Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 05, 1905, Image 9

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FRIDAY, MAY 5, 19015.
VOL, 38. NO, 80.
Merchantile, Professional and Manufac
turing Interests that Help to Build
Ip Our City and Make It
I Mi'mnik. tforton Jaok'i grocery eetab
I llehment exhibits, in catering to th
Midi of Hi"' people of Oregon City, nil
I tin' fiiTiK'tiiM of progrenlvenm. The
I standard preparation! and production!
in thi food llnei in. it. j.i in itook. and
Illiillll'S! III buying fltlHItlca III.' lllHllll-
iim mill in quoting prioei thai popular
Igea tin' eatabllahment, Tin builneei
1 whm begun some three y ii i m ago ind Ima
I been oonitlfltly growing, adding in w
iiiii.H, Inoreaalng Hh itook and by itigdV
! building up patronage al nana lull
mill of ii ii i mum til nml miiIIhIIi iI nature,
Mb Vint baa. resulted in Increased
udas, nmi today tin- total bualneaa dow
ih representative in quality ot patronage
nmi facilities en joy ad, Ofderi receive
prompt attention tod in addition le tin
anrvlcei of nt ami Intelllgi 41
Rlarkfli tha proprlatori give avary n 1 1 -n -tion
t mlng thai tha wmita o( tha oua
toman art oarad (oi In tha moil
padltloua and careful manner, This iirm
Iihm by tnduatry, paraavarancc and reli
able ropnaontatlona bull) up a large
patronagi and their houaa in eecond in
n.iii,' In IIiIm MOtlOB,
and huH given much eetlefeetton to bta
patrona by the excellent igtltillitimaBt
ha baa maintained,
on tha iiin nmi ba enjoy! largi anfl
teadlly Inoraeilng patronagi Mr.
Boh radar pgraongUy looha nftor all tna
dOtalla Ot IiIh buslnc!! mill Ik to be fiinnd
bar aarly and lata looking ator hla in- ! allen-howard business college
tireiti, Ha im a valuable oltlaon and i- i
wuya Inki-a active Int. n Ml In nny i nter- j
pHaa that win land to andvanoa thi in-' win m Benjanttn franklin mid, "Emp-'
i.iiBi of Oregon City, tv your puraa into your banal and your
band win kaap yon? purai full," he rneanl
for you to acquire tieeful buatnm know
ledge Ami ha hh right, for young mn
nmi woman raqulra nmi dam and thorough
1 and profaaatonnl train big, na na only
upon wliP h thi-y run hope to build
ax padltloua and courteous and every ac
commodation nnrl attention In extended
tin- patron. In every way It la a filial
Al (.gtntjunhmrni which Im of great
oonvenlenoa to tin- people of thin city and
i,tmnit Hnmt ImliKtrv-Bv So Doiiinf Show an Interest in Building iu vicinity i in Kan hi ., whioh i
I till wmii J j CJ T
Up the Enterprises Of Our Beautiful Little City-
in ollmnte, moii and produotlvanaaa no atata In tha Union equili Oregon You
iii bavi to twvel far t.i nmi a ita to thai i Oragon'i auparloi ha igrtottltun or
nlnoa whara battai ot mon oropa ua ralaad it i irua thai va in yal rary
mm h undavalopad, but tim tbni la pul whan tin- farmae dapandi upon ana onp
in tha Mm Dlvaralnad farmmi i im omtM on nrlta mon thin uaunl anirgf
nd auooaaa Wt miKiit k m to buid I ha Intoraat of our Naitarn oountry for
tima linaaaiirahlti but In iiii brM Introduotory ot I ha aommaeolaJ and profaa
lonnl uitaraata at Oracon City, w- win only BMntlon Mmi Waatam Oraffon inm
tor aOOM lit"'' pail ml now l BMN IBM IVaT, ItM OM ItSta to wlilrli all lyW Ml
,, hi, nil Tha Bapoaltton maana muoh to our poopla mueh mora than w raaBy
rnallae IikihIi ) air n-. i lu il In i-viTy mull fnmi all ovrr tin- I'nlon imkliiK
in il... ii of Hi.' I in-.o nml tin- I. mui' a of oiil
anda of Baatamara win avail thamaalvaa of tha unumal opport unity ami low
. , . - ).. .... f... II,. mim.'Ii , n what u Mi i l.lollillv ImihkI of Ami tin- In l or I tile
thai tin- Ki.ati i majoiit) of bonaanoikirl in of tha battar elui ami Inwa monay
to Invaal in landa ami nuwhaa ind nrhan (hay an- aatlanad win. tin- aotmtry, win ba
in n poattlon to parohaaa thalr tarma No battar niuatratlon of tin- kiowiii ami pro
(ram of tlii au nt nfinton lounlry nrr to I..' found anywhere within lie bordan
IhU l "in ow in 'ltv II ) iiin to have fiirai-il aheml nl.a.llly. No Immiiii
, ,i, t m naadld to bltlld up tha imputation, wliP h now nuinln ie '.riun houIn all
iMMtd ami i,ioi.t lone iiniii'ii iik ii in to tin- famoua "in. kiiimm County
IK i iii bona of no bmM Fartlla land thai i to ba found anywhon, ami poe-
aaanlni iuoh laria manufaoturini aonoarm aa tha aroolan mill, tha WW papat mine,
l luhi mtMm I, ,. LuM , l, II la no woiul. I t tut t our people, of all Hamu li
an- eontanl and happy Tha iplandld looatlon ami tha t.ii.nim bona powat thnl the,
r.itie produca, tocathai with iba obanp fuel, rslhmnd ami eienm boil tnnaportattoa
all n to Ihruel OnCOH City hltO pi onilm n.'.- Thle ii.'i ounte In a largi- in.-aeuii'
why h letrlpe bat elet. r illlu In thl blttla of llf,- II In with deep Inlereale j
that our . ltliiie rlaW Ih.' rapid Ktrldea that our city h Ufcan dttrtSl UM Paul
frw .ar and IKMIlMiplllI It nmn- BtilllMI fUtlin Ii hue wltmaenl a n nmi knhli-In.-ii'iiei-
In population ami lllllldlllli nmn- of whl. h BaWI bM --1 -)l IhU for
m-vi'tal ynue pnel 'I'll.' hualliiee men hiivr aleo .n)o..l a Ptluk tfmdt Md mw
Hon e are h Ina upem il from llrtu- lo tlm.- in. Kon t'lty line alwave bMB not. . I for
III BlllgiaMdll ami at QM MUM ttflM 1 onei-rvalh . bttltllaal Run ThOJ offi i
llh.-ral bjdllW 111 to Ho- pur.hae.ie 'liuly UM Otd eaylnK, "Thm II M pUCi
iik- bona," to buy uythlnt that yon n t. i vary approprtata whan peaking of
tin- nii ii hanle of OnflOB City HflUM tndl le tha MOnt "f aUOOaaa to nil eommunl-
II, h Tn iiiuk.' our rlty UM lml'-t i lly of Hi IBM on enrth. It la only noeoanry
that the wealth of thr whole iiimmunlty la- k-pt In ill .illation within II" bOUUdHHa".
Dou'l aand four monay to for.'tgn mmbatai it win nbvor noma baoh Bpanl it at
bjOPM with puir mi-rilmnta ami thw you will not only fWWUVI 'nil alhn, hut y
win iiiao bnn a ahinea t" ai t it booh in tin- nguhv Una of noaJnaw four ". 'aii
iMir a pioap. iltv la )uat eo mm h iddad to tha HMTII WMlth of th,- . .immunity.
lan't mi" n1 Think it ovor, than rand thr advartlaamanta of out rarehanta mat
land thnugb tha aoluanui ' ti- Oragon City Bntarprtia and than purehaM of
III. m. Kin li In li'a piiith ular line will alvr you thr liuura rilUO nml th.- h. at
. uallty all rmvtnf aaUOllaheil riulallim. I'ntrotilir home Inluatrlra and lima
naM' thr nronporlty of tha etty we mil "Homo, wool Rum
print) l l.v Mr W Jtolilnaon. Thin
aton i" located al Ml Main itnal unit
Iiiim In i n ratalillahril for uhoiit lyi
It OOOUplai a aparloua IiiiIIiIIiik
naatly fuitilahnl ami
iiilpped with thr moat
vr ynira
nml th''
li Im . mi ally ronreded hy tin- far-aei
intt bualnoaa man that in tin- now futun 1 imaia
llii'l.ulk of tin liiialnraa will he tintiMiirt
i 'I on tlir hill. Thi'l'e lire nln ioly Hev-
aral leading eatabllahmanta loco tad ban
among whom wiihh wa win dlract it
tantlon to tin- aton oonduotod by Mr,
'. w. i'ip .i. ii. ii Mr oonduota a flrat-
rlaaa hanlwiie Hlore ami from the na
eotlm.nl Mhown one inn maki a amla-
faotory aelactlon. Tha Una of itovea,
ringei, heavy nml ahrlf harilwiin. In hie
gad pookal cutlary, and i full iina of im-
ph im ntM, Im full ami OOmplotO nml th"
prl ) a wlili Ii air ipiiilril air very rraaon
able 'lli' alorr la londui'teil In nn up
right inn n in i ami Mr. yriadariofa bai tha
pli'iiaurr of ai'i'liia Ii I h Ii net ii. hh ImrraMi-
at ii moil Mtlafaotory nto. Although
ba am ploy i com pa tan! balp, tn- la to he
found ul thr atore early ami late ami
Im naVM too I, nny to rxplaln any m w or
aompltcatad Invention or bapnirauianL
r ohaai fully noonunond htm to an of
our reader! ami know that If the K'loda
an- obtained here they will he all that
nil juat na ropnuntad
IiuhIiuhh auecan, in harmony with thia
demand, the Alton Bnofnan Coltoga, with
Ita aihool located on the rorner of flev
anth nml Main Htrmta. bag hy the gnda
nmi profaaglonal ohnraotar of ita work
galnad the plai-e of ni'knuwIeilKed auperl
orlly and la one of the beat of any of the
Ilk.- Inatllutlona In tin- We!t. The col
toga cama Into the hand of I'rofeaaor
Allen laat Oetoher, and In that ahort. time
tiny have eruolliil a lartse number of
ymonit our commercial make-up are
many repreaentatlve Individual Instance!,
whom It la our plirpooa In thla riviaWi to
daocrlba, and to thla end and with thla
end In view, we Id-k leave to call the
raadar'i at tantlon to the eatahiiHhment
which la rondurti-d by Mr. Chaa. Catta.
Thla popular enterprlae la known aa the
Mrunawlck Houae and Keataurant and
Im locateil opjioalte the Buapenfilon Hrlilife.
Thla BOOgg haa been catabllahed for a
(Treat nurnhiT of yearn, havlnx been op
era Dd aorne fourteen yeara. Hlnce Ita
Inception It haa alwaya beer a popular
place with the public and Ita trade haa
Btaidtly (frown and Ita fame bM Kone all
over thi- country aide. It la open day and
Bight and the price! are alwaya reaaon
abla. Meala may be had at any hour.
atu'lenla. 'iwlnif to the niariiiemerit ami
atrlel biiHlm aa im thmlH and of the able i 'I'heae are aerved In exr-ellenl manner anil
ami OomPOtlBl n a' hera which are em- j the very heat on the market and game
ployed they are compelled to enlarge thOfr I gnd flh according to their aeaaon are
farllltlra to aciornmodati- the many atud- ,.v,.r to be had. In connection with the
anta which are comltiK to thern for aa- reataurant la an excellent rooming- houae.
alatanoe. fjupariot ouraea in ahOTthind, j Han neatly furnlahed rwjma, with many
hookki uptBgV typawrtttng and Bngllab I oomfortl and convenience! may be had
are laiiKht. and the ratea of tuition are , ;,t vry Iow r!1,.H tjy tnf. daVi W(.(,1( or
ho naaonabl)' that no one need be kept
from attending. Pmldant Allen haa
hail long- i xperh-nce In thla line of woik,
.mil tin- fact that he haa already BhUMd
a number of atiulenta In K'xel poaltlona
month. Mr. Catta la an MtoaBMMl and
BOBOnd member of the community and
IB excellent man of bualneaa.
f . fey 6
ml . . kV I
I -g. !. i'?i' r . . TT. vaW
rTTr nirf W- . mu- WAvtT U.T
fi illa'a a ft ffi ml t f iani
Liberal Arts Pa act
Among the representative leading
BOOOai In fregon City, Is the one whose
BMM appears at the head of this article,
and It Is one of the finest arranged and
beat equipped businea! houses of Its kind
In the city. The stock of groceries, both
staple and fancy, Is most comprehensive,
consisting of every article known to the
grocery trade. Every line Is intact and
complete and arranged in a most sys
tematic manner Only the very choicest
of goods are carried. Including the finest
teas, coffees, bottled and canned goods,
table delicacies, fresh and dried fruits and
vegetables in season are to be had here;
th)' ciiatomer being thoroughly convinced
that he will get a square deal. Thla
popular store is located In the hill above
Seventh street, and the constant addi
tion of new customers ia a dally feature,
as the employment of a number of clerka
and the service of delivery wagons Indi
cate. Mr. Seeley has conducted thla
place of business for about three yeara,
and stands among our best and most
progressive merchants. He Is experienced
and Judicious, and is most thoroughly
esteemed in trade circles.
Than Im in. battar agi nt for thr up
llldlng of a Motion iif OOUntry than good
. i chonp tranaportatlon Upon this da-
tha poaallilllty of getting pTOdUfM
t at a OOM that will net thr
rod u m ii libera I profit "lid I rllSOIIIlblr
i .it inn la naoaoanry to bring in
i i. and Induatrlai in thr Wtluunatti
.Hi i; it Company, wnimm ttr nan
impnnj thm is inking avary miMan
M ih., waif an ..f tha dlatrlol thnl II
rvai Tha road gfltorda i Hda along thr
autlful ternary ipraad along thr imnkH
ih.- Wlllamatta rlvar thai makaa it an
ii ni plaoa to live, Than im a car running
,,iv BOUr ami on SumluM .miv half
nut . Thr mail Iiiim been built fur tWltVI
tan nmi thr fiupei Intmdant im Mi C
MIII.i I'm In IiIm I'lipiiblu tnaniige-
i. nt evirythtng haa bain dour to afford
unforiuhir aooommoditloni for tha pub
ri,.' mwn ,,f Wlllamatta haa bain thr
iihjrrt of special iildimUon. Tha j b
...,,i,,. tmrm ih flva oanti, inn to naldanti h
f thla lovely village, tha rata is two oenta
or our doltnr month, inay may
,m Oftan nml hh fill iih Ihrv wish on
Una, Children art carried to nmi
ehool free Aa i further aid in thr
Idtng of the town, electric Incan
nt HkIii muv in- had for nfteen oanti
thioughout Willi thr Int. nt ami mont
ino.lrin mm hlni't v for thr doing of their
work mid tiny run tnkr car.' of ardent
of mool any sixr at thr ahort eat notice.
Tin y have linn eetebliehed bare
yrata and Mi f H fight I Ih tht
ami antarpriatng manager it
ackoowJIedged by thr building
f thll sect Ion that tin Ii. It.
mora acceptably flntehod gooda in
Una nn anywhon produced
fact, in connection with tha
foi four
Ih fully
and thla
broad ami
i nir
in,, mi nolle, ami general eharact
tlir bouaa haa mulled In giving than a
strong place In thr confidence of thr
trade, aa wan na building up for them a
ptondld ami aver growing patronage.
This tnduatry im one of the foremoal in
thla MCtlon of tin- DOUnttl nml ban had
much to do with building UP our clty a
prominence. Mr n Kuppembendor.
who haa been with the Arm for aoree time
pi- t win won aaaume thr management,
luooeodtng llr, Baker, Ha haa realded
two yean and wan born in Nebrai
ln 1HS,
to -data im huh and IppUaBOa for the run
ning of an Important hualm-aa of thia
kind The stork la very n.-atly dlaphiyr.l
nml In a way to attract favorable notice
It i-onalala of all mann. r of hnllra' fur
nWhtnga and dti-aa goo.la and they make
a apeolalty of fiaoy gomia of avary dra-
Cliptlon, The itoog la vriy (XMBpkttl
ami tin- laleCtlon haa been made with
thr grnitrst rare to suit tin- needs and
deal rea of tin- numroua patrona, Dur
ing tin- thai Ih Iina brill lOCatad heir It
haa made ItlaU favorably and Widely
known throughout the vlrliilty. Mi
Itoblnaon haa made a derldrd aurcras of
thla bualmaa ami damOnatTlted tO ih
public that be la fully iiialifird to enter
to thrli wants In tin- brat way. He has
man admiring friend! and he ia fully
daairvtng of tha iuoom that hi has
his much beloved gull. It
our sportsmen and hunters
mill p,
r on
i the
lluhl Tlir liiinkM of
reeerved for factory
of the Site laid Ollt fOT
land in the vicinity is
of il
try i
rma. Thm laiula nml
will be very valuable In I'1" not
nt futun, nml tlu.se Who will In-
thelr airnlngi now, win nap tht Ir
,1m iu greatly Inoreaaed values simir
later, The water supply is exoel
Hie nnltary condition good, the
rage haa been well cured for. ind
, other provisions innde fur the iu
,,r the town. Tin- line tndl nt the
uiin river, and II inns through one
i must beautiful stretches ..r ooun
nywhero in tha world, n is fa
inn iii the aummir time for tour
nil reaidenti of other oltlai.
A Well selected
polite ami attenttvi
oi k of grot
service III
The first requlremanl to good meal li
brt u,l and for Us finish some delicate
pastry The peaople of our city are u
tre mWi fdVtUnnte In having In their
midst, tin- gentleman whose name ap
pears al tin- hand of this article, Mr. H
Bchrader, who conducts one of the bell
bake shois In this vicinity lb- has boefl
located here for some years past and htl
w agon will call nt your house wheiiev, i
you have some ipeclal funotlon on, amh
ns parties, weldings, etc, for he will
fill your order to perfection. ills shop
is well arranged ami equipped with the
latest machineries and appliances for
public are always ap
dlaoei H in;: purohaeer
supplying the successful carrying on of the buil-
m ss In the city as well as at hla retail
'atore. His place of bualneaa is located
I There Is perhaps few sports that have
the charm and fascination that hunting
has and which la more Widely Indulged
i In by nu n where there la an opoprlunlty
for such siMirt. On thi' frontier, and In
' the olden days, thla was a means of mis-
; tenatice and livcllhiKKl and Is still In
many porttoni of the country, atlll wild
I mid but partly settled Kv. ry man with
this Instinct and feeling in hla IiI.mmI re
members when he had his first gun or
when he was permitted to use that of his
father or some older brother ami the
wild and fatiguing rambles he WOllM
lake without tiling win n he had
company of
It has been
that have been our best shots and have
brought us our victories In many a hard
fanght battle and aiming them we espec
ially call to mind the battle that was
won from the Htitlah by General Jack
son with his wild woods expert shuts.
Ii Is not possible for all In the modern
cltj to travel many miles to some spot
where they may still find I huntsman's
paradise. The call of the wild may be
itrong upon us, but we are unable to
follow the call. But to give vent to the
desire to i XCel with the title the shooting
gallery Of every City has become a fa
miliar sight and many are those who find
pleasure In patronizing such a resort as
i .substitute that Is better than none.
Utie of the excellent results of this kind
is that operated by Mr. U Van Valkon
berg, lie has well equipped gallery
and good titles and the ranges and marks
are varied and afford much sport. He Is
1 thoroughly familiar with this business
with business firms In this city, also in
Portland, Is sufficient proof that he Is
thoroughly proficient In his line and Is
worthy of conducting one of the best In
stitutions In the Northwest.
Mr. Young is a man who Is well worthy
Of commendation, as he has a clean j
record and Is one of the most popular
mm In the wine and liquor trade In the
etty, He Is the proprietor of that pop
ular resort the Ixig Cabin Saloon. He i
serves only good goods, keeps perfect ,
order in his place, and he runs his estab-
the i lishinent In an up-to-date, honorable and
progressive way. Men like him are u
credit to the business. He Is liberal,
open and above-board with every one,
anil he has a host of friends. He knows
how to handle the trade and he Is a man
whose word can always be taken. Mr.
Young came here some twenty years ago
from I.e Mats. Iowa, and was formerly
engaged in the furniture and hardware
business here for six years. Recently Mr.
Young bought out Mr. R. H. Holman's
cigar atore and pool and billiard room and
is over hauling it with the Idea of making
it the beat place of the kind in the town.
His nephew. Mr. Frank Blah, will have
charge of il. Mr. Y'nung's refreshment
eatabUahment is located at 4os Main
si n et where every kind of liquor can be
found. The choicest wines from many
climes, the Celebrated Kentucky whisk
ies and tine liquors of every description
may be found at this bar. The best beer
Is ever on tap here and Is served pure
and sparkling and delicious. Kverything
is first-class, and the service is most
A refreshment establishment such aa
that conducted by Mr. A. H. Grieasen In
the Wllhelm Tell House Is Indeed a
credit to any city. Its equipments and
furnishings are unsurpass"d anywhere on
the coast. Its conduct la beyond renroach
and Its general character Is such as to
reflect credit upon its proprietor. Every
feature of the place Is designed to cater
to the comfort and enjoyment of the pa
trons, only the very best of liquors being
dlsoensed. In ahort the Wllhelm Tell
I House Is such a place as meets the re
I quirements of the modern metropolitan
I city In every' respect. Here are to he
found all the fine wines, the choicest
' whiskies and other liquors, and the OOP
' ular and excellent Gambrinus be?v 's al-
ways on tap in delicious measure. Every
brand of the best cigars is also carried.
This hostelry has been established for
I over eight years and Mr. Grlessen has
been a resident of our city for twenty
This is a bargain store and is owned
and operated by E. C. Hamilton. It Is a
different store. It secures bargains and
then passes them around: It deals fairly
with patrons and a busy and rapidly
growing trade is the reward. This store
has three times the trade that it had
twenty months ago and It Is now the
largest and busiest general store In the
city. The rents in Portland being four
times as great as those here, the live
merchants in Oregon City can and do
make lower average prices than obtain
in the metropolis. An efficient millinery
department in Charge- of Miss Wood la
maintained. Serviceable shoes, standard
patterns, staple and fancy dry goods and
last but not least is the busy grocery de
partment which must soon be enlarged.
All the departments are spiced with bargains.
Unlike a great many cities of Ibis
country, Oregon city is, no boom pro-
ilini It has not been bull! up by specu
latlon, inn- lis growth forced by hot"
hoUBO methOdl ami processes, but its
growth in trade, oommer md manufac
ture! bus been along sound, solid nml
aubatanttal lines; hence few cities of her
alia i nn compare with her aolldlty. h is
the aim of thin review to demonitrate
then fuels mon fully and forcibly by
endeavoring to show Just whal busi
ness element! go to make up all that is
erlouily entitled to consideration in thi
business lire i,r the city by briefly dc
scribing the lending repreientattve con
cerni. Nor id we olti a mure oon-
aly worthy example than me
Oregon City Planing
are manufacturer!
manner of builder'
Mill Company. They
ami dealen In mi
i matterlaJ!, Their
plant Ih entirely new and Is equipped