OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1905. Oregpn City Enterprise CITY ANt COUNTY OFFICIAL 1 PAPER. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates: One year $1.50 ix montns 75 Trial subscription, two montns. . 25 Advertising rates on application. Subscribers will find the date of ex plration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If this is not changed within two weeks after a payment, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Sintered at the postoffice at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1905. ENFORCE THE LAW. Various reports, each contradictory in the main of the oihers, nave been published regarding the state's fish ladder at the Willamette Falls in this city. The result Is that the public is in a perplexed state of mind and is not informed as to the actual condi tions. For his own information and for the further purpose of satisfying himself as to the reliability of some of the reports that have been publish ed the writer personally visited the fish ladder one day last week. . Regardless or reports to the con traxy, the fish ladder, which was con structed economically and strictly according to the plans which were approved by the state authorities, is a success in enabling hundreds of salmon to reach the upper Willamette and its tributaries. Statements to the contrary have been given out and pub lished, but these were actuated purely by political motives with a view to be littling the work of the present state fish warden and the men who labored faithfully and honestly in the building of the fish way. But the state must make additional improvements to fa cilitate the ascent of the falls by the salmon. A means of reaching the up per river over the wier, recently con structed by the Willamette' Pulp & Paper Company to the south' of the main falls, must be provided for the fish, who under present conditions, following a sudden rise in the river, find, themselves lost from the main channel and imprisoned in pools out side of the main channel where they must die with the receding of the river. With this done, the work of the state will have been finished and salmon in countless numbers . will be enabled to get over the falls at all seasons of the year. But while this subject is being dis cussed, there is another phase of the situation that should be noticed. It is a notorious fact that the state laws, regulating fishing, have been flagrant ly violated at Oregon City this spring. Especially is this true at the falls and in the immediate vicinity of the state's fish-way. A strict enforcement of the laws will accomplish infinitely more in promoting the salmon industry in this state than will the policy of everlast ing fault finding and knocking. The reported taking of several hun dred fine. Chinook salmon at the Falls a short time ago from a single pool where it was explained the fish, hav ing been shut off from the main body of the river, had died, sounded fishy at the time. The truth of the matter is those fish were dynamited and an Oregon City fisherman, who is among those so willing to censure those who were associated with the building of the fish ladder, was seen to light from his cigarette the fuse that was re sponsible for the deadly explosion that followed. Fishing is tolerated within the restricted distance of the fish lad der during the day and goodness only knows what takes place during the night under the cover of darkness. Of course it is all right to find fault with the fish ladder, charge that it is not a success, that it was improperly constructed, etc, but it might be just as well to consume a little more time in seeing to it that the state fish laws are more generally regarded. By so doing, the salmon will be given a chance to escape the many nets and possibly more of them will reach the contrivance that has been provided for reaching the upper river. o River for the reason that the Willam ette Valley fruit is grown without ir rigation of any kind. But while we have the quality, we appear a little slow in advertising the fact There should be perfected an organization of the fruit growers of Clackamas county for the single purpose of pro ducing and marketing only the best In so doing a reputation, even superi or to that of Hood River people, will be acquired. We have the quality and the quantity of the .fruit, now we want an organization through which this product can Je marketed more profit ably. The initial step' in this direction has been taken by the Oregon City Board of Trade which has appointed a com mittee to manage the details of or organizing a county Horticultural So ciety. If you are a fruit grower, in terest yourself in the proposed organ ization and give tc Clackamas county the credit that is due for producing the best that is in the way of berries and other fruits. o LAND "OFFICE REMOVAL. If influential petitions are of much worth, the Oregon City Land Office will never be removed from this city. A more representative number of signers to a petition were never se cured than appear on the petitions that have been 'so thoroughly circu lated by Mr. Bruce C. Curry, of this city, in the different counties const! tuting the Oregon City Land District. Every state official readily signed the petitions which also include the names of practically every county official in the Willamette Valley together with the names of hundreds of the most prominent and representative citizens of the District. There is lacking a reason for the proposed change. Besides, there is absolutely no demand for it. There is no evidence anywhere of a petition being circulated asking that the office be taken to Portland. Petitions, re monstrating against the scheme of Secretary Hitchcock and some of the special agents, have been unanimously signed by the people in every county of the Oregon City Land District They are certainly the people to be consulted. They are the ones who are directly interested. There is no de sire for a change by these people who are entirely satisfied to allow the of fice to remain at Oregon City. in view of these facts, it certainly appears, that when the petitions have been presented to President Roosevelt, it may be expected that the order of removal will be rescinded. AT THE MERCY OF THE MOB. A HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Through organization alone can the best results be obtained. This is no more true of the consumer than the producer. Who has not heard of the fame of the Hood River strawberry and the famous red apple of that sec tion? But how was this reputation acquired? By organization of the pro ducers. The result is that a reputa tion has been built up for Hood River products that extends even to Chica go. In fact the Easterner never men tions Oregon without mentioning in the same breath "Hood River, that great strawberry country." The berry product of Clackamas county . is superior to that of Hood It is safe to say that no other im portant town in the United States would allow for twenty-four hours the outrages which have been perpetrated every day for more than two weeks in Chicago. Destruction of property and obstruction of business are mix ed up with riot and murder in every day's orgies. A mayor who is a cow ard or a demagogue, or both, watches these proceedings with stupid stolid ity while his city is losing millions of dollars in trade every day, and while it is losing a credit for order and san ity which is worth even more to it than the immediate money loss which is entailed. A chief of police who is an incapable and a rabble sympathizer or both, declares In the midst of these outrages that he has the situation well in hand. Mayor Dunne refuses to call out the militia for fear that this use of force will harm his so cialistic and anarchistic fad for the municipal control of the street rail ways and other public interests. Chief of Police O'Neill declines to let the police ride on wagons of the employ ers lest he be accused of showing par tiality to the business' conservative and law-abiding element of the city, and is thus, intentionally or uninten tionally, giving aid and comfort to the worst mob that has disgraced Chicago since the Haymarket anarchist out break of 1886. This is the spectacle which the country sees in its second largest city. Two millions of people are at the mer cy of a mob of a few thousands, in cited by a strike of a few hundreds. In the greatest town on the American continent outside of New York, there is a complete paralysis of authority. The men who are technically in charge of its affairs and who are paid what is presumed to be fairly good sal aries for doing the "work assigned . io them, have apparently surrendered their functions to a handful of law breakers. A mayor possessing even the most rudimentary qualifications for his post could have stopped this reign of teror in a day. A head of the police who had any of the attributes which are called for by a man in his position in a crisis of this sort could have crushed this insurrection against the city authority, and done it so com pletely and so effectively that the feat would be a deterrent on lawbreakers in that city for all future time. Gov. Deneen is appealed to by hun dreds of Chicago business men to call out the troops. In the absence of a request of that sort from Mayor Dunne the governor is naturally loth to act Dunne not only refuses to ask for troops, but he says they are not nec essary. ' The men at the head of the Chicago city government are responsible for the enforcement of law and the pres ervation of order in their town, and if they are unable or unwilling to do this they, ought to be deposed. -In the meantime food and fuel are. ad vancing in price and millions are made to suffer for the gratification of the evil propensities or the vanity of a few lawbreakers. If Chicago at the present moment were fairly represen tative of the entire country and em phatically it Is not then popular gov ernment in the United States would be a sham and a crime. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. 1 A COUNTY FAIR. There is no agency that does more for a community in may ways than the county fair. Such an institution is needed in Clackamas county. It could be made self-supporting. Such competitive collections ' of farm stock and products do much towards en couraging the production of better blooded animals and the best varie ties of grain, vegetables, etc. Farm ers take much pride in producing the best stock and growing superior pro ducts and there is nothing that pro motes this good-natured rivalry more than the annual display of these pro ducts in competition. The Enterprise has urged the hold ing of a county Fair for some time and is pleased to note that public sentiment is becoming interested in the project. O A special "good roads" train Is en route to Portland, Oregon, from Chi cago, it being in charge or govern ment experts and the project is under the joint auspices of the National Good Roads Asociation and the North ern Pacific and Burlington railroads.. The train will stop from one to two j days at about half a hundred places en route and efforts will be made to organize several good roads associa tions. The road specialists will be at the Lewis & Clark Fair for some time for the purpose of creating interest in the good highway movement 0 A PROBABLE EXCUSE. ' I call special attention to the following; list of Teas. In buying I look more to k. fine cup quality than style and I guarantee mv Teas to cive entire satisfaction. Take. j fired. I will admit that I ha at which are the best the Arata sun-dried regular or basket L. have an object in savine4his and a very p-ood one too. Let us see what it is. In the first place Arata teas are grown in the best tea district of t. 4 japan and teas grown in this special district bring higher prices than do teas grown in jj any other district. It may be that second or even third crop teas look nearly as well J. as those of the first crop, but they do not possess the same flavor and true cup quality. Let this fact stand out above all else Arata Teas are first crop teas, they are always reliable, you will never have the best Japan tea until you order the Arata, price, per lb. Wl3sV 6 Oc Lot No. JI5. An extra grade, excellent satisfaction guaranteed, 5 0r? 2 Gunpowder-Moyune. Moyunes are the best steeping green teas we get, they are not 2 xa oiiuu u i. uut-i uui ait uur aupcriur lu intern ill tup quality. 1NO. 30, small stylish leaf, rich, toasty, full flavor in cup, per lb., Jp 90 cents. sy.T i Gunpowder Ping Suey. No. 75. Small rolled leaf, good cup quality, full strength 3 and ricn uavor, per id., j&r 50 cents 2j Wing Chow or English Breakfast. No. 37. This is the best money can buy. Very t$ , fancy style and very best cup quality, satisfies lovers of best Wing Chow tea, pr lb. tt No. 70, The Oregon City land office will be moved to Portland on July 1st ac cording to the system of the . present administration, of taking away from the small and giving to the big. Albany Democrat. "i Don't let the little ones suffer from ec zema or other torturing skin diseases. No need for it. Doan's Ointment cures. Can't harm the most delicate skin. At any drug store, 60 cents. For the Season of 1905. Jeffries, the beautiful Clydesdale stal lion, foaled May. 1899, weight 1900, will make the season of 1905 as follows: Tuesday and Wednesday at Canby; Thursday and Friday at Heinz' feed stable, ' Oregon City, Sa-turday at Molalla. Terms: $12.50 to insure stand ing core; $10 to insure with foal, season $9, single leap, $6. Season opens Tues day, April 18. M. R. BOYLES, Owner. Molalla, Oregon. Goats for Sale. Enquire of O. H. Wright, Liberal, Or. Ayers When the nerves are weak everything goes wrong. You are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and irritable. Your cheeks are Sarsaparilla pale and your blood is thin. Your doctor says you are threatened with a nervou's breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. " For more than SO Tears I have nd Ayert Sarsaparilla in my family. It is a strand tonic at all times, and a wnndVrf ul medicine for im pure blood." D. C. Holt, West Haven, Conn. This is a very handsome tea and gives excellent satisfaction to lovers of a good article, per lb., 50 cents Order on my guarantee to please and value as represented with privilege of returning if you are not perfectly satisfied. Ho P. BRIGHTBILL Pfione J 26 503 Main Street OA Bean the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bougl COLU MBIA RIVER SCEERY Portland and The Dalles ROUTE $1 .00 a bottle. All drmrtrist. for .J. C. AVER CO., T.owell. Magfl. Weak Nerves Keep trie bowels regular with Averts who t'MM uaun ri igni YOU PUT IX DOWN Pg That our guarantee is your Gibralter. We promise a satisfactory enduring Job at the lowest price for good work and stand behind our guarantee at all times. Why not let us estimate with you? , A. MIHLSTIN, Main Street, near Eighth Oregon City - - Oregon I Until my new building on Main street Is completed, I will be located In the building on Main street near Fourth street, recently vacated by G. A. Heinz. F. C. GADKE The Plumber. Regulator Line Steamers You Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY If your tickets read over the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, the "Scenic Line of the World" BECAUSE There are so many scenic attractions and points of interest along the line between Ogden and Denver that the trip never becomes tiresome. "BAILEY GATZERT" "DALLES CITY" "REGULATOR" "M ETLAKO" "SADIE B." Str?. "Bailey Gatxert" leaves Portland 7 A. M. Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Tues days. Thusrsdays and Saturdays. Str. "Regulator" leaves Portland T A. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Ft Jays. StpjimAri lMLvfnflr Portland make dailv I connection at Lyle with C. R. & N. train for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points. C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendale on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:30 A. M., making connection with steamer "Regulator" for Portland and way points. C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendale m Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8:30 A. M., connecting at Tyle with steamer "Sadie B." for The Dalles, con necting .there with O. R. tt N. trains East and West. Str. "Sadie B." leaves Cascade Locks daily (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for The Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 A. M.; leaves The Dalles 3 P. M-, arrives Cascade Locks P. M. Meals served on all steamers. Fine accommodations xor teams and wagons. Landing at Portland at Alder Street Dock. H. C. CAMPBELL, OREGON SHOjgrLiNE aud union Pacific THREE TRAS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and Tour ist sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleeping cars daily to. Kansas City; through Pullman tourist, sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclin ing chairs (seats free to the east dally.)- 7 HOURS Portland to Chicago No Change of Cars. JO Gen. Office. Portland. Oregon. Daily River Schedule If you are going Bast, write or informa tion and get a pretty book that will tell you all abont It. W. C. McBRIDE, Oeneral Agent PORTLAND, OREGO Beantlis Signatsxa of . 13 T o ni.. Tti8 Kind Yoa Haw Alwa)g Boqgtt 4 Oregon City Boats Dally Schedule: Steamers Altona and Pomona for Sa lem and way points, leave Portland daily (except Sunday) at 6:45 a. m. ; leave Ore-- ton City, 8:15 a. m.; returning, leave alem, 7 a. m.; leave Oregon City, 4:39 p. m. Oregon City Tranaoortatlon Co. JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY TEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and, America. . When doctqrs fail try Burdock Blood Bitters. Cures dyspepsia, constipation; invigorates the whole system. Depart. Time Schedules. Askivb Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver, Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, i.or Special Kansas City, St. D -9:16 a. m Louis, Chicago and East. Atlantic , Bxoress Salt Lake, Denver, 8:1 6 p. m. Ft. Worth, Omaha. 8:00 a m. via. Hunt- Kansas City. St In eton. Louis, Chicago and East. St. Paul Fast Mail Walla Walla, Lew- 6:15 p m iston, Spokane, Min- 7-15 a via Sno- neapolis, St. Paul, via spo Dulh7' Milwaukee, kane. Chicago and East. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT I Arrives. 8:00 A.M. For Maygers.Rainler, Daily. Daily. Clatskanie, Westport Clifton, Astoria, War ren ton, Flavel. Ham- 11:10A.M.. mond. Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park, Sea side, Astoria and Seashore. Express Dally. Astoria Express. 7:00 P.M. 19:40 P.M. C. A. STEWART, Comm'l AgL, zi Alder street. Phone Main 906. J. C. MATO. G. F. & P. A.. Astoria. Or. Ocean and River Schedule For San Francisco Every five days at 8 p. m. For Astoria, way points and? Portland, Oregon. 8 p. m. ; Saturday at 10 p. m. Daily service (water permitting) on Willam ette and Yamhill rivers. or - detail ea information of The Oregon Railroad Jfc Navigation Oo learesx ticket agent, or 1 Passenger Agent. CRAIG, your ne General A.