Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 26, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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; Otif Lo f espondents7 Corner f
2 Brief It of Gossip From All Parts of th County.
A frost lust week' gave the early po
t a toes and tomatoes a severe nipping,
muuino. . ' : ..- ' '
, '',, I1-'H'H" S'.F!!IV ..H.Hmh I... rmiw a
Correspondents are requested to re
new their work. We will furnish all
necessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear la
these columns every week.
Rain, rain, rain. If there is any thing
we like better than rain, it la a little
more rain. "Every cloud has a silvery
lining" and as we grumblingly endure the
eeasless downpour, we should remember
our reward will come next harvest. The
' ground seems to have a never ceasing
thirst, for every drop of rain Is absorb'
ed.,and stored In the secret storehouses
of mother earth's bosom to be used in
the future for the revival of the tender
vegetation that have succumbed to the too
ardent smiles of old Sol.
Quite a heavy frost visited our section
of the valley that did some damage to
. early potatoes, beans, etc.. but other'
wise everything Is growing fine and
needs a little warm weather. Pastures
In splendid shape and stock doing well.
Little Myrtle Hoffmelster, who had the
misfortune to sprain her arm a week
or so ago, has Improved considerably, al
though not yet able to use the injured
member much.
G rover Douglass has been somewhat
laid up for repairs on account of a gen
erous supply of Job's pets that seem to
have located on all the available places
of his head and hands. They have abat
ed some however as to number and sixe
. at the present and he will soon be able
to take his accustomed place at the
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Cook, of Damascus,
were -the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Howlett Sunday.
D. W. Douglass of Cherryville, was
through here Monday and Tuesday on a
business trip.
R. B. Gibson has moved Into his house
which is a natty little residence.
Mr. Horger suffered a severe paraly
tic stroke Thursday of last week that
deprived htm of the use of nearly his en
tire body, even the power of speech to a
limited extent At this writing he had
Improved slightly and hopes are enter
tained for his ultimate recovery.
Friday evening a very enjoyable event
- took place at the residence of Mr.. Colts.
In the form of ah Ice cream social given
under the auspices of the E. L. of Eagle
Creek. A large crowd of young and old
people were in attendance and all did
ample justice to to tht ice cream that
was pronounced "just too lovely for any
thing." The evening was spent in a
judicious mixture of games and ice
cream. AH who were fortunate enough
to have been present expressed them
selves as highly entertained and only
wish the socials closer together.
J. W. Douglass lost a cow the other
day by a peculiar accident. The ani
mal was missed and upon search was
discovered where she had fallen back
wards over a log breaking her back.
Mr. Joe. DeShaxer of Dover, was ped
dling beef through our vicinity Saturday.
Grange met as usual Saturday with
quite a gathering of Grangers, and their
baskets and a good time was enojyed.
Several candidates were Initiated in the
third and fourth degrees. -
Cedrlc Nance returned the latter part
ot last week from Portland where he
had been for several days the guest of
bis sister.
but did no other damage we have learn
ed of.
Itev. J. H. Lamb of Cleveland, Ohio,
t preached no excellent sermon In the
I church the other Sunday. In addressing
the Sunday School Mr. Lamb, through
an error, save out the Impression that
he believed the earth to be turning to
the west instead of the east.
The recent conference, returned Rev.
Henderson for pastor at this place.
Our school will close next week. Ther
is some talk of a new school building
with a room for a number of the higher
grades. We need a larger building for the
present school, but we doubt the feasi
bility of Instituting the higher depart
We believe a majority of the tax payers
of the county oppose the proposed bridge
across the Clackamas at Barton, t Taxes
are already abnormally high and this
would not be In the line of reduction.
The bridge would give the people of
I.o Ran better connection with the rail
road, but it will not be many years till
an electric line win go up tne ixigan
ridge and serve the people more directly.
Our worthy, efficient and obliging rural
carrier. Elmer Worthlngton, we are In
formed. Is confined to his home with
mumps, so that the substitute carrier
had to take the route yesterday and be
ing unused to it arrived about four hours
late. This leads us to suggest that all
substitute carriers should go over and
become acquainted with the route at their
earliest convenience.
Harmony Is now well supplied with
free delivery, there being four routes;
wo from Mllwaukie. one from Clacka
mas and one from Lents.
Shoes, Etc.
Child's Slippers 47c, 75c, 7
Ladles' H.25 patent leather Slippers dur
Ing this sals , 8So
Ladies' Comfort Low Shoes, low heel
J1.2S value, this sale Wo
ladles' Tan Oxfords. Russian calf, diir
able, neat, 12.25 value, sale 11.73
Ladles' Fine Shoes, 11.25 to 11.60 vulue
at '.,980
Baby's Shoes , ,. 9c, 23c, 37s
Child's Shoos 55c up
Many other Shot Bargains.
Full of Tragic Meaning
are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of
Casey, la. Think what might have re
sulted from his terrible cough if he bad
not taken the medicine about which be
writes: '1 had a fearful cough, that dis
turbed my night's rest. I tried every
thing, but nothing would relieve It, until
I took Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds, which
completely cured me." Instantly relieves
and permanently cures all throat and
lung diseases; prevents grip and pneu
monia. At Howell & Jones, druggists;
guaranteed; 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle
Don't Borrow Trouble.
It Is a bad habit to borrow anything.
but the worst thing you can possibly bor
row is trouble. When sick, sore heavy,
weary, and worn out by the pains and
poisons ot dyspepsia, biliousness,. Blights
disease, and similar internal disorders
don't sit down and brood over your symp
toms, but fly for relief to Electric Bit
ters. Here you will And sure and per
manent forgetfulness of all your troub
les, and your body will not be burdened
by a load of debt disease. ' At Howell &
Jones drug store. Price 50 cents. Guaranteed.
Mr. Andrew Hess, who lives over In
Tillamook county, came out to visit his
Mr. Charles Oty's condition is very
critical at this writing and he Is not ex
pected to survive.
The season's first cold
may be slight may yield
to early treatment, but the
next cold will hang on
longer; it will be more
troublesome, too. Un
necessary to take chances
on that second one. Scott's
Emulsion is a preventive
as well as a cure. Take
sirs m
when colds abound and
you'll have no cold. Take it
when the cold is contracted
and it checks inflamma
tion, heals the membranes
of the throat and lungs
and drives the cold out.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWtfE, Chemists
408-415 Pearl Street, New York
SOc and f 1.00 - . All druggists
sister, Mrs. Calvin Parker. He also sold
his father's place to Mr. Calvin Parker.
The consideration being $550.
Mr. Chas. Pembroke of The Dalles,
came to visit relatives and friends for a
few days last week. Also to put up a
monument In the Zlon cemetery for the
late William Parker.
A number of people in this vicinity are
suffering with a malady something like
the measles.
Mr. J. Burns made a business trip to
Oregon City last Tuesday.
Miss Lillian Gans was the guest of
Miss Eliza Burns last Tuesday.
Mrs. A. L. Jones, of Carus. was visit
ing Mrs. J. H. Burns one day this week.
Services were held In the Luthershi
church last Sunday.
Charles Thomas was a visitor at the
residence of Mr. John Burns last Monday.
Charlie intends to purchase a rubber tire
nothing like being up to date, is there.
Charlie? when one takes the girls out
School will soon close at this place.
We are having too much "Oregon mist"
to suit most people. It is to be hoped
this will not continue during the Expo
sition, or Oregon will lose her reputa
tion. But certainly the weather man
will favor us and have the sun shining
by June 1st.
Tii.mina rih mill family have moved
Into the house formerly occupied by I'M.
Bowman ami family
Claude Howard has his new house cow
pleted and ready for pahil, he tlo has a
i.lioimt-i iiiih mi come Hint heal' I lie
Ml Howell, of Portland. I visiting
her sister. Mis. lloynton, at present,
Mr. ami Mis. Mlnlrk Imve purchased
property of Mrs. Manning and moved Into
our midst.
Chltlm hulk Heelers are uutte nuiuetoil
ii i omul our burg
Itev. Wiles has the foundation laid for
Ms new house and will build h oii
W, A. Wnodslde is doing some plowing
for 11, Selttcr.
Andrew Zlnger, who sold his farm here
some weeks ago to Mr. Churchill, tins
moved to Liberal, where he bus rented
a farm formerly known as the Utt place
Miss Henrlteeti Wiles spent a few day
In Portland Inst week
Mrs, Manning. Mrs. Wallace and Mrs.
Mary Daniels and daughter spent the
day at Ijike Shore last week fishing
Chas, lt.iy ntou is hauling lumber for
his new house, he will build this summer,
A. Dougnn, formerly of this place, has
rented a farm at Woodlawn
Horn, to Fred and Agnes WoodsUI
on the 1,1th, a nine-pound girl.
Iteta Howmnn Is staying at the Ashby
home at present
a reunion of old rrlenda and relatives
gutltered at the borne of Mr. and Mr
John Larktnft of Clarke. Inst week. Mr.
and Mrs. 1-Jiiklrm crossed the plains In
fifty-two and settled near Clarke, where
Johnle Is now 75 years of age, and Aunt
Minervle la 69. they have been now Wed
ded 50 years, and felt young again among
their old friends. Those present were
Mrs. Hone 1 lie l.jirkln. Mr. and Mrs.
Ale Ijiiklns and daughter of Mendo
brimk, and Mrs. Wallace and daughter
Kva. of Mullno. all enjoyed a happy
Some road work will be done near
Rhode's place us soon a the weather 1
MKreeauie, i
vxoia uusi wasning rowaer, pound.. 4c Mr. Wm. Currln ha purchased a co
uest seemess Raisins. 4 pounds 25c I from Miss Mulvaney.
ic i Hoya Asliby and fam ly of 8a em. snenl
. lomespins, uosen .ic I a few days with his brother Grant of
10 bars soap 25c I this place.
inn. 3c; Lead Pencils. Tl for 5c
.iiens jean rants, small sites to close I imiiiil.
Me I Jacob Grossmlller I on the sick list
.. A. Schtlbel conducted the Klghth
Grade examinations at the school house
lnnt week.
trade for ProdllCP I l'"ke spent Saturday evening
wnn r... r. ijiwner ana ramny
Prmtvmc trr Fro. TWcW Messrs. Moler and GlntheA called on
r Ji V'J' I J. Orossmuller Monday.
Itev. IM-seher delivered a lecture at
Clean up of garden and flower seeds, old
and new, separate boxes, paper. , , , , , Ic
Millinery Department
Our Millinery Department hat a fin lot
of stylish Hats at two-thirds of Portland
prices. Experienced milliners dry goods
profits only, and quick tales. Child's
trimmed hatt 48c up; ladlet, 11.47 up;
Ladles' Walking Hatt, 72c up.
These Goods Usual
ly Cost Double Our
Price Elsewhere
AYeGctaUo PrepaMlioitfor As -slmllAtliHS
w l"xl anclReiiulu -ting
llic Stowm-lts mtl IVmn
lh)ltun,Montiuu nor MiwraL
Apcrffcl Ik inc Jy for Tons
lion, Sour Stonwh.DmrnWA
mul Loss f r Su:ei
Facsimile Snjnnlurt of
EXACT COPY or WHapscn.
For Infants and r;1
The Kind You
Always Bought
aturo M
& w 1
vJ' For On
Thirty Year!
I , ' 1
II I II L.I v II mini
j to ii y hi
the l.ullietiiii i him h Holiday.
8eem attnu'ed (he C'Mldirii's llay nl
the hull Huturday.
Mr. Matt Gluvi r of I'ui thin, I, a visit'
Iuk her mother, Mr M Morhftk.
I'tmrle M.s hnke, of Clttiku railed on
relative here Biinday.
Mr. and Mrs, Chris Hluhm have moved
to the elty fur some Week.
Hniry, Kmll unit Kl. (.,
Hlld lrl( rl a few dart M
fut met parent, Mr. and Mrs. C. I
Mi Maxlnavr railed on Mi C
huh lat werk,
ll'iiiy (Jlnlher, Henry mi.t H'tj .
in.m railed m !l k Mlllrr and L t
lllnhlund, Hun, lay.
Plans to get Rich.
are often frustrated by sudden breaking
due to dyspepsia or constipation. Brace
up and take Dr. King's New Life Pills.
They take out the materials which are
clogging your energies, and give you a
new start. Cure headache and dizziness
too. At Howell & Jones drug store; 25c,
W. E. Austin spent a few days Ashing
at D. C. Ball's place.
Fred Moore, of Washington, spent a
few days last week with friends and rela
tives here.
W. H. Husband Is building a house for
Bill White.
Mrs. Lamb, of Union Mills, was a guest
at Austin's and Mill's Sunday.
Edith Wiles and sister were the guests
of Minnie Faust Sunday.
Ben Faust put up a cream separator
for Mulvaney's Wednesday.
Wm. Skeen and family were out "sun
ning" themselves Sunday.
If you wish any fine, fancy shingling
dono go to Wm. Husband, Liberal, Ore
gon. Austin & Mill have taken the contract
to furniBh the lumber and build the new
Macksburg school house.
Red Front Store
L C. HAMILTON, Proprietor
Do Your Ankles oi Limbs Swell?
Are Your Eyes Puffy? . We ai-o
the 8oU Agents for the Only
Thing Known That 'Cures the
Kidney Diseases that Cause
Dropsy, vizi Fulton's Compound.
It Is now well know a that dropsy la not Id
Itself a disease but It commonly a symptom of
Brlght'i Disease or Diabetes. Hence, up to the
discovery of the Fulton Compounds, dropsy wu
Incurable. It li now, however, curable la nearly
Dine tenths of al! eases. Here It an lntereitlof
recovery, to which we refer by permission.
Mr. Peter Goyhenelx of 828 Fillmore street,
Sao Francisco, became alarmingly dropsical.
Ber physician had finally to tap ber every few
days. She was tapped nearly forty timet and
grew worts from day to day. The phytlclaa
finally told her husband that the had Brlgbt't
Disease of the Kidneys, that It was in an ad
vanced chronic state and beyond medical aid.
Her heart alto gars her the usual trouble and
shs wat la tuch a serious condition the relatives
were seat ror. xney put ner on Fulton s Com
pound. It stayed on ber stomach, the first
thing that had done to for a week. The second
wee ine dropsy aeeunea a little ana the Im
provement wot then gradual until her recovery
uuuiiiietc. mil caw was eiamineu into
by representatives of the San Francisco Star
in their columns.
and I
:ie Overland Monthly, and the trenuinennw
of the case and the recovery were fully attested
Tha Salvation Army.
We wish to announce regular meetings
each night except Monday and Friday
nights. Saturday night, May 27, Rev.
Molloy. an old veteran and patriot of
God. conducts the meeting;. . Also Sun
day night, May 28. Major and Mrs. Flynn
of Portland, will conduct special service
which will be a real treat for all who at
tend. Everybody invited.
Mew Cure for Cancer.
All surface cancers are now known to
be curable, by Bucklen Arnica Salve.
Jas. Walters, of Duflield, Va., writes,
"I had a cancer on my Hp for years, that
seemed Incurable, till Bucklen's Arnica
Save healed it, and now It Is perfectly
well." Guaranteed cure for cuts and
burns. 25 cents at Howell & Jones drug
Miss Stafford closed a very successful
term of school at Mt. Pleasant last
Friday, which had been running since
last October.
Miss Imogen Myers was visiting Miss
Rowland last Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. Raywalt was visiting Mrs. An
drews last Monday.
i Strawberry ' picking will begin this
week and everybody expecting to yield
a large crop. ;
MIbb Snldow called upon Mrs. Thomp
son last Thursday.
Mrs. Melndl and Miss Badoff were vis
iting the Mt. Pleasant school last Wed
nesday. Miss Luclle Kellogg waa calling on
Mrs. Roman last Thursday.
Mrs. Marrs who has been visiting at
Springwater for the past week, has re
turned home again.
Mrs. Thomas Christol of 428 Twentv-ssmntfc
street, San Francisco, was also swollen with
dropsy, as a result of chronic Brlght's Dlseste,
to more than seventv-nve Dounds btvond h
normal weight, and bad to be moved In sheets
au was ciose 10 aeato t aoor although she had
tour physicians. She was put on the Fultoa
Compounds. Three weeks showed lmnmm,ni
and In six months the was well, aad permit
this reference.
There It only one thing known that will eur
the chronic kidney disease that Is behind dropiiy
and that is Fulton's Compound. The Reual
Compound for Brlght's and Kidney dlaeaxcs. II;
for pi,betea, II.M. John J. Fulton Co.
Wathlngtoa street, Ban Francisco, sole com.
pounders. Send for pamphltt. Ws ars to suit
auM w urn city.
Charman & Co., City Drug Store,
ft s.
Official Map of Lewis A Clark Exposition
Frea with tvery fifty cent etih tal at
Frank Butch' ttors.
r W
Pure & Mellow
Rich & Delicate
For Sals by
Sols Aotnoy for Ortgon City.