OEEGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1905. TRANSFERS. . F. J. Finger to E. Canfleld, Lot 12, Wichita, $300. G. B. Dimick to C. McCown, Block 2, and part of blocks 9, 6, 17," 18, 3, and 14, Gladstone; $1000. G. J. Trulingrer to E. TruHinger, part of the Glover Claim, and lots 6 and 5, Block 64, Oregon City; $1. M. E. Boswell to J. T. Page, half acre In F. Pierce Claim, 3 4, E; $130. W. Crowly to HIberian Savings Bank, S54 acres in Kellogg & Garrett Claims; J1.00. W. P. Kaylor to D. H. Iooney. 25 A. in B. B. Jackson Claim, $312.50. D. H. Looney to W. H. Stelnlnger 100 acres in Larking & Jackson Claims ; $2200. J. Kabourck to H. Herkamp, NE of SE of Section 23, 4 1, E; $1500. ' P. J. Marugg to P. J.Crutcher "West half of SE and SE of SE of section 29, and SW of SW of section 28, 2 7, E $250. H. L. Stratton to J. M. Stone lot 7, block 23, Falls View; $1.00. E. A. Freytag to C. Howell 10 acres in CI. 41. 12, E; $2,500. C, Nyberg to F. Erickson SE of sec tion 28. 53, E; $160. E. M. Rassmussen to J. A. Moehnke lot 1, block 15, Willamette Falls; $950. G. Warfleld to A. Stubbe lot 11, block 19, Estacala; $250. J. W. Atkins to N. J. Shely, tract 29 Jennings Lodge; $150. F. J. Ridings to P. J. Ridings one fourth acre in Allen Claim. 6 1, E; $200. F. J. English to S. H. Van Lemen 10 acres in section 22, 3 4, E; $750. J. M. Healy to A. Moore lots 2 to 10, Block 51, Milwaukie Hhths $10. E. R. Capps to J. A. Getz 7 acres In section 10, 22, E; $525. P. Byrne, to W. R. Rearicki 5 acres in section 29, 12, E; $1. J. Price to M. A. Maddock, 3.33 acres In CI. 56, 31, E; $335. T. P. Randall to L. Klemsen, lot 6. block 81, Oregon City, $125. I. P. Putnam to G. McBride, lots 5 and 6, Block 125 and lot 6, Block 120, Oregon City; $2,600. J. M. Scott to L. H. Scott S half of SW of section 1 4, E; $1. W. Phillips to T. Young 3 acres in the Wills claim, 11, E; $415. C. I. Gipson to J. O. Dibble et al one acre in CI. 43, 5 2. E; $400. R. J. Moore to J. S. Miller 5 acres in Engle CI., 52, E; $300. A. Cramer to M. J. Haines lot 12, blk. 43, Oswego; $300. R. J. Moore to J. Hansen 5 acres in Engle CI. 52, E; $300. Will. Falls Co. to J. A. Moehnke tract 60 Willamette Tracts, $600. W. H. Phillips to K. Hughes, 62 acres section 22, 32, E; $1600. A. Zenger to J. M. Churchill 35 acres in section 21, 42, E; $1650. , S. J. Buckman to J. H. Reid 40 acres in Hood CI. 32, E; $1700. S. J. Buckman to G. Bluhm, 25 acres in CI. 44, 32, E; $1000. J. M. Roach to L. O. Nightengale W half of NW and SE of NW of section 11. 62, E; $625. S. Garde to Wm. Anderson et al lot 1, block 5, Oregon City, $30,000. E. F. Riley to J. Adkins West half of the NW of Section 12, 4 1, E; $1000. SUMMONS. his own design, which he claims will be I superior to the famous "California Ar row," and which he will operate in the airship contests at the Lewis & Clark I Oregqfi. for the County of Clackamas. I........ ..I, I In. A ' TT- 1. 1 ! Tll.l..iP An interesting exhibit in the Mines and I vs. Metallurgy building at the Lewis and I B. J. Hamblin. Defendant. To B. J. Hamblin, the above named TORNADO CLAIMS TWENTY-NINE. defendant. ' In the name of the State of Oregon You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you. in the above entitled suit, on or before the 24th day of June, 1905, being six CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Your Life and Health When A Cure Is so Easy. Why will people continue to suffer the ;agonies of kidney complaint, backache, urinary disorders, lameness and stiffness in the back, and allow themselves to be--come chronic invalids when a certain cure is afforded them? Doan's Kidney Pills Is the remedy to use because it gives to ithe kidneys the help they need to perform their work. Doan's Kidney Pills cure, and cure permanently. If you have any", even one of the numerous symptoms of kidney complaint, cure yourself now, be fore diabetes, dropsy, or Bright's disease sets in. Read this testimony: Mrs. Conradina Arnold, of 440 East 1st St., Albany, Oregon, says: "Doan's .Kid ney Pills did me a deal of good. I used to have pains through the loins and the small of my back and down through the sides which were very severe when stooped to lift anything or sat in one po sition for any length of time. I began to get better right away, and continued tak ing them. They soon relieved me and I have had very little trouble since. shall always try to keep Doan's Kidney Pills in the house and will recommend them at every opportunity." Plenty more proof like this from Ore gon City people. Call at 1 C. G. Hunt ley's drug store and ask what his cus tomers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., New York, sole ag ents for the United States. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no other. Central Kansas Visited by Terrific and Deadly Wind Storm. MARQUETTE. Kansas, May 9. Fol lowing a terrific rainstorm, a tornado from the South tore a path through the weeks after the first publication of this residence nart of town last nieht des- Summons, and if you fall so to appear troying almist every house in its path and answer said complaint. " for want and causing the death of 29 and injury to thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the 44 rwrsons. several of whom will die. I court for the relief prayed for in said An unusually hot and oppressive after- complaint, namely: For a jiecree of said noon, during which the atmosphere was court, dissolving the marriage contract inariori with elentrloitv. wm followed hv I and obligations now existing Detween a night peculiar for a deluge of rain, yourself and said plaintiff, and that plain This continued until 11:55 p. m., when tiff may have all such and different re the tornado, which had formed about lief as he is entitled' to in equity. three miles south of town, spent its full This Summons is published by order force amoner the best residences, in which of Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the their occupants were entombed. It was County Court, made and entered on the gone in five .minutes and continued to 6th day of May, 1905. mark its path with devastation for many The date of the first publication of miles northward. this notice is the 12th day of May, 1905. The roaring of the wind and crashing and the time prescribed for the publica- of the wreckage as it swept with it was tion thereof is six successive weeks, followed by a moment of silence, but , H. E. CROSS, this was soon broken by the groans and Attorney for Plaintiff. cries of the many injured and of the ter- rifled survivors. Then the more courage- RESOLUTIONS. ous and cool-headed began to creep forth . with lanterns, and soon every able bodied Whereas; God in His infinite wisdom, person in town was engaged in the search has called from our circle, Lillie Austin, for the dead and the rescue of the in- a mist esteemed and loving member of jure d. Dead or mangled bodies were MolaHa Grange No. 310, P. or ., there found pinned down among piles of lum- fore be it ber, which had been houses, some crush- Resolved, That the Grange recognizing ed beyond hope of their holding a spark and. deploring the loss it has sustatined of life, others pinned down by an arm or in the departure of sister Lillie Austin, a leg. in which the bones were mashed does hereby tender its offers of sympathy and only a shred of flesh held them. and condolence to the husband and sur- The people of the town were dependent vivlng members . of the family; with the entirely on their own resources, for all I assurance tnat tne memDers or tne orange teleeraoh and teleDhone wires were down win ever cnerlsn Ber memory witn neart- and only by sending out to neighboring I flt affection, be it further towns was it possible to get help. Not Resolved. That our charter be draped until 8 o'clock in the morning did phy- mourning tor a penoo. oi ininy aays sicians beirin to arrive from outside, and m honor of Sister Austin's memory; that they set to work to care for ihe wound- a cPy of tnese resolutions be spread up- ed. The main path of the storm was through the residence section west of the main street, and it wrecked com pletely every house, with two or three exceptions. Of the many modern resi dences, only that of R. A. Thompson re mains standing. Scratch, Scratch, Scratch; unable to at The Swedish Lutheran tend to business during the day, and un and Methodist Church and the Methodist able to sleep during the night. Itching narnan ar&r-a rlomnllahcri Tpmnnr9r OileS, horrible plague. Doan's Ointment NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. . In the Circuit Court, of the" State of in tne nrcun t-ourc oi me oiaie or Oregon, for the County of Multnomah. Cecille Kaegi, Plaintiff, . vs. Henry Kaegi, Defendant. By virtue of an attachment execution. judgment and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, to me di rected, dated the 29th day of April, 1905 upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on said day in the above en titled cause, wherein Cecilie Kaegi, the plaintiff. recovered judgment against Henry Kaegi, the defendant, for the sum of $1850.00, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from said 29th day of April, 1905, and the costs of and upon said writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, I did, on the 10th day of May, 1905, levy . upon, the following described real property, to-wit: That certain parcel of real estate situ ate, lying and being in Clackamas Coun ty, State of Oregon, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wit: All of lots numbered 3 and 6 in Tract numbered 63, in the First Subdivision of a portion of Oak Grove, save and except ing that portion deeded by the Oak Grove Land and Improvement Company to the East Side Railway Company as a right of way, by deed acknowledged March 24, 1893, recorded March 29, 1893, in Book 51, of the Record of Deeds of said Clackamas County, at page 194, together with the improvements thereon and the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging or In anywise appertain ing. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said at tachment execution, judgment and order of sale, and in compliance with the com mands of said writ, I will, on Monday, the 19th day of June, 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest which the said defendant, Henry Kaegi had in and to the above described real property on the date of said attachment. to-wit: March 9, 1905, or which he has since acquired or now has therein, to satisfy said judgment, execution, costs and accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. First publication May 12, 1905. Last publication, June 9, 1905. on the minutes, one sent to the bereaved husband and other copies be sent to the Oregon City papers for publication. KATE SCHAMEL. MARY ROBBINS hospitals were made in . the Swedish Lutheran parsonage and several resi dences, while the dead were laid in rows in Olaf Olson's store to await identifi cation. When the Associated Press rep resentative arrived. Just before daybreak, cures, never fails. At any drug store. Estacada Has a Bank. James Johns and W. S. Henninger, of Portland, and J. W. Reed, of Estacada, have filed with the County Clerk articles he found six injured in one room of the of incorporation for The Estacada Bank- Darsonaee. while in an adioininr room ng Company, with a capital stock of were eight bodies of persons who had I $25,000. died of injuries. There were similar scenes in half a dozen other houses. Dr. Lund, the Lutheran pastor, was passing about among the suffering, min istering to their comfort, while two score other persons, working under his direc tion, cared for the injured at other points. SWEEPING DYSPEPSIA AWAY. The Remarkable Curative Properties of Pepsi kola. So many cases have come right under their own personal observation that Hunt- MAIN ENTRANCE COMPLETED. About 500 Persons May Enter Per Minute at this Point. PORTLAND, May 11. The ornamental main entrance to the entrance to the Lewis & Clark Exposition has been com pleted, and in a short time the old tem porary gates will be torn away and the gatekeepers will be doing business at the bright new turnstiles. There are twelve turnstiles for en trance and eight for exit. The capacity of each entering turnstile is about forty persons per second, or even more in a rush. It is safe to figure that 500 per sons may pass through these gates in a minute. Each turnstile records the num ber of people passing through, so that at the end of a day the total attendance may be figured up quite readily. There are three other entrances, one at Twenty-eighth street, near the Mu seum of Arts, one at the American Inn and the other at the northeast corner of the grounds, which will admit visitors coming by boat on the Willamette river to the Government Peninsula. The admission price has been fixed at fifty cents. Those who expect to be in Portland during the entire exposition sea son may purchase a season coupon ticket for $20, good for 137 admissions, or one good for fifty admissions for $12.50. The main entrance, which is at Twenty-sixth and Upshur streets, is reached by all street car lines and is only fifteen I lng, When the .missing in Marquette had ley Bros. & Co., now know beyond all been pretty thoroughly accounted for, question what Pepsikola will do, and they the searchers directed their attention to I can give you the names of scores of the surrounding country. Soon half a I people whose experience with it has been dozen wagonloads of dead and injured remarkable. In - fact, there is hardly a had been brought into the town from the person in Oregon City today but knows of district adjoining it on the south. some one who has been decidedly bene- The sufferers tell of many narrow es- fitted, capes- from death. lone Salleen, the in- Thin people find that Pepsikola in fant daughter of Charles Saileen, was. creased their weight. Others claim that lifted in her bed and carried 'to the mid- It cures heartburn, palpitation, sour stom- dle of the street, receiving only a few ach, wind belching, bad taste in the mouth scratches. "Saileen and his wife were j coated tongue, fullness and distress after dangerously injured. eating, while to those who are listless, The mattress upon which the baby I tired and worn out and without ambition daughter of the Rev. Mr. Smith lay was I it gives new vigor and renewed vitality doubled up in such a manner as to cover right away. And the guarantee is so the child and protect it from falling tim- plain and so sure there can be no misun- bers. In spite of the destruction of the derstanding. N Smith house, the entire family escaped The manufacturers do not want even injury. one dissatisfied customer in Oregon City Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Ellvin were carried and Huntley Bros. & Co., always sell on their bed a distance of 500 feet and Pepsikola with the understanding that it laid down without being seriously in- must relieve" and cure you or you can jured. have your quarter back simply by asking The tornado cut a clean swath 100 I for it. yards in width through the town's en tire length. As it came at midnight, the I Saloon License. people were caught without a moment's Notice is hereby given that we will notice. Some of the victims were killed apply at the next regular meeting of as they lay asleep; others maimed and the city council for a renewal of our bleeding, awoke to find themselves buried I liquor license at our present place of NOTICE! Clackamas County Exhibit Lewis and Clark Fair. Any person having Photographs of Clackamas County Scenery prepared for the vCounty Exhibit, will please' report to me on May 16th, (1 to 4 o'clock p.m.) at county Court Room, Oregon City, or by the 23d at latest, at Molalla, Oregon. J. W. THOMAS, Special Committe on Photographs of Clackamas County scenery. Miss Fitz-Jones (to Smithers, who has claimed first dance) You're quite an early bird, Mr. Smithers! Smithers (making big attempt at some thing gallant) Ah. yes, bah Jove, and I've caught the worm too! New Yorker. ORDINANCE NO.- An Ordinance assessing the probable cost of the improvement of Third Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line of Main Street Easterly a distance of 179 feet and directing an entry of such assessment in the Docket of City Liens. Oregon City Does Ordain as Follows: Section 1. That whereas, the Council of Oregon City, having ascertained and determined that the probable cost of im proving Third Street from the East line of Main Street Easterly a distance of 179 feet as provided by Ordinance No. 309, to be the sum of $1468.20 and where as, under the provisions of Section 85 of Chapter 13 of the Charter of Oregon City as amended, it is directed that one third of the total cost of the improve ments shall be paid from the permanent street "Improvement fund" and. Whereas, one-third of the total prob able cost of the improvement of said Third Street from the East line of Main Street Easterly for a distance of 179 feet is the sum of $489.41 and the remaining two-thirds of the total probable cost .is $978.79. Now,' Therefore, said sum of $978.79 is hereby assessed to the several lots and parts of lots and tracts of land abutting on the portion of Third Street to be im proved In the respective amounts set opposite the number and description thereof in Section 3, of this Ordinance as beingMenefitted by said Street improve ment, in said amounts. Section 2. The Recorder is hereby directed to enter a statement of the as sessments hereby made in the Docket of City Liens and cause notice thereof to be published as provided by the City Charter. ' Section 3. Lot 3, Block 28, the following des cribed portion of, to-wit: Begin ning at the corner of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of said Block, running thence Easterly along the line be tween Lots 3 and 4, 74 feet, thence Northerly parallel to the West- erly line of said Lot 3, 31.7 feet; thence Westerly parallel to the line between said Lots 3 and 4, 74 feet; thence Southerly along the line between Lots 3 and 6, 31.7 feet to the place of begin ning. Portland Flouring Mills Company $ 20.64 Lot 4, Block 28, the Westerly 74 feet of, Oregon Water Power & Railway Co 87.89 Lot 5, Block 28, Oregon Water Power & Railway Co 114.67 Lot 6, Block 28, the Southerly 31.7 feet of Portland Flouring Mills Co. 26.93 Lot 1, Block 29, the Westerly 74 feet of, McMinnville College 335.08 Lot 2, Block 29, the following des- cribed portion of, to-wit: Begin ning at the corner of Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 of said Block 29 and run ning thence Easterly along the line between Lots 1 and 2, 74 feet thence Southerly parallel to the . line between Lots 2 and 7, 30.7 feet; thence Westerly parallel to the line between , Lots 1 and 2, 74 feet; thence Northerly along the line between Lots 2 and 7, 30.7 feet to the place of beginning. T. L. Charman 76.25 Lot 7, Block 29, the Northerly half of the" Northerly half of, Mary E. Moore, Agnes Milln and Clara M. Pickens 32.88 Lot 7, Block 29, the Southerly half of and the Southerly half of the Northerly half of Charles E. Bray, .' Rebecca T. Bray and Anna E. Rhoades 25.95 Lot 8, Block 29, Southerly 30 feet of Mary E. Moore, Agnes Milln and Clara M. Pickens 77.88 Lot 8, Block 29, Northerly 36 feet of Corporation of Oregon City 180.62 Read first time and ordered published at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held Wednesday, May 3, 1905. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, . Recorder. in the wreckage of their former homes. I. W. VETERANS TO GET PENSIONS. business. Main street between Sixth and Seventh streets. KELLY & RUCONICH. New Pension Commissioner Requires Compliance With Spirit of Law. Washington, May 9. After three years of more or less bitter contention with the Secretary of the Interior, the Pension Office has decided to place a liberal con struction upon the Indian War veteran act of June 27, 1902, and will hereafter allow pension claims filed under that act without requiring an endless amount of irrelevant evidence that does not have any especial bearing on the case. The Indian war pension law was passed with a view to affording immediate re lief to the remaining survivors of the early wars in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. The law provided that each claim allowed should be at the rate of $8.00 a month, and all should be allowed from the date of the passage of the act. Unfortunately the interpretation of this law fell into the hands of some one of more subordinate officials of the Pension Office," men who were sticklers for techni calities and regarded the word rather than the spirit of the law. In one way or another these men have been able to defeat the purposes of the law in dozens of. cases, and have, by adroit means, kept deserying veterans from drawing pen sions to which they are undoubtedly en titled. Commissioner Ware, when at the head of the Pension Office, declared that it was his purpose to liberally-interpret the Indian War act, but he relied upon his subordinates, Vho pulled the wool over his eyes, and handled Indian War claims to suit themselves. It, has required persistent effort to bring about a condition in the Pension Office whereby pension claims of Indian war veterans shall be acted upon gener ously, and in accordance with the spirit of the law of June 27, 1902. But it is believed now, after three years' fight- that a satisfactory understanding minutes' ride from the heart of the city, has been reached between the Pension Many extra cars will be put on for the j Office and the Secretary of the Interior, season. The Exposition will be ready in and that in the future these claims will every department to open June 1. ; .. be .considered in light of the intent of Roy Knabenshue, who gained renown the law rather than its strict letter. as the aeronaut who made the only sue- ' " '. ' oessful flight at the Louisiana Purchase Trimmed hats at popular prices at Exposition, is working on an airship of Miss C. Goldsmith's. Subscribe to The Enterprise. LOWEEt P"I find Thedford's Black-Draught good medicine for liver disease. It cnrAfi mv An tftiw li a hA.it iiwnt $100 with doctors. It ia all tbe med icine I tcke." MBS. CAROLINE MARTIN, Parkersbuif, W. Va. If your liver does not act reg ularly go to your druggist and secure a package of Thedford's Black-Drausrht and take a dose tonight. This great family medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black - Draught will cleanse the bowels of im purities and strengthen the kid neys. A torpid liver myites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick ness and contagion. Weak kid neys result in Bright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A '25-cent package of Thedford's Black Draught should always be kept in the house. "I need Thedford's Black Draught for liver and kidney com plaints and found nothing' to exoel ft." WILLIAM COFFMAN, Jir- blehead. 111. THEDFORD'S lACIT" Unparalleled Gluhhkn O re Do You Want Good Reading? Let Us Have Yotir Ear The Enterprise has made an especial arrangement by Which it is enabled to make the following unparalleled clubbing offers: $3.25 Oregon City Enterprise Ladies' Home Journal Saturday Evening Post The above three publi cations together with th$ Youth's Companion will be sent one year for $5.50 $3.25 Oregon City Enterprise Everybody's Magazine Ladies' Home Journal $3.25 Oregon City Enterprise Success Cosmopolitan The Enterprise together one of the fol lowing: Harper's Bazaar Ladies' Monthly Madame Pictorial Review Sunset Table Talk The Criterion Twentieth Cen tury Home will be sent for ONE YEAR for only $2.50 $3.00 Oregon City Enterprise American Poultry J'r'n'l Fruit Growers' Journal Cincinnati Enquirer or Courier-Journal $3.00 Oregon City Enterprise Harper's Bazaar $4.25 Oregon City Enterprise .Country Life in America In fact we can give yog an gngsgally liberal dabbing rate with any newspa per, magazine or other pablication that is printed. Call at oar office when in Oregon City and we will arrange to supply yog with standard magazines, etc., at prices so extremely low that yog will be astonished. If the few sample offers we quote here do not cover the magazine that yog desire to take, commgnicate with gs and we will be pleased to qgote yog gnparalleled dabbing rates. S90 ORDER BLANK FOR COMBINATION LIST The Oregon City Enterprise, Oregon City, Oregon. H " Gentlemen: . . . Send the Oregon City Enterprise and the following magazines for one year as per yogr advertised dabbing offer: Name. Address Enclosed find. $