Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 02, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Tho Kind You Have Ahvavs Rnusrht. nn.l wiiiii
v In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
. mm ami has been inado under his per
te, sonnl supervision sineo its Infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-ffoodare but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You to Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Txc eirrtu ooM,T, rnwrr. r. mm em.
A Remarkable Picture Worth
Can be Obtained
For a Few Cents
"The Thr
Most Beautiful
Paul d Longpre.
Rotes' by
At JTie urgent solicitation of the Worn
an Home Companion, Mr. Paul de '
Longpre. who is the greatest painter of
flowers in the world, consented to make
a painting of what he considered "The
Three Most Beautiful Roses," and the
painting is without doubt one of the
masterpieces of this great artist. This
magnificent picture Is reproduced in all
its orriginal grandeur on the cover of
the Woman's Home Companion for June.
Although this cover is an accurate re
production of a painting worth hundreds
of dollars, yet in the June number, which
has this exqpisite cover, may be obtain
ed at any first-class news-stand or direct
from the publishers for the trivial sum of
only ten cents.
Mr. Paul de Longpre is Justly styled
the "King of Flower Painters." He not
only paints roses, .but every flower that
-grows, and is the highest authority on
flowers. His paintings are found in the
most select homes. Some have sold for
as much as seven thousand five hundred
dollars. ($7,500.00).
Artists, art critics and competent Judg
es all agree that the covers of the
Woman's Home Companion far excel
those of any other magazine.
, The Woman's Home Companion Is a
magazine which in beauty and excellence,
art, stories, illustrations and fashions,
etc., excels all other home and family
magazines. The woman's Home Compan
ion is published by The Crowell Pub
lishing Company, New York City, also
Chicago, 111., at One Dollar a yea!', and
Is the favorite magazine in nearly half
a million homes, where It is read each
and every Issue by three million people.
Dr. Green's Great Puzzle.
Dr. G. G. Green, of Woodburry. New
Jersey, will mail for a 2c stamp, (simply
for postage), one of his great novelties,
a wooden box with glass top contain
ing six little colored balls. It necessitates
remarkable quickness of the eye and
hand to master it, but It is possible, with
practice. Send for one and mention
The Enterprise.
Mothers lose their dread for "that
terrible second summer" when they have
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry
In the house. Nature's specific for bowel
complaints of every sort.
Subscribe to The Enterprise.
Portland' Great Amusement Resort
on Banks of Willamette.
Peinapa trie most picturesque of all
the modern recreation resorts in
America, not excepting "Dreamland"
at Coney Island. New York, will be
"The Oaks" situated along the line
of the Oregon Water Power and Rail
way Co's road, within fifteen minnf'
ride of First and Washington Streets
and thirty minutes from this city. It
is connected directly with the city
and has more ample traffic service to
day than any of the old established
parks or similar places of amusement
In the United States. It is easy of
access, as every car-line transfers di
rect to The Oaks with but the cost of
one fare, and places the visitor im
mediately in front of the spacious,
beautiful station that the company
has built at the approach to the
grounds. It is also accessible to all
railroad and steamboat stations, and
being surrounded by the Willamette
River, is finely located to reach tho
resort by boats and launches. With
all the latest and best qualities of
amusement The Oaks will certainly
prove an ideal place for the pleasure
loving public of Portland and vicin
ity. "The Oaks" was formally opened
this week.
It is stated that the company has
thus far expended over a quarter of
a million dollars in the improvement
of the grounds and the construction of
amusement enterprises. Indeed The
Oaks has already assumed all the ap
pearances of an Ideal amusement re
sort, and ere long will have nothing
to surpass it in this or any foreign
country. The lawns have been beauti
fully laid out and the lighting effects,
produced by thousands of illuminanta
will be much admired.
Some Idea of the magnitude of The
Oaks may be conveyed by the fact
that among the several buildings un
der roof are, an immense Pavilion,
which can be utilized for a ballroom,
and which will be one of the notable
features, being so arranged as to pro
tect it from any inconveniences of
the weather, being so arranged as to
get the benefit of the breeze from
whatever quarter it blows, which ren
ders dancing a pleasure on the hot
test evening.
The Willamette flows on all sides
of The Oaks, and the company has
provided both boating and bathing fa
cilities that are unexcelled. There is
a large boat and yacht house and a
modern bath house, stocked with the
latest hygienic bath costumes, which
will be in charge of expert swimmers.
Among tho other modern devices
ror amusement, are, an original Mnxo.
the first of the "llumna" on the l'n
oiflo Coast, tho largest "Chute tho
Chutes" In the country and a Japan
ese Tea-house that will bo presided
over by genuine uelsha girls, "Merry
go-rounas, an electric tower, haunt
ed swings, shooting galleries, rlllo
range and base ball park,
as lime progresses many oilier
modern amusement devices will be nd
dod. Including, "Sen on Land," "Tlx
Old Mill Acquarlum," "loop the
Umip "Coal Mine." "A Mlnlnture
Railway," "A C.lant Sea saw," "Cult
aret de la Mort." "Live Camels, shot
tuna mint's, etc, a large theatre Is
lu contemplation, where summer
onora W he ulven at nnnulnr nrlcna
One of the tuinclnal features will h.
one of the largest and most complete
Kronen Taverns, called, "The Oaks
French Tavern." to be presided over
ny Mens, Kahn. a famous Kronen
Chef, who comes directly from the
hast for this purHso.
.n Humonai ienture is the en
gagonient for the entire season of
DVrbano's Royal Italian Hand if :m
picked musicians, who will iv cm
certs every afternoon and ulght on n
magnmcent bandstand. These dally
concerts will also nmve im nf tiiii
many attractions of The Oaks that
arrorus an ideal retreat for the hot
weather. Snerlal stalls hav i.n
provided for the housing of automo
The Oaks Is to be kent ahin1iit,lv
clean and respectable, and positively
no gambling or "grafters' will be
allowed on the crotinds. Th mimit
slons will be only ten cents for all
regular occasions and children will
be admitted for only Ave cents. The
care of the children will be given par
ticular attention on the part of the
management, and mothers can semi
them with nerfect safetv. as iwiMitiv.
ly nothing objectionable In nature will
be permitted on the grounds at any
Everything will be done to facili
tate the handling of large crowds,
and as that has been the lifetime
study of the men who are at the head
of the enternrlse. the nubile Is as
sured in receiving genuine "Pullman
Palace Car service all along the
The Orecon Water Power ami nail.
way Company cannot be praised too
highly for the efforts they are making
not only to fill a long felt want, but
endeavoring to give the people of
Portland and vicinity a magnificent,
up-to-date resort The public will also
be pleased to learn that the Company
has placed the entire management of
The Oaks In the hands of and under
the control of Mr. S. II. Frledlander,
whose many years of experience as a
protnotor and manager of big amuse
ment enterprises and large theatres,
places him In the front ranks which
relieves all doubt as far as the future
prosperity of The Oaks is concerned.
Why will farmer keep worthless ap
ple tr--s on their arms when It Is per
fectly easy to have all good? In the or
chard of a hundred trees of mixed varie
ties some will be good and some will be
poor. Yet we have seen such orchard
stand and for twenty years bear the same
old kinds of fruit with which they start
ed. The trees that bore only cider ap
ples at first continued to bear cider ap
ples. Wy do nt farmers oftener graft
their tx-st varieties of fruit on to the
trees bearing the poorest varieties It Is
because they do not think about it or
because they never get around to doing
what they know should be done. Hy
grafting we ran In a few years have all
the trees In an orchard bearing giHid
fruit. During the summer months Is
the time to mark grafting wood, for It
Is altogether probable that the quality of
the fruit on different branches of trees
varies and that the fruitful hough. If
made up Into grafts, will give better re
turns than the unfruitful bough. This is
the claim of some that have ni.nl'- a
study of the subject, though It must be
acknowledged that no one has yet pmlx-d
deeply Into the matter. Some of the va
rieties, like the Gano have been propa
gated by merely selected certain boughs
that bore apples of a certain form and
color. It would therefore be well to mark
all wood that Is to be used for grafting
next year so that the orchardlst may be
sure to have his scion from wood that
has the habit of fruit bearing. In this
way some of the worthless fruit trees
that are now taking up room without
returning any, rent for it will become valuable.
Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoul
der. ,
These are three common ailments for
which Chamberlain's Pain Balm Is es
pecially valuable. If promptly applied
It will save you time, money ami suf
fering when troubled with any one of
these ailments. For sale by Geo, A.
Mr. :A
I Job Office
Having sect ed the agency for the
Studebaket Company for Oregon
City and vicinity, W. L. Blocfe,the
Futnittst e man, is now prepared to
stipply your wants in another way
of the Sttidebaker Company's pro
ducts is too well known to require
any introduction to the people of
this vicinity. The trademark of
stands for the best in the way of
Wagons, Buggies apd Carriages
Delay making any purchases until
you have consulted Mr. Block who
will carry a complete line of Stude- ,
baker vehicles.
Main and Seventh Streets Oregon Gty, Oregon
Ml-i COOfTM. St.
I'osTLiso, MisB, Oetir.lMt.
to V doctor's medietas 1 erst nad
and I know wh.rof 1 imt I uf
'r,J 'T hiok months who. supprMMd
m..oitm..too wh;ob oompUUhr pro.
trtd n... aln( would ahoot throtifh
zTk ni1 nd ' onld hit
blinding BUh.. Mr limbs would
o snd I would fMl so wmc
oould not Und np. I nsturwlly fall
di.conrmgl tor I Hmll u b bTQa4
in nalp of phyaioisn. but Wins of
Csrdul miM Ood-Mnd to m. I
11 hn( f.r tb batur witala
It. After nbietMn djr tra.tm.nl
I man.tru.U without luBannf lb
Sgonia ( utas'lydld nd soon bacm.
EEf.1"1 "hou P(- Wins of
n mi uBering woma knew of lu
good quallti... "
TMMurer, Portland Scosomi League
Periodical H,U,.v.u t.u .
I ----- - inn vi if
tnaJe weakness. Wine of Cardut
cures permanently nineteen out of
erery twenty case, of irregular
menses, hearjrj rlown pains or
ny femaie weakneii. If you are
ditcouraiH and doctore hare
failed, that i, the best reason in
the woil.i yon should try Win of
Urdui now. Uemember that
neadaches mean female weakness.
ecure a 11.00 bottle of Wine of
vnraui lodav.
163 Eof
Tn the Circuit Court of tho Btnto. of
Oregon, ror the County of Clackamas
E. A. Hamblln. Plaintiff,
B. J. Hamblln, Defendant.
To R J. Hamblln, the above named
In the name of the fitatn nf ftr
Ton are hereby required to appear and
answer the oomplnlnt filed mrnlnut vn
In the above entitled suit, on or before
the 24th day of June, 1905, being six
weens arter the first publication of this
Bummons, and if you fall so to appear
anu answer said complaint, for want
wiereoi, me plaintiff will apply to the '
court ror tne relief prayed for In said
complaint, namely: For a decree of said
crfurt, dissolving the marriage contract
una ooiurauons now existing between
yourself and said plaintiff, and thnf ninin
tiff may have all such and different m
nei as no is entitled to in eoultv.
This Bummons 1b published by order
of Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the
County Court, made and entered on the
6th day of May, 1905. '
The date of the first publication of
this notice la the 12th day of May. 1905.
ana the time prescribed for the publica
tion thereof Is six successive weeks.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
To better care for the interests of oar
patrons, present and prospective, tn
Oregon City, and to extend a know
ledge of the value and varied uses of
we have established an office, next
door to the Bank of Oregon City,
which is in charge of Mr. C.G. Miller.
on cost of wiring, cost of current, and
information showing the economies
effected by the use of electricity for
Light or Power in the Home, the
Office, the Store and the Factory, will
be promptly furnished by Mr. Miller.
C. G. Miller, Contract Manager
for Oregon City