KKJOS CITY ENTERPKISE, Fill DAY, MAY 5, 190.1. Administratrix's Notice. Notice Is Jiereby given that Anna Knight, the Administratrix of the es tate of Adam Knight, deceased, has filed her final report In the County Court Of Clackamas county, Oregon, and the aid Court has appointed Monday. May the i!d, 1906, at the County Court room, Jn the Court House In Oregon City, Clackamas County. Oregon, as the time and place of settling said final account and hearing any and all objections thereto. At which time and place Ad ministratrix will ask for her final dis charge as such Administratrix. Dated this 21st day of April, 1906. ANNA KNIGHT. Administratrix of the estate of Adam Knight, deceased. Dlmlck & Dlmlck, attorneys tor Admin istratrix. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE3,187S, Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, May 1, 1906. Notice is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June S, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of Augusi 4, 1892, Alvln Knapp, of Oregon City,, County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 6579, for the purchase of the SB quarter of Section No. 1, In Township No. 65, Range No. 4 E-, and will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for Its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver, at Oregon City Land Office on Monday the 17th day of July, 1905. He names as witnesses: Frank Busch, of Oregon City, Oregon. Prank Habelt, of Springwater. Oregon. I A. Nobel of Oregon City, Oregon. Harry Kellogg, of Oregon City, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 17th day of July, 1905. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Administrator's Notice of Sale. In the County Court of Clackamas County, 8tate of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of John Lender, deceased. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the above entitled court duly made and entered on the 10th day of April, 1905. the undersigned admin istrator of said estate will, on the 22nd day of May. 1905, at the hour of 2 p.m. sell at public auction at the court house door of the court house of Clackamas County, Oregon, at Oregon City, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wlt, the South west quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 18. Tp. 5, South of Range S, East of the Willamette Meridian, Clack amas County. Oregon. O. W. ASH FORD, Administrator of the estate of John . Lender, deceased. 23 27 Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby give that the under signed executrix of the last Will of Will iam R. Bagby, deceased, late of Clack amas County, Oregon, had filed her final report In the County Court of said coun ty and state and the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of said court has appointed Monday, May 15th, 1905, at 10 o'clock A. M. for the hearing of objections, if any there be, to said report and for final settlement of said estate. Any person having objections to said report Is here by notified to file the same In said court or or before said date. HARRIET BAGBT, Executrix of said estate. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States ; Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon. April 11, 1906. . A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Robert Lou den, contestant, against homestead entry No. 13811, made July 27, 1901, for north east quarter of Section 34, Township 6 S, Range 4 E. by Arthur E. Pearson, Con testee, in which It Is alleged that he Is well acquainted with the tract of land embraced In the homestead entry of Arthur E. Pearson and knows the pres ent condition of the same; also that said Arthur E. Pearson has wholly abandoned said land and that he has never estab lished his residence on said land: that he never cultivated or Improved said land as required by law, and that said alleged absence from the said land was 'not due to his employment In the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States as a private soldier, officer, sea man or marine during the war with Spain or during any other war in which DRIFTING TOWARDS Many people who are neglecting symptoms of drifting towards Bright' s Disease, which is the United States may be engaged. Said parties are hereby notified to ap pear, respond and offer evidence touch ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 9, 1805, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office In Oregon City, Oregon. The said contestant having. In proper affidavit, filed April 4. 1905. set forth facts which show that after due dill- I 1 genre personal service of this notice can ; not be made. It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. GEO. V. B1BEK. Receiver. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Helen Schwlckert. Plaintiff, vs. John Schwlckert, Defendant. To John Schwlckert. defendant above named: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or before Friday, the 29th day of April. 1906, said day being more than six weeks from the 17th day of March, 1906, the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to so answer, for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for, to-wit: For a decree of said Court forever dis solving the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant, and for her costs and disbursements In this suit, and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems Just and equitable. The order for publication of summons in this court was made by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan. Judge of the County Court of said Clackamas county on the ,15th day of March. 1905. The date of the first publication of this summons is March 17, 1906. W. S. IT REN, Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Ralph H. Slaughter, Plaintiff, vs. C. A. Ryan, Mrs. C. A. Ryan, and P. H. Marlay. Defendants. STATE OF OREGON. County of Clackamas. ss. By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 29th. day of April, 1905, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 2tth day of April, 1905, In favor of Ralph H. Slaughter, plaintiff, and against C. A. Ryan. Mrs. C. A. Ryan and P. H. Marlay, defendants, for the sum of 1171.10 with Interest at 8 per cent from date of Judg ment and the further sum of $50 as at torney's fee, and the further sum of . $22.50 costs and disbursements, and the ' costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to ntake sale of the following descrlb- ' ed real property, situate In the county of ' Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wlt: I Being a part of the William Groshong D. L. C, Tp. 6 S. R. 1 E. of the W. M., and bounded as follows, to-wlt: Begin ning 80 rods north of the 8E corner of the said D. L. C. on the Eastern line thereof; thence West 160 rods; thence North 40 rods; thence 'East 160 rods to the said claim line; thence South 40 rods to the place of beginning contain ing 40 acres. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said exe cution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on Saturday, the 3d day of June, 1905; at the hour of 10:30 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, In said county and state, sell at nuhltr auction, subject to redemption, to the ! highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash In ' hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to the above described real preperty or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, , judgment order, decree, interest, costs I and all accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. Hackett, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, May 6th, 1905. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Robert Jonsrud, Plaintiff, vs. W. M. Ransdell and Mrs. Anna Ransdell, Defendants. STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss. By virtue of a judgment order, decree stODS irregularities. stxenothns f , ,: iwu uuuuo luc wum-uui tissues of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action etc trTlT?,Uirfany sins of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out. You can easily determine if your kidneyi are out of order by setting; aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or lias a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be taken at once. Two Sizes, 50 Cents and $1.00. SOLD IND RECOMMENDED BY Z HUNTLEY BROTHERS COMPANY .OREGON CITY and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, In the above entitled cause, to mo duly directed and dated the 2th day of April, 1905. upon a Judgment rendered and en tered In said court on the 84th day of April. 1906, in favor of Robert Jonarud, plaintiff and against W. M. Ransdoll and Mrs. Anna Haniidell, defendants, for the sum of ISM. 67, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 24th day of April, 1906, and the fur ther sum of $80,00. ns attorney's fee, and the further sum of $19.20 cost and dis bursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, rommanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt: Commencing at a point 444 feet West and 20 links South of the quarter Section coiner In center of Section Thirteen (13) InTownshlp two (2) South of Range Four (4) East of the W. M In Clacka mas County. State of Oregon; thence South one hundred and fifty (1501 feet to the Sandy and Oregon City road; thence North $6 degrees 45 minutes West seventy-five (75) feet parallel with paid road; thence North one hundred and fifty (150) feet; thence 8outh 86 degrees 45 minutes East seventy-five ("5 (feet to the place of beginning, the same being a lot In the Village of Sandy In Clackamas county, Oregon: also all tools and mach inery In the blucksmlthshop now on tho premises. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said exe cution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on Saturday, the 3d day of June. 1906; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, In said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for U. S. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, tjtle and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to tho above described real property or any part there of, to satisfy said execution. Judgment order, decree. Interest, costs and all ac cruing costs. J. R. SHAVER. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. Hackett, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, May 6lh, 1905. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for ClacVamas County. F. B. Hahn, Plaintiff, vs. Delia Hahn. Defendant. To Delia Hahn, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed In the above entitled suit, on or before the 10th day of June, 1906, and If you fall to so appear and answer said complaint on or before the day mentioned, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In his complaint herein, to-wlt: For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for all other and proper relief and equity the nature of the suit may require. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. T. A. McBrlde, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made and en tered on the 26th day of .April, 1905, In and by which order It Is prescribed that this summons shall be published once a week for six successive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper published In Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon. The date of the first publication of this summons is 28th day of April, 1905, and last publication June 9th, 1905. J. B. RTAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. 8UMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Elsie Howard, Plaintiff, vs. J. C. Howard, Defendant. To J. C. Howard, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court, and suit, on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: On or before the 27th day of May, 1905, and If you fail to answer said com plaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint now on file herein, to-wlt: That the bonds of mat rimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem equitable and Just. This sum mons Is published by order of the Hon. 11 kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away " are kidney trouble in one of its worst forms.' mm. G. B. Burhans Testifies After Four Years. G. B. Burhans of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: "About four years ago I wrote you it sting thst I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less thsn two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure, it entirely stopped the brlck-dust sediment and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of those symptoms during the four years that have elepaed, snd 1 am evidently cured to stsy cured, and heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to say ene suffering from kidney or bladder trouble." , Thos, F. Ryan, County Judge of Clack amas County Court, tills 14th day of April, 1905. The first publication of this summons Is April 14th, 1906, and the last publication thereof will b the Mth day of May, 190ft. OEOUClK J. CAMKHON. Attorney for Plaintiff. tTmbe rla nd7a ct june" 3, is?8. NOTICt FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, April 17, 1905. Notice is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the set of Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," ns extended to all the Public I .and States by uct of August 4, 1892, John M, Mann, of Port land, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 6565, for the purchase of the NH of 8'M of Section No. 14 In Township No. 2 South, Itange 5 East, mid will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver ul Oregon City Land Office on Thursday, the 6th day of July, 1906, He names as witnesses: 11. V. Tnpp, of Flrwood. Oregon. Charles Shank, of Sandy, Oregon. Edward Revenue, of Sandy, Oregon. Theodore Revenue of Flrwood. Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 6th day of July, 1906. ALGERNON 8. DUES 8 ICR, Register. Notice of Sals of Real Property at Pri vate Sale. The undersigned, having been duly au thorised by the County Court of the State of Oregon fur Clackamas County, here by gives notice that from and after the 27th day of May. 1905, he will proceed to sell at private sale to the highest bid der for cash, the following real property. In parcels, or as a whole, belonging to the estate of James E. Currle, deceased, and particularly described as follows, to wlt: The south-west quarter of the south east quarter, the east half of the south west quarter, and lot 4 of section 30, township ( north of range' 6 west of the Willamette Meridian, containing 162.90 acres In Clatsop County, Oregon; also The north-west quarter of section 12, township 3 south, range 6 east of the Willamette Meridian In Clackamas Coun ty. Oregon. Rids will be addressed to the under signed at Salem. Oregon. A. M. Craw ford, administrator of the estate of James E. Currle, deceased. A. M. CRAWFORD. Administrator of the estate of James E. Currle Deceased. May 28. SUMMONS. In the Circuit court of the 8tate of Oregon for Clackamas County. F. I. Marquis, Plaintiff, r v- J. K. Marquis. Defendant. To J. K. Marquis, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and I answer the complaint against you In the 1 above entitled cause on or before Friday, 1 the 9th day of June, 1906. said day being six weeks from the 28th day of April, 1905, the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to so an swer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for, to-wit: For a decree of divorce for ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and defendant, and for her costs and disbursements In this suit, and for the restoration of her maid en name of F. I. Umstead. The order for publication of this sum mons was made by said Court on the 25th day of April, 1305. W. 8. U'REN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Dissolution Notice. Notice Is hereby given to the general public that the partnership heretofore existing between Mollle Buker and Lydla A. Wells has been dissolved by mutual consent; that Mollle Baker will not be responsible for any bills ennirnet,.,! , 1 said Lydla A. Wells, or her husband, E. j N. Wells since said dissolution; Mollle Baker will continue and conduct the "White House Restaurant" In tho new quarters to which she Is moving, In Ore gon City, and cater to the wants of the eating public, personally overseeing, and guaranteeing cleanliness and good ser vice. May 12. I Treasurer's Notice. I now have funds on hand to pay coun ty warrants endorsed prior to July 1, 1903. Interest will cense on such war rants from the date of this notice. lwited, Oregon City, Oregon. May 8, 1906. KNOU CAIIU.L, Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon. TIMOtR LAND, ACT JUNK S, 1S. Notlc For Publication, I 'tilled Slates Und Office. Oregon City, Oregon, May 1st. lm. Not o Is hereby ul in (lint In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8. 1S7H, entitled, "An art for tho sale or timber hinds In the States of California, Oicuon, Nevada nntl Washington Territory," as extended to all the I'ublle Lund States ly jut of August 4, I Mill, Jiuni'S Corrlgun, of Kb liieudii, county of Clackamas, State of Orrgon. bus this day filed In this oltlce his sworn statement No. 6681, for the purchiiMti of the NIC quarter of Section No, 8, In Township No. 6 Houth, Ituuge No, i East, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is mom valuable for Its timber or sloim than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the lleglster and lie reiver of the Oregon City. Oregon Land (titles, on Thursday, the 13th day of July, 190S. Ho names as witnesses; Charles Kerry, of Estucuda. Oregon, William Cunningham, of Katacada. Ore gon. Krank Davidson, of 1'ortlund, Oregon. Otto Kramer, of iHirtland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the alHive-descrlbeil lands are request ed to rtio their claims In this otllce on or before said 13th day of July. 1905. AliUKltNON. 8. DKES8EII, Iteglstet. SUMMONS. In Hie Circuit Court of the State of Ore- gun. for the County of Clackunius. Surah A. Hunter, riulnilff, vs. l'eter 1. Hunter. IVfcndant. To I'eter 1). Hunter, defendant: In the name of the Htate of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Died against you In the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this summons, which expires on the 17th day of June. 1906, and If you so fall to appear and answer, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In the complaint filed In said Suit, to-wlt: A decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant, for the care and custody of her child. I'aul I. Hunter, and for aurh other and further relief as to the Court may seem Just and equi table. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thos. Millrldo. Judge of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, dated April 27 1906. The dale of the first publication Is May 5. 1906; and of the last publication la June 14, 90i. W. II. 1-OWEU. Attorney for I'lalntlff. GUARDIAN SALE. Notice la hereby given that I will, as Ouardlan of the Estate of Ilarbara Fte Sine Morlock. Amelia, Louise Morlock. and Anna Marie Morlock, minors, and under and by virtue of an order of the Honorable County Court of Clackomaa County, Oregon, made and entered of record on the 1st day of May, 1906. sell at private side from and after the 6th day of June, 1905, all the Interest which said minors have In the following dea crlbed real estate situate In tho County of Clackamas and Htate of Oregon, to wlt: llcglnnlng at the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land found described In deed recorded on page J70 Vol. 49. record of deeds for Clackamas County, Oregon, said beginning point being the Northeust comer of the Southwest quar ter of the Northwest quarter of Section four. T. 3 8. II. 3 E. of the Willamette Meridian, running thence South along the East line of said tract 25.48 chains to the County Hoad; thence along said County road North t!6 degrees West 1.5(1 chains; thence South 7t degrees, West nlong said road 6 50 chains; thence North 85 degrees, West 14 chains more or less to the West line of suld Suction four; thence North along suld Section line 24 chains more or less to the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quurter of suld Section 4; thence Kust 20 chains to the place of be ginning, containing 61 acres more or less. Terms of sule cash. Application to pur chase suld reul estate muy be made to me at tho Hunk of Oregon City, or to my attorney, 11. K. Cross. K. U. CAL'FIEU), Ounrdlun. Muy Dth, 1905. 4 wks. WILL HONOR THE DEAD. ArranBements Completed by Eagles for Memorial Day Exercises Sundsy. Sunday, Muy 7, will be observed as Memorial Duy by tho members of Oregon City Aerlo of Eagles. Having no downs ed members l tl... Oregon City lodge, the members of this oigunizutlon will ducorute tho graves of the deceased cirund Army Veterans lit Mountain View ceme tery und have naked the members of Meade l'ost, U. A. it., to accompany them us an escort. The members of tho Aerlo nro to as semble t Knupp'a iluli promptly ut r;io o clock Sunday ufternoon. ll. uded ,y tho Oregon City band, tho procession will move to tho Willamette Building on Main atreet where tho O. A. It. !.,, wm be. received, provision having ' been mil,u for conveyances whirl, will b p!m;ed ut tho disposal of tho old soldiers In going to and from the cemetery. The line of march will bu taken up to Mountain View cemetery where exercises approprl uto to the occasion will bo held, There will be addresses by Mayor E. A. Horn mcr, Itev. I'. K. Hammond, und un ora. Hon by Ii,,,,. a. . Umck( th(j w president of th Oregon City Aerlo. m addition to the addresses, MIns HeUIck will reclto "The Ulvouac of the Dead" Ihura will ulso bu Hinging, SALOON LICENSE REVOKED. Council, Puts Jacob Wind Out of Business for Violating the Law. At Wednesday night's meeting tho City - mo oaioon license of Jacob Wind who recently pleaded guilty tO the rhni-Lr.t ..n ,, ' " " " uqiior to minors. 1 he evocation takes effect Immediately. Hie Council iIl,.. , ,,UBOt.u lne Cl,mi,nt Bldewalk ordinunco, Mayor Somrner was authorized to up point a committee of three to act In con- The Cause of Many j Sudden DcathJ I There Is a disease prevailing in bl.! country iuoMtdttiiurrovislfcfuen. I-.' ' Va tiv. m .. .. .f . TP ;, ., ""'"yutiilen ll-hert .U,! ease, pneumonia lirU fullu,. .'. rBIHilrxya,eofWa mo result of h(j ry cllwine, if kidney trouhl. i .11 V I """on tCK tut) vital orKitns, raiwliiK rntarih of the MuiluVr, or the kUlurys UiHimrlve. tirrak tlowtt anil wante sway cell ,y rc Madder troutdrs almoxt always result from a dcrnttKrttiriit of the kidneys and core is ohtaiitrd null ket hy u tirow treatment of the kidneys. If you Htc feel. InK badly you can make no iiiUuke by takliifftr. Kilmer's Awsmp-Root, tbj jjrrat kidney, liver and bladder rrincdy u cm teem iiiainiity id Hold urine uu scalditiK pain in passing It. and over tonics that unpleasant necessity of bring compelled to ko oftrii through the day and to get up many times durinv the night. The mild and the extraordinary ellcrt of SwautpKiMt I soon realized, It stands tho highest for its womlctfui cures of tho most dlntrrsnlng cnr, Swamp-Koot Is pleasant to tuke and U sold 1'V all druggl'l i fifty-t-rut and one-dollar site bottles, You may have t sample Untie of this wonderful new li. covrry and a book that tells all shout it, both sent free by mall. Address, Dr. Kill mcr & Co,, Iiiiiglmmloti, N. Y. When writing mention rradiiiK this grucroui offer iu this paper, Ikm't timke any mistake, hut remember the tianie,Swamj. Knot, Ir, Kilmer's Swamp-Rout, nn.t the address, lUinjliamtoii, N. Y., ou every bottle. junction with himself and "the City At torney In re vising the freight franchise under which the O. W. I. Co, Is now op. eratlng. An ordinance grunting to the Southern I'aclflc Company a rpetual franchise franclilsd to llallroad Avenue In return for street and pedestrian crosolnga ni other Improvements already agreed upon to be mmln by the railroad company, was read for the first lime and ordered pub lished. I'lans and xicinratlons were ordered prepared for the Improvement of Klflh and Sixth streets. tseeutori Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Iiiila Juaaar and Krank Jag gar, have been appointed Executors of the estate of H.njamln Jaggar, deceased, by the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County and State of Oregon. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present the samo to us for payment with proper vouchers at th office of Oordon K. Hayes. In Oregon City. Oregon within six months from the date of this notice. Dated May 1st, 1906. I.OCI8 JAOfllAU, and KHANK J AHO A It, Executors of the Estate of llmjumln Juggur, tlrrenrd. Gordon E. Hayes. Attorney for Kxeeutora. SUMMONS, In the Circuit Court of the Stat Oregon, for Clackamas County. of Charles Edward Miller. I'lalntlff, vs. Daisy M. Miller. Defendant. To Daisy M. Miller, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In tils above entitled cause on or before June 17, 1905. suld day bring more than sis weeks from 6th day of May. 1906. the date of the Mist publication of this Summons, and If you full ao to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to ths Court for the relief prayed for, to-wlt: For a decree of said Court forever dla solving tho bonds of matrimony now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems just and equitable. The order for publication of Summons In this court was made by ths Hon. Thomas McllrluV, Judge of tlm above entitled Court on the 6th duy of May. 1905. The date of the first publication of this summons Is May 6th, 1906. EI). & A. It. MUNDENHAU Attorneys for I'lalntlff. ORDINANCE NO. An ordinunco establishing the grade of that portion of Eleventh Street lying between Center and Water streets, and of that portion of Moss Street lying be tween Muln ami Water Streets, Oregon city u,,,,, oidin as Follows: Section 1. That the giailo of that por tion of Eleventh Street lying between Center and Water Streets, and that por tion of Moss Street lying between Main mill Wuter Slrei ta, be established as fol lows, tu-wlt: ELEVENTH 8THEICT. Heglnnlng at the Westerly Hue of Cen ter Street at an elevation of 1 17.6 feet; thence Westerly on a descending grade, to the Southern I'lielllc IlallwHy track at an elevation of 116 feet on the North city lino of Eleventh Street and, at an elevation of 11B.7 feet on tho Southerly line of Eleventh RJImot; thence level across said track; thence Westerly on a descending grutlft to the Easterly line of Main Street at un elevation of 102,9 feet on tint Northerly line of Eleventh Street at un elevation of 105.311 feet on the Southerly lino f Ku.venth Street; theneo across Mulu Street; thence on & descend ing grudo to tho Easterly lino of Wuter Street ut an elevntloti of 82 feet, MOH8 BTHEET. Itegllinliig ut tho Westerly line of Main Hlreet ut un elevation of 10(1.6 feet and running theneo Westerly on a descend ing grade to tho Eusterly lino of Water Street ut an elevation of 82 feet, Hectlon 2, All ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict herewith are here by repealed. Head llrst tlrno und ordered published a regulur meeting of tho Council of, Oregon City, held Wodnosday, May 3, 11)06. My order of tho Council of Oregon City. W. A. PIMICK, Recorder. Bowf.h ,. j The Kind you Havg Always Bougfn rill ii ill ni l, inflmu