om;noNf city, km day, may vm. 11 Ihiiiho which In In tin opened I y llin iilmvo gentleman In it few (In y m. Mr, II,, ilcnrgc come to un highly recommended from Miilio where hit was In Hi" Ninon linn at work, ntnl wlici n lin scored n great nucccns iin 11 strictly upright gciillcmitti, unit lilil" milium keeper, Hit Iiiin great unit viirli'it experience In HiIn work which will WllllOIlt llllllllt lltl lit III" greatest mn MlNlltlU'n III It I If 111 llllH II KW llM'lltlllll, All l Im lending IiiiiihIn of wine nnil liquor Imtli foreign mill iliiini'Mlli', will lin funnel nt Ml bur, nml from Ihn wuy Hi" ciir iriili'H It ml Workmen urn fixing iii t tut til nml, Wit should JihIh Unit IIiIn will tin nun "f llin flni'Ht niiIiiiiiin In every respect In llin illy, ir tint Hi" main, All Dm luicst iiiilpiiii'iit In IIiIn linn In being liiHlulli'tt, nml all wliti riill on Mr, (leuign nl lilx opening "in hmnii ifil n good (Iiiin, Mr, ilcorga lx iv in ii n wlimu wn urn nil glad In wclcnmit In our city, both per Hoiinlly nml lit'i'liiiNtt Im In a very ublu nml ennsclenUoti biiNltu'N mini. J. OOODFELLOW. Tim fUlnlillHliini'iil of Mr. J, Goodfellow In iiiiuinK tint wi'll established lnnt!tti tlmiN nf Oregon City, TIiIn gentleman Iiiin tnillt up a IminIiii'Nn foundation strong nml permanent, Mini im Im luimlliiN only llt-Mt -'Uiih hihhIn, It cniibti'N lilm to com plin iimut fnvoriilily Willi nny dealer In Hi" rlly. Ho curries n very nnu linn of nil llin lending lirnmlN of cIkhi. 11" hn taken tiint'h pnliiN In sccurn only tlioNtt I lininiU Unit uru excellent In NinokliiK 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 y. frngriiiit nml of ! 1 1-Ii xi n fliivnr, nml Hull tin Iiiin (limit well In llin (.nil ninny of It Im titlf1cd pnlroliN, Thn very .i t tobacco will tin fiinnil ticrn. All tlm ri'llul'lit make mnl thn new nml novel brands hn Wi'll, will Im fount hcr. 'l lin stock of smoker nrtlcli'H nml novel llm I Very rumple In. Von will liuvn no iruiililn In finding your fuvorlto plpn hern, selection In no wide unit of such a high Krmln, Mr. (looilfi'llow Kino Iiiin two miignllli'riit bowling alley In con iiiMlliiii with IiIn Nlinp. Tlii'Nn urn ih immt popiilur rrNiiilN In tlm city and llin ClilltrlltN between llllltl'lll'll telllnN urn frequent nml create much Interest, Mr. (iixKlfi'llow In a gentleman Hint known :,,w to cuter llricflllly to tlm public mi l Iiiin eoiiNequchtly a very lurgn patron- UK". THE COMMERCIAL BANK. Oregon City. Among tlm lending IIiiiuii IiiI InmitutlniiN of our stntn In the Commercial lliuik of tirigun City, which Iiun maintained tlm enllin I'dtifldi'tict! of thn community Nlnco Un oiMiuilnullon In m:i, und tint growth nf which Iiiin been ever upward and out wiirit. TIiIn InmltutUm In under thn abtn tnuniigi'iiiciit of Mr. I). C. Ijtlourettn, prcN., C. Ii, I,utiorcttn, vice pre., and K. J. Meyer, ciiMhlcr, nil well known and aliln buHlnes men of our community. It Iiiin A riipltiil Mock of 1100,000 held by Its (lepoMlliilN to bn mi cftlrlflll and ltf InveNtmi'tit, us It policy ha always been onn of cnitNcrvutlHm, coupled with the do- ,:yttnc,8r.:,.-.,xx'4 nlre to aid nny worthy rstabllshmnnt to ti " li'Kltlinuto business risk. It ho been r .i; i v n center of active accounts, that In ii'iiiiuiIn of thn largo bUNlness and ui' i, liimttlo Ikiiincn of our city, and that Hum lunik has the ne luign ai'countN show what ii high plnctt It occupies In our In diiHtiliil uml lliinncliil world. Thn bank tiuiiHiirtN it general bunking IjunIiichn, ills cotiiitN iliuftH, ('(inimercliil paper, loan on approved collateral, inukcN collections, nd Invi'MlN the money of Un depositors In a Mure mid yet profitable mituner. An In stitution of till class would bit n wel come addition to nny city, mid all good rltlxeiiN of our ciuuimmlty urn glad wo Tiuve Miirli un crtlt'lcitt bank In our midst. MR8. H. T. SLADEN. Oregon Cliy has many dressmaking and mllliiery parlors, noun of which nre bet ter parlors, none of which are better putronUed or widely known than the millinery cHtiihllNhincnt conducted by Mrs. 11. T. Hladeii. During thn time thut Mrs. Hlnden has been In the business she has, by her faultless mid stylish work inuiiHlilp and her excellent and large as sorted stock, built up a patronage that In a source of envy to ull her competi tors. Her parlor, which me well ap pointed In every sens" of the word, ore the most popiilur In the city, und she numbers among her numerous customers many of the most stylish ladle In tho (Hv. The costumes nnd novelties car-rl-,! by her nr works of art, nnd are not to l in excelled by any, either In point of style or finish, Mrs. Hlmldcn make a specially of the trimming of huts nnd Is very art 1st Id nnd perfect In tho per formance of this work. Hho Is a very ciipiilile and skilled milliner and many luiV" ciime to rely entirely on her Judg ment uml luHtu In thn selection of their hills nml other millinery, for they huve found thut shn Is well high perfect In thcMii immt essential requisite of tho tip-to-thite milliner. WALLACE A PACKARD. Ono nf tho most Important business enterprises represented In this city Is thut of tho retail cigar nnd tobacco trade. These culcr to ono of the dully wants of nearly every man In the city and the convenient locution of these stores at frequent Interval Is assured by the pa tronage It will receive. Among tho prom inent house In this line Is thut of Messrs. Wallace & Packard. This firm has been established only about three months, the gentlemen composing tho firm coming to our city from Portland. Tho proprie tors, mo Mr. II. J, Wallace and Mr. II. C. Packard. By their strict attention to tho business, tho excellent goods that they curry, and their careful attention to perfect servlco of their customers, they nre building up a very nice trado In those articles. They have every brand of cigar of merit thut the trado demands. Tho IT; $ J- 7. .TX a-"-"-U ill - i t"lm N urn of thn vrivf best to I in liml on Um market mi Include, nil tlio olil llliil Wl'll known liinkt'N, In iidillllon (hey curry n very full linn of smoki'iy nrlli'lt'N, iiiivcIIIcn, el", They furry nun of lint moid completo nml excellent slock In Um rlly nml Hi" high grade of llii'lr goods Iiiin lit'i'ii n fnrtor In llii'lr nucccnn, W. L. BLOCK, A iniiikfil feature of tint IjiihIih-hm chnr lirli'l' of IIiIn city In thn marked perma nency ninl Nollillly of Hn business Iiiiiincn uml I'lilt'ipi Ihi'N, ii mutter In which few oilier cIHin of lint l'lii'lllii coiiNt mo to Im eoinpurcd fur a, moment. Onn of our lii'Ml, immt NiicccNNful ami tliiui-himnri'il liintlncMN IiinIIIiiIIiiiin In tint CNluhllHlimcul which In operated by Mr. W. L. Ulock, Hind limy Im fouiul furultura uml lioimn fllllllHlllllKN of ull kliuU UN Will UN pl itiiiiN, Thn linn of kooiIn curried coin pi Inch tlm very IicnI koikU In tti market UN Well UN liinVretlt KllllltN til Mill L (llf feiellt plllNeN. Tint lllin of llOUNefUMllNll liitf kimkIn In very coinpleltt. A Iioiinm may Im nttPil up linio lit moNt nny prlcn to nit tlm liiNln inn pocket book of tint pillion. A number of inukcN of thn bem plnnoN nru In Ntock Mini a. very tiler f tin, I" In this line In enjoyed ns w have n large number of mimic loving peopUt lu our city, A largit double store In oc cupied and thn goods are well arranged mid displayed and the store Is most itt liui'tlvn throughout. Mr, lilock citinc hern from lliiltluioie, Marylunil. but Iom been with us for many year, I In em ploy a number of conii" ient and courte oiiN NNNlstiinta and the patronage Is lurge. COB-WEB WINE HOUSE. This I ono of thn most excellent es tulillNhinriitN In thn city. The wlnn room la a thoroughly respectable and well managed plum. They serve good goods, maintain order at all times, und they be lieve It pays at all time to b liberal and abovn lioard with everyone. We have never heard a word of complaining against their establishment. And we state emphatically thut they have many warm friends who will stand by them every time. We are selecting for mention In this history only thn lenders In every business and profession lu the county, and this house Is n most worthy repre sentative of the wine and liquor Inter ests. Their word Is us good us a bond. They are enjoying a very large patron age and this Is steadily growing. The I'roprietor of this popular house Is Mr. K. A. llrady. Ho Is nn experienced and skilled man In this business mid give it every attention, lie In generous arjd liberal In all his dealings, and like all successful business men, he believes In publicity und thn use of printer's Ink. He well merits thn generous success thut Is his nml has In every way labored to deserve It. C. N. PLOWMAN A CO. No class of men nre more Identified with the Interests of our city and coun try than our real estate men. And no real estate mun Is ns widely known and us successful us Is the gentleman whose mime appears at the hend of this sketch. Messrs. C. N. Plownn & Co. have now been established in this business for the past four years nnd It la- doubtful If any two similar concerns have handled ns much renl estato ns has this concern. When tho writer culled recently, Mr. Plowmnn was Just completing a sale of 35 acres of fine farm land near Multno for $1050. And although this la not an every day occurrence, It la very nenr it, and they still have choice openings for tha Investor or homescckor. It Is a well known fact that farm lands In this vi cinity offer tho very best and most proilt- "MtJ,-,:' .T- ? f . ""t.v (.-.. Rfsti I m ;; fei" ii s a m . ai xi i & $, m tern Mfm v-:'3'i , milJ&l 3 iiblit InveHlmerit thn market wfforilN, No pttrt of thfl United HIiiteN In belter iiilnpt ed to dlveiNllled furmlriK Hum lit till Meet Ion mid If only tlm KuNtern furmer who NlniKKleN for a II f i) time for un ex iNlencn, would coin" out In In Ond'N own country IiIn nIiiIIoii In llfu would Noon hi chunked, Mr, J'lnwriiuri In a mot Kenliil mid friendly mini tn detil with. Ho In thorouxhly poNlcil In reward to vhIiicn of IiiiuIn In thlN Meet Ion uml IiIn ndvli n In liiiu li nought nfli r ikkI ulwiiyn lo bu tutd. 1 1 m wiin foiriieily lieputy Huini-iriti Or Kiinlxcr of tlio flrder of WiiuhliiKlon and truveleil over thn enllro Ntiitn. Mb uluo delivered a mtrli'M of IcctureN for neveriil yeaiN, II In wldo iicipiulntancn with land lownei'N, IiIn ohNcrvliiK nature liml IiIn loriK experleiicn all Ko (o Din kit lilm thn bent and moNt NiicccNNful renl euluio man In HiIn nccIIoii of tint country mid wo cheer fully recommend lilm lo any ono of our rcmlciN who may not huvo tlm pleiiHuro of hlN uciiiiilntniice, OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. In rvery city und town there urn cer tain IndiiMtrlal and commercial futab HuhmenlN whouo Inlliienctt on thn city Iiiin been of thn KreatcNt lmiortance In thn development of their hUNlricuM life, y' " i " ' V ' ' ' ' ' and of tliee we wish to make mention In this review, l'erhup tho front place belong to the above firm which ha been located here for 41 year. In which time It ha come to be looked on as the fore most representative In the woolen mill linn lu the state of Oregon, or for that matter on thn coast. Mr. A. It. Jacob, President und , (1. Jacobs, Vice-President, are among our best known and most successful men. Their policy ha ulwuy been of the most liberal and up right nature, and their dealing with their patrons of the most courteous character. To thl, In great measure they owe tho great success which they huvo hud In this Hue. They manufacture blanket, flan nels, robes, cnsslineres, skirtings, muck ImtWN, tweeds, russlmere and flannel shirts, flannel underwear and macklnaw clothing of ull kinds. Their fuctory I one of the largest factory buildings In tho West, and employ KGO people all the year round. Their travelers cover all the country tributary to the state of Ore gon, nnd their goods are to be found In ulmont every little hamlet und town on the coust, and are highly spoken of wher ever they have been Introduced. Messrs, Jacobs are cousins, and their fathers es tablished the business In 3 Ki5. and the sons have since come Into charge. They lire numbered among our very front men In both a personal and business sense, and huve tho good will and esteem of the whole community In which their mill Is located. BROWN & WELCH, A first-class nieiit market Is an abso lute necessity In every up-to-date com munity, und the citizens of Oregon City cun be congratulated that their city Is not one whit behind the rest of the world lu this respect. In the above gentle men's house we have one which is first class In every respect, and which deals In nothing but the very highest grade goods. All the choicest cuts of meat are AGRICULTURAL PALACE Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition portland, oregon. to be found here, beef, lamb, mutton, pork, sausage, hams, lard, fish and game In season, and In fact everything which goes to make up the stock of a complete and modern house of this kind. The busi ness policy of this firm has always been such as to win the esteem and confi dence of all with whom they have come Into contact. A wagon Is operated and the most careful attention Is given to phone or personal orders, which are de livered promptly. Both Messrs Brown and Welch are woll known In our city and are highly thought of In every respect. An establishment of this kind is a credit tn any city, and fill urilto In wlHhlii(( the proprh Ioin Um beat of nuccckn. OEORGE C. BROWNELL, To Hie Nludciit of human nature there In nollilim which In morn InlcremlriK than to exumlne thn hIMory of Nelf-mndn man, one who hnu by hlN IritrlriMle. worth und cnleirliie lifted hlmmdf up to thn hlKh cnI ruiiK of the ladder, und In looked up to by many men who ularted llfo with far fairer proupeeiN than he. Huch hiiN been tlm career of thn ubovn gentleman, Mr. O. (!. lirownell, who Iiiin held thn follow lnC oIIIccn: C'halrmiin Itepubllcnn (.'orn mlttce, Member Hlatn Henatn, for three terttiN; I'reNldent Htato Heniite, Chair man ('oiiKreiodonitl (.'(invention, two i term; leader In thn Henatn for Initia tive, Referendum und 1'rlmary law, and hfiN ulw.'iyN been Idintlfled with thn moat promeniilvif und un-to-dutn lawM and actN which havn been paum-d In the Ben- ate. An a Jury lawyer ho Iihn few equal In thin or uny other utiite, and In reeoic nlsscd um belnd onn of our moNt liberal minded and pntrlotlc cltlzenN. Thn peo pl of IIiIn city cun well be proud of men Much um Mr. Oeo. C. lirownell, Lawyer, Member of Henatn, but above and beyond all Citizen, the hlKhcnt term to which our laiiKuiiKe Im heir. MILLER & UNDERWOOD. ' There Is no pnrt of the horse which re quires more attention than hi feet, and thl is one part of the animal to .which the owner doe not generally pay much attention owing to the fact that he does not understand the Importance of having the horse feet In good condition. Every time a horse I taken to the above gentle men for shoeing, the feet receive the most careful and accurate attention, and all faults are rectified, auch as interfering, j cros firing, etc. These gentlemen have been long In the business, and have re cently moved to their new quarter. The , strictest attention to business, the most I honorable and upright principle, and the most courteous treatment accorded I their putrons have built up for them a trade which Is second to none In the city. The best of machinery and tool are to be found In their shop, which Is huge and commodious, and only the most skilled help are employed. Both Messrs. Miller and 1'nderwood are very well known In our city and have a high reputation wherever known. A. ROBERTSON. Tho success of that genial gentleman, Mr. Robertson is not to be wondered at when ono becomes familiar with the store, the man and his up-to-date way of serving the public. His store has often been the subject of favorable com ment by the people coming to this city as well as by the residents thereof. Be ginning business here some fifteen years ago In a modest way, he has by wonder ful energy and good business Judgment built up a business of which he may well feel proud. He has a commodious and well equipped building and the stock Is very neat and nicely displayed and it Is a very attractive pluce In which to do one's trading. It is a general store and al most anything wanted In the supplying of the household, or the supplying of the needs of the average man and woman is to be found In this store. A number of courteous, Intelligent and considerate clerks are employed and a good delivery service Is maintained for the accommoda tion of the customers of this popular place. Mr. Robertson Is one of our lead ing business men, and Is well and favor ably known throughout the community as a genial and pleasant gentleman. KNOWLAND A CO. The tailor's art Is one of the most diffi cult to master thoroughly In all the wide rani?" of biiMlnem activities It requires mieclal Mklll und talent and citpnclly. For thf renMon thu leadlrifc- tailor are compmuilvely few In number and It be hoovcN tlm careful dreNer to Ndcet hi tailor with the ulinont earn. Among theuo leailN may be mentioned the Mtabllh merit of Knowliind & Company, Mr. Kriowlurid In tt Kentleman of vaMt prac tical experience and training In every branch of the art, and hi unrivalled Mklll and fine taste have developed a trade of Ihiko proportion. He ha a very complete line of oample In the lat ent MtyliN and pattern and delKn, a well u the ntdpln good, and you are thuN enabled to obtain frenh and new material from a very large choice of electlon a to tate, material, style, price, etc. lie employ a number of skilled and competent workmen, but per sonally oversee all the work enurlng to hi patron a tyllKh cut, a perfect fit and the bent workmaniihop. Mr. Knowland 1 a man of ability In hi particular line, , and I recognized a auch cmong hi many friend and patron. WHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT. Few thing contribute more to the prestige of a city than the existence of first-class restaurant accommodations, and among the neatest and most popular ones of thl city I that which ha been conducted by Mr. Baker at the corner of Main and Fifth streets. He recently moved hi business premises next door which are neatly fitted up and have a home-like appearance, and while Mr. baker only opened up this establishment about three months ago, Its reputation for first-clauM cooking and service ha since spread universally throughout thl section and by which he ha secured a large, desirable and constantly Increas ing patronage. Mr. Baker make a spec ialty of short order cooking, but serves regular dinner also. Everything served here In the bread and pastry line 1 made on the premises, In fact a more delicious meal than can be obtained here would be hard to find. Mr. Baker has been well known here for the past eighteen years and has built up the highest reputation and I highly esteemed as a business man and citizen. C. N. OREENMAN. In every large city there Is great need of proper facilities for the caring of bag gage, expressage, and other freight In all line of good, and In the accommoda tion of her citizen Oregon City 1 not one whit behind In thl respect. Mr. Greenman ha for 41 year been operat ing a atrlctly up-to-date and progressive transfer and express business, and is the I pioneer In thl line of work. General t teaming of all kinds taken care of in a I remarkably prompt and efficient manner, and a specialty I made of hauling sand and gravel. Mr. Greenman la strictly hon est and he ha built up by year of con- j sclentlous attention to business a patron age which Is second to none in thla line In the state. He Is everywhere recog nized a one of the most able and suc cessful business men, and Is highly spok en of In all quarter. He Is located on Main street where he ha been for many years, and where he has a large and well equipped stable, with a number of teams, strong, well cared for horses. The most courteous and attentive service Is ac corded all who call on him, and this is In measure responsible for his great suc cess. WM. McLARTY. The artistic tailor and draper is a most Important personage In every community. In Oregon City a most representative membe.r of this artistic profession. Is Mr. Wm. McLarty, the well known mer chant tailor. He has a very nicely ap pointed shop, and Is prepared to furnish to order, dress and business suits at reasonable prices. He Is an expert cut ter and practical tailor, and guarantees a stylish cut, a perfect fit, the best finish and workmanship and the quality of the goods. A large stock of woolens, wors teds, tweeds, etc., the product of both foreign and domestic looms, are display ed, and In addition his line of samples gives a most extended opportunity of selection to suit the taste and pocket book. One can readily see the advant age of being able to select the material 1 from the piece. Instead of being obliged ! merely to pick from small samples en- l tlrely. He employs competent skilled help, but personally looks after all de tails, and one can rest assured that when Mr. McLarty takes his measurements, they will be accurate and the clothes will fit you to a nicety. He has many patrons as a result of his workmanship and pains taking methods. DEPOT SALOON. When you want a glass of beer or anything more stimulating, you should call at the Depot Saloon. This popular resort Is operated by Mr. Jacob Wind. The bar and fixtures are both neat and attractive, and amidst pleasant surround inge the patrons can secure the best that the market affords in fine wines, choice whiskies, and the most fragrant cigars, all selected with reference to their purity and actual merit. Mr. Wind won a wide reputation and popularity from his de sire to deal honestly by his patrons. As a result his Is one of the most popular bars In the city, and Mr. Wind is highly i deserving of praise for his successful ef i forts In his undertaking. He came to this city from Portland and has' been es j tabllshed In his present location for some thing over sixteen months. He conducts j everything about his place in accordance I with the most approved business meth ods and Is highly regarded in commercial i circles as a reliable man and a worthy citizen, He has In connection with the j saloon an excellent rooming house where 1 the best and most 'comfortable of rooms may be had at the most reasonable rates. ! The same care to have the best Is taken ! here as with the bar. C. Q. MILLER. The prominent part which electricity plays In modern times Is almost incom prehensible; it furnishes motive powers, light, heat, has become known as a val uable aid to medlclno and chemistry, and by its means messages are sent around the globe. In fact, Its possibili ties are unlimited, and although very few persons who understand the reasons for even the most ordinary appliances, and It has therefore become the more essen tial that those who Install plants or per form the designing should have thorough training and be of acknowledged pro ficiency In their profeiwlon. In connec tion with thla tatemnt, we wlh to mention our leading electrical engineer, Mr. C. O. Miller. HI huIcm room and of fice I located one door north of the Bank of Oregon City. Mr. Miller I completely prepared to take contract and do all manner of wiring and electrical work In that expedition and thorough work and what he ha done ha uniformly given the beat atlHfactlon. He carrle a com plete stock of electrical uppllo of all kind. He ha been etablnhed here but a short time, still he ha a satisfactory showing In the way of a good and satis fied patronage for that period, and la winning a reputation for the very best kind of work and materials. THE PALACE SALOON. In every respect I Oregon City fully up to the standard et by other citle of our state, and In the saloon business la as well represented as In other lines, Ona saloon which ha come to be the mot popular reort In the city 1 the above houe which i owned and managed by Mr. A. J. Burber, one of our well known business men. While this business has been In operation but a month or two It ha already come to be looked on as one of our representative houses, and show the experience Mr. Burber must have had in this line of work. He come highly recommended from Washington, where he operated a house of like nature. Only the best brand of foreign and domestio liquor are to be found at thl up to date saloon, and the price are strictly right In every intance. The Interior I very neat and clean and It 1 br. Burber Intention to keep thl house in this condition at ail time. The most orderly conduct is de manded from all its patrons, and the name of the resort In this respect ha al ways been high. Mr. Burber is personally a favorite with all who have had dealings with him or hi house. PORTLAND CLOTHING. HOUSE. Among the leading fashionable empo riums which go to make up our commer cial fabric we wish to call special atten tion to the above house which ha been In the clothing business In Oregon City for the past four year In which time It has easily assumed a leading position, on account of the quality of the goods car ried, the honest principles which actu ate the management, and the courtesy which Is accorded all pattern of this up-to-date house. Mr. G. Rosensteln is the able and energetic manager of this establishment and Is greatly responsible for the amount of business' which the firm is enjoying at the present time. He frtendDrofheiy Clothing ijo. Is an old and experienced man In this line of work, having been in it the great er part of his life. A full and complete line of clothing of all kinds Is carried and a specialty is made of fine shoes, which are represented here In their most up-to-date and latest patterns. The prices are as low as Is consistent with good workmanship and quality and the meth ods of the firm have always been such as to win the esteem and confidence of all who have had any dealings with them. Mr. Rosensteln Is one of our most able and successful business men and is well thought of in all quarters. OTTO DEUTE. The ladies of this vicinity and especial ly those of this city are afforded a most unusual opportunity In purchasing their furnishing goods and notions from such a reliable establishment as that conduct ed by the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this sketch. He has been located in this business for several years and the store has always been a popular place. Although he is, not located in the heart of the city , it a noticeable fact that he numbers among his patrons many people who live at a distance and patrons are increasing at a most satisfactory rate. The stock of ladies furnishing goods, no tions, novelties, etc., Is full and complete and from the assortment shown one can make a very satisfactory selection. Prices are always right and are much more reasonable than those asked In the city. Mr. Deute is a most progressive citizen and well known. J. W. COLE. Civilized man usually rests himself and partakes of good cheer where the surroundings are cleanly, bright and at tractive, and this accounts for the contin uous and increasing patronage that Is accorded the establishment operated by Mr, J. W. Cole. This place has always en Joyed a most excellent custom under the efficient charge of Mr. Cole. Without doubt It is one of the cleanest little sa loons In the west in the maintenance and the proprietor takes pride in keeping It in that desirable condition. All goods are bought in bond and guaranteed to be ab solutely pure and free from all suspic ions of adulteration. ins frf nJ, ,; If II !4M s