Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 26, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of
Oregon, for the County of Multnomah,
Cecilte Kaetf, Plaintiff,
Henry Kaegi, Defendant.
By virtue of an attachment execution.
Judgment and order of sale Issued out of
the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Multnomah, to me di
rected, dated the 29th day of April. 1905,
upon a Judgment rendered and entered In
eaid court on said day In the above en
titled cause, wherein Cecllie Kaegi, the
plaintiff, recovered Judgment against
Henry Kaegl, the defendant, for the um
of $1250.00, with interest thereon at the
rate of alx per cent per annum from Bald
29th day of April, 1905, and the costs of
and upon said writ, commanding me to
make sale of the following described real
property, I did. on the 10th day of May,
1905, levy upon the following described
real property, to-wlt:
That certain parcel of real estate situ
ate, lying and being In Clackamas Coun
ty, State of Oregon, and bounded and
particularly described as follows, to-wit:
All of lota numbered 3 and In Tract
numbered 63, In the First Subdivision of
a portion of Oak Grove, save and except
ing that portion deeded by the Oak Grove
Land and Improvement Company to the
East Side Railway Company as a right
of way, by deed acknowledged March 24,
1893. recorded March 29, 1S93, in Book 61,
of the Record of Deeds of said Clackamas
County, at page 194, together with the
Improvements thereon and the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances there
unto belonging or in anywise appertain
ing. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said at
tachment execution. Judgment and order
of sale, and In compliance with the com
mands of said writ. I will, on Monday,
the 19th day of June. 1905, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of the
County Court House In the City of Oregon
City, In said County and State, sell at
public auction, to the highest bidder for
cash, all the right, title and interest
which the said defendant, Henry Kaegi
had In and to the above described real
property on the date of said attachment,
to-wit: March 9, 1905, or which he has
since acquired or now has therein, to
satisfy said Judgment, execution, costs
ana accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon
First publication May 12, 1905.
Last publication, June 9, 1905.
The Remarkable Curative Properties of
So many cases have come right under
their own personal observation that Hunt
ley Bros. & Co., now know beyond all
question what Pepslkola will do.and they
can give you the names of scores of
people whose experience with It has been
remarkable. In fact, there la hardly a
person in Oregon City today but knows of
some one who has been decidedly bene
fitted. Thin people find that Pepslkola In
creased their weight. Others claim that
It cures heartburn, palpitation, sour stom
ach, wind belching, bad taste In the mouth
coated tongue, fullness and distress after
eating, while to those who are listless.
tired and worn out and without ambition
it gives new vigor and renewed vitality'
right away. And the guarantee Is so
plain and so sure there can be no misunderstanding.
The manufacturers do not want even
one dissatisfied customer In Oregon City
and Huntley Bros. & Co., always sell
Pepslkola with the understanding that it
must relieve, and cure you or you can
have your quarter back simply by asking
for It.
A Good Suggestion.
Mr. C. B. Wainwright of Lemon City.
Fla., has written the manufacturers that
much better results are obtained from
the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains
In the stomach, collo and cholera morbus
by taking It In water as hot as can be
drank. That when taken In thla way the
effect la double in rapidity. "It seems to
get at the right spot Instantly," he says.
For sale by Geo. A. Harding.
An exquisite reproduction of a
masterpieces of this great artist, This
magnificent picture Is reproduced In all
Its orrlglnal grandeur on the cover of
the Woman's Home Companion for Juno,
Although this cover Is an accurate re
production of a painting worth hundreds
of dollars, yet in the June number, which
has this exuplsito cover, may be obtain
ed at any rli-Nt-1'lnnn news-stand or direct
from the publishers for tho trivial sum of
only ten cents.
Mr. Paul do toiigpr Is Justly styled
the "King of Flower Painters." He not
only paints roses, but every (lower that
grows, and In the highest authority on
(lowers. His painting are found In the
most select homes. Some have sold for
as much as seven thousand Ave hundred
dollars. (J7.600.00).
Artists, art critics and competent Judg
es all agree that the covers of tho
Woman's Home Companion far excel
those of any other mngaxlno.
Tho Woman's Home Companion la a
magaalne which In beauty and excellence,
art, stories. Illustrations and fushlotts,
etc., excels all otWer home and family
magaslnes. The woman's Home Compan
ion Is published by The Crowell Pub
lishing Company, New York City, also
Chicago, 111., at One Dollar a year, and
Is the favorite magaitne In nearly half
a million homes, where It is read each
and every Issue by three million people.
All the healing, balsamic virtues of
the Norway Pine are concentrated In
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, nature's
own remedy for coughs and colds.
'The Three Most Beautiful Roses"
Paul de Longpre.
At the urgent solicitation of the Wom
an's Home Companion, Mr. Paul de
Longpre, who Is the greatest painter of
flowers in the world, consented to make
a painting of what he considered "The
Three Most Beautiful Roses," and the
painting is without doubt one of the
We are now having our March and
April showers.
Jack Irish and Tom Inskeep are work
ing for Mr. Austin at Liberal.
Mrs. Humphrey Jones called on Mrs.
Londan Sunday,
Berthena Howard was the guest of
Lilian Cans Thursday.
Several from here went to Hood River
to pick strawberries.
The dance at Beaver Creek Friday eve
ning was not very largely attended on
account of It being such a stormy night.
Edwin and family visited with William
Davis and family Sunday.
Having secured the agency for the
Sttfdebakef Company for Oregon
City and vicinity, W. L. Block,the
Ftirnittfre man, is now prepared to
supply yoar wants in another way.
of the Studehaket Company's pro
ducts is too well known to require
any introduction to the people of
this vicinity. The trademark of
Rich In food strength, pleating In the
beauty of perfect digestion. This Is the
art and science of good living. Don't
forget ENERGY. 10 cents a package
at all grocers.
Unparalleled Clubbing
stands for the best in the way of
Wagons, Buggies and Carriages.
Delay making any purchases until
you have consulted Mr. Block who
will carry a complete line of Stude
haker vehicles.
Do You Want Good Reading? Let Us Have Your Ear
The Enterprise has made an especial arrangement by which it is enabled to
majce tne ioiiowing cnparalleled dabbing offers:
Oregon City Enterprise
Saturday Evening Post
The above two publi-'
cations together with the
Youth's Companion will
be sent one year for $4.50
Oregon City Enterprise
Everybody's Magazine
Oregon City Enterprise
The Enterprise
together one of the fol
lowing: Harper's Bazaar
Ladies' Monthly
Pictorial Review
Table Talk
The Criterion
Twentieth Cen
tury Home
will be sent , for ONE
YEAR for only
Oregon City Enterprise
American Poultry J'r'n'l
Fruit Growers' Journal
Cincinnati Enquirer or
Oregon City Enterprise
Harper's Bazaar
Oregon City Enterpripe
Country Life in America
Main and Seventh Streets Oregon City, Oregon
In fact we can give yog an tmasgally liberal dabbing rate with any newspa
per, magazine or other publication that is printed. Call at oar office when in
Oregon City and we will arrange to sgpply yog with standard magazines, etc.,
at prices so extremely low that yog will be astonished. If the few sample offers
we qgote here do not cover the magazine that yog desire to take, commgnlcate
1 with gs and we will be pleased to qgote yog gnparalleled clgbbing rates.
g ineuregon wry Enterprise, joq
Oregon City. Oreeon.
Send the 0f e8n City Enterprise and the following magazines I
tor one year as per yogr advertised clgbbing offer:
"I wts tnmblsd with rWa.
aoatroubl.. Tbedtords Blaok
Draugbt did nis mar foo4
la on. wek thn all tha doc
tor's mxliclns I took la
year.1 MRS. IARAB I.
Thedford't Black Draught
quickly invigorate the ac
tion of the itomach and
cures even chronio cases of
indigestion. If you will
take a small dose of Tbed
ford's Mack Draught occa
sionally you will keep yoar
tomaca and liver ia per
fect condition.
Gentlemen: II
. z :
- - '
Address ' I
Enclosed find $ II
11 ore sickness ii canted by
constipation than by toy
other disease. Thodford'a
Black-Draught not only re
lieved constipation boteuree
diarrhea and dysentery and
keeps the bowels regular.
All drngglutt sail
U-oant packages.
"Thedford's Black-
Draught ia the best medi
cine to regulate the bowela
a i? 7,V """I-" MRS.
A. M. OJUJIT, Sneada
Ferry, N. C.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamiu.
E. A. Hamblln. rialntlff,
B. J. TIamblln, Defendant.
To H. J. Hamblln, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon
Tou are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled atrnlnst you
In the above entitled suit, on or before
tho 24th day of June, M06, belnij six
weeks after the first publication of this
Summons, nnrt if n ... .
. - "' "t in appear
and answer said complaint, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
AMl tf trm U. u.ii.j
....... v .... prayea for , m
complaint, rnmi- tt .
' uecree or said
court, dlamlvlng the marrlaKo contract
firm nnl 1 trn tin. a . ,.
liuw ,.xlHUnK between
yourself and said plaintiff, and that plain-
ft may have all such and different re
lief as he Is entitled to In equity.
Thla Summons la published by order
of 'Hon. Thn. v r ' ",u, r
r, . , "jail, uuuge or the
County Court made and entered on the
6th day of May, 1905.
nate, !uthe first WMicatlon of
this notice Is ttio mn, a... . "
" "in uny or may, janR
T "T tar public.:
.. .ui ia bix successive weeks,
Attorney for rialntlff.,
In order to take care of the inter
est of or customers and to extend a
knowledge of the value of electricity
for lighting, we have opened an of
fice next door to the Bank of Oregon
City, wnich is in charge of Mr. C
G. Miller.
Estimates on cost of wiring, cost
of current and information on the
advantages of electricity for all par
poses will be furnished by him at any
Portland General
Electric Company
1 C C Miller, Contract Manager
for Oregon City