Oregon HiNTERPR OHKHON CITY, OKKGON, FJUPAY, MAY 5, 1905. ESTABLISHED 18CG VOL AH. .NO. 20. cm OSS & SHAW FINAL ORDER MADE REMOVAL OF OREGON CITY OFFICE 18 ORDERED. LAND Main Street, Oregon City. steal estate at th present time I presenting a profitable field for the Investment of money. It I th real bail of all values. Here art presented a few specimen bargalnt to lull tha varlad went Of homa seeker and In vm torsi 42 acre In (tin Washington William claim, 2b level, I acrea In cultivation, running wator, orchard, soli good f.-i.Kim house com (luu; mllns to Leading Real Estate Agents 233 Washington Street, Portland. Or. Oregon City. Prlca, 11600. 77 aeraa, 3 Vfa ml1i from Oregon City, wnil lixotoij, good aoll, liuuw, barn, orchard, living wnlrr, 15 acre . In cultivation, l'rlce ltiUO. A bar gain. Term. 160 aores timber land on B. 1. railroad, half of It fairly level and aoll lit for cultivation. Timber suitable for lumber, wood, piling accessible to Willamette rlvtr. Tha timber will mora than pay for Ilia pl'. Prlca, 12400. Term. 320 aeraa lovl. 2 inllrs from Can by. on Molulla rlvrr, 6 arra In cul tivation. A great deal of valuable baavy timber, nt for lutnbnr, piling and wood- aci-ps orchard 7 room house -barnwhole plncn fenerd 20 par acre. 0 aeraa of splendid rich land, quite level, in Htlm !. T. ( H, K. 1 K; IS mlle from Molalla rlvar. Tbla plaa haa no Improvements, but la covered with valuable timber, and prewnil a nrin liivrtnunt for speculator- would take part trade In city property. HO per acre. 100 aorea at Highland 20 In culti vation bona, barn, aoll good. Many acres easily cleared. 116 per acre. 40 ore farm at Clarke level, Rood rmw bouan, cost fiiou, Harn KfixDo.. (Jrnnury 130, woodshed Hxl fruit living water, A nice little home. t00. Term. SO aorea 4 miles from Oregon City. In pioNwroua neighborhood. 40 aer lit cultivation good hou, burn and outbuildings, orchard. Ilitlf mil" to achool. Price 14000.00. 121 acree near Macksburg, about t mlla from t'anby, 40 acre In culti vation, 36 acre alaahod. 'ii acres In grain. New house and fair outbuild ings. Tbla la chap at JW. Kred Moabbrgr placeISO acres, NK'4 of Hno. 1, T. 6 8, IL 1 K; all level so ai;na heavy timber, light tlmbur. Prlca fciWO. bulanct Terms. 160 acre In Matthew Itlcbardaon claim ull good aoll on main plank road, I inline from Oregon City. 4b acre In cultivation amull orchard well and living aprlng. I "Dor houae and bain, but a very chuap pluce at laooo, I100U down, balance In 7 yeara at I pvr cunt Inlurcsl. 90 acre of splendid farming land on main plunk road miles from Ore Ron City 40 acres in cultivation living aprlng largo frame barn no dwelling. Prlca $3000. 40 aorea 1 mllo from Estacada 20 acres In cultivation rolling land red loam soil 2 aprlng and good well. House, barn. Price $2000 Terms SO acres at Sprlnowater 4 acre In cultivation 70 aerea heavy valuable tlmlMr. 2 mlli to Casadoro. Fair buildings. Oood outrange. Thlg place , la all right at $1100. 2t acrss In heart of Oregon City level aa a Door. Oood house, barn and outbuildings and plenty of fruit. This place I a snap at 12800. Term. 226 acre Dairy Farm t mlle,B from Oregon City, 100 acres In cultivation, whole place fenced 60 acrea nearly ready to break living water 75 acre line bottom paature land 14 head Jeiaeya, farming toola, crop, horses, wagon, l'rlce very low at $36 per acre. 244 acre grain and stock farm at Hprlngwater, 180 acre In cultivation, living water. Itarn S0HO. email dwelling, 10 acrea orchard 4$ head cattle all farming IjoIs, orop, horses and all $3 P" SO acrea at Marmot, near Adolph Aachoff a, known aa Chaa. KyU-r place and owned by Hode, at one time 16 acrea In cultivation over SO acres A. No. 1 boII email house and barn Oreat outrange for cattle on main road. Terms to suit. $10 per acre. 160 acres In Section 14, T. 4 B, 1L 6 E; 2 acres In cultivation small houae, t rooms; 40 nloe fruit trees, two million feet valuable timber, cedar and Mr; 2 miles to Linn's mill. Val uable place for only $800. Many other places, big and little, and stiit able for all needs at prices that are right Send for more definite information and tell us what you are looking for. CEOSS l SHAW People of District Will Present Situation Before President Roose velt ' Iist Saturday the official order was lasued at Washington directing the re- i movftl of the Oregon City Lund Office to 1'ortlund, July 1, next. While the people of Oregon City have labored diligently for several weeks to prevent the consumutlon of the propoaed removal of the Land Office from this city to Portland, there la expressed no surprise In the positive announcement that the change will be made July 1, next. It has been expected. Hut, the people of this city will not submit until the pro tests that are now being circulated throughout the district ere called to the attention of President Iloosevelt, whose intervention, alone, it l Obvious, will alter the situation. In the removal of the Land Office from this city, the residents of this place gen erally concede that Oregon City's loss from a commercial view-point la entire ly secondary In consideration. This of- I flee has never been considered a source of any great revenue In a business way to the enterprises here located. The chief worth of this office to Oregon City lies In the fact that It brings to this city many new people prospective set tlers, who are attracted here In quest of public lands that are open to settlement Finding desirable lands suitably located scarce for the reason that the best have been settled upon, these people Investi gate the agricultural lands and Invaria bly find something that suits them and become residents of the county. In this way, the Land Office haa become a great factor In the development and settling of will be Clackamaa county. While the prospect of retaining the Land Office here Is by no means promts I Ing, the people of this city have not en tirely despaired yet. Anticipating the order of removal that has been signed. a mass meeting of citizens a few weeks ago named a committee to take steps to prevent the proposed change In the location of thla office. This committee employed IJruce C. Curry, of this city, him, and this forms the most Important point at Ihsiib In the appeal. Another as signment of error was the disqualified; tln of one of the trial Jurors, but the Supreme Court sustain the lower court In all of Its rulings. In punning upon the question of In sanity raised by the counsel for the de fendant, Chief Justice Wolverton holds. In substance, that a paroxysm of jealousy or sudden anger or frenzy of temper, pro voked or superinduced by tho Intelli gence that the accused had been aban doned by his mistreat, the object of his lustful affections, he being otherwise In possession of his mental faculties unim paired by disease or unbalanced by her edity, will not relieve him of criminal re sponsibility, and the. trial court's ruling or observations were In accord with thla understanding of the law. Upon the question whether the Juror John Page waa disqualified, the court finds that the showing made by the af fidavits pro and con was very evenly bal anced, and, alnce the lower court, with a better opportunity to detect Imposition and discover truth, piAsed upon the proof the appellate court will not Interfere with Its legal discretion In the premises. CONVICTS WORK ON ROADS. Three Squad Work on Three Road an Experiment. By an arrangement between Governor Chamberlain, Superintendent James of the penitentiary and County Judge Scott, forty or fifty convicts will be put to work on the county road during the first part of the coming week, says the Salem Statesman. Governor Chamberlain aug gested the move and arranged a meet Ing which resulted In a decision to try the plan. The convicts, all of whom will be trusties, will be taken out either Mon day or Tuesday morning and will be di vided Into three squads. Each squad In charge of two experienced guards. One squad will be put to work on the Halls Ferry road; another on the Roeedale, and the third on the Jefferson road. Arrangement have been made with the Citizen' Light & Traction Company to carry the convicts to and from their work, the companylng agreeing to fur nlsh enough cars to accommodate the men for 13 per day. Special car will be taken to the penitentiary every morning SHOT BY MARSHAL ERNEST HICKMAN DELIBERATELY KILLED IN EASTERN OREGON. City Marshall Too Free In Ut of Hla Gun Deceased Was Well Known Here. , Ernest Hickman, son of Mr. John hlck man of thla city, was shot and killed at an early hour last Saturday morning by the town marshall at Prairie City, Grant County. The following account of the shooting waa published In the Ore-gonian: "The Coroner" Jury Monday brought! In a verdict that K. Hickman met hla death from a gunshot wound Inflicted by City Marshall W. H. Lucy. The pre liminary hearing will be Tuesday, before Justice of the Peace J. W. Mack. ''The shooting occurred In Wood's sa' loon at 2 o'clock Saturday morning. Half dozen men and three OJsreputabito women were drinking and carousing in the place. Jim Clarke, a gambler, an eye witness of the tragedy, give the follow ing version: 'The crowd in the saloon had several drinks around, the Marshall treating two or three times. The three women who had been singing and dancing, began quarreling among themselves. Hot words passed and they threw beer and whisky In each other's face. I expected there would be trouble, so I grabbed one of them and held her, telling her to be quiet. The woman jerked away from me. at the same time applying a vile epithet Them Hickman cut In: 'We'll all take a drink and go home, he said. ' am going to shut up the place.' 'Marshall Lucy laid hi hand on my shoulder and said: 'Cut this out; I win allow no such talk here.' We were all more or lea drunk. Hickman came from behind the bar and shoved the Marshall away, putting hi hand on hla cheat Lucy staggered and fell. When he arose he laid hla left hand on the bartender' right shoulder. pulled a gun from his overcoat pocket with his right hand, placed the muzzle of the weapon on Hickman's right breast and fired. The bullet went clear through the man's body and struck a bystander In the right leg. Hickman cried out: Tou have shot me, Lucy; let me go to a doctor.' I grabbed the gun and struggled for L.fOUTHE, , ATTORNEY AT LAW 4srraCTorroriTY roam"". Offlo oeit to Oregon CUT Eatrpri. ATTORNEYS AND COUN8EIX)R8 AT LA ,T MAIN STBtST 0OOH CITT, 0OOI rurolsh Abstracts of Till. Money, rorecloM Mortgage and transact, Oaaaral Law Bvslnaaa. O W. KAHTHAM V ATTORNEY AT LAW Collection, Mortgage Foreclosure. Ab stracts of Title and General Law Bus In ess. o d J Jo c If we fall to reach your heart It won't be the fault of our weapon, for th dulnty dlnhes we serve are prepared by a uklllful chef In an up to date way Our service Is quick, efficient and courte ous, and our prices are right THE BRUNSWICK and to the terminus at the L O. O. F. to visit the various counties Included in cemetery In the evening for the exclusive the Oregon City Land District and e- use of the "road gang." cure signatures to remonstrating petl-1 By the arrangement agreed upon the tlonl that had been prepared and In which only expense to Marion county for the I its possession with the Marshall. Hick was recited different reasons why the services of the convicts will be the salary I man called to me to hold the gun. The change should not be made. At Salem, of the six gparda, the $3 per day car fare I other fellows thought the bystander waa the first place visited, Mr. Curry secured and the sum of 6 cent per convict to 1 the only one shot and took hist away. the signature of every one of the state I be paid to the state, being the estimated I The women scurried out of the place. officials and a great many prominent and extra expense Incurred by working the I 'Hickman ran to the open door and Influential citizens. Great success waa men away from the penitentiary. The I fell. He wa carried home, asked hi met by Mr. Curry at Albany. Corvallls, i extra expense la figured on the increased I wife to kiss him and was dead in twenty McMlnnvllle, Hlllsboro, and Forest Grove, consumption of rood, a natural conse- minutes.' but the work of circulating these petl- quence when the convict are put to hard "The story told by Clarke Is confirmed tlon not having been completed, the to- I labor. In a general way by the other eye-wit- tal number of signatures thereto 1 not I If the plan work out successfully it is 1 nesaes, but there la much disagreement known. the intention to extend the convict to a to details. Register Dresser and Receiver Bibee, I other roads. of the Oregon City Land omce. have not recei ved any official notification of I General Summary, the making of the final order directing I The weather during the week waa too the suspension of business at the office cool for rapid growth, and crops on the here on June 30th and the renfoval of whole did not advance so rapidly as aur the office on the following day, July 1, to Ing the preceding week. There were aev Office over Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or. W. 8. O'Rei 0. Bohmbtl I U'REN '& SCIIUEBKL Attorneys at Lnw. i Will practice in all courts, make collections and settlements of Ksiates. Furnish abaUad of title, lend you money and lend your money on II rat morgana. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. JjIVY STIPP Attorney at -Law. JuHtiua of the 1'eaue. , (Mar Blilg., Oregon CHy THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY Oregon City, Oregon AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 D. C. LATOURETTE F. J- MEYER Transacts a general banking business. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. President Cashier Opeft from eral sharp frosts, the most damaging of which occurred Wednesday morning, at which time tender vegetables and some varieties of fruit were injured. Plowing and seeding are now practical ly completed, and work on summer fallow Is progressing nicely. Fall and spring grain continue in excellent condition. Wheat, oata, rye and barley are growing satisfactorily, and In some sections of western Oregon rye and barley are begin ning to head. Hops have reached the tops of the wires in some favored locali ties, but In many yards the crop is com ing up unevenly, necessitating the "cut ting back" of the vines. Corn and potato planting continuea. Some corn is up and the stand Is report ed as verv good. Early potatoes were Portland. They had no statement to moke, While some land office business Is done by all attorneys here, the principal prac titioner in thla department are T. F. Cowing. O. D. Eby, G. L. Hedge and J, W. Draper. Commenting on the situa tion, Mr. Eby stated that land office at torneys having a great many cases pend Ing before the Land Office, tnUBt neces aarily follow the Office In case It is re moved. However, the withdrawal from settlement of a large area the Oregon City Land District about a year ago and the unsettled conditions that have succeeded the extensive land investiga tions In this state during the last year, has diminished largely the business in .liatrU't nut with the onening of nother lnrire acreage to settlement on i quite badly frosted during the week, the May 1. and the restoration of thousands I tops In many localities being frozen to of acres that had been temporarily with- ! the ground. Gardens have made alow drawn about a year ago. there will follow ! growth owing to the lack of sunshine, great activity In this office during the i Meadows 1 pastures are In fine condi tion ana biock iooks wen. iuiiiuiiib about over. Sheep and goat shearing "Marshall Lucy Is a son of Judge Lucy, formerly of Umatilla County. He re fuses to make any statement before ex amination Tuesday, other than that ha does not fear the outcome of the affair." Hickman was for many years a resi dent of this city where he ha a host of friends who regret hi untimely death. Hickman Is survived by a wife and one child, besides a mother, two brother and two sisters. The remains were given burial at Prairie City, the mother and son, Dr. Harvey Hickman, of this city going to Prairie City to attend the ser vices. With Lewis A Clark. By Julia Fraaer. is an Interesting article in April Sunset Magazine. Tbla article is well illustrated, and should be read by people of the Northwest and then sent to their Eastern friends. It will help to show them the enterprise and progress of the Northwest better than many letters would. Other articles, short stories and verse. Sold by all newsdealers. J U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Prices Reasonable lasooM Citv, OasaoM. Will practice In allthe oourts of the state. 01 toe, lu (JHuflold buildlnv. LET US DO YOUr Work Work Guaranteed We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Ollice Opposite Masonic Building Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Telephone Office 1121 Keaiilence 1833 O LACK AM AS TITLE CO. Your Clackamas County abstracts of Tina should bo DreDared by the Clackamas Tltlo Company, Incor porated, Chambor of Comnrce biilldlnsr. Portland. This complkv is the builder and owner of the best and moat complete plant or ciacic amas county titles. Astracts from Its offices are compiled by experts of long experience, competent attor neys and draughtsmen, and are of guaranteed accuracy. Clackamaa County Lands, Mortgage , Loans, Estate managed, Taxes ex amined and paid. C. F. Riley, pres.,. F. B. Riley, sec. ADVANCED STYLES Newest, Nobbiest up-to-date styles IN SHOES AND OXFORDS In all leathers such as Tans, Patent Colt, Vici and Velours in the W. L. Douglas and Joe Tilt makes, two of the most reputable shoe manufacturers in the world, The prices are always right, $2.f)0, $3.00,3.50, $100 and $5.00. Our Women's and Children's 8hoo lines are complete. THE DOUGLAS SHOE STORE The Place for Qoality Oregon City, Oregon next many months. "If your information Is correct." stat ed W. A. Huntley, president of the Ore gon City Board of Trade, "the outlook for us Is dubious. But we will not give up until tho protests that are being circu lated In the Oregon City Land District be presented to the President if that be possible. I understand that Mr. Curry is meeting with great success in obtain ing signatures and that the people gen erally are very much opposed to the re moval of the Land Omco. If these large ly signed protests reach the proper au thorities In time, we trust that the choice of the people of this Land District will be given preference over the wlshc of 11 few sni'clal agents and Land Office ofllclals." In their fight to retain the Land Of- flre hwe, the people of Oregon City have enllstod the services of United States s..nntor Pulton who will present the matter, bufore President Roosevelt. In n letter to Uepresentatlve C. Q. Huntley in this city, Senutor Fulton has inquired for statistics as to the rental that is be ing paid for the suite of rooms occupied by the Land Office in this city as well us for other Information as to the require ments of the office. Senator Fulton as sure Mr. Huntley that he will actively enlist his efforts to induce President Roosevelt to rescind the order that has been Issued directing the removal of the Land Office from this city. continues, with clip generally above the average. All tree fruit, except late ap ples, more or less Injured by frost, but reports as to the extent continue very conflicting. Peaches, prunes and cherries. however, have suffered most. Bush fruit and strawberries promise good yields. "Neglected colds make fat graveyards." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup helps men and women to a happy, vigorous old age. . LAUTH WILL HANG. Supreme Court Affirms Judgment of Trial Court. The supreme Court Inst Friday rend ered an opinion sustaining the proceed ings of the Clackamas County Circuit Court in the trial of Geo. V. Lauth, who whs convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to be hanged for the shooting of his mistress, Mrs. Leonora B. Jones In tffls city last September. Lauth will be brought before Judge McBrlde soon when the death sentence will again be pronounced. Lauth was sentenced to hang and inter posed a plea of Insanity at the trial as defense, but the trial court ruled against A Year In College. 200 cash or a year in college can be quickly earned by one young man or lady in each county during the summer. Plan does not Interfere with other employment, and student can select the school. . State name of Institution you wish to attend. No money required. For particular addreas. Morton H. Pemberton, Centralis, Mo. Workmen are now building the main entrance gates at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. There will be twenty turn stiles for entrance, with a number of exit gates. ROYAL Powder Baking Menkes Gleesct Breed With4 Royal Baking Powder there is no mixing with the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. Full instructions in the " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM 8T., NEW YORK. 1 )