Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 12, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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per cent. Farm security. U'Ren
& Schubel. . '
at lowest rates, Latourette's office.
Commercial Sank Building, Oregon
Local Events
Styles unique and fashionable
best. Miss C. Goldsmith.
A free delivery of mail service to resi
dents of Bolton, Shipley, West . Oregon
City and "Willamette from the Oregon
City office, will be started June 1.
Money to loan on Farms. Land Titles
examined. Dimlck &. Dimlck, Lawyers
Oregon City, Oregon...
Wacheno Tribe of Red Men and Court
Robinhood, Foresters, will unite In giv
ing an excursion up the Columbia river
some time within the next few weeks.
It has been decided by the Oregon City
school board to hold the annual election
of teachers in the city's public schools
at the regular meeting- of the Board in
Alti-tone is the tonic to build you up
after a spell of the La Grippe. Guaran
teed. Sample free. Charman & Co., de
pendable druggists.
The members of the Derthick Club were
entertained last Friday afternoon by Mrs.
C. G. Miller. It was decided by the club
to give the first of a series of picnics at
Meldrum's Tuesday afternoon, the 16th.
Eby & Eby this week added 200 volumes
to their law library which now consists
of 450 volumes. This addition makes of
this firm's library one of the most com
plete in the city.
Good Flour $1.05 sack; Rice 4c, Soda
4c, Soap 7 to 10 bars 25c, Soap powder
6c pound, clothes pins, lc doz; Oranges
and Lemons lc each.
I.Irs. Clara Montgomery, aged 24 years,
'lied Hay 11, 1905, at the residence of her
i'athe-. Mr. -Wells. Sixth street and-Rail-rorl
Kvenuf. Funeral services will be
conducted at the First Baptist Church
at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, May 13.
Saturday, June 10th will be Oregon City
day at- the Lewis & Clark Fair instead of
Friday, June 9th, according to a revised
assignment of days to the various cities
in Oregon. This day June 10th,' has
been designated as a day that will be
devoted to the cities .of Astoria. Salem,
Oregon City and Woodburn.
invited friends at Willamette Hall Wed
nesday evening at their first musicale.
In the evening's program, which em- Everything Point to a Grand Independ-
Bargain Plan this year Ladies Walk
ing hats 48c .up; Dress hats $1.40 up.
Beautiful hats at two-thirds usual price.
Judge Ryan has ascertained on inves
tigation that the repairing and painting
of the suspension bridge, recently or
dered by the county court, will be a more
expensive improvement than was expect
ed. It is found that the needle beams
and cords of ' this structure are badly
rotted. The work of repairing, however.
will begin soon.
braced the compositions of Grieg. C. B.
Hawley, KJerulf, Dorn-Platte, Rees, Schu
mann, O. King and Brahms, the Society
was assisted by Portland talent Miss
Imogen Harding directed the programme.
The Schumann Singing Society is com
posed of the following members: So
pranos Mrs. Lewellyn Adams, Mrs. Au
gusta Warner; Misses Ethelwyn Albright,
Metta Flnley, Alice Lewthwaite, Vet a
Kelly, May Mark, Laura Pope, Cis Bar
clay Pratt. Echo Samson, Veva TuII,
Josephine Chase, Martha Frances Draper,
Ethel Graves, Margaret Goodfellow, Em
ma Quinn; altos, Mrs. Charles Bluhm,
Misses Myrtle Buchanan, Edith Cheney,
Josephine Creelman, Helen Daulton, Eva
Scott, Addle Clark, Ara Foster, Maysle
Foster, Bertha Kennedy.
J. A. Tufts has arranged to handle
Swetland's ice cream this year and will
be the exclusive dealer at Oregon City
to handle this famous delicacy which has
stood the test for seventeen years. - If
you want a delicious and refreshing dish
of ice cream, you will make no .mistake
In calling at Mr. Tuft's confectionery
parlors on Main street, one door north I latest in women's wear;
The Argonaut for May 8th Is to be the
Special Spring Literary Number,
consisting of forty pages, and containing
announcements of the new books, re
views of and extracts from the best ones,
literary letters from London and Paris,
portraits of authors and of stage people,
besides numerous other Illustrations..
Other notable features of this number
will be "Along the Nile," an elaborately
Illustrated article by Jerome Hart, writ
ten in his best vein; "Little Sunshine,"
by Graham MacNell an unusually good
story of San Francisco's Barbary Coast;
"Spring Fashions In New York," by Ger-
aldine Bonner, who discourses on the
Russian Refu
of Barlow's grocery.
An energetic lady can secure the agen
cy for this city and surrounding country
for a high grade line of Flavoring Ex
tracts, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Toilet
Soaps, etc., by addressing the Pears all
Manufacturing Company, Des Moines,
Iowa. They allow a big commission, also
give premiums. Write them for sample
gees at Shanghai," an extremely inter
esting letter from 'R. E. H." ; extracts'
from Sir Mountstuart E. - Grant Duff's
reminiscences; anecdotes of Joseph Jeff
erson: a reproduction of a page of the
manuscript of Keat's "Hyperion,"; and a
criticism of "Much Ado About Nothing"
at the Columbia Theatre. This number
of the Argonaut sells at the regular price
ten cents.
The Young People's Society of the First
Presbyterian Church gave a social at the
residence of Judge and. Mrs. T. F. Cowing
Wednesday evening. The program in
cluded the following selected numbers:
solos. Miss Williams, Mrs. Betzel, Miss
Grace Marshall, Miss Alvena Horn; read
ing,. Mrs. George C. Brownell; piano duet,
Miss Winnie Young and Miss Bertha
Frederick; piano solos. Miss Ethel Jack
son, Miss Bertha Frederick.
Personal Mention
The members of Pioneer Chapter. Or
der of the Eastern Star on Tuesday ev
ening entertained about sixty members
of Camelia Chapter, of Albina. The usu
al delightful time is reported.
The inventory and appraisement in the
estate of Benjamin Jaggar, deceased,
gives the value of realestate In Multno
mah county at $52,000 with property fn
this county of the value of $19,200.
Choice selection of up-to-date designs.
popular prices, at Miss C. Goldsmith's.
The divorce decree in the suit of Iva
B. Meleen against N. F. Meleen was set
aside the other day because of an Ir
regularity in securing service on the dis
trict attorney. The defect having been
corrected, the couple was re-divorced.
Superintendlent Zinser is mailing ito
school officers the supplies for the an
nual school meeting in June, also copies
of the new school laws to each district.
This distribution exhausts the supply of
school laws of which none are available
for teachers.
at lowest rates, Latourette's office. Com
mercial Bank Building, Oregon City.
Richard -Barber was presented with a
handsome badge Tuesday night at the
meeting of Court Robinhood, Foresters
of America. The badge was a token of
appreciation for the good work Mr. Bar
ber has done In his capacity as lecturer
of the court.
Just Came Pretty shirt waists 88c up;
Handkerchiefs lc, 2c up; Ladies' Hose
9c up; new Laces and Ribbons at cut
Having accepted the invitation of A the
officiating pastor, the Odd Fellows and
Rebekahs, of this city, will attend in a
body the Sunday evening services. May
14, at. the First Baptist Church when
Rev. S. P. Davis, who Is temporarily sup
plying the Baptist pulpit as pastor, will
deliver a discourse appropriate to the
D. C. Yoder. of Hubbard, was in the
city Saturday.
George Doll and daughter. Miss Bessie.
have gone to San Francisco for a visit.
H. A. Williams, editor of the Estaca-
da News was in the city the first of the
. James M. Mclntyre, of Northport,
Work on the Fischer mill road near
Logan was begun this week and in this Washington, is visiting with relatives in
imnrovement about S5000. of which $2000 ln,s ""J'
was provided by private subscription.
will be expended. When completed, the
cut-off that is being made and by which
the Logan road is extended on a direct
line towards Oregon City, connecting with
the Viola road, the distance between Lo
gan and Oregon City will be reduced by
about 3 miles.
State Senator Brownell was at Mc-
Minnville last week where he successfully
defended John T. Pickens of the charge
of murdering Marion L. Potter at Sher
idan, Yamhill county, ;last November.
The trial was held before Judge Burnett
and a jury that returned a verdict of
acquittal after five hours' deliberation
It was shpwn at the trial that, the mur- J tendent; of the Dr. Woods Hutchinson
dered man had seduced Picken's young I open air sanitorium.
Miss Vera 'Hill, of The Dalles, visited
with friends in this city the latter part
of last week. , . v
Mrs. O. D. Austin, of Albany, visited
this week, a guest at the home of her
brother Linwood E. Jones, in this city.
Rev. Wettlaufer, pastor of the Ger
man Evangelical church, this week at
tended a conference of his denomination
at Lents.
Rev. E. S. Bollinger was at Wilsonville
and. Butteville this week where he de
llveded his illustrated lecture on "Pll
grim's Progress.'
Miss Nellie Jackson, of this city, has
accepted the appointment as superin-
ence Celebration at Oregon City. -
If Bigna count for anything and the
situation may be expressed in slang,
"there will be nothing to It." This state
ment, of course, applies to the Firemen's
Tournament and Fourth of July celebra
tion that are to be held here July 3. 4,
and 5. The general committee reports
that there is every indication for one
grand celebration three days of genu
ine and continuous sport.'
Among the attractions offered are hose
races with cash prizes aggregating $650.
grand street parade, grand ball on night
of July 4, immense street parade with
numerous cash prizes offered for best
floats, log rolling contests, foot races,
boatraces, swimming contests, other
events on the water front and last but
not least, music by perhaps three brass
bands Aurora, Milwaukie and Oregon
The details of the celebration are well
in hand and everything Is working out
nicely for the most sucessful, celebra
tion that has been attempted in this city
for years. Sub-committees on sports
have been named by the general commit
tee as follows:
Hose races Frank McGinnis. C. W.
Pope, E. J. Noble, Joe Goodfellow and
Ed. Reckner.
Parade J. W. Cole, W. Burns, W. J.
Wilson and R. E. Woodard.
Water sports Al. Cannon, F. Currin
and W. Burns.
Dancing Ed. Reckner, W. Burns, Al,
Cox, Frank McGinnis, Al. Cannon, Joe
Goodfellow and C. W; Pope.
t Band M. Justin and R. E. Woodard.
Printing E. J. Noble, Frank McGin
nis, J. W. Cole. W. J. Wilson and C. W.
Street sports Joe Goodfellow, George
Ely and AL Cox.
W. L. Tooze, Orator.
Hon. Waller L. Tooze. of Woodburn,
has accepted the invitation of the gen
eral committee and will be the orator of
the day. Mr. Tooze' is an entertaining
speaker and will do his part towards in
teresting the celebrators.
daughter. Senator Brownell in address
ing the jury made an impressive appeal
in behalf of the accused man.
Having served for . seven successive
years in the city's volunteer fire depart
ment, Thomas Burke was granted an
exempt certificate at the regular meet
ing of Cataract Hose Company Tuesday
evening. The event was duly celebrated correspondent McMinnvllle Reporter.
Sid Richardson, of Oooa cofunty,
visiting with relatives in this city after
an absence of eleven years. Mr. Richard
son has the distinction of being the first
white child born in this state.
Emmett Fay and wife left for their
future home in Oregon City Wednesday,
after a week's visit with Mrs. Fay's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Casey. Gopher
having generously provided a spread- to
which justice was done by the Cataracts
and a few invited friends. At Tuesday
night's meeting of the Cataracts, the
challenge of the Columbia Hook & Lad
der Company for a match game of base
ball was accepted and E. F. McFarland
was named as captain and manager of
the team with Pat Finucane as treas-
Do Yoa Know
M v
Expectorating in the face which was
also slapped at too frequent intervals to
suit, are among the allegations made by
Hugh P. Ridings against Florence I. Rid
ings in a divorce filed In the -circuit here
Wednesday. Ridings also charges his
wife with having gone buggy riding with
Jack Christie one night and failing to
return until 11 p. m. Other charges of
irregular conduct on the part of the wife
alleged to have been enacted while she
was conducting a lodging house at Port
land are cited by the plaintiff as grounds
for asking for a legal separation and the
care and custody of three minor child
ren. Senator Brownell is attorney for
plaintiff. '
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Downs, of Eugene,
were the guests this week of Mr. and
Mrs. H. M. Shaw in this city. Mr.
Downs was a delegate to the Order of
Railroad Conductors' Convention at Port
Lee Harding has returned from West
Virginia where for fourteen months he
was employed in a railroad construction
project. As is usually the case with
Oregonians whose lot calls them else
where, Lee is more than delighted to
return to his native clime.
Drs. Beatle & Beatle, Dentists, Rooms
16, 17 18, Weinhard Building.
J. J. Gibson and two little daughters,
twins six years old, are lying almost at
the point of death at their home at Max-
burg, this county, as the result of being paper next week.
thrown from a .buggy Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Gibson was driving from Canby home,
when the team ran away and he and the.
children were thrown from the vehicle
and frightfully bruised. The first report
received here by Mrs. Gibson's daughter
was to the effect that the children were
Miss Veda Williams will give a grand
concert in this city, , Monday evening,
May 22, in the Woodm-m Hill. She will
be assisted by such splendid talent 'as
Mrs. Kathryn Ward Pope, Miss Hard
ing, MiSs Conyers, Miss Luger, of Port
land, and Miss Dollie Cross. Miss Will
iams is planning to study music in Chi
cago the coming year, leaving about
September 1st. With the above talent
one of the best concerts ever given will
greet the audience on this occasion. A
full program will be published In this
No Other Remedy so Sure to Cure Con
Laxakola is the only laxative that acts
as a tonic to the whole svstem. strentrth-
both killed and that there was no hope enlng the organs and purifying the blood.
a suusequeiit leiepuuiw Tt will riira fha mnat ,-fi
for the father.
message gives the information that the
father will recover and that .there is a
probability for the children to
their injuries.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilson celebrated
the 12th anniversary of their wedding
Monday evening, at their home, Four- sallow complexions, and all similiar trou-
xne evening hies will vanish, and vou will fl and
constipation after every other remedy
has failed.
With your bowels and stomach free
from refuse and impurities; with your kid
neys and liver working naturally and
your, blood pure and rich, backaches,
headaches,' weak nerves, blotchy, muddy.
If not 3rou should know. It's
a pure article put up in
pint Mason jars full
' weight.
Sold by all Leading Grocers
teenth and Jackson streets.
was pleasantly passed with games and
music and a delicious luncheon was serv
ed. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were the re
cipients of many beautiful presents.' and
the guests were: Mr. ' and Mrs. W. A.
Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. Del Hartt Mr? and
Mrs. E. J. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Lankins, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swartz, Mr.
and Mrs. M. J. Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. G.
A. Wilson. Mrs. Anton e Neterlin, Mrs.
T. C. Read, Mrs. Ella Maple, Misses Net
tle Kruse, Bertha Wyman, Edna Sim
mons. Hattie Wilson. Bertha Wilson,
Lena story, Mary Wilson. Mabel Wilson.
Messrs. Clyde Wilson, Melvin Gleason,
George Wilson. .. G--H. - Crook,, P.. JL
Greaves, ' Hay' Maple, Elden Lankins. .
i. Much credit belongs to' the members
of the Schumann Singing Society who
so delightfully entertained a number of
look strong, healthy and vigorous. Be
cause of Its purity, pleasant taste and
gentle, yet effective, action, infants and
the most delicate invalids can take it
without any disagreeable or harmful af
ter effects, '
Huntley Bros. & ' Co., recommend Lax
akola to their customers with every con
fidence and guarantee you will et re
lief from the very first dose.
Try it, and if it proves in the least disi
appointing the druggist will pay your
Scratch, Scratch,' Scratch; unable to at
tend to business during the day,. rand un
able to sleep during the night. ' Itching
piles, horrible plague. Doao's Ointment
cures, never falls. ; At any drug 'store. ;.
San Jose, Cal.f., May 8th, 1905.
To the Editor Oregon City Enterprise:
Dear Sir: I hope you will allow me suf
ficient space in your paper to correct a
great injustice that I feel has been done
Mr. Schuebel and his partner, Mr. TFRen,
who have been my attorneys in the very
unpleasant affair between my family and
In the Oregon City Courier of April
14, 1905, I saw an article. "The Horns
Once Again." In which Mr. Schuebel is
accused of wasting $800 of my estate.
that I am insane and that Mr. Schuebel
prevailed on me to deliver to Mr. Horn
shuh a pretended deed to all my property
in Oregon.
Mr. Schuebel and his partner have pro
tected me and my interests and I have
gladly paid them every dollar they have
received, and they have earned every
dollar I paid them. The only money that
was wasted and out of which I feel that
I have been robbed, was by Mr. J. E.
Hedges, who through the court compelled
me to pay to Hedges & Griffith $275.00,
which is far more than I had paid Mr.
Schuebel and his partner for their work.
-Jfam jiow 65 years old and I have work
ed hard all my life to get enough to live
comfortably in my old age, and if it had
not been for some scheming persons,
among which is Mr. Hedges, who is the
attorney for Mrs. Horn, and who have
been , trying to get me out of the way by
sending me to the asylum so that they ;
might get all my property, which fully j
demonstrated at the time they" had me
arrested for insanity and tried before
Judge Ryan, and from which I was dis- j
charged by the Judge. As to my insanity, -
I would refer the public to Drs. Sommer ,
and Wolf, who were -the examining doc- j
tors at the trial, George A. Harding,
Richard Petzold, D. M. Klemsen, Enos !
CahUl, the County Treasurer; James F. I
Nelson, the County Assessor; all the ;
members of Meade Post G. A. R., of
which I am a member and in fact all the
business men in Oregon City and hun- j
dreds of others in Clackamas county, I
with whom I have done business and .
who are acquainted with me. j
To show there was a scheme to send '
me to the asylum and rob me of my prop- !
FIFTEEN cmfwyp cmfwy :
erty, after the case had been tried in j
court and while I was trying to make a ,
settlement with Mrs. Horn of our prop
erty rights, and I believe that she was
not permitted to do so by her attorney, ,
Mr. J. E. Hedges, who wanted a larger
slice. Mr. Alfred Horn, who I believe at
the instigation of 'Mr. "Hedges for the
purpose of scaitfhg me, said, publicly,
there would be no compromise now,
everything would have to go; they would
send the old gray headed -r?
Pocket Kodaks $6, $ J O, $12, $15, $20.
Long Focus Kodaks $20, $25, $35.
Brownie Cameras $ I, $2, $5, $9.
All the daylight loading,
daylight developing kind.
This is Lewis and Clark year get your
camera now and be ready. Anyway come
in and and look them over. Catalog free.
. . r ' t
Huntley Bros. Co.
Progressive Druggists.
Manufacturers and Dealers
in Lumber
Yard and Office Head of Molalla
Avenue f Opposite Evernart's Store
to the asylum yet." When I saw
How Do You Spend Your Money?
' Are you doing it in a way to secure substantial bene
fits? Are you laying something aside for a "Rainy
Day'? If not, you will never have a better time to be
gin than now. To get quickly started in the easiest way,
come to this bank and open an account. "A DOLLAR
. ,
The Bank of Oregon City
what they were . trying to do, as also
L. D. Horn said in presence of Mr. L.
Hornshuh that he was "sorry he did not ;
break every- bone In my body." I did j
fear the scheming of Mr. Hedges, be- ;
sides bodily harm from some one of the J
lot, and asked Mr.' Schuebel what I could :
do to protect myseir so tnat i-migni nve
in peace the rest of my days, and if I
could not sell my right to the property I : J
owned. Mr. Schuebel told me that I ;
could sell my right to the property I own- 1
ed if I could -get some one to buy it. 112;
then went to see Mr.' Hornshuh for the
purpose of selling my property to him;
He didn't want to buy the property, but
insisted and begged him until he finally
consented to buy the property, which I
sold to him at a sacrifice so as to get
away and get a chance to live in peace
the rest of my days.
No one has defrauded Mrs. Horn out of
one cent of money or property. I simply
sold my interest in. the property to Mr.
Hornshuh and Mrs. Horn still has her
dower in the property. I have simply
prevented Mrs. Horn, Hedges & Co., from
robbing me and trying to send me to
the asylum. , . : i
In closing I wish to. say. . that Mr.
Schuebel and his partner have protected
mfe in my rights that they have not wast
ed ' or robbed me or my . estate, and that
have every confidence in them that
they have' earned every dollar they have
received . from me, . and as a matter of
fapt have received ' a ery small fee for
the1 work they have done for me. I hope:
hat you will find space in your paper
for this letter, as I feel that it is due Mr.
Schuebel and his partner,, that the truth
should be told. . . "' T i
: ResDectfullv'Vours.; -
The Glympia
We are prepared to supply the wants of tlie inner man. Everything is
new, fresh and homelike. Only white help employed. Our bill of fare
at all times offers everything that is to be had at a first-class restaurant.
With right service and right treatment, we expect to merit the patronage
of the public. : : : ; : : :
W. J. GEMMELL, Prop.
Main Street, one door south Huntley Bros. Co. . . Oregon City, Oregon
Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 per year
Semi- Weekly Oregon Journal $ 1 . 50 a yr.
Subscribe for both now for only
1J5 per year
Oregon City Enterprise and vWeekiy
Oregonian, feott I year for only $2.00.
Subscribe for the Enterprise.
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