Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 02, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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por cent. Farm security. U'lton
& Bchubol. '
at luwnnt rate, LatouretU'i unto,
Commercial Hunk IJulldlng, Oregon
Local Events
Wilson A Cook will tll yon a mowr
for MH.OO,
A. M, KruK nnil Jim, (ntly nMiilrii"!
initrrliiiiff llrna Wriliifmliiy.
Kiln-1 Murln Hnillh ami W. K. O'lioii
ni'll In nt Hut unlay ulitultifil a tnu rt lutfo
Trlirinmil lint t popular price at
Mix , Goldsmith'.
A iluiiKlit'T wn iHnn Tiii'xluy, May 30,
Mr. nihI Mm. J, II, Vi'tmm, nt Mo-
ii w. r. liy. ii. Mimiiity round trip
I In In KstiU'dtt 76 ci'iit. Tli kfU must
lil purchased nt Compiiny' iiftlri.
iiuinlM-r of tli m'-mbor uf the Oro-
b i iiy iiiikh rinivrnui iiriiuii'rniHiii,
v lii (hit Vancouver ImIkb Thursday
lyl unlqu mid fashlonabl Price
bri MIm C. Goldsmith.
,ri In Ivy Murtln and Fred H. Ile
um! were tirmili'H mitrrino llrense by
Cli Oreenmnn Wednesday.
II you wiin t M AII IIOXKH, call on
Tk WiKiilnii'iH llmn'linll nine, of IenU,
on lunilny afternoon M Canemah I'mk,
llnrtlnl III" II
mi l of 7 lu 1.
llnftlril tlin OlrROtl City Colt by the
o lug to the hirtK of the cherry
rrii partle Winding eherrle will do
well tu Jimvw order at Hurrl grocery.
juii' :.
Hii Inst Kehruury when the collec
tion f Ihxpi on the 1904 mil begun.
Com Treasurer Cshlll hsa cancelled
wnnkiU to the nmount of r:.I2.40.
TtJ Aotoflllir, the beet eelf-nlllni
Foiitln Ten, I! SO end upward. Every
pen iurinleeil. Chrmn Co., drug
gist mild stunts,
AJniimher of the member of Oregon
Cli Aeeembly. Vnlted Artlimn, vlslled
Hi. fleiiwoo.1 AmMy Monday evening
lij report a very enjoyable time.
Wholes (election of up-to-dsta design,
I Hilar price, at Ml C. Goldsmith's.
'he Southern rarlflo Company I mk
li a eclal rat of on and one-third
fm for the round trip to Portlund fur
tl advantage of persons limiting to via
It he Iwls & Clark Fair.
ounty Judge Ryan waa notified Wed
n, day that Frank Kllla who wni com
ni ted to the state Insane aayliim from
iRa county a few week ago, had eloped
m Institution.
Now la the time to look over your mach-
nery and ee If they will need anv re
fairing. If o call on WILSON A COOKE
jnr extra.
The Whjte Rule of the Saturday Club
that wn to have been held tomorrow,
9io been poatponed until Wedneaday af-
ternoon, June 7, at tho Congregational
Church parlor.
J. A. Mcfllaahnn, of thla city, and Mia
Mary 8. Barlow, of Itariow, were ot Port
land t ti lei week alKtlng Ruperlntendent
Klmen IMxon In placing and decorating
the exhibit from thla county at the U-w-I
& Clark Fair. , . T
Money to loan on Farm. - Land Tltlti
xamlned. Dlmlok A Dlmlck, Lawyer,
Oregon City, Oregon.,.
I -will have a special sale of lots in
' 'June mid have got special prices from
ownerH for 30 days. Following is a
- list of annie of tho bargains. These
are in the main very choice lots and
ideal building sites.
1 Lot on 5th St. road
5 head of 5th St
1 4 2nd and Center Sts
5 TWios Addition, each
2 ' Madison St., fenced,
1 ' West Side Addidon
2 " West Side Addition
I 1 Gladstone. 2 blocks
1 ' Gladstone, 2 " 4 ' ' . 50.00
2 ' near Barclay School 225.00
14 4 5 blocks from Eastham School, , 800.00
22 4 in Ely with fine spring .. 325.00
7 nn Mnlalla Avenuft '.. '..,..' 300.00
2 in Gladstone
1 fn Willamette, corner
1 9tti Street:::::...::
4 2 blocks from'hiadof
Remember these prices are good for June only. ', Call for particular
r.i rt .'.A.--...i.i. run - c. c..l.K1 fti-etrnn Cltv Rank. RTdtf
..lrr)K, .fiH, r);itm;d ,ilajaJn,
rne. Itetiirn to Dr. A, U. Iieiiltlo ami
reniljt ihwiimI. ; Juno 2.
Jtemnmbnr W1I.HON ACOOKB carry a
complet line of Plow, Harrow, Culti
vator, Hay Iliikiia, Weal Improvud Jlurn
I 'our IIuiikIiik. ,
Pnlntl paint I palutl anil got It at Cliur
iniin A Co.', thiilr prlne are alwny Jimt
lAiat near Dr. Hoiiinutr' a litily' gold
oien-fund wutoh fob atlanliml mnull
motiiiKiam M.U. Iuve at Jlowell A
Julie', He win il. Juno 9.
at loweat rate, Latouretta' ofllce, Com
mercial Hank Uullillng, Oregon City.
If. Hchrader, tho Huventh trnt baker,
Im auld til biiNlneii to Wuller A por
ing, and will rellro. Thn nw proprie
tor of thl bakery are expiuictiued men
having been engaged at tho bunlne fur
tweniy-llve year.
Kunday, June 4, will bo Woodmen of
the World Decoration Day, Member
of Camp and circle are reiiieled to meet
at W. O. W. Hall at 2:00 p, m, to parti
cipate In puradn lo cemetery. All mem
ber are reiijcted lo bring flower to
decorate tho grave of deceased tnumber.
Ciixiid' dog and pony how wa In the
clly Hominy and gave two exhibition on
the Wi'il Hide. The performance were
fairly good, the bund of ten piece that
aci'imitianle tho aggregation being the
principal drawing card.
1. H. Young, proprietor of the !g
Cabin anlym, thl week remodeled the
Interior of hi place of tulni' until It
now very much reaemble the Interior
of a crude log cabin. Th Improvement
are In keeping with the contagion along
(hi linn that haa Invadeil Oregon City.
Kxtenlve change to the Interior of
hi million building are being made by
Henry ltoo who will have one of tha
mut attractive reiort In the city when
the pending Improvement are completed.
Ileeide newly painting and pitcrlng the
Interior, an cxpenalve nt-w bar and other
fixture have been added.
Tb board of director of Canemah
achool dlatrlct No. S, at a meeting re
cently, elected W. A. Rchmlilt. of Salem,
principal and Ml Anelta U Oleaaon,
teacher of the primary department. Prof,
Schmidt I a recent graduate of Willam
ette I'lilvernlty, and tha achool year will
commence September 25.
Amung the member' of thl year"
graduating dim from the law depart
ment of the I'nlverelty of Oregon, wa
Howard l4ilouretlo, of thl city. How
ard' many friend wlh him well In hi
cli. men profelnn, feeling; that he I po
ecd of the right kind of material to
make a ucce of whatever he under
take. Jerome Hart contribute a very Inter
esting article to the Argonaut for May
2!Hh. "Down on the Nile to Cairo," la
the title. It I confined chiefly Jo an ac
count of the notable people who are to
tie een In Egypt Ex-Emprc Rugene'
liit vllt la deacrlbed. and her former
vlult, when aha wa Queen of France, 'la
I.ucy It. TJun la aulng It. W. and P.
J. Henneman In the circuit court for
$270. The ult I the outgrowth of a dl
pute over the purchaae of a tract of land.
More than one hundred Maccabees and
their friend from Portland attended the
trolley party and dance that wa given
at Canemah Park Saturday evening un
der the auplcea of the - Oregon City
W. A. Huntley, president of the Ore
gon City Hoard of Trade, ha appointed
the following detegatea to attend the
Fifth Annual Good Rood Convention at
Portlund next month: II. E. Cross. E. P.
Kami. C. II. Dye, Frank Husch, of Ore
gon City; J. T. Apperson, Parkplnee;
Frank Jnggar. Cnrua; J. U Krusc, Staf
ford; W. P. Klrchom, Logan; John P.
Cole, Molulla; and A. Kocher, Canby.
Saloon License.
Notice Is hereby given that I will ap
ply at the next regular meeting of the
council of Oregon City for a liquor II
c,en for a euloon to be conducted on
Main street between Seventh and Eighth
atreeta. A. KNAPP.
V. -325.00
i 450.00
no rock. 800.00
... 250.00
car line . ...v.l 60.00
..I:.: 250.00
Personal Mention
Ilen Jleach, of Flrwood, woa In th oily
Baturday, ' ; -
3. h. Itlngo,' of Clarke, wa In Oregon
City Monday, '
Hubert Bi'hucbel was In the city Mon
day from Cam,
M'. A. tt. Johnson wus called to Cer?
(Jrandfather Ksson.
Mr. Don K. Meldrum I visiting with
relative at Maker City,
Mr. 11. lfontilngNen spent Decoration
Day with relative at Hclo.
Mrs, J. 11, Wood has been visiting with
relatives near Cascade Dock.
Mr. u in! Mr. K, Dlnnwood Jone spent
Hiinday with friend at Hulnm.
Mr. and Mr. Allen Juck, of Marquam,
were In, the city lust Friday,
Hon. W. K. draco, of Haker Clty.'wa
In the city the first of the week. '
itecelver O. C. Illbee ond family spent
Hiinduy with friends at Bherlihin,
Mis Alice Htone, of Doston, Is visiting
lur sinter, Mrs. Wm. Iewthwaltu.
Mis lleulah Hungale, of Molulla, haa
been visiting Oregon City friend.
Misses Ik-rtha I-orig and Ada Frost
spent Hunduy with friend at Newberg.
Mis Uertrude Ilunhor spent Sunday
and Memorial Day at her home In Buli-m. (
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Colo have returned
from a short visit at Tacoma and Se
attle. Mies Dorothy Cross spent Sunday the
guest of Miss Pearl Foster at Kagle
Mr. and Mr. C. N. Walt and W. W.
Jesse, of Harlow, were In the city Sat
urday. M. I.eslle, of Salem, hus accepted the
place recently filled by Hurt Ifalllnan at
the Hub.
Mrs. Dora Dennett, of Mllwaukle, ha
been visiting her mother, Mr. T. L.
Mr. Emily Wilcox, of North Adam.
Mm., I visiting her sister, Mr. Henry
Mr, llruce C. Curry and son Druce
fork, have relumed from a visit with rel
ative at Seattle. ,
Mr. and Mr. Alex Lewthwalte, of Nor
folk, New York., are visiting with rela
tive In this ct:y.
Jacob Cassel, proprietor of the Electric
Hotel, relumed Monday night from an
extended Eastern trip.
Mrs. B. E. Itourette, of Harvey, Wn
haa been visiting In thl city the guest of
Mr. D. C. Latourette,
Mr. M. A. Thomaa. of Gladstone, haa
returned from a three week' visit at
Durfur, Eastern Oregon.
Mr. A. Kocher, of Canby, waa In the
city tha latter part of lust week, the
guest of Vtrs. W. M. Shank.
Mlsse Clara Caufleld and Nelta Hard
ing attended the Portland Academy Class
Party last Saturday evening. I
Prof. Chaa. H. Jrtnea, edltoi- of the
Oregon Teachers' Monthly, win -In he
clly Wednesday, from 8ulem.
Dr. and Mr. George Hoeye and son.
Emerson, spent Decoration Day 'at Salem,
with Oregon City friends this week.
Miss Mory Addle Case went to Port
land last Friday evening to attend the
Hill Military Academy annual party.. '
Pert E. Haney, deputy prosecuting at
torney for Multnomah county, spent Sun
duy the guest of Oregon City friends.
Mr. Henry Wllbern and daughter. Mar
guerite, of Eagle Creek, spent Thursday
with her daughter, Mr. Harry Malon.
Mlsse Eva and Carrie Joseph and
Mlsa France Iiarne. of Portland, were
the guest 8unday of the Mlsae Foster.
Mortimer D. Latourette ha returned
from Berlin, Washington, where he haa
been located for several week looking
after the mining. Interest of hi father.
J. E. Doattlcend nephew, Roy Blxby,
of MoPherson, Kansas, are visiting In
Oregon City. Mr. Beattle Is a brother to
Prof. W. Q. Beattle, of West Oregon
Hon. G. B. Dlmlck delivered the me
morial Day addrea at Sllverton Tues
day. He waa accompanied by E. E. Tay
lor, It. E. Woodward and Ray Norrls who
Sheriff and Mrs. J. R. Shaver drove to
Union Mills Friday where the sheriff had
some papers to serve. Mr. Shaver re
ports that crop throughout the county
never looked, better.
Mrs. R. J. Goodfellow haa returned
from a visit with friends at Tacoma and
Seattle. While on the Sound Mrs. Good
fellow was quite 111 for several days but
she returns home much Improved.
Rev. Henry B. Robins, the newly en
gaged pastor of the First Baptist church,
will arrive In the city about June 16 and
will occupy tho pulpit of the Oregon City
church for the first time, Sunday, June
18. ,
. Mr. and Mrs. M. Penter, of this city,
nnd Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Duuchy. of Ore
gon City, left on lust night's overland
train for 8ants Rosa, Cal., where they
expect to make their home. Thurday s
Salem Statesman. ,
IL B. Cartlldgo, a newspaperman of
Columbus Grove, Ohio, arrived In the city
Inst week, Mr. CartliilKO Is looking over
the Coast for a desirable location and
may become a prrmuiieiit, resident of the
WlllomejUu Valley. )
' Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Charmun and
daughter. June, Mrs. N. O, Wuldcn and
dmiRMer, Antoinette, are expected to re
turn In about two weeks from F.aat Au
burn, 'California,' where they have been
spending the winter,
M. 8. Trulllnger, of Wllholt, wus an
.Oregon' City visitor Saturday. Although
Mr. .Trulllngcr arrived In Oregon from
Iowa only a month ago, he has already
formed a very favorable Impression of
Oregon and particularly Clackamas conn
ty which will probably claim Mr. Truu
lnger a a permanent resident. ' , ,
Drs. Ikiatle ft Beatle, Dentists, Room
16, 17 18, Welnhard Building.
Subscribe to the Enterprise, best local
paper in Willamette iV.aUVy, "
Ttw UN Vou Haffl Always I
Cltlisn Unit With O. A, R. In Observ
ing Memorial Day.
The Annual Memorial sermon was
preacbrid last unday morning by,: the
IWV. Father Hlldebrand, of Bt- JoW
Catholic church. Tho service were
largely attended by tha menber of
Meiido Post . A. R, and the Meado W.
R. C. The members of the John Gibbon
Post O. A. ., also held Memorial exer
cise at the First Presbyterian Church
the same morning, the sermon being
preached by Rev. J. U. Dandsborough,
On Memorial Day, Dr, W. B. Carll wus
president of the day. Business house
very generally closed and tho citizens
Joined with the O, A. R. and W. R, C.
In paying tribute to the Nation' heroes.
Headed by the Oregon City Band and a
large delegation of school children, the
members of the Grand Army Post and
the W. R. C, after strewing flower on
the Willamette from the suspension
bridge In honor of the sailor, proceeded
to Hhlvely' opera house, where the fol
lowing programme of exercise wa car
ried out:
Musical selection Band
Remarks President of the Day ' , , , .
Dr. W. E. Carll
Vocal Bolo Mis Imogen Harding
Address Ritual, Post Commander.,..
,. J. F, Nelson
Vocal Solo Mis Grace 8. Guile
Prayer Rev. E. 8. Bollinger
Vocal Bolo Mis Mary Adell Case
Oration Hon. Geo. C. Brownell
Vocal Solo 'Taps" Mis Imogen Harding
Following the aervlce at the opera
house, the line of march was re-formed
to Mountain View Cemetery where the
rltluallstlc work of the G. A. R. and W.
R. C. was performed Interspersed with
other exercise In the following order:
Dirge , Band
Addres (ritual, page 9)... Commander
Address (Ritual, page t) Chaplain
Crowning monument.. Officer of the Day
Response, "Our Unknown Dead"
Rev. P. K. Hammond
"Lincoln's Address at Gettysburg"...
Mis Grace 8. Guile
Ceremonies. .Meade Relief Corp, No. 18
Prayer (Ritual, page 11) Chaplain
Roll of Honor
Taps '.............. Bugler
Decoration of Graves ..By the Comrade
Class of Twenty-two Young People Will
Receive Diplomas.
The commencement exercise of the
Barclay High School will be held at Shive
ry' Opera House, Friday evening,, June
9, when a class of 22 young people will
receive diplomas of graduation.
The program will be given by the mem
ber of the class, assisted by Mis Hard
ing, Miss Draper and the Schumann Sing
ing Society. Carl Walker will give the
class history and the class prophecy will
be read by Wava Harrington. Luclle
Bacon ha been selected as valedictorian.
The members of the claa are: Mil
dred Brown, Luclle Bacon, Hazel Cooper,
Bertha Frederick. Laura GInther, Ger
trude Hamilton, Wava Harrington, Ellen
Moenke, Blanche Miller, Edna Park. Bes
sie Sleight, Amy Thomaa. Winnie Young.
Lam bbrt Beard, Clifford Dammon, Joe
Gannng, Edwin Hoff. Jack Meldrum, Les
ter Marr,' Carl Nehren, Wallace Telford,
Earl Walker.
Can Make Ice Cream
but to make good Ice Cream is
a very different matter. Do a
little experimenting by trying
the other makes and compare
For perfection of flavor and
rich, creamy smoothness, this
Ice Cream has long been fa
mous. We invite one trial
we know what the verdict will ;
be. '
Sole Agent for Oregon City.
When visiting Portland, don't fail to
call at SWETI.AND'S, 273 Morrison St.,
one of Portland' finest stores, and the
best place in the city for lunch .
Do Yoa Know
If not you should know, I t's
a pure: article pilt up
pint Mason jars full ,
weight; ,-v ;
MI; r
Sold by all Leading Grocers
J Vacation Jfoys
are doubled bv a KVvlalr KrJre n4
IkVWIUU lltbU uj
dark rooms no heavy glass plates no ex
perts to use them. They are light compact
and inexpensive.
BROWNIE STYLE, $1.00, $2.00, $5.00.
POCKET KODAKS, $6.00, $10.00, $12,00.
We are headquarters for Kodaks and Kodak
Supplies, for Plates, Cameras and all Photo
graphic needs.
Htmtley Bos. Co.
Druggists and Photo. Dealers.
Manufacturers and Dealers
in Lumber
Yard and Office Head of Molalla
Aventie, Opposite Evethart's Store
How Do You Spend Your Money?
Are you doing it in a way to secure substantial bene
fits? Are you laying something aside for a "Rainy
Day"? If not, you will never have'a better time to be
gin than now. To get quicjdy started in the easiest way,
come to this bank and open an account. "A DOLLAR
'The Bank of Oregon City
Winter Rate to Ytquln Bay.
In order to accommodate the many
people who wish to make a winter trip
to Taqulna Bay, the 3outhern Pacific
Co. will sell, on Wednesdays and Sat
urday of each week, until March SI.
190S, round trip tickets at low lates, to
Yaqulna and return, limited to sixty
day from date of sale. Those who de
sire to take advantage of this rate should
apply to nearest Southern Pacific agent
for tickets.
Announcement has been made that a
suite of rooms in the Blaaier Building,
West Park and Washington streets, has
been secured into which the Oregon City
Land Office will be moved July 1. The
Land Office will occupy rooms 12 to IS
inclusive on the 6th floor of the Blazler
building. No word has been received
from the remonstrances that have been
forwarded to Washington by Oregon
City people and there is little probability
that the order of removal will be re
scinded. It has been decided by the board of di
rectors of the Willamette Valley Chau
tauqua Association to remodel the kitch
en building at the Chautauqua grounds.
By oddlng to Its length, erecting a new
kitchen and lnstnlllng another range, the
management will be enabled to double
the capacity of this popular eating place
which will be under the Immediate su
pervision of the Chautauqua, people as
was the case last year. ,
Deserted by a faithless husband and
father three months ago, .Mrs. B. A.
Roberts and children, who have since
been dependent on the county and char
itably Inclined persons, were this week
furnished transportation by the county
to Michigan whore they have relatives
who will care f or, them. , . The ,Roberts
family came here eighteen months ago
and everything was well until three
months ago when the father drew from
the bank all his savings, disposed of
everything of value and suddenly disap
peared, leaving the ' family ' without a
cent. '
Drafted Into the service of his country.
I. Mori, proprietor of a restaurant in
this city, this week closed his place of
business and will leave for the recruiting
station. Information 1 of Mori's calling
into the service of the Japanese govern
ment reached him Monday and notwith
standing the fact that he- was having a
very prosperous business, .he has sus
pended work, at his restaurant. Al
though the summons -to service reached
Mori simultaneously , with the news , of
Togo's signal victory over, the Russian
squadron, it did not have the effect of
diminishing in the slightest degree the
broad smile that has decorated the Jap's
countenance since , Monday's dispatches
were published. i- '
As the time of the three days' celebra
tion approaches, the details of the com
bined Firemen's Tournament and Fourth
of July celebration are being worked out
by. thd committees In harge and the
present status of things ' indicates that
the ' demonstration will be among the
most successful ever ' held at Oregon
City. All of the committees are working
hard, t Several fraternal organizations
are arranging to participate in the In
dustrial parade and compete for the va
rious . prizes ' that are offered. Interest
lh the Goddess of Liberty contest is In
creasing and the ' wise ones say that the
finish' will not be slow.- The hose team It
training hftrd for the tournament races,
which will comprise one of the mOBt , in
teresting features of the three days'
celebration. j