Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 05, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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f 5
Now To-Day.
pr cont. Farm security. U'llen
at lowest rates, lidtnuretU'i onioe,
Commercial Hank Ilnlldlns;, Oregon
city. '
I'OH HI'INT A five-room hmian In nod
ooiulKlon. 1'lxnty or ground suitable
fur kiu di'ii. lniiili'M nt tlt Knterprlsa
HTKAYl'U) (ill HTOI.ICN-I.aigii white
KukIInI) Hi'tt'r, ten nmntliM ol1, with
IrliKin ears, wlilU around on eye,
lemon mo uiul (liu other eye, lumuti
ajiot mi lilp above lull, lie wind fur
return lo II. H. Moody, Kimltltm Hlnblt.ii,
Oregon City, Oregon,
KOI I HAMflKresh young milch cow,
part Jeraey, for unlit, together with
liclfor calf, Cow I rnxy milker and
gentle, ciiii be handled ly " clilld,
ltiiiilri of Jauob Htrohaker, Oragnn
City, II. K. I). No. a. Farm la ltn-ati.il
at lledland, onti nillo from Klache(ra
mill. May 6.
Lucy II. IJniiim la suing It. W. and
1', J, Ilenneman lit thu statu circuit court
for $270.
Mnggln A. Hurley haa been granted a di
vorce from Alln'1 1 It. Hurley.
Jutliio Millrldu on Tuesday granted
Komi 11. Montgomery a divorce from
Hubert F. Montgomery.
Monty to loan on Farms. Land Titles
xamlnad. Dlmlok 4 Olmlck, Lawyers,
Oragon City, Oregon.
The Wllhelm Tell Hotel waa aold thla
week to Albnrt Thlvletgo, of I'ortlund.
The new proprietor took possession Mon
Henalor llrownell waa chief counsel for
Pan May who waa acquitted of lh charge
if horaeateallng In tho circuit court laat
Tht 10th It tha latt day to pay Watar
rtnt. Pay up promptly and tava tha
Ftv-acr tract In Willamette, c-loae to
'r line. Finn location, good all, no
rocka. Hpeclul price for una week $325.
J. A. TUoehnke, Hank of Oregon City
Kva Millar haa comiilrted a eurceaafiil
term of arhool In Dim r let No. it, In tha
Inland achool
Chnlce aelevtlon of up-to-data designs,
popular prloea, at Mlaa C. Uoldamlth'a.
Marriage license were isaued tha latter
part of laat week aa followa: Maud Little
and John M unary; Mra, A. K. IJmlng
and F, C. Hurler.
Tha I'ennneld Treaa remarka that the
reiutim why tha old malda go lo church
o early la to be there before the "hlma'
r liven out.
at loweat ratea, Latourette'a office. Com
mercial Hank Itulldlng. Oregon City.
Thla week Coroner llnlman remodelled
the Intel lor of hla undertaking par lor a
to better accommodate hla imelueaa The
fonts are .tow nea' And clean, having
lieen treated to a dreaa of paint.
liOt, trayed or atolrn two ponlea,
wi'lglit about 800. one mouee colored.
mail eara; black one haa atrlpea on back,
laat aeen two week ago. Bend any In
formation to Kd. Iturnett Eagle Creek.
Oregon, and receive reward.
Jutt Came Pretty ahlrt walata 88c up;
Handkerchief a lo, lc up; Ladlea' Hoae
9c up; new Lacea and Itlbbona at cut
prluea. UED FUONT 8TOHE.
Exerclaea appropriate to the celebra
tion of the 8fith annlveranry of Oddfel
hiwahlp were held by Mllwauklo lodge
laat Thin aday night. County Judge Ityan
jind Dr. Htoker, of rortland. were the
principal apeaker.
Carl Johnaon, a Claekamn river al
mon flHherman, waa; Wedneaday by a
Jury found guilty In the Juatlce court of
flailing without a llctmae. Juetlce Btlpp
Impoaed a fine of 1100 from which John
aon will appeal.
Do You Know
If not you should know. ( J t'a
a pure article' put up in
pint Mason jars full
weight. , .
Sold by all Leading Grocers
Trimmed , IimIh at popular tirlcea at
MM C. Goldsmith'. 1 '
Henry Mllny, tho veteran hftrtieaa-mnk-
er, Ihla week, completed a nlikel-pluled
liaitieaa for Mmhlcy 4k Hons who wlll usa
It In connection with tlm buaa they Will
operate for their Colonial Hotel at ft a
slde, (hla Hummer. -
The CHtato of the lata Frederick Meyer
hua been probated. Thu ducniuied left an
aliite of the probable value of $51100 and
there urn three tielra-at-luy, ua followa:
Mra. Lulu MoCuiisland and Fred J. Meyer
of thla city, and Mia. Minnie C. I.utour
ette, of lliiivcy, WaahltiKloti,
Bargain Plan thla yttr Ludlea Walk-.
lug Imta 4 Mi; up; Dreaa hata f 1.40 up.
Heautlful data at two-third uauul price.
Meier & Frank, of l'lirtliind, havt do-
nnted iniileilulwlilte India Hllk-for a
die for the aucceaaful (laiidldiUa In the
Uodileaa of Liberty conteat Hint la being
conducted In connection with the Oregon
City Firemen' Tournament and Fourth
of July celebration. ,
Wllaoit & Zuinwult, proprietor of the
Klkhont livery atabln, are enlarging their
burn by the bullillnjt of an addition to the
rear bealdea otherwlae remodeling mid
miiiiivliig the Interior, Theae chnngea
are required by the cimauintly Increua
lug bualneaa thla firm la enjoying.
Htylea unliiie and fiiKhlnriuble I'rlcea
beat. Mlaa C. Ooldamlth.
MIm VihU M. Wlllluina, of thla city, la
arranging to give a concert at the Wood
men of the World Hull about May 22.
In giving thla concert Mlaa Wlllluina will
be aaalated by local and l'urllnnd talent.
Mint Wlllluina rxpecta to go to Chicago
In Heptemler, where the will continue
her mimical atudlea.
II. 8. Mutely la the flrat man to com
ply with the cement alilewalk ordinance
enactod at Wedneaday nlght'a meeting
of the Council. Knrly Thuradity morn
lug workmen began the removal of the
wooden walk which will lie aucceeded by
one of aubalantlal cement conatructlon
The example la worthy of emulation by
other Main atreet property ownera.
ubtcrlbe for the Stml-Wttkly Journal
and the Cnterprlte, both, only 12 ptr
Maurice M. Itlnford and Mlaa Ileaale
(Irout were married at the home of the
brlde't parent on Jefferaon Street Wed
neaday evening, May 3, 1906. Mr. Kin
ford la a member of the Metropolitan
1'rlntlng Comply, of I'ortland, and the
bride la head bookkeeper for the Order
of Washington at Ha I'ortland office.
Iloth have a hint of frtenda who wlah
them well.
The member of Tualatin Hive, Ladle
of the Maccabeea, apent Monday at Porta
mouth with Mr. Koaa Spencer. In the
evening all attended the meeting of Gold
en Hule I live and the Oregon City dele
gallon aaatated In the Initiation of a mitn
ber of candidate!. Following the Inltla
tory work. Ice cream waa aerved con
eluding a very pleaaunt evening.
The Oregon City board of trade will
kkiii laaue a comprehenalve pamphlet of
Oregon City and Clackamaa County, and
their reaouree. The booklet will be di
vided Into chapter and the different line
of Induatry wl" oe treatod by the moat
expert men In the country. Arrange
menl for thla work were made at the
meeting of the board which waa held
Tu.-aday night at the county courthouae.
Altl-tone I the tonic to build you up
after a apell of the Im Grippe. Ouaran
teed. Sample free. Churman & Co., de
pendable drugglata.
The rortlanl Hiirlx'ra' Union failed In
Ita proaecutlon of Erneat Caae. pmprle
tor of a ten-cent ahon In thla city, on a
charge of conducting hla ahop on Sunday,
After pending In tho Juatlce court for
aeveral weka, the caae ha been dla
mlaaed. Caae charged the two complain
Ing wltneaaea with perjury anl threaloned
to proaecute them on that charge If they
puahed the caae agulnat him.
J. L. Waldron, having purchaaed the
Intercut of 8. J. Vaughan, haa ucceed
ed to tho management of the Oregon
Clty-Molalln toge which he will person
ally conduct. Thl changn In carrier
with It a change -In the anhcdule nf the
Molalla stage whlcla now leave Oregon
City at 8:30 a.m. dully except Bunnay,
arriving at Molalla. at 12:30 o'clock p.m
Returning the atnge leave Molalla at
1:30 D.m.. arriving at Oregon City at
5:30 p.m. '
In view of our colonial experiment,
and the establishment of a quasl-hoge
mony In tho Wentern Hemisphere, It Is
Intensely Interesting to follow, step by
step, tho various stngea by which Eng
land ha become the supreme power In
EKypt, Tho history of England' Egyp
tlnn adventures haa been very generally
misunderstood, but Jerome Hart's article
on the subject In Argonaut for May 1st
will give every, reader a comprehensive
Idea of precisely what has happened.
Good Flour 11.05 sack; Rice 4c, Soda
4c, 8oap 7 to 10 bars "25o, Soap powder
6o pound, clothes pins, lo dox; Orange
and Lemons lc each.
James J. Gibson, a farmer at Englo
Creek, 79 years old, obtained a marriage
license In the county clork'c oflloo yester
day to wed Mrs. Clara B. Howe, atred 60,
and Judgo Frozer performed the nuptial
ceremony. Mr. Gibson nnd Mrs. Howe are
pioneer of Oregon, nnd have been ac
quainted for years. Both have children,
but they wore alone In their old age and
decided to unite their lives and spend
their Inst days toRcther for company's
sake, Thursday's Orogonlnn.
It Is announced that tho Southern Pa
clflo Company will thl year expend $1,
500,000 In the making of Improvements
to Its Orpmn' line. V)f that amount $800,-
000 will bo expended for labor nlono. The
Improvements will consist of ballasting
thn tmnlr lnvlhir hnvv stpel rnlls and
tho replacing of wooden bridges by steel
structures. It Is the Intention' of ,-, the
company to spend about $25,000 In Oregon
City alone and It Is rumored that the Im
provements hero will Include the building i
John Huclmniin waa In town a day or
two ago from his farm some 12 miles
smith of thla city, Johnnie I Just about
through Needing for thla year and will
ave about 400 acre nf grain In. He Is
of the opinion that there I nothing In
tho slimmer fallow Idea and tha experi
ence they have had at home convince
them that tho result In the long run I
ot benellclal for the soil. Thl I the
oncluslon arrived ut on the litichanan
farm after ft good many year' experience.
Corvallla Oaette,
Oeorgo A. Harding, J. F. Nelson, Oeo.
F. Horton. IS. W, Mldlnm, It. Kelland,
William II. dull" and Frank riedner,
have been appointed ft committee on ar
rangement for the commemoration of
Memorial day, May 30, and will have full
power and authority to arrange for ev
ery detail of the observance of tha day.
On the Sunday morning preceding Memor
ial day, Rev. A. Hlldebrand will preach
tho memorial aermen to the member of
Mead I'ost, No. Z, Grand Army of the
Republic, and to Meade Relief Corps, In
St. John Catholic Church.
An energetic lady can cur the agen
cy for thl city and urroundlng country
for a high grade line of Flavoring Ex
tract, I'erfume. Toilet Article. Toilet
Hoapa, etc., by addressing the Pearaall
Manufacturing Company, De Molne.
Iowa. They allow a big commission, also
give premium. Writ them for ample
J. M. PoHer, of Henton County sheared
eighteen head of hi sheep last week and
gratifying showing was made. The
lowest any ffeece weighed waa 12 pound,
while one fleece weighed 21 pounds, Of
the eighteen had sheared the average Is
about 17 pounds per fleece. With wool
at 25 cent per pound thla looka pretty
good. Tho past winter has been an un
commonly good one for etock and thl I
one reason for sheep shearing being so
heavy. A heavy clip and an unuaually
good price for the same I what may be
termed a very happy combination.
Member of Clackama Chapter, Order
of the Eastern Btar, gave a euceeaeiui
dancing party at the Armory Wednesday
evening that waa largely attended. Tar-
eon's orchestra furnished tho music and
the reception committee did everything
to make the event the succe that it
proved. The decoration were tasty ana
ell arranged. Those who did not care
to dance, played cards. Sheriff Shaver
and Miss Falrclough winning first prixes
at progresalve whist. The patroneases
of the event were: Meadame Celena
tlanong. Mlnda Church. Lealle L. Porter,
Kullle V. Walker. Clara Evans, MuMe
iniler. Rena Klnnalrd. Emma Hammond
Josle Fields, Rcrtha Adam and Lillian
The executive committee having In
Cllr( lilt nimi li.i. v-i...
tv for the Lewie A Clark Fair desires the
presence of each special committee at the
neat regular meeting,
May 10. ana par-
tlcularly wants a report from each com
mittee with reference to It part of th
exhibit. All exhibit that are now ready
may be brought to the court house.
Judge T. F. Ryan waa appointed a com
mittee of one to confer with Preeldent
Ooode of the Fair Commission and pro
cure paasee to the Exposition grounds for
the use of the members of the executive
committee. Mra. M. 8. Reed, or Mll
waukle, wa appointed apeclallat on small
XltldUUUl llivuuvu m
J. L. Udell, of Liberal, wa In Oregon
City Wednesday.
Fish Warden VanDusen wa In the city
Wednesday from Astoria,
Mis. Lizzie Roppell Is reported ill at
her rooms In the Wllhelm Toll hotel.
Mrs. John W. Loder and son have been
visiting with friends at Albany.
Mr. Q. A. Helnx visited thl week
with relative near McMlnnvllle.
P. H. D'Arcy and E. M. Crolsan, of
Salem, were In the city Tuesday.
Mrs. Lizzie Roppell wa at Portland,
Aurora and Salem this week looking after
some of her business affairs.
J. B. Lewthwaite ho returned from the
East where he went In the interests of
the Willamette Pulp & Paper Company.
Attorney C. D. Latourette left this
week for Berlin, Washington, where he
has bUKtness Interest requiring his at
tention. Jake Rlhearson, proprietor of a hotel
at Grass Valley, has been visiting this
week with old friends and acquaintances
In Oregon City.
Messrs. Fred Weiss, of Whitewater,
Wisconsin, and D. H. Hasbrouck, of Min
neapolis, Minnesota, arrived In Oregon
City Thursday, and will make this place
their homo. '
Master John William Roppell, who has
been vtBltlng his friend Rev. F. II. Mix
sell, at South Bend, Washington, will re
turn next week and assist his mother in
tho management of her business affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Trulllnger and
daughter, Miss Arcadia, arrived at Ore
gon City last Saturday from Redding,
Iowa. They will become permanent resi
dents of Clackamas county and for the
present will reside with their son, L. B.
Trulllnger, at WUhoit.
County Judge Ryan. Mrs. W. E. Pratt,
Mlsa Barclay, Miss Anna Wiener, Miss
Dollle Pratt, Miss Mayme Long nnd Miss
Mabel Tower, were among the Oregon
City people who attended tho provisional
government anniversary at Champoeg
Drs. Beatle & Beatle, Dentists, Rooms
16, 17 18, Welnhard Building.
Send Copy of Special Edition to Your
Eastern Friends.
Tho Enterprise this week publishes a
twelve-page paper on good book paper,
i It Is our Lewis & Clark Souvenir edition
I and Is Just the thing to sond to your
friends In the East. There Is contained a
good representation of the business, pro
fessional and manufacturing Interests' of j
the city, ," together with : a ; juitnber of
splendid Illustrations. Send, the paper
away and let your friends know what we
Ilk II 'V I 1 1 I'll.i 11 li I' '
' have here In Oregon City. ;"-
(Concluded from Page 2.)
In that event this franchise shall be null
and void aa to such private property at
the election of the owner of such private
property. : ' . , '
Hi-i;, 11. When and as soon as the said
Oregon Ik California Railroad Company
shall have filed In the office of the City
Recorder of Oregon City Its written ac
ceptance of the rights, easements, privi
leges and obligations granted by thla ordi
nance, and whenever and as soon as the
contract authorized by Section four of
thl Ordinance shall have been exe
cuted by the parties a therein provided,
then and In that case Ordinance No. 316
approved by the Mayor November 21,
190, entitled, "An Ordinance Authoriz
ing the Oregon and California Railroad
Company, It lessee Successors and As
signs to construct, operate, and main
tain a main track and certain side tracks
In Railroad Avenue, In the City of Ore
gon City, Clackama County, Oregon, and
to authorize the construction and main
tenance of team under-crossing on Third
Street of said city under the track of
suld company, and pedestrian undercross
Ing at Fourth and Seventh Streets under
said railroad track on Railroad Avenue
aforesaid; and to authorize the Mayor
and Recorder of said city to enter Into a
contract with the Southern Paclllc Com
pany, lessee of said Oregon t California
Railroad Company for the construction
and maintenance of said pedestrian cross
ings and team under-croasings, and to
legalize the use and occupation of sal J
tiauroaa Avenue oy tne uregon & Cali
fornia Railroad Company, It lessee suc
cessors and assigns, In respect to the
tracks and sidings heretofifre constructed
and maintained thereon," be and the
an Die Is hereby repealed,
Read first time and ordered published
at a regular meeting of the Council of
Oregon City, held Wednesday, May 3d,
By order of the Council of Oregon City.
An Ordinance assessing the probable
coat of the Improvement of Third Street
of Oregon City, Oregon, from the East
line of Main Btreet Easterly a distance
of 179 feet and directing an entry of
such assessment In the Docket of City
Oregon City Doe Ordain a Follow:
Section 1. That whereaa, the Council
of Oregon City, having ascertained and
determined that the probable cost of Im
proving Third Street from the Eaat line
of Muln Street Easterly a distance of
179 feet as provided by Ordinance No.
309, to be the aum of 31468.20 and where
as, under the provisions of Section 85 of
Chapter 13 of the Charter of Oregon City
aa amended, it la directed that one
third of the total cost of the Improve
ments ahall be paid from the permanent
.,ru.t lmnrv.mn fund" an
1 v . .
Whereas, one-third of the total prob
able Coat of the Improvement of aald
Third Btreet from the Eaat line of Main
Street Eaaterly for a distance of 179 feet
I the aum of 3489.41 and the remaining
two-third of the total probable cost I
Now, Therefore, said sum of $978.79 is
hereby assessed to the several lots and
parts of lot and tract of land abutting
on the portion of Third Street to be Im
proved la the respective amounts set
opposite the , number and description
thereof In Section 3, of this Ordinance as
being benefitted by said Street Improve
ment. In said amounts.
Section 2. The Recorder la hereby
directed to enter a statement of the as
sessments hereby made In the Docket of
City Liens and cause notice thereof to
be published as provided by the City
8ectlon 3.
Lot 3, Block 28, the following des
cribed portion of, to-wit: Begin
ning at the corner ot Lots 3, 4,
6 and 6 of aald Block, running
thence Easterly along the line be
tween Lota 3 and 4, 74 feet, thence
Northerly parallel to the West
erly line of said Lot 3. 31.7 feet;
thence Westerly parallel to the
line between said Lots 3 and 4,
74 feet; thence Southerly along
the line between Lota 3 and 6,
31.7 feet to the place of begin-
Btarith. y Tin Kind Yon Haw always Basga
Orator, Entrt Nous Club.
176 Warren Avenue,
Chicago, 111., Oct. 22, 1902.
For nearly four vears 1 suffered
from ovarian troubles. The doc
tor insisted on an operation as the
only way to pet well. I, however,
strongly objected to an operation.
My husband felt disheartened as
well aa I, for homo with a sick
woman is a disconsolate place at
best. A friendly druggist advised
him to get a bottle of Wine of
Cardui for me to try, and he did so.
I began to improve in a few days and
my recovery was very rapid. With
in eighteen weeks I was another
Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every
woman how a home is saddened by
female wenknes and how completely
Wine- of Cardui cures that sick
ness and brinps health and happi
ness again. lo not go on suffer
ing. Uo to vonr druccist today
and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine
ot Cardui.
iiiiI,iW,!j.i,,,.Mi.,.,,u..i 1 1 Lll t
SaMminadliTtimii irrf-rn i
Mills ,
' $ 20.64
28, the Weiitoi-ttr n
IM 4, mock
feet of, Oregon Water. Power ft
Railway Co g, n
Lot S, fllock, 28. Oregon'. Water
Power & Railway Co 114,67
Lot 6, Iilock 28, the Southerly 31.7
feet of Portland Flouring Mills
Co 2S 9J
Iot 1, Block 29, the Westerly 74
feet of, McMlnnvllle College. ... 336 08
Lot 2, Block 29, the following des
cribed portion of, to-wlt: Begin
ning at the corner of Lot 1, 2,
7 and 8 of aald Block 29 and run
ning thence Easterly along the
line between Lota 1 and 2, 74 feet
thence Southerly parallel to the
line between Lot 2 and 7, 30.7
feet; thence Westerly parallel to
me una between Lot 1 and 2,
74 feet; thence Northerly along the
line between Lot 2 and 7, 30.7
feet to the place of beginning.
T. L. Charman , 7025
Lot 7, Block 29, the Northerly half
of the Northerly half of, Mary
E. Moore, Agnea Mllln and Clara
M. Pickens , 32 gj
Lot 7, Block 29, the Southerly half
of and the Southerly half of the
Northerly half of Charle E. Bray,
Rebecca T. Bray and Anna E.
Lot 8, Block 29, Southerly 30 feet of
Mary E. Moore, Agne Mllln and
Clara M. Plcken
Lot 8, Block 29, Northerly 36 feet of
Corporation of Oregon City.
Head first time and ordered published
at a regular meeting of the Council of
Oregon City, held Wednesday, May 3
By order of the Council of Oregon Cltyj
Stan tha 4 llw Kind You Haw Always Botfglht
"In. Portland
Company ,
Manufacturers 'and Dealers
in Lumber
Yatd and Office
Avenue, Opposite
How Do You Spend Your Money?
Are you doing it in a way to secute substantial bene
fits? Are you laying something aside for a "Rainy
Day"? If not, you will never have a better time to be
gin than now. To get quickly started in the easiest way,
come to this bank and open an account. "A DOLLAR
fflie Bank of Oregon City
I The Olympia
Z We are prepared to supply the wants of the inner man. Everything is
new, fresh and homelike. Only white help employed . Our bill of fare
F at all times offers everything that is to bt had at a first-class restaurant.
Z With right service and right treatment, we expect to merit the patronage
S of the public :::::::
W. J. GEMMELL, Prop.
Main Street, one door south Huntley Bros, Co. Oregon City, Oregon
Most of us complain that the weather
Is a little too cool for May.
Mr. and Mrs. Cummlngs went down to
Portland last Monday.
Rev. and Mrs. Ames are now at Van
couver, Washington, where they plan to
spend a week or two visiting her parents.
I Albert Relton left Wednesday for As
toria where he will work In a soda fac
tory. I Our popular railroad agent, H. N.
Brown, is now in Minnesota, where he
' was called to the bedside of his mother,
1 who was not expected to live. He will
be absent several weeks, at least.
J. J. Sehmlt recently took a trip to
Cottage Grove, looking for a location.
' But he came back, liking Canby better
; than ever and is now thinking of relo
cating here.
Rev. and Mrs. Housel gave a social
! at the parsonage Inst Wednesday evening
to the young people of the community.
Some fifty Invited guests were present
and a good time Is reported.
j Mrs. A. N. Fisher of Portland, address
ed a large and appreciative audience at
the Methodist church Sunday night. She
spoke on Woman's work In Missions.
"' O. R. Mack now has a great deal of.
property listed in and about Canby, and
is prepared to show1 the would-bo Invest
or almost anything In Veal estate. '
The steam shovel finally finished up Its
work here last week and: was taken to
I'm the S. W. paint
man. You will surely
want to paint and bright
en things up this year, Ev
eryone is doing their best
(or the Lewis and Clark
Fair Sherwin- Williams
is THE paint for you to
buy. Covers most. Looks
best. Wears longest Costs
less by the job.
Huntley Bros. Co.
Paints, Books, Drugs
Oregon City :-. Oregon
Head of Molalla
Evethatt's Store
the shops. It was brought back Wednes
day and taken south to wotk at Rice
hill. Most of the crew formerly employed
went with it. .
A brilliant social event took place last
Saturday afternoon, at the home of Mrs.
Clauson. one mile north of town, when
her daughter Clara was man-ted to Mr.
Harold Unneberg. Quite a number of
Invited guests witnessed the ceremony
and many valuable presents were receiv
ed. Rev. John Samuelson was the offi
ciating clergyman. The happy couple
will make their home in Portland, where
Mr. Llnneberg is employed.
Two Masked
Men Sleze
$3000 and Es-
Two masked robbers hetd up Assistant
Cashier Tracy Poorman at 2 o'clock Wed
nesday afternoon, slezed nearly $3000
from the counter, ran two miles across
the open fields and safely gained a hiding
place in the dense timber along the banks
of Pudding river. Twenty men chased the
robbers across the fields, but at too great
a distance to shoot them with the revol
vers at hand, half a hundred militiamen
and citizens scoured the country later
In the afternoon, bttt the men have not
been found, and the chances seem more
than even 'for them to complete their escape.
: I
i I
of a now depot.