OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1905. 1 ...Short Sidehead Stories... ! TfiMSRI.Y.TOUl TALKS OH TMH WEKK'5 DOINds. v .. . . . . A Hf f f f f tf V t f f f f f f 9V f f f ? l f Skull Was Fraeturad (', Itiiht-r, iwontly from Biilwn and nn riniliyt) In Ilia UiKKixK 1i.piil line lit of tho W, V, & V. C'omiuiny'a Mill In thla city, auatnliu'il a fracture of Dip akull Thina day liy Iwlng atnirk ty a hmtvy tlrnhttr. H la Ih'IIcvkI tho man will rvcovar from tint Injury. TooK a Long Run Thinking ln'rlnii tliHt tho JupurK'ne were In luirault, tln ti'iun of I). M, Klrm .n ti i ii il a long run Hi" othtT day, Him (Inu In tho tiUHlni'M jmrt of thn city, tlm train run aniiili to tlm pulp atitttnn wticrn tlu-y wr. atopiird. Th only (1iuiiiiK dun to tliu vdnYla waa tlio himMng of a aiimll aprlng, Wait lid. Comm.ncamanl At tlm eoneluatwi of a piitrlotlc ntT tiilniMi'iit inat Thnrailay night, gradun ttuii honor wera Iwafowrd on a claaa of OvB young pMiplo of th Wat Orgm CHy puiilln ailiiHil, ri'pffwritlnic ttila yuar'a clnx. Th graduate from tha Klghth urmli' were! Miiry I Man, n Ilurdon, Mary MIonncll, and Wm, Armatrtmg; from tho tlh a.'honl, Vrma Karmrr. Coming Through thi Rya Ttitiry If. Hiighra. of leaver Crwk, haa R (l.ld of ry through whhh una might pnna aovcnil tlmea and not mwt another. o.l,. nf tlm growing grain wr tir.HiKlit to thl city tho other day ly Mr Hughe. Tho aula meaaured xatly on hundred Inchca Mich. They were tnUin to Portland and will ha added to id rim Wamiia county exhibit at the I,owl A Clark Fiilr. Artltan Klaet Oregon City lodga. t'nlted Artlaan. held Ita annual election of oHlier Inat Thuradny night. The following were elected: Mutr artlaan, Tom Carteo; Hup., Mra. flwnrti; aecretary. Mra. Haron; limpector, Mra. f Jrltttth : miutrr of rere-inonh-a, Agnea flllwia; npnlur conductor, flam Irfiwry; Junior conductor, Will Jor dnn: trenurer, Ma Ilollnrk; field com mit la. W. Hucr und H. fllngn. Ccdurti of Llbtrty Vota With only another wik In which to wngn the, .content, th voting for (JniMo of Uhorty will end. Tha three candi date that have figured In the content ahortly after It atarted, nmltitiiln their rclittlve. poaltlona but tomorrow', count may dlacloae aonin ampi'lae. Thn atund Init of thn cnndldntea now la ft a follow: Mlaa I.tilx, 13(10; Mlaa Klemaen, 1170; Mha Kelly, 10N5, It la the purpoae of thn com tnlttea In charite of tlm celebration to termlnnta till content on Buturdny the 17th. Death Cautid by Haart Dlaaaa Mia. Ilohert V. Caufleld liiat Thuradny evenlnn dropped dead while returnlna; from tha honn of Judt Unyea at Olnd atona where aha had been aix'ndlna; the avanlna;. A native of Qulncy, Illlnola, where h wna Imrri Kebruary 12, 1847, Mr. CuunVId rnmo to Oregon with her pnrunta when ahe wna but two yeare of age, Kunernl aervlcea were held at thn lute home Bundiiy afternoon at 1 o'clock thn renin Inn bilng taken to the Portland Cri'iiiriiitcirliii at 2 o'clock, riealde n huahand, the dccpiiacd la aurvlved by four children, aa follow: Vera, Nellie, Percy P., and Itobert P. raufleld. The family liaa the ayrnputhy of the commun ity In their bereavement. Rid Man Dtftat Cagl Klvn fenthera and four alpa wna the prixlut'! of the miit'h gmne of bnaebnll tM'tween the Knglr hltd the lied Men at Oineiwih Park Bundny afternmm. The m inl-i'lvll!-il aavngr by onn xlrtt dem onatrated thetr aupremacy over the pat riotic bird on thn bnaebitll diamond. Thn fentiiri- of the game were too numerou to mi-ntlon, but on the whole the ex hibition wna a fairly good Imitation of bull playing. Woodman Memorial Day Bumhiy. June i, wna annual Memorial Itiy with the Woodmen of the World and the Oregon f'ltv ("amp duly ohaervrd the aimlveraary. The inembeia of tho order nom-mliled at the lodge hull at ! o'chx-k, and, headed by thn On gon City llnnd. niHiihed to Mountain VleT cemetery where, itfter npproprliite rxirera, the grave of ieceiied member of the order Were decorated. The ninll m of the dny w delivered by Itev. K. H, P(illlnir. pnator of the Klrat Congrt giMonel Chun h o' tlil city. Judg. Ryan In Charge County Judge Hynn ha Iteen placed In full charge of the Clu'kamua county ex hibit of the Iwl & Chirk Fair. J. A. Xfi-Olaahan, Mlaa Mury 8. Harlow and Mra. C. O. T. Wtlllama will b. the per annul repreai'iitattvea of the county In the Agricultural building for a time. The ex hlblt la In place, but addition will be mude from time to time, a article, .re received. Thn executive cnmmltte. ha Inalructed the preeldent and aecirtary to aend circular letter to the chairman of each apeclal committee. In order to aacer- t din Jimt what la being done and what la proiHiaed. The committee haa dettirmlned that every apeclnl committeeman who la not tip and doing hould be given a chunce to make way for a aealuua worker. ?.v ery reldeiit of Clnckamaa county will be nked to help to make thn exhibit more creditable and to bring In any an! nil pioducta that are available. NATURE TELL! YOU. At Many an Oregon City R.ad.r Know. Too Wall, When tho kidney are lck, Nature tell you all .bout It. The urlna la nature' calendar. Infrequent or too frequent action j Any urinary trouble tell, of kidney III, Moan'. Kidney Pill cur. all kidney III. Mi. Wm. Ilulnwater, realdlnc at 903 F,nt Flrat Ht Albany, Oregon, ayi "My kidney, troubled mo off and on for eight year, Kvery time I contracted a cold It acttlcd In my kidney, caualnff my back to ache often ao badly that I could hardly get about to attend to my houae hold dutlea, Accompanying thla wa. a very annoying difficulty with the kidney cretlon. I wu treated by phyalclana, and took a number of highly recommend ed rerneille but thn relief I obtained wa. only temporary and I waa about dla couraged. Flnully I rad an ndvertlae- ment about Doan' Kidney TMH and got a box and begun their uae. I expected ome relief, of couraa, but to my auiprlae they went quickly to the root of the dla eitao and cured me. Doan'ai Kidney Pill are the beat kidney medicine I ever uaed and I hiave recommended them to ft num ber of my nclghljora." I'lenty more proof like thl. from Oregon City people. Call at C, O. iiuntieya druu atore and aak what hi. customer report. For aalo by all dealer. Price DO cent. Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., ole agent for the United Btate.. Itemember the name Poan'. and take no other. Important If True. 'Have you ever attempted to play 'Hamlet' 7" Baked the manager. "No, air. I do not conalder myaelf fitted by nature to Imperaonute the melancholy Dune. "Then you are Indeed, a you have ald, an exceptional actor. I will give you a Job." Furlou. Fighting. "For aeven year," write Geo. W. Hoffman, of Harper, Waah.. "I had a bit ter battle with chronic atomach and liver trouble, but at hint I won, and cured my dleeaece, by the uae of Electric Hitter. I unheNltatlngly recommend them to all, and don't Intend In the future to be without them In toe house. They are yrtalnly a wonderful medicine, to have cured auch a bad caae aa mine." Bold, under guarantee to do the aame for you, by Howell & June, drugglat., at 60c a bottle. Try them today. Hickman Murderer Convicted Ir. Harvey Hlckmnn returned Batur day from Canyon City, firant county, where he haa been In attendance at the trial of W. H. I.ncy. CHy Murehall of Prairie City, Orant County, who waa found guilty. by a Jury f manalaughter for ahmitlng to deoth Krnet Hickman, a former Oregon City boy. The trial of I.ucy waa conducted at Canyon City, the atatc'a proaecutlng nrricere being aanlated In tho caae by Senator Rand, of Hoker City, who wa engaged by relatlvea of the murdered man. The Jury retired at 2 o'clock and Ave hour later returned a verdict of mnnalaughter without the mer cy of the court. Teallmony at the trial of the caae waa to the effect that the hooting of Hickman by Lucy waa not only cold blooded but alao premeditated On the nret ballot, the Jury etood nine to three for conviction aa charged In the Information which waa murder In the drat degree. Backache, "The Blues Both Symptoms of Organic Derangement in Women Thousands of Sufferers Find Relief. How ofUn do we hear women any: "It ee ma a. thoufj h my back would break," or "Don't speak to mo, I am all out of aorta?" These sifj ni Bcant remark, prove that the. ystuui requires attention. Backache and " the blue." are direct yroptom. ol an Inward trouble which will aooner or later declare itaelf. It may be caused by diseased kidneys or sotuo uterine derangement. Nature requires asaiNtance and at once, and Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound instantly assert its curative powers In all those peculiar ailments of women. It has been the standby of In telllgent American women for twenty years, and tho ablest specialists agree that it is the most universally success ful remedy for woman's ills known, to medicine. The following letters from Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Cotrcly are among the many thousands which Mrs. I'lnk ham has received this year from those Whom she has relieved. Surely such testimony is convincing. Mrs. J.G. Holmes, of Larimore, North Dakota, writes: finer Mr. Plnkham : " I have iuUered everything with backache and womb trouble I let the trouble run on until tny system waa In uch a condition that I wa. unnlile to lie aliout. and then it wa. I commenced to ma Lydia K. Pinkliara'. Vege table Compound. If I had only known how much infferlng I would have saved, I ahould have token It month, sooner for a few week' treatment mode me well and strong. My backache, and headaches are all gone and l iiillor no pain an my monmruni iwnmin; whftnma Wore T took I.vdia E. Plnkham' , Vegetable Compound I suffered Intense pain." Mrs. Emma Cotrely, 109 East 12th Street, New York Uty, writes: Daterv. Your Patronage. Th. growth of a community and th aucce. of It. local Institution, depend entirely on the loyalty of It. people. It I. well enough to preach "patron lie noma Induatry" but except th. aervlce given at a horn. Institution equal, that of out- of-town enterprlw. thl. argument Car rie, no weight and la entirely disregard ed, a. It ahould be. But with Oregon City people It I. different A few month, ago E. L. Johnson e.tabllahed the Caa cada Laundry. It I. .quipped with th. lateat Improved machinery and 1. dally turning out .work that 1 equal to any and u perl or to much of th. laundry work that 1. being don. In Portland. Being a horn, ln.tltutlon and fumUhlng employment for many Oregon City people It I. enjoying an Immense patronage. Th. high .tandard of th. work being don. commend. It to th. general public. Laundry left at th. O. K. barber .hop will be promptly called for and delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 1204. E. L. Johnaon, proprietor. In Mad Chaae. Millions rush In mad chnae after lioith, frt,m one extreme of fadd'.am to another, vhcn, If they would only eat good food, i.nd keep their bow.-U regular with Dr. King'. New Life I Ills, their trouble would all puaa away. Prompt relief and jlik cure for llvor and stomach trouble. 25c at Howell & Jonea drugstore; guaran teed. Her Favorite. "What," he asked, "la your favorite story?" "Oh." ahe replied. "I don't know that I have a favorite. I like any atory In which the man apunka up at the proper time and sake the girl to be his wife. Of course I oh Alfred! I Just know you'll think I apoke that way to make you tell me you loved me, but I didn't have the lightest Idea of any such a thing really. Please don't ask me to name an early day. I can't bear to think of leaving mama, and then long engage ments are ao lovely, you know. Would a week from Thursday be too far away " Dear Mr. Plnkham : I feel it my duty to tell all suffering women of the relief I have found In Lydia K. Pink- ham'. Vegetable Compound. hen I com menced takinir the Coimxmnd I luffered evervthlnir witb backache, headaches, men itrual and ovarian troubles. 1 am complete ly cured and enjoy the bent of health, and I owe it ail w you." When women are troubled with Irreg ular. suppressed or painful menstrua tlon, weakness, leueorrhoea, displace ment or ulceration of the womb, that bearing down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, baekacne, bloating tor flatulence), general debility, indiges tion and nervous prostration, or are be set with such symptoms ns aiaiziness, falntness, lassitude, excitability, irrita bility, nervousness, sleeplessness, mel ancholy, "all gone" and "want to-be-lcf t-alone" feelings, blues and hopeless ness, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound at once re moves such troubles. No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqual fled endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. Refuse to buy any substitute. FREE ADVICE TO WOMEN. Remember, every woman is cordially invited to write to Mrs. l'inkham if there is anything about her symptoms she does hot understand. Mrs. l'ink hara's address is Lynn, Mass., her advice is free and cheerfully given to every ailing woman who asks for it. Her advice and medicine have restored to health more than one hundred thou sand women. GABRIEL. The large Kentucky Jack will stand throughout the season of 1905 at the C. V. Stoker farm, five miles south-east of Oregon City, near the Lealand School house. C. V. STOKER, Owner, June SO. Oregon City, Ore. Subscribe for the Enterprise. ELLOH CONCERNING Quality is the first importance in selecting a watch and it requires expert knowledge of the business to actually know the real value. There are all sorts of watches on the market and all look somewhat alike. There are differences, however in constructive workmanship, in finish and decoration, in wearing quality, time keeping and in price. That is why you must rely entirely upon the party from whom you purchase your watch. Our record for honest, straightforward dealings is what has made us the largest house in Qackamas County. We are constantly adding new goods of the latest designs and are showing an unusually attract ive assortment of handsome patterns in solid gold and filled watches. - We have watches in nickel for boys from $1.00 up; for men from $5.00 up. Ladies and gents gold filled watches from $10.00 up. We would like to have you come and see our $15.00 and $20.00 watches. They are beauties. We do fine watch repairing and guarantee all work. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN .ST), m i I Oregon Oty -Ay Jewelers 3 . Suspension Bridge Corner I i I 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington , Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 towns . Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. f Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard aa Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Drusr Stxre. Ask Hrs. Plnkham' Advice-A Woman Best Understands a Woman' HI Bean th Blgnatnr of VL. IUJ 11... II si ... ft. ...Li a ins wnu iuu navBwways ouupi Th (0)o To IP, , y0 (DdDo WILL RUN CARS WITH TRAILERS . ON TO PORTLAND EVERY 20 MINUTES FROM 7 A. M. UNTIL MIDNIGHT. UND T RO it Tickets on Sale at Harding's Dttig Stoe.