OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY Sfi, 1903. Administratrix's Notice. Notice Is hereby Riven that Anna Knight, the Administratrix of the es tate of Adam Knight, deceased, ha ' filed her final report In the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and the aid Court has appointed Monday, May the 22d. 1905, at the County Court room, in the Court House in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, as the time and place of settling; said final account nd hearing any and all objections thereto. At which time and place Ad ministratrix will ask for her final dis charge as such Administratrix. Dated this Slst day of April. 1906. ANNA KNIGHT, Administratrix of the estate of Adam Knight, deceased.. Dlmlck & Dlmlck, attorneys for Administratrix. BIOS FOR CRUSHED GRAVEL, ROCK AND SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that the Com mittee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon. will receive sealed bids for 500 cu. yds. of crushed rock to be delivered along 8eventh street from J. Q. Adams street t the head of Seventh street; also for 200 cu. yds. of gravel to be delivered on lower Main street; no gravel to be more than two Inches In diameter. All bids are required to be sealed and filed with the undersigned committee by Monday, June 5. 1905. The Committee on Streets and Public Property and the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, reserves the right to make all Improvements, either from gravel or crushed rock, and to reject any and all bids. WM. SHEAHAN. H. E. STRAIGHT. D. C. WILLIAMS. Committee on Streets and Public Prop erty. May 26. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon. April 11, 1905. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this office by Robert Lou den, contestant, against homestead entry No. 13811, made July 17, 1901. for north east quarter of Section 34. Township t S, Range 4 E, by Arthur E. Pearson, Con tested in which It Is alleged that he Is well acquainted with the tract of land embraced In the homestead entry of Arthur E. Pearson and knows the pres ent condition of the same; also that said Arthur E. Pearson has wholly abandoned aid land and that he has never estab lished his residence on said land: that he never cultivated or improved said land as required by law, and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment In the Army. Navy or Marine Corps of the United States as a private soldier, officer, sea man or marine during the war with 8paln or during any other war in which the United States may be engaged. Said parties are hereby notified to ap pear, respond and offer evidence touch ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 9, 1905, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Oregon City, Oregon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Ralph II. Slaughter, riaintllT, vs. C. A. Ryan. Mrs, C. A. Ryan, and P. II. Marlay, Defendants. STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. as, ' By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and duted the 29th day of April, 1905. upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 24th day of April, 1905, In, favor of Ralph II. Slaughter, plaintiff, and against C. A. Ryan. Mrs. C. A. Ryan and P. H. Marlay, defendants, for the sum of $171.1 0 with interest at $ per cent from date of Judg ment and the further sum of 150 as at torney's fee. and the further sum of $22. 50 costs and disbursements, and the coats of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of tho following describ ed real property, situate In the county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wlt: Being a part of the William Qroshong D. L. C. Tp. I 8. R. 1 E. of the W. M., and bounded as follows, to-wlt: Begin ning 80 rods north of the SE corner of the said D. L. C. on the Eastern line thereof; thence West 160 rods; thence North 40 rods; thence East 160 rods to the said claim line; thence South 40 rods to the place of beginning contain ing 40 acres. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said exe cution, Judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 3d day tf described real property or any part there of, to satisfy said execution. Judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and nil ac cruing costs. J. R. SllAVKH, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By K. C. Huikott, Deputy. Dated. Oregon City, Oregon. May 5th, 1906. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. K. a Hahn. Plaintiff, vs. Delia Huhn, Defendant. To Delia Hahn, tho above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled In the above entitled suit, on or before the 10th day of Juno, 1906, and If you fall to so appear and answer said complaint on or before the day mentioned, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In his complaint herein, to-wlt: For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for all other and proper relief and equity the nature of the suit may require. This summons la published by order of the Hon. T. A. MoUrlde, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made and en tered on the 25th day of April, 1905, In and by which order It Is prescribed that this summons shall be published once a week for six successive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper published In Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon. The date of the first SUMMONS. June. 1905; at the hour of 10:30 o'clock 'publication of this summons la 28th dny A. M., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, In said county and state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution. judgment order, decree, Interest, coats and all accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon. By E. C. Hackett. Deputy. Dated, Oregon City. Oregon,,' May 5th, 1905. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Robert Jonsrud. Plaintiff, vs. W. M. Ransdell and Mrs. Anna Ransdell. Defendants. 8TATE OF OREGON. County of Clackamas. ss. By virtue ef a judgment order, decree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court. In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 29th day of April, 1905. upon a Judgment rendered and en tered in said court on the 24th day of April, 1905, In favor of Robert Jonsrud. plaintiff and against W. M. Ransdell of April, 1905, and last publication June 9th. 1906. J. B. RYAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. and Mrs. Anna Ransdell, defendants, for The said contestant having, in proper I tho ura of 8'4 67' wItn Interest thereon affidavit, filed April 4, 1905, set forth at tne rate of 8 cent Per annum from SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the SUU of Oregon for Clackamas County. Elsie Howard, Plaintiff, vs. J. C. Howard, Defendant To J. C. Howard, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court, and suit, on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wlt: On oibefore the 27th day of May, 1905, and if you fail to answer said com plaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint now on file herein, to-wlt: That the bonds of mat rimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem equitable and just. This sum mons is published by order of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan. Ceunty Judge of Clack amas County Court, this 14th day of April. 1905. The first publication of this summons Is April 14th, 1906, and the last publication thereof will be the 26th day of May, 1905. GEORGE J. CAMERON, Attorney for Plaintiff. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. Sarah A. Hunter. Plaintiff, vs. Peter 1. Hunter. Defendant. To ivter D. Hunter, defendant: In the name of the Hute of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this summons, which expires on the 17th day of June, 1906, and If you so fall to appear and answer, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In the complaint tiled In said suit, to-wlt: A decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant, for the care and custody of her child, Paul I. Hunter, and for such other snd further relief as to the Court may soem Just and equi table, This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thos. Mcllrlde, Judge of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacknmus, dated April 27, 11106. The dale of the first publication Is May 5. 1905; nnd of the lust publication is June 16. 1906. W. H. 10 WELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. racts which show that after due dili gence personal service of this notice can snot be made. It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due andproper publication. GEO. W. BIBEE, Receiver. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Charles Edward Miller, Plaintiff, vs. Daisy M. Miller, Defendant. To Daisy M. Miller, defendant above named : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before June 17, 1905, said day being more than six weeks from 5th day of May, 1905, the date of the first publication of this Summons, and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for, to-wlt: For a decree of said Court forever dis solving the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems Just and equitable. The order for publication of Summons in this court was made by the Hon. Thomas McBrlde, Judge of the above entitled Court on the 5th day of May, 1905. The date of the first publication of this summons Is May 5th, 1905. ED. & A. R. MUNDEXHALL. Attorneys for Plaintiff. the 24th day of April, 1905. and the fur ther sum of $80.00. as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $19.20 costs and dis bursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property. situate In the county of Clackamas, state ! by gives notice that from and after the of Oregon, to-wlt: 20th day of June. 1905. he will proceed to ' commencing at a point 444 feet West ; sell at private sale to the highest bid Notice of Sale of Real Property at Pri vate .Salt, The undersigned, having been duly au thorised by the County Court of the 8tate of Oregon for Clackamas County, here SUMMONS. in the Circuit court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. K. I. Marquis, Plalnllff. vs. J. K. Marquis, Defendant. To J. K. Marquis, the above named defendant: in the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint against you it the above entitled cause on or before Friday, the 9th day of Juno, 1905, said day being six weeks from the ISlh day of April, 1105, the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to so an swer, for want thereof the plulntlff will apply to the Court for the rellf prayed for, to-wlt: For a decree of divorce for ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and defendant, and for her costs and disbursements In this suit, and for the restoration of her maid en name of F. I. Cmstead. The order for publication of this sum mons was mads by said Court on the 2&th duy of April. 1906. W. 8. IT HEN. Attorney for Plaintiff and 20 links South of the quarr Section corner In center of Section Thirteen (13) In Township two (2) South of Range Four (4) East of the W. M., in Clacka mas County, State of Oregon; thence South one hundred and fifty (150) feet to the Sandy and Oregon City road; thence North 86 degrees 45 minutes West seven ty-five (75) feet parallel with said road; der for cash, the following real property, In parcels, or as a whole, belonging to the estate of James E. Currle. deceased, and particularly described as follows, to wlt: The south-west quarter of the south east quarter, the east half of the south west quarter, and lot 4 of section 80. township 8 north of range 6 west of the thence North one hundred and fifty (150) Willamette Meridian, containing 162.90 teet; tnence South 86 degrees 45 minutes acres In Clatsop County. Oregon; also cast seventy-five (75) (feet to the place of beginning, the same being a lot in the Village of Sandy in Clackamas county, Oregon; also all tools and mach inery In the blacksmlthshop new .on the premises. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said exe cution, Judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 3d day of June, 1905; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, m said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for U. S. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, tjtle and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to the above The north-west quarter of section 12. township 3 south, range 6 east of the Willamette Meridian in Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon. Bids will be addressed to the under signed at Salem, Oregon. A. M.' Craw ford, administrator of the estate of James E. Currle, deceased. , A. M. CRAWFORD, Administrator of the estate of James E. Currle. Deceased. June 16. ' Treasurer's Notice. I now have funds on hand to pay coun ty warrants endorsed prior to August 1, 1903. Interest will cease on such war rants from the date of this notice. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon', May 12, 1905- ENOS CAHILL. Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon. GUARDIAN SALE. Notice Is hereby given that I will, as Ouardlan of the Estate of Barbara Be glne Morlock. Amelia Louise Morlock. and Anna Marie Morlock. minors, and under and by virtue of an order of the Honorable County Court of Claeka mas County, Oregon, made and entered of record on the 1st day of May, 1906. sell at private sale from and after the ftih day of June. 1905, all the Interest which said minors have In the following des cribed real estate situate in the County of Clackamas and Slate of Oregon, to wn: Beginning at the Northeast Comer if that certain tract of land found dcrrlbed In deed recorded on page 370 Vol. 49, record of deeds for Clackamas County. Oregon, said beginning point being the Northeast comer of the 8uuthweai mi.r. ter of the Northwest quarter of Section four, T. 3 8. IL 3 E.'of the Willamette Meridian, running thence South along the East line of suld tract 26.48 chains to the County Road; thence along said County road North 65 degrees West 1.56 chains; thence South 74 degrees, West along said road 5.50 chains; thence North 85 degrees. West 14 chains more or less to the West line of said Section four; thence North along suld Section line 2 chains more or less to the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 4; thence East 20 chains to the place of be ginning, containing 61 acres more or less. Terms of sale cash. Application to pur chase said real estate may be made to me at the Bunk of Oregon City, or to my attorney, H. E. Cross. E. a. CAUFIELI), Guardian. May 6th, 1906. ( wks. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. In the matter of son, deceased. Notice Is hereby signed admlnlstrat ed estate, will sell day, the loth day and on any day Ing described real said estate, to-wlt ter of section 32 the estate of Ole Hun given that the under. or of the above entltl- at private sale on Frl of Juno. A. n . ibok thereafter, the follow- property belonging to The northwest auar- T. 8 8. R. 2 R f th ' Will case of ECidney positively cure any op Bladder disease not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do mope. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE strengthens the urinary organs, builds up the kidneys and invig orates the whole system. IT 18 GUARANTEED TWO SIZES GOo and 01.00 Pattid Sfont tad Gnvil With Eicruoittlnr Palm utuA' H'Thu". Mgr. Villa Creek Coal C., Buffalo, O.. writer 'I hire been afflicted with llney and bladder trouble for year. TtSZ Ing gravel or stones with excruciating paint. Other medicines ont gave re Hef. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the rS w,I surprising. A few doses started the brick duat, like fine atones etc and now I have no pain acroas my kidneys and I feel like a FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE baa done tnt$l,OWvonh otgoriJ" Mo Othir Itintdy Can Campari With It Thos. w Carter, of Ashboro, N.C., had Kidney TrouMn .mi we bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY' CURE effected s 2SSj.S lie says there is no remedy that wilt compare with It. SOLD AKO EEC0M1IEM0ED BTf HUNTLEY BROTHERS COMPANY, OREGON CITY Willamette Meridian, ''it N"' (1) ami Meven (H) In Ulm No. Thir teen till In, the town of Hwtla Mills, Marlon County, Oregon. Trims of sale: Cash In hand or security approved by tho County Court, IhMol this 12th day of May, !. tl, 11. IM.MK'K, Administrator of line estate of Old Han son, deceased. laeutort Nolle. Notice Is hereby given that the tin dcislgned Inula Jaguar and Flunk Jn gar, have been appointed Ksecutnr of tho cattttn of llenjainln Jnggiir, deceased, tiy thr Hun. t'miniy ('out I of Clackamas County and Hlato of Oregon. All persons having claims against said IXute are hereby null fled to prvaent lbs anion to us for payment wllh proper voucher at th oitli's of (loiilnii K. Ilayra, In Oregon City, Oregon wllhln sli months from thn data of this not Ire, 1'ated May 1st. 1908, UH'IH JAWkAlt. and KltANK JAOOAIt. Rgeculiirs of thn K. slate of Hciijamin Juggar, deceased, (lonton R, Hayes, Attorney for l?eeutora. SUMMONS, In lite Clrrult Court of I he Hlata of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Harriet, Mabel Twomey. I'lalulirf, vs. Harry (limit Twomey, Iiefendant. To Harry tlranl Twomey. In above named defendant: In thn name of the state of Oregon: Tim am hereby required to apiwar and answer the complaint nied against you In the above entitled i,k im r -fr-Bnlurday. the first dny of July. 106. be. Ing sit Week, after thn first publication of this umtn.ins; tl,l If you fall lo an swer or aper. for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to thn court for the relief demanded in her complaint, vlt; for a derree dissolving thn bonds of mat rimony now existing between you and the plaintiff, and that thn plaintiff ba allowed to resume her maiden name. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. Thos. K, Ityan. Judge of thn County Court for ra-kama County. Oregon, made and entered on thn 17th day of May, 1904. Thn data of thn rtraj publlratlon of this summons Is May lth and the datn of thn last publlratlon there, of Is Jun 30th. IS05. and thn lime order, ed for publication I six weeks sur'.rsa. Iveiy from and after thn lth day of May, 1 90S, J. r. IIOOTMK. Attorney for thn I'lalntlff. CITATION. In the County Court of the Hinle of Oregon, for tho County of Clarkama.. In the matter of the estate of Hrth Austin. I "creased To Wlllnrd Austin. Harry Austin. Ain Hoyer. Ilett Austin, and Im.ra Malloon and all other persona Interested In the above rntllle.l estate ; in the name of the Htaln nf Oregon, you and earh of you rn hereby Vlle.l nnd required to apiw.r n o,n County Court of the Htaln of Oregon, for the County of Clacksmna, at the County Court room thereof, n h CHy f Oregon Cty. suld County of Clackamas, on the 30th day of June. A. D. l. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m of the nl,l day. then and there to show cause. f any you have, why said court should not grant unto W. It. Mttttoort thn Administrator of the said estate, an order to se thn real prop, eity belonging thereto, at imbllc auction or private sal,., subject to confirmation and approval ,y thn said Couniv r....ei and which real proerly Is described a oiiows. an undivided no-half m,-.. In and to all of h following de.rll.d mnus, to-wlt: Thn H, K. f h N- K (.p & In T. 8 8. It. 6 K. f th will..m.... v.. Idlan and Lot numbered Two : and nit n, k. u ,f th N. W U a W. of thn N. K. ti of Her, 30. f. t, 7- - f Ins Willamette Meridian, coniaining 151.73 aeri-a That thn Administrator of suld estate 11ns uuiy nieI in the alKivn ..mm...! his petition praying for an order of the nam 01 inn renl properly shove deacrlb ed, to satisfy the claims ni..,l . . .1 lowed agulnst tho abovn entitled estate Now Therefore. It la That this citation b published In the -con 1 uy Enterprise for four cons.-cu- live, mm succgsslvn weeks. . ,V THOU. K. IIYA.V, r ... c"""ly J"' F. W. OKICKNMAN, County Clerk. Dated this lith day of May. A. !)., ios. Liquor Llcsnss. Notlc Is hi'tehv ulL.., n,. t t L n o"' '" r"K'""r ,n,"-ll" ' City Council of Oregon city for u liquor 'Kens,, fr a. lorilHi ,)f , m()((hi( Av, ,, T h "ro-d Avenue. Louis DK 1'KUDUHIN. SUMMONS. 'In thn Circuit Court of the Bat, of " " v oo Kiiniiis County. Miiud F. Uttvi,,. iMalntllT, vs. Adalbert J. Davis, Defendant a To Albert J. Dllv,s, , ,H1V. ,mmi.d arl"wi;r;"f,th? i,",,n,,f r"-. w..e . '"'"""" appear mid nn swor tho cninti iii.,t 11, ...1 . . ih , ' "" HKUIIIMl-you n ulrl'Zl '1 ."? or ' "I'oiuion or a x weeica nnd aft,, ,., f , , "on oft,, a aummons, to-wlt: ' fore the nhduy of July. lm, yo f ll o to answer, for want thereof Palntlff w. pp,y tothncou,; ' ; r lof p,.ftycd ,, , h(.r J file hm-eln. to-wlt; thut th bonds Z matrimony now x,HtlnK f Kroun.ls of cruel (u,d Inhuman t.,.i towards her Pninl Indignities ' ;..r'!m ,'r,nf "or life burden- ""'. ,ml permitted to ro Humo her n,u den num., of Maud p. vZ m to m 1 thnr ' 'W the court mily s,)rn 01l1(lblB ' This sumons la published by 0mnr tho Honnrai.in tu... .. "'"r was mad ann : Z "a.,mlu "rdo, WOB. and th. ZZrl"' "f May, tlon of th.-.ZZ" ' n,Ht !WI May. . .." '"" " lne uy -.. , COOVEIIT & 8TAPLKTON . . Attorney for Plaintiff. TLancaail. II.,.. li Trouble and Never Sassw ..ww i TB. . 111 l'UUlK.ttlrf.,Mlm(Jr , I water and let It -UibU,.,,, lli"Klj ""'"Itb.l Kpy;Uii1 Von. II. l ' -' iint, Vidian, . "ttil . "!" II , In 11,. . also -)Hvliu lii jiriMif ti,at l!lt ' ami lilail.lcr r out nf or,j l' What To Io. ' Tlrt-re Is comfort In U10 kttoy often rgprvaaril, that tk Swaiii-kt, the Rrrat kiiliif biii ill iiiw unia, auilieyi, Vrt HI.. I nvl.IV tiMrt ,.f ' It correct Inability to i,,'i six! acalilitiK twin in !",, It Jl rllccls following- ue of limm, ' 1 I .. .1. . 1 V iw-i-l, met uir,u,iiri I lot I UtlniM, ......Hit f 1.1 licit., r-. H . t . ... . ... , l-viiru W fc J li"K tlio Uv, ami to rt J times ilutinn the iiight, Th nYJ tho catraonlinaryrllirft of 5iaJ is wmui rralUnl. It standi tin y for lis wotutcrful rurrs of tin , trrlti caaca. If you nef, , WS you shntilil have the lest. SoklV j gist In fifty-cctit ami tuir.olUr a, You may have a Mttiji'.e UotiW J lH.k that tells all f1 aUml It, hot h gent free ay""VW hy mall. AiMrrI)r.rfi 1 Kilmer St Co., ltinK- "J- million, N. , When Bamst writinK mention this iwjw-r ajJ make any mistake, but rrmmwl name. Dr. Kilmer a Swamp-ase; the ailiheM, Uiu)hamton, N, Y. of of on, der ca-of 01 AVf CKHK. It rained rather steady Ut HjJ 1 y.n piea. W. Mawm called on friends u 4. Wimm) (hi. Week. O. I'rlc and wlfn of ftouth Pu visiting T. I, Jones and family g J em Mlase. lUrtha. Daisy and Alter pi called on frletids at Caru i J inia weeg, Mrs II, Jones railed Mil Thomas last work. Hall Und.ley horn for a Man J J and V. Iiuhlander )ust r their team from bunch grass, Ceiural Orange Children 1 Ihj i well attendetl last Halurday u rtr-rk Hall. All who are Interested in tu:-j thn wire should Im present at ibih Crrk Hall Saturday night. Jlj S Captain JiHieph. of CUrkr. tni.- I'npa IM.her last Hunday, Thn HlalK-n liro.. am llu, Iwn rtea 111 colored milch row sine lag li day. and no tram has been fintbjri Any petson rinding him mild erally rewarded fur milking f.A e Htaln lima.. It. . I, No. I ni City, Itev, Michael Hughe, at tst Kansas. Is visiting thn W. II. Vvn ily at present. Ina Hteudeman la vlsltlhg frM thn metroMills this week, David C. Junes la sick In M catarrh of tho stomach, tr, iw, Is attending A. Uluhtn Is preparing In buW t cellar. Win Hhannon Is visiting frlea Oregon City this week. Thn member of thn Wrlnh fstfl lloiiul church met last week ai4 to pun lmsn a tract of land froit I Thomas and build a liouan Uf th f" er, KvertKly romn enrly and rush nt thn Welsh Congregailoftil May JO. l05. and enjoy the ntrM program Wn wonder why W K, Harris - Creek Is llkn thn Jap and went H I the other day wllh a smll vtm fui e. I gtieaa It was berause bt proud father of a baby gli'L MuO" child doing nicely. Owen I'rlce and It II. Owa on W. H. I'arry and family i Paul Hi ron g, the oldest son ef b Strong, who lives near Harrt' died lust Holiday about 2 o'clock a1 1 diphtheria and wn burled rtf n day morning by order of Dr. iufc Mrs. H ironic and her younger " a critical condition. Thn hous Wl quai-Mntlned and thn doctor utp whole vicinity to guard again tlrmlo, (icntli, Jesus, meek and mild. I.ook Um a lit t In child. I'lty my simplicity. Buffer me to come to The. Kaln would I to Then he brought ('riictoiis lord forbid It not; In the kingdom of thy grace tlive this little child a itlttct. It's folly to suffer from th' plague of tho night. Itchlwr V"1 " Ointment cure quickly nnd P1 ly. At uny drug tore, 60 cent HE WAS A MODERN W00DM' Damascus,' Oregon, May 2L Kdltor Knterprlso: . In last week's paper I notM nouileemi.nl tl.nl Mt-a V A. Blflk'' received from tho Woodmen of tin I'-'OOO In payment of the policy Mr, Sleight In that organisation. llkn to correct thla atHtement n! ' ask that you correct the aani te week's copy. Mr. Blidaht was s " it 11,., vi., .r Amcil''' ..... I, l,.Flll, ll j Mrs. Blelk-ht received tho amoU"1 .,..11.... 1.. . . the I'out-y 111 inai oruer, "u ern Woodmen of America. Tills nilatfikn hna ncclll'l'l'd tin" Hmo ngaln, The Modern Wood""' IllUI'h I lie lueirne ii,.,l .1 ronlfcr OI'Knl "f the two, huvlng a inombenW Mnmol liltn 1irt t(f momt)6l1, 23 yours old nnd Is the larareet the cheapest fraternal oraanUuw the United Btntes, Wo hold our head camp eonven' MM..,....,,,.. .... ... I. V ..mviinio, w inouiiain, nu'" i, u.i.l.i. ,1 ...... . . ..An ..iiratei "im n more will oe uu u"o- ,j . .....nlfll'H mo airremnt atntna. Tho oeie" , Orenon are: O. V. Mount, of Bak' O. W. Fostor. of rortland a"1 Baker, of Salem, Iloplnu thU n colve, your attention, I am, ' " J..IIO very respeoouo,, Subscribe for the EntorprlW-