Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 21, 1905, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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vol,. :w. SO. il.
Rtv. tnydsr tuccetsfully Wage Cam
paign Able tpeaklng, tntrt lin
ing tinging and large Crowd.
The irvlval wave hiu mini k Oregon
liirsiii church rin win have ahcady
mt.lnli.1 Ihr aervlcra than have lierll arrn
iii oirnn city for yrars, Th rhurchrs
hc hern doing llct Ullll Slli-rrasflll
nik. Iiil t-wrli church has bern following
In Ha srcustomrd channels for a numluT
at Ji'rtlS Ml Hull the hull i llilli h goer
kluw lint riy Ullll- of thr Work So fulfil
fully pcifnimrd Neatly nil Ihr i lliu. Ihk
me intiiri) In ihr movement. The air In
lull of talk almiil I In- singing, Kit- ptrm-h-Ins,
hiiiI Hie grncinl stir tlnil la i-nutM-d
lv lliln i V nnfll. U- inin.cil)(ll.
Itcvhala Seem to mine h l lo.ll, nil v
Home iii iiomltinlloita mr r. IviiIIkI li' In
llulr untitle, tin- strange hliiM. however,
shout thr rrvlval of llil M-ilod a that
It !i-,11 Inn so mini)' itrutiiritlinllniia. Juki
how Ui l ran lie accounted limy not lw
imy lo cxpluln Hul all lh rrvltala In
history have niHiilunl setting. And
llila movement bus lla IntFrrslliig ante.
nli iiin It la a Well known fart thai the
rrmilla of ihr work of many drnomlnu
llona In Ihr closing yraia of llir iinKt
iriittiry wua fin ftom sallsfaitiiry. Hum
uf Ihr largest and moat Influential de
nominations Indicated IMIli- or no Kiwih
by llu lr ntiillnlli . whllr In a frw In
tutors llirir wrrr mlnii) ois. It
brininr rvdlrtit that mh conditions
mnl havr causes. And the changes iif
thought iliiilna Ihr bin I half of thr t -lulu
ry wrrr found lo have a grrnl deal to
tlu llh Uir arlMtlra of I hi' churches.
t'hangra of llioiiitht are nlowir In
'hiiri'hr limn In uthrr luMllutlotiH. Kd
urallon has In drill with Ihr voiinir Hoi
religious thought drala with the old and
)uuim Tlif new ways, will m-vrr ofl. mi
On' young because they huvr no nld I
ii to art aaldr. lint thr young i"l
Hi.' nlil are together In thr churches.
'1 hi- ItmmHlon of thought III thr lna
of (iitlllro waa not more suipilsiiig than
Hu- iImhi' iliRt has come to thr aclcit
llflr wui lil through ami) musters aa 1 1 ux
ley, I'liiwln anil Kcucrr.
Thr minir spirit of luvi-stlicutlnn that
was ruiy win-re upturning and ovrr
liniiltiK llicuiiilit alMi rntrrrd Ihr IW'ld of
Ihiiiliiny. Thr llllilr wua plarrd undrr
i Mil. l ximilniillona. And lo ir and
Hu n- In Ihr ihiin h, mn t-xiirraard vlrwa
ihiit wne not In harmony with ih old
wuya. littler Ihr hint dntnlr of Ihr rrn
luiy hit n nnnr Into hlatory aa a ilrciidr
nf xriat iiKiiution In muny of Ibr IrmlltiK
ihiiiinilniilliina. Il.-t.ny chrriKi-a and
li In In illnlin Im-iI imd dlatiai'Ud thr woik
of mmiy min to auch an rali-ni that llir
m llvltlra of aiirradlng Ihr Uoaprl au aa
lo mivi. min from thrlr alna waa greatly
liiihli-n-il. Tlu-re la irrhuia no atrrr-
miiii yi-t who waa to blama moat for
thla unroitiinate condition In the churchra
ixit tin- liadrra uf dlaturbed drnomlna-
iIhiik Iminrd that hand a have to br
I'limiM-d over fhaama. And now It arrma
Him thi- prrarnt wave of revival aplrlt
In iliHllnrd to hral all brrarhea. Kadi-
lliln, ronarivutlvra, llbrllila, all, arc unit
il in the various denominations In thla
Tin- rrvlvnl movemrnt of which Ir,
luiixniin la the head had Its origin In
Ihr I'rial.yt.rliin thuii-h, A wi-allhy mini
In Ihr Kual aw ihr rn-rd of a revival In
hla ilrnoiriliiHllnn and hr waa wlllliw to
iut hla mom-y Into the tnovrmrnt. Ir.
I'liaiMiimi, aotnrwhnt dlrTi-rrnt from muny
ol her I'rrabytrrlan imatota had conalnnt
tonvi'ialona and aii-raxlona In hla chiirrh
it 1 1 i at Ihr II mr wlu n tlo-ir waa almoat a
nut vri mil apliltnul diowth In ottiir
ihuirh'-a With thla ilrh man'a mom-y
mid thr niithoiliy of Ihr (ii niiul Aa- I
i Uihly of Ihr I'm iil.y trrliin Chun h, Ir. I
('liaioniiii win! foi Hi aa an rvana'llKl,
fliat In innvlm-e l"iiilyirliiii matora of
Ihr ni i-il of rvanarllallr work. Ilia woik
wua an aiii-o-af ul that thr ili-nomlnutlun
lonlil not coniulii It. It waa Ihr iIiIiik
iirrdi-d In all the rhiirrhia. And thr
Hlntoiy and i1i-vrloimrnt of thr 1'haii
man ioia of rvanKi-llala would lie an
lull i llna alory hud wr ii r lo rrlnte
It. I'oitlnud haa rrnllsi-d thr rraiilta of
thla ii iiniiknlili- roiii,miy of workria an
woiuli-i fully in nnli-d
City aflrr rty la Iwlna- ahakrn ua tlirae
mi n ui lliiniinh thr i-oiintry. In Kn
litii'l ihr Tnn-y and Alindi-r nn-iliia
nn- ari Ml. r than thr Moody ini-i tliiRii
wrrr a rrntury ago. I.llllr W'ulia haa
luiimi d ihrouich a rrllicloiia i-iinviilalon
lhal l mi pi nrdin tiwl. It la, thru-fore,
not mui-h of a aurpilar to are Oirgon
City nrouwd. The rhurrhra have brrn
uprrilm II. Ho It wua no sutprine lo
rr ovrr flvr hundred (iroplr pai'krd
Into Ihr reahytrrlan rhun-h whllr arv
rral hundred wrre tuiurd away.
I'li-m hltia. aliilii and oianiilxHtlon
are Uir human Inmrumrnta that mow
thlnta hrre. The Jtrv. J. K. Hnyder la
the HyniMllial rvanKrllat of the lrraby
trrliin ihiinh. lie haa Iwrn rrmaikubly
nn . Kf n In Ida work throiiKhout the
atiilr. Mr unllrd. with the Chapman
forrra ilnrlna the i'oittaiid meeting and
had Ii mil Iwrn for the enita-rmrnt here
Mr. Chapman would have liikrn him
nlotift for thr rampalRn on the Hound.
IMof. It. N. JrfTrry, from lia Aiili-a.
la a tnimlxr nf thr Chapman iwpa of
Klnaira. That hla aoloa are (tirally rn
Joyed la rvldrnred by the muny rrqurala
fin' reietitlona of many of thi-m. The
Hiiiilirnm Choir" rnmpoeed of 75 t-hlld-
rm la a itn-at fralurr and thr "tllory"
oiiK la tiikltiK like wild tire.
Nixt Hominy will hr a rrnt day. Thr
imuiil ai rvli-e will be hrld In the i hun hi a
In thr nininlnic. A meeting for mm will
be eoiiilui'ted In the Huptlat Chiirih at
3 p. m. The "Hiinbrum" Choir will alng.
ami Prof. Ji-ff.-ry will alug "Thr Mtin of
tilllllre." In the rvrnlllg there will be
a mrelliiK In the CongrrKHtlonul and
Huptlat Churchra. A m-rmon will be
luriii-hi-d In thr Huptlat ehiin-h by one nf
thr local piiNtiira for the church meeting.
low, flrat T. I.. Turner, RlnrTord, m-cond.
Field Pnia-Hi-hmldl Hioa., Hhulx-I,
flrat; Henry IlofTmrlaler, Rugle Creek,
Clover Brrd-T. It. Klllrn. Hubbard,
flrat and arrond.
Vrtch Bred O. P. Andrews, Oregon
City, flrat.
Polalwa C. P. Andrews, Oregon City,
flrat; Hchmldt llrna., Hhubel, m-cond; A.
M. VlnyBrd. third. .
fmlons O. E. Kreytng, flrat.
Hoiia fjeo. Handill, New Kr. flrat.
Winter Apples J. A. Byera. Cluckn
maa, ft. K. D., flrat; C. W. Swallow, Ore
gon City, arcond; C. O. Allen, third.
Hiirkwhi-Hl W. II. HtnfTord, Oregon
Clly. flrat.
Clackamas County Lswls and Clark Com
mittee Makes Awards.
Prises were awarded Tuesday for the
beat aumplis contributed to the I-wls A
Clink exhibit from this county.
Thr Hat nf awards follow:
Winter Wheat-Bmllh Hroa., Slniliel.
first; Ororge lundiill, New Kra, second;
Henry Zelgler, Barlow, third.
Hprlng Wheat 8. E. Oregory, Carua.
first; John Blewart. Molallu, second; A.
F. Turner, Btaffiird, tltlid.
Wlnlrr Oats Henry -rlgler, Harlow,
flrat; Ororge Randall, New Era. wcond;
C. P. Andrews. Oregon City, third.
Bprlng Oata It. Hcott. Mllwaukle, Hint
J. J. Bundnraa, Harlow, aecond; T. I.
Turner. Btnfford. third.
Shelled field Corn-W. W. Jesse. Bar-
My Ifc-ar Krlend and Sympathiser:
Once more I have the privilege and
plraaure nf bringing before you our "Brlf
prnlal," which effort la an annual one
held by our organisation lo ralae the
ncerary funda for the support of Hes
then and Home Mlsalons. The dates are
art from the 1'lth to the loth of April.
Through nfllclal arrangement it haa
been decided that the amount raised dur
ing thla effort will entirely tie devoted
to thr muklag of a payment toward our
property at Oregon City, on which we
have a mortgage of t560.
We expect to ralae at Iraat tlOO. which
can eaally be gotten If everyone helps a
little. Yon. dear cltlsena of Oregon City,
have stood by us In times past and cer
tainly wnl stand by again If you only
know that wr ni-ed your aariatance.
Whllr we are very' grateful for what you
have done for lis, we come aguln to you
with unshaken confidence, asking you to
h nd lie once more the hand of aaalsluncr,
by throwing your cnnlrlbiitlona together.
Many handa make light work, while
many little oni-a put together makea a
big one. amounting to something after
all. Therrfore, be generous, and give
aeriii'dliig to your means. Our officer.
Mrutrant '.. C. Ward, will rail at your
addrrsa and gather the donations you
may set HSlde for this purpose. If you
are not able to do great things, do little
things, and If you can't give much, give
a little, but help anyway.
Hi lying upon your kind and practical
assistance, and In anticipation, thanking
you for any financial aaslstnnce you may
render toward mir cause. I remain as
ever, youra In the Master's service for
thr good nf others.
Itcapeetfully and gratefully,
We have had quite a change In the
weather, but hope It will not last long.
Mica Imo Myers railed on Miss Row
land Bunday,
Mm. Freeman waa visiting Mrs. Way
Saturday and Bunday.
Mr. Hughes and Mr. Rudrs started for
Kustern Oregon Sunday. They expect
to return with ipilta a number of horses.
Mrs. Geo. Harding haa been visiting
her mother at Gladstone, but returned
home Thursday.
Miss I.ucile Kellogg was calling on
Miss Kigga the other day.
Miss Emma Roman has been visiting
her sister at Colton.
Mr. Pint low Is on the sick Hat.
Mrs. Smith is Improving greatly.
Mr, Hraker Is Improving hla pluoc out
In the country where he eximcts to make
his home.
A huge crowd attended the entertain
ment at the school house last Kroday t
night All report a good time.
Miss ilertha Thomas waa visiting the
school last Friday.
Our literary society, which haa been
going on since last November, closed
last Balurday night. A very entertaining
program was followed by an Interesting
debate, and after It, M. J. taudle, our
worthy editor, read a very nice poem
which he had composed.
(2d Anniversary of Founding of Provi
sional Government to Be Observed.
On May 2, imi. at "Old Champoeg." a
lusty Infant, which was christened "Pro
visional Oovernment," was born at which
J.meph M.ek. F. X. Matthieu, William
II. Giay, Rev. J. L. Parrlsh, Rev. J. 8.
Oroffln and "Al others" stood sponsors.
The 2d anniversary of this momentlous
event the birth of civil government on
A milium territory on the Pacific Coast -
will be appropriately celebrated on Tues
day. May 2, prox. Ex -Governor Geer has
consented to art aa president of the day,
and the Aurora band will provide music,
Hon. Robt. U. Smith, a native son, the
strenuous orator from Josephine County,
will give the principal address. Brief
remarks will be made by others. Hon.
F. X. Matthieu, the sole' survivor of the
notable event In which 102 persona par
ticipated, and who celebrated hla 87th
birthday a few days ago. Is In excellent
health and will be present. The Altona
will leave Portland for Champoeg at
6:S a. m., and returHng leave Cham-IKH-g
at 4 p. m. for Portland. Fare from
any point above Canemah only 60 cents
for the round trip.
School Report
Following la the report of Meadowbrovk
School District No. 11, for the month
ending April It, 19(15: 1
Number of days taught, 20; number of
pupils enrftlled, 27; average dally attend
ance, IS; number duya absence. 15; num
ber cases tardiness, 4.
Those who were neleher absent nor
tardy during the month are: lieulah
Russell, Vera Hall, Glenn Larklns, Lela
Russell. Robert Bnodgrass, Gladys Snod
grass, Inex Bnodgrass, Kate Bnodgrass,
Mildred Denlson, Annie Denison, Pauline
Hofstetter. Otto Hofstetter, Ollva Lar
son and Franklin Cooper.
Settled the Controversy.
"Jamea." cried Mrs. Tlmmld, sitting
up In lied, "there are burglars down
"Oh, no, there ain't, my dear," replied
Mr. Tlmmld.
"I tell you there are not."
"I'm sure there ain't."
"I'm sure there are."
"I tell you there ain't."
"Your husband Is right mum," Inter
posed a low-browed Individual, who
thrust his head Into the room at this
Juncture. "We're up stairs."
And aa he started down the steps he
was heard to Ray to hla pal: "I always
believe In helping a husband out when
ever I kin. I'm a married man myself."
The April Fool.
Now come the April foolers with their
foolishness, once more,
And the army of them's greater than It
ever was before.
The tricks they play are funny when on
others they are played,
But they're always very stupid when a
fool the fooler'B made.