OREGON-CITY . ENTERPKISE;-FRIIAY, MAY 19, 1905. A i ; tr respondents' Corner S Brief Hits of Gossip From AH Parts of the County. . 4 9999999999 UNUSUAL D LP Correspondents are requested to re new their work. We will furnish all ' necessary stationery. The news from yonr neighborhood should appear In these columns every week. MT. PLEASANT. . Mrs. Smith was calling- on Mrs).' Myers last Thursday. Miss Hylton was the guest of Miss Bnidow last Friday. Mr. May and daughter were visiting his daughter, Mrs. Cooper, Sunday. Miss Riggs and Mr. Joehnke were call ing on Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg Sunday evening. Mrs. Bookey and son ' are visiting at Harrington's. Mrs. Humphreys was visiting Mrs. Ri ley Sunday. Mrs. Raywalt was visiting Mrs. Chas. Andrews last Monday. Miss AJta Millard was visiting in Ore- Son City last Sunday. Miss Wilmah and Ino Myers were call ing on Miss "Warnock Sunday. Mr. M. F. LaZelle made a flying trip to Oregon City last Friday. Mrs. Gerber was visiting her mother Mrs. Roman, las Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Earl Hoss is working in the paper mill at present. Mr. Myers was calling on Mr. Clark Sunday. Mr. Woodard's team ran' away last Sunday and hurt the little girl and boy quite badly and Mrs. Woodard's right arm was severely scratched and bruised. Miss Warnock assisted them home. . cattle hunting a' very entertaining di version, especially on Sunday, but con trary to tlie usual custom they generally don their best attire. ' Mr: D. H. Mosher of Salem was seen visiting with his friends ror several days I last week. , I Mrs. Funk entertained a large number of her friends Sunday. Mr. Charles Mosher returned to Port land for an indefinite period, so it is said. - Last week Mr. and Mrs. Murdock of Macksburg .were- visiting friends of this piace. Many fine monuments have been erect ed in our cemetery the past week or so, especially the one to Mr. Ketch ton. be ing the most expensive one in the county. if! a I arc GOOD FOR TWO WEEKS OR UNTIL .. JUNE 1ST. Shoes, Etc. Don't Borrow Trouble. It is a bad habit to borrow anything, but the worst thing you can possibly bor row is trouble. When sick, sore heavy, weary, and worn out by the pains and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness, Brights disease, and similar internal disorders don't sit down and brood over your symp toms, but fly for relief to Electric Bit ters. Here you will find sure and per manent forgetfulness of all your troub les, and your body will not be burdened by a load of debt disease. At Howell & Jones drug store. Price 50 .cents. Guar anteed. Child's Slippers, ;...47c, 75c, 97. Ladies' $1.25 patent leather Slippers dur ing this sale .880 Ladies' Comfort Low Shoes, low heel $1.25 value, this sale '.......98c Ladies' Tan Oxfords. Russian calf, dur able, neat, $2.25 value, sale ......$1.73 Ladies' Fine Shoes, $1.25 to $1.50 value at ' '..98c Baby's Shoes 9c, 23c, 37o Child's Shoes ..55c up Many other Shoe Bargains. - Garden Hose Clean up of garden and flower seeds, old and new, separate boxes, paper 1c Millinery Department i: MOUNTAIN VIEW. ' . Married, at the bride's home. last Sat urday, May 13th, at 2 o'clock,, by Rev. Landsborough of the First Presbyterian ichurch of. this city, Mr. John P. Roehl and Mrs. Mary L. Jones The bride was ' attired in a gray traveling suit, the groom in the usual black. The following guests were present: Wm. . Jones. Mrs. Veda , Kimmer and daughter Nadia, Mr. Harry , Jones, Mrs. Burley, Mrs. Matchett, Miss , Jennie Wisher, Mrs. J. R. Landsborough. j 3he newly wedded pair left on the 6 I o'clock train for Salem. . . i, The scare of scarlet fever has subsided, all the sick are well. ... Elmer Dixon is busy at Portland in-I stalling the Clackamas county exhibits. Mr Darling and Mr Harding are Im proving their property . with fences and paint. . . A large crowd . attended . the Sunday School at the Church last Sunday. We are pleased to note the increase. The Bible society held an all day session at the home of Mrs Mack last Thursday. I Refreshments were served and a splen did time enjoyed by all. A surprise was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Craig and daughter by the ladies of Ely. The family will leave for Portland short ly and they, will be greatly missed. Mr. Craig will hold services in the Church next Sunday at 11 o'clock, also In the evening. . IF YOU ARE NOT PARTICULAR Full of Tragic Meaning are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of Casey, la. Think what might have re sulted from his terrible cough if he had not taken the medicine about which he writes: "I had a fearful cough, that dis turbed my night's rest. I tried every thing, but nothing would relieve it, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, which completely cured me." Instantly relieves and permanently cures all throat and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneu monia. At Howell & Jones, druggists; guaranteed; 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. SHUBEL. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hornshuh. of Oregon City are spending a few days with rela tives. Miss Ellen Moehnke spent Saturday end Sunday at her home. Hazel Ginther and Lottie Hornshuh called on Julia Massinger Sunday. John Heft is home again. Michael Moehnke and son - Otto re turned to Sea Side Saturday. Several of the young folks called on the Kirbyeon family Sunday. Mrs. C. Muralt and daughter ; Myrtle Visited with relatives here last week. J. Heft is erecting a house on his place. Harry and Ray Kirbyson, Lydia and Lottie Hornshuh, Irene and Rosa Moeh nke, Elsie Bluhm and ' Hazel Ginther are among the pupils who will take the Eighth grade examinations. ' Rev. Descher will lecture at the Luth eran church Sunday, May 21. The public is cordially invited to . attend. Subject of the lecture will be "Atheism." The young people who attended the pie and ice cream social at the Beaver Creek hall "Friday night, report a splen did time. Ed. Smith has quite a large music class here. E. F. Ginther and wife spent last Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. M. Keilson, of Portland, Mrs. Neilson was formerly Miss Mildred Ginther, of this place. Fred Heft hits all the high places along the road now reason a baby oy. Mr. Schmidt purchased a new harrow. ? August Ginther is suffering from appendicitis. K INZER GARRETT. A simple but beautiful home wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gajrett, of Needy, on Sunday. May 14th, at 12 o'clock M., when their daughter Pearl, and Solon Kinzer were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Justice of the Peace B. F. Smith and was witnessed by only a few. relatives. .. .- The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss. Nellie Hampton, of Portland, and the groom by his brother Charles Kinzer, of Hubbard. Immediately after the ceremony the dining room doors were thrown open and all enjoyed a bountiful repast after which the happy couple hurried away amid a shower of rice and old shoes, to spend a few days at the metropolis. The brid is the only daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Garrett, and she is well known as a successful teacher in the schools of Clackamas and Marion counties, having just completed several successive terms near Hubbard. The groom is a popular young man also of Needy , and has grown to manhood in this vicinity, having come to this place from Nebraska when a small boy. When they return from their honeymoon trip they will reside on his farm adjoining that of Mr, Garrett's. Our Millinery Department has a fine lot of stylish Hats at two-thirds of Portland prices. Experienced milliners dry goods profits only, and quick sales. Child's trimmed hats 48c up; ladies, $1.47 up; Ladles' Walking Hats, 72c up. Don't travel over the Illinois Central, as any old road will do you and we don't want your patronage; but If you are particular and want the best and mean to have It, ask the ticket agent to route you via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL the road that runs through solid vestibule trains between St. Paul, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans. No additional charge is made for a ! RAflt. in mir reolininf- pliair nnrc nrlili I L tct flnnnc T lcua f. I are fi"ed with lavatories and smok X liwat VJUUWa Uavai lng rooms, and have a porter In at- Rates via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL are the lowest and we will be glad to quote them In connection with any transcontinental line. B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. J. C. LINDSEY, T. F. & P. A., 142 Third Street, Port land, Oregon. PAUL B. THOMPSON, Frt. and Passenger Agent, Colman Bldg., Seattle, Washington. 1 Vv Li lJ L ii j I getable Prcpatationfor As similating Hie Food andBeg ula -ling the Stomachs andBowels of ly Cost Double Our Price Elsewhere Gold Dust Washing Powder, pound. . 4c Best seedless Raisins, 4 pounds ...... 25c Lemons, eachf . 1c Clothespins, dozen ...1c 10 bars soap 25c Ink, 3c; Lead Pencils. 8 for . .- 5c Men's Jean Pants, small sizes to close ... 68c New Cure for Cancer. All surface cancers are now known to be curable, by Bucklen Arnica Salve. Jas. Walters, of Duffield, Va., writes, "I had a cancer on my lip for years, that seemed Incurable, till Bucklen' s Arnica Salve healed It, and now it is perfectly well." Guaranteed cure for cuts and burns. 25 cents at Howell & Jones drug store. REDLAND. Mr. George Hicinbothom is spending a few days with friends in Portland. . Rev. C. O. Barnson. and wife terminat ed a Very, successful revival at this place last Sunday and are now : conducting hleetings at Zion. Mr. Wm. Brown and John Hughes both had phones installed in their houses last week. 1 Our road supervisor is now working the road in places where most needed. Some, of, our bachelors seem to think Brights Disease Not Rare, but Common Kidney ., Disease Developes into Bright's Disease the 8th to IOth Month; Then Incurable by All Known Means Except the new Fulton Compounds which Record' 87 oi Recoveries. We have before us a little work on kidney 'diseases by Joseph F. Edwards, M. D., of Phila delphia, that contains some things that every one ought to know. Many people imagine Bright's Disease is rare, when, in fact It covers nearly the whole gamut of kidney dis eases. This book sets out that the kidneys have but one function, viz., the elimination of the urea and waste products, and that all interferences with that function are called Bright's Disease. Dr. Edwards adds: "For the benefit of physi cians who may read this book I will give a list of the cases which I attribute to Bright's Disease, viz.: , Albumenuria. :. ., Congestion of the Kidney. Degeneration of the Kidney. Fatty Degeneration of the Kidney. . Inflammation ol the Kidney. Uraemia. , - Disease of the Kidney." Thus nearly alt kidney disease being Bright's Disease, the serious question is, is it in the primary or secondary stage? After the eighth to tenth month it becomes chronic and is then incurable by all known means except the Fulton Compounds. There is often no notice of the trouble till it has fastened. If yon have kidney disease in the first stage the Renal Compound will cure it quickly. - If it is of more than 8 to 10 months standing it is the only thing known that will cure it. In proof that nothing else will we cite all medical works in evidence. The stock holders of the John J. Fulton Co., business and professional men of San Francisco, are the first in the world to announce the cure, -presenting a definite percentage of recoveries (87 per cent), and giving out the lists of the cured, all among purely chronic, well-defined cases. If yon have ny find of kidney trouble, there is only one thine to take. The Renal Compound for Bright's pisessa is 1; for Diabetes, 81.60. John J.Fulton -Co 400 Washington streefr,an Franoisoo, sole" compounders, pamphlet free. We are the sole gents, Charman & Co., City Drug Store., UNION HALL. Mr. Chas. Pipka and family were vis iting Mr. Martin Richter 'and -family last Sunday. Mr. Calvin Parker intends to build a new house on his property in the near future. r- Mrs. L. P. Burns and daughter Mabel visited relatives in Oregon City last Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. J. Perringer is visiting relatives in Portland.- - ... - 'Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Helvey visited at Mr. J. H. Burns last Sunday. . Mike Perringer visited Oscar Lucas last Sunday. Mr. John Molzan and daughter Milly visited in Mulino last Saturday. . Mr. J. Burns went to Portland on busi ness last Saturday. ' Mr. J. L. Thomas ' went to Canby last Monday on business. . Mr, D. ft. ' Dimick is improving his farm by putting , a barb . wire fence around it. Miss Eliza: Burns went to Oregon City last Tuesday. . . Miss Trullinger spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents in Mulino. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Helvey visited rela tives in Silverton last week. Miss Milly Molzan of Portland is vis-v iting her parents for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Wisemantel of Macksburg passed through here on their way to Central Point to visit Mrs. Wise mantel's parents. Bertha Riggs was the guest of Geno Burns last Saturday. The new R. F. D. starting from Canby via Union Hall and Mulino started last Monday, with John Helvey as temporary carrier. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Adkins of Mulino, visited the latter's,, parents last Sunday. Miss Louisa Perringer who is staying in Portland, came out home last Satur day and spent Sunday. The Misses Molzan, who work in Port land, are out home visiting at present. Mr. .J. H.i Burns visited his mother last .Sunday. Mr. and - Mrs. B Hilton 'visited their mother- and brother last Sunday. Mr. B. J. Helvey and son. John, were callers at Mr. J. H. Burns' last Satur day. y Mr. J. Perringer has Teturned from Portland. -' ' : . Trade for Produce.' Coupons for Free Dishes. Red Front Store E. C. HAMILTON, Proprietor OREGON CITY, OREGON FOR BOTH One disease of thinness in children is scrofula; in adults, consumption. . Both have poor blood ; both need more fat. These diseases thrive on lean ness.- Fat -is the best means of overcoming them ; cod liver oil makes the best and. healthiest fat and SCOTT'S EMULSION is the easiest and most effective form of cod liver oil. Here's a natural order of things that shows why Scott's Emulsion is of so much v.ilue in all cnes of scrofula and consumption. More '(1 ' 1 a "1 ' imt, more weijrnt, moie nourisn ment, thaHs why. Send foi free sample. ' SCOTT & ' BOWNE, Chemists 409 415 Pearl Street, New York Plans to get Rich. are often frustrated by sudden breaking due to dyspepsia or constipation. Brace up and take Dr. King's New Life Fills. They take out the materials which are clogging your energies, and give you a new start. Cure headache and dizziness too. At Howell So Jones drug store; 25c, guaranteed. .. "" 1 Tracing the 'Taint. '"Who's your father, my little man?" "Mister Brown is my father." "And what's his business?" "He runs a' bucket-shop." , "And where have you been?" i iTve beenrtft have my hair' cut." "Did you pay for it?" "Sure . ' s : '. 'Anddon!'t -you. .'know' ihe money, .you gave the barber was tainted?" "Aw. taln't de money dat smells so it's de hair oil." Promotes Digestion,Cheerfuf- ness ana Kest.Lonrains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. NotKarcotic. ADerfecl Remedv FnrrnncKna. Tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT C0PV OF WRAPPER. on For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AM U' For Over Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMMMV. n Tens mm. Takes the 'burn outf heals- the wound; cures the ' pain. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. the household remedy. Millions and Medicine." Dr. Washburn, of Minneapolis, says the j ' Old Enough to Notice..--' "Are your papa and mamma at home?'' people of this country pay $80,000,000 less asked the caller. a year for medical attendance than they "No, replied little Marguerite ; "one did ten years ago. and live on an average of them may be lere, but thejr never are of ten years . longer. It will take that both at home at the same time." ' extra $80,000,000 to live the extra ten j ' : years; so Where's the gain? ' Subscribe to The Enterprise. n:IP Tie House Ftophisher 50c. and $1.00 AU druggists IHABBPERI n VISA pi . Kra v. Pure & Mellow Rich & Delicate For Sale by ... - E. MATTHIAS -. Sol Agenoy for Oregon ' City. 'OA'ST'OHlA..i'"'',":: Sean the The Kind You Hare Always Bougtn' Signature of Yot paid to mttch f or you goods! Did your wife ever accuse you oi such, a crime? If so, prevent it for the future by studying our prices. These prices are only ior the careful buyer. reckless buyers are doomed. The reckless buyer will spend his money on slick talk, the .careful buyer for value received AW A w w gf Going to Build? Z - cf We have an immense stock of Cedar doors and windows on hand also PS budding hardware. Let g us figure for you we can save you money, lhere are some damaged doors left from our disastrous fire which will go cheap. BUREAU high grade finish, .fine , mirror, full size , : $6.50 Steel Range 1 0 years guarantee 1 8 inch oven : ;.. 6 holes ' Most elaborate nickel ...$30.00... This Rocker Artistic Designs Of Wall Paper lOc per double roll and up Lace Curtains 50 c per pair and up CARPETS, LINOLEUIVI OIL CXOTH, CHINA MATTING J