5 OREGON" CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1905. COUNTY COURT. (Concluded from Page 5). TJ. M. Bentley, 2.25 Tilman Clapp, 1.50 J. T. Drake, 1.50 J. Labour, 8.75 District No. 28. J. M. Nicholson, $12.00 ' G. M. Groshong, 12.00 m E. Nicholson, 4.50 XJeorge Wyland, 4.50 Edward Wyland, 4.50 J. Marks, 1.50 Ben Boiles, 3.00 H. 'Wilson, 9.00 E. E. Rich, 28.85 G. E. Lawrence, 2.64 District No. 29. J. C. Snyder, $22.00 District No. 31. Z. Elligsen, $ 3.00 J. L. Kruse, 2.25 G. Volpp, 7.00 Z, Elligsen, 22.50 E. Kekel, j 1-00 A. Schnoor. 7.00 Wm. Sturdevent, 2.00 H. Elligsen, 10.50 K. Weisenborn, 3.50 E. Kruse, 30.00 Ed. Gross. 100 J. L. Kruse. 4.50 District No. 33. W. J. Lewellen, 3.25 . J. T. Meyers & Co., ' 24.19 Ed. Closner. 25.50 District No. 34. C. Gray, 16.25 D. C. Howell, 24.50 T. Armstrong, 29.75 J. Armstrong. 15.75 C. T. Blackburn, 22.75 E. Crands, 18.25 J. Townsend, 11.37 L. Ford. 40.25 C. W. Ford, 1-75 T. Haze. 14.00 A. K. Ford, 25.00 A. A. Woodhouse, 15.75 J. Franklin, 8.75 District No. 36. E. Peterson, $ 6.00 A. Peterson, 3.00 B. Lyman. 3.00 D. C. Yoder, 2.25 Bud Thompson, 4.50 I. Broadwell, 1.50 Noah Yoder, 3.00 E. Liason. 1.50 A. Olsen, ' 3.00 N. Blair. 15.00 In the matter of claims allowed: T. B. Killen, Commissioner, $17.40 Thos. F. Ryan, pauper, 38.25 P. Nehren, jail, 31.39 R. L. Holman, papuer, 10.00 I. Selling, 2.00 St. Vincent Hospital, pauper, 15.00 C. Bluhm, pauper, 5.00 C. N. Greenman, pauper,, 2.50 Howe, Davis & Co. clerk, 16.00 Glass & Prudhomme clerk, 12.00 B. A. Sleight, clerk, 36.00 H. W. Trembath, sheriff, 40.50 Fashion stables, sheriff, 16.80 ,J. M. Tracy, sheriff, 3.00 A. M. Shibley, sheriff, 4.00 H. Everhart, 5.50 J. R. Shaver, sheriff, 2.00 C. Buchegger, recorder, 42.00 W. G. Beattie, school supt., 8.00 Coast Agency Co., treasurer, 2.75 G. A. Bollack, treasurer, 2.00 Ella Shaver, sheriff, 14.00 Ednetta Chase, sheriff, 11.00 J. F. Nelson, assessor, 108.00 F. J. Nelson, Assessor, 18.00 H. F. Gibson, assessor, 75.00 J. K. Morris, assessor, 75.00 J. C. Bradley, assessor, 39.00 C H. Dauchy, assessor, 75.00 33d. Carter, assessor, 69.00 3311a Shaver, Tax Dep't 19.00 Iva Harrington, tax dept, 26.00 G. A. Bollack, tax dept., 25.00 D. C. Boyles, tax dept., 40.00 Ednetta Chase, tax dept., 21.25 Enterprise, printing, 71.55 Courier, printing, 8.40 G. A. Harding, expense, 2.20 Planing Mills, court house, .50 Wilson & Cooke, court house, 6.40 Frank Busch, court house, 1.40 Fashion Stables, circuit court, 2.50 John W. Connell, circuit court, 3.60 Launch Pilot, circuit court, 13.00 Witness Account. W. A. Sellwood, witness, 3.60 Roy Johnson, witness, 3.60 W. H. Hobble, 2.20 G. W. Purcell, 2.20 A. Richardson, 2.40 O. F. Jones, 2.40 H. R. Brown, 2.40 Louis Rail, 2.40 Geo. Himler, 2.40 James H. Reed, 3.20 Thos. Fox, ' 3.00 M. S. Saundres, 6.60 J. E. Carmack, . 6.60 Chas. Moehnke, 3.20 Juror Account. 6.20 13.85 5.20 8.80 850.00 11.60 3.50 3.50 3.10 3,10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 7.95 11.20 16.80 5.90 5.50 5.50 5.90 , 5.10 , 5.10 1.70 5.00 O. Wissenger, 3.20 C. F. Polivka, . 3.20 G. W. Lockerby, 7.00 A. D. Burnett, 6.00 E. Weise, 4.60 F. E. McGugin, 17.00 T. O. Ridings, ' 16.00 W. B. Stafford, 24.20 A. V. Davis, 29.00 T. A. Campau, 27.20 A. Erickson, 26.20 John Molzan, 23.70 A. Engle, . 28.80 Fred Heft, 24.00 W. E. Wanker, 25.00 J. G. dpperson, 30.60 J. Paulsen, 29.40 S. J. Landon, 30.60 James Shannon, 23.40 C. S. Fuge, 24.20 F. Habelt, 28.20 G. A. Shubel, 23.80 M. Tauchman, 24.00 A. Mautz, 22.60 W. S. Rider, 25.00 Witness Account. Chas. Moehnke, 2.60 Mary Sequest, 4.50 Cathrina King, 4.00 A. Richardson, 2.40 C. M. Toole, x 2.20 C. O'Donell, 2.20 F. S. Toole, 2.20 H. McCoy, 2.20 Thos. Fox, 3.00 H. W. Koehler, " 3.00 L. Grubbs, 2.20 M. W. Miller, circuit court, 10.50 Telephone Co., 10.65 B. A. Anderson, Coroner, 1.20 H. Campbell, coroner, 1.20 C. B. Jones, coroner, 1.20 H. Foglesong, coroner, 1.20 J. S. Imel, coroner, 1.20 G. C. Waldron, coroner, 1.20 E. R. Leek, coroner, 1.70 H. Hiddleson, coroner, 1.70 Jas. Tamblyn, coroner, 1.70 C. H. Meissner, coroner, , 5.50 J. W. Loder, coroner, R. L. Holman, coroner, R. L. Holman, coroner, Huntley Bos Co., stationery E. M. Kiger, machinery, W. Brobst, Commissioner, Justice Peace Court. J. Lowery, Geo. Lowery, P. Nauertz, Maggie Nauertz, V. L. Mack, ' E. C. Shull, J. S. Dick, G. Kesserling, G. W. Covey, O. R. Mack, Wm. Knight, J. A. Graham, Livy Stipp, H. W. Trembath, D. Bridenstine, O. Klartsch, Mrs. Nicholson, C. B. Smith, A. E. Alspaugh, H. Landwehr, A. E. Alspaugh, Dr. Sommer, Insane, In the matter of the petition of James Adkins and others for improvement of Cape Horn road; Ordered taken under advisement un til court can visit same. In the matter of deed to Elmer Calk Ins for land deeded to County by Mahan and wife; Ordered that deed issue to said Elmer Calkins. In the matter of the petition of Airs. C. A. Roberts for county aid; Ordered that matter be laid over until rates can be ascertained to her home In Michigan. In the matter of the application of N. Moore for reduction of asscssmait: Ordered that same be referred to the Assessor. In the matter of appointment of road supervisor of district No. 32; E. L. Baker having resigned as super visor, D. J3. Stahlnecker Is hereby ap pointed as supervisor of said district. In the matter of the petition of Fred Rakel to lay water pipes in town of Canemah; Ordered that said matter be laid over until next term of this court. . In the matter of the petition of A S. Henderson and others for county road; Board of road viewers ordered to meet at the place of beginning of said road on the 29th day of May, 1905. In the matter of Rock Creek Hill in Marquam district; Ordered laid over until same can be visited by court. In the matter of petition of Geo. H. Brown and others for county road; Ordered that said petition be and is denied. In the matter of the Milk Creek road; Ordered that road supervisor grade the mile of road between the gravel improve ments and the matter of subscriptions for graveling to come up at June term. In the matter of subscription for im provement of new road from Sandy to Borings ; The sum" of $575.00 having been sub scribed for said improvement, it is order ed that road supervisor be instructed to expend said sum of money upon the open ing and improving said new road from Sandy to Borings. In the matter of the Improvement of road from Sandy to Firwood. Road supervisor is instructed to fix the hill near Firwood in the manner agreed upon by county commissioners. In the matter of the license of M. C. Adkins ; Ordered that said license continue for one month. In the matter of petition of John F. Risley for telephone franchise; Ordered that said franchise be granted subject to regulations. Ia the matter of petition of Farmer's Telephone Co. for a telephone franchise Ordered that that part of petition ask' ing for 50 year franchise be and is de nied; otherwise franchise is granted sub ject to proper' regulations. In the matter of petition of E. N. Fos ter and others for vacation of part of townsite of Eagle Creek; Ordered that said petition be granted in so far as the vacation of lots in blocks 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7 and lots 4 to 14 inclusive of block 1; and that part of railroad avenue lying south of the southerly boundary of First street; also all of the alley through blocks 5, 6, and 7; all of that certain alley lying on the westerly boundary of blocks 1. 2, 3 and 4; all of First street between blocks 1 and 2; all of Second street be tween blocks 2 and 3 and 6 and 7; all of Third street between blocks 3 and 4 and blocks 5 and 6; and all of Fourth street south of blocks 4 and 5. And it is hereby ordered that said lots and blocks and streets and parts of streets and alleys and parts of alleys as above set out be and they are hereby de clared vacated; it is further ordered that that part of petition praying for vaca tion of broadway avenue or part thereof, of railroad avenue north of the south erly boundary of first streets; of the al ley through block 8; of that part of First street lying between blocks 7 and 8 and the lots in block 8 be denied. In the matter of application of su pervisor of District No. 31 for powder; Trullinger for county road; - t - drdered that board of road viewers meet at place of beginning of road on the 22d day of May. 1905. In the matter of claim of S. W. Sco ville for damages; , Ordered that said claim be denied. In the matter of petition, of Mead Post No. 2. for aid for George Westfall, an indigent Soldier; Ordered that warrant issue to said post for $10.00 for said relief. In the matter of Meteorite in court yard; Ordered that the matter be left with County Judge to make regulations re garding same. In the matter of petition for county aid to Ellen and Gorham Bridges; ; Ordered that an v allowance of $15.00 per month be made, to be paid on first of each month. In the matter of inspection of certain Improvements in Marquam and Canby districts; Ordered that Commissioners Brobst and Killen visit same on the 17th of May. In the matter of the applications of Mr. Bowerman and J, Fredricks for county aid; Ordered that warrants be drawn month ly In favor of Mrs. Bowerman for $10.00, and ' one in sum of $3.00 favor of J. Fredricks. In the matter of payment of costs in case of Moores vs. Clackamas county; Ordered that warrant Issue to said Moores upon his satisfying the judgment in the sum of $72.40. In the-, matter of the application of town of Milwaukie for portion of taxes of 1904; Ordered that matter be referred to District Attorney for an opinion. ' -, In the matter of the "Wm. Smith change In Fan ton road; Ordered that said petition be granted and road ordered opened by supervisor with the labor of the petitioners, and that the expense of survey be paid by Clackamas county. u ! Having secured the agency for the Stttdebake Company for Oregon City and vicinity, W. L. Block,tbe Furniture man, is now prepared to supply your wants in another way. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, Cecille Kaegi, Plaintiff, vs. Henry Kaegi, Defendant. By virtue of an attachment execution. judgment and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, to me dl rected, dated the 29th day of April, 1905, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on said day in the above en titled cause, wherein Cecille Kaegi, the plaintiff, recovered judgment against Henry Kaegi, the defendant, for the sum of $1250.00, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from said 29th day of April, 1905, and the costs of and upon said writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, I did, on the 10th day of May, 1905, levy upon the following described real property, to-wit: , That certain parcel of real estate situ ate, lying and being in Clackamas Coun ty, State of Oregon, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wit: All of lots numbered 3 and 6 in Tract numbered 63, in the First Subdivision of a portion of Oak Grove, save and except ing that portion deeded by the Oak Grove Land and Improvement Company to the East Side Railway Company as a right of way, by deed acknowledged March 24, 1893. recorded March 29, 1893, in Book 51, of the Record of Deeds of said Clackamas County, at page 194, together with the improvements thereon and the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging or in anywise appertain ing. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said at tachment execution, judgment and order of sale, and in compliance with the com mands of said writ, I will, on Monday, the 19th day of June, 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest which the said defendant, Henry Kaegi had in and to the above described real property on the date of said attachment, to-wit: March 9, 1905, or which he has since acquired or now has therein, to satisfy said judgment, execution, costs and accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. First publication May 12, 1905. Last publication, June 9, 1905. THE REFUTATION I of the Studebaker Company's pro ducts is too well known to require any introduction to the people of this vicinity The trademark of ljd: EB MJSE stands for the best in the way of Wagons, Buggies and Carriages. Delay making any purchases until you have consulted Mr. Block who will carry a complete line of Stude baker vehicles. THE FURNITURE MAN Main and Seventh Streets Oregon City, Oregon W. SWEEPING DYSPEPSIA AWAY. The Remarkable Curative Properties of Pep I kola. So many cases have come right under their own personal observation that Hunt ley Bros. Sc. Co., now . know beyond all question what Pepsikola will do.and they can give you the names of scores of people whose experience with it has been remarkable. In fact, there is hardly a person in Oregon City today but knows of some one who has been decidedly benefitted. Thin people find that Pepsikola in creased their weight. Others claim that it cures heartburn, palpitation, sour stom Ordered that he be allowed 100 pounds I ach, wind belching, bad taste in the mouth of powder. In the matter of books ror registration of titles under Torren's System; Ordered that the books be purchased by County Judge. In the matter of Lewis & Clark Fair appropriation ; Ordered that warrant for balance. amounting to $500 be drawn. In the matter of the Fischer and Logan road improvements; Ordered that road supervisor proceed to clear and grade said road with sub scriptions, the said grading to be done under the supervision of W. H. Counsel In the matter of the bridge between Barton and Logan; Ordered that said matter be continued until next term. In the matter of repairs to Milwaukie bridge; Ordered that action of county judge toward having ' said bridge repaired be approved. In the matter of repairs to Suspension bridge ; Ordered- that the amount of necessary repairs be ascertained by county judge, and he to have same repaired and re painted. In the matter of plank on Fischer Hill and Wolfe hill in road district 18; Ordered that bid of Dix Bros, of $6.60 per thousand for lumber be filled, and matter taken under advisement. In the matter of the petition of N. coated tongue, fullness and distress after eating, while to those who are listless. tired and worn out and without ambition it gives new vigor and renewed vitality right away. And the guarantee is so plain and so sure there can be no misun derstandlng. The manufacturers do not want even one dissatisfied customer in Oregon City and Huntley Bros. & Co., always sell Pepsikola with the understanding that it must relieve and cure you or you can have your quarter back simply by asking for it. Saloon License. Notice is hereby given that we will apply at the next regular meeting of the city council for a renewal of our liquor license at our present place of business. Main street between Sixth and Seventh streets. KELLY & RUCONICH. A Good Suggestion. Mr. C. B. Wainwright of Lemon City, Fla., has written the manufacturers that much better results are obtained from the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus by taking it in water as hot as can be drank. That when taken in this way the effect is double in rapidity. "It seems to get at the right spot Instantly," be says. For sale by Geo.' A. Harding. s 1111 1 il ragging rains 2825 Keeley St., ' Chicago, Iul, Oct,, 2, 1902. I suffered with falling and con-, gestion of the womb, with severe pains through the groins. I suf fered terribly at the time of men struation, had blinding headaches and rushing of blood to the brain. What to try I knew not, for it seemed that I had tried all and failed, but I had never tried Wine of Cardui. that blessed remedy for sick women. I found it pleasant to take and soon knew that I had the right medicine. New blood seemed to course through my veins and after using eleven bottles I was a well woman. Mrs. Bush is now in perfect health because she took Wine of Cardui for menstrual disorders, bearing down pains and blinding headaches when all other remedies failed to bring her relief. Any sufferer may secure health by tak ing Wine of Cardui in her home. The first bottle convinces the pa tient she is on the road to health. For advice in cases . requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, "The Lames Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, lean an. 13 mmJ nil M in yy SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. B. A. Hamblin. Plaintiff, vs. B. J. Hamblin, Defendant. To B. J. Hamblin, the above named defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: Tou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you, in the above entitled suit, on or before the 24th day of June, 1905, being six weeks after the first publication of this Summons, and if you fail so to appear and , answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, namely: For a decree of said court, dissolving the marriage contract and obligations now existing between yourself and said plaintiff, and that plain tiff may have all such and different re lief as he is entitled to in equity. This Summons is published by order of Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court, made and entered, on the 6th day of May. 1905. The date of the first publication of this notice is the 12th day of May, 1905. and the time prescribed for the publica tion thereof is six successive weeks. H. E., CROSS, Attorney for Plaintiff. In order to take care of the inter est of out customers and to extend a knowledge of the value of electricity for lighting, we have opened an of fice next door to the Bank of Oregon City, wnich is in charge of Mr. C. G. Miller. Estimates on cost of wiring, cost of current and information on the advantages of electricity for all pur poses will te furnished by him at any time. Portland General iectric Company C G. Miller, Contract Manager for Oregon City