OltKGON CITY ENTERPRISE,. FMDAY, MAY 5, 1905. him. With care ha will be all right In a ! few dnye. ! Hal, Olbaon waa through here taking the cenaua, We think We are not very proapcroua, but It la iwitlme quite aurprlalria what atatlatlcal fant.a produce In the way of farm product for a Mingle Wo notlfd In the Eatacada Newe of luat w-k'a laaue, an article concerning our rural delivery that em4 at leaat a dlaparaKment arid a wide departure r leciri Break-iilBaips BJK? MR. nd MRS. WILBERT THOMP80N, OOI Main St., Peoria, III. MULL'S GRAPE TONIO CURED HIM. VUbsr. Thompnon ntver knew a well day until last June- he bad bun conitipattd" all bis We-many dociort trf aled bim, but ail iua u even ntip mm nu neaim inca rapioiy na on January JW3, Mra. Thompion ntkti ta to luggett a treatment for her huAind We thought the case too icrlout tnd recommended that a ipeclaliit be coniulted but be tUo failed to help the " patient NOW HE IS WELL. Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him Mr. Thnmpaon drat wroUi in a fnllowai "My tuiahand. aged W, aufforafrern aliarp paina In hlj itom&eh and Uiri think It li heart. IM inn know by rnturn mall what auae the pain, If you cau. Mr. lliompaou aometl k. u t...,.,. ,..., ..A I.W uun.iil ,1, lllll ftllMV tlttVM 1lvMtt lillll lit-' W Kromullv ftdvlHtwl Utnt n'nt riam HnouliifiMl 1h tiniiUd. We quota-. "We want to sell .Mull's Crape Tnnln, btw'auim we know II will cut ooaatlpailon, Imt into, a bottle In no object to in whn a human lite la at stake, ano ir four luintiana'l naa la an annou an nu nam, w ukk" you wnmii a i;iim, n kliKl, promptly." At Din aaui time, knowing Hint MiiII'n irie Joule could do uo harm, wa ml v I awl lu una until a phllaii ouufd be eownilted. Jainiriry 2ft Mm. 'I liornpaon ww that a phyatclen had lm Minatjlted, He dlag noaod tli m an being elironte eorntlpatton and driipMla. IIU treatmmit waa followed faithfully, but there wa ioinri)itllilliiirrveuimilinMr. (Iitiiniw)u'haltli. Tlieu he began taking Hull a Uraj Ionic and oo Bept, H. Moa. we rneelved tha following lnttr (rum Mra. TIioiiipkiii; "rou will remember that I wrote la you laat Januer In regard to my huaband'a health. It la four monthaalnoa ha quit taking Mull'aOrapa Tonlo lor oon.tlp.tlon, which ha suffered from alnaa birth. Ha took )uat 24 bottfea of It nod la perfectly oured. Ha la muoh stronger ind liM gained eonaldarably In I laah. I eennot thank you enough fr WuH'a Crepe Tonlo. lt la worth Ha weight In gold.' Juat S12 cured him and ho haf epent hundrede of dollars with dootore who did him no good. Now I want to ateta my aaaa ta you and aapeot your early reply. I aiao have eanat potion, have had lor three yeara. Kindly lot ma know aa I am aura It will aura ma H you aay It will, aa It did all you olaimed it would In my huaband'a oeae. I wl tlVXJ r&'Z , , Vary reepeotlully youra, MRS. W.H.THOfdMOli, 801 Main U Paorla, III. LET US GIVE YOU A 50c. BOTTLE. This Coupon Is good for a BOo. Dottlo of Mull's Grape Tonlo. Fill out thia "ttpon end a.ml to th. I.la'tnlri( Moilli ln. Ikt4 107 Tliln'A., Ilurk I.lautl, III., anal you will ronelve full U, fitm. batllw of Mull'a lri Tonlr. I have nrv.r tak.n Mnll'a flraipe Tonic, but If you III iiiply ma with a SO, bottla frt, I will lake It aa illmt'tcil. Nam Ktront No.. .State. aivi City... run aooaaaa o waive riaimv. If you are afflicted with constipation or any of ita kindred (liacaaea we will buy a '5xent bottle for you of your drtiKKUjt nud j(lvc It to you to try. If you are constipated we know it will curt you. Surely if wc have auch confidence' in our remedy a to pny for a Imttlc of it that you tuny tot for youm-lf iU won derful curative qunlitica, you ahouM not refuse to .accept our offer. Mull's Grape Toivic la the only cure for conatipation known. We do not recom mend it for anything hut Conatipation and its allied diseaaea. It ii our free gift to you. In accepting this free bottle you do not obligate youreclf further than to take ita con ten ta. Mull'a Grape Tonic ia plt-CMiit to tike and one bottle will benefit you. We want you to try it and. therefore, if you will fill out the attached coupon and mad it to ua to-Iay we will instruct your druggiat to give you a 50-cent bottle ami clutrgc aanie to ua. For Sale by Howell & Jones, Oregon City 1 from the true atate of affaire. The writer W!i either laboring under a falae Imprea- elon, or a mlalnformatlon. The route ia yet In Ita awaddllna; clothea, and all tha boaea have not beon placed or the mail changed, but notwlthatandlng: theae dlf- fliruli l the weekly average la HO letter and papf:ra with a dally lncreaae. At no remote period it will be one of the moat extnnlvljr patronized concern In the county, or even atate, a ita patrona are all wideawake cltluena and liberal aubaorlbera to varloua and numeroua periodica! of the nathm. QUIZ. DOVER. There waa quite a heavy hall atom here Sunday. , Mr. N. F. Kelaon haa gone to Marah- fleld to vlalt with hla wife and daughter. ( Mr. Joaeph DeShaaer and family are j at Barton vleltlng relatlvea. Mine Mary Kitsrauller of Portland, waa I vlaltlng her parent at thla place laat week. She atayed at her claim a part of the time while here. The county road viewer were here sev eral day viewing a couple of road.- Mr. Swlnkey and family who have been vlaltlng at Mr. Wolfe, have gone to Portland. Mr. Lawrence, Roberteon went to Port land laat wwik lo attend the funeral of hla alatc-r. Mr. and Mra. Guy Woodle were vlalt lng at Eagle Creek laat Monday. Mr. Roberta and family were vlaltlng a few daya ago at the home of the daugh ter, at Kelao. There will be all-day eervicee at the church next Sunday, May 7. Baaket dio,-ner. Country Correspondence MOLALLA. The pnat week ha twen moat loo cold for vrgrtnblra. A re'--nt full of anow ia reported on th mountain range, which la unnauat at thla time of year. lltillitlnK I" going on here railroad or no railroad. O. V. Aduma hna hi large barn ready fr the Bhlnglre. tout A. Dougherty fell 20 feet at a barn ral.lng huit wpek. atrlklng on a pile of lumber, auatalnlng a fw brulwa, but no broken bonea, the boya any that he Jumped limber. Tom McKadden la overhauling" hla barn putting In new alnble flooring. L. W. Nobblne took a trip to Corvallla lniit week In the Intere.t of the Mutual Telephone company. J,. H. Trulllnger father, mother and alnter arrived from Iowa Inat Krlday and think Oregon la better than the Ku.tern atorma. Ir. Powell haa hi family located at Mulalla now. There wna a change In our mall Aral of the month, leaving Oregon City In the morning Inatrad of nmm. We expect free delivery by the rtrat of June. Joneo, the photographer of Bllverton, la taking the Molnlla "prettlra" and he ta Jiuit the boy that can do It In an artlatle atyl.i loo. Citry Herman la atlll under the doctor'a eare, he la reported na being a little better. Aa vet It I not determined whether he will have to tinderdgn an op eintlon or not. aland Thuraduy. Mund Uuaband White Saturday. Why Suffer From RheumatlamT. Why auffer from rheumatlam when one lptlcntlon of Chamberlain Pain Halm ill relliwn ihM nnln? The aiilck relief which thla liniment afforda make reat lal weeg. cauaea oy woraing w nr.,1 .leen noaaiblr. and that alone la den theae warm daya. and drinking cold worth many time It coat. Many who have ued It hoping only for a ahort re lief from aufferlng have been happily aur ptlaed to find that after awhile the relief became permanent. Mra. V, II. Leggett f Turn Yum, Tenneaaee, U. 8. A., wrltea 1 am a great auffurer from rheumatlam, all over from head to foot, and Chamber lain' Pain Palm la the only thing that will relieve the pain." For aala by Geo. A. Harding. TAKt IT IN TIME. Juat aa Seorea of Oregon City Paopl Have. Waiting doean't pay. if you neglect the aching back. Urinary trouble, dlnbotea, aurely fol low. TMinn'a Kidney Pill relieve backache. Cure every kidney 111. W. II. KePy, engineer employed on the Union I'neHIo It. K., living at 391 2nd atreet. Portland, Ore., aiiya! "For aeveral yeara I wna bothered more or lena with kidney trouble, particularly If I eon traded a cold when It wna aure to aent Itaelf In the region of the kldneya. 1 want ed iv lot of time trying medicine which did not help me but tlnnlly learned of Doiin'a Kidney Pllla and got a box. The Drat few iloaea helped mo ao much that continued taking them until I had uaed alx boxea. They relieved me entirely and alnce I atopped taking them there haa not been the allghteat algn of ft recur renee. I have ndviaed other to uao l)uan' Kidney Pllla and ahnll continue to recommend them." Plenty more proof like thla from Ore gon City people. Call nt Huntley Ihoa &. Co' drug Htore and flak what hla cub JoiniTH report. For aule by all dealer. Price 60 cent FoHter-Mllinnn Co.. Iluffalo, New York, aule agent for the United State. Uctnember the numo Noan'a and take no other. lnn (iravea and frau vlalted at Cedar rler of Stafford. waa vlaltlng Klmlna Mail arrlvea and leave here now on HI run wa from Owego to Aurora I the new schedule, commencing the flrat and back, three time a week and many of May, giving the carrier more time to ..... I Mn1.A , 1, nnJ mn.ln I vnfa Ann. wore the erranaa ano jiviie aniuiier jhmo mo (!), auu iiibi.hi iv.,v .v- he did for the people along the route. Mr. Oage'a nephew, Mr. White, from Michigan, a temporarily In Kohlef shop at Oawego. ' Mra. Renter wa very lck a few day venlent for all. water. She I better at prcacni wniing. Henry IJaker, lately back from Arl aona. where he went a few yeara ago for hi health, I putting In potatoe on the old home place. He I much Improved In health. SWEEPING DYSPEPSIA AWAY. of PARKPLACi. Jtlllle River wa home from Rainier, Oregon, the flrat of the week for a few dny vlalt with hla parenta. Captain and Mra. Smith apent Sunday with their daughter, Mra. Freytag, of Portland. Mlaa Wllaon" pupil reminded her that Monday wna May-day by leaving aome beautiful floral baaketa at her door Mon day evening. Inward Kttera left Tueaday for Rain ier. Oregon, where he haa a poaltlon ra the aummer. Mra. Rice haa gone to Portland to na- Hint Mra. Freytag during her lllneaa. Mr. and Mr. Johnaon of Portland, were gneata of Mr. and Mra. C. River Sunday. 1'he Patkplnce teachera are na.latlng Mr. Stlnaer thla week In arranging tne exhibit work which la an Immenae amount of work. The P. H. 8. ball team played a cloaely ronteated game with the li. H. S. boy laat Friday afternoon at Willamette Fall. The P. II. 8. carried home the honor again. Mr. Kent la working on the Fair build ing In Portland. There will be a box oclaI In the Orange Hall Saturday evening, May ; alao In Intereatlng program will be given In the early part of the evening. Hot cof fee will be served to all who buy baaketa. Th Remarkable Curatlv Proprtle Pepalkola. -80 many caaea have come right under their own personal observation that Hunt ley Proa. & Co.. now know beyond all queatlon what Pepalkola will do.and they can give you the name of aeore of people whoe experience with It ha been remarkable. In fact, there I hardly a peraon In Oregon City today but know of some one who ha been decidedly bene fitted. Thin people find that Pepalkola ln ereaaed their weight. Othera claim that It curea heartburn, palpitation, aour etotn ach, wind belching, bad taate in the mouth coated tongue, fullnesa and dlatreaa after eating, while to those who are Uatleaa, tired and worn out and without ambition It glvca new vigor and renewed vitality right awny. And the guarantee ia ao plain and ao aure there can be no mlaun-deratandlng. The manufacturer do not want even one dltimitlafted customer In Oregon City and Huntley Broa. & Co., always ell Pepalkola with tho understanding that It must relieve and cure you or you can have your quarter back almply by asking for it. MANY PASS EXAMINATION. ' Superintendent Zlnaer Issue Eighth Grade Diplomat. j Charlea R. Welch, District No. 71; Ruby Newburg. New Era; Nina Bluhm, Hen- rlcl; Willamette Harria, Henrici; Ernest iTarri. Harrv Evana. Oak Grove; Fred Clemo, Marqu&m; Noel Barver, Wealey Thlesscn, Concord; Tobias SentI, Lower Logan: Ncata Wilburn, Marquam; Jose phlne Adam, Eaglea; Eatella Seely, Wll aonvllle; Leo Burdon. , Willie Armstrong, Weat Oregon City; Vera Kayler, Myrtle Lay, Molalla; Carolina Vaeretti, Bullrun; Carleton Ecklea, Harmony; Carrie ciau een, Nellie Claueen, Riverside; William Kennagy, Dorian Todd, MUo Blair, El liot Prairie; Martha Llesman, Alma Ida EUlgsen, Carl Thompson, EAGLE CREEK. April cloaed with an exhibition of her caprlcloua nature ao characterlatlc of the year'a fourth child. Flrat we were greet ed with a storm of tears and frowns, then a few .mile that were but momen- 1 Boekman lary, and ao on through the day, did ahe Frog Pond; Bert Hubbard, John Drake, Imnartlallv distribute aunahlne, rain. Marquam; Thorwaia Krager, genuine A ! ' LIBERAL. Ony Jewel t of Mullno, who wna work ing for Hen Faust Inat week hnd the mlafoituiie to get poison oak while play ing marble with the children. Mr. lliiBtmnd spent Sunday at Union Mllln. Kveryone waa flailing Sunday at "Lake Shore." , Leaked or Misplaced, one small drip of "Sweet Kssmiee of Joy," finder please return to "P. H. 8." Liberal. ' R, J. F. Mill, who had the misfortune to have his leg badly crushed lately, was able to walk on It IB minute after Dr, Dunton laid hla magnetic hands on him. Peter Sagor was planting spude laat week. Ctm. Harger of Mullno called on Peter Sager and family Sunday. Austin Sunday. , Clyde Hannegan fell and hurt hi head very budly laat week. 1 1 8TAFFORD. Too busy thla week to collect much newa. Even my wife, who can bo a great help In that line, being a woman, has failed me. Tim annual house-cleaning time and the garden, you know. Henry Schata having finished on hla own place. Is helping hi leas fore-handed neighbor. This week ho la plowing old meadow for outs for Mr. Powell, our genial postmaster. Mr. and Mra, Powell took In the excur sion to Corvallla Sunday. A delightful dny, and a pleasant time, they report. Sam Mosler'B little boy with a broken arm la getting along 'nicely under Dr. Bommera care. Jake Bchnta la atlll at home since at taining his majority, helping on the place mm usual, More people thnn his own fum lly would nilea Juke' smiling face if he should decide to go away to Book his fortune, Mark began hla new house on Monday. It la situated between the chop mill and Mr. Pomperlne's. Now glrla, don't all speuk at once. Mr. Bui-stow Is stopping with Curley on the Hayea place. ' Bobhart talks of selling out again if the light home-seeker comes along. The mine and sunshine come in due aenaon, and the groin treated with an overdose j)f formalin begins 1 to take on new life, and Stafford, the Eden of Clack nmus county, turn a smiling face to all the world. The burnt over hill to tho east of whore the County sowed grass seed looks covered with green verdure. Mr. Frank Ford, who wos burled Sun day, died full of years, like a leaf falling from the tree of life. He ia kindly re membered by many a the flrat mall car- MT. PLEASANT. We are having very nice weather at preaent. Most everybody haa got their garden In and aeem to think It la doing fine. Mlaa Anna Marley wa calling on MIsb Ruth Broker Sunday, Mlsaea Edith and Mary Riley were calling on Mlaa Jackson Sunday. Mies Rowland was visiting the school last Thursday. Miss Ethel Holmes and Miss Ollens worth were calling on Mrs. Chas. Miller. Mra. Lnaelle made a business trip to Oregon City last Friday. Miss Snldow was calling on Miss Walk er last Thursday. Horace Klnay who Is staying at Riley's wub vlaltlng hla parenta at Highland last Sunday. . Mrs. Thompaon was calling on Mrs. Exly. Miss Rnchael McCord called on Mrs. Cain Saturday evening. Mr. Raywalt and son were seen in this vicinity last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, have gone to St Johns to visit their aunt, who Is very sick. R. I AIMS. Messrs. White and Nlsbet, representing Blake-McFall Stationery Co., of Portlnnd were In thiB vicinity last week looking up business for their firm. School .' commenced here the first of the month with Miss Watklns as teacher. A number of persons from Alms at' tended the entertainment at Sandy last Saturday night, and all came home sat isfied that they had been well paid for their trouble. Mrs. J. N. BramlvoM returned laat Wednesday from Woodland, Washington, nfter a short visit with her husband, J. N. Everything la beautiful at Alms now The weather Is Just a little too cool to be pleasant, yet everything is growing The unusual scarcity of rain this spring has been a boon to this port of Oregon, wa hn.vs had Dlenty of rain, and tho road are better than they hove been for year. wind, and by way of dlveralon. ballatorm. , Dave Hoffmelater and Charlie VanCuren were partlclpanta In quite an exciting, though not as dlsaatroua a might have been, runaway, Saturday evening, about o'docle. They w:re coming across Bagle Creek bridge, enroute to Eagle Creek from Estacada, when Juat aa they Were nearlng the end of the bridge the down car came across the treatle, at auch a rate of speed, that the horses took fright, and before their driver could have presence of mind enough to rein them in, run the buggy upon a bank completely upaettlng it, throwing the occupanta vi olently to the ground. They were knock ed scnselesa, both receiving aome pretty aevere cratche, but otherwlae only bruised and eomewhat shaken up. The horaea ran to Eagle Creek, when they were caught, after damaging the vehicle so aa to render It practically useless, at least for immediate use. The horses es caped Injury. Another aocldent that could have been worse. Mr. W. Brown, of Barton wa In our neighborhood, the latter part of last week on a business trip. Henry Udell of Dover, wa hauling hay from Mr. Howlett' Saturday. ' Mr. A. J. Douglas made a flying trip to Oregon City Tueaday. 1 R. B. Gibson commenced work on his new residence, and by the progress made, It won't be long before It will be ready for occupancy. Mr. and Mra. S. A. Douglas were vis itors to the county eeat, Tuesday. John Reed, of Bprlngwater, is building B. Gibson's new house. He is as- alated by J. P. Woodle. A. J. Kltzmlller passed through on his way to Dover, Sunday. Grover Douglass returned Saturday from Eastern Oregon where he has been at work alnce February. Grover is some what disgusted with bunch grass and says there is no place like webfoot, especially When a person has full grown webs. He thinks It will take an allopathic ap plication of moisture to once more render the webs lit for use again. Mr. Hayes and hi hounds accompanied by two or three parties and their guns went to Dover the other day on a coyote hunt. Henry Udell has been losing chick ens at such a rapid rate as to cause fear for the developing of his hennery. The pest became so bold that It approached quite close to the house and seemed to treat civilisation as a Jest. The hunters wqre successful In driving It oft for a time, but did not exterminate It. Roy Douglass had an accident Monday that resulted In quite a serious Injury. His horse slipped and fell throwing him to the ground In such a manner that his ; nw . . , - .l. .ll,t f the " - root receivea me whom cib' pony's body. Upon examination it was found that no bones were broken, al though the member was badly bruisea and wrenched. It was nothing short of a miracle that hi limb was not broken or mashed In such a way as to cripple Mundorff F. H. Wallace, Macksburg; Eona .en Knlght, Olga Samnes, Amy Whipple, Riverside; Alice Troyer, William Toder, Mae Yoder, Whiskey Hill; Lucy Mitts, Calvin Hanson, Dryland; George Ten Eyck, Marmot. Henry Helms, Margaret Aachoff," Marmot; Florence Wing, Carl Mack, Canby; Belle Gregory, Carus, The past month has been the greatest bargain sale in the history of our busi nessvalues that astound ed the public The coming month will see still greater value of ferings. We mean to close out our stock and if low prices are the means of do ing it, we are certainly go ing to succeed. Our pri ces are so low we don't mention them because you might take it as a joke. But it is true. Come and see us THE FAIR STORE The place that aavea you money. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Etc. Main Street, Harding Block, Oregon City, Oregon Ptire Prepared Paint IS THE BEST CHARMAN & CO. Gty Drug Store Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Enamels Large assortment of Brushes. Alabastine in All Tints Nada Lee, Edith F. Wiles, Blanche L Wile, Elva Erickaon, Mary F. Trol linger, Jennie E. Aklns. John Erickaon, Albert Erlekson, Avon Stone, Frank Lee, Mullno; Harold Jahn, Herbert Jackson, Milwaukle. "And now, Johnny," said the Sunday school teacher, "ia there anything yoa don't underatand about Eve and the ser pent T' "Yea'm." "Well, whatr "HoWd Eve keep from bavin' a fit when ha aeen it comm.'?" Detroit Tribune. " 11. him iiir t Tho delicate, exquisite flavor of this pud ding la beyond your Imagination a real ENERGY. Ten cent package will serve fifteen people. At all Grocer. BEST BY TEST "1 have tried afl kinds of waterproof clothing and have never found anything at any price to compare with your Fish Brand for protection from ail kinds of weather." I (Th. un an dta of th writer of aria wuolicUMl icltar mJ b bid apo. appUoutea) Highest Iward World's Fair, 1984. A. J. TOWER CO, Th.Sianofth.fiih Boston U Sa A TOWER CANADIAN 11 CO., LIMITED . jTaa. Taeno. Canada '3SISjP Voter f Wamum Wtt Wtathir Clothing Nasal Catarrh quiokly yield to treat, ment by Ely'8 Cream Balm, which ia agree, ably aromatic; It is received through tha nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur face over which it diffuse itself. Druggist sell the 50o. size; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Teat it and you are aure to continue the treatment v Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers to applying liquids into the nasal passages for catarrhal trov bla, the proprietor prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, whiob. will be known aa Ely'a Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the spraying tube ia 75 cents. Druggista or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the soua preparation. PERKINS AMERICAN HERBS Never Sold by Druggists. R. W. BAKER, Afjent, Willamette, Or. eP your dtrengm JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE, a pleasant, potent, and permanent Invigorator for WOMEN, J CHILDREN and MEN. GET IT FROM YOUR DRUGGIST. GET IT FROM YOUR DRUGGIST