OEEGQN CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1905. o-....... ........ , , ..Q NEW TO DAY I Q- - . - . Q MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent. Farm security. U'Ren & ,Schubel. MORTGAGE OANS NEGOTIATED. at lowest rates, Latourette's office. Commercial Bank Building, Oregon City. . ' Local Events See 'Baby" at the Opera House Wed xiesday night. Ive' offices In the "Portland Land Office". This act Is one of the official details re quired in connection with the proposed removal of the Oregxra City Land Office to Portland. Surveyor H. A. Rands, accompanied by. Wilfred and Norman C. White, George M. Tucker, E. R. Whilock and Wm. C. Callit, of this city, leaves today for Northern Idaho where- they will survey the west one-half of the Couer d'Alene Indian reservation. The party will be gone about four months. In the ejectment suit of Mary. .Horn, vs. Charles F. Horn and E. W. Horashuh, the defendants on' Wednesday filed an answer -in which the material allegations set forth in the complaint are denied and counter charges preferred against Mrs. Horn, her children and her legal counsel, whom it Is claimed have entered into a conspiracy to defraud the defendant, Horn, out of his property. This is a suit to set Aside he transfer by Horn of all his property to E. W. Horashuh. Good Ffbur J1.05 sack: Rice 4c, Soda' 4c, Soap 7 to 10 bars 25c, Soap powder 6c pound, clothes pins, lc doz; Oranges and Lemons lc each. RED FRONT STORE. Otis Shelley anil Dora Henrici procured a. marriage licejise from County Clerk Creenman Tuesday. Miss Harding and Miss Conyers, will sing a duett at the concert to be given toy Miss Veda Williams May 22, Woodman Holl. A rare treat at the Opera House Wed nesday night "Baby." Tomorrow afternoon at Willamette Tails there will be played a game of base toall between the Portland Academy and the Barclay High School nines. A majority of the members of the Women's Club went to Barlow yesterday -where they were entertained by Miss Mary S. Barlow. Styles unique and fashionable Prices best. Miss C. Goldsmith. Agnes J. Hamilton and F. E. McAr thur, of the New Era community, were wedded at St. John's Catholic church, Monday morning, Rev. Father'- Hilde brand officiating. The members of the Methodist church srave a reception Wednesday evening at the church at 7:30 o'clock to the 24 members received as a result of the recent union revival meetings. Marriage of Miss Dora Henrici to Otis Shelley was solemnized Tuesday in the office of the Justice of the Peace, Judge Xdvy Stipp officiating. The contracting parties reside near Beaver Creek. On., next Wednesday night- the people of Oregon City are promised a rare treat, on which occasion the Fowler Company will present the Latest New York com edy success entitled "Baby" a strictly up-to-date society comedy. The company numbers ten people, are all artists of merit, and are direct from the East. Funeral of the late Rebekah Lund was held Tuesday afternoon at the Congre gational Church in Oswego, and inter ment was In Oswego cemetery. Deceas ed was 18 years of age, and resided with her widowed mother and sister at Os wego. Dropsy was the cause of .her death which occurred at Oswego Monday morning. Choice selection of up-to-date designs, popular prices, at Miss C. Goldsmith's. Thursday, June 1, 1905, will be a legal holiday In Oregon. Governor Chamberlain having so ordered In a proclamation. That will be the opening day of the Lewis and Clark Fair, for which reason the day was set apart as a holiday. The governor also issued a proclamation calling the atten tion of the people of the state to the special days set apart by the Fair Com mission for the different cities of the state. He urges the people of the several communities to attend the Fair In large numbers on the days set apart for them. MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTAITED at lowest rates, Latourette's office. Com mercial Bank Building, Oregon City. The committees having in charge the Lewis & Clark Fair Exhibit from this county, have asked the county court for an appropriation of $1000 the original appropriation of a similar amount hav ing been exhausted. Superintendent Dixon is arranging and packing the ex hibit which will be taken to Portland as rapidly as it is ready. There will be held a meeting of the executive and general committees in this city Saturday, the 27th Inst., when the details, of the ex hibit will receive final attention. -All contributions to the county exhibit should be left at the county court house in this city. .MEMORIAL DAY ORDERS. The many friends of Rev. W. H. Wett laufer, pastor of the German Evangelical church in this city, are glad to know that lie has been returned to the pastorate of the Oregon City church for another year. Trimmed hats at popular' prices at Miss C. Goldsmith's. Money to loan on Farms. Land Titles examined. Dlmlck & Dlmlck, Lawyers, Oregon City, Oregon... Mrs. F. A. Sleight this week received from the Oregon City Camp, Woodmen of the World, J2000 in payment of a pol icy held by her husband, the late County Clerk Sleight, in that fraternal organiza tion. The Roos saloon building is undergoing xtensive repairs principally on the in terior which will be greatly remodeled. An elegant new bar and other furnish ings will be installed. If you want to laugh see the Fowler Company at the Opera House Wednesday night. Rev. ". H. Wettlaufer. Evangelistical pastor, who has been stationed to Oregon City by conference for another year, will preach at the Highland Baptist Church Sunday, May 21. at 3 p. m. All wel come. Last Sunday evening the members of the Oregon City I. O. O. F. and Rebekah lodges attended services at the First Baptist church in a body. The pastor, Eev. S. P. Davis preached a sermon on the subject of Fraternal Organizations. A. R. Price, recently from Bremerton, Washington, has purchased a half in terest in the clothing and shoe ' business of his brother, J. M Price in this city and the business will be conducted on an enlarged scale under the firm name of Price Bros. Altl-tone is the tonic to build you up after a spell of the La Grippe. Guaran teed. Sample free. Charman & Co., de pendable druggists. Register Dresser and Receiver Bibee liave been reappointed to their respect- Do You Know Anything ABOUT Eppley's Dr. C. A. Stuart and Pat Lyons had an exciting experience Sunday morning. While driving ,to Parkplace and when about to cross the Southern Pacific Com pany's track near Albright's lake, the horse shied and leaped over an embank- Of unusual intererst will prove the ment entirely demolishing the buggy. The I matinee performance that is advertised occupants miraculously escaped unin- for Canemah Park baseball diamond next jured. j Sunday afternoon. The principal attrac tion will be a game of baseball between Jerome Hart contributes an article, I the Red Men and the Eagles. Steel cages "Foreigners in Egypt," to the Argonaut have been provided for the officiating of May 15th. Mr. Hart tells of the ani- I umpires and every precaution will be mosities that exist between the differ- I taken by the management to suppress ent nationalities there, and of the imper- I unusual demonstrations on the part of fal contempt bestowed upon all of them I the savages on the one hand and the by the natives. He relates some very I winged bird on the other. Having re- amusing incidents notably the panic of ceived the contract to clip the wings of Arabs at a hotel fire. I the Eagles, the Red Men will commence operations at 2.-30 p. m. Those witness There was a large attendance at the Ing the performance will be charged 25 dancing party given at the Armory last I cents to insure the Red Men from losing Thursday night by the Oregon City As- any money on the contract. sembly. United Artisans. It had been planned to hold the party at Canemah Park, but the weather being unfavorable, the Armory was secured and a very en joyable time was the result. Personal Mention un ana a . M&y M1S8 i.atn Forbes Pratt SDent Sunday with friends cneney, tne pnotograpner, will De locat- I aj Albany. hMin. - t AjTt in h Tmh Mr. Rosco Morris was a Eugene visits streets, where she will be pleased to meet I or over Sunday. her many friends. Thursday. June 1. Mrs. F. A. Sleight spent Sunday with will be opening day and all visitors to friends t Canby. Miss Cheney's studio on that day will Miss Ella Shaver is visiting with re la be given a free sitting. I tives at Spokane. Miss Gwendoline Shaw spent Sunday 1 nere nas oeen arranged an, ail aay s 1 -oHth friends at Eneene. picnic at caneman JfarK next Sunday by the Wacheno Social Club. At 2:30 p. m. there will be played a match game of baseball between the Red Men and the Eagles. There will be music by the Ital ian Band that appeared last week at the Senator Browned Will Be Orator of the I Day General Orders. t. State Senator George C- Brownell will 1 deliver the Memorial day address. May 30, in Shively's Opera-House to the mem bers of the Grand Army of the Republic and Meade Relief Corps. Dr. W. E. Carll is president of the day. . Rev. E. S. Bol linger, pastor of the First Congregational Church will officiate as chaplain of the day. and Rev. P. K. Hammond, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church will de liver the address on "The Unknown Dead," at the cemetery. Commander James F. Nelson, of Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R., has issued the fol lowing order to the post: Headquarters Meade Post, No. 2, G. A. R.. May 16, 1905. General orders No. 1 The attention of the comrades of Meade Post is called to the coming memorial services. Members f Meade Post and all old soldiers with in our midst are requested to meet at Willamette Hall at 9:30 a. m., on Sun day morning. May 28. to attend memorial services at St. John's Church, where ap priate divine services will be held. At 8:30 o'clock a. m.. on May 30, the post will meet at their hall to conduct Decoration Day exercises. The post and visiting comrades will form : on Main streeL in front of Willamette Hall, and march to the suspension bridge, where the Women's Relief Corps will conduct the services In honor of the sailor dead; at the close of these exercises the column will march to Shively's Hall, where the oration and other exercises will be held; at the close of the exercises the column will reform and marrch to Mountain View Cemetery, where the ritualistic work of the order will be carried out. At the conclusion of the services, flowers will be strewn on the graves of our departed comrades. After the performance of this sacred duty, the column will return to the post quarters, where the parade will disband. - A general invitation is extended to all citizens and fraternal societies in the city to participate in the exercises of the day. Meade Post respectfully requests all business houses in the city to close during the Decoration Day services. ' .n --J-ViiMJta- V . i .mi , .in- ? i I iBIll m.K. Jl i 4 Miss Bertha Goldsmith spent Sunday with relatives at Eugene. J. W. Roots, of Boring, was a visitor to Oregon City last Saturday. Miss Alice Tuft is slowly recovering- Star in Portland and dancing will be I after a several weeks' illness. held in the pavilion throughout the day and evening. It is not too early to emphasize the fact that the Firemen's Tournament and Fourth of July celebration to be held at Oregon City this year will by no means be a one dav affair. There will be three days July 3, 4 and 5 each brimful of of the Grange, was in the City Saturday entertaining features. If you are coming Irom ner nme at muiino. to celebrate at Oregon City, arrange to I Captain H. E. Hayes, of Mt. Tabor, is remain for the full three days. It will I visiting at the home of his son. Judge County Judge Ryan attended another Good Roads meeting at Pendleton the first of the week. Miss Fannie Pullen, of Savannah, Mis souri. is visiting at Canemah, the guest of Miss Minnie Rakel. Mrs. Mary S. Howard, state secretary be worth your time. G. E. Hayes, at Gladstone. Miss Maude Fromong, of Gladstone, who -has been very low with pneumonia, is reported slightly improved. Joseph Purdom. who went to Call Perac Hill Iff Powder? If not you should know. It's a pure article put up in A ; pint Mason jars full weight. A press dispatch from Canyon City, Grant County, says: City Marshal H. W. Lucy, of Prairie City, has been charg- first degree for the fatal shooting of ago, Ernest Hickman, a bartender. In a saloon " on the early morning of April 29. Lucy j Mr-. and Mrs. Ralph T. Marshall ana had a hearing before a Justice of the Wm. E. Marshall, of Russellville, visited Peace a short time ago. when he was iast Sunday with relatives at Canemah. held to the grand jury on a charge of I Sam Stowe has gone to Grays Harbor, manslaughter. I Washington, with a force of men to superintend some operations for the W. The Argonaut for May 15th contains ' " r' ""Ipiuly- two short stories. One of them. "Bob" by Mrs. T. A. Pope and daughter, Miss Oliver Dibert, is a thrilling tale of an Laura, are visiting with Mrs. Pope's Indian maiden's love-affair. The other, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warner at Long The Proprieties," a translation by H. Beach, Washington. Twltchell from the French of Hugues le Chas. Holmstrom, a former Clackamas Roux, Is a very amusing . story, telling I county resident and now head janitoi of how a Frenchman's ingenuity enabled at the capitol building at Salem, was in him o avoid a violation of the Rroprie- I the city Wednesday on business before ties. the Land Office. The Misses Hurley. Misses Jackson, Just Came Pretty shirt waists 88c up; I and Broughton and English, of Port Handkerchiefs lc, 2c up; Ladies' Hose I land, were among those attending the 9c up; new Laces and Ribbons at cut I Schumann Singing Society muslcale last prices. RED FRONT STORE. Wednesday evening. Carleton Harding has returned from "My Partner" was presented under the I Berkeley where lie has been attending the auspices of the Woodmen, by local tal- University of California and will spend ent at Shively's opera house last Friday the summer with his parents', Mr. and and. Saturday nights before audiences 1 Mrs. G. A. Harding. that were not as large as the merit of I County Judge Ryan was at Eungene tne penormance aeservea. .ine various the latter part of last week in attend pans were as a ruie capaDiy sustamea. ance at a meeting of the Board of Di As Major Britt, W. R. Logus, .who is rectors of the Oregon Good Roads Asso- possessea of more than ordinary talent Ciation, of which he is a director. . ,i I uuim Jaoij i.uiij ti o, Ul v.. I.J, l.a cv 11 1 1:, was - - - - I, . . . . . . ... in tne city mis ween assisting m arrang ing the details of the farewell concert ine remains of Joseph Lawler, son of that is to be eiven for Miss Veda Will Mrs, Margaret Lawler, of this city, who lams at Woodmen Hall next Monday was Kinea Dy tne premature explosion I evening. May 22. of a blast in Wyoming Sunday, arrived here Wednesday night. The deceased, who was 32 years of age, was well known in this city where he was raised. He is survived by a wife, his mother, three Mrs. V. S. Winslow, of Charitan, Iowa, Mrs. J. N. Miller, of St. Joseph, Missouri, and Mrs. M. , E. Johnson, of Alliance, Nebraska, delegates to the O. R. C. con- sisters and a brother. Burial took place ventlon at Portland, were the guests of at New Era Thursday following funeral """' '"V " "ay wee"- Mrs. Mary S. Howard, of Mulino, Dr. J. W. Thomas, of Molalla and K. G. Starkweather, of Milwaukie, were in tho The marriage of Miss Viola M. Farr city Tuesday in attendance at a meeting services at St. John's Catholic church in this city. and Mr. Otto C. Ashbaugh. both of this city, took place at . the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Farr, Wednesday evening, May 17. . Rev. E. S. Bollinger officiated at the ceremony which was witnessed by only the, relatives and a few friends of the contracting parties. The bride was attended by. Miss Fischer as bridesmaid, the groom being supported by Mr?. ' Frank - Blair as best man. - Mr. and Mrs. Ashbaugh have the very best wishes of their friendsrfor much happi- of the committees having in charge the Clackamas county exhibit for the Lewis & Clark Fair. - Cary Duncan . and wife, of Stockton, Calofornia, were the guests this week of their old time friends, Mr. and .Mrs. R. D. Wilson, Mr. Duncan formerly resided at Oregon City where he was engaged as a miller in the local plant of the Port land Flouring Mills Company. v Drs. Beatie & Beatle, Dentists, Boom 16, 17 18. Weinhard Building. Communication Was Uncalled For. Last week's Enterprise contained a communicated artricle by Mr. Horn con cerning the Horn lawsuit which should not have been published as too much venom was displayed by Mr. Horn in his statement of the case. The Enterprise has no knowledge of the merits of the controversy but can see no good in air ing either side in the newspapers. The article published last week charges Mr. Hedges with various crimes and mis demeanors when, as far as the Enter prise knows and believes, he represented his client to the best of his ability as an attorney should. Because Mr. Hedges represented Mrs. Horn and was opposed to Mr, Horn's views in the controversy and endeavored to get for his client such a settlement as. in his opinion, she was entitled to, Mr Hedges is charged with all of the crimes in the calendar. The Enterprise does not wish to be un derstood as sanctioning this statement of Mr. Horn's, but on the other hand, believes Mr. Hedges did only what was proper and was the duty of : any honor able attorney to do under the circum StanceSi An attorney must represent the interests of his client and to do this many good people believe he is not doln&. right because his measures do not suit them and sensational charges are fre quently made. These usually contain little or no truth and nothing is gained by going into the newspapers with them. Pocket Kodaks $6, $10, $J2, $J5, $20. Long Focus Kodaks $20, $25, $35. Brownie Cameras $1, $2, $5, $9. All the daylight loading. n daylight developing kind. This is Lewis and Clark year get your camera now and be ready. Anyway come in and and look them over. Catalog free. Huntley Bros Co Progressive Druggists. PETTIT & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber WILL ENTERTAIN THE PIONEERS. Wednesday, May 31, Will Be Pioneer Day With the Women's Club. j There will be tendered a reception to . Clackamas county pioneers by the Oregon I City Women's Club at Willamette Hall j in this city Wednesday. May 31. feainch I will be served at 12:30 o'clock noon, a ! programme and social session to follow at 2 o'clock. Governor Chamberlain has been asked to deliver the principal address and there will also be short talks by other promi nent citizens. (A general invitation to the pioneers of this county to be present and partici pate in the day's program is extended by the Women's Club. Music for the. occasion will be in charge of Miss Hard. ing of this city. ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ' LUMBER A SPECIALTY DRY Yard and Office Head of Molalla Avenue. Opposite Everhart's Store Phone No. 84r7 OREGON CITY, OREGON , Mr. Robert C. Wright, of Portland, de livered an eloquent address to the Ma sons of Oregon City at Masonic Hall Wednesday evening on "The Kingdom of Solomon." There was a good attend ance and the affair was thoroughly en joyed by the fortunate auditors. Missouri Day at the Lewis & Clark Ex position has been changed from August 17 to September 14. Governor Joseph W. Folk of the "Show Me" state will attend. Announcement I have made arrangements again this season for the exclusive sale In Oregon City for SWETLAND'S ICE CREAM This famous delicacy has stood the test for 17 years with a con stantly Increasing sale. Beyond all question It Is the Best and Purest Ice Cream and has won a flow Do You Spend Your Ivloney? Are you doing it in a way to secure substantial bene fits? Are you laying something aside for a "Rainy Day"? If not, you will never have a better time to be gin than now. To get quickly started in the easiest way, come to this bank and open an account. "A DOLLAR WILL DO IT." cIhc Bank " Oregon City reputation as The Ice Cream of Quality Served at our fountain and in our cozy Ice Cream Parlor p Special prices for Picnics -and Socials. J. A. TUFTS Main Street, one door north of Barlow' Grocery... The Olympia We are prepared to supply the wants of the inner man. Everything is new, fresh and homelike. Only white help employed . Our bill of fare at all times offers everything that is to be had at a first-class restaurant. With right service and right treatment, we expect to merit the patronage of the public. : : : : : : : THE OLYMPIA W. J. G EMM ELL, Prop. Main Street, one door south Huntley Bros. Co. Oregon City, Oregon Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 per year Sem2-Weekly Oregon Journal $ X .50 a yr. . Subscribe for both, now for only )1 J per year . Oregon Oty Enterprise and Weekly Oregonian, botn I yea tot piily $2.00. -X..