Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 28, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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I ...Short Sidehead Stories... 3
Dl0tM t0 Qr,nd Lot,","
Oregon I.mIk No, S, 1. O, O, F of tlila
r(ty, lilIM elected tile following delegates
Id attend Hi" ll"'li1 Iodgii of Oregon
whirl) will bo convened at I'nitltiriil May
17: Judge T, K. Jtvun, K. J. Noble, J. L,
Waldron J ,l' J'""1"""'
ftlruck by Timber
John tlliMimiii, Ji".i I'"'1 Hiitunliiy af
t,.in"n MtiHtnlnxil serious Injuria while
employed construction work (it
llio I li. t'" Oregon Water Power A
Kiillwiiy Co,'. pleasure resort hear Port
limit. Mr. Uleitsoii wna struck violently
over the heart ,,v tli'il,r.
Married at Vancouver
AI.Moloni ltllmiiu, nil employe if ttm
Wlllunii'llfl Pulp Paper Company, mid
MIi-m Liilllo wteycia, vbo l wi ll known
mill popular here, were marrM lit Van
couver, Washington, Tliuimtny. They
will mk their home, ol Oregon I'liy,
Tli" bilrte li thn daughter of Mr. Wlllinm
Chinaman Wins Bull
A Jury In iho circuit court Tuesday
returned a verdict fur the defendant In
the rase of K. l.lveslcy against lv
laiy. ft Chinaman. Thin was a milt to
recover about $i!i)0 txiliini'd In hui
il.-iil. l,oy moilKiiK.'il hi crop of Imp
In the year l'JOl to l.lvesley mul when
the hop were harvested, turned th entire
nop over to l.lvesley who sued for an
alleged bltUlllCM of I'lOtt.
May Com. to Orsgon City
JuiIh" T. K. Itymi. a member of the
Hoarrt of Director of the Alliany Wool
en Mill". state Hint the management of
tlnSn llllllo recently lllll Mi ll III til" glollltlt,
will In ull probability rebuild when the
tpimUon of liM'dtlon of Hi" in plant
him been determined. Il him not been
derided in re-build the mill nt Alliuny
mul the new pliint mny be hunted hi
Od-Kiiu City or rortliKul.
In tht Dlvorc Mill
Aih'llu lliisscll wna grunted a divorce
from Chits, llimsetl hy Judge Mcllrldn,
Tuesday. Iti i in. on Im wa luy mul re
fused to wink ami support herself nt
chllil, Huruh A. Ituntir hu hrouhl ull
for divorce from Trier U. Iluntor to
whom alio wua wnlih-il nt I'loipii'l. Mln
ncaottt. In Auguat, 1'J3. I'liilntllT ka
fur th tuaioily of iho minor child.
K. 11. llulut la ulnae 1U Uuhn for a
dlvorco un III irounila of dcai-rlloii. They
were married at Nluuf Kalla In 1894.
Warnar Wat Acqulttad
After un ull -day a atrenumia li'K"! nlit
In the Juutlcn court Kuturdiiy, D. K. War
ner wua acquit ted of a riiu gi of auult
and hxitlery, thn roniplulnltiK wllueaa bo
Inn Mra. Mury Hluhtw. Tim iiirtlclpiiMt
In iho nffulr rldn at Onrflohl nnd the
trout. le la Iho reault af a loiiR-atundlnK
dlNputo un to a illvlnlon lino between the
two furma. ln-puiy Pniooiiiln Attor
ney Hchiieliel yua ujiIIi'i In proaecutlng oirl to Be Carad For
Clilnook aiilmon wer nuver morn plenti
ful ii ml noun' of thn cntchea urn Iikk".
Tho oilier nlKlit U liicM llnhniiiliill liinded
u Chinook woIkIiIiik B'l poiimfa. Without
exiiKK"i'(itlon It inuy Im anld Hint thero
nro hutidn'ila of linn Chinook to bo aecn
III tho vicinity of thn atnln flnli Inddur
at tho fit I Im In thla city. Muny aiicceHM
fully iiKi i'iiil till contrivance nnd rem li
thn upper WllliiKii'lli! and tta trlliuturlea.
Under thn provlNloua of a atiito law,
which prohlhlta IInIiIhk within too feet of
Iho fliti holder, theao flah nro not dla
t in lied and in n nmihleil to reach tho
upper liver In luiitn nuiiibera.
teatltnony on tho chiirgo of Impropor
tiuatment by tho futlier of the girl, pro
ferrcd by Hiiporlutetidciit Onrdner, of tho
TortUind Inatltutlon. Willie tho father
wita exonerated of tho cIiiukk by the
evidence, tho court conxlilered tlmt thi
Kiel wIiohh mothei' la dead, lio Jd i
placed where alio would bo under proper
(Hi i ii lii t and protection. A altnllnr con
dition cnimcd tho commitment of another
iliniKliter to tho Kami) Inatltutlon about a
year hko.
Daath of Mra. Jana Brown
Mia. June llrown, widow of tho Iae
J. N. llrown, who illed In thla city In
February hint, nt tho hk" of KX yeina,
died ut Mli a in. Tueaday at thn homo
of her diiiiKhtur, Mra, K, J. Hltnmoiia, In
thla city. Tho deceaaed, who had llvod
at Oreaon City for fifteen yeara, wua
lined h.'l yiuia 2 moiitha und t daya. Hho
la aurvlvrd by four aoua and two duiiKh
lera, na fnllowa: J. N. llrown und Mra,
llelln It, Muoio, of Montana; K. II. llrown
of Idaho; J, W, llrown, of Colorado; Alex
llrown und Mra. K. J, Hlmmona, of (r
K"ii City. I'unoral aervlcia wro con
dm led by Itev. K, H. llolllnger at Iho
realileiice Thuradiiy inornlnK, Intermetil
heliiK bud at Mountain View cemetery.
Had Qraatad Pl(, Anyway
A plK-cutchliiK conteHt waa conducted
ut tho Y. M, C. A. irymiinaltirn In thla
Ity Hatiirday iiIkIiI by two young men,
recently from Tacoma, who leiiacd tho
bulldliiK for a period aa u akutlnfc- rink,
Homo oppoaltlon to tho propuaed ureaaed
ply event wna offered (lurlnK tho day by
momhera of tho Humane Horlety of thla
Ity, who not only thouKht tho aport waa
without reni d to proper conalderatlon of
tho treatment of anlmula, but ulao con-
aldered that audi entertainment waa out
of tho uauul for u, Y. M, C. A. trymnii-
alum. No ttcllon beliiK taken, tho pro-
Krummo aa Hdvcrtlacd waa curried out
by tho leaaeea who claimed tho tltfht to
provldo whatever li-Kltlinute aport they
mlaht wlah.
Mr. John Kopper and Mlaa llcrthu I.
Murka werti uuletly niarrled ut Oreiion
City laat Huturduy. Tho ceremony took
plui'n ut tho CoUKieKutlonul puraouuK
In that city, Hov. llollliiKer omdiitliiK,
Tho in w of Iho weddluK wua a cnulua
aurpilae, aa not rven cloao relullvea hud
been Klven tho leuat hint, Tho brldo,
Mlaa Maika, beloiiKa to one of tho oldeat
funitllra In thla aecilon, la ono of the
ubleat teuchera In Cluekumita County und
un eaielleiil young ludy. Tho groom la a
coinpurutlvn atranucr, who haa been
woiklliK for tho Murka thla Hprlug. Mr.
Kopper la a young mun of ateiilng ouiill
llea and la well apokett of by thoao who
know him. Tho young couplo muy decldo
la mnko their homo on Murka J'ralrlo.
Aurora lloreulla, April 22.
Jauoar Will la Probated
The will of thn late Kenjmnln JagKur,
who died Huturduy leuvlng an vatuto of
ho eallmiited value of 172,000, wua ad
mitted to prolmto Tueaday and Ioula
JiiKK'ir and Frank Juggur, two anna,
are appointed executor. It la directed
In tho will, which wua written April i,
laat, In tho preaenco of J, K. lledgea and
O, K. lluyea, that the widow ahull re
ceive during her life 1 1 mo the turn of
1 00 or 1200 If conaldered neceaaury from
tho irollja accruing from tho catute
which la tu bo equally divided among tho
four aurvlvlnir children, who are I-oiiIh
Jiikkiu- und Mra. Olive Day, of I'ortlitnd;
Kepreaeiituttve Frank Juggur, of Curua,
and Mra. C V. Vonderaho, of Oregon
City. Judge O. K. lluyea upiwura aa at
torney for tho petltloncra.
Rip Van Wlnkl. Tomorrow Night
"Itlp Vun Winkle" will bo produced In
Hhlvcly'a Opera ll;uao. tomorrow even
ing by the attidenta of Iho High School,
uaiilalrd by mnm outatdn lorul talent.
Trofeaaor tlreenleuf, of l'ortliind, under
whoao direct aucrvUlon the play Will t
given, will hlmaelf play tho part of Itlp
Vun Winkle. Tho purt of Oretchen la
taken by Klhel Juckaon and Clulre Tud
rlck; Meenle, by Clara Flelda and Vemle
I'hllllpa; Derrick, by Arthur iJeute; Cock
lea, by Jack Meldrum; lfendrlch, by Curl
Hi'hrum, and Churlea Kohlnaon; Nick
Vrdder. by Karl iJHourelle; Heth, Nlcka
aucceaaor, by Ithao Cole; Katchen, hla
wlfo. by l)olll I'rntt. Thla caat la aa-
ulnleil by a numeroua aaaortment of
dwarfa, vlllngcra and children.
the inn" by lledaea A (irimth. who wore
employed by the iiiliiplulnlug wltneaa.
Henutor Hrownell defended Warner.
Salmon Art Plentiful
Flahermeii me enjoying a hnrveat In
thla vicinity thla your. They report that
After hearing tcatlmony In tho matter,
Judge Hyun laat Monday ordered C'lura,
tho 16-yeur old daughter of Jacob Becreat
of Hallow, committed tu the care of tho
lloya' nnd dlila" Aid Boclety at rortland
Thla dlapoMltlon of thn girl, who la not
troug mentally, waa nuido nfler hearing
Suggestions How to Find Relief from Such
(llissJVelUe olmesj&M AlrxTMie Hart (tf JJ
Marvelous Musica
Want Hla Money Back
Wm. H. Young, a former realdent of
thla city, by hla attorney, Kby ft Kby,
laat Huturduy afternoon illed In the Jua
tlco court a ault agalnat "Col." Ilabro
and Jack Doulhlt, proprlotora of a poker
game In thla city, demanding judgment
for tot, or un amount double the aum
Young ullcgca he loot playing poker at
(lefeiidaul'a place of bualneaa on April
lat, luat. The plaintiff recltea In hla
complaint that while playing the game In
which he waa fleeced, the drlnka were
liberally dlapenaed by the proprletora of
the pluce and It la alao charged that the
play era, particularly the "cuppera" for
the houn dealt and played unfairly, de
frauding plaintiff out of $27.50 during the
evening. A demand waa made of the
defendunta to return to Young the amount
of money ho hud loat, nnd falling to re-
axnd, the ault waa filed.
It plays the beautiful perfected Operatic Records, Band Records, Orchestra Records,
Male Quartette Records, Song Records, Violin Records, Banjo Records, etc. All these
Records are given with a pure singing tone." :-: :-: :-: :-:
Om Special Offe?
You pay us for records and a small payment on the machine. Take the outfit home,
beginning to pay for it in 30 days on easy installments.
Om Record Exchange
We will allow full credit for all Victor Records, providing you purchase three times the
quantity returned. j Complimentary concerts daily in our store by the new improved
Victor. You are cordially invited.
A Succeaaful Inatltuto
There waa held a aucceaaful Teachera"
Inatltote at I'arkpluce laat Huturduy In
which a number of the prominent edu
cator of thla aectlon of the Valley parti
cipated. Thoae attending the Inatltute
were enlertulned by tho Mothera" aClub,
of I'arkpluce. The following programme
waa offered: 'Arlthmetlca In Advanced
ImvIhIoii." Mra. Klliaheth Iliuk; "Kthl
cul Training," I). V. Muttbcwa; "Mnalc
In tho Hehool Itoom." W. Q. Ileattle;
"Nature Htiidy," A. O. Btnlnaborough;
"Klementury Agriculture," J. J. Clark;
"How to Tench Oeogrnphy," Wf. W. Dix
on. Prof. Dixon, of Tangent, one of the
eilucutoii In attendance complimented
tho management of the Inatltute by atut
Ing that tho meeting rlvuled In Intercut
muny Mate Inatltutea that, he hud attended.
Second Attempt a Failure
Fulling to live peaceably and "hupplly
ever afterward", Prlncla M. Unn, twice
wedded to Timothy W. Linn, hna filed
Hiilt for divorce, alleging that the defend
ant wbllo at a piirty January 1, laat, be
came Intoxicated and, laying handa on
her, tore practically all of her clothing
from her person. Plaintiff alao coTiplulna
of other conduct on the pnrt of the de
fend, unbecoming a dutiful huaband. Dur
ing the year 1902, the purtlea were di
vorced on the application of the wife who
Inatltuted the ault but a reconciliation
wtta effected nnd tho parties were remar
ried ut Portland, In February of the fol
lowing year. Plnlntlff aaka for the cus
tody of ono of the two minor children
conacntlng to tho award of tho second
child to tho defendant. Plaintiff also
asks to resume her maiden name, Prln
cIh M. Leek.
The Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner
While no woman Is entirely free from
periodical sufTerlnir, it does not seem to
bo the plan of nature that women
should suffer bo severely. Menstrua
tion is a severe strain on a woman's
vitality. If it is painful or irregular
somi'thinp; is wronff which should be
set ri'ht or it will lead to a serious de-ruiifri-ment
of the whole female organ
ism. More than fifty thousand women
have testified inirrateful letters to Mrs.
I'inkham that Lydia E. Plukham's
Veotablo Compound overcomes pain'
ful and irregular menstruation,
It provides a safe and sure way of es.
cape from distressing and dangerous
weaknesses and diseases.
The two following letters tell so con
vincingly what Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound will do for
women, they cannot fail to brlnjj hope
to thousands of sufferers.
Miss Nellie Holmes of 540 N. Davl-
Ion Street, Buffalo, N. Y., writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" Your medicina li indeed an ideal medicine
for women. I suffered misery for years with
painful periods, hoadnchua, and bearing-down
iiaina. I consulted two different physicians
but failed to Ret any relief. A friend from
the East advlaed me to try Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable ComjiotiiuL I did so, and
no longer suffer as 1 did before. My periods
are natural: every ache and pain is gone, and
my general health is much improved. I
advise all women who suffer to take Lydia
K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound."
Mrs. Tillle Uart, of Larimoro, N. D.,
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" I might have have been spared many
months of suffering and pain bad I only
known of the efficacy of Lydia B. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound sooner; for I have tried
so many remedies without help.
" 1 aroacled tno approacn ot my menstrual
period every month, as it meant so much pain
and Buffering for me, but after 1 had used the
Compound two months I became regular and
natural and am now perteciiy wen ami tree
from pain atniy monthly periods. I an very
grateful for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound has done Mr me."
Such testimony should be accepted
by all women as convincing evidence
that Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound stands without a peer as a
remedy for all the distressing ills of
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound rests upon the
well-earned gratitude of American
When women are troubled with irrejr
ular, Buppressed or painful menstrua
tion, leucorrhooa, displacement or ul
ceration of the womb, 'hat bearing
down feeling, inflammation of tho
ovaries, backache, bloating, (or flatu
lency), general debility, indigestion and
nervous prostration, or are beset with
such symptoms as dlz.lncss, falntness,
lassitude, eicltability, irritability, ner
vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
they should remember there is one tried
and" true remedy, Lydia E. Plnkham't
Vegetable Compound at once removes
such troubles. Refuse to buy any other
medicine, for you need the best.
Don't hesitate to write to Mrs.
Pinkham if there is anything
about your sickness you do not
understand. She will treat you
with kindness and her advice is
free. No woman ever regretted
writing her and she has helped
thousands. Atiaress Liynn, mass
Episcopalians Elect Officers
The annual parish meeting of St.
Paul's Episcopal church was held Mon
day night, and the following were elect
ed vestrymen for the ensuing year: H.
L. Kelly, John It. Humphrys. George A.
Harding. If. M. Templeton, W. B. Staf
ford, E. A. Chapman and Wllllum Wright.
The vestry convened and elected these
officers: II. L. Kelly, senior warden; John
It. Humphry. Junior warden; George A.
Harding, treasurer; Wlllium Wright,
clerk, fiesolutlona were passed thanking
the rector and Mrs. Hammond for their
faithful services In the Interest of the
church and Ha auxiliary societies. Reso
lutions of condolence were adopted In
reference to the recent death of Nettle
Gradon Bradley and Henry Preston
Holmes. St. Paul's Guild elected the
following officers: Mrs. H. L. Kelly,
president; Mrs. M. Holmes, vice-president;
Mrs. Fannie L. Cochran, secre
tary! Mrs. Roalna Fouts, treasurer. Of
ficers for the ensuing year were elected
by the Daughters of the King, as fol
lows: Mlsa M. Holmes, president; Har
riet Cochran, vice-president: Mrs. E. A
Chapman, secretary; Mrs. H. S. Moody,
Should you need a mild, safe, gentle
liquid laxative that will Improve your
appearance, cure constipation, and will
mike you feel better in every way, try
a 25 cent bottle of the great tonic lax
ative, Laxakola. and your only regret
will be that you did not know of this
splendid remedy before.
Enterprise and Pacific Monthly.
With the Juno number will begin the
Pucltlc Monthly's scries of speclul edi
tions for the year 1905, They will com
prise n number for Portland, for Seattle,
for Southern California, for San Fran
cisco and the souvenir number of the
Lewis and (.'lark Imposition, also a spec
ial automobile number. The articles of
Dr. Wolf von Schlerbrnnd, six In number,
on "The Coming Supremacy of the Pacl
llc," are also promised and the plans
contemplated , by tho publishers will,
without question place the Pacific Month
ly far in advance, not only of present
competitors, but also into the unreach
able class of periodical literature on the
Pucltlc Const. The Pacific Monthly is
sold to regular subscribers at the ex
tremely low price of $1,00 a year. We
have made arrangements with the pub
lishers by which we are able to offer It in
connection with The Enterprise (both
publications) for $1.75 a year.
Ask Hrs. Pinkham's Advk-A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills.
C. H. A L. Banquet
Tho members of Columbia Hook &
Ladder Company have long had a repu
tation as active and efficient firemen, but
they are a Iho great entertainers. Last
Friday evening at Willamette Hall this
company gave a banquet in celebration
of the election of Frank McGlnnts, one
of their members, as chief of the city's
volunteer fire department. After partak
ing of a feed, there was much speech
muklng and singing. In the absence of
Dr. W. B. Curll, Sam Stowe presided as
toast-master. Among those responding
were Judge T. A. McBrido, Grant B.
(Dlmlck, R. C. Ganong. D. W. Klnnalrd,
i J, W. Headen, Chief MoQlnnis, Assistant
Chief MoFarland, J. W. Cole, H. W. How
ell, C. M. Mason, and Pat Finucane. A
number of those who participated In the
Plantation Minstrel show being In at
tendance, they were called upon and re
sponded by singing the numbers they
offered in the minstrel show. All In all
the affair was a huge success.
Will May Be Contested
By the will that was probated Monday.
G. J. Trulllnger, who died at Union Mills,
this county, last week, leaving an es
tate of the value of $20,000, bequeaths
his entire estate, with the exception of a
few personal effects, to the wife, Erlkke
C. Trulllnger, who is constituted execu
trix of the estate without bonds. A gold
watch Is given the only daughter while
an encyclopedia Is given one son and a
lot in Oregon City to another son, the
latter bequest being conditioned on the
building by the devisee of a house for
Mrs. Trulllnger on adjoining property,
tho structure to cost not less than $600.
The bulk of the real estate is conveyed
to the wife by qultvclaim deed in lieu of
her dower Interest. The will further di
recta that the balance of the estate shall
be sold at publlo auction and the pro
ceeds divided equally among the child
ren. Otherwise, there Is made no pro
vision for the five sons and one daughter
who will unquestionably contest the will.
Shortly before his death, decedent's sons
succeeded in having a guardian appointed
for their aged father and it was this act
that Is believed to have created an es
trnngement between the father and the
Huntley Brothers Tell Why Laxakola
Beautifies the Skin.
.Drop In most any time now and you
are likely to see one of the clerks wrap
ping up a bottle ofLsxskols, and Ore
ton City ladles have learned of Un
remarkable effect of Laxakola upon the
bile olements and the beneficial ac
tion It has upon the skin and complex
Ion Is really surprising. Huntley Bros,
Co. will tell you the demand for it is
Increasing rapidly; not so much on ac
count of the advertising, but because
thla or that lady drops In to the store
with the statement that she been recom
mended to try It.
Probably no other remedy ever made
so enviable a reputation In so short a
time, for Laxakola Is sold now In al
most every prominent city In America.
In the Family. .
"Ah," said Mrs. Oldcastle "So you're
reading Mrs. Blnkerton's, new story?
Don't you think her style Is almost Idio
matic?" "I hadn't noticed It," replied her host
ess, "but I wouldn't be surprised If It
was. Tou know It runs In their family.
She had a niece that was only half-wit
Forget About Your Stomach.
If your digestion is bad the vital organs
of your body are not fed and nourished
as they should be. They grow weak and
Invite disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di
gests what you eat, cures indigestion and
all stomach troubles. You forget you
have a stomach from the very day you
begin taking It This is because It gets
a rest recuperates and generally grows
so strong and healthy that it troubles you
no more. E. L. Babcock, Amherst, Minn.,
says: "I have taken a great many reme
dies for Indigestion but have found noth
ing equal' to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure."
Kodol digests what you eat, cures indi
gestion. Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Belch
ing, Heartburn and all Stomach trou
bles. Its preparation is the result of
many years of research. Sold by Geo.
A. Harding.
Deserves Your Patronage.
The growth of a community and the
success of Its local Institutions depends
entirely on the loyalty of Its people. It
Is well enough to preach "patronize home
Industry" but except the service given
at a home institution equals that of out-of-town
enterprises, this argument car
ries no weight and Is entirely disregard
ed, as It should be. But with Oregon City
people it is different A few months
ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas
cade Laundry. It is equipped with the
latest improved machinery and is dally
turning 'out work that Is equal to any
and superior to much of the laundry
work that Is being done in Portland.
Being a home institution and furnishing
employment for many Oregon City people
it Is enjoying an Immense patronage.
The high standard of the work being
done commends It to the general public..
Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop wllT
be promptly called for and delivered to
any part of the city. Telephone 1204.
E. L. Johnson, proprietor.
Russian Proverbs.
Russian revolutionists are busy dis
seminating these proverbs of their coun
try: A czar's crown does not prevent a
Even the czar cannot blow out the sun.
The czar's hand has only five fingers,
like other people's.
A fat czar weighs no heavier on the
shoulders of death than a thin pauper.
A czar's tear costs the country many
When the czar dies no peasant can
be found desirous of changing places
with him.
If the czar gives us an egg he robs us
of a hen.
Russia is great, and the czar has a
wide girth.
About Rheumatism.
There are few diseases that inflict
more torture than rheumatism and there
Is probably no disease from which such
n varied and useless tot of remedies
have been suggested. To say that It
can be cured, Is therefore, a bold state
ment to make, but Chamberlain's Pain
Balm , which now enjoys an extensive
sale, has met with great success In the
treatment of this disease. One applica
tion of Pain Balm -will relieve the pain,
and hundreds of sufferers have testified
to permanent cures by Its use. Why
suffer when Pain Balm affords 1 such
quick relief and costs but a trifle? For
sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Adam's Mistake.
Well Worth Reading.
The Christian Science Journal, pub
lished in Boston, begins its twenty-third
volume with the April number, and ap
pears in a pleasing new dress. Its first
editor was Mrs. Eddy, and to this num
ber she contributes a poem entitled.'
"Whither," and an article on "Preven
tion and Cure for Divorce." Mr. Kim
ball's article, "Christian Science: Its
Compassionate Appeal," and Professor
Mosley's discussion 'of "The Problem of
Evil" are deeply interesting.
This being the official organ of ths
movement, readers of the magazine may
expect to find In It a correct statement
of the Ideals of Christian Scientists. The
publishers print In this Issue a number
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