Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 19, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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j ri .' ;
801 Main St., Peoria, III.
Wilbert Thompson never knew a well day until last June he had been constipated all his -life many
doctors treated him, but all failed to even help him his health failed rapidly and on January 21,
1903, Mrs. Thompson asked us to suggest a treatment for her husband We thought the case
too serious and recommended that a specialist be consulted but he also failed to help the
patient NOW HE IS WELL. -
Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him
Mrs. Thompson first wrote us as follows: "My husband, aged 23, suffers from sharp pains In his stomach and
times thinks It Is his heart. Let me know by return mail what oauses the pain, if you can. Mr. Thompson
has twAn frroatAri h MvAral riratars. but thav havA elven him tin. '
Wn nmmntiv advisnd that a first-class specialist be consulted. We quote:
Tonic, because we know It will cure constipation, but 60c. a bottle Is no object to us when a human life is at stake.
"We want to sell Mull's Grape
and if your husband's case is as serious as you state, we suggest you consult a reliable specialist, not the advertising
Kind, promptly. A I tne same time, Knowing tnai jviuii s irrape xouiu cuuiu uu uu iiarui, we auviwu us usa uuui at
physician could be consulted. January 26 Mrs. Thompson wrote that a physician had been consulted. He diag
nosed the case as being chronic constipation and dyspepsia. His treatment was followed faithfully, but there was
no perceptible Improvement in Mr. Thompson's health. Then he began taking Mull's Grape Tonic and on Sept.
3, 1903, we received the following letter from Mrs. Thompson:. -
"You will remember that I wrote to you last Januarw In regard to my husband's health. It
Is four months sinoe he quit taking Mull's Grape Tonio for constipation, whloh he suffered from
since birth. He took just 24 bottles of it and is perfectly cured. He Is much stronger and has
gained oonsiderably in flesh. I cannot thank you enough for Mull's Grape Tonio. 'It is worth Its
weight in gold.' Just $12 cured him and he has spent hundreds of dollars with doctors who did
him no good. Now I want to state my case to you and expect your early reply. I also have consti
pation, have had for three years. Kindly let me know as I am sure it will oure me if you say it will,
as it did all you claimed it would In my husband's case. I await an early reply."
Very respectfully yours, MRS. W. H. THOMPSON, 801 Main St., Peoria, III.
This Coupon is good for a 50c. Bottle of
Mull's Grape Tonic.
Fill out tills coupon and send to the Lightning
Medicine Co., 157 Tliird'Ave., Rock Island, 111., and yon
will receive a. full size, fiOc. bottle of 31 nil's Grape
I have never taken Moll's Grape Tonic, hat if yon
will supply xne with a 50c. bottle free, I will take it as
Street No..
. State
If yon are afflicted with constipation or any of its kindred
diseases we will ' bny a 50-cent bottle for you of your druggist
and give it to you to try. If you are constipated we know it
will cure you. Surely if we have such confidence in our remedy
as to pay for a bottle of it that you may test for yourself its won
derful curative qualities, you should not refuse to accept our offer.
Mull's Grape Tonic
;s the only cure for constipation . known. We do not recom
mend it for anything but Constipation and its allied diseases. It is
our free gift to you. In accepting this free bottle you do not obligate
.yourself further than to take its contents. Mull's Grape Tonic is
pleasant to take and one bottle will benefit you. We want you to try
jt and, therefore, if you will fill out the attached coupon and mail
it to us to-day we will instruct your druggist to give you a 50-cent
bottle and charge same to us. .
Fo Sale by Howell & Jones, Oregon City
Miss Veda Williams will give a grand
concert Monday evening. May 22, in
Woodmen Hall, assisted . by Imogen
I Harding. Kathryn Ward Pope, Miss
Mary Conyers. Dorothy Cross, Mr. Stuart
McGuire. of Portland. The Oregon City
talent is too well known to need any in
troduction to the public, but Mi Stuart
McGuire, of Portland, has never been
heard in concert in this city, and we
voice the opinion of the musical people
of Portland when we say he possesses
a glorious baritone voice and is becoming
quite a favorite in Portland and other
cities where he has sung. Miss Williams
will play several difficult numbers. The
admission will be fifty cents and Wood?
man Hall will no doubt Te packed as
many tickets are now sold. Following
is the programme:
Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 6 Liszt
1 Miss Williams.
The Publican Van de Water
Mr. Stuart McGuire.
Myrrah Clutsam
' Miss Conyers.
Reading Miss Dorothy Cross
Slumber Sea Chisohlm
Miss Harding Miss Conyers.
(a) Nachtstuck (Night Song) Schumann
(b) Schattentanz (Shadow Dance) ....
Mac Dowen I
Miss Williams. !"
"Thy Name" .. .Mary Knight Wood
Imogen Harding.
(a) I know a lovely garden. .DeHardelot
(b) In the time of Roses
Mr.' Stuart McGuire.
"Away on the Hill".... Ronold
Kathryn Ward Pope.
March MilitaJre Sfchubert Tausig
. Miss Williams.
II Bra
Country Correspondence
One of the most successful and enter
prising undertakings ever undertaken in
this locality, has just been brought to
successful issue, by the well and favor
ablv known saw-mill man,' Mr. James
Adkins. This enterprising man has lo
cated a fine mineral spring four miles
East of Canby and he has purchased the
five acres surrounding it. He has taken
this natural and beautiful' spot and turn
ed it into a park, which is very appro
priately named Metronplitan Park. The
grounds are . improved with a large danc
ing pavilion, hotel, grand stand and
everything to make a trip to this modern
pleasure resort a lasting Impression upon
the minds of all "those who were fortu
nate enough to attend the entertainment.
It is the intention to give these picnics
at stated times all during the Summer.
Among the other amusements last. Satur
day night and Sunday, a gentleman and
his wife entertained the crowd by sing
ing and juggling. Good music was a spec
ial feature. Anyone wishing to ,take a
days outing would do . well to come t.
Metropolitan Park and spend the day.
A - larere crowd was in attendance, all
parts and localities near by were repre
Why Suffer From Rheumatism?
Why suffer from rheumatism when one
application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
will relieve the pain? The quick relief
which this liniment affords makes rest
and aleerj nossible. and that - alone is
worth many times its cost.. Many who
iave used it hoping only for a short re
lief from suffering have been happily sur
prised to find that after awhile the relief
became permanent Mrs. V. H. Leggett
of Turn Yum, Tennessee. U. S. A., writes
"I am a great sufferer from rheumatism,
all over from head to foot, and Chamber
lain's Pain Balm is the only thing that
will relieve the pain." For sale by Geo. A.
Harding. , , - . . . .
Heavy thunder showers are still the
order of the day. '
Supervisor Hornshuh and Company are
making a good grade on the Parry and
Wolfe Hill. , -
Philip Stiner called on his parents here
Jfcst Sunday.
Maud Daniels left last Sunday for Hood
H. Shannon & Co. have begun grading
on the road between here and Oregon
Thos. D. Jones, while laying planks in
front of his store this week received a
painful injury by a heavy plank falling
on his ankle, and as there was no bones
broken the injury is not serious.
F. Shannon left last week . for Cali
fornia where he will run a threshing en
gine. John Bohlander and Gin Shannon re
turned from bunch grass this week. ,
Minnie Bohlander called on her parents
here this week.
Otto Wiles, of Portland, called on his
friends here this week.
There was a Mutual Telephone meet
ing held at the Beaver Creek Hall last
Monday night in which 15 of the farm
ers signed for the phone which costs on
an average of $2.00 per year after the
line is built. There will be another meet
ing, Saturday evening. Everybody come
out and get an explanation. ' " -
There will be another entertainmenv
held at the Welsh Congregational church
May 30, 1905. There will be prizes given
for essays, songs, love letters, recita
tions. Every one come and have a gooo
Miss Ida Kelly is visiting here at pres
ent ' . . '.
Miss Daisy Hughes -Who- has been vis
iting, friends and relatives at . Portland
for the past week, reports a' jolly good!
time. ' ' ' ' ' j
- ,Ellen Craig has been laid up with a
sore throaty for the past week.. - t
, The .Pie and Ice- Cream social given
by ' the .ball team last Friday night was
well, attended and the' boys wish.. to. ex
press their thanks to all who took part.
The two highest prices paid for pies was
$4.00 and $4.50; and the cheapest was
75 cents'. The proceeds were $20.00.
Mr. John Mulvaney was the guest of
Miss Delia- White Saturday and Sun
day. Mr. Ward and son-in-law have been
building fence this week.
Mr. Harte of Oregon City visited with
Brthena Howard is on ,the sick list.
Evan Lewis has purchased a new
Mr. Roberts, the sailor, is working for
John R. Lewis again.
Mr. and Mrs. Marley were the guests
of Walter Emmott and family Sunday.
The ball game Sunday was well at
tended. The score was 8 to 9 in favor
of the Carus team. . " .
,. Mr. Casto, ofPrune Hill has been very
Mrs. Monroe Irish and family and Em
ma and Tom Inskeep expect to go to
Hood River Tuesday to pick strawber
ries. , .
Ralph -Howard and Lew Buckner at
tended the picnic at the Metropolitan
Park last Sunday.
Veva Kinney and daughter Nadia is
visiting in Portland for a few days.
Miss Gans' school closed last Friday
with an entertainment.
Sam Kallneisch has purchased a graph -
ophbne. We have music in the air every
evening now.
Lois Ashby has gone ' to Salem to visit
with relatives,, ' ' ;,
Mrs. Wiles made a short call on Mrs.
Fred Erickson last Thursday.
The green aphis -is making its appear
ance on the grain.
Mr. J. J. Mallatt and family and Mr.
Davis and family called on Mr. and Mrs.
Fish last Sunday.
Mr. M. H. Riebhoff is preparing to
build a new barn on his prairie property.
Geo. Clark made a short visit to his
old home, recently. 1
Mr. Gill's father is spending the sum
mer here. .He recently came from Kansas.
Work has begun on the Logan ana
Fischer Mill road. .
Mr. F. P. Wilson had thhe misfortune
to have his leg broken and ankle put out
of place Sunday; He was thrown from
his horse and is presumed the horse fell
On him as he has no recollection of how
the accident happened. Mr. Wilson, is
a hard working, highly respected farmer
of this place, and his many friends re
gret to hear of such a misfortune befall
ing him.
Miss Young, who "wields the rod" at
Lower Logan School, dined with Miss
Gerber Sunday.
Logan S. S. will observe children's day
in June.
A prominent merchant of Barton, who
is deeply interested in the bridge at that
place, probably "didn't think" when he
confided to va -Logan resident that he
could save ten dollars per day by hauling
his goods and produce by teams and
wagon as the O. W. P. rates were too
high. How would it be with farmers
then, if he cannot afford it?
Quite a number of people went to a
cream social at the Eldorado scnooi
house last Satfrday evening, and report
a large' attendance and a good program.
Proceeds between nine and ten dollars.
Dr. and Mrs. R. Goucher took dinner
with Fred Erickson and family last Sunday.
,Mr. and Mrs. Zinger visited with Mrs.
Daniels last Sunday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodside,
girl. Mother and child are doing well.
A. Erickson is doing some slashing
on his newly acquired place. , ,
H. Seltzer is doing some improvement
1 his place by tearing down "the old
part of his barn and putting some more
ground, in cultivation. That's right
Henry, add to your land all you can. ,
Mrs. Manning made a business trip to
Oregon City last Saturday and reported
butter 30 cents per roll. Look out dairy
men. you will have your pockets run or
money? . ,
A. Erickson and- family were calling'
on Mr. Lee and family last Sunday.
Reta. Bowman is working for. Mrs.
Ashby at present.
The smiling face of Ed: Bowman was
seen in our burrg last Saturday.
All very well, thank you. '
Nice rain, but too cold.
Strawberries wiU soon be ripe now.
J. J. Schmitt will not leave us. He
has purchased Mrs. Mack's" property and
will settle down for an indefinite time.
Rev. J. C. Emmel has been appointed
pastor of the Evangelical church. Rev.
Elmer, who has been the pastor for four
years past goes to a church in North
Portland. " . - - v .
R. F. D. No. 1, Canby, started Monday;
May 15. No commission to carry the
mail had 'been received, but' Postmaster
Deyoe, acting on instructions from Wash
ington, swore in John Helvey for the po
sition temporarily.,'
A very unique entertainment will be
given in the City ' Hall next Monday,
May22, under the auspices of the Ladies'
Aid Society of the M. E. Church. The
leading feature will be the . performance
of Arthur Draper.' the whistler. AS1
who have heard him are very enthusias
tic iri their praise. - - '
Another member has been taken in
the firm of Carlton & Rosenkrans. ; Al
though he will not take his place in the
store right away, he is not a silent part
ner. ' He is the son of Mr.- Rosenkrans,
and was born last Saturday. May 13. '
No . man can, cure consumption. You
can prevent it though. Dr. Wood's Nor
way Pine Syrup cures coughs, colds,'
bronchitis, asthma. Never fails.
"Why is it," asked Mrs. Younglove,"
"that you never say anything about the
biscuits your mother used to make?" -
"Lillian," he replied, "do you forget
that my mother graduated at Wellesley?"
spring has indeed come.
-, Mrs. J. L. Gage and three1 children are
visiting the old home this week.
Curly Mayes is . putting in quite an
acreage of potatoae on the Hayes place.
..'toss Linda Sharp is slowly recovering
from a severe, attack of the grippe.
: "For various reasons a goodly proportion
of "the scholars have left school, and the
attendance has steadily declined. Par
ents as a general thing take but little in
terest in school matters, and but few
even visit the school to see how it is
progressing., which is all wrong. We
certainly have a very able teacher who
should be encouraged, as a teacher's
road is none too smoothe at the best.
Some of the patrons of the R. F. D.
from Sherwood cannot seem to under
stand that. Stafford office has no author
ity to "deliver their mail to the carrier,
and if they wish paper "mail sent they
must furnish postage for it to be taken
back by carrier to Sherwood where the
stamps can be canceled, and then de
livered from that office next day. The
same with letter mail except they have
no extra postage to pay. They could not
expect to get their mail out of , the
Willamette office or any . other, until it
had arrived at the office from which-their
carrier is authorized to collect it. There
fore lei us no blame Stafford office when
they are trying to live up toNthe postal
law, now that we, understand it. .
,The bridge across the Tualatin in again
open,.' after .being closed a .week.
There is to be lecture and stereopticon
show upon the Fairs at. St. Louis and
Portland, by Mrs... -Edith Tozier. Weather
ed, and able corps of assistants on Fri
day evening, the 19th, under the auspices
of the Oswego Grange. Doors open at
7;30. . Lecture at 8.00,. It is said by those
who have attended, that it is well worth
the time and money. Mrs. Weatherred is
a talker of exceptional ability, and she
tells of the things she has seen. Price
of. admission 25 cents; children 15 cents.
Colorado will have a building at the
Lewis & Clark Exposition. The struc
i ture is now well under way and will be
completed by June 1. While small, it
is one of the most attractive iof the state
buildings. .
Two new concessions are announced
for the Trail the Old Southern Planta
tion and the Mirror Maze. Work upon
this amusement thrpughfare is progress
: ing favorably and all the concessions
will be ready to receive the public before
opening day.
Nearly all of the exhibits for the Pal
ace of Manufactures, Liberal Arts and
Varied Industries at the Lewis & Clark
Exposition are Installed. The installa
tion in other buildings is progressing
Fourteen organ recitals will be held in
theAuditorium at the Lewis & Clark Ex
position between June 10 and September
30.' All recitals will be given at night,
and will be arranged by Professor H. W.
Goodrich, organist of St. David's Epis
copal church. Prominent organists will
participate. ' ...
"Senator, do you think that bill will
ever pass?" ' .
"No. but we're going to make some
people whose business would -be hurt if
it did pass do a lot of handsome things."
Bean toe
The Kind You Haw Always Bought
No Other Remedy so Sure to Cure Con
stipation. Laxakola' is the only laxative that acts
as a tonic to the whole system, strength-:
erfing the organs and purifying the blood.
It will cure the. most confirmed case of
constipation after every other remedy
has failed. .-.-
With your bowels and stomach free
from refuse, and impurities; with your kid
neys and liver working naturally and
your blood pure and rich, backaches,
headaches, weak nerves, blotchy, muddy,
sallow complexions, and all similiar trou
bles will vanish, and you . will feel and
look strong, healthy and vigorous. Be
cause of its purity, pleasant taste and
gentle, yet effective, action, infants and
the most ' delicate invalids can take it
without any disagreeable or harmful af
ter effects.
Huntley Bros. & Co., recommend Lax
akola to their customers with every con
fidence and guarantee you will get re
lief from the very first dose. .
Try it, and if it proves iri the least dis
appointing the druggist will pay - your
quarter back. .
Hit the Trail at the Lewis & Clark
Exposition, opening in Portland, June 1.
Beari the ' ? Ilw Kind You Have Always Boiigjit
Gty Drog; Store
Paints, Oils, Glass,
Varnishes, Enamels
Large assortment of
Alabastinc in All J Tints
Xhe past month has been
the greatest bargain sale
in the history of our busi
ness values that astound
ed the public.
The coming month will
see still greater value of
ferings. We mean to close
out our stock and if low
prices are the means of do
ing'it, weare certainly go
ing to succeed. Our pri
ces are so low we don't
mention them because you
might take it as a joke.
But it 'is true.
Come and see us
The place that saves you money.
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
Notions, Etc
Main Street, Harding Block,
Oregon City, Oregon
Saturday, August 12, has been selected
as Aeronautic Day at the Lewis and
Clark Exposition.
Around the World
"I have used your Flab.
Brand Slickers for years
V In the Hawaiian Islands
and found them the only
article that suited. I ant . '
now In this country
(Africa) and think a great
deal of your coats."
(name on application)
. The world-wide reputa-"
tion ot Tower's Water- -JWFDFrt
proof Oiled Clothing
So-pltve of Sf
-.Si. irgTthffl fctflRil '
A. J. TOWER CO., Boston, U. S. A.
353 - Toronto, Canada.
Ely's Cream Balm
Things out doors are in a very flour
ishing condition s in this : "neek-o-the
woods" and numerous improvements are
going on and' being talked of.. , .
Weisenborn's gate has been whitewash
ed, and the porch floor to the store and
postofnee oiled, and indoors, beds are
being turned around and a general over
hauling being had in almost every house
hold.r and the good man .is fain, to satis
fy his hunger by standing meekly at the
pantry' shelf and devouring a cold snack
with more or less relish. This, and the
croaking of. frogs, cackling of hens, blat
ing of young lambs and kindred sweet
sounds assure us of the country, ..that
Wilson & Cooke
.Have moved and now are located in the
old stand formerly occupied bv them as a
warehouse. We invite the public to call
and examine- our stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery and
Sporting Goods.
.'We are also agents for the Sharpies Tub
ular Cream Separator. "We also carry the
Genuine Oliver Plows and Extras,
Mowers, Rakes, Cultivators. Agents for
Deering Harvester. "We are now making
special prices on Mail Boxes at $1.35 each
Give "us a call and examine for yourself.
Wilson & Cooke
m i
Easy and pleasant to I
use. Contains no in-1
(arions drag.
It is quickly absorbed.
Gives Belief at once.
T. I . . .1 rfl .
Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the
Senses of Taste and Smell. Large Size, SO cents at
Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
LY BKOTHKKS, 66 Warren Street, New York.
Never Sold by Druggists.
R. W. BAKER, Agent,
Willamette, Or. '
Round out your stomach Into a good
feeling rounds you Into a good humor
It is a delicious dessert. So easy and
quick to serve. ENERGY, Ten cents
a package
At all Grocers. '
' " 1 1 J j- 1 1.1 . m ... ....
4 ve:. lusy. eneejes ana active neaitn . to pale, sickly children
" . " :" ' ' And it is ood for their elders' too. . vs-r ; '
: v Ask your druggist for it. .