Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 05, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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1 Otif Corespondents' Corner j
2 rief klWt of Gossip From All Parti of the County. p ;
Correspondents are requested to re
new their work. We will furnish nil
necessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear In
these columns erery weefc.
Just enough people were left In Viola
Sunday to keep the hawks from catching
William Hlclnbothom and wife went to
Portland Monday.
John Hayden and family were among
the crowd that went to Redland Sunday,
A number of men from this locality ex
pect to leave for Eastern Washington
With a surveyor soon.
The basket meeting nt Redland Sunday
is reported to have been the greatest
day In the history of this locality.
Chas. Miller and Bonney expect to
Start their new saw mill next week.
Next Sunday, May 7, there will be
another basket meeting at Kedinnd.
On Monday night. May Sth. Capt. C.
O. Branson will give a chart Illustration
of the "Three Saloons." "From First
Drink to the Drunkard."
Hev. Exon of Beaverton took dinner
with Rev. Patton Tuesday.
Rev. Exon will hold a basket meeting
at Dover Sunday.
Full of Tragic Meaning
are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of
Casey. Ia. Think what might have re
sulted from his terrible cough If he had
not taken the medicine about which he
writes: "I had a fearful cough, that dis
turbed my night's rest I tried every
thing, but nothing would relieve It, until
I took Dr. King's New Discovery .for
consumption, coughs and colds, which
completely cured me." Instantly relieves
and permanently cures ail throat and
lung diseases: prevents grip and pneu
monia. At Howell & Jones, druggists;
guaranteed; 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle
The weather still continues pleasant
and people are planting their late gar
dens. Clara Schoenborn and Liule Lewis
were the guesta of Issabel Gregory.
Mrs. Amanda Rosa and daughter Grace
of Portland, visited with her brother Mr.
Chas. Spongier a few days last week.
Mrs. Stewart Is on the sick list
Ralph Howard and Lew Buckner at
tended the dance at Canby Saturday
The Cams and Molalla ball teams play
ed Sunday at Molalla. The score was
S to 11 In favor of Molalla.
Martin Christensen and Winnie Howard
spent the evening at Ed. Howard'a Sun
day. Lawrence Darringer visited with his
aunt. Mrs. O. H. Inskeep Sunday.
There is to be a basket and pie social
at Hazeldale school house Saturday ev
ening. May 6. Everybody Invited to
Those spending the day at Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Spangler'a Sunday were: Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jackson,
Mrs. Chas. Spencer, Mr. Jacob Spang
ler, and Mrs. Amanda Rose and Misses
Jessie, Aletha and Oils Jackson. Bertha
' Spangler, Berthena Howard, Pearl Trul
llnger, Grace Rose, and Echo Spencer,
Master Otis Howard and Laurence Jack
son. The day was pleasantly Bpent with
music and games.
Plans to get Rich.
are often frustrated by sudden breaking
due to dyspepsia or constipation. Brace
up and take Dr. King's New Life Pills.
They take out the materials which are
clogging your energies, and give you a
new start. Cure headache and dizziness
too. At Howell & Jones drug store; 25c,
The present thunder showers are of
great benefit to the crops.
Wm. Daniels is busy hauling logs for
Thomson Brothers.
H. Staben and Wm. Bluhm left for
Portland this week.
Relatives are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Bright's Disease and
Diabetes News.
Facts That Caused us to Take the
Agency for the Fulton Compounds,
the First Known Cure for Bright'
Disease and Diabetes.
First, let It be distinctly understood that
very one of the cases below bad been diagnosed
by one or more physioians as Bright 'a Disease
or Diabetes and chronlo and Incurable; second,
note the certainty of the results as shown by tba
recovery also of the friends they told who were
similarly afflicted.
N. W. Spaulding, President Spaulding Saw
Co., San Francisco, had a recovery in his own
family and told several others who recovered.
Adolpa. Weske, capitalist, San Francisco,
recovered himself and told two friends who
Dr. Carl D. Zeile, pioneer druggist, 622 Paoiflo
street, San FranclBco, recovered himself and
gave It to more than a dozen patients who
Chas. Engelke editor of the German paper,
San Franoisco, recovered himself and told it to
a number who recovered, one of them being
Charles F. Wacker, the Siith street merchant.
R. M. Wood, editor Wine and Spirit Review,
recovered himself and told it to several who
recovered, among meai being an old-school
Edward Short of the San Franelaeo Pall re
covered, also three of his triends, viz.: William
Martin, Captain Hubbard of the Honolulu route
and William Hawkins of the U. S. Quarter
master's department, San Francisco.
John A. Phelps of the Hoiel Kepelier. San
Franoisco, and twoof hisfrieuds.
Mrs. M. Empey, 13) steiner St. (also recom
Wended it to several who recovered, one of them
leaving the German Hospital to go on the
Uealment.) "
And hundreds of others.
Bright's Disease Bnd Diabetes, heretofore In.
mrable, are now uoslti vely curable and In nearl
line-tenths of all oases. '
If you still have any doubt giva yourself the
benefit of the doubt. Fulton's Renal Compound
for Brighfs and Kidney Disease, II; for Diabetes,
II 60 'Bend for pamphlet. W art lua aula
looal agsnta.
Charman & Co., City Drug Store.
allien at present.
Wm. Daniels had to abandon hla bug.
gy ride one night last week because it
got too dark.
Misses Maggie Herman called on Miss
Helen Stuedeman last Sunday.
J. Wolf and family called on Mr. and
Mrs. Holman last Sunday.
H. Shannon and A. Thomas called on
Christ Muralt one night this week.
There will be a pie and Ice cream social
given at the Beaver Creek hall on May
12. given by the Shubel ball team.
Thillp Heekllp and J. F. Steudoman of
Oregon City, called on Carl Steudeman
and family last Sunday.
Otto Wllles left for unknown parts.
Miss MagKle Herman la home again.
Miss Bertie Hughes Is visiting rela
tives at Portland. ,
Mr. Luke Duffy and A. Staben left for
the Big Creek last Monday.
Thillp Stlner called on parents last
Don't Borrow Trouble.
It is a bad habit to borrow anything,
but the worst thing you can possibly bor
row Is trouble. When sick, sore heavy,
weary, and worn out by the pains ond
poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness, Drights I
disease, and similar Internal disorders
don't sit down and brood over your symp
toms, but fly for relief to Electric Bit
ters. Here you will find sure and per
manent forgetfulnesa of all your troub
les, and your body will not be burdened
by a load of debt disease. At Howell &
Jones dmg store. Price BO cents. Guar
anteed, o
Rev. C. O. Branson and wife are hold
ing revival meetings In the M. E. church.
Mr. B. E. Courtwrlght. who has been
working In Eastern Oregon, Is now spend
ing a few days at home with his family.
Mr. G. C. Armstrong is having some
monuments erected In the cemetery.
Mr. Bonney put In a phone for Mr.
Gill last week.
Mr. Gebert has moved to Portland, and
the party owning the place has now
moved on the same.
Mr. D. C. Richardson ia now working
at his trade in Lower Logan.
Mr. Arthur Barrett visited friends at
Clackamas Heights last Sunday.
Mr. Mark John and Lester Sprague, of
Stone, were visiting In Redland the last
of last week.
New Cure for Cancer.
All surface cancers are now known to
be curable, by Bucklen Arnica 8alve.
Jas. Walters, of Duffleld, Va., writes.
"1 had a cancer on my Hp for years, that
seemed Incurable, till Bucklen's Arnica
Salve healed It, and now tt Is perfectly
well." ' Guaranteed cure for cuts and
burns. 25 cents at Howell & Jones drug
Mr. Thomas Eaden returned home
from York State last Saturday. He said
It was snowing when he left there.
Several of the young folks from here
attended Miss Cooke's party at Damas
cus Saturday evening.
Miss Helen Sprague has returned home
from Corvallls. Will remain until she
regains her healths
Last week Mrs. Anna Underwood was
laid to rest In Pleasant View cemetery.
She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Mumpower, of Stone,. She leaves a hus
band and two little daughters.
Next Sunday, Miss Bessie Eaden and
Dora Partch will be baptised Into the
Dunkard church.
L. H. Kirchem attended the Oregon
Development League at Portland.
In last Issue the Enterprise compli
mented the success of the creamery in
dustry here. Now "they say" there is
another "Industry" a little farther down
the Clackamas River owned and operated
by a wealthy salmon man. He has a
spring on his place where he bottles up
the water and sells it for fifty cents per
bottle at his resort. It Is claimed 1 will
cure dyspepsia, corns, etc. We ire In
clined to think this a bigger bonanza than
the former, as there is not much work
about It. Why can't the Clackamas water
be used also?
It seems very strange but there are no
chinook salmon In the Clackamas river
this year. In all former seasons they
have ascended this stream.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Very
"I have been using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and want to say it is the
best cough medicine I have ever taken,'
says Geo. L. Chubb, a merchant of Har
lan, Mich. There is no question about its
being the best, as it will cure a cough or
cold In less time than any other treatment
It should always be kept in the house
ready for Instant use, for a cold can be
cured In much less time when promptly
treated. For sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Farmers are all through seeding and
nearly all have their potatoes planted.
We have a good shower every now and
then, and If it keeps up the farmers will
have a good crop this year.
The entertainment given by the Women
of Woodcraft in Meinlgs Hall was well
The correspondent wishes to correct
an error which he saw in the Enterprise
of April 8th, under the heading of School
Notes. It Is Miss Carrie Haecock In
stead of Miss Carrie Peacock, who suc
ceeded Miss Summer as teacher In Dis
trict No. 39 at Sandy Ridge, and Miss
Sumner did not resign as reported, her
school was out tho 31st of March, and
Miss Carrie Haecock was given two
months school to complete the school
Miss Anna Backman's smiling face was
seen on the streets of Sandy last week,
where she was visiting the school and
her old friends. She also visited the
scnools ana friends at Aims, Marmont,
Cherryvillo, Salmon, Flrwood and Dover.
She will also visit the school and friends
at Sandy Ridge, the latter part of this
week. She la a rustler and worker in
school, and and school board that employs
Miss Backman as teacher, will not be
Bluing, bottle ....So
Star Soup Diamond C.
Swift's lYUIe, for 25o
Naptha 4, tc
Fine hand Soap, big bar 4c
Same Snap, 7 bars for ,.2c
Swift's Washing Powder, like Gold Dust
,,.15o pkg
Uold Dust, bulk, half price 4c pound
Whisk Hnioins ..,..4c, 8c
Brooms Ho
Our Unusual Low
Prices Hard to
Flour, J1.0S, Com Meul 25c
8 pounds I'rimcs , Sic
Cunned Peas 7', jC
Halslns, 4 pound for ZSc
Lemons , Ic
Oranges , .1c
Coffee, 10c; best coffee, ; 0c; Sample cof
fee or tea Fre.
Arm & Hammer Soda package , 6c
Hulk 4c
Starch, Oc; Rice 4and So cents pound.
Millinery at a Big
Stylish Hats, honestly made, priced at
Dry Goods Profit.
Ladies' jReady-to-wearJHats.
Trimmed Hats Child's 48c up
Ladles' 1.47 up
Ladies' Black Hose. c. Ho, lace hose 25c
Ladies' Vests 7te, 10c and up.
Men's 60c Underwear, 3Sc, and 44c.
Men's 10c box at Ttc
Shoes, Etc.
Child's Slippers 75e up
Ladies' Slippers 68c; 98c
up to nicest Tan at W.15
Save you 10 to 20 per cent on shoes.
Red Front Store
LC. HAMILTON, Proprietor
An Ordinance authorizing the Oregon
and California Railroad Company, Its
lessee, successors and assigns, to con
struct, operate and maintain a main
track and certain side tracks In Rail
road Avenue, formerly called Bluff street.
In the City of Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon and to authorize the con
struction and maintenance of a team
crossing on Third Street of said city un-
aer me tracKs or sairt company, and a
pedestrian under crossing at Fourth
street under said railroad tracks on
Railroad Avenue, aforesaid, and a pedes
trian overhead crossing between Seventh
Street and Eighth street over and across
said Railroad Avenue aforesaid, and to
authorize the Mayor and Recorder of
said city to enter Into a contract with
the Southern Pacific Co., lessee of the
Oregon & California Railroad Company
for the construction and maintenance of
said pedestrian crossings and team under
crosslngs, and to legalize the use and oc
cupation of said Railroad Avenue by the
Oregon & California Railroad Company,
Its lessee, successors and assigns, in re
spect to the tracks and sidings hereto
fore constructed and maintained there
on: Oregon City Does Ordain as Follows:
Section 1. That there be and hereby
is granted unto the Oregon & California
Railroad Company, its lessee, successors
and assigns, the pereptual right and
easement to construct, lay down, main
tain and operate railway tracks on that
portion of Railroad Avenue, .former'tv
Bluff Street, of Bald Oregon City, which
Is bounded on its Westerly side by a
line which Intersects the center line of
the alley through Block 29 between Sec
ond and Third Streets at a point lying
203.6 feet East of the center line of Main
Street, and also Intersects the center ;llne
of Third Street 217.6 feet East of . the
center of Main Street, and also Inter
sects the projection of the center line of
Fourth Street 238 feet East of the cen
ter line of Main Street, and also Inter
sects the projection of the center line of
Fifth St. 254 feet East of the centef of
Main St., and also intersects the projec
tion of the center line of Sixth Street
281 feet Eust of the center line of Main
Street, and also Intersects the projec
tion of the center line of Seventh Street
256.6 feet East of the center of Main
Street, and also Intersects the projec
tion of the center line of the alley be
tween Seventh and Eighth Streets '250 '
feet East of the center line of Main street
and also intersects the projection of the
center line of Eighth Street 252.6 feet
East of the center of Main Street.
An which Is bounded on its Easterly
sideline by a line which Intersects the
projection of the center line of the alley
through block 29 between Second and
Third streets at a point lying East from
the center of Main street a distance of
233.1 feet, nnd also Intersects the projec
tion of the center line of Third street 247
feet East of the center line of Main street
and also Intersects the projection of the
center line of Fourth Street 272.5 feet
EaBt of the center line of Main Street, and
also Intersects the projection of the cen
ter line of Fifth street 298.5 feet East of
the center of Main street, and also inter
sects the projection of the center line of
Sixth Street 342.5 feet East of the cen
ter of Main street, and also Intersects
the projection of the center line of simple ''' wl,u,- n'1 iM,r"
Seventh HHwt 8t8.1 feet Kant of ths j snot, shove the tracks or nt least twenty
center of Main Street, and also Inter- j two feet and said approaches to arise
scots the projection of the center line of l from Seventh and Night h Streets.
Flshth Street H'.'S.l feet Rust of the tVh- Swtlon 4. That tin use and tn-mips-ter
of Main Street, and also Intersects j Hon of the said Itallroad Avenuo by th
the projection of the center line of Ninth said Oregon A California Hallr.md Com
Street !7s. feet Kast Of the center of i pany. lis lessee, successors and assigns,
m,.i nt,-.,M heretofore enjoyed be and the sum are
Section 2, That there be und hereby
Is granted (into the Oregon A Califor
nia Itallroad Company, Its lessee, sue
cesser and assigns, the right and rae
nient to construct, lay down, maintain
and operate a railway track or siding
t.,. (i.... ...i.l t?..ll,i,ttil Ave-
nue bounded on the Westerly side by the
I1IU1II U1ML I'll till I V. .,11,1 t,,.,,, ...... ,
Kiudorly side line of (he tract herein
above deacrlU'd In section one, and on
the Easterly side by the Easterly side
line of said llnllioad Avenue.
Section 8. Thut there bo and hereby
Is grunted unto the Oregon ft California
Itallroad Company, Its lessee, successors
snd assigns, the right, and the said
roinimny, Its lessee, successors und as
sIkim In consideration of the rights and
finni'hlses granted by Section 1 of this
ordinance are hereby directed, authorise
ed and required to construct und main
tain according to the general plans now
on (lie with the Iteeoider. and according
to the plans and spoi-ltli'itllims to li here
inafter prepared nnd to bo referred to
ami made a part of the contract herein
after authorised, the following Improve
ments, to-wit:
ia). An underground crossing for
teams nt Third Street of said city, under
the said tracks so hereinbefore author
ised in said lUllroitd Avenue as aforesaid,
which said underground team crossing
Is to be erected with concrete abutments
and with a clearance of 20 fret In width
and 16 feet In hclghth and to excavate
the proHsed county mad which enters
Into and Is to connect with the Mild pro
posed underground team crossing so us
to bring said promised county roud from
the place where the same has now been
constructed to a grtule so thut the same
may lie uswd for public travel In connec
tion with said underground teum cross
ing, und to construct any necessary re-
tabling wall along Westerly side of ex-
rnvnted county road where depressed be
low grade of Itallroad Avenue.
lb). A pedestrian underground cross
ing at Kourth Street In said Oregon City,
to be constructed of concrete and to bo
feet wide nnd 8 feet high as a subway
crossing under the' tracks at the Inter
section of suld tracks with said Kourth
Street in Oregon City, as uforrsuld.
tc). A pedestrian overhead crossing
to be constructed of steel and Iron be
tween Seventh and Eighth Streets In
said Oregon City and to be constructed
with approaches six feet In width and
The House Furnisher
You paid to much lot your goods!
of such a crime? If
our prices. These
reckless buyers are
his money on slick
This Rocke
f fccAY j7 &.
hereby perpetually ratified, approved and
eonllinied, It being Intended hereby to
put at rest all uuestlons of controversy
In respect to the use und occupation of
sold Itallroad Avenue, and the light to
nue. mid the tight to use the m..ln nnd
side tracks us heretofore, occupied and to
' be constructed, occupied and vnjsy.nl
Heetlon S. Th Oregon ft California
Uitllioad Company, Its lessee, suecessois
mid assigns, shall with all convenient
dispatch cause to be prepared n contract
In he executed by the Southern I'arltlo
Company, lessee of said Oregon Cali
fornia Itallroad Company, as party of
l the Ural part, and Oregon City as party
of the second part by which the said
Southern I'millc Company shall obligate
Itself to proceed with all convenient dis
patch to the erection und construction
of the said proposed pedestrian under
ground crossing at Kourth Street afore
said and the proposed overhead steel
crossing nt Seventh Street aforesaid, nnd
sum propose.i unnergrouno leum crossing
nt Third Street, which said contract when Section K. Suld Oregon ft CaMfemla
pit pared shall be subject to the npprovul , lUllruud Company, Its lessee, stice,.,,,,
of the Council of said City, nnd when up-, or nsslgus, are hereby author!, d
proved by the said Council shall be ee- ' permitted lit the construction of said m
cuted on behnlf of said City by the Mayor, provementa und In ttm constru- llmi
und Itecorder of suld City, and a dupll-1 maintenance nd location of u
cut thereof filed lu the olnct. of said j trucks and sidetracks to reconstruct Ui$
Iteeoider. und there shall be attached to i. lncute the trucks now lu suld luilhisd
nnd made a pint of suld conlrm t pinna Avenue so us to locum the sum,, i,. ,.
nnd speclftcntlous for suld promised Im
provements specified and required to be
done thereby, which plans und specifi
cations shall l mutually sullsfuctory to
the snld city acting by and through the
snld Council and to the said Southern
Paiitlr Company acting by nnd through
Its Division Engineer or other officer In
charge of that work; und auld contract
shall provide for the commencement of
suld work within thirty duys after tho
rald contract shall be signed, and for the
completion (lf nit Id work within six months
from the date of suld contract, nnd If
the said counrll of Orrgon City and the
snld Oregon ft California Uullroud Com
pany. Its si
agree tion the said contract and plans
und specifications above mentioned, then
nnd In thnt event all of tho rights and
privileges grunted by this ordinance shall
be null nnd void and of no effect.
Section t. Ths Oregon ft California
Railroad Company, Its lessee successors
or assigns, shall within thirty duys after
date of the approval of this ordinance,
so, prevent it for the future by studying
prices are only for
doomed. The reckless buyer will spend
talk, the careful buyer for value received
Going to Build?
We have an immense
stock of Cedar doors and
windows on hand also
L..:U: t,,.j , t t
us figure for you we can
save you money. There
are some damaged doors
left from our disastrous
fire which will go cheap.
Steel Range
0 years guarantee
18 inch oven
6 holes
Most elaborate nickel
Ilia In ths omen of th .,. "
Oregon lily, lis wrli, 1!
tho ligtils, casements, prlvll,,,,,,
ligations giuntcd, conferred ami I.,,
...I.I n'H' "UlHWl.il
subject to the tortus,
retried.,,,, un;
conditions herein contained, .. . ""d
fall to so 111 such wrllt,,
shall Im deemed to lmv ahmni,,,,,,,, "
Ihn lights and easements oonfmrti,) i,
by, Pueh ncceplancfl shall h sum,,, "'"V,
executed In tlin tin inn of tl, (),, !
CallfoinU Itallroad Company, nm)
Southern I'millo Company, Its ,,B0 ,
lug by and through Ihn (lerr Mans
of the Southern I'ueino Company lu
In Oregon, ''m"
Section 7. If the Said Oregon f.,
fornltt Itallroad Company, Its ,e , '"
cessor or assigns, shall full to k
perform any or all of the ten,,, '
slons, restrict tuna or conditions of nul
ordinance, Hie Clly Council my ,
said lillwuy Company, Us 1,,,,,,,
eesNora or assigns, of any siu-h f,,llrt"
aid If said railway company, Hn rM'
MiirocMsors or assigns, shall for prt)(j
of sixty days from the receipt tl(
such notice fall or neglect I,, mpy
with the terms, provisions, resit lrt,mi
and the conditions of this nrdlnanr,,
Hied In suld notice, then and In n,t
event, this nidlnuncii und the vhols
thereof shall bo null und void at m-
. election or said Common Council.
nesi niivnningo ror murium purpora
within the limits mentioned In suction
tno of this ordinance: provided, however,
that In so doing no damage shall be dun
to private property, und provided furthrr
thai the steps leading to the bluff on
Itallroad Avenue at Kourth and Third
Streets shall be connected with the mt,.
ways In a substantial manner so u to
enable Dm travel to puss through nJd
subways and tip to suld steps.
Section 9, Whenever In the construc
tion and relocation of tracks It l-.'mi.,
necessary that Ihn steps on uny of (h
Streets liielilloned III Section eight should
be inon-J further buck toward the bluff.
i ft C
puny, Its lessee, successors or ai"tfni,
hereby agree to do or have such work
,( tt proper manner,
Section IU If any part of this Iru
chiso shall rncrouch upon any prim,
property over which auld lllufl Street v
Itallroad Avenue la not located, then u4
(Contlnue, on I'uga I )
Did your wife
ever accuse you
the careful buyer.
high grade
finish, fine
.mirror, full
per pair
and up
Of Wall
per double
roll and