Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 28, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Country Correspondence
IOmkIi-i" Hmidiiy m appropriately ob-
,IV'il ly fl""''"1 vlllli aervlre. III the
W chiirrhi'N ' till" I'1""'"' lt It pltti'i-a
of wiiilil t t m t ;f it Ity (hu'iirnteit and
w,. by nlli'ntlvB rind 'apprei-lntlva
,iilli'Mi'r. Inlort'Hllnif iioitam wern
wrl ii'iiili'ieil.
Hr. ('. V. I'hirk rnti'liilni'il Pr, It, A,
Hliut, Mr. and Mm. Hhlrliy lUuk and
MIM Kilmi Animhonir at dinner on
KiintiT, lli'i bi-i b I'lurk, of the Htiilti Unl
vnrniiiy wm itt home for tun vacation,
MIn Floy M'lreiior wu ti tiu.-at of
Minn Mind Mather for Knainr,
Mm. Kuki'IH' llnyword and II 1 1 1 mm,
,.! Hmidiiy and Momliiy with fuitilly
f i l. tlltH.
Mm. Amanda flpuwoon went down to
Portland Mondny to vlalt hir mm Klnti,
Id In (" dxd flumnrllan hospital,
rymvnrltiK from an opi'milon.
j'lin muiiy friend of Mm. K. C. Chap
mun inn huppy to note her progress to
wumI recovery from aeveto lllneiia.
Mm. Until Webster now at Ir. Ilhik
mn sanitarium In much Improved In
lirulih mid I'Xpnrl" to be ttt home mum.
The properly belonging to (ha Chap
man heir ba been arbitrated, K. O.
('iiiUiin received the. homeatvad, In
duillnK house nd 15 opposite
Mullier' mom. ll haa rented It for
j'.ur to partle named Hoblmion. I.ut
rr. I"1 exp"'" to maka Improvement
unil n It "l for hi ftimlly realdene.
Tlio (Jarlaon place l much Improved by
new wlm fencing,
The Nachand place look mm'li better
(,,r relent Improvement.
Mr. A. Mather In dolmc largn thlnga
bettering tbd condition and appenrane
of liia residence, atom and atatlon build
man. Mr. Isaac Joltnaon ha a new fence
timit hla place.
t'nder the auspice of the Mother'
Club, the cllUeii of Clarkamu, men
nl women, gathered at th cemetery.
Tur'ly morning, for thn purpoa of
making much needed Improvement. Ax,
hoe, pd and grubbing were vlgornu
y applied by tb men amm wroiiKlit a
marveloua change. At noon the ladle
bad a fine picnic dinner apread to which
all did ample Justice. In thn afternoon
holm wem drilled In aom half a doien
huge stump and powder applied, with
the pleasing reault of being put In a con
dition to burn when dry. Tho Club la
very happy In having met aitch hearty re-
tbla tlmn of thn year and garden art
looking mm,
Mr. Clink, our ben man, la building
liew holme,
Ilomi'Mi'cki'ra are running nt hugn Ik
tbla pint of tho country, We am glad
to aco tbitin coma,
Them wiia a very pleaannt Annuo at
tin. biimn of Mr, and Mia. U, A. Jnmea
on thn evening of tb i'i, thern waa a
In i K iitletidniicB and all enjoyed them
aclvea Immensely,
Mia, Jeiinlnga and Mm. Ingram of
Oatnuider, and Mra, Ourratt of Houthern
Oregon, ma hern tending at th bedalda
of their mother, Mra. llobeaon, who la
qulin alrk.
Mr,C, 15. (lorbett and brldo have moved
Into their new realdimca,
Irf'W 1 1 ol, bin d went to Oregon City
biat Huturdiiy,
Jon Curlaon hna gomt to M11II110 to
tiiim fur Mr, Lamb,
l'loyd Jonea la vtaltlng lila Orandpar
enla near ftiilem.
Our roud Hupervlaor la Improving our
blghwaya much, btnatlng atumpa, and
laying corduroy. Htlll there'a riwitn for
Mr. and Mm, linker worn vlaltlng rl
ntlvea hem but flunday. Mm. Haker't
health la vary poor,
Plana to Oat Rich
am often frualrated by auddan break
down, du to dyapcpala or conatlpatlon.
llraca up and take Dr. Klng'a Nw Ufa
I'llla, They take out the materlala which
am clogging your anerglea, and glva
you a new atart. Cum headache and dla
laneaa too. At Howell It Jonea drug
atom; ZBc, guaranteed.
TIib ruin of th biat few dnya hna been
aufllclent for all lulc nropa.
O, J, Trulllngcr died at hla liorne, at
Union Mill, on Huturdiiy, at 10 o'clock
0. m. Ho hud reiicbed the ago of HI
yenra. Ho bavea a wlfn, two daughter,
nve aotia and averal grind children.
Hurlul took tdacii on Tueaduy at th
Tnillltiger cemelfiry.
Ilorrt to Mr. and Mm. Ilond, a dnoglfr
The diinca at the Wyant Ifouaa, given
by Chiia, Howman and Klmer Krlckaon,
waa well al tended, all report a good
John Mulvnney vlaltcd at the White
homn a few day biat wek. Also Hoaa
and Kllxa Mulvanny.
Tboan apendlng thn dny at Mr. and
Mra. Henry llornahuh In honor of Mm,
Hornahuh' 2iilh borthdiiy, were: Mr.
and Mm. Hen Fauat, Mr. and Mra. Itobt.
Hullurd, Mr. and M, Chaa, Bpangler,
Mr. and Mra. Edwin Howard, Mlaaea
Jlelln and Florence Gregory, Mailo Lwla,
Huel Uullard, I'earl Trulllnger, Her
tliena Howard, I'anay Irlah, Muatcr Hay
and Ilulph Kauat, Otta Howard and Nor
man Hullurd. At one o'clock a dellcloua
dinner waa aerved which all enjoyed.
At the hour of four p. m., all returned to
their home wlahlng Mra, Hornahuh
many more auch happy blrthduya.
The telephone line I to be extended to
Chaa. Hpencer'a.
The Bhubel and Carua ball team play
ed Bunduy. Thn acore waa 4 to 9 In favor
of Came.
MOST SUCCESSFUL MEETING. eubject of an Interesting talk given by
Il'rlnclpal J. J. Clark of Molalla. The
Educational Topic Ably Dlicuaaed, at .'apeaker believed that this work ahould
Thn Women' Hewing Circle met with
Mm. Coatea Inat Haturduy.
The ehudow ih'IbI came off laat Bat
urduy night and waa a great ucceaa,
An enjoyable literary program waa ren
dered before the role of "ahadowa." Over
f: waa taken In. Thn eoclety gave a
bitaket ocul two month ago when $41
waa received. With theae amount an
organ haa been purchaaed with a hand
aome balance over.
Mia. Wm. Middle of 1-afayette, I vla
ltlng with her eon, Mr, Marlon Middle and
family here.
Mm. B. M. Mlllurd haa been vlaltlng
relutlvve at Oawego.
Mr. I.lndln I'hllllpe who waa aerloualy
Injured. la reported to be Improving.
Mlaa Kdlth Karr, tencher In No. 11,
accompanied by Mra. Ilobert Bnodgmaa.
vlalted with her mother here biat But-
aponan to their appeal for help In thl urduy and Bunduy.
gixKl work.
The young men of C'lackamaa Orange
will give a dance In I. O. O. K. hall next
Huturday evening. Idle of the Orange
will furnlah upper.
We notice a alight mlatake In our notea
Inat week. The name "Damaak" ahould
have read "Hunnnla."
A Tried and True Friend.
One Minute Cough Cure contalna not an
atom of any harmful drug, and It ha
' ltuiig""cnitl"aie in fine condition for )(,rn curng Cough, Colda. Croup and
Whooping Cough ao long that
Winter Rate to Yaqulna Bay.
In order to accommodate tha many
people who wlah to make winter trip
to Yao.ulna Hay, the -Southern Vaclflo
Co. will !!, on Wedneaday and Sat
urday of each week, until March II,
1805, round trip ticket at low tatea, to
Yaqulna and return, limited to alxty
day from date of aale. Tho who de
alre to take advantage of thl rate ahould
apply to neareat Southern Paclfto agent
for ticket.
A lurge crowd attended the dance at
Twilight Hall laat Saturday night.
Mr, Joehnke baa purchuaed a new pi
ano. They aeem to be very much pleaa
td with It. Now Juat llaten to the mualc.
Mm. Mendle wo calling on Mlaa Bnl
dow Inat Friday.
Mlaa Kthel and Helen McCord have
gone to I'ortbtnd where they expect to
etny for aome time.
Mr. Walker la painting hi houee In
Mia. Smith, who haa been etaylng In
Oregon City haa returned to her home at
Mt. I'lcaaant.
Mr. I'urtlow waa vlaltlng Mr. Roman
laat Friday.
The people, of Mt. Pleaaant are Improv
lug the road very much.
It ha M, E,iih ArmatronK la teaching the
proven Itaelf to be a tried and true friend ,l)(,(mlb plhooli m uiHtrct No. 61.
Near Huntley's Drug Htors,
Ureat BriUin anl America.
to the many who ue It. Mr. Gertrude
K. Fenner, Marlon, Ind., ay: "Cough
ing and atralnlng ao weakened me that
I run down In weight from 148 to 2
pound. After trying a number of reme
dlea to no avail, One Minute Cough Cure
entirely cured me. Bold by Geo. A. Hard
ing. . ,
Mlaa Carrie IVacook ha euececded
Ml Sumner, realgned, aa "Teacher In
Dlatrlct No. 39 at Bandy Ridge.
The patron of the Eatacada achool
dlatrlct are waiting to get returna from
the aaaeaament of property In that die
trlct when they will levy a tax aultlclen
to build a four-room achool houae.
We Wttt Gaaimtee
to saveyou 10 per cent, over other dealers on either
Mixed Paint or Lead and Oil. If you contem
plate painting, and of course yoti do, because you
want your house to look the best in the neigh
borhood, don't hesitate after getting other prices
to come to us. We assure you the quality can't
be equaled in the city.
If you use Lead, use Pioneer or Atlantic brands,
they are the best. If you use Mixed Paint you
want NEW ERA, it can't be beat.
Parkplac Inatltut. ,
Tha April meeting of the C'lackamaa
County Teacher' Aenoclutlon wai field
In the public achool building at Turk
place, on Buturday,, April 22, 1905,
Tbla meeting waa well attended by
many teacher .from all part of the
county, and alao from Portland, and all
prwaent took an active part In the day'
Meeting waa colled to order at 10:30
a. m., I'realderit C, Zlnaer In the chair.
Minute of prevloue meeting were read
and approved,
Superintendent J. C, Zlnaer opened the
day' program by a talk on "Fair Work"
explaining to the teacher of the county
how to prepare their work for the Lewi
c Clark Fair.
Anulyale In the Advanced Divlalon, waa
the title of a carefully prepared and well
reud paper by Mr. Kllzabeth Muck, An
alyse I the mind' power to acparate
thing compound or complex Into their
part or rlementa. Conacloualy or un-
conacloualy thla faculty I ever working
on the material, aupplled through en-
eperceptlon, Bucceaaful men of large
affair aeem itlmont without exception
poaaeaaed of Ntrong analytic power. It
I Impoaalbln to develop one faculty with
out benefitting thn other to a greater or
lea extent. Thla la eapeclully true with
reference to anulyala It being ao cloaely
related to the reasoning power that one
muat ahare In the development of the
I'rlnclpal D. P. Mathewa, of Canby,
followed with an entertaining paper on
Kthlcal Training." The apeaker eald, It
doe not matter how much knowledge,
power or aklll a pupil may acquire; If
he haa not the fortitude, courage, or
sclf-rcllunce to go forth and take hla
place In llfe'e acllvltlee, then hi train
ing ha been Incomplete, It 1 Juat a
eaaentlul to teach the pupil to be cour-
ageoua and aelf-rellant, a it i to teach
him the multiplication table. Each
branch of our nchool yatem haa moral
A lively dlacuaalon followed which waa
thoroughly intereatlng. Thoee partici
pating In the dlacuaalon were Capt. J.
T. Appereon. Bupt. J. C. Zlnaer, W. W.
Dixon. L. A. Read. W. O. Beattle. and
Mlaa Uuegg.
The Aaaoclatlon then adjourned to the
hall where a bounjeoua repaat wa aerved
by the Mother1 Club of Parkplace, under
the auaplce of Mm. T. Gault.
Afternoon Session.
' Called to order at 1:30 p. m.
Irea. Zlnaer In the chair.
The afternoon program wa opened by
the puplla of the achool. Many choice
mualcal and literary productlona were
preaented by the pupil In a very cred
itable manner. The little folk reflected
great credit upon their Inatructom.
The Aaaoclatlon received a rare treat
In the form of aome excellent mualcal
election rendered by the accomrdlahed
young linger Mlaa Mary Caae of Oregon
City. Ml Caae received hearty encore
to which ahe reaponded. Mia Caae la
conaldered aa one of Oregon' choice
aingem, and will soon take her departure
for Europe where ahe will remain until
ahe complete her mualcal education.
. Principal W. Gilbert Seattle of Weat
Oregon City School, wa attentively 11
tened to aa he entertainingly deacrlbed
Mualc In the Schoolroom. The apeaker
anid mualc Itaelf la pure. Nothing can
inatlll more patrlotlam Into the heart of
a child than alnglng. In the nrat place,
we need mualc In the achoolroom becauae
it Influence la helpful and uplifting, be
cauae an aome one hna aald. "It la a
humunlxlng Influence;" becauae It la a
unlveraal language both of eartH and
heaven. MvibIc Ib itaelf a diaclpllnarian.
If the teacher knowa her puplla and at
the aiimo time, knowa the aptrlt of the
aonga which are ung In the achool, ahe
may often rouae her puplla to better ef
fort. If pupil are too energetle; let pu
plla alng a lullaby; aympathetlc or and
aonga; If In a aleepy atate martial muaic
lively Bong with a awing and a dash.
Happiness creates the best atmosphere
In which to teach, and In which to learn.
Mualc Is, or may be made a happiness
'Momentary Agriculture." waa tne
Something around the place that needs painting. If it's your house
we would recommend New Era Mixed Paint at $1.65 or Regal
Mixed Paint $1.50 per gallon. The first is guaranteed to wear five
years and both the manufacturers and ourselves stand back of the
guarantee- This means that if any time during that period you are
not satisfied with the paint in every respect we will, without cost to
you, repaint your house at our expense. Couldn't be more fair could
it? Mab'y it s your barn, if so we can furnish you material at an ex
pense of 75c per gallon that will wear an age. Climax Carriage Paint
will make your old buggy or cart look like new, and the expense is
nominal. Two quarts, at 75c per quart, wil- cover an ordinary buggy.
One coat is all that is necessary. If your floors look shabby when,
you are cleaning house buy a can of Varno-FIoor btain or Lacqueret
and touch them up you will be surprised at the improvement. A
package of Calcimo ot a cost of 50c will put a neat, new finish on your
wall. Remember we carry everything in the Psint, Oil, Varnish and
Brush line and will be glad to furnish you with all the advice and ,
information at our command for the asking '
Reliable IDiuggists
be Introduced Into the common achool.
but enumerated aeveral obstacle that
present themselves at present; among
which were, ahort term of achool. low
alarles, etc. Mr. Clark showed how
difficult It waa to overcome aald obsta
cle, but believed that consolidation would
do away with aome of them. What
manual training does for the city boy,
that agricultural work will dff for the
country boy. We should have thl all
Important addition to our present work
because our very existence depend upon
Superintendent Zlnaer appointed the
following committee on resolutions: Mm,
Godfrey,' Mr. Kvans, and Mis Young.
Capt. J. T. Apperson, member of the
board of chool director of the Park
place wa present during the entire pro
gram, extending every courtesy to the
vlaltlng teachers, and assisting In the
lively dlicusslon which the teacher had.
Tha Captain related many good
thought to those present among them
many important auggeatlon relative to
Agricultural work. He also said that
system I the key. to success. Training
pupil to orderly habit in the achool
room prepare them for orderly habit
through life.
"How to Teach Geography," waa the
subject of an Intenaely interesting and
valuable addre delivered by Principal
W. W. Dixon, of Tangent. Mr. Dixon
emphasized the fact that teacher hould
present geography to the boy and girl
In a thoroughly practical manner, and
explained hi entire method of inatruct
Ing a claa by a chalk-talk. He divided
hi addrea into .the following aub-divl-lona:
Cause and effect, political divi
sion, grand dlvlalona and general con
tour, home geography, natural phenom
ena, and observation work.
The following resolution were passed:
Whereaa, we the teacher of Clacka
mas County aaaembled at Parkplace, thl
22d day of April, 1806, for . the purpose
of educational dlscuesiona, have been
moat agreeably entertained.
Be it thererefore resolved that a vote
of thank be extended to the people of
thl district represented by Capt. Apper
son, who ao cordially welcomed ua.
To the teacher of Parkplace school,
who furnished u uch a delightful program.
To Mlsa Mary Cae lor ner moat ex
cellent musical contribution.
To the Pamprace aiomer. vm
the excellent dinner.
Also to our worthy County superin
tendent J. C. Zlnaer, lor nia
P1,0"' a .
On motion Aasociauon aujuu.uc- -
meet at call of Superintendent.
The Great
Slaughter Sale
Is Now Going on at
Cyclone of
Beware of Ointment for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
a mercury will urely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the whole
system when entering it through the
mucoua surface. Such article ahould
never be used except on prescription
from reputable phyaiclon. as the damage
they will do i ten fold to the good you
ran nossibiv derive from them. Hall'
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.
Cheeney & Co., Toledo, O., contalna no
mercury, and 1 taken Internally, act
Ing directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buying Hall'
Catarrh Cure be lure you get the genu
ine. H la taken Internally and made In
Toledo. Ohio, by F. 3. Cheney & Co.
Testimonial free.
Sold by druggist. Price 75c per bot
Take Hair Family Piila for constipation.
ircumstances compel us
to close out our immense
stock of seasonable mer
chandise at prices that will
startle this community and
open the purse-strings of
every economical purchas
er. Everything will be
marked down.
Everything Must Go
A Cyclone of Bargains
A rare opportunity. To
miss this immense money
saving sale would be a great
loss to you Watch for our
ad in next week's issue.
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
Notions, Etc
Main Street, Harding Block,
Oregon City, Oregon
Gty Drug Store
Paints, Oils, Glass,
Varnishes, Enamels
Large assortment of
Alabastine in All Tints
School Report.
Following is the report of the Beaver
Crei-k, District 15. for the month ending
April 21, 1905: Number of days taught,
20; average dally attendance, 16; num
ber of absent mark, 43; number times
tardy. 0; number of pupils remaining on
roll, 17.. Those who were neither absent
nor tardy during the month's are Max
Hollman, Erneatie and Frltxle Kamrath,
Sarrah and Blodwen Parry, Glfflth and
William Roberts. Visitors were, area
v(.mvQ , h Htroftnr XfflHn Dnnlpl and
Otto Stiner. Visitors are always weU J
Ml bav used your FISH BRAND
Slicker for f ive year and can truth
fully tay that I never have ltd
anything give me to much com
fort and satiifaction. Enclosed
find my order for another one,"
(saih MO worn at on afwjcatiom)
You can defy the hardest storm with Tower's
Waterproof Oiled Clothing and Hats.
Highest Award Worlds Fair. 1901.
Botto. U. & A. I Ljw
The weather still continues pleasant
and people are planting their late gar
dens. The early gardens and crops look
nne. Some say the frost haa hurt the
Rev. Clemo delivered an Easter ad
dress Sunday, to a good sized audience.
Easter services were held Sunday even
ing at 7 p.m. The children were well
trained by Mrs. A. B. Hibbard and Miss
Lillle Bently. The church was beauti
fully decorated for the occasion.
Arbor Day was observed at the school.
A program was given by the children and
they did Justice to their teacher, Miss
Pearl Leabo.
Mr. Bert Hilebard and Mr. Frank Jack
son drove their cattle to the mountains
last Thursday. Mr. Hibbard had the
misfortune to lose one of his steers by
getting its leg broken.
Mrs. M. J. Jack is very 111.
Mrs. Alta Hoss and Mrs. Ross were the
guests of Mrs. R. Eisenhart Sunday.
Mr. and rMs. Aimer Albright, visited
their mother.Mrs. M. Jack, lust Sunday.
Miss Belle Gray was the guest of Miss
Myrtle Ackerson Sunday.
Little Helen Bentley of Portland Is
visiting her grand-parets of this place,
Mr. and rMs. G. W. Bentley.
J. C. Marquam made a trip to Salem
Saturday and staid over Sunday. Some
say he went to buy calico, while others
say It waa more Important than that.
In all its itages.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanses, soothes and heals
the diseased membrane.
It core catarrh and drive
away a cold In the head
Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, spreada
over the membrane and la absorbed. Belief 1 in
mediate and a cure follow, It is not drying doe
Hot produce sneezing, targe Size, 60 centa at Drug
gieU or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents.
ELY BROTHERS, M Warren Street, New Tort
..:t& xtoM
moat careful farmer
and gar Jenerseverywliere
place confidence In Ferry1
f Beed the kind that never
have been the standard for 49 years, ,
k loey are not an experiment
Hold bv all dealers. 1905 Seed 1
y. Auuua.1 free for the asking. X. I
0. M. FERRY CO., Sc4
A rural Tree delivery service from
Mulino, with one carrier, had been or
dered established May 15.
Never Sold by Druggists.
R. W. BAKER, Agent,
Willamette, Or.
with J AYNE'S
. . . .
An almost. Infallible remedy for dis
eases of the Throat, and Lungs,
known Eb used the world over for