Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 28, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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j u rts A IMC
1 I
Utif iorresponoents' corner j DnlUill W
rltf lWts of Gossip From All Part of the County. f I
would have been beneficial In lonie ways,
till the pupils were tired, moat of them
being afflicted with that tired feeling
so prevalent In the Spring, and wo can
Correspondents are requested to re
new their work. We will furnish all
necessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear In
these columns every weeK.
Listen how the blue-bird
Trills his happy lay.
April brings the raindrops
Dancing on their tfay.
How the sunshine sparkles.
How soft the breeies blow,
As they rock the scented blossoms
Gently to and fro.
Every living creature
Be he great or small.
Seems to bo giving thanks
To the Giver of it all.
Tine growing weather, everything is
millng, for who or what could look
down-hearted in such glorious weather?
The old time-worn prediction, relating
to a wet Easter will not be verified this
; year. If Easter Sunday Is a prognostica
tor of the next seven weeks, there will
; be nought for complaint.
Carl Douglas, otherwise known as
"Doc" performed a very commendable
piece of work the other day. that of dig
ging out roots, picking up rocks and Im
proving the road In other ways, in front
of his home. Well done "Doc," if every
man sweeps in front of his own door, the
street will be ole&n.
J. P. Woodle finished quite a patch of
potatoes the fore part of last week. The
ground was tilled in such a thorough
manner, that It wiU surely insure a good
crop of the tubers, and a thin crop of
H. 8. Gibson had quite an exciting ex
perience Sunday in the form of a run
away, and it is said the way he split
the wind showed his steeds to possess no
Inferior running qualities. They became
frightened at something and one of them
In some manner got his leg over the
tongue of the buggy and started on a
run. dragging the other with him. They
ran for nearly two miles when Mr. Gib
Bon succeeded in choking off their wind.
No damage was done, in fact it was a
very lucky accident if such misfortunes
ever come under that head.
We woudd like to correct an error, not
of mistaken identity, nor yet typograph
ical, but one of the writer, that appeared
In last week's issue, in regards to the
name and residence of Mr. H. Githen's
companion on his fishing excursion of
last . week. The gentleman was Mr.
Fitzgerald, prosecuting attorney, of Port
land. Instead of Dover. We tender an
apology to the judicial gentleman, not
casting any reflections on Dover, how
ever. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baker, Mr. and Mrs.
Lou Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hunter,
and Mr. and Mrs. Woods accompanied
by their families, spent Sunday on Eagle
Creek, tempting the speckled beauties,
who seem somewhat shy this season of
all the appetizing bits spread so allur
ingly. What success the party had, we
have not heard.
Mrs. V. A. Douglass, and Miss Blna
Douglass spent Eaater with Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Gibson. (Mr. G. is our genial car
rier), at Barton. They were loud In
their praises of the day's enjoyments,
but when questioned as to the number of
eggs consumed, they were strangely sil
ent. Mr. T. J. Douglass was at Barton Sun
day on business.
Any one wishing work done, pertain
ing to the tonsorial art, will do well to
call on Ward Douglass, as he is a con
noisseur of the profession. For a rec
ommend, apply to Dave Hoffmelster.
One of the prettiest sights of nature,
that we have seen was a flock of 21
thoroughbred White Leghorn chickens,
all of that perfect uniformity, resembl
ing nothing so much as animated balls
of thistle down. The hen (a white Leg
horn) and her little family Is the prop
erty of Viola Douglass, who Is Justly
proud of them.
Ray Woodle went to Dover, Sunday
to spend Easter with his brother and
family. On his return he was accompan
ied by Miss Myrtle and Mrs. Lottie
School closed Friday, after a term of
five months. Although a longer term
not blame them for surely a schoolroom
Is a decidedly stupid place to Btudy na
ture In all her riches, t
Where Is our road supervisor, "r has
our district that useful ornament? Per
haps he has not awakened from his hi
bernation. Q17IZ.
Won a Nam of Fama
DeWitfa Little Early Risers, the fa
mous little pills, have been made famous
by their certain yet harmless and gentle
action upon the bowels and liver. They
have no equal for biliousness, constipa
tion, etc. They do not weaken the stom
ach, gripe, or make you feel sick. Once
used, always preferred. They strengthen.
Sold by Q. A. Harding.
Coupons Given for DISHES
John Mulvaney was the guest of Delia
While Sunday.
Pansy Irish visited with Ada Gregory
Sunday, also Sarah Thomas.
Mr. Henry Hornshuh has been working
in Oregon City for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jones called on
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knlley Sunday.
Mr. Spati and family expect to move to
Canby soon.
Mrs. Inskeep and Mrs. Stewart called
on Mrs. Emmott one day last week.
The Carus baseball nine is to play
Molalla ne.'t Sunday on the Carus
Pete Emmott was out bumming around
Haxeldale Sunday. I wonder what Is
the attraction, "James Peter."
Norman Howard visited with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Howard, Satur
day and Sunday.
Oscar Erlckson. Lawrence Darrlnger
and Norman Howard are working for
Mr. Austin at Liberal.
Several from here attended the Easter
services at Mullno.
The wedding bells will soon be ring
ing in our midst.
LUzie Lewis visited with Clara Schoen
born Sunday.
Robert Bullard purchased a small
flock of Shropshire sheep of Henry Horn
shuh this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Spats and Mr. and Mrs.
Jones too Easter dinner with Mr. and
Mrs. Kalbfleischer of Canby.
8 pounds prunes 2Sc
Arm & Hammer Soda pound So
Soda, bulk 4c; Starch So
Codfish, pound 10c; Pork and Ilcan..7c
2 cans Peaches or Apricots 25
Canned Peas 7',o
Fresh Flower and Garden Seeds 3 for 10c
Big tablets, Sc; Shoe Laces 1o
Ink, Sc; Vaseline, 4c; Glue 7c
8 lead pencils, rubber tips so
Sewing Machine Oil 5c; same 4 os can 10o
Oranges or Lemons 1o
Pkg. Pins, lc; dozen clothes pins 1c
Wire Tacks Pkg, le; Shoo Taok 2ta
16-lnch Rasp 46c; Shovel 60c
Gold Dust, 19o In bulk 5o
Hand Soap, beat and biggest 4c
Laundry Soap, 7, 8. and 10 bars 25c
Beans 4c; Soda pound 4c
Raisins, worth 10c, for 7o and Be
Flour $1.05 up; Graham 81.05
Com Meal 26c; best Lard 11c
Coffees 10c, 16c, best 20c
Robert Glnther, of Milekslmrg, culled
on his' parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. lllu
titer. Mr. and Mrs. l lletlumn culled on
8 la IT onl friends last week.
Will l.lnduu of AkIoi'Iii, visited with
relatives here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Sohuebel. Mr. ami
Mrs. W. Gluther, culled on C, llornaluih
and wife Sunday evening.
Mln Wiillo Hughes spent a few days
with friends here.
Rev. Wettlauffer ,wlll preach at tin
German Kvangellrnl rhuivh Sunday af
ternoon, May 7.
Minn Ella HoriiHhuh, who Is teaching
at Wllluilt, and Miss Clara Sherman of
that place, spent Saturday and Sunday
with the former's parent at this place.
Rev. Shupp, preached at the Kvangell
cul church last Sunday,
Evangelistic services will bo held at
the Lutheran church next Sunday even
ing, llev. IVscher la the pastor.
David Moehnke made a trip to Wll
hoit Sunday.
Ed. Hettman and wife of Claikes spent
Sunday with relatives here,
Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt visited with G.
A. Schuebel and family Sunday.
Full of Tragic Meaning
are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of
Casey, la. To think what might have j
resulted from his terrible cough if he
had not taken the medicine about which
he writes: '1 had a fearful cough, that
disturbed my night's rest. I tried every
thing but nothing would relieve it until
I took Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which
completely cured me." Instantly relieves
and permanently cures all throat and
lung diseases; prevents grip and pneu
monia. At Howell &. Jones, druggists;
guaranteed; 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle
Men's 60c and 60c ITndcrwear for 44c
Men's Black 8ox 3 pair 25c
Underwear, odds and ends.... 27c
Men's $1.26 part wool overshtrta cut.. 75c
Fine Shirts 40c. 60c. 5c 80c
These are samples and about half price.
Neat Wool Suits $.1.40 value to close
Men's Wool Suits cut to $5.90
Pants to close 76c, 95c $1.45
Boys' Pants, cut to 89o
Boys' Suits, long pants cut to $2.77 $4.87
Boys' Two-Plece Suits were $3. 20.... $2.44
Ladies' Hose cut to 9c, 14c 19c
Blankets and comforts, cut price
Corsets cut, 23c and up.
6 spools best thread 25c
Black Underskirts ., 70 and 95c
White lawn Waists 88c to $1.98
Big lot new val lace 4c up
"1 had rt running sore on my leg. Suf
fered tortures. Doan's Ointment took
away the burning and Itching Instantly
and quickly effected a permanent cure."
C. W. Lenliai t. Howling Green, O.
Ready to Wear Hats 48c and 98c
Trimmed Hats $1.47 up
Up-to-date Hats, honestly made priced
on Dry Goods Profit Our Hats please.
Sh0S, Etc
's Disease and
Diabetes News.
Mrs. J. N. Bramhall left last Thurs
day for Woodland. Washington, for a
visit with her husband.
The W. O. W. quartette of Gritty
Camp 539 met at H. E. Bramhalls Sat
urday evening for practice.
J. J. Eisner returned Sunday from
Cherryvllle, where he went to purchase
a team.
The Grand Circle Women of Woodcraft,
will give an entertainment at Sandy,
Saturday evening, April, 29th, when an
effort will be made to organize a Circle
at that place.
Aims is very quiet this 8pring, as com
pared with last, a year ago this month
three saw mills were In operation here,
employing about ,70 men, where as only
one Is running at present.
Men's $2 and 12.25 Shoes for $1.76
Men's Full Stock Shoes $1.85
Boys' FuU Stock 12 to 2, cut to $1.40
Ladles' $1.50 Shoes cut to $1.19
Red Front Store
EC. HAM,SLTON,'.Proprietcr
Don't Borrow Trouble.
It Is a bad habit borrowing anything,
but the worst thing you can possibly
b-.i:ow, Is trouble. Vlict. sick, oie
heavy, weary and worn out by the pains
and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness,
Brlght's disease, and similar Internal
disorders, don't sit down and brood over
your symptoms, but f.y for relief t;
Electric Bitters. Here you will find
cure and permanent forgetfulness of all
your troubles, and your body will not
be burdened by a load of debt disease.
At Howell & Jones drug store. Price
Fv. Guaranteed.
"Cure the cough and save the life."
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine 8yrup cures
coughs and colds, down to the very verge
of consumption.
A Hopeless Cast.
Myrtllla Clytemanestra Orubb
Got mad and Joined a spinsters' club;
She canned It to be known that she
Had vowed to keep forever free
From matrimony and Its cares
In her opinion men were bears.
She paid her dues a year or two.
And then dejectedly withdrew;
'TIs sad to say that no man came
Imploring her to change her name.
"Confound your foolish spinsters' club;
I'm through, it's useless!" said Miss
Being dissatisfied with your Job Is a
poor way to show that your pay ought to
be raised.
lot Infants and Children.
ThB Kind You Hare Always Bought
Signature of
Tla Kind You llavo Always Nought, and which linn boca
la uo for over 00 yenm, litis homo the ftliniaturo of
4111(1 11114 DCOIl lillMlO UIMlcr Ills noiw
f nonal BiipcrvlHlon nliico ltd Infancy.
Allow no mm todniwtvA voti In 41. l!
All Counterfeit, Imitation ami" Juat-nH-irood" are btife
ISxpcrunouts that trlllo with and cudunirer tho health of
InfiuiU and Children Hi per leuco agalust KxpcrliucnU
Castorla la n luirmlesn substitute- for Cantor Oil, Pare.
oric, Drops and Hoothlng Synips. It 1 rieaant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine itor other Karcotlo
nubstance. Its ago in Its fjrtinrantee. It destroys Worms
and alhiys FeverUhneHM. It rures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, rures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate the
Stomach and Dowels, glvlnir healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Pauaceu Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars the Signature) of
sr j isMssaBassraSjjSjjBfMljjs"
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tMiMllf. tf MWRIIAV IfNlt, ftf VtJMM MT
Enterprise for Job Printing
The John J. Fulton Co. ot San Fran
Cisco, First in the World to An
nounce the Cure and present a
Definite Percentage of Recoveries
(87 per cent) and Give Out Lists of
the Cured.
Eere are some ot the San Francisco recor
rles. Ail of tbem wero declared bj physicians
to be incurably ill with Brlght's Disease or
Diabetes: N. W. Bpaulding, President Spauldlng;
Saw Co.; Adolpb. Weske, founder Cal. Cracker
Co.; Carl D. Zeile, pioneer druggist; Chas.
Engelke, editor San Francisco Journal; R. M
Wood, editor Spirit Review; Edward Short, of
the Call; C. A. Newton, yardmaster S. P. Co.
(Saoramento); John A. Phelps, Hotel Repeller;
Mrs. M. Empey, 130 Steiner 8t.; Mrs. S. E.
Cllne, 1737 Broadway; Mrs. P. Goyheneix, 628
Fillmore St. (tapped 38 times); R. C. Pell,
Manager Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.; F. J. Bach
elder, Paciflo Coast Agt. Beth Thomas Clock
Co.; E. B. Cutler, Attorney, 830 Pine St.; Win.
Bale, Real Estate, 215 Sansoms St.; Mrs. C. 0.
Matthewson Proprietor Hotel Clifton; Thos!
Easklns, Merohant (Petaluma); Col. Wm.
Hawking, TJ. S. Quartermaster's Department;
Chas. P. Wackor, Merchant, 131 Jth St.; Mrs.
Thos. Chrlstol, 42 27th St., and hundreds of
others. Some were at death's door when put on
the compounds, but many such recovered. That
many were In extremis may be learned from
this: Some recovered who had benn tapped
dozens of times; others weni already in the
twitchings of uraemio poisoning; many had
from four to six physicians oonflrm the fatal
diagnosis; several left standard hospitals ia
extremis; several hadrelatlvesoailed in for last
Interviews, and a few recovered who were in a
state of absolute coma.
In a word about 87 of all eases of Brlght's
Disease and Diabetes, heretofore positively in
curable, are now curable under the new Fulton
Compounds. The Renal Compound for Brlght's
and Kidney Disease is II; for Diabetes, 11.60.
Pamphlet free. We have Just established a
depot in your olty where you will and the Com.
pound and pamphlets, Tlx;
Charman & Co., City Drug Store.
Mrs. Blood and family were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Brayton last week.
Emery French Is confined to the bed
with sickness and has been for several
Miss Haenel spent Easter with the
Greffoz family in Portland.
The Mothers Club received many words
of praise for the royal way In which they
entertained the teachers at the Asso
ciation meeting last Saturday.
Mrs. Oscar Freytag; entertained a num
ber of guests for Easter dinner at her
beautiful home In West Gladstone.
Among the number were Miss Agatha
Cutter and Miss Wilson of Porkplace and
Miss Childs of Gladstone.
The guests carried home pretty little
souvenir glasses as tokens of remem
brance of the day.
The friends of Lewis Smith will re
gTet to learn of the sad accident which
befell him last week. While working on
the Government building In Portland, he
slipped, losing his footing and fell a dis
tance of 65 feet, seriously Injuring him
internally. He was immediately taken
to the hospital and given every atten
tion, but was lying in a critical condi
tion at last account.
Roscoe Brown enjoyed a visit with his
father from Dallas, Oregon, the first of
the week. Mr. Grown Is a teacher, so
while here attended the Association
which was held In Parkplace the 22d.
Mrs. Wm. Holmes is having the In
terior of her house papered and painted
and otherwise Improved. Mr. French is
doing the work.
Mrs. Lucas is expecting her mother
from Kansas, soon, to visit her during
the Lewis and dlark Fair.
If a Cow gave
mankind would have to
invent milk. Milk Is Na
ture's emulsion butter
put In shape for diges
tion. Cod liver oil is ex
tremely nourishing, but
it has to be emulsified
before we can digest it.
Scott's Emulsion
combines the best oil
with the valuable hypo-
phosphites so that it is
easy to digest and does
far more good than the
oil alone could. That
makes Scott's Emulsion
the most strengthening,
nourishing food - medi
cine in the world.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists
409-41 5 Pearl Street New York
50c. and $I.OO. All druRgl&ts
Bean th j$ The Kind You Have Always Bought
j A Delightful Beverage I
A Safe Stimulant
j A Good Medicine I
I For 8ale by
tola Aganey for Oregon City.
The House Furnisher
You paid to much for your goods!
Did your wife
ever accuscyou
of such a crime? If so, prevent it for the future by studying
our prices. These prices are only for the careful buyer,
reckless buyers are doomed. The reckless buyer will spend
his money on slick talk, the careful buyer for value received
X S S AtS- f 'V X 1S Mf V K A
riky j &
7 ZJ
1 'P-
52 Going to Build?
TO" r-
We have an immense
stock of Cedar doors and
ooorj windows on hand also
P5 building hardware. Let
us fieure forvou we can
H " -
save you money, ihere
are some damaged doors
left from our disastrous
fire which will go cheap.
J ' ''.
I -- ' -
high grade
finish, fine
mirror, full
zsL3M ecnnssEs
Steel Range
JO years guarantee
18 inch oven
6 holes
Most elaborate nickel
This Rocker
A .f
Of Wall
per double
roll and
per pair
and up
- - - i q V,