Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 09, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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In the circuit Qsurl at the state of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
C. r James. Plaintiff,
Anna S Jimrt. Defendant
To the above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
Tou are hereby notified and required to
appear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled court
and cause, on or before six. weeks from
the Oat of the first publication of this
aummons. which Is first published on the
tad day of June. A. P. 1906.
An.l the date on or before which you
In the Circuit Court of the State
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
In the Circuit Court of the State ui Ruthi Mabel Tall an Plaintiff.
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
F. B. Hahn. Plaintiff,
Delia Hahn. Defendant
To Delia Hahn. the above nam I
fendant :
In the name of the State of Or. u m,
you are hereby required to appear I I
answer the complaint filed In the ai' '
entitled suit, on or before the 10th i'v. of
June. 1905. and If you fall to so a;
and answer said complaint on or before
the day mentioned, the P'alntlfT will
Harry Grant Twomev. Defendant.
To Harry Grant Twomey, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon:
numbered S3. In the Hint Subdivision or
f a portion of Oak Grove, save and except
ing thai portion deeded by the Oak drove
l and and Improvement Company to the
Kast Side Hallway Company as a right
of way. by deed acknowledged March !,
ISM. recorded March '.'. 1SSJ. In Hook 51.
,.l the Kecord of Deeds of said Clackamas
County, at page I'.M. together with the
annlv to the Court for the rclf ived
are requires to appear mi ht me . , h. complaint herein, to-wit:
14th dav of July. A. D 1905. which Is
the day prescribed In the order for publl-
Kor a decree of divorce dissolving the
Kinds of matrimony heretofore e .tlng
cation of this summons, ana you tan ,t,tt tne plaintiff and defendant and
ao to appear and answer on or before I for an othfr and propor a , iulty
aald 14th day of July. A. D. 1906. for ,h(, naUlr 0f ,he suit may require
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to Tns gUmmong 9 published by order of
the Court for the relief demanded In he Hon T A. jicBrlde. Judge of the
aald complaint, to-wit: above entitled Court, duly made and en-
For a decree dissolving the bonds of t4nd on the 25th day of April. 1906. In
matrimony now existing between plain- ' ,lnj hy which order It Is prescribed that
tiff and defendant, upon the grounds of thls summons shall be published once a
desertion and cruel and Inhuman treat- week for six successive weeks In the
You are hereby required to appear and Improvements thereon and the tenements,
answer the complaint tiled against you hereditament and appurtenances there
in the above entitled suit on or before junto belonging or In anywise appertaln
Saturday. the first day of July. 1906. be- . Ing.
Ing six weeks after the llrst publication ' Now. Therefore, by virtue of said at
of this aummons; and If you fall to an-jtachmettt execution. Judgment und arte
swer or appear, for want thereof, the j of sale, ami In compliance with the com
plainilff will apply to the court for the mands of said writ. I will, on Monday,
relief demanded In her complaint, via: j ihe 19th day of June, 1906. at the hour of
for a decree dissolving the bonds of mat- II o'clock a. in at the front door of the
rlmonv now existing between you, and I County Court House In Ihe City of Oregon
the plaintiff, and that the plaintiff be 1 City, In aald County and Stale, sell at
allowed to resume her maiden name. (public auction, to the highest bidder for
This summons la published by order of cash, all the right, title and Interest
the Hon. Thoa. K. Ityan. Judge of the which the said defendant, Henry Kaegl
Countv Court for Clackamas County, had In and to the above described real
Oregon, made and entered on the 17th property on the dale of said attachment,
day of May. 1906. The date of the first 1 to-wit: March 9. 1905. or which he has
publication of this summons Is May 19th ntnce acquired or now has therein, to
and the date of the last publication there- . satisfy said Judgment, execution, coats
The S. K. of lite N K of Hoc 25,
In T S a. .11. ti K of the Willamette Mer
idian and (.ni numbered Two CI and
UM B. W. M of the N W i and the H.
V of Ihe N K. of flee, 80, T. tl.
S It 7, K of the Willamette Meridian,
containing 161 73 acre,
Thai the Admlulatlatoi of said estate
has duly tiled In the above entitled Court
bis petition praying for nn order of the
sale of Ihe real properly above describ
ed, to satisfy Ihe claims filed anil al
lowed against (he above entitled estate.
Now Therefore. II Is Hereby Ordered.
That this citation bo published In Ihe
Oregon City Unlet prise for four consecu
tive and auccesslve weeks
Attest: County Judge.
County Clerk.
Dated thl 19lh day of May. A. l . 1906.
ment. rendering life burdensome, and
for such other and further relief as to
the Court snail seem meet.
Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper
published In Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon. The date of the first
This summons is published by order , publication of this summons Is CSth day
of the Honorable Thos. F. Ryan. Judge I of April. 1905. and last publication June
of the County Court of the State of Ore- j 9th. 1905.
gon. for the County of Clackamas. J. B. RYAN.
Made and entered on the 25th day of Attorney for Plaintiff.
May. A. D. 1906. ! ,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
'Flrrt rt.M?at!on June 2, 1905; last pub
lication July 14th, 1905.
Notlc of Sale of Real Property at Pri
vate Sale.
of Is June 30th. 1905. and the time order
ed for publication Is six weeks success
ively from and after the 19th day of
May. 1906.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
and acci ulng costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon.
First publication May 12, 1906.
Last publication, June 9, 1905
Saloon Llcen.
Notice Is hereb) glvet thai I will imply
at the next meeting of the , iiv council of
Oregon City fur a renewal uC my s.ilo in
license at my present ilnc.i of litisluuM,
corner of Main and Tomtit slice!.
W. K Wll.HoN
estate of Ole Han-
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas.
J. A. 8w eney. Plaintiff.
Florence M. Swteney, Defendant.
To Florence M. Sweeney the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon you
are htie'oy required to appear and answer;
the complaint filed against you In the
above entitled court on or before Friday
the 21st day of July. 1905. said day being
six wckj IttTS the 9th day of June. 1905.
the day of the first publication of this
aummons. and if you fall to so answer,
for want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for. to
wit: For a decree of divorce forever dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony between the
plaintiff and the defendant, and for the
care, custody and control of:
Lavanceur Sweeney, age 9 years.
Lawrence Sweeney of the age of 8
Delia Sweeney of the age of 6 years.
Sidney Sweeney of the age of 3 years.
11 Enterprise cmfwypmwy
and Austin Sweeney of the age of ltfc
years, the minor children of said marri
age The order for the publication of this
aummons was made by said Court on the
6th day of June. 1905.
W. S. P.REN.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the matter of th
son. deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed administrator of the above entltl-
The undersigned, having been duly au- estate, will sell at private sale on Frl
thorlied by the County Court of the State I day. the Kth day of June. A. D.. 1905.
of Oregon for Clackamaa County, here- and on any day thereafter, the follow
by gives notice that from and after the ing described real property belonging to
20th day of June. 1905. he will proceed to ajd estate, to-wit: The northwest quar-
sell at private sale to the highest bid
der for cash, the following real property.
ter of section 32. T. 8. R. 2 E of th
Willamette Meridian, also lota No. Ten I ami after Un
lit the Circuit Court of the Sat- of
Oregon, for Clackamas Countv
Maud K. Davis. Plaintiff.
Adelbert J. Dav I. Defendant
To Adelbett J. Davis, the above named
In the name of the state of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint tiled against you In
the above entitled court and suit on or
before the expiration of six weeks from
late of the lit Mt publico.
In parcels, or aa a whole, belonging tojao) and Eleven (11) In Block No. Thlr- ,.m f thl mimtnon. to-wll: on or lie-
the estate of James E. Currle. deceased,
and particularly described aa follows, to-
The south-west quarter of the south
east quarter, the eaat half of the south
west quarti r, and lot 4 of section 30.
teen (13) In the town of Scotta Mills. frc the 7lh day of July. 1905. and If you
Marlon County. Oregon. . I raall so to answer, for want thereof, the
Terms of sale: Cash In hand or eecurity plaintiff will apply to the court for the
approved by the i ountv Court.
Datel thl 12th day of May. 1906.
G. 11. D1MICK,
towr.shtp I north of range S west of the Administrator of the estate of Ole Han
Wi'.Umctte Meridian, containing 16.2.90 j son. deceased.
sere !n riatsop County. Oregon: n so
The north-west quarter of section 12,
township 3 south, range 5 east of the
Willamette Meridian In Clackamas Coun
ty. Oregon.
Bids will be addressed to the under
signed at Salem, Oregon. A. V. Craw
ford, administrator of the aatate of !
James E. Currie, deceaaed.
Administrator of the estate of James E.
Currie. Deceased. June 16.
In the Circuit Court of the 9tate of Ore
gon, for the Couaty of Clackamaa.
Sarah A. Hunter. Plaintiff,
Peter D. Hunter. Defendant.
To Peter D. Hunter, defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, within six
weeks from the date of the firat publica
tion of this summons, which expires on
In the Circuit court of the State of the 17th day of June. 1905. and If you
Oregon for Clackamas County. ' 'all to appear and answer, the plain -
j F. I. Marquis. Plaintiff.
tiff will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In the complaint filed in said
suit, to-wit: A decree dissolving the
J. K. Marquis. Defendant.
To J. K. Marquis, the above named 1 bonds of matrimony existing between the
defendant: I Plaintiff and defendant, for the care and
relief prayed for In her complaint on
tile herein, to-wit: that the bunds of
matrimony now existing between plain
tiff and defendant be dissolved ukiii the
grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat
ment of the plaintiff by defendant, and
of the practice of personal Indlgnltle
toward her . rendering her life burden
some; and that he be permitted to re
sume her maiden name of Maud F. Page,
and for such other and further relief
as to the court may seem equitable and
This sumons is published by order of
the Honorable Tho. F Ityan. Judge of
the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Clackamaa County, and said order
w.is made and dated the 23d day of Mn ,
1906, and the date of the first publica
tion of thl sutnons I the 2th day of
May. 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Notice Of Final Settlement
Notice Is hereby given that the under
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
E. A. Hamblin. Plaintiff,
B. J. Hamblin. Defendant.
To B. J. Hamblin, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon:
Tou are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you,
in the above entitled suit, on or before
the 24th day of June. 1905. being six
weeks after the first publication of this
Summons, and If you fall so to appear
and answer said complaint, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for In said
complaint, namely: For a decree of said
court, dissolving the marriage contract
and obligations now existing between
yourself and said plaintiff, and that plain
tiff may have all such and different re
lief as he Is entitled to In equity.
This Summons Is published by order
of Hon. Thoa. F. Ryan. Judge of the
County Court, made and entered on the
6th day of May. 1905.
In the name of the State of Oregon, i custody of her child. Paul D. Hunter, I signed administratrix of the estate of
you are hereby required to appear and an1 ror sucn other and further reller
answer the complaint against you In the ! M to the Court may seem Just and equl
above entitled cause on or before Friday, I table.
the 9th day of June. 1905. said day being Thl8 summons la published by order of
six weeks from the 28th day of April. ! Hon- Thos McBrlde, Judge of the Clr
1905. the date of the first publication of j cult Court ot ,he 8tate of Oregon for the
thia summons, and If you fail to so an- I County of Clackamaa. dated April zT.
swer, for want thereof the plaintiff will 195-
apply to the Court for the relief prayed i Tne date of tne nrat Publication is May
for. to-wit: For a decree of divorce for- ' 5- 1905; anJ of tne '"' publication la
ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony ! June 16, 1905.
between the plaintiff and defendant, and
for her costs and disbursements In this
suit, and for the restoration of her maid
en name of F. I. Umstead.
The order for publication of this sum-
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Herman Linn. .1 used, bus tlle.l In the
County Court of Clackamas County. Htnte
of Oregon, her final account a su li ail
mlnlatratrlx of said estate, and that Mun
day. the 3d day of July. 1905. at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m. ha Irecn appointed by
said Court n the time for hearing of
objection to ald report and the aettle
MM thereof.
Administratrix of the estate of Herman
Lin, deceaaed.
In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of I In the County Court of the State of
mons was made by said Court on the 25th Oregon, for the County of Multnomah. ; Oregon, for the County of Clackamas
day of April, 190o. Cecllle Kaegl. Plaintiff, In the matter of the estate of Seth
W. 8. U'REN. va. Austin. Deceaaed
Attorney for Plaintiff, i Henry Kaegl, Defendant. To Wlllard Autln. Harry Austin, Ann
I By virtue of an attachment execution. I Boyer, Hert Austin, and Lenora Mattoon
Notice of Final Settlement. Judgment and order of sale Issued out of and all other peron Interested In the
the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon j above entitled estate:
In the matter of the estate of Abra- for th County of Multnomah, to me dl- , In the name of the State of Oregon
ham Yoder. deceased. rected, dated the 29th day of April, 1906, you and each of you are hereby cited am
Notice Is hereby given that the under- I upon a Judgment rendered and entered In ; required to appear In the County Court
signed administrator of the above entitled said court on said day In the above en- of the State of Oregon, for the County of
estate has filed In the County Court of , titled cause, wherein Cecllle Kaegl, tha i Clackamas, at the County Court room
Clackamas County. Oregon, his final re- ' plaintiff, recovered Judgment against i thereof, In the City of Oregon City. In
rrv.- '.k. - J , port as such administrator, and the Court Henry Kaegl. the defendant, for the sum 1 said County of Clackamas, on the 30th
umc ui "l y I A . . ,
this notice la the 12th day of May. 1905.
and the time prescribed for the publica
tion thereof is six successive week.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Saloon License.
Notice is hereby given that I will ap
ply at the next regular meeting of the
council of Oregon City for a liquor li
cense for a saloon to be conducted on
Main street between Seventh and Eighth
atreeta. A. KNAPP.
has set Monday, the 10th dav of July. A. ! of 11250.00, with Interest thereon at the I day of June, A. D. 1906, at the hour of
D.. 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. I rate of six per cent per annum from said i 10 o'clock a. m., of the said day, then and
of said day. in the County Court room in I 29th day of April, 1905, and the costa of j there to show cause, If any you have
the county court house, in Oregon City, i and upon said writ, commanding me to j why said court should not grant unto
Clackamas County, Oregon, aa the time j make sale of the following described real j W. H. Mattoon the Administrator of the
and place for hearing any and all objec- property, I did, on the 10th day of May, i said estate, an order to sell the real prop
tlons to said final report, and the dis- 1905, levy upon the following described j erty belonging thereto, at public auction
charge of said administrator. real property, to-wit: or private sale, subject to confirmation
Dated this 5th day of June, 1905. That certain parcel of real estate sltu-
D. C. YODER, I ate, lying and being In Clackamas Coun
Admlnlstratnr of said Estate, ty, State of Oregon, and bounded and
Dimick & Dimlck Attorneys for Admlnis- particularly described aa follows, to-wit
and approval by the said County Court
and which reul property Is desi rltx-d a
follow, an undivided one-half Interest
In and to all of the following described
All of lots numbered 3 and 6 in Tract , lands, to-wit:
In Ihe Cltcull Court of the Hlale of On -
gon, for the County of Clackamas
John Keiu, Plaintiff.
Kutherliie Margaret Kent. Defendant
I'o Katherlne Margaret Kern. th. tboifl
named defendant
In the name of the Htnte ,f iireg.ui
You are hereby required to uppe-ir In tlu
above entlth-d court and answer the com-
plaint tiled ngaluat you In th ttbov enti
tled ull on or before the 22d day of July
1906, and If you fail o ( appear or an
wer for want thereof, the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the decree de
manded In the i 'ont plaint, to tt. for it
deelee of lbollte divorce
Thl aommoh I publllted pursuant to
an order made upon the Mth dn' of June,
1905. before the Hon Thomas A Mellil l-.
Judge of the above entitled court, and the
first publication I made upon the 9th
day of June. 1906
HltODIK A Mi'lti I KH
Attorney for Plaintiff
Date of laat publication. July II,
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
TUtrr Is It llisca-.e ptcvutlintr ill Oil.
I'liuttli v lined ilaiii;ci nun because so ileren
hi ti mil vv ii... m . . "
mnny Sllibleu
ilcalli tire cau.eit
ly il-hcart ,,,
ease, rmwilirmU
licnrt fiti tint- ,'
apopltgy tra oftta
the rriull ..I l.
my tlieae. If
Viilury Itoitlilp i,
lloWritll, ailCr;
tllckiilnrv -Miisoi.
nl liloisl -ill ...
l,,, L 0, .,ll..l .... ... ,
lv ..Ml ifiHHn, i i , n t r I a I a I 1 I of
the lilaiMrr, or I lie kltlm-v tUtaiMlvM
bleak ib'vvn ami waste avvav crll l.y ,-,.
lllaildrr Iroitlile almost always result
from a ilrratikjcnieiit of the kiilm-y and
a cure i obtalncil ijuickcst liy a pttitier
ticat ment of the kiiliiry. If you an- fe,
i it K I'uillv you can make no mistake liy
UElHI Dt. Kill tier' Swirop'Koot . thl
Krrut kiilnry, liver ami lilmlilrr rrinrily,
It correct inability to hold urine uw
ncalilitig; pain In MNiiii It, ami ovtfs
come timt unpleasant necessity of lieing
coapclVtd to go ofUut throttgli tin- (Hy
ntul to get up runny time ilurinv the
inula. The mild ami the extraordinary
e liect of Swamji-Root U xHiti realiir(.
It itattil the hiKhct for it irOBdvrfuJ
cure of the most distressing case.
Swamp Root is plruiuiiit to take nnd it
sold bv all drtiKKiot ill iilty cent atii
one-dollar ie bottle. You may have
ample bottle of tin wonderful new di.
I'ovrrv and a Itook that tells all about It,
both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. KiU
mer & Co., Kiughamtoti, N. V. When
writing mention reading tbi getieroui
oiler in tin paper Don't make any
m; stake, but rememlier t be name, S wamp.
Root, Dr. Kilmer' Swamti-Kout, ami t tie
addre, HaghgvBltOtt, N. Y., uu every
Notice of Annual School election.
Notice I hereby given to the bgal
iter of Sehisil District No :. t'lar Ka
ma Countv. State of Oregon, that Ihe
annual mhool elecllon for said dlalrlct
will lie held at the city hall. In Oregon
City. Oregon, to lM-gln at the hour of i
o'clock p m und continue until the hour
of li o'clock p in m the third Mondnv u-
Ing the Pith day of June. Iu6. which
leetlotl I for tire purpose of electing one
llrector to serve for the term of five
Dated thl 7th day of June, 11MI6
Chairman. Hoard Director
Att.i E E HltODIK. Clerk
June 16.
Nolle of Annual School Meeting
Notice I heiebv given o the legal
voter of School I .. strict No '.'. Clackn
ma County. State of Oregon, that the
Annual School Meeting will be held In
Ihe County Courtroom. In Oregon Oily,
Oregon, to begin at the hour of 7:S0
o'clock p. m . on the third Monday, be
ing the 19th day of June, 1906, for Ihe
pin-poo- of ubtnlttlng the annual report
of the directors and clerk and the tran
saction of biilne uaual at uch meeting
Dated thl 7th day of June. 1906
OMASUM Ai.HitioiiT.
Chairman. Hoard Director
Atteat: E F. HltODIK. Clerk
June 16.
laave Portland o . a, m. dally (asOMl
Hundnv i for Salem and way point
Leave Portland 1:46 Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday for lndeeiidence. Al
bany and Con lll. iage of wtrr
Wk Days
I-uve Portland
a. m.
a. ni.
p. m
Oregon city
Ticket en-hanged with O W I
p m.
J 30
l m.
Sunday Excursions
Pot Hand
ot city
A. in
9 30
a.m. a m. p in.
10:00 11:30 1:10
p m
P m.
3 30
6 30
A Serious Ovcnlght.
"Here," aald the editor of the Hlng
town Time after he had rend the new
rejHirter' tory. "don't ever lei thl hap
pen again If you wlh to keep your Job
here. In your critical review of the pre
sentation of Hamlet' by the company
which appeared ul the Grand Opera
HOUH Inst night you didn't mention that
II wa a sumptuoti performance.' The
manager paid u ti tiO for advertising,
and want to use our write-up In other
nmurv Mccictcc cause one-third of
munci viaciiaca the total deaths.
When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison
ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the
circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart
trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys.
corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the
cured of bright's disease whole system, and the diseases that have
Mr. Robert Q. Burke, Elnor. Saratoga Co., N. Y., write: I am glad to have n oppor
tunity of telling what magnificent result I have had from Using FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CURE after having tried other advertised medicine and several physicians. Before I began
it I had to get up from u to to times each night to relieve my bladder. I wa all bloated up
with dropsy and my eyesight was so impaired that I could scarcely see one of rr.y family
across the room. In fact, I was so badly used up that I had given up hope of living when 1
wa urged by a friend to try FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. One 50-cent bottle worked won
der, and before I had taken the third bottle the superfluous flesh had gone, a well all
other symptom of Kidney trouble. My friend were surprised that I was cured, a they
all thought I wa going to die. Every few day tome one come from mile away to learn
the came of the wonderful medicine that cured me of Bright' Disease, and not one that
hat tried it ha failed to bo benefitted.
resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear,
because the cause has been removed. Com
mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE
at the first sign of danger. Do not risk
having Bright's Disease or Diabetes.
Two Sizes, 60 Cents and $1.00.
For the Seaion of 190S.
Jeffrie, the beautiful Oiydedale stal
lion, fouled May. 1H99. weight 1900. will
make the Reason of 19o!j a follow:
Tuesday and Wednesday at 1'itnby;
Thumdny and Krlday at llelnx' feed
stable, Oregon t'lty, Hattirday at Mo
lalla. Term: $1: 50 to Insure standing
colt; )10 to Insure with foal, season 9.
single leap. JO. Season o-ns Tuesday.
April 111.'
M. It. BOTUDfi Owner.
Molalla. Oregon
The Inequality of Men.
They say that men are equal born,
That nil by working might attain
The fame and riches that so, few
Are fortunate enough to gain.
It mny be so. our talents may i
lie parceled out In etpml share,
Ho that by Working 'Mich (muld win
nut some men like to' rest nil day.
And some find Joy In toll, nnd there'
Where equality come In.
Offic and Dock:
Foot Taylor (ktrt
PhOna Main 40.
"Schnee Im Monat Mai."
Mike Hchnee of Khomherg avi
selling up the high ones over the arrival
of n ten pound boy baby at his home.
Mike's name means snow In English, und
he Is glad to get a ten pound fluke. Du
buque Herald.
Cuban Diarrhoea.
X'. 8. Holdli-rn who served In f'ubn dur
ing the Hpntitsh war know what this
dlaense la. and that ordinary remedies
hnve little or no effect than so ration
water. Cuban diarrhoea Is almost as se
vere nnd dangerous as a mild attack of
cholera. There Ih one remedy, however,
that can always be depended upon ns
will he seen by the following certltlcnte
from Mm. Minnie Jnrobs of Houston,
Texas: "1 hereby certify Hint Chnmber
Inln's folic, Cholera and Oinrrhnea Rem
edy cured my hnsbnnd of a severe attack
of fuban diarrhoea, which he brought
home from Culm. We hud several doc
tors but they did him no gooi). One bot
tle of this remedy cured him, na our
neighbors will testify. I thank Ood for
so valuable a medicine." Kor snle by
Oeo. A. Harding.
Maintain unexcelled service from the
Weal to the Kat and South. Making
lose connection with train of all trans
continental lines, parnger are given
their choice of route to Chicago, Irfiuls
vllle. Memphis and New Orleana. and
through lhee point to the far Kaat,
I'roHpccilvc traveler delrlng Informa
tion as to tli lowi nt rate are Invited In
correspond with the following represen
tative: 11. II TlH'Mlll'l.l., Commercial Agent,
142 Third Street, Portla.td .Oregon.
J O MNHSKV. Trav. Passenger Agent,
14! Third Street, Portland, Oregon.
I'Al'l. II. THOMPSON, Passenger Agent.
Oilman llulldlng. Begitle, Wash.
(Corrected Wkly.)
Wheat No. 1. 80c to 90c per buahel.
Hour -Valley, $1,(10 ped bbl. Ilaro
wheat 15.16. Portland. 11.25 per sack.
Howard's I lest, $.;6 per sack.
' mis In Macks tl :i7 1 2 per cental,
Hay Timothy, baled 14if16 per ton;
clover, HI to fiti oat, SI 3 to $14; mixed
hay, 112 to fill; cheat. 113 to $14.
MIIIhIiiITm limit, $21 per ton; abort
$23.00 per ton; chop $o per ton; bailey,
rolled $2ii per ton.
i 'iilibage role p, i dox.
Onion 3c per DOURd,
Polatoe$ to $l,:'5 per sack.
Peas to pound
Turnips, Carrots 10c dox bunches.
Strawberries-5c box.
(iooseberrles 5c p, i pound.
i ler
; Ital-Mvai
I'.hhm Oregon iT'.j l.i is', tier dox.
market strong,
ltnttei Punch, 30 to 40; i
creamery. 40 to 45.
Cherries ty to 5c per pound.
OOOd Apples. $1 to $1.26
Honey II to 1L''ac per pound.
Prune (drlad) Pctlto, 3c per it
Ian, large, 5c per lb; medium,
IH led Apples -Sun
I'jC pound; sliced, II
liri MSed Chickens - I2'jc jicr th.
Livestock and DreSNed Meats Iteef,
live $3.00 to $4.00 per hundred. Hogs
live, 6 to S 1-2; hogs dressed, 7V4 cents;
sheep, $2.00 to $2.50 per hd; dressed 6e,
veal dressed, 6V to tic lamsa live, $2.00
to $2.60 per head,
dried, quarton
; fancy blench'
Bean the
The Kind You m Always Bought
j i im wiiii iuu nam niwai