OKEGON CITY" ENTEKPKISE, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1.905. (SoMsrffid AID Cfe - i LolFffi MR. "d MRS, WIL0ERT THOMPSON, OOI Main St., Peoria, III. MULL'S ORAPE TONIO CURED HIM. W ill rt Thorn peon never knew a well day until last June-lie bad been constipated all his life many oVtctori treated blm, but all (ailed to even help him-his health (ailed rapidly and on January 21, 1W3, Mrt. Thompson aked ua to lupgfst a treatment (or her huiband We thought the case tooerlou and recommended that a specialist be eoniulted-but he aUo (ailed to help the patient-NOW HB IS WELL, V Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him Mrs, Thnmjuon first wrote in an follows "toy husband, aged W, iiffnmfr'mi sharp pains In his stomaen and sometimes think it u his himri. It m know h return mall liat causes 1Mb pain, if you can. Mr. Thompson bm trimuvl tijr Mivnral doetors, but they have ttlnti I. limit.." Wt)miii.tlydilUiiitnriitlMiiii.oiilliitie()fiiiltd. We 'motet "We want to Mil Mull's Crape Tonin, l'uw w. know It win euro eoiisuiiailoii, but mm. a nettle In no object to us wbeu human llf Is at stake, tnd II your hinUndi PdMi Is an snrloui a you stste. wo siiifimitt you consult a reliable siieclallnt, not the. advertising hind. .nmiity." at tlie sums IIiuh, knowliiit tlml Mull's (irspe Tonic could do no lisrm, we advlwd Its use until a liyi Imi oould b ooimulUd. January it Mrs. Tlmmniion wrote that a physician had been consulted. He diag nosed tbn case ss IwIiik chronle constipation and dysiwpiila. Ills Iraatmwif wan followed faithfully, but there was iioH.rixtillliiiiiiroviimiiiin Mr. riioinHioirshttallh. TheB lie began taking Mull's Grape Tonic and oa (Sept. s, IKea, w received tbe following letter from Mrs. rhoinptoiu "You will remember that I wrote to you last Jsnuarv In regard to my huebend'e health. It Is (our months slnoa he quit taking Mull'aOrapo Tonlo lor oonetlpatlon, whloh ho suffered from elno birth. He took ut 24 bottle of It and la psrleolly cured. Ho le much stronger ami he gained eonaldarably In tleeh. I eennot thank you enough lor Mull'e Grape Tonlo. 'It I worth Ho weight In gold.' Just 112 ourad him and he ha apent hundred of dollar with doetor who did him no good. Now I want to state my oae to you and expect your early reply. I also have consti pation, ha had tor three year. Kindly let me know a I am ur It will our m If you aay It will, a It did all you claimed It would In my husband' eaae. I await an early reply." Very respectfully your, MRS. W.H. THOMPSON, BOIKaln St., Peoria, III. LET US GIVE YOU A 50c. BOTTLE. ThU Coupon It good for a 50c Dottlo of Mull' Grape Tonlo. Fill oat thL enupoa and s-n.t ilia l.lhtlitf Mfdlrlita t o, SOT TblrdAt., Itorh Island, III., .nil you III rvodt full li, 6 Or. bottle of Mall's (imp Tnl. I have taken Mull's Orp Touie, but If y III pply with a A0. I.olil. Irw, I will tabs It as lllfwUHi. (My MtaU.... aivs ruii aooasee o watre miu, 1( you arc afflicted with constipation or any of Ita kiivlred diwn-ics we will buy a 50-crnt bottle (or you of your druKgiiit anil give it to you to try. If you are constipated we know ft will cure you. Surely if we lutve such confidence in our remedy as to jmy for a lottlc of it Hint you may teat for yourself ita won derful curntive qualities, you should not refuse to accept our offer. Mull's Grape Tome 1 the oidy cure for constipation known. We do not recom turnil it for anything hut Constipation and ita allied diseases. It ia our free gift to you. In accepting thia free bottle you do not obligate yourself further than to take it contents. Mull's Grajie Tonic is j)leiiit to take and one bottle will benefit you. Wc want you to try it nnd, therefore, if you will fill out the attached coupon and nwil it to us to-day we will instruct your druggist to give you a yxent bottle and cunrge same to us. For Sale by Howell & Jones, Oregon City COLTON. Bay, did you notice the potatoes and til-mis are turning ripe and the fall rains have ac;t In? Hall Ml here last Saturday to the depth of 1 and one-half Inches on the lovel. Joe Carlton and Bert Lamb of Mullno wrre vlMltlriK In Colton laat Sunday. Walter Corbel t hkn gone to Cazadero with hi team to work. Johnnie and Luey Countryman went to Can by hopping lint Monday. Contractor Hargraves and aon have begun work In the Hubbard residence, which bids fair to be a fine building. There was iuite A largo crowd In at tendance at the picnic here on the last day of sehool. It being a. damp day din ner was nerved in the Hall where the table groaned under Its heavy load of good things. The program and races were much enjoyed by all. Mr. White had the misfortune to cut hla knee quite badly while slaxhlng last Saturday. Colton Is talking of celebrating at home this year. Mrs. Hunter and son Earl of Montavllla are up on their bee ranch this week look ing after their crop of honey which Is uaually a bounteous harvest. Mrs. Delia Marrs, of Podge, was vis iting her brother and sister, Lew and Stella Hubard, butt Sunday. W. K. Bonney pronounces his fruit all killed by the late frost. ' EAGLE CREEK. We have been having a very hard rain storm but It look like clearing up now. MIbs Maggie Smith, who Is In the hos pital at Portland, Is slowly Improving. Mr. Harger was allghtly paralyzed last week, but la Improving. We hope to see him out soon. Mr. A. W. Cooke and wife of Damascus, were vlaittng friends here Sunday. The Grange meeting lat Saturday was fairly attended and the Grange ui re ceiving new applications nearly every meeting. The front UiHt week did considerable 1 damaice to potatoes and some garden truck. untry Correspondence Wh Sufttr from PJhsumatlsmf hy suffer from rheumatism when one icaikm of Chamberlain's I'aln Balm n-lirvo tls paint The quhk relief h this liniment affords make real .!., x,.it.lr, and that alone Is h many lma Ita rout. Many who - um-4 It hoping only for a short re from auffrriiisr have been happily ur- .d to find that after awhile the relief Lm rxrmanrnt. Mra, V, II. llgett hum Turn. Trnnaar. U. B. A . writes Im a great sufferer from rheumatlam, rr from head to foot, and Chamber s I'aln Halm la the only thing that rtiirv the pain." For sale by Ceo. A. 4ina. .. . ' aeerrtnry and treaaurrr. Mra. Florence Wliaon, fxrcutlva committee, Mrs. (k llargteaves, Mia. A. Hpurgeon. Mrs. H. HtnlU). MeettiiKS will be held on the aerond and fourth Thuradiiys of eueh month. PARKPLACt. rainy wenther la bait for th llien- traarlirrf lea. irwin wna a day to b long reinrm- 4 by the I'arkplace pupils. The old llera and rl ef corns visltefl tne ml mid gftve Mt exwllenl talks on ClUI War which the teachers and il irrnttv uiii,rt.,'tated. I child of Mr. Charles' drank carbolic 1 Turadav. but owlns to the Immedl rare uf lr. Btrtekland the little one WMllnir nlimtf nlcelv. t'mrniU-r the entertainment given by l'aikulaee ahiml Saturday. June id. 11 to be the crowning event of the n. " Iwi-lve of Miss llaenrl's eighth grade 'An tmik Hie eiamlnntloti Thuradny it Krlday. May U and 1, Conducted OutiUin Hmlth. Ive of the Parkplara young peol k In the slghta ut Casadere Sunday. Mwnlnv will be special day of In t to the members of Abernathy iiRe. us there la to be an excellent HHitn i,l rnn.fiil tireoMratlolI. lia Wilson timk her Sunday school n of boys and Mlsa Smith's class of to the Portland City Park, last Hal lay. There were 35 of the young Jolly "ih and they nil enjoyed the picnic ntr and ramble throiiirh thn pnrk intvnaelv. In thn af lei noon Mlas U 1 tM.k them to the city musum which is Intercallnar and InatrilCllve to them. t'y nil ii iuincil at 1 n. m. tired, but 'Killed with their trip, notwithstanding lllliWcra nnd hall. CLACKAMAS. Tuesday evening. "ii by Mr, Moborly nnd wlfo, assisted home talent, wua well attended. Mr 'beiiy deHliea to aeeure a class of pu- n the violin. The program rendered f exeeptlnnnlly fine. inm pupila of school district No. 2. will f e an entertainment In the I. O. O. F. iier the entertainment the ladles of the 'there' ciub will aerve Ice cream and nt 10 ei.nl. n dlh. All proceed bo used for the benefit of the school inirv, ' pe Chickamn Orange No. 298 will 'U a Children' pny picnic, ors Sntur iV Tux., n i.. . i. u ... i,ii,i,.t 'S UMII,! U, HI 1I3 niOUtl ,IUVH "l""- 1 with Mr. Monney' place. ' Kvery body lulled to coma und bring children anil "wets, lleaular mnetltni of the Orange the hull nt a a i.i mmfiir ilpirrces'. '"f which member will repair to the 'ilVd. Mr. Hi.nl'V Hmlih ohn rnnuntlv holiuht 1" Wolf plane, In putting In a new drive " lie bIho fitted up the place ror a i.i.i. ,i i 1 v'h rainiii. Thn i,.,,,., ...i. ..i ii.... .v. til f have recently been Improved by w wire fencing and new steps to the V'ncn entrnnnB ' Tll I on nionw.i.ii.i .,...,!,..,. wilt hn hold "t Biibbuth. In 'the Cona-reKiitlonul furi'h, PuHtnp w a. Monr of the M. C'llllrnh .i.lll . v. ,, Clcnd " "in tn eiti;u low nei muii. " '"J'o will be rendered by united choir iwo churohce. Iifllllna , U .. ,,li " IOB V.OI1K1CKIIIK'""' l!01"V,. '"t Tuesday afternoon at the home of . C. Hayward nnd re-organlseo ' benevolent aocicty of the church, it H nm ... f "car as roiiowa: prestaent, ir. pvenson, vlce-pjresldent, M)s. Kelly i BARLOW. Mrs. Jennie Clark and diiuahter Doro thy, are her from Arlsona. visiting her mother and alster. Mrs. M. W. Bheppard and Mlaa Iteaale. Mlsa M. 8. Ibirlow entertained some tweiHy-flv or thirty of her Portland and Orrann City friends, Thursday, the lltth. Miss Harlow bdonga to a ciub at that place and at their Inst meeting Invited the member to come to Barlow at their next meeting, thn Invitation was ac cepted, and all ram that were able. All enjoyed themselves very much. The M.t news was received from Ar- broth. Scotland, a few duya ago of the death of Mr. PavUI Kydd. Mr. and Mra. Kvdd and family left hers a month or so ago for their old Scotland home. Mr. Kydd had aold hla property here and as it had been a number of year since they had left the old home and frlenda, they decided an making a trip there. They arrived there In safety, but were ther only a short lime when Mr. Kydd whs taken with phirlay and never it covered.' Mr. Kydd had lived at Barlow for a number of years and had hosts of friends who wero deeply grieved to henr the sad news of his death. Mrs. hyuu n.nnv friends extend her their heart felt sympathy In this her sad bereavement. Again the grim monster ueain. naa mir neighborhood, this time tak ing from u Harriet Parmenter. the four- .,n var old daughter of Mr. ana Mr. J. D. Parmenter. Little Harriet has been inv.ii.t for several year from tne painful disease rheumatism, and at times the little gin suirerings wero oreamui. ,ii ..... ,ina that medical skill could possibly do, but to no purpose. She was of a sweet, loving and palieni uiapoamon. i,v. hnrltisr her sufferings with great patience and endurance. She was much loved by all who knew ner anu wi was the cauae of much sorrow to the en tire neighborhood. Services were held at the house at 10 o'clock, Itev. Love, of Portland, officiating. Interment wna i,. i, i. Mi. Zlon cemetery. A large procession followed to the cemetery and a profusion of flowers ueeaca me v.i.. tha sympathy of the entire community In this their end be reavement, . nd wife left Sunday, the 2lst, for Forest Grove, whore Mr, JeaHe was sent as a delegate from me ua.mw Orange to the State Grange. They will be abacnt several days. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Ttie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of VIOLA. The people of this part are very fortu nate In having a pinna. rou .u v,..-.. City, ,. ' i who have been to Ea tacada of late, report the roads to be In fearful condition. Kev. ration was In Viola Saturday. Cant C. O. Branson and wife are hold ,g revival meetings with Rev. Patton of M,rtJ',.,.n and family, W. A. u. jioooir""" - : . n Brown and W. H. Mattoon attended V: I3,0W"... " i Mount Zlon Sunday. tne mceui.K" m.,.i.,ir This makes the tiurci acne- v. held by Capt. Branson this circuit. Twenty u"-u "'"' tnl. L u nine at Mount Zlon rjET f,, oom Meeting, will cU.se "h re on Monday evening. May mn. The mtltigs Will then begin on the 80th at Dover. fnW Mrs. Sevier ho en apeou.... -day at Independence. MARQUAM. The weather haTThangcd from oool to warm, which pleases the farmers. WO '"r'ins business Utanuw Gljastar of at the realdence of Mr. J. E. Marquam. Some twenty were praent. They elected new orricera for the year aome of them being: Mr. Barton Jack, president; Mis Llllle Benlly, first vice prealdent; Mr. It. A. Gray, eecond vlee-prealdent; Mia Jewfll Marquam, third vlce-prealdent ; Mr. Joseph Jone, fourth vlce-preldent; War Hlbbard. organlat; naa ildln rn-ake secretary; Mis Myrtle Ackenson, treasurer. After the business transac tion was over, a moat excellent lunch was served. All seemed to have a good time. The Supreme Medical Examiner of Portland, gave an address to large au dlence Tuesday night. His subject was Artlsanshlp. They Initiated 22 member. There will be another Initiation Tuesday evening. May 23. About 20 from the Mo lalla Assembly came and assisted on the Initiation. The Marquam Assembly feel thankful to them for urjrlng on the good work. Now boy, get your best girl and come and Join. Miss Chloe Crandall of Turner, I vl- Itlng near thl town thl week. A baseball same was played Sunday near this place against the Scott's Mill team. Hurrah for the Marquam boy, they beat the Scott' Mill people. Kev. Rockwell, D, D., or roruana. preachel at Glad Tidings Sunday, to a lnrae audience. Meetlnirs will be held all through thl week and continued over RundaV. Me. and Mra. Geo. Bentley. of thl place and their little granddaughter, Helen lien! lev. went to Portland. Helen' fath er, Mr. Chealey Bentley. works at the Portland Seed Co. He la a well known man of thl place. Dollv Maruuam of this town stayed over night with her teacher. Miss Peart Leabo (Suturduy night), and went to church with her Sunday morning. MUa Hello Gray and Miss Dolly Mar quam received a leather bound bible from their pastor, F. 8. Clemo, for tak ing a collection for the missionaries. Also Miss Clara Qulnn received a testa ment for her collection. Mr. Bonapart Wade of Wllholt wn seen In our burg Monday. Mr. Kaun who lives on the Al. Thomas place, went to Portland and has Just re turned. The frost hag nipped the potatoes and beans and has changed the weather, again from sunshine to ruin. Mr. and Mr. I. D. Larklna have re turned from Meadowbrook where they have been for a few days. A coyote got in range of the sheep band of Mr. Slaughter and killed one of his sheep. Subscribe to The Enterprise. , ACROSS COUNTRY. The signs of the times point to an enor mous increase of intelligent public interest in health: to a new generation with purer, stronger blood and therefore more active. Draver Drains ana body. No phys ically r robust, healthy person ever succumbed to grip, consump tion, malaria or sny other germ disease. But with weakened sys tem we ail nave to fight the germs oi unease. Our blood is often in a fer tile coadition for- the growth of bactetia the germs of disease ' because onr stom is disordered or mir liver is tor pid in either case our blood does not get The proper nourishment. A torpid liver means stagnation of the blood and an accumulation of Foisona which urnishea a weak spot for bacteria to enter. .To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles, Dr. Pierce years ago found a vegetable compound, which he called Dr. Pierce's Golden MrdiCnt Discov ery, that would quickly cure the bad symp toms by increasing the red blood corpus cles and thereby feeding the nerves on rich blood. This " Medical Discovery also acts upon the digestion and assimilation of food, so that the blood get its proper elements from the products uf digestion. Feed tlif longs, stomach and heart on rich red t ed and you have surely a heatthv body wl-.'cV will throw off the germs of disease v. l-.i,"' lurk everywhere. Get as near natuv"- fmm n & . .,., A . ...1 i.ij. ,111,1,. ..n,ir-.l' from bnuniral etr.irt and whicn does-noi contain alcohol is the safest. Or. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery coutoiiw ueiuici alcohol nor narcotics. Mm - ,.,. y t'3 VU k, arh I F ajfcJ L lr I ' t 1 if r VJ IS I I . . IS-' "It was almost a miracle. Burdock Klood Bitters cured me of a terrible breaking out all over the body. I am very greatful. Miss Jul(a Filbridge, West Cornwell, Conn. O.A.GTOXIX.A.. Berth Ita Kind Yoa Hw Always ivgi, wssie Block, who has Just con eluded her second year at the Teabody Conservatory of Music at Baltimore, mo., u enneoted to reach her home at Oregon City about Juno 1. Mies Block is the only daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. w. u. Block, of this city. Mr. and Mrs, J. J, Meyer, of Wadena, Minnesota, are the Knouts of their cousin, County Superintendent Zlnser. They h.iv heen aoendlna the Winter in Cali fornia and are en route to their Minne sota home where Mr. Meyer la the preei dent of a bank. ; A. II. Grleesen and Robert Caufleld left last Saturday for the Coos Bay country mhoi-n thev will prospect for coal, Mr, Gilessen recently acquired some school land near Marshflcld and since ne made the purchase, there have been found on ,nininir lniirt rich deposits of coal. It is believed by Mr. Grlessen that the de- posit of this mineral proeaoiy exienua hi land and it la for the purpose of determining the situation that he ia making the trip. AM- , Stasias , Nature' Best Remedie combined by HIGHEST SKILL, into a Perfect Tonic Improves Appetite aids Digestion overcomes Biliousness prevents Catarrh cures Constipation strengthens Nerves Gives Added Vigor tp the Entire System. Guaranteed, Samples Free. CHARMAN & CO. Dependable Druggists, SOLB AGENTS. U OASTOHIA. Bsarttb Bigaatu af The Kind Yoa Have Always Bough Wilson & Cooke Have moved and now are located in the old stand formerly occupied bv them as a warehouse. We invite the public to call and examine our stock of Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery and Sporting Goods. We are also agents for the Sharpies Tub ular Cream.Separator. "We also carry the Genuine Oliver Plows and Extras, Mowers, Rakes Cultivators. Agents for Deering Harvester. We are now making special prices on Mail Boxes at $1.35 each Give us a call and examine for yourself. Wilson & Cooke ta fenJ i tais The past month has been the greatest bargain sale in the history of our busi ness values that astound ed the public The coming month will see still greater value of ferings. We mean to close out our stock and if low prices are the means of do ing'it, wejare certainly go ing to succeed. Our pri ces are so low we don't mention them because you might take it as a joke. But it;is true. Come and see us THE FAIR STORE The place that savea you money. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods. Notions, Etc. Main Street. Harding Block, Oregon City, Oregon eMA h WATERPROOF A All R.l SI AVIIIHI1 IUILEl IsLUinillH HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD AT TK ST.LOCIi WORLD'S PAIR. Send us the ncones of dealer k your town who do rot mII our (jocdi, and we will end you vttatir Tlrt tk itx aIm. fr famous towers of the world ra A. J. TOWER CO. BSTAfiUSHED 163- I. tuiiun. iwsan. inunw Towte CAW AM AW CO. TOeOWTO can , Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and deoom. pose, causing a far more serious trouble thaa ' the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and muffs and use that wnion cleanses, sooinea ana heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and Trill cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial Size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tha 60o. size. Ely Brothers, 66 Warren St., N.Y, rvrt Ti.l. HnlVftnt ain rut at nnfe It so reads itself over an irritated and angry Burface, reliev ing immediately tne pamiui lnnammauon. With Ely's Cream Balm yon are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Bay Fever. PERKINS AMERICAN HERBS Never Sold by Druggists. R. W. BAKER, Agent, . Willamette, Or. Round out your stomach Into a good feeling rounds you Into a good humor It Is a delicious dessert So easy and quick to serve. ENERGY, Ten centa a package. . At all Grocers. The children's friend JaynetsTon'icVcrmifuge Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles. fnna trieiliew i rl cnon Get it from your druggist ?iZT, r ; W JSGL GET IT FROM YOUR DRUGGIST r.r-