lltiuu lli- Tlght pianos, Inquire of W. L, Block, the right pianos. Inquire of W. L. Block, tho ui iiiviUC ifjtu,, w . H". v.j. , x v,, L,ii,ii v. .in,,., wirguii vii-j Mr. Tlotz docs not believe this crop will be sufllclently matured for cutting until after the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fried, Mr. and Mrs, John Balsdon, George Balsdon and Mr. and Mrs. John Mayerle, prominent Dakota farmers, are visiting at Oregon City, guests of their old friend, Rev, W. II. Wettlnufer, These people" are looking over the country and may become per manent residents of this section of the Willamette Valley. A SECRET. The richest of pure cream; the juice of ripe, fresh fruits; highest grade flavorings and pure crystal sugar carefully blended and frozen to a creamy smoothness by skilled workmen. This is the only "secret" of the sale of SWET LAND'S Ice Cream It is absolutely pure and contains no secret powders or "fillers." This "Ice Cream of Quality" is received fresh every day by J. A. TUFTS Sole Agent for Oregon City. FREE SOUVENIR. -When visitino- Portland, call at Swetland's, 273 Mor rison bt., and present this ad. You will receive FREE an attractive souvenir for table. How Do You Spend Your Money? Are you doing: it in a way to secure substantial bene r? m rr you hy'm somcthing aside for a "Rainy Day ? If not, you will never have a better time to be gin than now. To get quickly started in the easiest way, mLDo rr an account "A DOLLAR CIhe, Bank of Oregon City UNDER NEW MANAQEHENT W. KUPPENBEDER, President BEN. KUPPENBENDER, Sec & Trea. Oregon City Planing Mill Co. Doors, Windows, Mouldings And all Kinds Stock Patterns of Mill Work Always on Hand. Estimates on Contracts Made Free of Charge. AMI Nature's Best Remedies combined by HIGHEST SKILL into a Perfect Tome Improves Appetite aids Digestion Overcomes Biliousness peevents Catarrh cures' Constipation strengthens Nerves Gives Ai Jed Vigor to the Entire System. Guaranteed, Samples Free. CHARMAN & CO. Dependable Druggists, SOLE AGENTS. Do Yoa Kno.w Anything ABOUT Eppley's Perfection Mil Mir? If not you should know.- It's a pure article put up in pint Mason jars full weight. OASTOniA. Bean ft A The Kind You Have Always Sold by all Leading Grocers O A TO XIX .A.. Bears th Tha Kind You Haw Always Bought