Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 28, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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New To-Day.
ptir emit. Farm socurlty. U'Uon
ft Hohntiol. J
Bt InwoMt rnt, I.atoiirnllti' office,
Commercial Hank. Ilulldlng, Oregon
City. .,
j,.,",!! jtKNT-A five-mom house. In good
r.mditloii. Plenty of B round suitable
(, gulden, lllllltlH Bt tile Mlttel'prlse
ulllre. .1,,.i-I
JTUATl Oil MTOIJ5N lrt white
,;rtMllMh Hetler, ten ni'tiilhn old, with
ImHMi 'iu m, white around mm eye,
i,.inon around the other rye, Ikiiiom
mini on hip above tall. Iteward fcir
ri-iiiin to H. H, Moody, Fashion Mlulilcs,
tingoli Cliy. Oregun.
Kilt HAl.K - I'leah yminif mlleli row,
.....i Jhi'ikv. fur suln, tiKilir with
i,ir.T riilf, Cow 1m easy milker Mini
mnl Us ciitt t handled by a child.
i,..nilr of Jacob rUrilmker, Oregon
CUV It, I'. 1. No, 2. Kuim I" located
, n,ihin.1. dim lit 11 from Fischer'
r ?
I. . a a A. ,4i A 0 .tH
Trimmed hat at popular price al
MIxm C, Goldsmith.
e,.r.rib. for th 8eml-Wkly Journal
-d th Enterprise, both, only W pr
at lowest rate, I.atotirnUo's oflloa, Com
mercial Bank Building, Oregon City.
Judge Bellinger Ovsrrulee Plea In Abate
ment In Land Fraud Ciki,
PORTLAND, Or,, April 25. Btttifitor
Mitchell will bn tried upon thn Indict
ment returned iiKiilnst hltn by the Fed-
l'h estate, of Jerry Yoiinir, deceased, Unil Grand Jury for complicity In the
was unmltloa to iiruiinit) iwontiuy ami urcgnn iiiihi rrauo, nnu mm ai m er
Mm, Oru Brown, was appointed admin-1 1 1 h t opportunity. Th attempt of Judge
Istrntrlx. The eslitlit I of the robblB I Jfurn tt, IiIm attornny, to Hiwk tli oum
iluo of $2209 and th lii'lra-at-luw mi: of tint trlula or to (iitiiHh thti Indlctmonta
Mr, Old Itrown, Vlolai Mr. Ida Oaak- returned by the Jury throiiKh the jla In
II, Madraa, Crook eounty; and KJIu ubutoinent arK'd a wrk hko, wita futlln
Uliki'tm, Oregon City, all or whom an una yoitterday morning Jinigo ueiiiriifnr,
nuifhtera of decedenl. by hla deelalon, gave a aweeplnif vic
tory to th eauao of th g(vernment
Jutt Cam. 1'ietty ahlrt walata 8o tip; when h auatalned every objoellon en-
A free, rural delivery aenlce m been
,d ratubllalted from funny who o..
n,n arvli? to rummencM My
Wanted-tllrl for ireneral hoimework
iw nt oii. b l renldeiioe of C. Vt . on
i... ...iiier Fifth and Vahln(ton
ulreela. t
Altl-tona la the tonio to build you up
..(... . of the I -a Orlpp. tluaran
u.. i.. (,.. churumn & Co., d
pendnblo dnmnlata.
4al Thumday nlaht th Oregon fit
i..i vruii.riiat llrotlierluMid Initiated
l,..r ..f andldnt... t'eti'K aaalaled by
tin. I'oitlHlid loilae.
A itftu II fliderWiN'd died here
Wedueadny from iimauiiiptbrn, Bhe wim
.! 35 year and la aurvlved by a hua
band and two i blldren.
jieputy County Aaaeaaor V. J. Neliam
ta In ree-lpt of a tH-autlful AIka d.er
1,1.1.1 from a friend named jvteraon, a
HKht houaa tender near 8kaway.
BtyUa unl'iue and faalilotuible- 1'rleea
tH-at. Mti" C. tioldamlth.
Jaeob A and Catharine llyan thla we. k
adopted Klorenee Iwrnna Prlee. the
Ihree-year old daughter of Kr d-'hk It.
I'llee. tbu ehllda mother being dead.
CIkiIch aelectloit of )ip-to-diit dealgna,
ipuiur pilcea, ut Ml" 0. fJuldainlth'a.
popular and eallmitble young woman,
Mr, Uluhrn la a young man of admirable
qiittlltlea and In every way deaervlng of
the happlneaa and prosperity hat la
wlahed for hlmaelf and brldn by hla many
friends, Mr. and Mra. Jiluhm have gimti
Ut Portland whera they will realdo In a
Many Oregon City Raadara Hava Haard
It and Profited Tharaby,
"Uood newa travmla faat' and the
thouaanda of bad back aurferer In Oregon I
coslly-furnlMhed cottage that had been City are glad to Icarn that prompt re-
prepured by tho groom for the reception lief In within their reach. Many a lam 1
of hlmneif and bride, Three tables were and weak back la bad no more, thanka to
required for the accommodation of the Poan'g Kidney Pills, People are telling
many glfia with which the bride wa pre- the good newa of their experience with
aen ted.
tered by Iilatrlct Attorney lleney to the
I,nee and Itlbbona at cut P'"'
ltlCl KHONT 8TOMC, At every point hh th conn iook mem
up one at a time, tne cuuae or ine giv
ernmeiit waa upheld and the plena of the
IlitiidUercliIefa In, 2t up; I.adlea' Iloao
n up; II
Kvery on of thn boya, who were re-
...,,l., I.....n.1..,1 l,v .IlllTuit HVlin Illf U' lrnrm ...
varloua rnlademeunora, reported laat Hut. '"" paniiu vwionr ir u oe.e . u
i .,.r.,liitt it m to aehmd attendance M'Ven mere inn concewmm, ai.n
and their conduct generally during the by the court and th dlHtrlct attorney,
week, lleporta of thla character are rt- nuiiineo r,y ine a. uon i i .
in Iih ,.,..,l bv th bova each I" lualatlng for trial by Jury Inatead of
wmk ttiui If they nvutm QntAmm " l" " "
. I i. -A alio t.i. nt it it Hltn thut (Uurtlft
iigulu, a term In th alate reronn acniMii .. w ... - --
a naatirrd them. """"" " " ","
the titiiten niaiea, juukb iiciumki-i iui
I . . . ..... .1..- I ....... u 1 IIm
(.l.,., I,. II,.. I, I.U.. ...'.I llf tWO Or III Ulltl uirou".i, -
principal wltnea.ea for the proatcutlon, fuallfy Oulatln aa a Juror, It would be
the trial of Pan May, In Jail here on the permitted that tha facta be tried before
t -I.. ..n hi....! of boraea the court by the llllnif of allldavlta and
fr,.. We.t Oreaon City realdenla, waa counter affidavit by the government an
... ,.f m.trlei Ailnm-v Allen de- the defense. Judge Uennett refused to
III I.......... ... . . - . . ... ... . .1
i u'MtiuuKlai m.lll Thursday, try trie issue wiinoui u jury, ....
IV... wIlKLSses tan be Heated, lug au me pomis in uie u.-..... v...
the charge agatnal May will a dismissed tho aide of the United Btatea.
the Hlate
for without their testimony
bus no case against the accused.
Bargain Plan thla year ladles Walk
ing hat Kc up; Pre hats It. 40 up.
Itfuutlful hats at two-third usual price.
An eneigetlo lady can secure the agen
cy for thla city and surrounding country
for a high grade line of Flavoring Kx-
A frost visited thla neighborhood 1nt
Friday night doing considerable damage
to gardens.
The local lodge of Odd Fellows plana
for a ipread at their meeting this wee
In honor of the birthday of the Order.
A very Interesting and much apprec
iated Knsler program was rendered by
the M. E. Sunday Bchool last Sunday
I T),
1 i ciaunai muuuvu
the Old Quaker Remedy. Here Is an
example worth reading,
Jacob B, McCoy, of Balem, Oregon,
bridge builder and contractor, residing;
on Capitol street, second house beyond
Mill creek, says: "I have always enjoyed 1
good health up to Ave or six year ago,
Along about that time my kidney com- !
menced to bother me. There wa not
. i i
I Mil O I I
11 X 11 I
It. L. Klngo, of Clarke, was Inthe city m mnch backache, but the principal
the llrst of the week. symptoms were In connection with the
Bherlff Tho. Llnnvllle, of Astoria, was kidney secretion. A traln or over-ex- i
In the city Wednesday.
Pr. J. J. Leavltt, of Molalla, was a vis
itor to Oregon City Tuesday.'
ertlon very often caused hemorrhages of
the kidneys, I cannot say It waa o pain
ful but It waa very annoying. I usd
various , remedies and while ome gave
Hubert Miller and wife, of George, were rcU(.f 0'theris were worthless. In some .
In the city Saturday. way n,mn' Kidney Pill were brought
If. II. IJlankenshlp ha returned from to my notice and when up town I pro-
Bouthern California, where he spent the cured a box, taking them as directed. A
winter, few dose gave me very convincing proof
.... n rA n ttriipa that they were going to the right spot,
York Curry, are visiting with friends at end though I can t say they have cured
. at tie me. I can state that they gave me won-
, . . , derful relief. I have a high opinion of
Uev. E. B. Ifalllnger has returned from vm an(, cneerfully rec.
Hubbard where he attended the district omm,.a them,
meeting of the Congrifgatlonallst. , r),ntjr mon proof ke tm from Oregon
Mr, Llxzie Hoppel came up from Ore- Clty people. Call at Dr. C. G. Huntleva
gon City Thursday evening to look dfter drug ,tore an(i aj what his customers
her business Interest here. Aurora Iiore- m)rt.
all. , 1 For sale by all dealer. Price 60 ct.
Prof. Howard M. Eccles. of Canby, wa Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, New York.
.. .... .-.. t i in. mri.iiii for the United State.
among inose ancnuina mo canc.i. - - 4 ,t,
slltute meeting at Parkplace last Batur- Itemember the name-Doans -an take
day. no otner'
Hon. W. E. Grace, of Baker City, was , tl.
In the city this week on business con- "ia your son .n,.Cr.. ... ...
.. .,.u ..... ..t i.. n w cllnatlonT'
1 KJIi. no. v. c uinmo v.. " " " "
I'm the S. W. paint
man. You will surely
want to paint and bright
en things up this year. Ev
eryone is doing their best
for the Lewis and Clark
Fair Sherwin - Williams
is THE paint for you to
buy. Covers most. Looks
best. Wears longest Costs
less by the job.
Huntley Bros. Co.
Paints, Books, Drugs
Oregon City :-. Oregon
Mrs. Amelia Samuels and daughter,
seat and all standing room wa Mis Anna, or Portland, were me guev
of Oregon City friend the latter pari or
last week.
. . . ...... M... II.. . I . ... . . . . . . .a ..... ..1.1..
tracts, Perfume. Tollel Arucies, imin tUK,.n wniie many remained uumiuu.
i. .,i,ir...in the Pearaall The steam shovel, at this writing,
' ,.(. I f.- ft I . . . T no.Mlllla
weunesiiay, is wuimii -1 Mrs. cnaries Armsirons. ' "'i"i
fever. He dldn t eeem to come oui 01
that Just right." "
Boaps. etc.,
.. . . ..iHK. 1
Manuraciurmg . few days' lay off; but It Is almost done Ky( who .pending a few weeks In
Iowa. They allow a big commission, also w)tn ,u work h(.r(, n(1 )t ( expected to i.ortjana, was the guest of Mra. Harry
give premluma. Writ them for sample 1 1 taken from here this week to Rice mil. Uiion over Bunday.
There Will t.e services ar "",. Mlsse. Helen Bollinger and Jessie Bl-
Chrlstlan and M, K. churenra nexr nun- ,tnd.nt, at the' Pacific University.
r, ...
. . day. botn morning ana evening. ,,, viniicd with relative In
The l1y f Bed, Clark, who disappear- w, pr(.a( h t th, forlner. At the F 'ore. Grove, v sited with
I three weeks ago while fishing on the w U)(. wln Kn , ln morn. mis uiy mis we. n.
Island Just l'low the Falls In this city.
was found floating In the river nunuay
afternoon. Coroner, 1 unman was .-n-.
but It being clearly a case of accidental
rownlng, no Imiuest was held. The re
mains were interred aionuay m-in....
Inrk was a well-known local Indian
baiacter. being a nsnerman y .,..".-
llim, and Is survived vy a '-
ral children.
In East
Twelity-elgllt memers f Pioneer
-i,..,.t,.r of the Order of Eastern filar In
.1.1. ..iiw l.mt Monday evening
Murtha Washington Chapter
t. fftu,... htf hla attorneys. I)lml k
.. T.tmi..v is sum C. II. and II. F. Und
,,,,,i..r th ttim name and
eimnn. imn.i. i -
etyla of I.lmlernuin Pros., for ll.it ai-
..ged to be a balance on account.
r A Moehnke. the real estate man
t.u moved hi ofllce from the undrltak-
l,,g establishment f H. U Hotmail to
... ..til... of mien & Bchuebel In the
Hunk of Oregon City Hulldlng.
Chas. Bhtel.ls, the popular wood saw
hn. rstabllsheil nn office Wltn
N Ureetmmn, the transfer man. at the
.. . ......... tf. m.i.-l.l business to
I (IIH . fi... .y " -
saw wood" and he due It right, too,
From this dale I will be In need of
from ten to twenty-ftve hands to weed
...... .,.1.1... Work lieains at
4H1.I I""' s ' "
.,.. At.nlv to W. S. King, the "cab
huge king." at cherry orchard In Chinese
garden, Oregon City.
Chief of Police Hums and his two as
ii..ni. Nluht Oilier BhuW and nan
Ion this week reei-lved from tho East
brand new nlcklu-plated stars and they
lr r.iaiH'i'tlve lieats with
ven greater alacrity than ever.
Good Flour 11.05 sack; Itlcc 4o, Boda
4... Bono 7 to 10 bara 2Su, Soap powder
be pound, clothes pins, lc dm; Drangi
and U-moiiH lc each.
riore Is i.rohnbly not another man In
th county who has larger business deal
ings with the sheriff office mm na ... . , , .ntir4,V ou. the bed
E, F. Riley, the well-known Dlra ,)f ,he river and wparated from the fish
man. H.-tween February 1. last, and Mlll.r which, because of the scarcity of
Tuesday of this we.k, Mr. ltliey paiu t(,r ,,!,. now (n enabling the
Into the sheriff s office taxes mounting , r,.nrh the vipp,.r river.
to ItS.ttiS. This grand total represent. Apprrhendlng the situation Tuesday
. ,. . ..1 ma wno remit tea 1 . .... ...
... .... - , 1 arierntKin. permmsiun w... nr.uu -- . . . nrt
i...i ...v... in th lax coiiecior mr.i 1 , . ... .i, ..im,.n tmm 1 neio. uoy v. ivithy,
ttn The auariKute amount also. ... . . ,h the Warner brothers have returned to
Included the Individual taxes of Mr. Riley I wn, CBpturt.d dtlr,ng the nfcht. the Btate University at Eugene after
hut bo and cltlxert In large numlars spending tne t-asrer vacuo,. ...
visited the scene and helped themselves lives In this city
Fisher, of Portland.
.... .. i...i Dm..
Ing while a missionary meeting In the " " .
evening will be addressed by Mrs. A. N. I '""d Monday oy me Knou. ""'"-
orotner, joe, wnu w nn .u,....,.n ......
severe attack of erysipelas.
EVERYBODY HAD SALMON. pee Wright and Max Huss, of Liberal.
Tallinn Of th Willamette Sacrifice One were In the city Tuesday. The latter is
Thousand Fish. nreuarlng to engage in tne poiaio raising
Between 600 and I00O fine salmon were I business this year on a large scale.
takan from the Willamette River In the Mr an(S Mr Joe Ta(ti 0f Decatur. 1111
vlclnlty of the fall In thl city Tueday , w,.re tne gUpsts last Friday of Mr.
night and Wednesday. Bn(J Mrs. I.. L. Porter, being enroute to
During the last few day the river haa . . h from California, where they
I receded rapidly leaving these salmon , ,he wnter.
Frank Herren. of Balem. was In the
city the latter part of last week looking
for a location. Mr. Herren recently soia
hi farm In Marlon county and may be
come a resident of Clackamaa county.
Misses Edna Daulton and Edna Cau-
who Is one of the county heaviest tax
Manufacturers and Dealers
in Lumber
Yard and Office Head of Molalla
Avenue, Opposite Evethatt's Stote
(has. Straight, who was found guilty
In the circuit court or rnm
milt with a dangerous weaMin. me jury
recommending him to the mercy or the
ourt. was sentenced by Judge .Mciuioe
to pay a nne or i. mi- -
usoend.d and Judge Mourioe souno.y
. .. .. ,ff,.n..n t.r
U-ctured the young m".
which Btrnlght whs convicted consisted
of an alleged assault with a Kline on
, ... vi.h vcnti-ii IOiils llaii. es-
to enough for their own use.
JHuhtherla. sore throat, croup. Instant
relief, permanent cure. Pr. Thomas Elec
tric Oil. At any drug store.
Three Pretty Weddlnfl Were Celebrated
Thla Week.
This was a week of weddings at Ore
gon City, three fair daughters of th
......... ,.iu i fu . I t.-.,iia ritu hnvlnff K..,.n rltilmed hv as
...... ...... ut llin triltl WIIS .lliMi.ij I ...in .
vor of the accused and the verdict of the ml,y deserving groom,, two of whom r MUtwei two or three
jury wa a surprise.
P. C. Boyles. who for several week has
been employed In the sheriff office, has
returned to Molalla. He will leave next
week with a surveying party, headed by
8. A. P. Hungate and H. Ii. jonnson ror
Idaho, where he will assist In a large
urveylng contract.
J. M. Hart and family, of Peoria, Illi
nois, have located In Clackamaa county.
They are living on a farm near Mllwau
kle. Mr. Hart la an old neighbor of L.
II. Andrews, of this city, and his con
clusion to become a permanent resident
reside elsewhere. In the unions that have
been formed, the principals to each event
The have the generous wishes of their many
visits to the coast.
Pr. Beatle & Beetle. Dentists, Rooms
16, 17 18, Welnhard Building.
Bier Jonei.
At 6 o'clock Wednesday
Bears th ) m hm ma narc
Of Mr4Ty 4CC4GfUSU.
w r i!..m...,. ha owned up
iklvmtilit on Main street one door souui rnerius ior a uie o mucn unv,'""--
f Huntley Bros, Co.. and assures u.c
public that he will conduct a restaurant
...... i..- in Lrv imriicu ar. o. "
tauiant ha. been newly equipped, It. In- April M. IMS. at the home of the bride".
i.,H..r Is btiiiht. clean and iitrucuve. oniiniT, wimwu. w.
... r, ii h. h..i 20 veafa experience occurred the marrluge of Mr, Chas
.h n it. & N. Com- Bier, of Salem, and Miss Leila G. Jones
.... ilne of steamers and expects to daughter of Mrs. Orimth Jones, of 267
'. ,. ... rw.,.,.. iniv a survlcc Curuthers street. Portland
give me i-.-.'i" - - ,, t.., a J
ir. nriniis naimnage, i 111.11.7 . H.. ........
. ........ .1 ....-., rt TV.rtlnn,l In th. Ori'S-
n null. - .- . ,.,,. 1
ence of only the Immediate relatives ana year us vnj u.6.Uu.,
friends of the contracting parties. Miss
Oda Jones, a sister of the bride, was
bridesmaid and tho groom was attend
ed by Mr. Ed. 8. Crawford, of Salem, as
A Few Hundred Dollars
is often the making of one's success. Systematic
saving will soon result in the accumulation of the
few hundred dollars. The best way to save is to open an
account with us and add to it weekly or monthly as
you can. (
The Bank of Oregon City '
that will merit a
Tho nroiirletor announcei
help will be employed at the Olympln.
'Do you believe In thl theory that
laziness Is a disease?" ,
Yes, and along about thla time of the
The Olympia
Three hundred people attended the first
annual ball given by Oregon City Aerte
. .. . . ... 1 ITu rl.l n I
No. m. ria erna. .on - -"- " est man. The residence of Mr. and Mrs,
tho Armory Monday night. Never before n.,..
Do You Know
was the hall more prettily oecormeu.
Four large mounted eagles, colored elec
tric light, and the liberal ue of red,
white and blue ribbons the Eagles' col
orstogether with Oregon Grape and
evergreen made the hall exceedingly at
.... ....nt...ui.... it P.irt-
"IT:-. ' , Z Rre;,,., Meyer. Sons.
lemonade and Ice cream were served. The
party wus a real success and reflected
credit mi this, a newly organized so
Jones was prettily decorated with Oregon
drnne. dogwood and carnations. After
receiving congratulations, a wedding din
ner waa served. Mr. and Mrs. Bier, af-
ter spending a few day at Portland, will
return to Salem where they will reside,
the groom being In the employ of Job.
Stewart Warner,
The marriage of Miss Clara Edith War
ner to Clarence Edward Stewart, of Port
land, wus solemnised at 6 o'clock Tues-
.1 ......... at lha Vw.rv.n ,t thn hrt.lft's
.... I IIIIV . IV. It, IU1I. V.. ...V HVlllV V. ,v
interest in mo .v.....-,,,...... " parent., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Warner,
that are being circulated on me tng cty m tho presence of nearly
appropriation bill I logging here. ; fm.t rvMiwn Bnd Intimate friends.
8, U'Ren, who I Known na me ... n p K Hammond, rector of St. Paul's
tho Initiative and referendum Is serious- M church ottk.lUmg. Miss Cecelia
ly considering Invoking the provisions of Warner, a cousin of the bride, was
the Initiative In the matter or me m brMoBmniai nnd charlea Warner, the
sc 100 aiiuauoii. in., v. .....
If not you should know. 1 t's
a pure article put up in
pint Mason jars full
' weight,
thinks there should he but one state
normal school which shoulu be eeturauy
located and that tho advantages of such
l..ullt..tmn m luht he made available
for tho youth of the state he would favor
bride's brother, was best man. Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart will reside at Portland.
Bluhm Mark.
Surrounded by a wealth of floral decj
. I ...i....a thn mni'i-lnirn nf Mr. ChniieS Ij,
. ,..i,i,.h thn pximnso or ul""
HII HI I .l.ifS'."v'.. -
to tend from mo bciiooi
should be provided by the state. These
Ideas may be subsequently embodied In
Initiative petitions for circulation
throughout the state In time for consid
eration at the next legislative session.
Sold by all Leading Grocers
For brain and nerves try
ENEUQY, they won't laist
alwaya unless properly tiour
lahed, lOo a package.
At all grocore.
Uluhm nnd Miss Katharine Maud Mark,
both of this city, was celebrated at the
First Congregational church at 8 o'clock
Wednesday evening,, In the presence of a
huge assembly of friends. Tho service
was pronounced by Rev, E. S. Bollinger.
The bride was given away by her afthor,
J- M, Murk, Miss Echo Samson being
maid of honor. Misses Edith Choneyi
Myrtle Buchanan, Hilda McQotohle and
Ethelwyn Albright acted as ushers, Utile
MlHsoa Myrtle Shannon Pettlnger and
Alice Bollinger preceding tho bridal party
as flower girls. The wedding march was.
played by Miss Veda Williams. Mr. V.
B. Shlvely, Jr. attended the groom aa,
best man. Following the wedding cere
mony at the church, a reception was held
at the Mark's home on the West Side,
The bride 1b tl daughter of Mr. and
'Mrs. J. M. Mark, of this city,' and Is a
643 1-1 Congress St.
Portland, Mains, Oct. 17, 1M1
I consider Wine of Cardut superior
to an doctor's medioine I ever naad
and I know whereof I speak. I suf
tered for nine months with suppressed
menstruation wh.ch completely pros
trated me. Pains would ahoot through
my back and aides and I would have
blinding headaches. Hv limbs would
well ui unci I would feel eo weak I
oould not stand up. I naturally fait
discouraged for I seemed to be beyond
the help of physician, but Wise of
Cardui came as a tiod-aend to me. I
folt a ehange for the better within
week. After nineteen days treatment
1 menstruated without Buffering the
agonies I usually did and soon became
regular and without pain. Wine of
Cardui la simply wonderful and I wish
that all suffering woman knew of It
good qualltisa.
We are prepared to supply the wants of the inner man. Everything
mw. fresh and homelikef Only white help employed Our bill of fare
at all times offers everything that is to be had at a first-class restaurant.
With right service and right treatment, we expect to merit the patronage
of the public. :
$ W. J. GEMMELL, Prop.
1 Main Street, one door south Huntley Bros. Co. Oregon City, Oregon
Wilson & Cooke
Will Move on May 1st.
Treaaure?, Portland Ecoaomlo Leagoe t
Periodical headaches tell of fe;
male weakness. Wine of Cardui
cures permanently nineteen out of
every twenty cases of irregular
menses, bearing down pains or
any female weakness. If you are
discouraged and doctors have
failed, that is the best reason in
the world you should try Win of
Cardui now. Remember that
headaches mean female weakness.
Secure & $1.00 bottle of Wins of
Cardui today.
v $
lv- i
Three doors north ol their present loca
tion. They wish to say to the public
that hereafter they will be doing business
at the old stand.
"Oh, papa, the duke has proposed to
me!" He has?" "Yea. papa. And he
say a I can wear a coronet! Here's the
pawn-ticket for It." Cleveland Leader.
Bern th Th8 Kind Von Have Always