OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1905. ill UTOAUB I.OANH NROOTIATED,- ot rslr. iinurii's orain, 1 1n nil Illltldlnir. rirnirun 'Dllimei' ny. i iK HaTTk --h"1 yourm row, lvii threa ....... Iiiiiillin M Yndi.r. ()ii. itilll""" ' " ! my. n,,f"' NEW TO-DAY nNEV TO LOAN AT fl AND T pDf c'il r"'" "tomhii v iwu j Bctmtx'l. Local Events n rntprUlnlii nTBm w i.-nil.tt-fl ,(iy cvi'iilim at WlllniimiiM by llm ,,H. of Ihn Willamette Mi'lllMll, Milllnm T. Krherd, ha imvn appointed Kiilnr. H It. Imilrty Hulwlltulu, l cuftliT, rolllw No. 1, St Millnllt, v M miikiik n iurrnai n irtinr- i of hi partner, Win, IHnaxtl In Hit. !rr(k I'lM liiiKltn'0 of Mlmnk It HUx-ll twlti I" th ahorUge ut the rhnrry ,Di uHrtim wishing hrrla will do II (,i Iiivb iinliin ut Karri grocery. Th Aulonimr, ni iwoi apir-nillng unfair) IVn. 13 Stt and upwards, Every In (iiarBnlffil t'harinan Co., drug- ia, il ast-nt' Margaret U Tllliifl "f t"lakamaa roun ml A. Mi I niinii uf IhMiKlnn rotinty ft. married nt the CortSTtigatlimal tBm, May 13. Hkv. K. H IMIInsrr. of Having trvtiul 13 mill Ut on a IJOOO uil..ii H.rlnlitMik Inatrlrt Nu, 01 wrunlfttt" to build nw school houM i thn lln tluil h ixwtt Swlwlwl nrnr ihl ri.tion of up-to-date design, ,,uilr prl.es. at Mlu C. Goldsmith's. Huntley lrtlif Company are agents i- axvrral of llm Iwsl Oavnrtiment ap tt Mall Ihme and are making ie L pi in tiiiiibliiailon with (b Or- nlan f Telegram. Thrr wa paid llm member of I'lo r Chapter. Ordnr of lh Kastem Bur, (lal.nml vlalt Tuesday evening, by Irlta Hnuatom of I'orlland, Urend Limn of ih order In thl Mate, jood Flour II 01 aark; Ille p, ftuda Boap T to 10 bar i&a, Soap powder (vnund. rlolhra plna, lo dot; Orangea 4 Imona lo aach. IlKD MtONT DTORB. Wnrkmrti lliia wwk rtalrd Ilia Irarka ili Orrg.in Water l"uwrr Hallway miaiiy'a trarka on Main atrrt. Tli piuvrinrnt In Ihn condition irf tha com- iy' rnadlxH) la markrd aa a reaiilt. Th iJiillf-a of Ih Marrarwra. of I'ort '4. will giva a trollt-y party and danc Cam-mah 1'nrk, Rnturdny avtinlng. y Ttmro will b a rlo waltt and fm-rui publio la lnvlt4, rrtn priini Indit-atlima th Saturday iln ni-w vcnltiie "Th Whltn Bain" irnlK-a In Im aa much of a aurcraa aa 'lr annual Thankagtvlng Miitkrt. Kur r partlrulara tiett wwk. It Juna nwiima tn vmnor of a alnillur muchlMa. Jur,t Cama-frHty ahlit wnlaia RS iJpi rndki.nilil..f lo, Zfco ud: Iartli,a' n. 9a up; nw I,ac:.. Btid ittlibum at cut prll'BB. RED ritONT BTniirn F'kIiu' paint! paint! and get It at Char in k t'ti.'a, thnlr prlrra are alwaya Juat M. 'n Biimlny evening Juna 11, the mem r of the Krnlfmnl Order of Knglea II attend Be. I'aul'a Kplaeopal rhurrh in the pnalor, the Itev, l, K, Ham- nd. will preach a aermon xrtalnlng to ili-rniil orgHiiltatlona. In the ronteat cnae In tha I-ara Ander- i eaencn. Judge Kyan hna rendered hla 'Won Awarding eoata In the aum of it Itan. Clnlma aggregating I35T.OO 'd been lllrd agnlnat the rataea on ao 'mt of elm re-ent will rim teat eaae. Oregon City la beeotnlng atrlclly met iIHnn in more waya thnn one. Dur- t the IiihI week V. P. Ilawley, of the "n I'aper Mllla. Inveated In a hand m aulomobllo and J, VV, Moffett alao Mlaa f'liitle Puffy and Olio ttu..-h both of I 'in l In nil. fiiiim tn riii,,.n r-i... Mny 2u, and after aecurlna- a It guided by Hun, W. . Ifiten t(J m f..m. glfgiillotml Miiliae, wherw Itev. 15, H. Ilolllnger unltiid eiiem In Ihe hulv hi.n.u of nmlrlinoiiy. Mnrtliige llci-naea Imv been U.mwi during IH litet few flya na follow: Annln Iluateeier and OiIh Hmucker; Mar giuel U Tlltnn and A, M riiMi.n Min. hie Auatln and Wm. , Ilyallp; Carrla luffy and Otto Huhj Jarabin Jacob- an and Andrew M. Olm-n, furl N'diren la now om of tb bualeMl lada In Oregon City, lie Hwaya hna been mora or lea vngnged In tba aeriae at leaal that ha waa never teen to loaf miirh, Hut now, having gcqulied from Howard Ulourette, a (urge number of tbU kena, hla bibuia are augmi-need. W. J. Zimmerman la aulng Joa Hhw klna In ehe clrcull court for IKfi together with atloitiey'a fi-ea In tba anm of llu and per cent Intereat from September. 1 903 to date, Tba amount la allegi-d to be dun on a promlaaory toi and prop ery lielimglng to tba defendant baa been attai-hed. Itnln prevented tha game of baaa ball at C'anenmh I'ark lt Hundity afternHn between ehe Itrd Men and the KagU-a. tbl event will Iki pulled off Sunday. June 4, on Ihn mine grounda, the weather per mitting, (loth teama are doing much practice and by tha time fur tha gnmit will lie In condition lo giva an Intereattng biiil.a-iue of tbla popular aport. BtyJea unltiua and faahlonable I'rlcet beat. Mlaa C. Uoldamlth. Hevere froal and other umimiiil we'uth er In tha vicinity of Cotton la reHirled by Ilea Wright who waa In the city on Tueaday. Mr. Wright aaya that tha froat of laat week did eitenalve damage to all aorta of vegetation. On Saturday there were two Inchea of hall on th ymtind at t'oltiin and on the following Monday the ground waa covered with m light coating of aimw. ' County Judge Hyan prfurmed two marriage reremonb-a laat Friday at the courthouae, He united In wedlock Mr. Jennie Newbury, of New Era, and W. M. Imatln, a prominent aawmlll owner of that place. Mra, Newbury la poat- mtalreaa at New Kra, Mra. Badle Monrua and John Htoker were alao married the aame day by Judge Hyan. In "Dcaerta, pynaatlea. Duat," Jerome Hart funilaheg an Ineereatlng article for Iba Argonaut of May IM. Hla di-acrlp-tlon of travel on the deaert la entertain ing, and hi aatlrlcal lament over the large amount of advertlalng apaca going to waate la very amualng. That part of the article devoted to IX-ent dlecoverlea In Kaipt tiy antlnuarlana la of particular Intereat. rrof. and Mr. Itettet laat Friday night entertained the teacher of the Kaatham achool. The game of "SOO" waa played and lrof. Ib-ttel entertained with nura- ter of muah-al aelectlona. Thoae pre ent were: Mr. Kmlly 8haw, Mlaa Fran- re Myera. Mlaa Marjorl Caudcld. Mlaa Mvrtle Bhonkwller, Mlaa Eva Meldrtim, Mra. Katella Ballabury. Mlaa Irene Car ter. Mr. and Mra. K. W, 8i-ott and Mlaa Oertrude Falrclough. II. B. Croaa waa at Canby thla week where he concluded the Bale of Bnmuel Hwengcl'a farm of 350 ncrea, bidng one- hlf of the D. 11. Umwl I). I.. C. near Canby. to Ola A. Holland, a recent arrival from Iowa. The ronableratbm waa $00U. Thla la considered an exceptionally good Inveatment by Mr. Holbind. The farm constat of 3 acrea of Improved land while the balance of the tract ronalat of the rleheat kind of bottom land. Monday. May 52. tha hunter' llcenae of tl went Into effect for the State of Oreton. After that time, every man woman or child who want to go hunting for game, will be required to pay Into tho treasury of the county In which he or she may live a llcenao fee of tl. which will go Into the state funds and be used for the enforcement of the game lawa. There la one exception. Farmer may hunt on their own property without pay Ing the license. County Superintendent Zlnser la In rc- and Mr. Klbert Hulibard requesting his presence at a meeting of the rtoyorofter to be held at Knat Aurora. New York, July 1-9, next. The Invitation la of a clever and orlKlmtl design, it being es pecially nollcabl that no two of th sunn) lot (its that tti e used on tho printed Invitation ara alike. Mr. JSInser regret that It will bo Impound, In for him to make tho trip. On and after May 20, Mlsa Kdlth Cheney, the Itiotographer, will bo locat ed In her new Btudlo, In the Falrclough building, conuir of Main and Tenth streets, where she will be pleased to meet her many friends, Thursday, June J. will be opening day and ell visitor to Mis Cbenoy' studio on that day will be given a free sitting. ' At a meeting of the Derthlck Club at the horn of Mrs, L. h. Porter, last Fri day afternoon. Mis Amy Gray, of Port land, who returned recently from an ex tended visit In the East, gave an Inter esting talk on the Itoycrofter with whom she spent a day at Bust Aurora, New York, while en route to her Oregon home. Mrs. h. K. Jones read from Elbert Hub bard's "Utile Journey to Famou Mu sician" and Mia Louise Huntley play, ed one of Chopin's waltzes. The Clackamas county exhibit to tha lewls & Clark Fair waa this week pack ed and shipped to I'orlland where It 1 being Installed In the space that was allotted to tbla county for exhibition pur poace. Comprehensive Is the collection of products from thl county, Including practically everything that I produced In the county, In edition to the grain, fruit etc.. the exhibit Include a rare col lection of Indian relic that were gathered by Miss Mary B. Harlow, of Harlow. At a meeting of the general Firemen' Tournament and Fourth of July commit tee Tuesday evening a number of bill were audited. Harry Jone received the contract for erect ig a, speaker's aland In the park on the hill where the literary exercises will be held on Independence Day. W, II. II. Bamaon was employed to distribute the large poster and other advertising matter about the county. The committee feela much encouraged with the outlook which the member state aiigura well for a notable celebration. 0 j AArryvywNrVVywyys Personal Mention SPECIAL SALE OF LOTS I will have a special sale of lots in June and have got special prices from owners for 30 days. Following is a list of some of the bargains. These aro in tho raain very choice lots and ideal building sites. 1 Lot on 5th St. road SJ00.OO ,5 head of 5th St 325.00 1 4 2nd and Center Sts.J 00.00 5 Beatles Addition, each - J50.00 2 4 Madison St., fenced, no rock 800.00 1 4 West Side Addition J5.00 2 4 West Side Addition - - 2- 1 1 Gladstone, 2 blocks car line 60.00 4 Gladstones 41 4 4 0.00 2 4 near Barclay School 225.00 14 4 5 blocks from Eastham School 800.00 22 4 in Ely with fine spring 325.00 2 on Molalla Avenue 300.00 2 4 in Gladstone ..... 250.00 1 4 in Willamette, corner 225.UU 9th Street : - fffi-JS 1 4 2 blocks from head of 7th St ... 100.00 Remember thete prices re good for June only. CU for ptrttcularg. Estate Broker, with tJ'Ren StSchuebel, Oregon City Bank BTdg, Trimmed hat at popular price Mlaa C. Goldsmith'. at At their newly furnished home on the corner of 9th and Adams streets. Miss Florence Montgomery, eldest daughter of J., F. Montgomery, and Mr. Clarence E. Hruner were married at t o'clock on Wed nesday afternoon, Itev. E. 8. Ilolllnger performing the ceremony. The ceremony waa witnessed by a small party of the nearest relative and friends of the young people. After a delicious luncheon the bridal party left town for a few daya honeymoon. The beat wlahe of the large number of friend of th happy couple go with them on their life' voyage. Attorney Grant B. Dlmlck wa thl week appointed administrator of perhape the smallest estate that was ever ud milled to probate in this countv. It la the estate of George Root and la of the estimated value of $12. The purpose of having the eatae admitted to probate la to legally cause ihe sausiaction oi mortgage for U'i covering the lands of Fena Yodcr. The mortgage wa sails- fled but was never ao recorded on the booka. In order to have the instrument properly satisfied, the decedent having no surviving relatives, an administrator lor had to be appointed. Money to loan on Farm. Land Title aamlned. Dlmlck Dlmlck. Lawyers Oregon City, Oregon.., Ed. Fortune and W. A. Wood have been assured that they will be given pos session of the Kelly property on Main street, at present occupied by It. M. Harnden, on July 1. next, when they will Immediately remodel the building Into that of a log cabin In which they expect lo conduct a trlctly up-to-date saloon. Mr. Fortune I well known throughout the Northwest a a most affable tort of a fellow with a thorough knowledge of the business In which he proposes to en gage. Mr. Wood is also a resident of thla city where he ia favorably known and liked. They will make a strong team W. 8. Schultte, V. 8., la another new comer to Chickamna county. Mr. Schultte recently located In this county, coming from Chicago, where for two year he was In charge of the horse at Armour" large packing plant. He ha purchased the Kelly farm In the Miller D. L. C. on the West Side and reports that he will have a big crop of cherries, notwithstand ing the fact that in other sectlona of Clackamas county and the Willamette Valley, thla fruit crop austalned great damage on account of the heavy frosts. Mr. Schultte has on his farm 78 large cherry trees that are simply loaded with fruit. MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTAITED at lowest rates, Latourette'e office. Com mercial Bank Building, Oregon City. feter Kern ha Wed in the probate court an answer to the petition recent ly filed by Columbus Parrlah, one of the hclra of the Patsy Kern estate, request ing the removal of Kern as administra tor of the estate, on tho grounds that at the time of Kern's marriage to the decedent, he had a wife still living in Germany from whom ho had not been divorced. In his answer filed this week, Kern exhibits a certified copy of a divorce decree that he obtained in the State of Wyoming from hla first wife. This will probably have the effect of terminating the contest for the removal of Kern as administrator. On the 18th Inst the new laws affect ing the fees to be paid for recording in struments went Into effect. In the ag gregate the effect is to reduce by about 20 per cent the fees that have heretofore prevailed. Under the new law, fees for tho recording of Instruments, and for entering and attesting satisfaction of mortgages on the margin of tho record will be as follows: For each folio in all instruments, except chattel mortgages, twenty cents; for each folio in chattel mortgages Including five, twenty cents; for five and including eight folio, one doH lnr; for each additional folio after eight, twenty cents; for each satisfaction on the margin of the record, twenty-five cents, ' Drs. Beetle & Beatte, Dentists, Rooms 1G, 17 18. Welnhnrd Building. U, K, Cross wa a business visitor to Canby Tuesday. James Adklns, of Canby. wa In the City Wednesday, Fred P. Hurst, of Aurora, was an Ore gon City visitor Tuesday. Adam Knight, of Canby, wa In the city tho first of the week. Frank Brown, of Ontario, wa visiting In Oregon City thl week. June Kastman wa thl week visiting hi brother O. W, Eastham. Itobert Brewer, of Seattle, ha been visiting at the home of G. F. Smith. K. A. I'lnkham, of Ontario, Canada, I visiting hi daughter. Mr. II. M. Shaw. Hon. T. B. Klllln, county commissioner, wa In the city Tueaday from Hubbard. Mis Bessie Armstrong, of Aurora, via- j ited this week with friends In thla city. Bert Halllnan leave next week for The lMllea where he ha accepted a po sition. Mr. Lena Grave, of Macksburg, ha been visiting with Mr. M. A. Bradley, who I 111. Hon. B. F, Jone, of Toledo, was In the city Wedneaday on business before the Land Office. J. J. Yoder, prominent farmer from near Hubbard, wa In the city the first of the week. A. M. Bhlbley, a pioneer of the SprliK- water section, wa an Oregon City visit or Wedneaday. Mrs. E. E. William, of Portland, will be the gueat of her old Oregon City friend next week. Mra. Lltzle Roppell ha returned from Aurora where she ha been looking after her bustnesa Interest. Grant B. Dlmlck will spend Memorial Day at Bllverton where he will take part In the day' exercises. Mr. William F. Myers ha returned to her home at Clatskanle after visiting In thla city, the guest of Ethel wyn Albright Hugh Jones has gone to Ban Jose, Call fornla, where he expect to remain In definitely, having secured employment there. Dr. J. W. Thomas, of Molalla, was In the city the first of the week on his way to Forest Grove where he attended the meeting of the State Grange. Thos. Brown, the veteran fish hatch ery man of the upper Clackamas, visit ed with old friends In this city during the week. He Is the same Tom of old. Jas. H. Rled, a prominent horticul turist of MHwaukle, was In the city Tues day arranging for the Farmers' Institute that Is to be held at MHwaukle Friday, June 2. Frank J. Louis, who for several months has been In the employ of the Huntley Bros. Co., goes to Portland June to accept a place with the W. P. Fuller Co.. wholesale dealers In paints. A. J. Ringo, of Clarkea, was In the city the latter part of last week and re ports that the severe frosts of laat week did some damage to 'young vegetation, particularly the potatoes. In that lo cality. , I c iS?5P r S l S I I 111! l 1 i rVUi U i y lie 3 a,ie counc Pocket Kodaks $6, $10, $12, $15, $20. Long Focus Kodaks $20, $25, $35. Brownie Cameras $1, $2, $5, $9 All the daylight loading, daylight developing kind. This is Lewis and dark year get your camera now and be ready. Anyway come in and and look them over. Catalog free. Htmtley Bros. Co Progressive Druggists. rWrWrrWrVWvVrrAAAAAAAAMi Announcement I have mad arrangement again this season for the exclusive sal In Oregon City for SWET LAND'S IC ECREAM " This famous delicacy ha stood th test for 17 years with a con stantly Increasing sale. Beyond all question It I th Best and Purest Ice Cream and ha won a reputation as ' , The Ice Cream of Quality Served at our fountain and In our coxy Ice Cream Parlor Special price for Picnics and Social. J. A. TUFTS Main Street. PETTIT & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber Do Yot Know Anything ABOUT. Eppley's Prtciii Mil If not you should know. It's a pure article put up in pint Mason jars full 'j " weight.' Sold by all Leading Grocers ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. LUMBER A SPECIALTY DRY Yard and Office Head of Molalla Avenue, Opposite Evefhart's Store Phone No. 1 647 OREGON CITY, OREGON How Do You Spend Your Money? Are you doing it in a wa to secure substantial bene fits? Are you laying something aside for a "Rainy Day"? If not, you will never have a better time to be gin than now. To get quickly started in the easiest way, come to this bank and open an account. "A DOLLAR WILL DO IT." cIhc Bank of Oregon City The Olympia We are prepared to supply the wants of the inner man. Everything is j new, fresh and homelike. Only white help employed. Our bill of fare y at all times offers everything that is to be had at a first-class restaurant. With right service na right treatment, we expect to merit the patronage ! of the public. : : : : : ; : THE OLYMPIA i W.J. GEMMELL, Prop. i t Main Street, rjne door south Huntley Bros, Co. Oregon City, OfegGti ARE ALL GOING TO THE FAIR. Saturday. June 10, hna been reserved as a day to be jointly shared by Oregon City, Salem and Astoria at the Lewis & Clark Fair. And by the way, a visitor to the Exposition grounds on that day will find a very large majority of the population of this city and in fact the entire county in attendance at the Fair. But it hna been decided by Mayor Sommer and other cltisens after a con ference with B. D. Strauhul, represent ing the Lewis & Clark Centennial Com mission, that Oregon City shall have a programme separate and apart from any thing that may be offered by either of the other cities that have been given the same day, . Committee Meeting. The general committee that was ap pointed by Mayor Sommer Tuesday, will meet at the office of the Mayor In -the Welnhard building at 8 o'clock tomor row, Saturday evening, when the details of the exercises will be considered and a suitable programme arranged. Efforts will bo made to induce all of the mills creditable consummation, and the business houses of the day to clo3e down for a part of the day at least. In order that the demonstration may be made the grand success that is planned. The members of the general committee are: Representative C. O. Huntley, Franklin T. 'Griffith, Wm. Andresen, L. Adams, J. W. Loder, C. Schuebel, L. E. Jones, A. Robertson, S. Selling, J. U. Campbell, C. W. Pope, Bruce Zumwalt, G. L. Hedges, Grant B. Dlmlck and E. Q. Caufleld. A committee more representative of tho younger business element of Oregon City could not have been named and It may be reasonably expected - that the service for which the committee was named will be well performed. It is es pecially desirous that each and , every member of the committee make It a point to attend the' meeting at the office of Mayor Sommer Saturday evening that the preliminary work may be started without further delay. The time within which to prepare is brief, only two weeks, and no time should be lost in formulating a good programme and carry in 5 It to a