Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 23, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Oti Correspondents' Corner ;
Brief Hits of Gossip From
Correspondents are requested to re
new their work. We will furnish all
necessary stationery. The newi from
your neighborhood should appear In
these columns every weefc.
Mrs. Harrison, an aged lady, fell from
bugsry Sunday and was quite seriously
hurt. Pr. Start, of Portland, was called
and found that no bones were broken but
quite badly bruised.
Miss Hanoi returned to her home In
Corvallls Monday.
Mr. Pearl, of Portland, was a guest In
Parkplace Sunday.
Monday nljtlit was the annual school
meeting. Mr. C. B. Johnson, of Glad
atone, was elected director a,nd an eight
mill tax was levied.
Mrs. Russell, who has been keerlng
house for the late Mr. French for several
months, left for her home In Portland
Monday evening.
Willie Rivers came home from Ra
nler the last of the week to visit with
his parents for a few days.
Mrs, Blood and family have been vis
iting at Mr. Brayton's for the past week.
The sudden and unexpected death of
Mr. Emery French on Friday morning
at ten o'clock was a great shock to the
bereaved family and to the whole com
munity. Thursday he was out riding
and at five o'clock Thursday evening
he complained of a pain In his side and
It grew rapidly worse. Dr. Stewart was
called but as soon as he saw him he
said there was no hope. Friday morning
he called for
minister and a lawyer
and was conscious until the last, which
came at 10 A. M. Friday. He leaves
four children to mourn his loss, his wife
having died two years ago. Mr. French
was a man who was highly respected
by all who knew him and by his death
his family has lost a loving father and
neighbor. The children have the sym
pathy of the whole community.
Torture of a Preacher.
The story of the torture of Rev. O. D.
Moore, pastor of the Baptist Church, of
Harpersvllle. N. T.. will Interest you.
He scays: "1 suffered agonies, because of
a persistent cough, resulting from the
grip. I had to sleep sitting up In bed.
I tried many remedies, without relief,
until I took Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs sod Colds,
which entirely cured my cough, and sav
ed me from consumption." A grand cure
for diseased conditions of Throat and
Lungs. At Howell & Jones, druggists;
price 60c and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial
bottle free.
The school meeting advertised for Dis
trict No. 61 to be held on Monday eve
ning, June 19. was postponed until
Thursday evening.
Miss Louise Humphrey, of San Jose,
Cal., was the guest of Misses Agnes and
Ethel Mather over Sunday.
Mrs. J. Ray Tressnon and little
daughter, of East Portland, visited with
the family of A. C. Hayward last week.
The baseball team of this place played
at Gresham last Sunday. The Clackamas
boys won the game by a score of 28 to 8.
Mrs. Levanna Smith, Mrs. Florence
Wilson and others went, to Portland on
Monday to attend the convention of
Seventh Day Adventists.
Rev. W. H. Moore left for the East
Monday of this week. He was called
there by the death of his father and ex
pects to be gone about six weeks. On
Tuesday Mrs. Moore and son went to
Eugene for a visit.
. Mrs. Shirley Buck is visiting at Hub
bard and Newberg.
Children's Day sen-ices were held In
both of the churches last Sunday
and were well attended-.
I The weather is fine and crops are get
ting on fine except some spring oats,
the aphis seems to be doing great dam
age to some fields.
Mr. Leathe Douglas and wife, of the
Eastern Oregon country, are visiting rel
atives here.
Grandpa Deshazier spent a few days
with relatives here.
Rev. Cline, of Portland, and Rev. J.
CllneW. Esson were In Dover last week
and held a meeting on Thursday eve
ning .
A. J. Kitmill were at Eagle Creek last
A school meeting was held Monday
the 19. Joseph Delshazier, Mr. Eard
man and Mr. Woolf were elected direc
tors. Mr. Edward Clark voted that a
three mill tax be levied. An anteroom
and bell and other Improvements will
be had.
Mr. Guy Woodle has gone to Damas
cus to work.
Nice weather for a few days.
Charlie White returned home from
Portland Friday.
Mrs. Frank Jagger Is on the sick list.
Mr. John R. Lewis Is having the lum
ber hauled for his new barn.
School closed here last Friday with a
fine programme in the afternoon. Eighth
grade diplomas were presented to Isa
belle Gregory, Lizzie Lewis, Sarah Thorn
as and Edwin Gregory.
Mammie Edwards was the guest of
Edith White last Wednesday.
Henry Hornshuh and family moved to
Oregon City the first of the week.
The strawberry pickers have all re
turned home.
The ball game 8unday between the
Macksburg and Shubel teams was won
by Macksburg by a score of 12 to 9.
A dance will be held at the Beaver
Creek hall on Friday night, June 23.
Mrs. Wm. Davis was the guest of Mrs.
London Sunday.
Mr. R. M. Cooper has gone to Port
land on a business trip.
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Haw Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
All Parts of lh County.
Christina Hamilton, who has been at
tending school at Portland, will apend
the summer at this place.
Elmer Walker and family have moved
to Portland.
H. Mattoon drove to Portland Monday.
Grandpa Wheeler, who lives with W.
H. Mattoon. Is on the sick list. His re
covery Is very doubtful.
There will be no sen-ices at Viola on
Sunday next. This will give all an op
portunity to attend the union meeting nt
Viola. Redland. Sprlngwater and ad
jacent communities will celebrate Inde
pendence Day in good old style on Little
Clear Creek one-half mile from Viola.
We are glad to know that Attorney Q.
E. Hayes, of Oregon City, will give the
address of the day.
Mrs. TMIve Miller, of Portland. Is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Tenny.
School closed at this place Friday.
Miss Gem Bruno Is staying with her
grandmother. Mrs, J. Knotts.
Ruby Toedtemeyer, who has been 111
U'ith i-firlnt fai'nr la (mnmvlnff ranlillv '
and will soon be restored to health.
The school meeting was held Monday
and the following officers were elected:
D. R. Plmlck was elected director and
Will Draper, clerk.
Mrs. B. J. Helvey was the guest of
Mrs. J. H. Burns last Wednesday.
A. L. Jones was a caller at the home of
John Bums last Sunday.
J. H. Burns made a business trip to
Portland this week.
Warren Lee. of Canby. made a busi
ness trip to Vnion Hall last Monday.
Mr. H. H. Wheeler, of Heppner. came
down last week to visit his wife and
sons, Irvine and Bert. Mrs. Wheeler
and youngest son have been here In this
place for some time for the benefit of
the boy's health. They Intend to re
turn to Heppner this week.
Mr. Dave Fancher. of Oregon City, at
tended the plcnlt In Metropolitan Park
last Sunday.
Mr. Alvin Phelps has been visiting
relatives at Portland and attending the
Fair during the past week.
The Secret of Their Increasing Charm.
It is really surprising that In such a
short time there should be so marked
an Improvement in the apper.rance of so
many Oregon City ladies, but It Is not
surprising when the cause of this Im
provement Is known.
Few women are willing to disclose their
complexion secrets but It Is pretty well
known that In many Instances the Im
provement Is due to Laxakola.
Rarely Indeed does any purchaser fall
to receive Immediate benefit from the
use of a 25 cent bottle of Laxakola and
In not more than one or two Instances
have Huntley Bros Co. been called upoa
to refund the money.
Laxakola Is a fine tonic as well. It
brightens the eyes, quickens the circula
tion, opens the pores, stimulates the liver
and by Its beneficial action upon the
bile pigments it freshens and clears up
the skin and gives It a clean, velvety ap
pearance. This statement should Interest every
one who Is costive or bilious or subject
to nervous spells and sick headache with
coated tongue and a cloudy, sallow com
plexion, for Laxakola Is the only liquid
laxative sold In Oregon City with the
positive understanding that it absolutely
must relieve these conditions or Huntley
Bros. Co. will cheerfully return your
Uncle Henry Wolfe Is kept busy now
days setting traps for gophers In his
potato patch.
Elisha Riggs, of Portland, was here
looking after his farm. He says the
Fair Is fine.
Charles and Jacob Wolfe are visit
ing their father. Henry Wolfe.
Macksburg's baseball team defeated
Shubel Sunday by a score of 13 to 8.
Jim Alkins is making a baseball gTound
along side of his picnic ground.
Jim Mitts, the road master, is doing
good work around here.
Casper Wlsemandel had an auction on
Saturday and sold out. He has bought
a place near Oregon City.
Chester Smith and Leonard Weiner
have some kind of harness that they
wear they look like suspenders they may
play better ball now.
Just What Everyone Should Do.
Mr. J. T. Barber, of Irwlnvllle, Ga.,
always keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at
hand ready for instant use. Attacks of
colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come
on so suddenly that there Is no time to
hunt a doctor or go to the store fpr med
icine. Mr. Barber says: "I have tried
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy which Is one of the best
medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of
It In my room as I have had several at
tacks of colic and It has proved to be the
best medicine I ever used. Sold by Geo.
A. Harding.
Mr. Finnegan received the prize at the
Lewis and Clark Fair for having the
largest strawberries.
Mrs, Marr was visiting Mrs. Smith
last Wednesday.
Mr. Bottomlller was visiting In Mt.
Pleasant last Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Warner and Mrs. King were the
guests of Mrs. Kellogg last Sunday.
Miss Rowland left for Portland last
Sunday where she expects to remain for
some time.
Messrs. David and Thomas Rowland,
of Kansas, are visiting their sister, Mrs.
R. O. Thomas.
Miss Berkhart was the guest of Miss
Braker last Sunday.
The revival at the Presbyterian church
conducted by the Rev. Levi Johnson, of
Portland, Is very well attended each eve
ning. Much interest Is being taken In
the meetings. Rev. Johnson Is a very
Best shears or scissors,
65c value 39c
10c Satin Ribbons, per yd 5c
Laces and Embroideries,
10 to 25 per cent off.
Canvas Gloves, leather
tips, 2 for 25c
Ladies bleached Vests,2 for 15c
Ladies Lawn Waists, 1.25
value J.08
Bargain lot Waists, to
Lewis & Clark Tumblers,
25c at the Fair, our
price till July 6 10c
Clothing at wholesale price.
Millinery Bargains, many
at less than cost, others
nearly cost.
Quids' Trimmed Hats 44c up
Ladies' 1.40 shoes, till 6th
July 98c
Ladies' 1.25 pat. Slippers
till 6th July 88c
Cotton Clothesline 5c
Cut prices on shoes 9c up
Cut prices on underwear. 50c goods 44c
and 40c, others cut to 33c
Cut prices on Hats 9c up
Arm & Hammer Soda pkg , . 6c
Starch 6c
Lemons.. ..ic Peanuts per lb 10c
Soap 8 bars good Soap 25c
Best bulk Lard lie lb
Better Lard aoper cent less in price.
Tin Cupi jc
Galvanized Pail, 8 qt ijc
Free Fire Gackers with
Coupons for Free Dishes.
Red Front Store
EC HAMILTON, Proprietor
pleasing speaker and his earnest and
practical explanations are received with
the greatest of attention and respct.
Sunday the M. E. Churches of Viola and
Redland united in the services and both
morning and evening, and the churches
were filled. The singing was excellent,
and especially the part taken by Mr.
Hamilton and family and the solo at the
close by Miss Hamilton. Next Sunday
there will be an all-day service, weather
permitting, it will be held In the grove
back of the church. Four other churches
will unite with Bethel , Sprlngwater,
Beaver Creek, Viola, and Redland, com
mencing at 10 A. M. with praise service
followed by regular morning service. 2
P. M. afternoon service will be held and
will be the last of the meetings. Try
and come and bring your lunch and
spend the day with us.
It has been some time since there has
been any news In the Enterprise from
this section of the county. Boring Is
still alive and prospering.
O. A. Palmer has had about 45 men
cutting wood for some time and has at
present eleven teams hauling. He Is
selling his wood to the O. W. P. & Ry.
J. Simpson Is starting his logging camp
here and will soon have It running full
blast. The logs will be shipped to a
Portland mill.
O. A. Palmer, Is preparing to start lug
ging soon. The logs will go to Portland.
The Hotel Boring has changed hands.
F. Walkley, who has been running It has
moved to Portland and Is running a liv
ery stable. Mr. Townsend Is In charge
at present.
Mr. H. Knox returned home from
Eastern Oregon, where he has been for
some time.
W. If. Boring has his new bam nearly
completed. It Improves the appearance
of his farm.
Vetsch & Sons have Just finished an
addition to their creamery. They have
two large combine churns installed.
Some farmers are busy making hay.
The hay crop Is not very heavy here
this season. Wheat and oats are look
ing good. The aphis struck some of
the fields but the warm weather Is too
hard for them and they are disappearing.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cook, of Damascus
were the guests of W. H. Boring and
family Sunday.
At the regular school meeting last
Monday, J. Johnsrude was elected di
rector and O. W. Boring, clerk.
J. Stone is erecting a large" barn on
his property here.
The way the black horses and buggy
are being used it looks as if the boys
of Boring will have use for their cow
bells and tin cans In the near future.
Mr. P. Tacheren and wife who have
been visiting relatives here have returned
to their home In Polk county.
O. W. Boring made a flying trip to
Sandy last Sunday.
The Original.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey
and Tar as a throat and lung remedy,
and on account of the great merit and
popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many
imitations are offered for the genuine.
These worthless Imitations have similar
sounding names. Beware of them. The
genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Is a yel
low package. Ask for It and rfuse any
substitute. It Is the best remedy for
coughs and colds. Huntley Bros. Co.
As the morning sun nroi
mountains last Sunday
8mntay, th spirit cif
was N-iiftnl by tinsi'oti
Mother Dixon w
hands to that better land. Mrs. IHxoti
bore her sufferings with a bravery Mint
1 litis been churiteterlBtle of her nature.
I She 1ms been a resident many your In
tlitn county, and, not far from Oregon
City, with willing hands helped imike 11
home. A llttla over a year no Mr.
and Mrs. Plxon sold their farm Slid pur-
, chased a home In this place- niul were
lleiisnntly settled, but the hand of fate
willed It to take her, mid at the ng of
7( yniis she pusscd peacefully ami
quietly away, lenvliitf an aged hiisbund
mid one son, Kltner, who with tils wife,
have been untiring In doing for the suff
cier all that was possible. The funcinl
w is held at the home Tuesday morning,
services hy Rev. iJimlshrotiKh. after
which ninny friends followed the remain
to Mountain View cemetery. The flow
crs were many and beautiful.
Mr Ij-wrllyn I out of town fur a few
ilays on business.
John R. Oladdln. of Whit Hulm'on.
Wash, visited Mr. Matehett Friday and
Saturday of lost week. He Is looking
for a location near Oregon City.
Mrs. Griffith Was on the sli k list for n
few days but la well and at work nnuln
The Children's lty exercises at the
fnlon 8. 8. will be held at 3 o'clock next
Sunday nt the church t Kly.
Mi- Hi ant has tot his new house com
pleted, at least It looks like u new one
us a lame amount of t'cinodclliiK has
been done on It.
Mr Pmiilley and family drove over to
Salmon and spent a few day with rela
tives. linulually the new sidewalk on the
Jayiae'ls Tonic Ve nMffiicfe
gives rosy checks and active health to pale, sickly children.
And it is good for their ciders, too.
Ask your druggist for it.
4444tmt4S4!4H4fl:i4f t t4m4s!r !.
Frank B.vscei
Fttt'iutttt'e and Hardware.
V running day and night to make up for lost time.
r - -. i 1 u ..u-i 1- 1 i-M
i I UldUUldtlUICU ctllU WUUlCStUC ctllU ICldU. UUI k3U-VjLLCU IWt J
MSI 5uE5U""PROVED TO BE A PRIZE WINNER. We are taking nrrr.
now for this celebrated piece of furniture which will be
June 15th.
;:. I
' ' - 1
I 1 ,
J !
Warranted Steel
6 holes, 18; inch
oven, high closet P -
i i I !
Z B'-"rV't- IK
2 ; - ; , - - I
I P" ""N sJ Paint your! 'V Estimates fX w t
1 1 fv, VT'iM house with Bf J VV . I IMA tt
flllllll Nal sfltl
r... dZi ?l.75per,vJPa-" for fdUXxcfi
Rubber Garden Hose tm yM( VoWWfiNJtJJ gallon, ll V Building fJS''i'JO
$4.50 tor fifty fett.i - -vafy. , , M'lUttiS 0
MtowM Purposes u O
jWk I FRANlf - -.i, f
V LUtfTM'SV i,i I imV. Q I I 11 s' - TCT?T J,
main street nre belli put In and will
make a very noticeable Improvement.
Mis I.lnuln Hccly I slowly reriiverlnir
front the effect of the accident I" runaway.
No Heed to fear sudden attack of
cholera lufanttim dysentery, illan lioca,
or summer complaint, If you have Ir.
Fowler Kxtiaet of Wild Strawberry hi
the medicine chest.
Several from this vicinity attended tbn
dunce st Canby Biitiirdny evetilnii and
report A good tlnip.
Miss Bessie Clnrki returned home last
week to spend her Hummer vacation.
Mr. Itobcrt Abrahamsoii mid Mr. An
drew Hnkke, of Howard. Hoiith Pakota.
spent several day with Mr. and Ml.
Unbelt Clark of Mil plc.
Several of the Kills In Mil vicinity
have oiitunlted riding club. All they
link Is the divided skirts,,
Mr. tleorge MeCoimsi'k I hum for a
few day vacation.
Miss Leoiia Klstler. of Portland. I vis
iting her friend Bessie Clarke for a few
Several front here spent Sunday at
The Oaks neur Portland.
Mr. (Notice Randall and sister, Lottie,
visited nt Clarke' Sunday.
Mr. Klmer powncy and Mrs. C. A
Clarke were (Ircetiwood visitor Sunday.
Mr. ami Mr. Wm. ltundall called on
Mr. and Mi. II. II. Cursory Sunday.
Mr. und Mr. C. V, Stoker called on
Mr. ami Mis. licorice Itld. r Sunday.
Mr. tiorikm Hover ha purchased a
new riding pony.
During the Fair
you will have to
put up an eitra
bed to accom
modate your
friends Buy
one of our
Full sizo Bureau, fine
clear Mirror, made out
of thoroughly seasoned
lumber, finished in
golden oak, dark cher
ry and white maple.
Sold for cash only.
Special price in dozen lots.
' i!
Look at our $7.50 Ex. Table j!
Furniture & Hdware
nil i ' z
21 I 1 . I
II ft 11
Pronounced by World' best
expert Thn World's Best
(inuid PrUo lllitlirst Award
St. I.011I World's Fair.
for ey
tola Ag.n.y for Oregon City.
For tale st a Bargain.
tieiitlenmii, forty -Inch Hirst, fur dis
posal, daik lounge suit, gray suit; both,
new; never worn; accept tit each; soli
able doctor or business man. "A. M ." r.
11. Kins' Library, Might stieet. All. .11.
Hunt. Uindon ICiprr.
has been built up again and
Only warranted goods are
-vttt crtniitrn ir 4 r
ready for delivery about
. ..
... ,
Such a led is always welcomed in the children's bed
room, too.
r fA&Yjl
We sell a good one for $2.50
some doors left that were slightly damaged
by our disastrous fire, which will go cheap.
i i z
Cots. $2.25.