Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 09, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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par cant Farm security, U'llen
it Bchubel.
nt lowt rattii, I,atourtto' omen,
Cnrmnnraial Hunk JJullclIng, Ortton
Local Events
llurkny Extract, limt villus at Kli-m-acti'ii.
lliihy chin and tin I a Knmlly rixltn-f 1.
Mlaa (InlilRiiilth'a.
Jualli'n "f thn I Vac l.lvy Hllpp, of tlila
lty. Ink hwn fli'i'lml city nttiray ' for
Ml Hiitunlny, Jutl Htlpp orri'luti'd
nt tli- nmirlmtn of Mix I). It. rtornhnnK
mhI Julm lnra. .
A A. I'lxli-y, uk.mI about 14 year, nf
Siinnyalilr. wm commlttnil to tlm statu
Iikiiiii- aaylum Inat Hutunlny,
MiirrlnK llroniw wr Iaauii1 WVrttn-a-1ny
liy Clnik (Irfi'iimnn a follow: Mar
iturft (irovi'n anil C. K. Clntin; Annla
Mnttlii'wa anil Edward Rlollnr.
A nil" "f on fnr fur tlin roiuwl -1 rl
lii'twi't'tt dniioti City and I'mtlaml haa
tn'pn ainmiini'fd liy th On-iton Watnr
I'owrr k Hallway Company fur Oregon
City Iuy at Hi !wl A Clark Kalr.
Wantfrt to 8 tona ry atraw fur
borne cnllui. Hint iri' anil If a rlan
lot. Ai1ilnaa V. linvla & Bon, Ran Fran,
risen, Ciillforiilu. Juna JR.
Mui'li Intprat wna pcttnil t,y th rx
hlliltlon of a quartet of twnr cut. In thi
how window of 1 1 tintlwy Hm. Co, Tly
lli'-lr playful untie young hmlna rntrr-liilm-l
Inriiw rrowila from party mnrnlnf
until lut at nla!it.
Trv 3 ni. Jttu-kry Vanilla and Imon
nt T. J. 0ry'.
Iti-v. J, F. Ivwarlirr will prrarh In flrr
roim Niiniliiy, Juna tha 11, at 1:30 p. m.,
nru will rIvi a twtur on Allwlnm at
p. m. In KngtUh In thn Lutheran Church,
corner nth anil Ailnma atrppla. Everybody
la Invltoil to atti-nil.'
Ilnlnvla anil I Mirk anil I.lntn hat, new
nrrlvnla, Mia OoMnmlth'a.
nilirt A Wirt. r-al ratat firm, la
anlti If. T. Bchmt-UiT In tha tat clr
mil court for tuofl allec'l to be dim n
rommlaalon for effecting- tha anl of
fti'hmi'liir' farm of 100 rre In I'leaannt
Valley at a consideration of 19500.
Ttiirki-y. aatlafactory J,emon ami Va
nilla at A. rtolMTlmn'a.
ttev. II. II. Ilolililna, tha newly elected
jinator of the Frat llaptlat churrh, will
reach thla city from Rochratnr. New
Tork. Saturday tha 17th ami will occupy
tha pulpit of th Oregon City church for
tha fliat time. Humlay, June H.
Rpecliil price on millinery thla week at
Mlaa Oolilamlth'M.
Dlvnrrs decree were granted ty Judue
McItiMe Wedneailny aa follow: Ida Me
Nutt va. n. IT. McNutt; C. V. llrown va,
C. K. llrown. An order of default and
reference wn mnde In the divorce ault of
Hubert Ij. Kdmonaton va. Mr. Edmona
ton. Hiickeye Vanilla and I-rnon nt llorton
A Juck'i.
Mlaa Annla Matthew and Mr. Edward
Stutter from Onk drove wore married nt
the Conirri'Riit tonal Mimne Vedneadiiy af
ternoon, June 7. Rev. llolllnner oltielntlnit.
Mr. Fred Koffmnn from the aiimo place
wna a wllneaa. Mr. and Mra. Hinder will
make their home nenr Centre In Iho nenr
Water contumeri ihould pay for their
aprlnkllng privilege for the aeaion during
this month. Water rent delinquent after'
the 10th,
I will havo a special salo of lots in
Juno a nd have got special prices from
ownt-rn for 30 days. Following is a
list of some of the bargains. These
are in the. main very choice lots and
ideal building sites.
1 Lot on 5th St. road $100.00
5 4 head of 5th St 325.00
1 ' 2nd and Center Sts 450.00
5 Beaties Addition, each..... 137.50
2 ' in Willamette 200.00
i 4 West Side Addition 75.00
2 1 West Side Addition 250.00
1 4 Gladstone,. 2 blocks car line.,. 60.00
1 ' Gladstone. 2 " 1 50.00
i 2 ' near Barclay School
14 5 blocks from Eastham School 800.00
22 4 in Ely with fine spring 325.00
2 ' onMolaila Avenue :.. 300.00
2 4 in Gladstone : , 250.00
1 4 in Willamette, corner 225.00
1 ' 9th Street 300.00
1 ' 2 blocks from head of 7th St 100.00
Remember these prices are good for June only. Call for particular.
Real Estate Broker, with U'Ren & Schucbel, Oregon City Bank BTdg.
A flavor ttint flavor , lluckeye at Klein-
aen . ,
llli, i Ki'i y Iuim iiii'ImikimI tha real'iuiMtit
on Main atrci-t tnm' Fourth alreot that
wna foitiH'ily conductiid liy twu Jnpunean
and will heii'iifter rtmniiii" thn m. Hn
Nlile ruimlliir a fliNl-cliiaa mataiirant, thn
iiiiiiiiiKi'ini'iit will ninkn ft wp rlulty of
mci vIiik noodle and chop auey,
Trimmed hat at popular prlae at
Mia (.', Uoldamltir.
Mr, U. Orlcaacn, of thla city,
iruperly In Cooa ciniiity udJolnliiM
properly in Cooa county udJolnliiK that
on which an extmialva dopiialt of conl
hit been dlai'overed, For tha purpoaa of
dnturmJnltiK If tlieru la not )trolum cm
hla land, Mr, flrlcaitcn I IiiivIiik aninti ex
purliiienla nmdu, thti reault of which he
la awaltluif with Interc
"Thn (Ireei.-rjyed Munaler,,, tho atory
In thn Amoniuit of June, 6th, la from the
French of Jule Molnnux. It I a lulnlit
and aprlitlitly tain of how a Jealotia hue
liund made a fool of hlinaetf, of tha part
a K'ty I"llmrlo took In tlin trouble, and
of how a woman' wit hroiiKht calm out
of coiifualon.
Oct you a hat fur Oreijon City Pay at
Mia Ooldamlth'.
Itev, W. If. Wnltlnufer, of thn Oreon
City Kvanellcal church will begin a tent
meeting at Hlahland,,1S mile eaat of thla
city, next Monday and will continue thn
meeting for 10 day or two week. Ha
will b aaalaled by other mlntater. A
large tent hn already been eecured and
aent to Highland.
Don't Read Thl If you don' want to
know. Hut If you do, and have ever
need the Iluckeye Flavoring Extract you
may lie glad to learn that D. M. Klemaen
la better prepared now than ever to up
ply Juat what you need. If you have
never need them ak your neighbor and
try them at once. You ran believe what
they tell you. llorton A Jack, A. Robert-,
on and T, J. Clary have them too.
Money to loan on Farm. Land Title
eaamlned. Dlmlck oV Dlmlck, Lawyeri,
Oregon City, Oregon...
The Joint will of W'm. 3. Tuckneaa and
Parmella Tuckneaa hn been admitted
to probate, the former having recently
died. Ity the terma of the Inatrument,
tha eatate, which I of the probable value
of $2400, la bequeathed aa follow: one
fourth to the ten grand-children and
the remaining three-fourth equally to
Harriett C. Halley, Mary Jane Tlonney,
and Bophrona Adeline June.
The ftfty-aecond annual aeaalon of the
Oregon Conference will convene at the
I'nlted Hrethem Church on Sth and Tay
lor atreeta, Oregon City, June 14 at I p.
m., and hold over thn following Bun day,
June 11 Irrachlng each evening at the
church. Illahop II. I.. Rarkley, of Port
land. Oregon, will prealdn. All Will be
welcome to theae aervlce.
at loweat rate, Latourelt' offloe. Com
mercial Rank Building, Oregon City,
The fourth quarterly meeting of the
Pulled Rrethern Church will be held In
their church on lh and Taylor atreeta.
June 10 and 11. Hualnea meeting Sat
urday evening at I p. m. Bundny morning
aermon at II a. m. by the Elder A. J.
Warn. Thn paator will preach her fare
well aermon Bundny evening at S p. m.
All are Invited to come. A. J. Ware, El
der; C. P. Illanchard, Paator.
Remember WILHON &COOKK carry a
complete line of Plow. Harrow, Cultl
vntora. Hay lUkea, Latent Improved Ram
Poor Hanglnga.
In the Portland city election Monday,
Ir. Hurry Ijine. the Democratic candidate
waa elected mayor, defeating Hon. Oeo.
If. Wllllnma, the Republican nominee,
who waa a candidate to auceced hlmaelf.
Complete retuma gave lr. ljine a plur
ality over William of 1217 vote. Lane
received 7887 Vote, William 6370,
Bhnuler. BiK-lnllat. 461. and Pngct, Pro
hibition, 2S2A Lane also haa a majority
of 4H4. f
Paint! palntf pnlntt and gt It at Char
man & Co.', their price are alway Juat
Bear th si m
Personal Mention
Onorgn rinndiill wim a vlaltor to Bnlem
over Hiirnliiy,
J, IT, Cunipbull wa at Ilwaco, Wunhlnif
ton, Baturdny,
Mr. V, A, Blelnht vlalted with Cunby
friend Kunduy,
lr, K, T. Parker apent Bunduy with
relullve at Allmny,
Mlaa Colin Ooldamlth apunt Bunduy with
relative at Eugene,
Hon, liana Puulaen, of George, wn In
the city Wedncnday.
Adam Knight, of f!nnby, wa an Oregon
City vlaltor Tueaday.
Jan. If. Held, of Mllwaukle, wa In the
city tha flrt of thn wk.
J. C. Klllott, a mnrchnnt at TJnmuacu,
wa In the city Baturday.
.Attorney Grant I). Dlmlck apent Bunduy
with hi mother at Hubbard.
II. V. Bmlth, Juatlcn of the Pcuce at
Needy, wa In the city Tui-mluy.
J. O. Not, a farmer from near Hub--bard,
woa In thn city Tueaday.
Mia Marcellnn Croa ha returned from
a vlalt with friend at Hood River.
Franklin T. OiitTlth, thn attorney, wa
at Newberg Wedneaday on bualnea.
J, A. Rblbley, a prominent citizen of
Hprlnwater, wa In the city Monday.
Mr. Oeorgn Puller, of Portland, vlalted
with Orea;on City friend laat Tueaduy.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Aatmann, of Can
by. wern Oregon City vlaltor Wedneaday.
Deputy Dlatrlct Attorney C. Bchuebel
went to Aforla Wedneaday on bualnea.
Oeorgn Doll and daughter, Mia Ileaaln,
have returned from a vlalt at Ban Fran
claco. Dr. Harvey Hickman ha returned from
an extended atay at ITalrle City, Eaatcrn
Kd. and Oeorgn Btayton. of Prlnevlllo,
are vlaltlng their father, 8. R. Btayton at
Ciladatone. .
William Btubbe, the veteran newapaper
aollcltor of Currlnavllle, wa In thi city
thla week. .
P. J. Riding, a prominent realdent of
the Marquam dlatrlct, wa In the city
Mra. Minnie Rurn, of Portland, wa
thl week the incut of her slater, Mr.
M. J. Moreland.
Mr. Cha. Morfltt and Jumee Morfltt,
of Malheur, are vlaltlng Mr. R. J. Mar
ahall, of Canemah.
Klbert Dyer, of Marahfleld, wa In the
city thl week having bualnea before the
atate circuit court.
Mia Del U-alio, of McMlnnvllle, ha
been vlattlng In thl city the guent of
Mr. It. R. McAlpln.
Dr. O. E. Btuart. of Monument. Eaitern
Oregon, wa visiting hi on. Dr. C. A.
Btuart, In thl city.
II. 8. Moody, of the Faahlon Stable,
went to Balem and Corvalll Wedneday.
evening on bualneaa.
Mia Bhonkwller gix to Corvalll to
morrow to attend the agricultural college
commencement cxerclaoe.
Mra. Minnie McKean and. .Mr. Cha.
Huchanan. of Cornellu. vlalted thl week
with Mr. C. D. Datourette.
J. L. Udell, of Mullno, carrier of the
rural delivery of Mullno, R. F. D. No. 1,
wa In the city Wedneday.
Mr. and Mr. Wm. Andreacn returned
Monday from a vlalt with Mr. Andreaen'a
mother, Mr. Hchultx, at Corvalll.
F. L. Brown ha gone to Gold Hill.
Southern Oregon, where he ha ben
given employment with a mining com
pany. Mra. Wm. Ream, of Eatacada, 1 visit
ing with friend In thla city, having
formerly been a realdent of Weat Oregon
Mr. and Mr. J. T. Anderaon have re
turned from Seattle where they went to
attend the funeral of Mr. Anderaon'
Attorney A. M. Cannon, E. C. Herren
and R. D. Holman, of Snlem, were In
the city Monday on bualnea before the
circuit court.
Mr. and Mr. Fred C. Miller have re
moved to Tortlnnd where Mr. Miller Is
employed by the Portland General Elec
tric Company.
Mlaac Claud, Nellie and Lucretla Hart
are upending two week at Hood River
where they are aaalntlng to gather the
strawberry crop.
Mlaa Enale Rlock hna returned from
Raltlmnre. where ehe ha been pursuing
her musical studies nt Pcabody Con
servatory of Music.
Mrs. L. I.. Porter and Mrs. E. I... Jones
are spending a few days with friends and
relative at Corvalll and attendluq the
agricultural college.
County Judge Rynn, E. W. Scott. J.
L. Wnldron and C. R. Putnnm were In
Portland thla week attending tho I. O.
0. F. Ornnd Lodge.
Mrs, I.ulu Westervclt and daughter,
Miss tiola, of San Jose, California, are
vlaltlng In Oregon City, the guests of
Miss Hurse Reddlck.
Mrs. P.arbnra Hlxon has returned from
a visit with relatives at Sonttle and Is
now VIsltlnK with hor daughter, Mrs. R.
L. Holman, In this city,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson Wlsner arrived
Mnndny.. from Washington, D. C, and
will spend the summer with friends nnd
rolntlvcs nt Oregon City.
Elmer C. Hnnehott.' of Shelby, Michi
gan, visited this week with Rny Phillips,
the Seventh street grocer. Mr. Hnnchett
Is from Mr. riillllps' old Michigan home.
J. W. Doorcs, a former resident of Mnr
qunm, this county, nnd now located nt
Ornss Valley. Eastern Oregon, visited this
week with old Clackamas county friends.
Hon. C. B, SJoores, former register of
tho Oregon City Land Ofllce and now a
resident of Snlem, had business nt the
1. nnd OlUce and visited with friends here
Wednesday. i .
Prof. Honzor, who Is connected with
the Spnknne,. Washington, educational ex
hibit at tho Lewis & Clark Fair, visited
this week In this city, the guest of his
sister, Mrs. Thos, Warner, ' .' ;
Mrs. E. R. Latnurette, after a visit with
relatives In this cltyi returned to her home
at Harvey, Washington. She was accom
panied as fur as Portland by Mrs. F. J.
Meyer and Mrs. Fred McCausland.
Mr and Mrs, J. C. Marquam, of Mar
quam, were In the city Wednesday.
iMr,' W. H, Howell, of thl city, wa
thl week elected a trustee of the I. O. O.
F, Home at the annual meeting of that
order In Portland. .
H, M. Shaw, for the last year linotype
operator on the Enterprise, left Sunday
for Haker City where he ha accepted a
lmllliir place on the Democrat, Mr.
flhaw Is a competent operator and hi
many friends wish him success In , hi
new position.
Wrn. Koerner, who I home for the um
mer vacation from Stanford University,
left Monday for Rye Valley, Eastern Ore
gon, where hn will be employed thl Bum
mer In assisting to develop ome of the1
property owned by the Summit Mining
Company In which hi father, R. Koer-
nr, la Interested.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Fuller, of Red Bluff,
California, are visiting at the home of
Cha. Albright. They report that a great
many i.aurornia people are planning to
attend thn Lewi tc Clark Fair thl sum
mer. The people of Red Rluff are plan
ning to run an excursion of several car
to Portland on the occasion of Red Bluff
Day In August.
Mlsaea Edna Caufleld, Edna Daulton,
Martha Koemer and Angle William and
Moasr. Jack Latourette, Rny Kelly,
Franel Galloway and Charles Warner,
representing the Oregon City contingent
at the State University at Eugene, will
return the latter part of the week to
spend the summer vacation at their
home In thl city.
Dr. Beatl Beatle, Dentist, Room
1, 17 11, Welnhard Building.
Can Make Ice Cream
but to make good Ice Cream is
a very different matter. Do a
little experimenting by trying
the other makes and compare
For perfection of flavor and
rich, creamy smoothness, this
Ice Cream has long been fa
mous. We Invite one trial
we know what the verdict will
Sole Agent for Oregon City.
When visiting Portland, don't fail to
call at SWET LAND'S, 273 Mormon St.,
one of Portland's finest stores, and the
best place in the city for a lunch.
Nature's Best Remedies
combined by
into a
Perfect Tonic
Improves Appetite
aids Digestion
overcomes Biliousness
prevents, Catarrh
cures Constipation
strengthens Nerves
Gives Added Vigor to the
Entire System.
Guaranteed, Samples Free.
Dependable Druggists,
Do You Know
1 Anything
If not you should know. It's
a pure article put up in
j' pint Mason jars full
"w ; weight.... ;.vv.,'
Mill :
Sold by all Leading Grocers
la common with other stores,
10:00 a. m., Saturday, June 0th, for the observance of
Oregon Qty day at the Lewis & Clarfc Fair. Please
make yoar purchases before ten next Saturday.
scription must pass the inspection and be
compounded by one of them. Every safe
guard that care can suggest or science
provide, protects your prescription if filled
here. We spend time, care and money
to insure our drugs being first class only,
and we guarantee their quality. We
have for sale only one grade of drugs
the best
Manufacturers and Dealers
in Lumber
Yard and Office
Avenue, Opposite
How Do You Spend Your Money?
Are you doing it in a way to secure substantial bene
fits? Are you laying something aside for a "Rainy
Day"? If nott you will never have a better time to be
gin than now. To get quickly started in the easiest way,
come to this bank and open an account. "A DOLLAR
The Bank of Oregon City
Next Sunday evening the members of
the Fraternal Order of Eagles will at
tend service at St.- Paul's Episcopal
church In a body, having accepted the In
vitation of the pastor, the Rev. P. K.
Hammond, whose sermon on this occasion
will relate to fraternal organizations.
The members of the order will meet at
Knapp's hall at 7:30 o'clock and proceed
to the church in a body.
Lost near Dr. Sommer's a lady's gold
open-faced watch fob attached small
monogram M. G. Leave at Howell &
Jones'. Reward. June 9.
Two suits for divorce, based on deser
tion, were filed here Tuesday. J. A.
Sweeney wants to be separated from
Florence M. Sweeney whom he married at
Devil's Lake, North Dakota, In 1S95. He
also wants the custody of five minor
children. The desertion took place In
May, 1904. John Kern Is the plaintiff in
the other suit, the defendant being
Katharine Margaret Kern. The parties
were married at Culbertson, Nebraska, In
December, 1903.
Subscribe to the Enterprise, best local
paper In Willamette Valley.
Myrtle Lodge, Degree of Honor, Tues
day night elected the following officers
for the ensuing six months: Alesa Vlge
lius, chief of honor; Marjorle Caufleld,
lady of honor; Emma Vigellus, chief of
ceremonies; Jennie C. Fierce, receiver;
S. A. Glllett, financier; M. E. Barlow, re
corder; Effle Ott, usher; R. J. Goodfellow,
Inside' watchman; R. G. Pierce, outside
watchman; Mrs. Weed, representative to
Grand Lodge; Mrs. D. Worthlngton, al
ternate. Demltio's Riding Gallery is located at
the west end of the bridge and for. the
last two weeks has been furnishing en
tertainment for the little folks as well as
some not so little. As a merry-go-round,
the outfit Is one of the best ever con
ducted here, the management exercis
ing every precaution to prevent acci
dents and the best of order is, maintained
Tomorrow night there will be given away
by drawing, an elegant parlor lamp. A
coupon on the drawing is given with each
ticket that is purchased.
we will close out doors at
are employed in our
drug department, and
the ingredients of
every receipe or pre
Huntley Bros Co,,
Progressive Druggists.
Head of Molalla
Evethart's Stote
Now Is the time to look over your mach
inery and see If they will need any re
pairing. If so call on WILSON & COOKE
for extras.
O. W. P. Ry. Co. Sunday round trip
rate to Estacada 75 cents. Tickets must
be purchased at Company's offices.
A return game of baseball with the Red
Men is desired by the Eagles who Issued
a challenge at their meeting Monday
night for another game to be played at
Willamette Falls grounds Sunday after
noon, June 18. If arrangements can be
made. It Is proposed for the two teams to
play two more games making three all
together, the winner of two games to
have undisputed title to the champion
ship. Because of the rain that prevailed
at intervals during last Sunday's game,
the Eagles complain that their feathers'
became damp, thus handicapping them In
making the circuit of the bases. They
Insist that with fair weather, there will
be nothing to it.
If you want MAIL BOXES, call on
The charge of contempt of court was
dismissed against Wm. H. Moody, of Cen
ter Station, who was Tuesday arrested
on the complaint of his former wife, the
couple having been divorced Monday.
When brought before the court Mr.
Moody raised a technical question, claim
ing that the order of the court directed
that he should not Interfere with his wife
and her property at Center while the mis
demeanor on which the Issuance of the
bench warrant was based was commuted
in Portland. After considering the mat
ter, Judge McBride dismissed the con
tempt charge and amonlshed Moody to
refrain In the future from In any way In
terfering with his former wife In any re
spect. Hon. Geo. W. Ogle, who has been re
ceiving treatment In this city for the In
jury he sustained several weeks ago when
his skull was fractured, has returned to
his home at Molalla. Mr. Ogle's many
friends will be glad to know that he has
quite recovered from the Injury which It
was feared at the time would disable
him permanently if It did not prove fatal.