Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 05, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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    KKJON CITY ENTERl'lUSE, Fill DAY, MAY B, 1005.
(Concluded from 12th rage.)
patrons bo as to afford them prompt, in
telligent and courteous service. This
store is arranged in a most commendable
manner, and all goods are systematically
arranged and displayed. Here are to
be found stoves and ranges of all kinds,
heavy and shelf hardware, pocket and
table cutlery, garden tools, cooking uten
sils and household goods of all kinds.
Owing to the superior grade of goods
carried the house has built up a large,
Influential and permanent trade among
Our people. Our citliens know that Mr.
Bradley will not allow any of his goods
to be misrepresented In order to effect
a sale, and everything purchased at this
store Is guaranteed to be first-class In
every particular. Both new and second
hand goods are carried and the prices ore
always most reasonable. The manager
is well known to all of our business
men, and is a gentleman of liberal views
and shrewd Judgment He is a loyal
cltlsen and his many friends wish for
him continued success.
In every leading community there are
certain commercial and manufacturing
Industries whose importance, success and
high character constitute an essential
element in the growth and advancement
of the locality wherein they are located.
They are Important factors in the busi
ness community, and, when describing
the progress thereof, it Is eminently nec
essary to give them prominent mention,
and the business that comes to the lo
cality through their efforts. Such in its
special line is the Crown Paper Company.
This enterprising and progressive firm is
a manufacturer of wrapping papers of all
kinds. Their trade has increased very
rapidly since their Inception, at the pres
ent time giving employment to two hun
dred and fifty to three hundred men, and
the firm has gained a very enviable dis
tinction for fair dealing, promptness and
carefulness in the filling of orders, which
is verw Instrumental in bringing to them
an ever increasing volume of business.
They are also very aggressive, and ever
pushing to the front with new ideas, con
forming to or leading in, any change for
the better In their industry. They have
been the recipients of very large orders
from all parts of the country and ship an
Immense quantity of their products every
year. Mr. W. P. Hawley Is the efficient
and able manager of this immense plant
and he has given his every attention to
the perfecting of the output in quality
and quantity and in facilitating the move
ment of the product. His wide experience
and business training and intimate know
ledge of conditions of manufacturing
were acquired in the East where Mr.
Hawley was for many years engaged in
the paper making business at Watertown,
New York. This knowledge he brought
with him to the Coast and to it and his
energetic management Is responsible the
growth to its present large proportions
of the Crown Paper Company in which
"he is the second largest owner.
Advice, I
n--,. T I, ...
Bertha I writes: "I am 27 vears old I
and have Just received my first proposal.
FORCE, success, power, in war or
peace, depend upon the physical
condition of the soldier. Host
important for success in any life
of strenuousness, where brain energy is
required as well as muscle power, is a
healthy stomach. We do not depend on
the food eaten for strength, but on the
proper digestio' Very often the stom
ach is powerlest o digest the food prop
' erly and the blojd gets out of order in
consequence, not only because of stom
ach weakness, but also because the liver
and kidneys are not able to get rid of
the poisons in the system, and poisonous
matters are thrown back into the blood,
causing headache, backache, bowel ir
regularities, and often severe illness,
accompanied by jaundice, where these
liver poisons are so abundant as to give
a yellow color to the skin. The several
organs of the body which take care of
the worn out tissues, as the kidneys,
bowels, liver, get out of order with
out being noticed, and this poisonous
matter becomes an active poison if it
remains in the blood. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery helps in driv
ing out the poisonous matter and brings
to the blood: a tone and vigor which will
We guarantee that Dr, Pierce's Golden
contain alcohol, opium, or any harmful drug.
It Is a pure compound of medicinal plants
scientifically combined. Persons making
false statements concerning its ingredients
will be prosecuted.
Would you advise mo to marry a man
whose Income Is only $S.OO a week?'
Tes, Bertha, snap him up, You may
live to regret It, but the chances are 100
to 1 that you'd regret It mote if you per
mitted htm to get away.
"Owed" to Spring.
In the days of early April,
Days of sunshine wet and rain,
Mother rallies all her forces.
Opens up the Spring campaign,
First we carry out the sofa.
Bank it round with every chair,
Roadstead, bureau, mattress, tablo,
Till the house looks gaunt and bare.
Still we show no weak relenting,
For the carpets still on floors.
And all down things must come upward
And be carried out of doors.
When the rooms are bare, and empty,
'Tls the point where mother looms
Large upon our near horlion,
Armed with rags and mops and brooms.
Also palls of soapy water.
And perhaps some air slacked lime
Go to swell enthusiasm
In the glad house cleaning time.
O, the Joy of pasting paper
On the ceilings and the walls!
Oh, the sweet smell of the varnish
On the woodwork In the halls!
Oh, how nice to sort the cupboard,
Where we keep our cures for Ills,
See the lotions, powders, potions.
Liniments and salves and pills.
Now we eat our dinner standing
All around the kitchen range.
If we get too tired on one foot
Then we "make a little change."
With our lumbar muscles aching,
And the biceps like to crack.
With what Joyous looks and actions
We begin to put things back. ,
Oh, the gay and glad house cleaning,
All Its Joys I may not speak;
I must save my breath and muscle
We expect to clean next week!
Indlanola, Iowa.
The One Great Purpose.
They work, they cheat, they plan, they
They harbor earnest yearnings.
And hate the ones who scheme to get
Possession of their earnings.
Through busy days and trying years
One eager hope they treasure:
One call assails their listening ears
In sorrow and in pleasure.
They pray for wealth and when ths fates
Are kind enough to send it
They hurry from their native sUtes
To gay New York and spend it
S. E. Klser.
ten - " i j ax.. 1
-' lu " stranger wno
n i.tin. .v, . .
mo mams oi oaii laKe
City. "rm glad to hear you whistling.
resist disease. All these organs require
nourishing blood as. well as the body
tissues. The best means of assisting
nature to "clean house" and put the
system in good order as well as furnish
pure, rich blood to the system is by tak
ing that well known vegetable tonic and
alterative, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. Being made without alco
hol, this "Discovery" does not shrink
up the red blood corpuscles, but gives
them a healthy tone and a rich color.
often decides a war, and may influence
the destinies of a great nation. The
strategic points in the body are pure
blood and a healthy stomach. The on
slaughts of the germs of disease are
futile and unavailing, if the strongholds
of the bodily defenses are impregnable.
The battle of the cells, wherein the
blood corpuscles of the body are arrayed
against the germs of disease may be
decided in favor of one side or the other,
and it is only reasonable that we should
give the soldiers of the system every
advantage. If the blood is poor, their
base of supplies is shut off, and if the
poisons of the svstem are retained, the
flank attack thus encouraged often re
sults in a complete victory for the disease
germs. There is no remedy that will
I hope you are as happy as you seem."
"I atn't your son." returned the child.
"Ma told ni my pa was a short, fat innn
with whiskers."
Your Birthday.
Your birthday, dear mo! And you still
In me sweet confidence, still deem '
And wise and good, and give no heed to
Who scorn me and without the praise I
Your birthday! And you still can como
to me
With trust and love, and my lost hopes
But. oh, my little one, how shall It be
When you are worldly wise and Ave
times four? 8. E. Klscr.
After the Play.
She Do you believe dreams go by con?
He I guess they must. I dreamed last
night that I asked you to supper after
the play, and your order came to only
20 cents.
Nat All Ons-Slded.
"Why," she complained, "b a man al
lowed to do things that a woman cannot
do without being disgraced? Tell me that.
If you think our privileges are as great as
the ones you possess."
"Oh, that's all right. Women are al
lowed to do things that men couldn't do
without running the risk of being shut
up in a lunatic asylum. Think what they
would do to a man who, being In moder
ate circumstances, would want to pay
(30 for a hat.
Let Off.
"Now." asked the lawyer, "have vou
ever written a musical comedyT"
"Must I answer that Question?" the
witness Implored, turning to the Judge.
"Oh, no, never mind, If It will incrimi
nate you."
Their Only Excuse for Existing.
It is pretty hard to make some nunnl
understand why there should be old
bachelor uncles in this world If they don't
anow enouftn to get rich.
He As' I sat there alone, Hilda came
along and offered me a penny for mv
She The extravagant creature. Bos
ton Transcript.
Jim Say. Bill, wot would yer do if
yer had a million dollar?
BUI Oh. I s'pose I'd blow about half
uv It making meself sick an' de other
half trying ter find out wot wui de matter
wld me.
Their Stay.
"I suppose your wife and daughter had
a grand time In Europe V
"How long were they In Paris?"
"I don't remember , now, but long
enough to learn to call It a pon-say-on
without batting an eye."
tone tip the stomach and purify the blood
so surely as will Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. Most medicines as
sold on the market contain large quan
tities of alcohol.
Dr. Pierce is always willing to give tree
medical advice to all who are suffering.
If you are sick and efflicted, write him,
stating lully all your trouble, and he will
consider your case carefully and send
you reliable medical advice and direc
tions to bring about a cure of your con
dition. Special medicines are recom
mended in cases where the disease is
one which does not yield readily to the
family medicines. All letters and in
formation are regarded as sacredly confi
dential and nO letters are printed with
out the full written consent of the
A chemical test of the water from the
human body will tell whether the kid
neys are in good health or not. These,
tests of health are conducted by expert
physicians every day, and such exam
inations are no small part of the; work of
the staff of physicians and surgeons
under the direction of Dr. R. V. Pierce, !
of Buffalo, N. Y., the founder of the'
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
there. Many wonderful cures are accom-t
plished every day through this nieansj
as witness the example of Sergeanc
Campbell, one of the many :
"About four years ago," writes Jerome
Campbell (Sergeant, 73rd C. Coast Artil
lery), of 106 Clifford Street, Detroit,
Mich. "I began to notice that I suf.
fered from backache which kept getting
worse and worse. I felt weak and faint,
had frequent vomiting spells and felt
sick all over. The doctor examined me
and finding urine highly colored, strong
in odor and containing considerable
brickdust, said I had llright's Disease
and bladder trouble. This naturally wor
ried me, and I at once took a course of
the treatment he prescribed. As this
did not help nie any I changed doc
tors, and after two months' trial of the
second one without getting better de.
cided to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery which some of my comrades
advised me to try. Within two weeks I
felt that my general health was improv,
ing and in two months more 1 was
cured. Only those who have suffered
as I have can know what relief and
what a blessing I experienced, and how
grateful I am to Dr. R. V. Pierce for my
requires a powerful army and competent
leadership. The necessary rules of hy
giene and health to wage successful war
fare against disease are fully laid down
and explained in The Common Sense
Medical Adviser, by R. V. Pierce, M. I).,
founder of the Invalids' Hotel and Sur
gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. This great
book of 1008 pages is sent free to all
who apply, on receipt of 31 one-cent
stamps to cover cost of mailing only.
The Anatomy and Physiology of the
Body, Nature and Prevention of Disease,
are all fully described and explained in
plain English. Over 2,000,000 copies
have been distributed, and it should
be in every home. It has saved much
suffering and many valuable lives.
Medical Discovery does not
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Unparalleled Clttbfcing
Do Yoti Want Good Reading? Let
The Enterprise has made an especial arrangement
make the following unparalleled clubbing o.ierst
Oregon City Knterpriso
Ladies' Homo Journal
Saturday Evening Tost
The above three publi
cations together with ih
Youth's Companion will
be sent one year for $f..rG
Oregon City EnUrpriso
Everybody's Magazine
Ladies' Home Journal
Oregon City Enterprise
. Ia kct we can give yot an ancstially libera! clubbing fate jwjU any newspa
per, magazine or other publication that is printed. Call at our olUce when In
Oregon City and we will arrange to supply you with standard magatl&es, etc.,
at presoxtremdyjow that you will be astonished. If the few sample offers
we quote here do not cover the magatine j:hat you desire to take, communicate
with us and we will be pleased Jo quotyouonparalleled clubbing fates.
X The Oregon City Enterprise, jon S
"' "'" 5
Oregon City, Oregon.
X Gentlemen:
X Send the Oregon City Enterprise and the following magazines X
for one year as per your advertised clubbing offer:
s m
x i
X Name
" '
X Address X
X Enclosed find $ X
Saloon License.
Notice Is hereby given that I will apply
at the next regular meeting of the coun
cil for a renewal of my liquor license at
my present place of business, Main street,
near Fourth street.
Geo. II. Young.
Centennial Newt.
The Boston Herald will send a large
party of New England teachers to the
Lewis and Clark exposition.
Oregon's mining dlHplay at the Expo
sition will show astonishingly rich de
posits of gold, silver and copper, with
specimens of gold from very rich new
discoveries hnt run as high as 120,000 to
the ton.
The Fair Japan concession building on
the Trail Is now In course of construc
tion. It will be flnlahed a week before
the opening day. This Is to be one of the
most Interesting features of the Trail.
The Easter dress parade, at the Expo
sition was gorgeous. Muny thousands of
people entered the exposition gates, the
day being delightfully bright and bulmy.
Everybody was astonlnhed at the rapid
progress of the work of finishing the ex
position. Officials of the War Department and
the Interior Department have arrived
from Washington and are hard at work
Installing the exhibits of those branches
of the government at the Exposition.
Two special trains, magnificently equip
ped, will bring to the. Exposition in'july
several hundred of tho leading business
men of Denver, under tho auspices of the
Denver Commercial Club. In the party
will be a number of millionaires. This
promises to bo tho most elaborate com
mercial "Junket" ever undertaken in
Macleay's Canyon, a wonderful scenic
park leading up Into the mountains from
the Exposition grounds, promises to at
tract thousands of people who will visit
Portland this summer. Tho park is still
In Its primeval state, except for winding
paths that lead through tho trees and up
and down tho steep hills.
The customer brought tho parrot back
to the dealer's. "I want a bird of cor
rect habits, of course," ho said, "but I
didn't want one that had been raised In
a Boston family. It doesn't do anything
but spout Ibsen at us. Have you got one
that swears?" Ex.
The Enterprise
together one of the fol
lowing: Harper's Bazaar
Ladies' Monthly
Pictorial Review
Table Talk
The Criterion
Twentieth Cen
tury Home
will be sent foe ONE
YEAR for only
Mohair Clip in Oregon Will Aggregate
400,000 Pounds This Year.
The great mohnlr harvest of tho state
Is over and It Is estimated that tho clip
this year will aggregate from 350,000 to
375,000 pounds, which Is a slight Increase
over the crep of last year. The market,
too, for this high grado and much-de-manded
product has opened up well tind
30 cents a pound Is being paid at the
present time, which is considered a high
average price, suys tho Salem States
man. This Is anoMier of the many products
In which tho state of Oregon excels, tho
Oregon mohair being classed as tho very
best on tho market and It commnnds the
highest prices. It Is chiefly a Willam
ette valley product ns It Is raised al
most exclusively n polk, Yamhill, Mar
Ion, Washington, I.lnn, Denton, Lane,
and DoukIixs counties. There am a few
small and scattering herds of goats In
Eastern Oregon, but the attention of
the stock men there. Is devoted princi
pally to raising sheep and cattle rather
than goats.
This Is nn Industry which does not in
crease very rapidly, not so much as In
tho easo of sheep because the gont Is not
ns hardy an animal, cspoclnJly when
young, as tho kids require great care and
attention In raising until they arrive at
a certain ngo when they are more hardy
than sheer.. The goat Industry Is per
haps ono of the least expensive of any
In tho state, therefore making tho profit
all tho greater, Tno greater portion of
tho expense In raising goats Is In the
taking cure of tho kids, as they are very
delicate when extremely young. About
75 per cent of tho kids that are born
are raised to maturity.
Tho market Is strong and with a slight
upward tendency. The usual annual
pool of tho mohair has been formed by
tho l'olk and Yamhill county Mohair
Growers' Asoclatlons, the aggregate
holdings of these two pools amounting
to about 100,000 pounds, which Is about
the Hame as that of ,,lHt year
will bo placed on the market at Dallas
on April 1. They are always successful
as tho growers usually receive from 2
. - .u o cents above the market price.
, I d Airu esireei, rori,-
Iilchard7oh"Vo?of ZBtU0My'r, PAUL B. THOMPSON,
.J S" wn,Prt and PW Agent, Colman
a puggy which was usod by Theodore Bldg, Seattle, Washington.
Us .Have Your Ear
by which It is enabled to
'regon City Enterprise
American Poultry J'r'n'l
Fruit (J rowers' Journal
Cincinnati Enquirer or
Oregon City Enterprise
Harper's llazaar
Oregon City Enierprino
Country Life in America
Roosevelt on his Maltese Cross ranch In
North Dakota nearly twenty. five years
ago. The buggy had lw n In use for flf
teen years prior to the time young Roose
velt used It. Mr. Johnson will send the
old vehicle to tho fowls ft Clark Expo
sition as nn exhibit. Many of the trap
Pings used by Uwmevelt during his two
years' sojourn In Dakota have been pre
served by ,s admirers. one f these
relies is a dinky little old straw hat whleh
looks very funny now, but it was the
New York style when tho young man
wore It out to Dakota In INhl. Efforts
are being mado to send this lint anil
other Roosevelt relies from North Dakota
lO UK) KXpoHltlOII.
"Do you think we shall ever have uni
versal peace?"
."Well It Will rleneml ,.n wh.,lh.. nnn.
pie finally quit building lino fences or
"It's bud enough for you to como home
Intoxicated." said Mrs. Ltmhmnn, "but
why so late?" "Well, you sheo, m' dear,
my frlcn's foolishly silent mo home by
tneshenger-boy." ,
Don't travel over tho Illinois Central,
as any old road will do you and we
don't want your patronage; but If
you are particular and want the best
and moan to have It, ask the ticket
aRont to route you via the ILLINOIS
CENTRAL the road that runs through
solid voHtlbulo trains between St
Paul, Omaha, Chicago, St. LouIb,
Memphis and New Orleans.
No additional charge is made for a
scat In our reclining chair carB which
are fitted with lavatories and smok
ing rooms, and have a porter la at
tendance. Rates via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL
are tho lowest and we will be glad to
quote them In connection with any
transcontinental lino.
Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street,
Portland, Oregon.
m w ' .