Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 28, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rates:
One year , J1.50
Bix months 75
Trial subscription, two months.. 25
Advertising rates on application.
Subscribers will find the date of ex
plration stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If this is not
changed within two weeks after a
payment, kindly notify us, and the
matter will receive our attention.
Entered at the postofflee at Oregon
City, Oregon, as second-class matter,
Jured party compensated. Because of
unguarded fires that have been caro
lessly started in timbered districts,
there has resulted during the last few
years extensive damage to private
property to say nothing of the serious
loss to the timber wealth of Clackamas
The verdict in tho case referred to,
if allowed to stand, will have a good
effect in causing farmers to bo more
cautious in starting and guarding fires.
FRIDAY, ArRIL 23, 1905.
We will wager that the Portland
"Giants" have more chances or win
ning games and lose them than does
any other team In the Pacific Coast
One Oregon City saloon man, plead'
lng guilty to an information charging
him with selling liquor to minors, was
fined $50 in the circuit court the other
day. It was right that he should be
fined but this German was no more
liable to a fine than were others. An
other saloon man and the proprietor
of an Oregon City drug store, accord
lng to the statements of the lads on
whose reports Wind was indicted, al
so sold liquor to the same boys.
Did you ever count the words in a
column of ordinary newspaper print?
There are about two thousand words
In a column. Suppose you sit down
and write a thousand words in some
subject, and then another thousand
on another until you have written
eight or ten thousand. Try it and
see if it is right easy. Keep that
gait up for a month. Then chase a
local item all over town, and after
you hare gotten the facts all right,
condense them into a few lines an
hour's work that can be read in a few
Beconds. Do this for a dozen items
that seem insignificant after they are
printed, but which you know are im
portant; then have the items criti
cised and inaccuracies pointed out to
you when it is too late to correct
them. Ob, yes, it is easy. Guard.
The Oregou City Hoard of Trade
has been permanently organized. A
bettor selection of officers could not
have been had. W. A. Huntley, the
president, is one of the city's most
enterprising men. He has always had
faith in Oregon City, its business and
manufacturing possibilities. A more
energetic secretary than J. U. Camp
bell could not have been found. The
other offices are filled by representa
tive business and professional men as
follows: C. H. Dye, first vice-presi
dent; E. O. Caufleld, second vice-pres
ident; and D. C. Latourette, treasurer.
The representative men of which
the membership Is composed and the
enthusiasm that is manifested are
grounds that Justify the conclusion
that the newly organized body will
not die the peaceful premature death
that was the fate of proceeding or
ganizations of this kind in Oregon
City. There is need for work and the
Enterprise hopes that the results may
be as helpful and satisfactory to Ore
gon City and its every interest as the
field of opportunity is large.
o '
taxpayers of the county. A good be
ginning has been made towards wip
ing out the county's debt. A contin
uance of the present consorvnllvu
administration of county affairs and
the judicious application of the prun
ing knife in all departments will ac
complish the desired end the plac
ing of the county ou a cash basis.
The bulk of the taxes for the year
1904 having already been collected and
applied on outstanding warrants, tho
amount of warrants will increase
somewhat during the next six months
and before more tax money is avail
able for the cancellation of theso war
rants. But the fact remains, never
theless, that the aggregate of .the
county's obligations Is being slowly
but surely reduced.
Why Worry About Indigestion Whan Pep
slkola Will Clvt You Relief.
; S Here's a list for you, give us your orders Every item guaran-
i teed as represented or may be returned and your money refunded, l
j; i5u i mis very lairr
During the year ending in March,
the Clear Creek Creamery, a co-operative
institution located near this
city, manufactured and sold $18,000
worth of butter. In other words, the
product of this creamery amounted to
$1500 per month or $50 per day.
It Is Just these kind of institutions
that contribute very materially to the
prosperity of any community. This
creamery affords the farmers of the
Logan country a convenient place for
marketing their cream which was for
merly hauled to Oregon City and
shipped to Portland, entailing not only
much extra work but loss of time to
the producer whose remuneration was
not what it should have been
"Why any one should worry about In
digestion, " eiiKt the head clerk In Hunt
Icy Hros. Co. drug store, "Is hard for us
to understand.
"We have boon selling Peptlkola for
several months now and In all our ex
perience we never knew u remedy to
give such universal satisfaction.
, "We know four or five old chronic
dyspeptics on tho verm of despair for
years who to-day are cheerful and happy
Leeause all of the be-icflcl.il effect of
a little chocolate coated tablet taken
after each meal.
"If people only resided whnt a won
derful remedy It Is and how murh good
It has done right In this very town they
would not doubt or hesitate another
minute." Words enn not express the
(,t.i.I good It has don- In Oeti.n 01. y,
and Peptlkola must be a remedy of
more than unusual merit for If Huntley
Hros. Co. had to refund the money to
very many dissatisfied customers they
would certainly discontinue selling It on
their own personal guarantee. Ask your
self Jf this is not true.
If you are thin, nervous, worried and
In low spirits Just cheer up and try a
25 cent box of Pepslkola on the drug
gist's eay so and If It fails to give you
new nerve force, hew ambition and new
energy you can get your money . back
without any question or argument.
lUilk California tho vory finest. tZ
J J This is a snap, per lh.
'5V horo is tho prieo that
will do it, 8 lbs. for
Tho large Kentucky Jack will stand
throughout the season of 1905 at the
C. V. Stoker farm, five miles south-east
of Oregon City, near the Lealand 8chool
house. C. V. STOKER, Owner.
June 30. . Oregon City, Ore.
For the Season of 1905.
Jeffries, the beautiful Clydesdale stal
lion, foaled May. 1899. wcleht 1900. will
Not ! make the season of 1905 aa follows:
only does this creamery offer th!Tuesday at Aurora, Wednesday and
The ladies of Oregon City, emulat
lng the good women of this city, have
organized a "civic improvement" club,
and are starting in to "do things,"
having for their main object the clean
ing up of this erstwhile old Oregon
metropolis, so as to have it in pre
sentable shape for the Lewis and
Clark visitors. There is a big task
before them, but if they apply the
same energy aa our own Civic Im
provement League they will accom
plish it. The yards and lawns in this
city, many of them at least, show the
effects of the work of the women.
Right here, men of the Commercial
Association, and all others, don't fail
or neglect to give the ladies all pos
sible encouragement. It is your duty
to do so, and if you are of the right
kind of stuff, it will afford you pleas
ure. Help the ladies in their good
work by all means. St. Johns Review.
Thursday at Canby. Friday at Heln'
feed stable, Oregon City, Saturday at
Mjlalla. Terms: $12.50 to Insure stand
ing colt; J10 to Insure with foal, season
$9, single leap, 16. Season opens Tues-
I day, April 18.
M. R. BOTLES. Owner.
Mdlalla, Oregon.
farmer a place for depositing the pro
duct of his herd, but Its successful
operation is doing a great deal to
wards encouraging the development of
the dairy Industry in the Willamette
Evidence of the enterprise of the
management of the Clear Creek
Creamery is found in the announce
ment that them will Yta Inotoiin n
Pasteurizing apparatus by means of j VVrTeTe
which the company will be enabled j and elderly people buy It for la grlnne "
to sell sweet cream throughout the ' Bay Moor Bros., Eidon, Iowa. "We
summer. 8C" more of Chamberlain's Cough Rem-
;eay than any other kind. It seems to
nave taken the lead over several other
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best
and Most Popular.
Success to the farmers of Logan
and their co-operative enterprise.
The initial blow in the civic Im
provement campaign in Oregon City
was struck last Friday night when the
unsightly shack on the river bank, re
cently vacated by a local Chinaman,
was burned on the order of Mayor
Sommer. This structure was for years
a disgrace to the city. The health of
the community was threatened by
reason of the filth that at all times
surrounded the building.
Let the good, work continue. Such
extreme measures are required in
only a few cases, but there Is need of
a vigorous campaign along this line.
We are pleased to note the substan
tial Interest that is being taken in the
situation by the Women's Club, the
members of which have already plan
ned for active participation in the
municipal house-cleaning. With the
unanimity of public sentiment that
exists in Oregon City for cleaning up
the city, positive results are assured.
If Michael Keisecker actually start
ed the Are that, because of neglect
on his part, spread to adjoining prem
ises and burned the home and crops
of Mrs. Cubbage, the jury in the cir
cuit court was justified in returning
a verdict for the plaintiff, if the dam
age resulted from a fire that was
started by others, an injustice has
been done Keisecker and the guilty
party should be made to re-imburse
Mrs. Cubbage to the amount of her
Responsibility for property losses
resulting from the setting of fires in
timber should be .located and the In-1
good brands." There Is no question but
this medicine Is the best that can be
procured for coughs and colds, whether
it be a child nr an adult that (a afflicted.
It always cures ana cme. quiKi, o-m
by Geo. A. Harding.
Semi-Weekly Journal and Enterprise
The Logan correspondent to the
Enterprise in last week's issue con
tends that the building of a bridge
across the Clackamas rivpr nt partnnlone ear ,or ony 2.00.
is an improvement that is not general
ly desired. He states the situation in
this terse manner:
"It certainly looks as if the County
Court intends to build the bridge at
Barton. The people of Logan and
vicinity, generally, are opposed to the
bridge as it will be a very expensive
structure and will only accommodate
a very few interested land owners who
are anxious to boom their private in-1
terests at the expense of the taxpayers."
The effect of building this bridge J
ue iu uiveri irom uregon (Jity the
trade of Logan, one of the richest
farming sections in the county, and ;
take it to Portland via the bridge to
uarton, thence to the metropolis by
the O. W. P. system.
It is generally thought there are al
ready a suficient number of bridges !
across the Clackamas in this county !
but if anything in opposition to this
proposed improvement is to be of
fered, it should be done before the
construction of the bridge has begun.
It is a subject the Oregon City
Board of Trade might properly consid
er ana taKe such action as would
best serve the interests of the county.
I have only a small lot left that can ho
sold at my present quotation. If you
want any come quick; 5(X) matches in
box, 12 boxes inpkg.ner jkg 35c.
Velvet, a perfect cohl water starch and is
guaranteed equal in quality to any
brand, closing out what's left at C
half price, package
! w Wo must move a lot this week
2 lbs. Columbia Waterloo, la. Remember
my guarantee is that this is equal to
anything packed, I don't caro what the
brand may be...... $1.15 per doen.
Baltimore pack. This is beyond a ques
tion of a doubt tho best pea on the
market for the money I know of, as an
inducement to tho trade I will make
a very low price for this week only
85c per doen.
M 11
- i-z H. uuniornia Tacking Co, ICxtra
standard white cherry, I mean just J
what I pay about theno cherries, viz
that they are extra standards and in
extra standard syrup and are worth at i
least $l.f0 per dozen and I would like
to match them against nnv comi.Hitne It
at that price, order a few and be con-
vinced that my price is the lowest prico ll
0I wml 50c per dozen.
Just got in a lot and to move it quick,
oiler it for one week, it's a great snap t
V) ten ounce bars for 25c
Treferred Stock. Here is the best value
in the U. S. This catsup is made from jj
the selected famous Pomlarosa toma.
toes and will comply with every pure jj
food law, for Saturday, April 22 only,
two pini nomes jor
ancv California Nn 1 ! I.r.u-n dt..u f
i' f ...... . i on in
beautiful cracker, elegant flavor, I ll
have only a few so come early, 1k per
lb. or 2 fbs. for 25c
Cottage and Picnic sugar cured and go- o
ing liks hot cakes, my price of JOc is J!
catching orders to beat tho band. o
35c tl
ISaJkedL OoodL
t P0"'1 married until you hive seen us about the wedding cake. Wo can furnish
tl it to suit the most fastidious taste. Cakes to order for all occasions our , 'Sy ll
l mm mm .
Phone 1261 503 Main Street
o s tTo iiia.
BetntU jlht Kind You Haw Always Bpcffl
Impure blood always shows
somewhere. If the skin, then
boils, pimples, rashes. If the
nerves, then neuralgia, nerv
ousness, depression. If the
stomach, then dyspepsia,
biliousness, loss of- appetite.
Your doctor knows the
remedy, used for 60 years.
with w;i i..n. i. r " -rM"-.;1;'1 7
fl.OO a bottle,
All rirmretntii.
8.r.aprliu" Smpi,',; " '
ll. v,. LlOKHLKU. Kcr.ntnn. I'.
Lowell, Mtt.v
HrTnTTA. 4- 11, M 1J1
I V VH iM lllll
F. C. GADKE ;eplumber
Impure Blood
The semi-annual reports of the
Clackamas county officers published
last week show a welcome improve
ment in the financial condition of the
county which has for years been car
rying a large indebtedness. According
to the report of Clerk Greenman, the
net indebtedness of the county on
March 31 last, was only $62,362.13.
On the same date a year ago, the In
debtedness of the county aggregated
$81,637.22. Six months ago the coun
ty's obligation's had reached the sum
of $107,227.40.
This showing is no more compli
mentary to the officers responsible
therefor than it is gratifying to the
Aid the Sarsaparilla by keeping the
bowels regular with Ayer's Tl8
That our guarantee Is your Clhrnltoi.
We promise a satisfactory enduring Job
at the lowest price for good work and
stand behind our guarantee at all times.
Why not let us estimate with you?
Main Street, near Eighth
Oregon City . . 0regon
You Will Be Satisfied
If your ticket! read over the Denver
and Rio Grande Railroad, the "Seenlc
Line of the World"
There are so many neenlc attraction!
and point of Intercut along the line
between Ogden and Denver that the
trip never becomes tlrenume.
Portland and The Dalles
"8ADIE B."
Btr. "Bailey Galiort" leaves Portland
7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Tues
days, Thusrsdays and Saturdays.
Str. "Regulator" leaves Portland 7 A
M. Tuesdays, Thursdays snd Saturdays' I
leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. . Mondays.
Wednesdays and FrJays. j
Steamers leaving Portland make dally
connection at Lvle with r n a. u I
for Ooldendale and Klickitat Valley
C. R. A N. train Haves Ooldendals on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at
:30 A. M., making connection with
steamer "Regulator" for Portland and
way points.
C. n. & N. train leaves Ooldendale on
Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at
1:30 A. M., connecting at Tyls with
steamer "Badle B." for The Palles. con
nectlng there with O. R, N. trains
East and West.
Str. "Sadls B." leavfs Cascade Locks
dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for The
Dalles and way points; arrives at U A.
M.; leaves The Dalles I p. M., arrives
Cascade Locks I p. M.
Meals served on all steamers.
Fine accommodations ror teams and
Landing at Portland at Alder Street
Gen. Oftlce. Portland. Oregon.
.PrTrt. sf
and Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and Tour
1st ''I'li.g cars dally lo Omaha, Chl.ago.
Hpokana; tourist slerpin Cara dally to
Kansas City; through Pullman tourist
i'LiJi """nHy conduced)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, rerlln'
Ing chairs (seats free to the east dally.)
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cars.
I'oi timid
9:16 a, m
8:16 p. m.
Via. Hunt
St. Paul
I nst Mall
616 p m
via Spokane.
Tims Schedules.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft. Worth, Omaha.
Kansas I'ltv. hi
Uiuls, Chicago and
Salt Ijike, Denver,
r t. worth, Omaha.
Kansas Cltv. Hi
luls, Chicago and
Walla Wall., Iw
Iston, Spokane, Min
neapolis, Ht. Paul,
Duliith. Mllwaukna
Chicago and Kaat
:25 p m.
;00 a m.
7:16 a nv
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
If you are going East, wrltef or Inform..
tlon and get a pretty book that will tell you
all about It.
W. C. McBRIDE, Ocneral Agent
BeantU Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Oregon City Boats Dally Schedule!
i-molT1"' Alt0.na mxi Pomona for 8a
.VdaW?5 p0.,nli' ,',ave Portland dally
Kon tv "W." 8:45 m'! lHav
IXnT V'."JS V m-i returning, leave
p. m?' ftV 0reon c'iy'
Oregon City Transoortatlon Co.
Tha Right Name It DeWltt.
DcWItfa Witch 7iaLi Salve cools,
oo he. and heals cuts, burna, bolls
bruises and pilos and all Bkln diseases:
,' Zlckcfoose, Adolpg, W. Va.. says-
:nMyh"tU" dauhtw h '"te swing
o bad that pclce after piece of bone
worked out of her leg. DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve cured her." It Is the most
wonderful healing salve In the wrM
iTrLg'. C0Untcr,eUs- 8ol0 W Geo. A.
8:00 A.M.
7:00 P.M.
For Mavirers TUInW
Clatskanle, Westport
Clifton, Astoria. War
renton, Flavel. Ham-
mona, Fort Stevens
Uearhtrt Park, Sea
side, Astoria, andl
Express Daily.
Astoria ifixpress.
11 :10A.M.
9:40 P.M.
STEWART. Cornm"! Agt., M
Alder street. Phone Main 80.
J. C. MA TO, O. F. ft P. A.. Astoria, Or.
Ocean and River Schedule
For Ban FranotsccEivwjr flv day" t
p. in. For Astoria, way points and
Portland, Oregon.
P-. ra t Saturday at 10 p. m. Dalljr
-,.For detailed Information of rata,
3?.?. - gon.RSnroad Navigation Co..
your nearest ticket agent, or
General Passenger Agent