OREGON" CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. JUNK 16. 1005. Out Correspondents' Corner ; Brief Hits of Goi? From Correspondents ar requested to re new their work. We will furnish all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear in these columns erery week. CARUS. Emerson Spats spent Sunday with his folks. Mr. and Mrs. Pan Spati. Mrs. Williams, of Haieldale, called on Mrs. Emmott Monday afternoon. Tom Inskeep was the guest of Bertha Spangler Sunday. The Davis Brothers attended church at Mulino Sunday evening. Mrs. X. Maule and Mrs. I. E. Jones Bond. Berthena Howard. Pearl Trullinicer and Clem and Robert Maule attended Chil dren's Pay at Mullno Saturday. Glen Irish has returned home from Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. Vm. Smith made a bus iness trip to Molalla Monday. Ijiwrence Derringer and Leu Buckner spent Saturday and Sunday at their homes. Ed. Howard and family visited with Mrs. TTuIllnyer at Union Mills Sunday. Henry Hornshuh has sold his farm and will move to Oregon City in the near future. REDLAND. E. M. Buck is now busily engaged In at tending central. Mrs. B. E. Courtwrlghfs children are down with the chicken pox. Mr. and Mrs. G. Armstrong took In the Fair last Saturday. Wm. Bonney has his sawmill about completed. Messrs. E. M. and J. R. Richardson, of Idaho, are spending a few days with friends here. They expect to leave over land the first of the week driving a drove of cattle. Arthur Barrett visited with Joe Gill, of Logan. Sunday. ' Arthur Wolfer. who has been staying here for several weeks, expects to leave for Idaho in a few days. Mrs. E. Barrett has been visiting her sister-in-law, Miss Minerva Barrett, in Portland. Torture of a Preacher. The story of the torture of Rev. O. D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist Church, of Harpersville, N. T.. will Interest you. He scays: "I suffered agonies, because of a persistent cough, resulting from the grip. I had to sleep sitting up In bed. I tried many remedies, without relief, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which entirely cured my cough, and sav ed me from consumption." A grand cure for diseased conditions of Throat and Lungs. At Howell & Jones, druggists: price 50c and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. SHUBEL. Miss Bertha Moehnke, of San Francis co, is visiting friends and relatives here for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ginther attend the graduating exercises in Orgon City last Friday evening. Their daughter, Laura, was one of the graduates. G. A. Shubel is in Oregon City during the week as a juror. Will LIndau, of Astoria, visited with his sister, Mrs. E. Hornshuh, last week for a few days. Crops of all kinds are remarkably good In this community. Mr. Parry and family, of Beaver Creek, took a pleasure drlv to this place Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kleinsmith. of Oregon City, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Studeman, last Sunday. Quite a. number of the sports attended the ball game at Highland Sunday. Robert Ginther, who has been teaching school at Macksburg the past year, is in his old home once more. This time to stay, so he says. Someone, not far away, has been poi soning all the dogs In the neighborhood. While there may be no great loss to any one in particular, yet no man appreciates the spirit shown when a neighbor does things just that way. There is a law for such people. Joe Studeman, of Oregon City, visited his parents here last Sunday. Just What Everyone Should Do. Mr. J. T. Barber, of Irwlnvllle, Ga., always keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand ready for Instant use. Attacks of colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that there is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for med icine. Mr. Barber says: "I have tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy which is one of the best medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of It In my room as I have had several at tacks of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine I ever used. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. ELDORADO. Curtis Helvey was making hay this week. Wm. Jones has gone to Oregon City to clerk in a store. Mrs. Moshberger visited Mrs. Emmott Sunday. Charles Spangler and wife spent Sun day at Molalla. Misses Eliza Burns and Ella Cans were the guests of Mrs. A. Jones Sunday. Misses Jones. Bond and Kinney went to Portland Sunday. Viva Kinney and daughter spent Sun day with Mr. E. Jones and family. Bob Shubel has bought a new horse. Bob Schoenborn spent Sunday at home. The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless Imitations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Is a yel low package. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. Huntley Bros. Co. As to Tainted Money. While yet the lamp holds out to bum John D. need feel no great concern. All Pirtsof th County. f VIOLA. Viola can show the finest crop of new potatoes In the county. Seven of our young iHHple are picking strawberries nt Hood River. Mrs. W. D. Brown Is visiting her sister at lbanon. Rev. Fatton, who was In Viola Satur day reported the meetings at Dover a great success. Gypsies are quite numerous In these parts of late. Old Ximt memories cause the farmers to be somewhat nervous. Three horses lately disappeared from Viola. Rev. Fatton. W. p. Brown and Mr. Ward are the unfortunate losers DOVER. AV. 8. Tunran, of Cherryvtlle. attended the revival meetings Sunday and Monday. Mt. Zlon and Eagle Creek were well reprsented at the meeting Sunday. George Wolf Is as yet unable to walk as the result of a dislocated knee. A large crowd attended the baptising at Eagle Creek Tuesday. The M. E. Church has been greatly revived and strengthened during the re cent meetings held by Rev. Fatton and Capt. C. O. Branson and wife. The preaching was powerful and convincing and the duets by Mrs. Branson and Rev. Fatton wen? very attractive. May, success crown their efforts at Eagle Creek as at Dover. Dr. Green's Great Puxxle. Dr. 0. Q. Green, of Woodburrv. Kw Jersey, will mall for a 2o stamp, (simply for postage), one of hla great novelties. a wooden box with glass top contain ing six little colored balls. It necessitates remarkable quickness of the eye and hand to master It, but it is possible, with practice. Bend tor one and mention The Enterprise. STAFFORD. Pleasant weather for a week. Mr. Nimlc has not been feeling well for the past few weeks. An old Injury to his back caused by lifting is the trouble. His horses ran away last week, broke the ton gue, ran across the Meridian road into the brush which stopped them. Mr. Nim lc jumped when they first started and escaped unhurt. Mr. Scott, a brother-in-law of our post master, Is about to buy Mr. Chowder's place. They are very well pleased with it. His family are with him. An Eastern man was around this week inquiring about land and when told he could not buy a farm in Stafford or vi cinity short of 1100 an acre, he was won derfully surprised. Thought surely he could buy anything In Oregon for from $35 to HO an acre. Oregon people. If they are web-footed, know a good thing when they have It, and while they might be willing to sell at a price, they must get something for all their hard work dur ing the past years. The fields are beautiful now with grow ing grain just beginning to head and promising a full harvest. J. L. Gage arrived from St. Helens last week and has been engaged in painting his father's house. Some people who have visited the Fair say It Is a poor affair, no place to rest and meal tickets exhorbltant, but then some folks never would be satisfied. A young man isitlng In the neighborhood says It is a wonderful sight, and no Oregonlan should miss It, and says each person should carry a camp stool, which are made very light, and a lunch, then when lunch time comes refresh yourself without wasting precious time waiting to be served. Small patches of early hay have been cut. Everyone has a rose show in their own yard now. Some of the members of the new socie ty in Wllsonville were at work Saturday preparing the grounds for a picnic in Gage's grove to be held the 4th. Mr. Powell's team of colts run away Tuesday but the damage was slight. BEAUTIFUL. OREGON CITY WOMEN. The Secret of Their Increasing Charm It is really surprising that in such a short time there should be so marked an improvement in the appearance of so many Oregon City ladies, but it Is not surprising when the cause of this Im provement is known. Few women are willing to diBclose their complexion secrets but it is pretty well known that in many instances the Im provement Is due to Laxakola. Rarely Indeed does any purchaser fall to receive Immediate benefit from the use of a 25 cent bottle of Laxakola and In not more than one or two instances have Huntley Bros Co. been called upon to refund the money. Laxakola is a fine tonic as well. It brightens the eyes, quickens the clrcula tlon, opens the pores, stimulates the liver and by Its beneficial action upon the bile pigments It freshens and clears up the skin and gives It a clean, velvety ap pearance. This statement should interest every one who is costive or bilious or subject to nervous spells and sick headache with coated tongue and a cloudy, sallow com plexlon, for Laxakola is the only liquid laxative sold In Oregon City with the positive understanding that It absolutely must relieve these conditions or Huntley Bros. Co. will cheeriuny return your money. MT. PLEASANT. The party given by Mrs. Thompson, assisted by Miss Snldow and Miss Braker, last Saturday night was a very success ful affair, a large crowd was present and all had a nice time. Misses Imogens and Wllmah Myers have gone to The Dalles to visit relatives. Mr. Hendrix and Miss Humphreys at tended the Fair at Portland last Satur day. Walter Braker left for Eastern Oregon last Wednesday. Mrs. Thompson was calling on Mrs. Rowland Sunday. Charles Andrew's oldeBt boy had the misfortune to get kicked In the mouth by a horse last Sunday. Dyspepsia bane of human existence. Burdock Blood Bitters cures It, promptly, permanently. Regulates and tones the stomach. dAKuAIN GOOD UNTIL JULY 6th. Best shears or scissors, 65c value 39c I Oc Satin Ribbons, per yd 5c Laces and Embroideries, 10 to 25 per cent off. Canvas Gloves, leather tips, 2 for 25c Ladies bleached Vests,2 for 1 5c Ladies Lawn Waists, 1.25 value i. 08 Bargain lot Waists, $ to value. Lewis & Clark Tumblers, 25c at the Fair, our N price till July 6 JOc Clothing; at wholesale price. Millinery Bargains, many at less than cost, others nearly cost. Childs' Trimmed Hats 44c up Ladies' 1.40 shoes, till 6th July a 96c Ladies' 1.25 pat. Slippers till 6th July S5c Cotton Clothesline 5c Cut prices on shoes 9c up Cut prices on underwear. 50c goods 44c and 40c, others cut to 33c Cut prices on Hats 9c up Arm & Hammer Soda pkg 6c Starch 6c Lemons . . . . ic Peanuts per lb . . . . 10c Soap -8 bars good Soap 35c Best bulk Lard lie lb Better Lard aoper cent less in price. Tin Cups 3c Galvanized Pail, 8 qt 15c Free Fire Crackers with Purchases. Coupons for Free Dishes. Red Front Store L C HAMILTON, Proprietor OREGON CITY, OREGON Bright' s Disease and Diabetes News. The New Fulton Compounds Hava a Record of 87 per cent of Recoveries Among Chronic Case of Bright' Disease and Diabetes, Heretofore Considered Incurable. Druggists know that Brlgbt's Disease sad Diabetes hare been regarded by physicians as Incurable sod that np to the adreol of the Fulton Compounds that nothing 00 their shelves would touch it. It is s proven tact that nearly nine-tenths of ill cases are now curable, and druggists themselves are taking the new Com pounds. One of the recoveries was Dr. Zelle himself, the pioneer druggist of 623 Paclfio street, San Francisco, sod be gave It to over a dozen others woo recovered. Here Is another Interesting recovery (We copy from the Sacra mento News of November It, 1902): "After s serious Illness of over a year Judge J. R. Allen of this city has recovered and re. gards himself most fortunate In successfully battling with what is generally regarded ss fatal malady, Bright' Disease of the Kidneys. In speaking dt his case Judge Allen said: '1 believe that the treatment given me by my physician ws In accordance with the be methods used In the regular practice of medi cine, but it afforded me no relief. Hearing of the Fulton Compounds I went to San Francisco to investigate and was soon convinced I should nndergo the treatment. It was three months before I noticed a change for the better. I used the medicine faithfully for nearly s year and ean now find no evidence of the disease and am satisfied It is entirely eliminated. My ap petite Is good, I have gained seventeen pounds In weight and will be pleased to describe my experience to anyone who may call or write.' " -Sacramento News, Nov. 1, 190H. The editor of the News himself was the friend ? ho told Judge Alienor the Fulton Compounds, bey are the only things known that cure Brlgbt's Disease td Diabetes. Fulton's Renal Compound for Mrlght'a and Kidney Diseases, I): for Diabetes, $1.50. John J. Fulton Co., Washington street, San Francisco, sole compounder. Free analyses for patients. Send for Pamphlet. We are the exclusive agents for these Compounds in this city. Charman & Co., City Drug Store. winssor Pronounced by World's bost exports The World's Best Whiskey. Grand Prize Highest Award St. Louis World s Fair. For Sale oy - E. MATTHIAS -Sola Aoeney fer Oregon City. mm II PARKPLACE. The commeiuH'ment exercises for the school yir W4 and liS which closed Inst Friday were plianlng and Instruc tive to the extreme. ' Only lliu highest complimentary terms should be used In commending tht pattlolpnnla and others who were Inxlvumrnul in miking the cliKlng I'Kcrclscs of the past school year so successful. The productions of (he duns were well delivered and worthy of the efforts of those of mote mature year. The class prophecy, by Kmery French, whs especially Interesting and showed much deep thought. The salutatory lul iIivns by Gladys fhelley was well rendered also the piano solos l.y Kute Hiunner and Esther I' Hen. The lilslory of Lewis ami Clink by Victor Gault deserves much credit, and the class history by Otto I'ur cell was Interesting In every detail. The vocal solos ly Miss Juliette I'ross nnd MIh M.ule Frederick were highly appre ciated by graduates nnd audience, Mr. Gilbert, of I'ortlund, gave a plain, prac tical, yet Inspiring address that will he lung remembered by every one. Mr. Ap person ,wlih a few felicitous nnd well chosen words, presented the graduates with their diplomas. The success of the graduating class retlects much credit on their teacher, Miss llaeiiel, of t'orvnllls. Mrs. F. J. CutteFleff for Seattle, Wash ington, Monday evening. Mrs. 1. Freytag and daughter. Noma, have been spending a fi w days with Cap tain and Mrs. Smith. Mr. Kirk and family are preparing to move to California In a few days. Walter Morris left for Eastern Oregon Tuesday morning where he will spend the summer. The Parkplacc school of nine months term closed Friday, June 9. Miss llaeiiel Is going to spend two weeks vlslthsg the Fair before returning to her home at Corvallls. Oregon. Mrs. Wm. Holmes In company with her two daughters. Myrtle nnd Marie, and Miss Cutter, were out driving Tuesday evening when a run awuy team ran Into their rig, breaking the buggy nnd came very' near running over the occupants. They fortunately escaped without any serious results, but wero very much frightened. Teams should not be left standing on the strets without being tied when the driver Is awuy. iFismitwte and Haidwaie. t ft t s) UR FURNITURE FACTORY in Oregon City running day and night to make up for lost time. cnM wholesale and retail. O SUREStT" PROVED TO BE A PRIZE WINNER. We are taking orders f A 0 ."9 now for this celebrated piece of furniture which will be June 15th. Writing Desk $5.50 in - v!-r"'- j . ., , ; 1 1 I .. i"rl i c III,! t f - r I r: : Warranted Steel Range 6Iho!es, I8 inch C7 ft oven, high closet 9 ' Ssjjl fill 1 I f :? t t t t t Rubber Garden Hose $4.50 for fifty feet. Mill 1 m&M 9 m-ti4i4Mmm4meemm4-mt CAN BY. Mr. Chas, Uorioutilis Is at hums again after a month or more with th steam shovel. Mrs. M. C. Kirk ptnt lBt Sunday nt Can by. " t.licke llros.' leant run away on the streets last Friday and created simin ex citement. The wagon whs badly broken tip but no further damage, done, Camp meeting begin June 29, The profit tun itimonuccd give promise of be ing exceedingly Interest lug. Mrs. idith has sold the faulty to a Mr. Sears.'" a late arrival from Oklahoma, Mrs. ltoili will move out on the farm again. Hchool closes at the Mctidoif school houw on Friday of this week. Prof. Kcclca will have completed a most suc cessful term. Key. lloiisfl Is In Halt-lit tills week at tending the cotmnnccnient of his Alma Muter and renewing student uru,milntun ees. Itev, It. K. Punlap, of I'ttytmi, was at t'auby last Week, lie made arrangements to Install a hew gasoline engine and pump at the Canity grounds. I'r. ivdman. Adam Knight. Mrs. Ko.lt er and Miss Harriet Hates attended the tlrnml fridge In Portland last Week, The Fair too, of course, Wo are glad to nolo that Canity How has a first-class furniture store, The pro prietor are W. II. Hair and Itiilpli KnlglitJ the latter being In charge, A splendid stock of the choicest good have al ready been placed on exhibition and more are coming nearly every day. The seating capacity of the Methodist Church was severely taxed last Sunday evening by the audience which assembled to hear the pastor preach the Odd Fel lows' memorial sermon. Home forty or fifty meiiiher of that order and of the Hebekuhs lodge attended In a body. Since we failed to report last week, we may be pardoned for saying now that burglars broke Into the store of Tost master leyoe on Saturday, June 3, and carried away sum $fi0 worth of glasses, lasitrs, etc. The mtofnc department was not disturbed. Fntrance was effect ed by the front door. Two hoboes were suspected but not apprehended. 50 During the Fair you will have to put up an extra bed to accom modate your friends. Buy one of our Full size Bureau, fine clear Mirror, made out of thoroughly seasoned lumber, finished in polden oak, dark cher ry and white maple. Sold for cash only. Special price in dozen lots. Look at our $7 4 Taint your house with Phoenix Pure Paint the best o n eurtli. $1.75 per .50 Ex. Table Jp""-"' Estimates If d-& m givenon jlpp Hardware lwM I NalIs AinTutowWowtoais gallon. v- - w - 11 Zrir-ffm FRANK BUSCH 4 2. u O Furniture & Hdware MACKSBURQ. Henry Wolfe has n.atln u1M, timviimrmt it Ills. t.1..... t... l timj mi 1 vii. Oinn Wright has sold his flock of to Henry Wolfe Miiikslnirg basettall leiun met dVf Hunday at lluhlmid, The corn wn B 1 If the wenllier continues B,)(j , ' will bo In full swing n.xt week. W), , and potatoes l.x,k finn, " Kltslui Itlggs has moved t i.,tl( . and has rented his flltm , ij jfgiiikii-. of I'ortlund. ' r Of Special Interest to Womin, It Is doubtful If any niher riewsp,,,,,.,. ln the United Hlates rater so sneei'ssfiiy the. varied Interests of the home ,j Tlln Ollrimo Kecilld-lteruld. Them u fashion article In every Issue; (),.,,,.,. incut devoted to Interesting Itriiis of ut). en. ling variety concerning mat ins n which wouii'ii have special lntires(; lhf gul Vive's "Woman llenutlfiil" elm,,,,' In which quest Ions concerning tin, ,,,,,' etc., ure unswrid and useful hint Br given, "Meal for n lay." Iiieliniin, menu anil recipes for th. threo meul every day; an Installment uf a high gm serial story, nnd In addition th "Miotics of the lny" column on the, rdllorlnl pugtt, 8. Klsi-r's humorous "Alternating cut. rent." the boys' and girls' page and I. Whitlows article on the Hunday s.hiKil li-sH.m in tint Friday Issue; also enlrtinln. lug and valuable book revlews.niid In th Hominy Issue iiuim-roiia special fushlnn, household nnd other article, nil very In. (renting to Ihn i, Including th brat full page of fashions appearing In any newspaper; "How to He llialthy nj IteHiitlful," by Mrs. Henry Hymen, "x I'nge for Hie Home I iresninaker," nnd two full page, beautifully colored, reproduc ing the Intent fashion. CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the Bignatore has been built up again and ; Only warranted goods are OUR SO-CALLED NO. JO t ready for delivery about ? IRON -fgtPi BEDS : Such a bed is slwsys welcomed in the children's bed room, too. Hammocks We sell a good one for $2.50 DOORS and WINDOWS ARE YOU GOING TO BUII.D? We heve some doors left that were sightly damajjed by our disastrous fire, which will go chesp. to 9 Building wf.j Purposes Cots, $2.25. imfms3 is I