i OBEGON CITY ENTERPKISE, i FRIDAY, MAYv 12, 1905. A ? S Oar Correspondents' Corner ? $ Brief Bits of Gossip FroaAAU Parts of the County. Correspondents are requested to re new their work. We will furnish all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear in these columns every week. EAGLE CREEK. Every growing thing green and other wise doing nicely, but a little more warm weather would be quite acceptable. Cat tle picking up, and if grain, especially fall grain, and clover promises a goodly yield. At the present indications there will be an abundance of fruit and cher ries will be about two weeks earlier than usual this year. In fact May is full of promise that June must fulfill. . Mr. and Mrs. Jas DeShazer, of Firwood, were the guests of Mrs. V. A. Douglass, Sunday. Mr. Ike "Woodle, V. S., of Portland, was in our neighborhood on business Wednesday and Thursday. While here he visited his brother, J. P. Woodle. Mrs. L. V. Gibson went to Barton Sun day where she spent the day with Hal Gibson and wife. Quite a number of our young people among them, P. W. Douglass and Claud Woodle, attended the basket dinner and services at Dover Sunday. They report a good time spiritually and gastronomi cally. Rev. Exon preached the sermon and the ladies of Dover furnished the dinner. Our road' supervisor has begun work on the roads, and is rapidly making all the necessary improvements . so much needed. The banks of Eagle Creek and neigh boring streams are weekly patronized by devotees of the hook and line. Crowds of people from Portland and vicinity, Spend Sundays at the sport, from gen eral appearance of a majority of the fishers on their return from a day's sport, we need suffer no apprehension as to the decreasing of our trout supply. . Jas. Gibson and Mrs. Clara E. Howe, of Portland, were married at that place last week. Judge Frazier officiated. Though long past the meridian, yet may the remaining years of their lives togeth er be many, and the clouds be few, just enough to make a beautiful sunset at the closing. Cupid is a wily rascal. Cheat him, mortals, if you can, With his trusty bow and arrows He lies in wait for every man. on business the first of the week. A crowd of fourteen from here rode over to Redland last Sunday to hear Evangelist C. O. Branson and wife who are holding revivals there. Miss Walker visited in Portland Sat urday. Miss Bertha Rider is visiting her cous in at Jarvice. . The people of Central Point feel high ly honored to know that Mr. Geo. Ran dall. the progressive farmer. " captured three prizes on the Lewis and Clark ex hibit at Oregon City, for Clackamas county. The young people of this place assist ed by New Era talent, are preparing an entertainmept to be given at the M. E. Church for the benefit of our' minister. Saturday evening, May 20th. A good pro gram will be rendered after which ice cream will be served. Everybody is cor dially invited to come and have a good time. Admission fee, 10c I Don't Borrow Trouble. It is a bad habit to borrow anything, but the worst thing you can possibly bor row is trouble. When sick, sore heavy, weary, and worn out by the pains and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness, Brights disease, and similar internal disorders don't sit' down and brood over your symp toms, but fly for relief to Electric Bit ters. Here you will find sure and per manent forgetfulness of all your troub les, and your body will not be burdened by a load of debt disease. At Howell & Jones drug store. Price 50 cents. Guar' anteed. UNUSUAL ARGAIWS GOOD UNTIL NIGHT, MAY 15TH. Woman neither, lovely creature, Can escape this unerring aim. With impartial distribution , He misses not the lass or dame. No rsspect for age or station, Has this cruel little elf, " If you don't believe this statement Why, just try him once yourself. Now these two he's brought together, Whose two hearts shall beat as one, Bids them travel hand in hand. ' , - Till the setting of Life's sun. QUIZ. LIBERAL. R. J. F. Mill was looking for a milch cow the first of the week. Miss Gans, of Carus, spent Sunday with Silas Wright and family. Maud and Edith Husband spent Sun day in Molalla. Mr. and Mrs. May wood spent Sunday with Ben Faust. Horace White is on the sick list Mrs. J. R. Lewis of Carus spent one day last week with Mrs. Ed. Austin. Wm. White is preparing for his new house in the city of Liberal. Billy Vaughan and Miss Moody were Canby visitors the first of the week. Full of Tragic Meaning are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of Casey, la. Think what might have re sulted from his terrible cough if he had not taken the medicine about which he writes: "I had a fearful cough, that dis turbed my night's resL I tried every thing, but nothing would relieve it, until I took Dr. Ifing's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, which completely cured me." Instantly relieves and permanently cures all throat and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneu monia. At Howell & Jones, druggists; guaranteed; 50c and 1.00. Trial bottle free. CENTRAL POINT. New Cure for Cancer. . All surface cancers are now known to be curable, by Bucklen Amiea Salve. Jas. Walters, of Duffield, Vs., writes, T had a cancer on my lip for years, that seemed incurable, till Bucklen' s Arnica Salve healed it, and now it is perfectly well." Guaranteed 'cure for cuts and burns. 25 cents at Howell & Jones drug store. MUL1NO. Rain has come at last. The farmers have a smile on their faces. Our genial and enterprising carpenter Edward -Bowman has left our midst and moved to Macksburg, where he married Mrs. Klinger of that place. Mr. and Mrs Bowman intend to go to Salem for their wedding trip, where Mr. Bowman has relatives. We all wish you happiness, Ed. in your new home. Johnny Erickson is working for E. L. Trullin ger at present. Messrs. Joe and Oscar Daniels have been home to visit their respective mother and wife. Joe is going to run a fishing crew this summer and Oscar is Working in a logging camp down the river. Lee Adkins is doing some slashing on his place. J. M. Stone with family, have moved to Hood River, where Mr. Stone bought an interest in a flour mill. Archie Dougan was seen in our burg last Saturday and Sunday. Bluing, bottle .5c Star Soap Diamond C. Swift's Pride 8 for 25c Naptha , 4c, 5c Fine hand Soap, big bar .. .4o Same Soap, 7 bars for . 25v Swift's Washing Powder, like Gold Dust , ..: 15c pkg Gold Dust, bulk, half price 4c pound Whisk Brooms 4c, 8c Brooms 22c, 32c LOGAN. i The "weather-maker" seems to forget that this is Spring. Mr. J. Boss had a barn raising Mon- ( day. Quite a large attendance, and plen ty of beer. . , Miss Elsie Fallert is home for a couple I of weeks. j . The Dower Logan school will observe I Decoration Day in an appropriate way. Saturday about 58 members of Hard ing Grange assembled in regular session. Two members were taken in, and eight applications filed for consideration at the next meeting. The June meeting will be Old Folk's day, also Flora will have a brief programme. Mr. Henry Babler and Edwin Gerber leave this week for Alaska. Miss Lydia Steinman of Currinsville. spent a few days visiting in Logan. 1 fpyASvurnWlAAl Our Unusual Low Prices Hard to Match. Flour, $1.05, Corn Meal ....25c 8 pounds Prunes .......25c Canned Peas -72c Raisins, 4 pound for 25c Lemons ...1c Oranges ...1c Coffee, 10c: best coffee, 20c; Sample Cof fee or tea ."..Free Arm & Hammer Soda package 6c Bulk ...4c Starch, 6c; Rice 4and 5c cents pound. " Millinery at a Big Saving. Stylish Hats, honestly made. Dry Goods Profit. priced at Ladies Ready-to-wear Hats. Trimmed Hats Child's ....48c up Ladies' $1.47 lip Ladies' Black Hose, 9c, 14c, lace hose 25c Ladies' Vests 7c, 10c and up. Men's 50c Underwear, 38c, and 44c. Men's 10c sox at 7Vic SHOES Shoes, Etc. Jonah Penman, of Portland, visited his parents over Sunday. The school children of this place were entertained by Miss Walker and Miss Lottie Randall, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Randall, recently. Supper was served on the lawn at 5 o'clock. In the games the first prize was taken by Miss Hannah Thompson, while the booby prize was captured by Master Edward Stau ber. La Verne Crawford was in Portland Brighfs Disease and Diabetes News. Plans to get Rich. are often frustrated by sudden breaking due to dyspepsia or constipation. Brace up and take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They take out the materials which are clogging your energies, and give you a new start. Cure headache and dizziness too. At Howell & Jones drug store; 25c. guaranteed. HARMONY. The New Fulton Compounds Have a Record of 87 per cent of Recoveries Among Chronic Cases of Brlght's Disease and Diabetes, Heretofore Considered Incurable. Druggists know that Brlght's Disease ' and Diabetes have been regarded by physicians as incurable and that up to the advent of the Fulton Compounds that nothing on their shelves would touch it. It Is a proven fact that nearly nine-tenths of all cases are now curable, and druggists themselves are taking the new Com pounds. One of the recoveries was Dr. Zelle himself, the pioneer druggist of 523 Pacific street, San Francisco, and he gave it to over a dozen others who recovered. Here is another Interesting recovery (We eopy from the Sacra men to News of November 16, 1902): "After a serious illness of over a year Jndga J. R. Allen of this city has recovered and re gards himself most fortunate In successfully battling with what is generally regarded as a fatal malady, Brlght's Disease of the Kidneys. In speaking of his case Jadge A)1"" said: T believe that the treatment given me by my physician was In accordance with the best methods used In the regular practloe of medi cine, but it afforded me no relief. Hearing of the Fulton Compounds I went to San Francisco to investigate and was soon convinced I should undergo the treatment. It was three months before I noticed a change for the better. I used the medicine faithfully for nearly a year and ean now find no evidence of the disease and am satisfied it is entirely eliminated. My ap petite is good, I have gained seventeen pounds In weight and will be pleased to describe my experience to anyone who may call or write.' ' Sacramento News. Nov. 16, 1902. The editor of the News himself was the friend who told Judge Allen of the Fulton Compounds. They are the only things known that cure Brlght's Disease and Diabetes. Fulton's Renal Compound for Brlght's and Kidney Diseases, $l; for Diabetes, $1.60. John J. Fulton Co., 400 Washington street, San Francisco, sole compounders. Free analyses for patients. Send for Pamphlet. We are the exclusive agents for these Compounds in this city. Chorman & Co., City Drug Store. Mr. Charles Otty, who was seriously injured a few days ago, by a blast, is improving, but will lose the sight of one eye.' A number of our people are attending the Evangelical Conference which Is be big held at Lents this week. The Bartlet pear crop, it seems, has been totally destroyed by the late frosts. Other fruits have been damaged, but probably only thinned out to a proper amount. Prof. Wm. Karr, principal of the Bor ing High School, visited at his home here last Sunday. B. L. Phillips and family of Greenville, were visiting relatives here this week. Potato planting is nearing the end. Fall and Spring grain is looking fine. EAGLE CREEK. Gentle showers occasionally, seems to be the order of the day. t Mr. David Hoftmeister sold his young team yesterday for a good sum, three hundred dollars, so it seems that horses are in demand in this section. Mrs. Norah River and' daughter Ruth were visiting relatives near Eagle Creek today. The little daughter of Fred Hoftmeis ter met with an accident today. She fell off the fence and dislocated her arm. Mr. and Mrs. Nance, of Portland, have been visiting relatives here. ML PLEASANT. Everybody is enjoying the showers. Mr. Nemick, of Stafford, was seen in this vicinity this week. - The Kelland brothers gave a party at their home. Many people were present and everybody had a good time. The Twilight Band will give a dance at the Twilight Hall Saturday, May 13. Now boys, remember that girl, that pret ty little girl, that girl you left behind you, and bring her to the dance. Mr. Marshal Lazelle called upon Miss Sharkey. A rumor was sent around that Mr. Sharkey was going to put a trap on a trail that a certain object traveled upon. Child's Slippers 75c up Ladies' Slippers 68c, 98c up to nicest Tan at $2.15 ave you 10 to 20 per cent on shoes. Red Front Store E. C. HAMILTON, Proprietor ; OREGON CITY, OREGON SCOTT'S Emulsion When you go to a drug store and ask for Scott's Emulsion you know what you want; the man knows you ought to have it. Don't be surprised, though, if you are offered something else. Wines, cordials, extracts, etc., of cod liver oil are plenti ful but don't imagine you are getting cod liver oil when you take them. Every year for thirty years we've been increasing the sales of Scott's Emulsion. Why? Because it has always been better than any substitute for it. , Send for free sample ' SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-415 Pearl Street, New York 50c and $1.00. All drugglst3. I viosiarP Pure & Mellow Rich & Delicate For Sale by -E. MATTHIAS -Sole Agoney for Oregon City. . O Bean the Bignatoi. of TOniA. I The Kind Yon Have Always BougM IF YOU ARE NOT PARTICULAR Don't travel over the Illinois Central, as any old road will do you and we don't want your patronage; but If you are particular and want the best and mean to have It, ask the ticket agent to route you via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL the road that runs through solid vestibule trains between SL Paul, Omaha, Chicago, SL Louis, Memphis and New Orleans. No additional charge is made for a seat in our reclining chair cars which are fitted with lavatories and smok ing rooms, and have a porter in at- t&Q.dLHC6 Rates via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL are the lowest and we will he glad to quote them in connection with any transcontinental line. r B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third StreeL Portland, Oregon. J. C. LINDSEY, T. F. & P. A., 142 Third StreeL Port land, Oregon. v PAUL B. THOMPSON, Frt. and Passenger Agent, Colman Bldg., Seattle, Washington. ( Foolish Advice. "Don't you think," said the preacher when he and the prisoner wiere left alone together, "that you'd better make a full confession T' "I should say not I've just hired the brightest lawyer in this, town." The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use lor over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per . , sonal supervision since its infancy 11A ATiO x-ra rlnnniTrn vrrrvn -In wri-vcf- mmmv wm vxav w W.VXX- W J VIA U VIIIIH All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good." are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. - It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. VHC nm COMPANY. MURRAY STRICT. M TORN CITY. . Faith, Hope and Charity. We learn that faith is disappearing. But that is far from true: Men still put faith in legislatures, Despite the things they do. I sometimes wonder why the people With undiminished zest Go on electing legislatures ' And hoping for the best. The charity of men is boundless, Or they, with clubs in hand, Would fall upon most legislatures And drive them from the land. 'While working at the W. P. & P. Com pany's mills Tuesday afternoon, Charles; Burns Jr. had the misfortune to drop a huge bar of steel that badly crushed his left foot. While the injury will not per manently disable Mr. Burns, it will cause him considerable inconvenience for some time. Tie House Furnisher You paid to much for yorir goods! Did your wife eve accuse you of stick a crime? If so, prevent it for the iututc by studying: our prices. These prices are only ior the careful buyer, reckless buyers are doomed. The reckless buyer will spend bis money on slick talk, the careful buyer for value received a7 I IOC "V SS AT AS AJC 0131 5iio fe? Going to Build? We have an immense stock of Cedar doors and 'boors windows on hand also BuTOj feuding hardware. Let us figure for you we can save you money. There are some damaged doors left from our. disastrous fire which will go cheap. J-. V j v' & i Y' - IT"? BUREAU high grade finish, fine mirror, full size $6.50 Steel Range f 0 years guarantee J 8 inch oven 6- holes Most elaborate nickel ...$30.00... This Rocket rri a i Artistic Designs Of Wall Paper 10c per double roll and up Lace Curtains 50c per pair and up LINOLEUM, OIL CLOTH, CHINA MATTING at LOWEST PRICES