OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1905 uar ViOf f esponoems corner j Brief lllli of Gossip From ' Correspondents are requested to re new their work. W will furnish all neceRsary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear In these columns every week. CARUS. All those Interested In talking over the wires attended the telephone meeting last Thursday evening. They decided to place a central at Mr. Juggar's for the present. A large crowd went Ashing at Lake Shore today. i Mrs. Alfred Smith of Prune Hill, re turned home last week. IVter James Emmott Is hoeing hops for N. Mnule this week. Several from Macksburg were visiting at Edwin Howard's Sunday. Mr. Tucker's son and family of Vir ginia arrived last week. They intend making their home here. Wm. Smith was hauling lumber for his new house this week. .Winifred Howard spent Sunday at her home and was accompanied by her sister Thena. 8everal from here intend to spend their fourth of July at Oregon City if they live that long. ' The Carus and Shubel baseball nines played at Shubel Sunday. The score was 6 to 2 In favor of the Shubel boys. THE PERFECT WAY. Scores of Oregon City Citizens Have teamed It. , If you suffer from backache. There Is only one way to cure It. The perfect way Is to cure the kidneys. A bad back means sick kidneys. "'. Neglect it, urinary troubles follow. Doan's Kidney Pills are made for kid neys only. Lee W. Mohr, of Clackamas. Clacka mas County, Oregon, writes, "I have used four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills and they have cured me of kidney and blad der trouble from which I have suffered for fifty years. I used to suffer from se vere pain In my back through the loins and that trouble has now disappeared. The kidney secretions were Irregular and too' frequent, now they act in the proper manner." Plenty more proof like this from Oregon City people. Call at C. G. Huntley's drug store and ask what his customers report I For sale by all dealers. Price BO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. UNION HALL. Mr. and Mrs. Engle, of Central Point, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Volzan last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Houghan, of Port land, were callers in this vicinity last Sunday. ; .- Miss Lillian Gans. of Portland and Mr. Bain Howard of Mulino, were the guests of Miss Eliza Bums last Sunday. Our mail carrier, Mr. Elmer, has got a new mail wagon. This wagon has a very neat appearance Mr. D. R. Dlmick has a force of men working on the road. They have been blasting out stumps and making ditches along the side of the road to drain off the water. They have also put In a number of new culverts. If hard work and perseverance will get a good road, we will certainly have one. Mrs. J. KnotU, of Mulino, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. P. Burns, one day last week. Miss Millie Molzan was visiting rela tives in Mulino this week. Mr. Alfred Smith and Mr. Emmett were visiting at the residence of Mr. J. Perringer last Sunday. "Dame Rumor" has reported a number of weddings In the near future. REDLAND. Mr. Urban LaCroy, who died last Fri day at the St. Vincent's Hospital at Portland, was burrled Sunday in the Redland cemetery, in the presence of a '.large concourse of friends, who had as sembled to pay their last respects to the dead, . Mr. Fred Berkley, of Portland, was a Redland visitor last Saturday and Sun day. Mr. Geaorge Hiclnbothom intends to leave for Hood River, Tuesday, to pick strawberries, so It is said. Mr. D. P. Richardson is working at his trade In Oregon City. Mr. Ortleibe and Smith, of this place, Tor your Protection we place this label on every package of Scott's Emulsion. The man with a fish on his back la our trade-mark, and it is a guarantee that Scott's Emul sion will do all that la claimed for iq Nothing better for lung, throat or bronchial troubles In infant or adult. Scott's Emul sion is one of the greatest flesh builders known to the medical world. Wi'll fad yoa m tampl fr. SCQTT & BOWNE, 40 Pearl Street Kw York f All Puts of the County. are both stok In a Portlnnd Hospital. Mr. Julius Specs nnd Jacob Harry art working In, tlin logging oainns down at OiUliltimet, Wash. ', Mr. Honney recently Installed a tele phone In the house of Mr. Hlelnbothom. Emmett and Vira;ll Mason of Logon were recent Rodlnnd visitors. Just What Everyone Should Do, Mr. J. T. Burber, of Irwlnvllle, On., always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand ready for Instant use.' Attacks of colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that there is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for med icine. Mr. Barber says: "I have tried Chamberlain's Colto. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy which is one of the best medicines. I ever saw. I keep a bottle of it in my room as I have had several at tacks of colic and It has proved to be the best medicine I ever used. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. GREENWOOD. Rev. W. Mason who Is visiting with friends here and In Beaver Creek, will preach In our school house next Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Come out and hear him. Miss Bessie Clark visited home folks Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Hughle Jones has gone to San Francisco on a visit. ' Miss Nellie Flemming returned to Port land Sunday after a short visit with friends here. Several of our young folks attended the dance at New Era Saturday evening, all say they had a good time. Mr. Clarke is very proud of his son Sammy for he has such cute little ears. Enos Cahlll has started up an old soldiers' home, he has two patients all ready, so If you want a home Just tell your troubles to Enos Cahill. Mr. Frank McCormack Is reported to be some better. I wonder how Carl Burgoyne liked his trip to Hog Hollow Sunday before break fast? Mr. George Randall and Miss Mora Gregory went to Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Stoker have gone to house-keeping in their new home. Mrs. Lena Thomas of Wardner, Idaho, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. George Rider called on Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Stoker Thursday. I wonder why Wesley goes up to Stoker's so much, there must be something wrong somewhere, he leaves his heart up there every time he goes. Boss Mead and Ntflle Fleming took a horse-back ride Sunday morning early. I wonder if Boas would ee'l his new suit of rags. 'Tisn't safe to be a day without Dr. Only one remedy in the world that will at once stop itchiness of the skin In any part of the body; Doan's Ointment. At any drug store, 50 cents. ' CAN BY. Canby has but one butcher shop now. Ed. Shull having sold out to Lucke Bros. Rev. H. Homschuch,- lately of Salatn, visited over Sunday with Mr. Druschel's family and left for Seattle on Monday morning. He occupied the pulpit of the Evangelical church on Sunday, preach ing in English. Rev. Mr. Elmer is now installed as the mail carrier on the new mail route. Mr. P. Paulsen died at his home In Canby last Monday morning of con sumption. He' was burled from the Christian church on Tuesday afternoon, the funeral being conducted by the Rev. L. C. Elliott, of Portland. He leaves a wife and small child to mourn his death. Wedding bells chime occasionally. On Wednesday, May 24, Mr. Olsen; who lives east -of town, was married to a lady just arrived from Norway, whose name We have not learned. Rev. John Samuelsen officiated. ' ' . On last Wednesday morning, a couple" took the train for Oregon City where they were to be married. The lady was Miss Martin. We did not learn the name of the happy man. It seems, not only natural, but very gratifying to bave.H. N. Brown at his old place at the depot again. Canby people feel sure that business will be promptly and properly attended to when he is on duty. Bishop D. H. Moore, DD., will preach at the Methodist church next Sunday morning and possibly In the evening also. This will afford a rare opportunity to the people of Canby for hearing one of the most distinguished divines in Amer ica and standing room should be at a premium. MARQUAM. Mr. William Jack, of Silverton sold his farm to Mr. John Earth. Last Friday was the warmest day we have had yet. Saturday was a little cooler. Mr. Iche Sharp, Frank Ridings and Mr. Ed. Skirvln's dogs were poisoned near or at Marquam. Some have sus picions. One of the flood gates of Wm. Morten - son's was let loose and the water and logs flooded the Butte Creek bridge at Barton Jack's and nearly took the bridge out. Some of the CommlHsioners were coming out to see it, one of which was Mr. Thomas Klllln, but his brother died at Oregon City and he had to attend the funeral. Mrs. J. M. Little sold her place to Mr. Dr. Myres of this place. Memorial services were held at the Miller cemetery Sunday. Rev. Kerr, of Portland gave the address in the morn ing and afternoon. An address was giv en by Geo. C. Brownell which was very suitable to the occasion. The soldiers dedicated a monument to the unknown soldiers. Mr. F. Moody sold his place to Mr. Nel son of this place. Memorial services will be held at Sll verton, Oregon, June 8d. A large crowd Is expected. Juit Came Pretty shirt waists 88c up; Handkerchiefs lc, 2Vc up; Ladles' Hose 9c up; new Laces and Ribbons at cut prices. RED FRONT STORE. UNUSUAL BARGAINS GOOD FOR TWO WEEKS OR UNTIL , JUNE 10th. Shoes, Etc. Child's Sllppcra, 7c, 75c, 7 Ladles' $1.25 patent leather Slippers dur ing this sale 880 Ladles' Comfort Ixw Shoes, low heel $1.25 value, this sale 98o Ladles' Tan Oxfords. Russian calf, dur able, neat, $2.25 value, salo $1.73 Ladles' Fine Shoes. $1.25 to $1.50 value at '..98o Baby's Shoes 9c, 23c, 37o Child's Shoes .....65o up Many other Shoe Bargains. CJJean up of garden and flower seeds, olil and new, separate boxes, paper 1c Millinery Department Our Millinery Department h a flna lot of stylish Hats at two-thirds of Portland prices. Experienced milliners dry goods profits only, and quick sales. Child's trimmed hats 48c up; ladles, $1.47 up; Ladles' Walking Hats, 72c up. These Goods Usual ly Cost Double Our Price Elsewhere 1 Gold Dust Washing Powder, pound.. 4c Best seedless Raisins, 4 pounds 25c Lemons, eachf 1c Clothespins, dosen .., .1c 10 bars soap 25c Ink, 3c; Lead Pencils. 8 for 5c Men's Jean Pants, small sixes to close 68c Seeded Raisin pkg5c 7 pounds good prunes 25c Flour $1.06, best lard '...11c Trade for Produce. Coupons for Free Dishes. Red Front Store LC. HAMILTON, Proprietor J OREGON CITY, OREGON Brights Disease And Diabetes ; Announcement o! the Discovery of the Cure. I The stockholders of the John J. Fulton Co. of San Francisco announce to the world the curability of Chronlo Bright' Disease and Diabetes btaed on hundreds of cures and two years of demonstration disclosing about V of recoveries. In attestation of these momentous facta we present the names of some of tbe stockholders, business and professional men of this city, every one of whom bad to bare pre vious opinions reversed and be satisfied of tbe genuineness of the discovery before investing in this corporation, viz.: Hon. Barclay Henley, Attorney and ex-member of Congress; Thos. Kirkpatrick, capitalist; Hon. D. M. Burns, President Candeiarla Mining Co.; A. E. Sbat tuck. President Paciflo States Type Foundry; Edward Mills, President Bnllock Jones Co.; Cpt. Roberts, President Sacramento Trans portation Co.; D. E. Bender, capitalist; Wm. Sharp, capitalist; W. B. Bradford, Alaska Packers Awn.; C. W. Clark, capitalist (Sacra mento); W. C. Price, capitalist (Pasadena); O. E. Bates, Attorney; K. O. Miller, Attorney; Cnas. McLane, Agency Director N. Y. Life Ins. Co.; Judge Bigelow, ex-Supreme Judge State of Nevada; Col. D. B Fairbanks, Cashier Pet luma Savings Bank; R. D. Sessions, Attorney So. Pac. R. R. Co., and many others The list of the cured runs into hundreds and Includes druggists and physicians. Tbe 13 of failures was largely among cases tbat were at death's door and many such recovered, Tbe Specifics that have at last conquered these dread disease are known a tbe Fulton Compounds. The Renal Compound for Bright' and Kidney Disease is tl; the Diabetes Com pound Is 11.50. We have established an agency In your city and you will find pamphlet sad Compound at ' Charman & Co., City Drug Store. lifL or Pure & Mellow Rich & Delicate For Sale by E. MATTHIAS tola Agenoy for Oregon City. B HI A 131 B to V BBAVfen iCRKEK. ' The wet weather la keeping up a Httlo too long and a great deal of the grain If oedlnnlng to rust. Telephone Is all the talk In this burg now and the mutual line will soon lmip. Mrs. Strong ami son are. Improving rapidly-' Wm. Si'anlon Is about the sumo.' D. K. Jones Is Improving slowly. Miss Lena Steudenuin Is home again. II. l.lndsley who has been nt Heu Hide for the past several weeks visited his family here for a short time. The Hhubol Ituselmll team defeated Ciiiin last Sunday, 5 to J. tlliulys llloud of liliidstont', Is reported to have scarlet fever. A. ThomiiH made u business trip m lNxilnnd Inst Week and for the future wm act us stock buyer for the K I.. smith Meat Co. Alwiiv remember and bear In mind that a good little fellow Is hind to llnd. And when on stroll you'd chance to llnd, make up your mind and treat him kind. MtxMes Lltilv and Bertha Thomas cull ed on Win. Hughes' family this week. ltev. Mason will preach ut the IIok Hollow school house ut 1 p. in. neat flui dity. The meeting at the Welsh Congrega tional church was well ut tended on May 3d. The meeting was culled to order by ltev. It. H. Owens, pastor. An Interesting program whs rendered, nuiny gnods songs and recitations were given. 1. W. Thom as wan presented by the church with a pair of gold glasses for his faithfulness f.ir many years In leading ttm slnglnK. Ihielts were rendered by Misses Hughes of Kmporlu, KuiimiN and Misses Thomus. of Ml. Pleasant. Solos by Miss lnl' Hughes of Itcuver Creek nnd W. Jones. Duett by W. II. Inea. L. 1. Joins. In -mnimeiitnl music by (!. Roberts' church choir under the leadership of L. l. Jones sang several times and was well apprec iated by the audience. The enlei tulliment was very successful ull through. Tim committee who hud the management are to be congratulated for their great ef forts to make the trograuiiue a success, MULINO. Quite a number of people of this place Ftttnitttfe and Hai'dwai'e. UR FURNITURE FACTORY in Oregon City has been built, up again and running day and night to make up for lost time. Only warranted goods are t manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail. OUR SO-CALLED NO. JO BUREAU PROVED TO BE A PRIZE WINNER. We are taking orders ... "4 o 4 now for this celebrated piece of furniture which will be June 15th' I : a .-' j Writing Desk $5.50 Warranted Steel I I ' . t - 6!holes, 18 inch C97 Zfl oven, hhjh closet vr ii 7 t Rubber Garden Hose $4,50 for fifty feet. to - " " ' """" 0 ...,.0 m mfdl I CD AMI I . i-i -i v,' j 1 1 1 1 uj 111 mm Mm m mi mm t J .Smmir i ..... . . HiKTrK v- 6 Furniture & Hdware attended the memorial services at Oregon City lust Tuesday, and report a mm nt tenditnc at the cemetery. Mr. and Mis. Clareneo Mitllott ttrw the proud pnrenls of a nine pound In-y. The mother nnd child doing nicely, Mr. Mallol and family. Mr. VMi ami wife, visited at Kvan's home last Hut urduy. ' Molulla Mutual Telephone Association will soon have another line udded to their switch-board, ut Molallu. us I Its pie around Carus Intend to stretch wire to Unit place. Mr. K. Krlckson and family took dinner with Mr. nnd Mrs. Helby lust Holiday. tint In Is looking fine around here, nnd Full wheat Is nlrendy heading. Marly po tatoes are looking fine timl making lapld growth. J. AilKIn mitde another drive of logs downt milk creek to his mill a few days ago something unusual for this Hum of the year. Cuban Dlarrhots. V. 8. soldiers who served In Cuba dur ing the Hpanlsh war know whnt this disease Is. mid that ordinary remedies hnve Utile or no effect than so much water. Cuban diarrhoea Is almost us se ven' a lid dangerous a n mild ntturk of cholern. There Is one remedy, however. Hint can always be depended upon us Will be Seen by Hie following certificate from Mis. Minnie Jacob of( Houston, Texas: "I hereby certify Hint Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera nnd l!arrhoca Item-i-dy cured toy husband of a severe attack of ('iibun diarrhoea, which be brought home from Cuba. W hud several doc tors but they did llllll tut good. One bot tle of this remedy cuid him, us our neighbors will testify. I thiink Hod for so Vulualile ii inedli Ine," For sale by (ieo. A. Hunting BARTON. School Is out; Holiday school Is In pio gress, The saw mill has changed owners agiiln, now 'lis Hall Hros. They am very busy. Among their orders Is a bridge bill for Hie Maultlt road. Mr. Frank Hellniun. one of their best nun. Is still lurtoii wilt soon be started 50 During the Fair you will have to put up an eitra l(l to accoiu uioUte your friend Buy one of our $1.95 IRON BEDS Full size Buroau, fine clear Mirror, made out of thoroughly seasoned lumber, finished in golden oak, dark cher ry and white maple. Sold for cash only. Special price in dozen lota. Look at our $7.50 Ex. Table Range Paint your house with Phoenix Floor Paint the beat on eartl). $1.75 per Fp" "" Estimates f dxsSk givenon I h Hardware imPMVrtNPLSJ gallon. rjrnesi work nas nlh,t ctiin i f llrsl. crop U'ini. J ,!;",,',( Mr. Johnson Is still shearing ',,1,' Mlwa Idly ami Kingsbury ,'', this vicinity Hmubiy. 1 m A family iM-tmioit was li, , ,, . Wind's Humbiy. ' ' Miss Mulllu Jlutkliuidt lutuiiied fi I'Mikpliico lust Humidity. m Ye, let lis hnur vhhim ,. t , .. ""'"a iiia -... od Ulver l.rblgo. of Co.u.a y()llM ! '"' . "o what d. you think of i PAUKPLACI. Cburllo Hmlth nnd family hnvs i,II1VP(, to Pm-tlnnd for Hut summer, , Mf Kit k bus moved Into thn Hmlih houm, Mr, Wench Is lying very low nt hi boinw In I'urkpliicn, Ho has ,i ,,, which seems obsllnitte to deal wlih I on' I forgot to attend His e,, ,,, teitiiliuiictil Hitluidny night, June s, j the 1'lHKplnee assembly hull, Miss Agatha Culler Is enjoying A V,t with her muilier, Mi. V, J, Cutter, fr,ini Dayton. thlo. Mis. Cutler I g,,x , spend suvel'lll Week Visiting Hie l4Wg A Clark Fair, and Hut beautiful Oregon scenery, before returning to the ki, Mrs, I'ltul Freytlug bus umcenly N coveied from her long Mines ti) , ,,1,1 to visit her parent. Mr. and Mi. Hinn last Holiday, ' Mothm I'nitrl from Michigan, - pupjf of Mis Wilson' wit u guest ai ('nptnin Htiilth' lust Friday, t 'hat lie Hiown I going to H'utHrrrt Oregon to peiid the summer win, (,1, brother, lie t-pect to shut the nut uf Hie week, M.o k uinl l.cvi lltveta moved up Willamette liver Monday, Where hy have a big Job of clearing Mis llaellel pcltt llecollttlott . her friends, the tlrlffos. Ill Portland. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. The Kind You Have Always Goot Dear the Signature ready for delivery about r Such a td 1 always welcomed in the children' bed room, too. Hammocks We sell ti good one for $2.50 DOORS and WINDOWS ARB YOU GOING TO BUILD? We have some door It-It that were slightly damaged by our diHastrou fire, which will go cheap. I iff a ti tiM0ivmn purposes Cots, $2.25.