Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 28, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the Estate of James
E. Cifrrle, deceased.
To Margaret Dooley, John Magorry,
Thomas Magorry and Patrick Magorry,
and all others unknown or non-residents,
If any such there be, who are heirs or
devisees of James E. Currle, deceased, or
Interested In said estate:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
Tou and each of you are hereby cited to
appear before this court at the court
room thereof In the court house of Clack-
amas County, Oregon, on the 24th day of
April, 1905, at 10 o'clock a. m. then and
there to Bhow cause. If any exist, why
an order should not be made for the sale
at private sale by the administrator of
the real property belonging to the estate
of the said James E. Currle, deceased,
which real property Is more particularly
described as follows, to-wit:
The south-west quarter of the south
east quarter, the east half of the south
west quarter and lot four (4) of section
thirty (30) township (6) north, range
six (6) west of the Willamette Meridian,
containing 162 90-100 In Clatsop County,
, The north-west quarter of section
twelve (12), township three (S) south,
range five (5) east of the Willamette
Meridian, In Clackamas County, Oregon,
as prayed for In the petition of A. M.
Crawford, administrator of said estate.
now on file In this court.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
Court hereto affixed, this 22d day of
March. 1905.
Clerk of the County Court
By F. W. Greenman, Deputy.
Administratrix's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that Anna
Knight, the Administratrix of the es
tate of Adam Knight, deceased, has
filed her final report In the County Court
of Clackamas county, Oregon, and the
aid Court has appointed Monday, May
the 22d, 1905. at the County Court room, j
In the Court House in Oregon City, i
Clackamas County, Oregon, as the time
and place of settling said final account 1
and hearing any and all objections I
thereto. At which time and place Ad- !
xnlnlstratrix will ask for her final dis
charge as such Administratrix.
Dated this 21st day of April, 1905.
Administratrix of the estate of Adam
Knight deceased
. j
Dimick & Dimick, attorneys for Admin
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Maggie A. Burley, Plaintiff,
Albert R. Burley, Defendant 1
To Albert It. Burley, the above named
In the name of the state of Oregon, J
you are hereby required to appear and j
iwnn me ..uiuiumi iiieu aainsi you
In the above entitled suit In the above
entitled Court, on or before Friday, April
28. 1905. the same being six wleks from
ural puuncauon oi mi ummona.
and you will take notice that If you fail
il. a a ...lii .. i
to so appear and answer said complaint .
the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded ln said complaint
to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony
existing between you and plaintiff be
This summon Is published by the
order of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan. Judge
of the County Court of the County ef
Clackamas, State of Oregon, In the Ore
gon City Enterprise, a weekly news
paper of general circulation In Clacka
mas county, for six weeks, commencing
Friday. March 17. 1905, and continuing
to and including Friday, April 28. 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Administrator's Notice of Sale.
In the County Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of John
Lender, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that rmrsuant
to an order of the above entitled court
duly made and entered on the 10th day I
of April, 1905, the undersigned admin- i
lstrator of said e3tate will, on the 22na
day of May, 1905, at the hour of 2 p.m. I
sell at public auction at the court house I
door of the court house of Clackamas !
County, Oregon, at Oregon City, to the j
highest bidder for cash, the following j
described real estate, to-wlt, the South- I
west quarter of the Northeast quarter i
of Section 18. Tp. 5, South of Range 3, i
xiaai oi me vmiameue meridian, ClacK-,
amas County. Oregon.
Administrator of the estate of John
Lender, deceased. - 23 27
Executor's Notice.
In the county Court of Oregon, for
Clackamas County.
Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some
which wilU only half cure it at best, and leave the bronchial tubes and
susceptible to attack from the germs of Consumption.
not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and' pre
vents serious results from a cold. '
It Saved His Ufa After the Doctor Said He Had Consumption.
W. R. Davis, Vissalia, California, writes: "There is no doubt but what FOLEY'S HONEY
AND TAR saved my life. I had an awful cough on my lungs and the doctor told me I had
consumption. I commenced taking FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and found relief from
the first and three bottles cured me completely.
THREE SIZES, 25c, 50o and $1.00
in the matter of the Estate of John
Ritter. deceased.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the under-
signed has been duly appointed by an
1 order of the above entitled Court made
j and entered on the 6th day of March,
j 1905, Executor of the Estate of John
! Ultter, deceased.
AH persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present
the same with the proper vouchers, as
by law required, at the oftlce of W. S.
I Hurst, In Aurora, Marlon county, Ore
gon within six months from the date
I Dated the 1.1'' day of a. utrh, 1905.
Executor of the Estate of Job"
Notice to Creditors.
Estate of Alexander Thomson, deceased:
Notice Is hereby given by the under
signed, executor of the estate of Alex
ander Thomson, deceased, to the credit
ors of all persons having claims against
said deceased or his estate, to exhibit
them, with the necessary vouchers, with
in six months after the first publication
of this notice, to said executor at the
office of U'ren & Schuebel. In Oregon
City. Oregon, within six months after
the 31st day of March. 1905.
This notice dated and first publication
hereof March 31, 1905.
Executor of the Estate of Alexander
Thomson, deceased.
tTRcn & Schuebel. Attorneys for said
Notice of Final Settlement
Estate of William Barlow, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has filed In the County Court of
the State of Oregon for the County of
Clackamas his final account as execu
tor of the, said estate and that the said
court has set Monday, the first day of
May, 1905. at the hour of ten o'clock
a. m. of aald day at the court room of
said court In Oregon City, as the time
and place for hearing objections to the
said final account.
Executor of the Estate of William Bar
low, deceased.
Hedsres & Griffith. Attorneys for Execu
First publication March 31, 1905.
Administratrix Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the under-
signed has been duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon for
i, r- ... .v.-
ciacKama county, administratrix or tne
estate of Owen J. Roberts, deceased.
All person, having claim, against .aid
estate are hereby required to present the
same to me properly verified, as by law
required, at the residence of the under-
bi Auiinaumc, virvu, viiiiiui via
months from the date hereof.
Dated March 2t. 1905.
Administratrix of the Estate of Owen J
Roberts, deceased.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice Is hereby give that the under-
s,KIlea execulrl 01 e ' win or win-
iam it. nflEuv. aeceaaen. i&ie or i rK-
' ' . ' .
amaiSU"ty 0reKOn' had 'ed h?r finaI
report ln the County Court of Bald eoun
ty and state and the Hon. Thos. F.
Ryan. Judge of said court has appointed
Monday, May 16th, 1905, at 10 o'clock
A. M. for the hearing of objections. If
any there be, to said report and for final
settlement of said estate. Any person
having objections to said report is here
by notified to file the Barae in said court
or or before said date.
Executrix of said estate.
Department of the Interior, United States
Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon. i
April 11, 1905. I To John Schwlckert, defendant above
A sufficient contest affidavit having ' named:
been filed In this office by Robert Lou- j In the name of the state of Oregon you
den, contestant, against homestead entry are hereby required to appear and an
No. 1381. made July 27, 1901, for north- swer the complaint filed against you In
east quarter of Section 34, Township 6 S, ; the above entitled cause, on or before
Range 4 E. by Arthur E. Pearson, Con- j Friday, the 29th day of April, 1905. said
testee, ln which It Is alleged that he Is ; day being more than six weeks from the
we" acquainted with the tract of land j
embraced ln the homestead entry of I
Arthur E. Pearson and knows the pres-
ent condition of the same; also that said
Armur Pearson has wholly abandoned
said Iand ana that ne ha8 never estab- j
llshed his residence on said land: that
he never cultivated or improved said ;
land as required by law, and that said
al'eBed absence from the said land was
not due to nis employment In the Army, j
Navy or Marine Corps of the United !
" i " oumiei, umcer, sea-
man or marine during the war with
Spain or during any other war in which j
me Lnuea stales may oe engaged.
cam iiarucB are nereDy notinea 10 ap- I
pear, respond and offer evidence touch-
lng said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. I
on June 9. 1905, before the Register and
Receiver at the United States Land Office '
E A 1
In Oregon City, Oregon.
The sulil contestant having, In proper
affidavit, tiled April 4, 1906, set forth
fuels which show that after duo dili
gence personal service of this notice can
not be made, It Is hereby ordered and
directed that such notice bo given by
due and proper publication,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Robert C. Helscr and Otto lletaer,
F. M. Smith. II. F. Smith, Sarah J.
Crelghton, M. J. Alexander, Jennie
Cole, Julius Smith, Charles 8. Smith.
Edna Myers. Grace Jones, Archibald
Smith. C. A. Smith, Wesley Smith.
Minnie Ilodley, Adellna Pearson. Ward
Smith, Hubert Ia'house and Leonle
Icehouse, Defendants.
To F. M. Smith . II. F. Smith. Sarah
J, Crelghton, M. J.
Cole, , Julius Smith,
Edna Myers, Grace
Alexander, Jennie
Charles 8. Smith,
Jones, Archibald
Smith. C. A. Smith. Wesley Smith, Min
nie Bodley, Adellna Pearson, Ward
Smith, Hubert Lchouse and Iconlo Ice
house, Defendants.
In the name of the state of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, on or before
Saturday, April 29, 1905. the same being
six weeks from the date of the first pub-
llcatlon of this summons; and If you
fall to so appear or answer, for want
thereof plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded In the complaint,
Thnt iW..n,i,mt mnv twiniriM l,otn inclusive, inn norm nair ana soinn
. That defendant may be required to j ww(t m,,r of 8ucUn lw,.nty.on (21),
set forth the nature of their claim, and the west half or Section twenty-eight.
that all adverse claims of defendants Sections twenty-nine (29) and thirty
and each of Ihem may be determined ": In Township twelve (12) South,
and eain or tnem may he determined K(mKe (()Ur () Ku)t 8.,loni tUn6 tJ) ,
by a decree of thl court. That by said , thirty-three (S3), both Inclusive, and Sec-
decree It may be declared and adjudged tlons thirty-five (35) nu thlrtv-slx (36);
that defendants nor anv one of Ihem I"1' '" ,n" Oregon City 1-and District;
mat dtrtmiants. nor any one or them. Townillll, fm,rteen (14). fifteen (15).
have no Interest or .estate whatever In , sixteen il) and seventeen 117) Bouth.
or to said land or premises; and that the
title of plaintiff I good and valid. That
defendants be forever enjoined and de
barred from asserting any claim what
ever in or to said land and . premises
adverse to plaintiffs, and for such other
and further relief as thl court may
deem meet and equitable In the premie
rs, and for their costs and disburse-
menta. (The land and premise to which I
title Is to be quieted Is described as fol- I
. . ... . 1
lows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point 26 1
chains south of the NE corner of 8ec. i
, T. 2. SR S. E of the W M., running j
thence west
to the west line of the
Benjamin Smith D. L. C, and the east'30) South. Range one (1) West Section
line of the Chval.er Richardson D. L. C.; V) Irtwentyhrers!.'' toS'
mence oouin 10 me ec corner 01 me
said Richardson D. L. C. ; thence east
to the east line of said Sec. 9; thence
north, to the place of beginning, contain- seven (7) and eight (S). the south-west
lng 80 acres, more or less, situate In ' quarter of Section nine (9), Suctions flf
Clackamaa Cmintv State nf flrrrnn I teen (15) to twenty-one (21). both tn
tiacKamas county. State or Oregon.) cUslve. and Section twenty-seven (27)
This summon Is published, pursuant to thirty-six (36). both Inclusive, all In
to an order made and entered the day ! , the Roseburg ljind District.
of March, 1905.
tl Th . ,.
by Thomas i. Ryan.
County Judge of Clackamas county, dl- j
reeling that It be published In the Oregon ,
city Enterorlse. a weekly newso.oer
printed and published In Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, for a period
of six consecutive and successive weeks, i
of which the date of the first publication
Is March 17, 1905. t
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Helen Schwlckert, Plaintiff,
John Schwlckert, Defendant.
17th day of March
the date of the
first publication of this summons, and
If you fall to bo answer, for want there-
of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for, to-wlt:
For a decree of said Court forever dls-
solving the bonds of matrimony now ex-
isting between plaintiff and defendant,
and for her cost and disbursements In
this suit, and for such other and further
relief as to the Court seems Just and
j.iie oiuer iur jjuoucauon oi summons
in this court was made by the Hon. Thos.
F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court of
said Clackamas county on the 15th day
or Alarcn, 19U5.
The date of the first publication of this
summons is March 17, 1905.
W. S. U'REN.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
. -rt-rtiMi. nif IlKRTORATlON of Pub-
IN He Utnd to Settlement and Kntrv.
.,...,.......,.,. t ttiA Interior. ncucral Irftnil
Oitlee, Washington. 1. C., January 6.
tl05. Notice Is hereby given tlmt on
lVcemhcr 15, 104. the Secretary of the
Interior released from withdrawal and
restored to settlement the public lands
III the following described a reus which
were temporarily withdrawn on August
3, 1 90S, for proposed additions to The
Cascade Range Forest Reserve; and that
llie said pulillo lands so relewd from
withdrawal and restored to settlement on
December 10, 1904. will become subleet
to entrv. tiling and selection a I the
I'nltod Stales Laud Olllees for tho re
spective districts In which tho lesloied
luiuls lie, vis: at Oregon City and ltoe
lung, Oregon, on May 1, r.'nti: Townships
five (6. six (ll), and seven (7) Houlh.
Range four (4) Kast. W, M.i in 'I own
ship eight (.S) South, Itaugti four (O
Kat. the west half of Section two (i!,
Section three CO to ten (10), both In
clusive, the south hair ana nortii-wesi
quarter of Section eleven (II), the north
west quarter of Section fourteen (14),
the north half and south-west quarter
of Section fifteen (15), Sections sixteen
(16) to twenty (SO), both Inclusive, the
north-west quarter of Section twenty
one C'l), the south half nd north-west
quarter of Section twenty-nine ('-HI,
Sections thirty (30) and tlilrty-one (31).
and tho west half or Section thirty-two
(32) ; In Township nine (9) South, Range
four (4) East, Section live i. six (6).
seven (7), thirteen (Ul and fourteen (14),
the south half of Section fifteen (151,
Sections sixteen (16) to thirty-nix (36).
both Inclusive; In Township ten 110)
South, Range four 14) Kast. Section
one (I) to twenty CO), both Inclusive,
the south-west quarter of Section twenty
one It'll, the north-east quarter of Sec
tion twenty-two C2). Sections twenty
three 123), twenty-four (24), and
twenty-five (28), the north half and
southeast quarter of Section twenty-six
126), Sections twenty-nine (29) lo thirty
two (32), both Inclusive, the south half
and north-west quarter of Section thirty-
,..... it'll IhN diith-wviit nmirtiir of
Section thirty-four (34), the south-east
quarter of Section thirty-five (30). Sec
tion imriy-six uu; in lowiiiuiip vievvn
(II) South. Range four (4) Kast. Sec
tions four (4) to nine (9), both Inclusive,
Sections sixteen (16) to twenty (30),
twenty-two (22) South. Range one (1)
West; In Township twenty-three (33)
South, Range one (1) Wt, Sections one
(1) to eleven (11). both Inclusive, Sec
tions fifteen (15) to twenty-one (21), both
Inclusive, and Sections twenty-eight (28)
to thirty-three (33), both Inclusive; In
Township twenty-four (24) South, Range
one (1) West. Sections five (5) to nine
(9). both Inclusive, the west half of Sec
tion fourteen (14). Sections fifteen (15)
to twenty-three (2i), both Inclusive, and
Sections twenty-five (25) to thirty-sis
l3' J"',,1h '''.Vh Veii.ij?0Wn "h m i'T lL'
1! . -6' outn. i.ange on tu West.
sections one (1) to twenty-three (23).
both Inclusive, the north half of Section
s"lo VwniyVpeven (27)" to thlrty-on'
'(31). both Inclusive: In Townshlo thirty
elusive, and Sections twenty-seven (27)
to thirty-six (36). both Inclusive; In
Township thirty-one (31) South, Range
one (1) West. Sections five (5), six (6),
; j. it. mmi'I.k. Acting commissioner.
Unproved: THOU. RYAN. Aetln Heer..
tary of the Interior.
Treasurer's Notice.
I now have fund on hand to pay coun
ty waVrants endorsed prior to May 1,
1903. Interest will cease on such war
rants from the date of this notice.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, April 14,
Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore.
City Treasurer's Notlct.
Notice Is hereby given that there are
sufficient funds on hand In tho General
Fund of Oregon City, to pay all outstand
ing warrants endorsed prior to January
1, 1903, also all Road Warrants endorsed
prior to Sept. 9, 1904.
Interest ceases with the date of this
Dated April" 14, 1905.
City Treasurer,
Department of the Interior, Land Of-
flee at Oregon City, Oregon, March 18,
Notice I hereby given that the follow
lng-named settler has filed notice of hi
Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Register and Receiver
at Oregon City, Oregon, on May 3, 1905,
George A. Bell,
H. E. No. 12172 for the E 8E & NW
SEV4 of Sec. 32, T. 2 8., R. 7 E.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
John Marugg, of Salmon, Oregon
John Murphy, of Salmon, Oregon.
W. E. Welch, of Salmon, Oregon.
C. W. Kern, of Salmon. Oregon.
unknown preparation
lungs weakened and
United Ntnte 1.14ml OltVu, Oregon I'lly,
Oregon, April 17, l!h)5.
Nolle Im hereby given that In eompll
anee with the prnvlKlmm of (tie net of
CongiTHH of Juno 3. W7H. enlllled "An
Hi;t for tho mile of tlmher lundu In thn
Slate of t'lillfnrnlii. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington TerrUory," an extended to
all thi I'uhllo hand Hliilm by net of
AugiiHt 4, lN'.ia. John M. M111111, of Port
I11111I, county uf Mtilliiiiiuuh, Stud of
(lii'Hiin, lutN IhlH day tiled In thin oltleo
liln Kworit Kluleiueiit No. Uti'iti. fur the
piirrlmiio of (he N of 8VV of Heellmi
No. 14 In Towni-hlp No, 3 Soulh. Riiiimd
S Hunt, nnd will offer proof (o kIidw that
I he lituil nought In more vuluiihle fur II
llnilier or dIuiiu thiiu fur iigrleultuiiil ,
illliiHeM, anil to enlillillxli hi claim to
mill In ml hefuin Kegtiiler nnd Receiver
at Oivgmt t'lly l.nnd ODlie on TliuiKitay,
the tilh day of July, limn,
lie inline ll wIIiicukcn:
II. V. Tnpp, of Klrwiunl. Oregon.
Churlca Hliiiuk, of Handy, Oregon.
lMwiird Kkvciiuk, uf Handy, Oregon,
Theoiluio ileveiiuti, of Flrwood, OrcKuil,
Any Mini nil perou cIhIiiiIiik Hilverely
lll ahovo-iteiierllied html mo l'itiented
lo niu their claim In thU otllea mi or
hefurt) Mttld bill ilay uf July, lt0t.
In tho Circuit Court of thn Htnto of
Oregon for Clttcktuiiu County,
Klule Howard, HalnlllT,
J. Howard, Ivfiindimt.
To J, C. Howard, the iOiovp named de
fendant :
In tho name of tho Hint of OrrR-nn,
you nrt hereby required to nppenr mid
mmwer tho cuinplulnt filed nualiiNt you
In tlm above entitled court, mid milt,
on or bffore thn expiration of ix week
from tho date of th flit puhllenllon of
thl itimmon, to-wlt:
On or hefoio the 27th day of May,
li)6, n1 If you fall to mmwer ald com
plaint, for want thereof, tho plnlnltfT
will apply to th court for the relief
prayed for In her romplnlnt now on file
herein, to-wlt: That the bond of mat
rimony now rxllliig between plaintiff
and defendant be dlolved and for audi
other nnd further relief na to the court
may em equitable and Jut. Thl um
mon la puhllHhed by order of the Hon.
Tho. K. Ityan, County Judge of Clack
imiHa County Court, thl Itth day of
April, 1905. The nrt publication of thl
mimmona la April Hth. 1901. and the
laid publication thereof Will tw the 26lh
duy of May. 19o&.
Attorney for I'lalntlff.
In the Circuit Court of the Htule of
Orciton. for Cluckuma County.
Y. U. llahn. I'lalntlff.
IH-Ifu 1 latin. IVfi-ndant.
To I Mia lluhn. the above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
aiinwer the complaint nled In the above
entitled ault, on or In-fore the 10th day of
June, 1!05, and If you fall to o appear
and unawer mild complaint on or before
the day mentioned, the I'lalntlff will
apply to the Court for the relief prayed
for In hla complaint herein, to-wlt:
For a decree of divorce dlolvln- the
bond of matrimony heretofore cxlmlng j
between thn plaintiff and defendant, nnd
for all other nnd pncr relief anil equity
the nature nf the milt may require.
Thl annimon I publliilii-d by order of
the Hun. T. A. MeUrldc, JudKe of the
above entitled Court, duly made and en
tered on the 2&th day of April. l'J05, In
and by which order It 1 preacrlbed that
thl Humrnoti ahull be piibltHhed once a
week for lx aucccKHlve week In the
Oregon City Kiiterprlae, a newspaper
pulillnhed In Oregon City, Claekamii
County, Oregon. The date of the flrt
publication of thl mumnon I 'JMh day
of April, 19Dli. and hint publication June
9th, 1906.
Attorney for JMiilntiff.
On May 1, WIIhoii & Cooke will move
Into the atore building, recently fitted up
by the Juggiir Ilro., three door north
of their preaent location.
Card of Thank.
Mr. Juggiir and family dclre to ex
preaa their gratitude to friend for the
itympnthy and klndneioi extended dur
ing th recent lllnea and death of hu
biuid uiul father, tho late benjamin Jag
The forcnuMtt liii1nfrl f j .
n. Metsclinikoii, him ithown the woiid
ot ncicnce tint there are leucocvte in our
blood that act a acaventjer or policemen
rheHe policemen which are called phaeo
cytrs look out for the tioxiou or poihonou
clrmenta 111 our blood. Various olTending
element!! are picked out of the blood and
tnmueH by these policemen and destroyed.
Therefore our live arc protected by
these blood cell policemen, the phagocylct
and wc enjoy immunity from diseanc no
long ax our blood contain plenty of plmgo.
cyte and red blood corpiiMclca.
"A new broom aweep clenn" nnd In
order to put our own houwe in order we
miiHt Ret rid of all the poison in the blood
with a new broom such a an alterative
extract made from roots and herbs with,
out the use of alcohol, a I)r. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, a specific for
maltinjr rich red blmxl-f or eradicating the
poisons from the blood. In aomc way the
policemen in the blood are increased in
number and strenRth-so that we are put
in the best possible shape to resist disease
-to cure ncuialfsia, colds, catarrh, and In
cipient consumption.
"The more study and time is given to the
subject the more we find that the blood is
the center of life "-savs Dr. K. V Pierce
the noted specialist of'nufialo, "the health
and comfort of the averse person depends
entire y on this blood supply-for the heart
ri M, T"! r"' 'twill not pump
and keep I lie body supp Cd regularly like
the beautiful n,,t.,ui.it,V . .uHne it i, V The
nerves must lie fed on pure btood-W we
HuBer the pain of neuralgia, which is the
cry or the starved nerves for food. Head
aches cold 111 the head. cnMrrh-and miinv
blood " dllU t0 l,t"K,,ltlio of the
lalii'lJil'"'" V.eMm fellc RTf
laaative. No other medicine equals tltpm
foigenUenensand thoroughness.
Often The Kidneys Arc
Weakened by Over-Work.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood
It UHc.1 to lie coiialilctcl tlmt 0iJ
urinary uiul Mmlilrr trouble wcro t
031 V "lc" mo kiilnev.
l.ut now imiilern
m let.ee j.rovr tlmt
".my U tllHCtiw.
1 at. 1-
lavii.icir lirj-liuiiii,
111 1 in: insonier ..
these most itnjxirttiiit
Tho kidneys filler
and purify Ihchlood...
tlmt Is their wmk.
Therefore, when ytmrklilneysnrp weak
i!t out f tinier, you can tuulcistainl )ow
qidckly your cullto hotly Is nlUrtcil mid
lmw every organ nccma to full to do its
If you aro sick or " feel lnuUy," m.,
tukiiin tho ,rcat kidney rcuieiy, )t
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, Wcauso a mKii
as your kUlnrys are well lliry will help
all the other organs to hculih. A trial
will convince anyone.
If you mo sick you can make 110 mi,
tale 1V first ilot'toriiiK your kidiseys.
The iiiilil ami the extraordinary ellect of
I)r. Kilmer's Swamp-koot, "the Krest
kidney reincily, i smut reolinl.
stniiil the liltrlirst for its woinlciful cures
of the iiioNt ilintrcNsinK cases, uiul imiolj
on It menu bv all
.1. I..- i.. c.r,
iiiiiKK'"1""! o'iy- in gi i!mT t'j"-...:ir
aini iitic-ioiiiir si.cBir.!t"!iis my.""
Ih.uIcs. You nmv 'iiWvi'S'.
have a sample little n.i.f s-o"iit0i.
by mail free, also a pituilihlct telling yoy
how to fi nil out if yoq lmvc kidney or
blaililrr trouble. 'Mention this tutjier
when writing lo Dr. Kilmer St Co., iliiig.
hnmton, N. V, I m'l tuuke any mistake,
hut retuemlier the name, hwamp-Koot,
Dr, Kilmer's Swnmi-Root, ami the ad
dress, lliiiKhuiiitou, N. Y., 011 every bottle,
Notlc of Sal of Rtal Proptrty stprb
vat Sals.
The ninb islgiii d. having leen duly m.
thoilsed by the County Court of the Nit
of Oregon for Cbiikumiia County, urr
by glvea iioilen that from and after lh
S7(h day of May, 19U&. h will pnaee,) 0
i ll at prlvHtii suln to the hlgheat ,m.
der for chrIi, thn following real property
In panel, or a a wholn, belonging 0
the I'Slale of Jamea V, Currle, dnce,
and particularly dewrlbed a follow, to
wit: The outh-Wi-t quarter of the uU
east quarter, the east half of lha iiilh
west quarter, and lot 4 of section M,
township ( north of range S writ of th
Willamette Mi'tldlan. containing K: M
acre hi Clulsop County, Oregon; alo
The north -wi'nt quarter of section 1
township J south, range t east of th
Willamette Meridian In Clackamas Coua
ty, Oregon.
IlliU will be addred to lha under
Igued at Hl 111. On gon. A, M. Claw
ford, udmlnlstintor of the estate of
Jiiiiii K. Currb', deeeud.
A. M. CltA WKoltll,
Administrator of the elato of James K.
Currle lH-ceued. May
In the Circuit court of the Hlatn ot
Oregon for Clnekuma County,
r. I. Marquis, I'lalntlff,
J. K. Marquis, Iiefembint.
To J. K. Marqiil. the alaive named
defrndant :
In the name of the Hlale of Oregon,
you are hereby required lo aptar snil
answer the complaint against you In th
above, entitled cause on or before Krlday,
Die th duy of June. 1 906. said day lieltif
six we.ks from the Sth day of April
l6. the dale of the first publli'allon of
thl iinimoii. and If you fall to so in
wer, for wunt thereof the plaintiff U
apply to the Court for the relief prsrf
for, to-wlt: Kor a decree of dlvoro for
ever dissolving- the bonds of matrimony
between the plaintiff and defendant, uA
for her cost ami disbursements In It
suit, and for the n-slorutlou of her maid
en ruim of K. I. t'msteud.
Tho order for publication of this sum
mon W11 niadii by ald Court oil the 2ilk
day of April, 1905,
W. H, U'KKN,
Attorney for I'lalntlff.
Dissolution Notlcs,
Notice I hereby given lo the general
public that tho partnership heretofore
existing between Mollla linker and l.ydlS
A. Well has been dissolved by uiutuSl
consent; (hat Mollle linker will not b
responsible fur uny bills contracted by
said I.ydla A. Well, or her husband. K.
N. Wells allien said dissolution; Mollis
linker will continue and conduct ths
"White House Itcshturuilt" In the lie"
quarter to which she I moving. In Ore
Kon City, and cater to the want of h
eating piibljc, personally overseeing, and
guaranteeing cleanliness nnd good '-r-vl'.
May 11
New Curs for Csncsr.
All surftice ciincer aro now known
to bo curable, by lluekleii's Arnica Halve,
Jn. Walters, of Duffleld, Va writes:
"I had u cm r on my lip for years, that
seemed Incurable, till llucklen's Amies
Halve healed It, and now It Is perfectly
well." (Jim 1 an teed cure for cut and
burns. 2Gc at Howell & Jones drug
Who would nsk for more beautiful
weather than wn are enjoying nt th
Karly potatoes nnd gardens are growlns"
Kred Kly Is taking a vacation und
lng on onu foot .tho result of a fall from
ft scaffold on (Jeo. Ely's store.
Heverul are using the paintbrush on
their houses, Mr. Darling and Mrs. Frost
have repainted their residence. Klmer
Dixon piilntcd hla yard fencernlso Mrs.
Matchett Is Improving her homo by paint
and white wash. John Gillette will hava
a new yard fence, Mr. Murrows has his
front yard fenco nbotit completed,
Mr, Iiuiey tho blacksmith, hits boimbt
tbe Hull property and will shortly move
A slater of Mrs, Frank Albright, from
Kansas City, Mo., nnd tow children, Is
visiting relatives horo and expect to re
main and miiko their homo hero,
Thn two children of Mr. nnd Mrs. B.
0. Helby have been qulto sick with scar
let fever, but are recovering. The eldest
child of J. D. Locke Is qulto slcff with
scarlet fever. Several cases are reported
In this vicinity.
Mrs. Chas. Ely nnd children vlwlted
In Portland Saturday nnd Sunday.
Mrs. Jenks You acted awfully slU
when you proposod to me.
Mr, Jenks Well, I was.