OREGON" CITY ENTKIUHUSK. FRIDAY, MAY .", 1!H).V 10 J. W. MeANUUTY REAL ESTATE. No form of Investment has become more Important mul popular with the conserva tive public than judiciously selected renl estate, for not only Is a permanent source Of Income Insured, but also a reasonable certainty of Increase of value. The gen tleman above mentioned carries on a general real estate business, collecting rents, buying, selling and exchanging property, and has shown himself to be one of the most able, progressive busi ness men. Ilo has been In this business for the past few months, although well known In our city having been Justice of the Peace for two years, which Is a good proof of his popularity and worth as a citizen. The care and promptness with which ho has executed all business In trusted to him and the manner In which the Interest of patrons are handled and taken enre of. have naturally secured for him an extensive clientage. Mr. MeAn ulty Is located In the central part of our city and any one wishing to buy or sell property will find It profitable to give him a call. THE ROYAL RESTAURANT. In every city there Is a decided need of good eating places, where a good meal can be procured at a nominal sum, and the citizens of Oregon City may rest as sured that they are as well taken care of In this line of business as are the people of any other city her size in the West. Among those who have had great success In this line of work we wish to make special mention of Mr. L. O. Moore, who Is manager of the above house, which has been In operation In our city for the past two years, and has come to be known as the finest house In our com munity. Meals are served In the very best style at all hours, and the attend ants are always attentive and courteous to the wants of their guests. The cuisine Is of the very best and the cooking is un der the supervision of an experienced chef. The very best that Is to be pro cured In the market is to be found on the tables of this justly popular house, which Is opposite the Electric Hotel on Main street. A lunch counter Is provided for those who are In a great hurry and the same care and attention Is devoted to It as applies to the tables. Mr. Moore Is open day and night, and is well known In our city being accounted one of our most successful business men. THE HUB SALOON. There Is fully as much experience nec essary to conduct a first-class saloon as there is In any other calling, and it is noticeable that the most successful saloon-keepers are those who carry the best goods and conduct their establishments In the most orderly manner. A gentle men who Is making a marked success In this line Is Mr. Frank Nehren. Mr. Nehren has been In the business for the past five years and he has made it a rule at all times to handle only pure una dulterated goods, and insists, wherever It is possible, that everything that comes into his establishment must be of the very highest grade. He carries the best domestic and Imported wines, and liqu ors, and cigars of the choicest brands. The famous Castle whisky is to be had here in Its most perfect condition as well as the Chesterfield, and that excel lent brand, the "Hub" cigar is carried here. The best bottled beers are in stock and the leading eastern and domestic beers on draught and are served in most excellent condition. One can enter here knowing that the very best goods will be dispensed and that everything Is look ed after with the utmost care to ensure first-class service. POPE & CO. It has been generally known for a good many years that Oregon City's reputation for superior establishments and first class facilities are away ahead of other cities of much greater pretensions. Con tributing to this state of things is the enterprising house of Pope & Company. This is one of the oldest and most re liable firms In our city. They have been established in their present line from the very beginning which dates back to the very early history of the city. Here we have a large and well appointed place of business and the firm deals in everything under the general head of hardware, stoves and ranges, tinware, 'pumps, Iron pipe, agricultural machinery'. Iron and steel and do plumbing and general job bing. They occupy a large two-story building at the corner of Fourth and Main streets. This is filled with a very extensive stock which Is displayed to the very best advantage. Their goods and the methods of the firm are widely known for their excellence and the general sat isfaction that the customer always finds therewith. They have the highest rating in business circles and with the public and have a large and influential patron age that hus been steadily growing. E. A. PHILLIPS. If ever any merchant deserved the support and patronage of the community, that merchant is Mr. E. A. Phillips, who has recently succeeded to the business formerly owned by Mr. G. W. Grace. It is certain that few other merchants have given so much care and attention to the proper serving of the public with the very best goods obtainable at the very best prices possible consistent with a fair profit. He has done everything possible to make this an up-to-date and thoroughly modern store. The store has been neatly and effectively appointed and the goods displayed in such a way as to appear attractive and Inviting and at the same time to give the best display of the goods to the customer looking over the stock for the articles he desires. Mr. Phillips la recently from the East, but has had much experience in this line of business and is in every way capable of carrying the business to a successful point from the very beglnnlg. He has a general stock of merchandise of all kinds Tor the supplying of a community of this size and his stock is quite varied em bracing a great number of different lines. Everything is of the best quality for the prices quoted, and the large Btock gives much choice as to style, pattern, etc. I. TOLPOLAR. In gathering statistics for this review, we find that some houses, for straight forward, honorable business methods, enery and bnterprlse are entitled to special mention. Among those who come in this category is the house of I. Tolpol ar, which is one of the most exclusive in its line In this section. It Is located on Main street, one door north of the Com mercial Hank. The stock Is very large and embraces new and secondhand fur niture of all kinds, bedding, crockery, glass ware, hardware, tools, etc. It Is the otily first-class second hand store In the city and It has by far the largest and most select stock. Mr. Tolpolar has been established In this business for the past four years and has been each year ad ding to his stock and lines and each year his patronage has been steadily growing lurger and better. This Is one of the most honorably conducted establishments In our city. Mr. Tolpolar Is a capable business man, whoso guarantees are ac cepted as assurances of good faith, and he Is well deserving of the success that Is coming to him. Every courtesy pos sible Is offered the customer and his wants are attended to most expeditious ly at all times. OREGON CITY SHOE STORE, As an Individual Instance of the enter prise and aggressiveness which have brought our advancement, we quote as an example, the Oregon City Shoe House. The Messrs. Krausse Brothers are the proprietors of this popular shop and Mr. Wright Is the capable and genial gentle man In charge directly. The store has been established for eleven years, and through maintaining good shoes and sell ing at low prices, they have built up a very large and valuable business. The store is well located, nicely furnished and equipped throughout In an up-to-date way and the stock is displayed most attractively. They have several of the widely advertised makes of shoes that have proven their merit by many years of satisfaction to the public and their many and varied styles, sizes and leath ers, will enable any one to satisfy him self In foot wear at this store. Although there are many stores of this kind In our city, we doubt If there is any more ably managed and more progressive and heed ful of their patron's Interests and needs than the Oregon City Shoe House. Com petent and courteous clerks ensure prompt attention and intelligent service and you can be assured of satisfactory wearing shoes and prices at this excel lent place. GEO. A. HARDING. The vocation of a pharmacist is an Important one In any community, and is ! becoming more so, rather than less, j Among the favorably known chemists and druggists in Oregon City may be mentioned the well known house con-1 ducted by Mr. Geo. A. Harding. The store is located In the Willamette build ing on Main street. He has been estab lished here for some thirty-two years and from the very first he has been suc cessful in his business and the patronage .. '-mi Xmi.:"jrF1H." has been steadily on the increase. The store is neatly arranged and the appoint ments are first-class In every way. The stock includes everything that Is usually needed In a trade of this kind, and con sists of pharmaceutical preparations, patent medicines, pure drugs and chem icals of- all kinds, toilet articles, fine per fumery, paints, oils and varnishes, win dow glass, stationery, etc. A specialty Is made of compounding physician's pre scriptions and in tilling family recipes, extreme care being taken that none but the purest and best ingredients be used; in no case are Inferior articles substitut- I s, ..... : " .V..., i -. J- - ' -i -. -: - .... . 'J I i. -4pN !v .' v'v i" it i.i i am- -' led. Itcsldes devoting his entire time to I the business, Mr. Harding employs skill- j fill and competent help. Patrons of tills j ' store are always sure of prompt and I I courteous attention, and ll ml It ft pleas-j me to trade with a llrm of this kind. J Mr. Harding Is well known as nn ex-' ' perleneed and practical druggist, Is en- I terpi Islng and lias the contldence and ' I esteem of the public. Ills long business relations, w hich have always been unl- j 1 formly and entirely satisfactory to nil ' parties concerned, and the excellent stock canted, and too excellent services given j the community, has given him a patrou t age that extends far over the surrounding j country as well as being very large In the city. Mr. Harding Is an excellent business man of the very best reputation and one of our most substantial and hon ored citizens. Ho Is a native of Austra lia, but has been for a great number of years a resident of our city and may be numbered among our pioneers. Q. H. YOUNG. A CO. In the Held of commercial enterprise we tlnd no more worthy example of Indi vidual Illustration than the above named 1 , ' .-i1 ,,-v firm, the subject of this article. The present management succeeded Mr. R. I.. Holman some six months ago and the store has been in operation for the past four years. Everything In the confec tionery line, from the choice confections and bon bons to the plainest stick candy, Is made, also pre tafles, creams, etc., In great assortment and variety of taste. Here may be had the very best cigars In the country. None of the popular brands have been omitted and everything carried Is excellent In frarrnnce and smoking qualities. The list of tobaccos includes everything that the patrons of the establishment desire and Is very ex tensive. Smoker's utensils and novelties of every description may be found here and the pipes are most selected in am ber, briar and other popular forms. An excellent billiard and pool hall is also maintained and Is largely patronized. It has been made very attractive and every thing In connection Is first-class. The management Is highly to be commended on the fine and large stock and the prompt and courteous Service that Is given the publls at all times. MISS WISNER. N'o business has made greater progress during recent years than that of up-to-date photography. The mechanic has been superseded by the urtlst, and the result Is apparent In the great Improve ment In modern machinery. To be a suc cessful photographer nowadays, one must be an artist In every sense of the word, for the people are becoming more and more critical and exacting In these matters. In this respect, Miss Winner products the highest class of photograph- - 2.--- -,,.'ai'i.lt. "ft. : Ic art work. Her studio Is located on , Main street, near Seventh street. She Is well known to the citizens of Oregon City, having been established in our midst for three years. She came to this city from West Virginia, where she was engaged In the same profession. She hns had much experience and given the pro fession much study, and she Is capable of executing tho most modern Ideas In photographic work of all kinds. Miss Wisner Is giving satisfaction to tin. peo ple of our community by reason of tlhe highly artistic work she Is doing and a glance at any of her work will con- am vlnce any of our readers that her photo graphs are hard to excel In workmanship, artlstlo rendering and Interpretation and In style and llnlsh. J. C. SAWYER. due of the most comprehensive assort ment of bicycles in Oregon City Is dis played at the Oregon Clly lilcyele and linn Store. The salesroom Is n large and commodious one, attractively arranged and thoroughly stocked with nn excep tionally line aggregation of the numerous reliable and leading makes for men, women and children. The space at com mand does not permit of detailed state ment of the various makes handled, but It may be mentioned that the stock ral lied Is complete In every way and com prises sonic of the best makes to be found on the market anywhere. The stock of guns and ammunition Is complete enough to suit the amateur or professional hunter anil the sportsman, Most any make of gun In rifle, shot gun. pistol, revolver, etc., and all the different lines of ammu nition ami supplies of every description are can led here. The department de voted to the line of sporting goods Is the ,A . V ;0' 4" -J most comprehensive In the city. Fishing tackle, tennis goods, etc., are here In great profusion. Shells are loaded to order and guaranteed and gun, bicycle and general repairing has the very best and most skilled care. The firm has ben established for three yenrs and Is enjoying a very extensive patronage. They are enterprising and upright In all business dealings and well merit tho suc cess they are meeting with. i WILLIAMS BROS. TRANSFER CO. i One of the best known concerns of Its kind In the city Is that operated by the Williams Ttrothcrs Transfer Company, which rontrols an express nnd delivery business here. They have a number of teams and these are In tho best possible condition for the work that they havo to I do, while the drivers are careful, obliging, I and thoroughly "reliable In nil cases and I In all work entrusted to their care. They have the' reputation of having the best j line In the city and have been established : for some four years In this business. The j gentlemen are thoroughly experienced In j all details of this kind of work, and are I untiring In their efforts to please. They j are piilnsuiklng and are anxious that the j work done by their men shall be entirely ' satisfactory. Their oltlce is opposite the ; Masonic Hulldlng and telephone calls to ; this place will receive the most prompt ! and careful attention. They do work for the lending hotelB In the city, move furni ture of all kinds, pianos, safes, etc. In Cdses this work has been dune to tho sat isfaction of the patron and those who have patronized them once will continue to do so. They ure reliable In all their dealings and their success Is well merit ed. 'Tft'flffrirWiiItr1 OREGON CITY HOUSE. This house Is one of the leading hotels of our city and Is located on Main street under the able management and solo ownership of Mr. M. Saur, who has been In this location for the past two years, in which time he has centered most of the trade of the city In this lino of work. Ills rooms ure nil neat and clean and kept up In the very best manner, and the service Is up to the standard set by tho rest of the house in every particular. The cooking Is tinder tho supervision of 1 ... 4 an expert cooli, nnd all nienl are served In a prompt and itppcl Islng manner. The dining room I" large ami crowded by nil who take pleasure In a good meal whole somely cooked and served to advantage. A specialty Is made of liatiHlent roomers, ami a rale of II per week l made to all permanent guests. This house In one which has had a great deal to do with the development of Oregon Clly, and has always occupied a leading place III our commercial and business fabric, ELK HORN LIVERY STABLE. The livery and boarding business nf the Messrs. Wilson nlld Ziiuiwult Is one of the best equipped of Its kind In Hie clly, It has enjoyed a very liberal and Intlu entlal patronage ever since Its Inception. The stable comprises a fairly coiumudlnu building, well drained. ventilated and I lighted, and has amide Mceoiumodiitlons for some tweuly-slx head of horses, ear- plages, buggies, etc, All kinds of vehicles limy be had lit all limes and the pilccs ' are most reasonable. The rigs of this place for style and nppcaritticp eamiol be surpassed anywhere In the clly, a spe cial feature being made (if supplying cur c 11 rlages, pet., for halls, pintle, wedding, funerals, etc. This husltu- ma estab lished only last September but they hiivn made for themselves a secure place In the confidence of the public by the excellent Service nnd horses nnd carriage afford I In that tlmo. The gentlemen nro now en I gaged In building nn addition to their barn which will enable them to accom modate a much larger number of horse and will make their CMtiihllnhmcnt one of the very best In the city. Tho reliability of the method of Ibis house hns been the mean of gaining for them a very large and enviable trade which seems ever on the Increase. They are highly highly respected In the community for their promptness and integrity, and Just ly merit the abundant success secured by them in their Important business. J. A. TUFTS. One of the principal and most promi nent buslne establishment In Its Hue In Oregon City Is that conducted by Mr. J. A. Tuft. This Is located on Main street, opposite the Golden Itille. The premise occupied are not very large, but they am attractively and neatly furnished and the nppolutment are the most modem. A choice line of all kinds of confections at tracts the eye ami the palette Immediate ly on entering and upon trial are found not to bely their appearance mid nltrae tlve silting. They are of the purest ma terials ami In a most delirious condition. The cigars that are familiar to the pa trons and popular with them are carried In stock and the good are always to be found In the freshest and must fragrant and smokable condition. Tobaccos In tho old ami well known make and In the latest brands, as well, may be had here. The fountain Is very well kept Indeed. No lieter soft drinks can be found nnywhere. Not only are all the popuhir drinks to be had here, but many excellent concoc tions of their own of local fame. The lea cream parlor Is very neat iitul comfort able and the very best Ice and cream are served. Mr. Tufts display great en ergy In his methods of conducting the business, Is honorable, and w wish him the abundant success that lie I having and well deserves. W, RAM BO. The handsomely furnished find well ap pointed and well stocked bar of Mr. W. Hambo Is located on Main street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. It Is known a the lioriton Saloon and I n pleasant resort for the socially Inclined and pleas ure loving people (,f Oregon Clly. A large slock of bottled good In wines, whlsklcH ami brandies Is kept on hand, and families are supplied with the best productions for medicinal purposes, The Honton is one of the handsomest resorts In this section, and only tho best goods are handled. Mr. Itiimbo, who Is very popular and well known, personally looks after the wants of tho patrons, and since beginning hem somo eight yenrs ngo, has made his establishment share the recognition of the public for neat and elaborate appearance, select patronage and first -class service and high business standing. An Institution of thla class and standing Is a merit to the community and It enjoys tho very best trndu of any simi lar cafu In the city, Tho lending bottled beers of eastern and domestic, make ure to bo had here and fresh beer of the very best brew Is always on tap. It in ono of tho most popular public places In the idly and Its patronage is very largo and con stantly growing. FAIRCLOUGH BROS. Each year some labor-saving machlne- ry has taken the place of i,mny h . 11,1.1 ..I II, i. i, i ' ' ' I.... I ... nnn "III, II IN oill l''Mll boast that II require fewer men III I he world now than It did mm fun i'uiiin iiui. Miii'bllu.rv Hull ' ' t'i"'riiiiN lllt nn in curacy nnd w It It llm seeming nee of a human being has it, ' lelllgem !kon Hie burden of toll on Its own sli milil, and relieved the liillllltinle, (Inn ill ' Hit ii.... . I oi l ' I gnu Hint netn In a idilliintliioii! way H tilbullng these labor-saving innchm,,, " l''alielough Dion. They urn tei(,.r ( hardwine, tinware and farm innl. i,,,.,,, ami machinery of every (Icseilpii T)l are cash dealer lit wool, libbn v.I m.i i. .....I... ... hiiiIii Hint feed, and also curry in NIM. ' full lino of lime, land plasters, nhii,,,, and cement. They occupy A img rt,lt,t store unit do very liugn buslneiin, This Is the fttvoillii pliien for the funnem l ta their tindlng In these lines aii, n,,, (,f has a Very wide reputation f,,r nl(, liability tiud excellence, of ,,.r milt and the honoiablu dealings of the ii, , at all time. The proprietor nin ,(,. (1 A. nnd Mr. J. It. Kulrcloiigh. Tiny atfl loKielve nnd genial business nun most prominent In our city nffulis. WtlNHARO'S BUR HALL. There I a steady IncrrnHn lu ti, ,((. maud for pure wltie nnd liquor, )n our slute, especially, n llll gn aim unit ( capital I Inveslrd In the biilne of l,,y. Ing. selling mid muniifuctuilng of Ui,n product. There I it constantly Ki.iwii( demand Hint only uch good be ImmlL'il that fire entirely pur and wb.,. ,mil, ami the holme that cater to thl drninnl I the one that I having the ltl,t m,,.. ccm Among the leading saloon rf nn clly, we may mention the Welnhai l p.wp Hall. Thl I under the propil. i u.hij, and active management of Mr. I: Mt. tlilc. Hit hit bent mlabllbed at this point for the period of twelve yr.in nt I one of our oldest l'fi rubtnciil n( ereta ami know well what the public of our city demand In thl line. I la I mi t. perleiiceil bar ami liquor man and that ! shown In the management of the pun nod III the exi'ellencfi of the Wales li4t urn dispensed at the bur, Only the vry (Incut wltie, the clioleest whiskies nti, thO IIIOMt Select lllll UtO tO 1)11 foi, here. Thnl popular horn brew, the Yvln. hard beer I nlway to hn fouml ait It aught mid served In lutgn, fonnilni, Mpuikllng, glassful. An i-xcclbiu of flue cigar I nUo nt the public' tn. Ice. Tim place I very neat and atirid. Ive and the hull I located at Main l:iblll street. F. A. TAYLOR. While til applied principle of ninth matte and the clnc may prouioie In telllgencn and give breadth and clmrac. trr to (be mind. It I left for mu. culture to produce tboe refining Influ ences which contribute lit iM-lal enjoy, meiit. With thl aim In view. Mr. V. A. Taylor establlbed bimltte In our city ami iwcuple elegant quarter, which r furnished in the most tasty nnd iiltrm-i-Ive tyle. Il repteenl tho large mil enterprising firm of Alien Ollbrrt-IU-muker Company of Portland, ono of the largest tliunli'lil house In the Wl. The make of piano and nignn that lie csrrle re of th most popular aiet excellent one manufactured In tt) country, Mr. Taylor I building up nice trad by III enterprising and e commtidntlng method. Ho ha be. a putting out only the very beat Instru. ment ami nt the immt reasonable ratr. He I a man of ability In thl line unj I In every way qualified to carry on such biiNlm- and I well dcacrvlng In every way of the patronage that I rem. Ing to him. In addition to piano n.l oigan In the standard sli ami quid tie, he also handles the lntet ami mixt (In mbIi- music ami musical ln(rum-nl of all kind. ELECTRIC GROCERY. Thl I one of the largest and moat modern rtabllshmenl In thl line In the city, The building I large and sptf clous, and I located In a very deslrabl portion of the town for the currying on of thl Important buslm. It tqulp ped throughout In the very best way mill I entirely up-to-date, The good r displayed In a way that add much to th appearance ,,f l(l spu e niid In m h i way almi n best to show up the vnrlel line of good carried to the eye of th Intending purchaser. The store I fullly stocked with a line line of slnple nnd fancy groceries, ten, coffee, canned nnd bottled good, nnd delleloll table deli cacies of many kind. He almi einrli a large supply of tinware nnd ginnlte ware, crockery, tobacco, fruit from abroad ami from rill portion of our own country, provision and all tnunmr of country produce, The trade I both locnl mul with the surrounding country for l Wide distance, Thl toie ha been en gaged In the Inislnes here for a petloit of four year, mid during ull thl time Mr. 1). M. Klemsen, the proprietor, hu endeavored In every way to please tli public and to give them value received for their money, ami the public has re sponded with a very large patronage. R. D. WILSON & J. J. COOKE. In all the line of business Oregon 'l'y Ih as well represented ii any city In Hie j West, mul when wo speak of our retail luirilware store we urn speaking or tno strongest firms we have In our city. Ono of which we wish to make special ni n Hon of Is the house operated by th iibove gentlemen, und located on M'ln street, which I tho center of our com mercial and Industrial world. A full lino of hardware, both shelf and heavy, I carried In stock, Including stove,, ranges tin ware, wooden ware, utensils, cutlery, etc., In fact everything to be found In nn i up-to-date iiousi! of this kind. Tho very eornplctonoH of tho business and tho strictly upright method on which It l based huvo been combined to make It ono of tho best known and patronized In the state. Messrs, Wilson nnd Cooke have been Identified with this business for tho past fifteen years, nnd huve til i ways had the very highest reputation In I all quarters. They lire men who would 1 bn a welcome addition to tho buslm"' j fabric of any city, and ones of whom nil our people think very highly. MT. HOOD CAFE. L. H. GEORGE. TIiIh clly has seen many resorts In the beverago and refreshment lino start Into being In tho Inst few years, but none of them have begun with more evidence of I being tin ultimate success than has the (Continued on page 11.)