8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1P0B. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNTY CLERK of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed by the County Court of said county, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from the 1st day of October, 1904, to the 31st day of March, 1905, both inclusive. ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. Pauper, $1,811.37 Circuit Court, 1.629.70 Justice Peace Court, 656.55 County Jail 307.74 Court House, 1,293.75 County Clerk, 1,202.10 Sheriff, 1.616.61 Recorder, 1,210.45 School Superintendent, 6S6.lt Treasurer, 549.04 Assessor, 1,313.02 County Judge, 60S.0O Commissioners, 222.73 Surveyor, 15S.50 Coroner, . 173.05 County Physician, 141.00 Printing and Advertising,, 405.45 Copying Assessment Roll, 255.50 Extending Assessment Roll, 115.45 Tax Department, 394.00 Election, 1,606. S3 Indigent Soldier, 65.00 Tax Rebate, 22.29 Damages, 20.00 Lewis & Clark Fair, 500.00 Roads, 13.416.15 Total amount claims allowed and drawn S29.7S0.47 Warrants 3105,462.13 Amount of Warrants drawn ..JJ9.7S0.47 STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss. L F. W. Greenman, County Clerk of the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct statement of the number and amount of claims allowed by the County Court of said County for the six months enilng on the 31st day of March, 1905, on what account the same were allowed, and the amount of Warrants drawn, and the amount of Warrants out standing and unpaid as the same appear upon the records of my office and In my official cusjdy. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Courtof said County this 18th day of April. A. D. 1905. F. W. GREENMAN. County Clerk. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE COUNTY TREASURER of Clackamas County, Oregon, for the six months ending on the Slst day of March, A. D. 1905, of money received and paid out, from whom received and from what source, and on what account paid out RECEIPTS. Indigent State Soldier School DATE. Amt Received. Fund. Fund. Oct. 1, 1904. To amount on hand from last report J55.9S $12,844.53 Oct 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 To amounts received from Sher iff 1904 Taxes Oct. 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 To amount received from Sher iff 1903 Taxes Oct 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 To amounts received from Sher iff 1902 and 1901 Taxes Oct 1. 1904 April 1, 1905 To fees from Sheriff Oct 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 To fees from County Clerk Oct. 1, 1904 April 1. 1905 To fees from County Recorder.. Oct 1, 1904 April 1. 1905 To licenses, fines, int. on land sale, two-third bounty fund, mtg, taxes and rebate on typewriter Oct. 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 To subscriptions to roads and 5 per cent of U. S. land sales.. Oct 1, 1904 April 1. 1905 Transfers from State fund to Gen. Fund .t - Oct. 1, 1904 April ' 1, 1905 Transferred from State school to County School Oct. 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 Transferred from Gen. FUnd to Indigent Sol. Fund .'. 100.00 ' $155.9$ EXPENDITURES Indigent State xA . School Fund. Fund. DATE Amout Paid. Oct. 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 By amount paid out on County Warrants Oct. 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 By amount paid out on School Superintendent's Warrants.. Oct. 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 By amt. paid on, state tax....... Oct 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 By amount paid Oregon City from Road Fund By amount paid on road war rants Oct. 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 By ' amount transferred from Gen. Fund to Indigent Soldier Fund Oct 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 By am'nt transferred from State School Fund to County School Fund Oct. 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 By amt. paid from Indigent Sol dier Fund Total Paid " ..00 $65.00 90.98 By balance on hand $155.98 Oct. 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 Received from Oct. 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 Received from Oct. 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 Received from Total receipts from Sheriff, Oct. 1, 1904 April 1, 1905 $189,385.62 STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss. I, Enos Cahlll, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct state ment of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the County Treasury of said County for the six months ending on the 31st day of March, A. D. 1905. Witness my hand this 8th day of April, A. D. 1905. . ENOS CAHILL, County Treasurer. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. Of the amount of Money and Warrants received for Taxes, and Money paid to the County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon, for the six months ending on the 31st day of March, A. D. 1905. TO AMOUNT RECEIVED. 1904 In Coin and Currency, Oct 1901 tax collections 1901 tax costs 1902 tax collections 1902 tax costs 1903 tax collections 7,703.26 1903 tax costs 272.48 1904 tax collections Fees collected Total received 7,975.74 BY AMOUNT PAID. 1904 1904 1904 Oct. Nov. Dec. To County Treasurer 1901 $ 60.77 To County Treasurer 19C2 49.08 To County Treasurer 1903 $7,975.74 $1,248.62 1,249.36 To County Treasurer 1904 Fees Paid Treasurer Total paid Treasurer 7,975.74 AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING WAR RANTS UNPAID. Outstanding unpaid County War rants on the 31st day of March A. D. 1905 J9S.462.13 Estimated Interest accrued there on 7,000.00 Total amount of unpaid County Rood General Fund. Fund. County School Fund. t 3,943.80 $11,273.62 $14,969.36 20,226.31 95.387.27 38,003.80 2,098.55 6.111.30 2.301.21 18.71 109.96 92.10 2.393.00 2.442.S5 1,157.54 1,997.66 15.32 13.20 $12,844.58" 2.01 $28,290.03 $118,982.96 $35,289.64 Road Fund. General Fund. County ', School Fund. $48,551.64 $12,842.51 $14,009.10 17,587.50 $16,035.64 472.40 100.00 2.07 $12,844.58 $16,508.04 11.781.99 $66,239.14 62,743.82 $14,009.10 41,280.64 $12,844.58 $28,290.03 $118,982.96 $55,289.64 Sheriff, Sheriff, Special School Fund. Special City Fund... $17,419.17 7,588.72 16.32 Sheriff, Special State Fund. DURING THE MONTH OF 1904 1904 Nov. Dec. $ 33.87 26.90 . 32.46 16.62 1,082.74 1,062.44 165.88 186.92 1905 Jan. 1905 Feb. 1905 Mar $ 9.66 8.76 26.01 24.00 273.00 67.06 $613.44 145.72 $278.60 167.31 34,748.90 142,347.49 92.10 1,248.62 1,359.21 759.16 35,194.81 142,848.08 1905 1905 1905 Jan. Feb. Mar $ 18.42 60.01 759.16 445.91 340.06 34,748.90 142,347.49 92.10 1,248.62 1,359.21 769.16 35,194.81 142,848.08 8TATK OK OK BOON. i.. ..i. ....... I. J. It. Shaver. Sheriff of said County, statement Is correct and true. Witness my hand this 4th day of April, SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Of the Financial Condition of the County of Clackamas, in the State of Oregon, on the 31st day of March, A. D. 1905, T.iAmt.iTiKs. UKsorncKS. To warrants drawn on the Conn- Jly funds In hands of County ty Treasurer, and outstanding Treasurer applicable to tho pay- and unpaid $!8.4l!2.13 ment of County Warrants. ...$ 8,100.00 To estimated amount of interest lty estimated unpaid current taxes accrued thereon 7,000.00 applicable to the payment of County Wat-runts (all taxes),, 35,000.00 Net Indebtedness 62.362.13 Total $105,462.13 CLACKAMAS COUNTY COURT. Business Transacted at Regular' April Term. Be it remembered. That at a regular term of the County Court of Clackamas County held In the Court House in Ore gon City, for the purpose of transacting county business in April, the same being the time fixed by law for holding a reg ular term of said court, present, Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, county Judge presiding; T. B. Klllln, and Wm. Brobst, commis sioners, when the following proceedings were had, to-wit: In the matter of allowance of County Charges: John Avln, $ 8.00 Ellen Bridges. g.00 B. F. Forrester. 6.00 C. E. Hums. 6.00 W. T. Gardner. 10.00 Horton & Jat'k. 8.00 Arebella Imel, 15.00 J. A. Jones, 6.50 M. Kruger, 7. 00 J. H. Roadarmel. 8.00 L. Matherson. 7.00 W. H. Mattoon, 8.00 W. L. Malloy, 8.00 R. J. Ogden, 6.00 Mrs. H. Woods, 6.00 Mrs. Valentine, 7.00 W. J. Lewellen, 6.00 Isaac Prlndle,' 8.00 Mrs. Ryckman, 6.00 F. W. Sprague. 10.00 Mrs. Mattle Pickens, 10.00 Mrs. Bradtl, 12.00 In the matter of claims examined and allowed. County Judge Expense $66.45 J. S. MeComb, pauper, 15.00 Adams Bros, pauper, 6.45 Llvy Stipp, Justice. 9.35 H. W. Trembath, Justice, g.90 C. E. Fltswalter, Justice, 3.10 F. McCarthy, Justice 3.10 C. Mason, 1.70 P. Fisher, J.10 J. F. Tracy, Justice, 1.00 C. J. Nelson. Justice. 1.00 E. White, Justice. ' 1.00 O. F. Jones, Justice. 1.00 C. Englebrecht, Justice, 1.00 Wm. Dutcher, Justice, 1.00 J. Walkley, pauper, 14.85 L. Stipp, Justice Peace. 6.55 II. W. Trembath. Constable. 17.40 E. M. Cress, Witness, 4.50 L. Stipp, Justice Peace. 6.30 H. W. Trembath, Constable, 12.70 L. Stipp, Justice Peace. 3.65 H. W. Trembath, Constable, 1.20 L. Stipp, Justice Peace, 7.50 H. W. Trembath, Constable, 6.90 L. Stipp, Justice Peace. 8.90 H. W. Trembath, Constable, 7.70 J. Anderson, witness, 2.50 Jack Eney, witness. 2.50 W. W. Marrs. Juror, 1.00 Elmer Dixon, Juror, 1.00 J. Murrow, Juror, 1.00 E. W. Randolph, Juror, l.OO E. Matthles, Juror, 1.00 Jef. Shaw; Juror, 1.00 W. A. Dlmick, Justice Peace, 6.45 C. E. Burns, Constable, 6.90 J. W. Owlngs, Justice Court, 2.00 H. W. Shaw, Justlc Court, 3.00 J. M. Tracy, Juror, 2.20 Irwin-IlodBon Co., Stat'y 18.60 P. Nehren, board prisoners 64.20 F. Busch, court house, 8.75 A. Mlhlstln, courthouse, 2.50 0. J. Thomas, court house. 6.00 J. E. Rhoades, court house, 14.00 Irwln-Hodson Co., Stat'y., 44.10 Glass Prudhomme, Stat'y, 4.64 H. W. Trembath, deputy sheriff, 18.00 H. W. Trembath, do. 20.30 J. R. Shaver, Sheriff,. 2.00 H. Gibson, Dep. Sheriff, 2.60 H. Everhart, do 3.50 R. I. Garrett, do 3 0 H. 8. Moody, do 6.50 Glass Prudhomme, Stat'y, 15.00 C. Buchegger, recorder, 62.00 Glass, Prudhomme, Stat'y 23.50 Ednetta Chase, Treasurer. 6.75 Ella Shaver, Treasurer, 7.00 F. J. Nelson, Dep. Assessor 7.70 J. F. Nelson, Assessor, 108.00 C. H. Dauchy. Dep. Assessor, 27.00 Echo Samson. Dep Assessor 28.00 J. K. Morris, Dep. Assessor 30.00 H. F. Gibson, Dep Assessor, 16.00 Henry Mlley, Repairs, 2.00 F. W. Greenman, Express charges .60 J. C. Bradley, Dep. Assessor, 18.00 T. B. Killen. Comm'r., 28.80 C. W. Bagby, Inquest, 1.20 G. E. Hargreaves, Inquest, 1.20 D. Williams, inquest, 1.20 J. R. Hickman, do 1.20 J. L. Waidron, do 1.20 J. B. Moore, do 1.20 C. Toole, do 1.70 Dr. Carll, do 6.20 J. Freytag, do 1,70 It. L. Blanchard, do 1.70 J. Brenner, do 1.70 J. W. Loder, do 6.20 R. L. Holman, do 19.05 P. Nehren, insane account, 4. 00 J. W. Meldrum, surveyor, 13.60 E. P. Itands, surveyor, 12. 00 D. W. Klnnard, Surveyor, 3.00 Ella Shaver, tax dept., 65.00 Ednetta Chase, tax dept., 65.60 D. C. Boyles. Tax dept., 75.25 G. A. Bollack, Tax dept., 76.25 1. M. Harrington Tax dept.,' 70.75 Nellie Swafford, Tax dept., 7.75 Huntley Bros. Co., Stat'y 19.10 Courier, Printing, .30 Telephone Co., rent, 9.75 D. W. Klnnard, surveyor, 20.00 A., M. Kirchem, surveyor, 6.00 J. S. Gill," Surveyor. 4,00 T. B. Killen, roads, 4.50 County Judge, roads, 6.00 In the matter of supervisor's reports examined and allowed: do hereby certify that the foregoing A. 1. 1905. j. n. sir.wtfu. Sheriff of Clackamas County. liy 15. C. llackett, Deputy, Total ,.,$105,4112.13 District No. 3. F. M. Osbiirn, $15.00 District No. S. Uleh & Moll, $41.89 W. It. Boring. 12.60 O. W. Boring. 1.60 District No. 6. Will Bell. 1 $ .75 Tom Humhlln, 4.50 J. H. Revenue, 4 50 It. Hldderbush. 13.60 District No. 7. N. K. Donahue A Co., $35,64 District No. 8. W. O. Hugh, $9.00 A. Hugh. 1.60 Mr. Uunyon, . 4.50 C. W. Harris, 100 I). W. Douglas. 12.00 District No. 11. F. Busch, $ 1.60 M. Rivers, 3.60 J. E. Wltxlg. 11,76 District No. 14. J. Kaufman, 17.60 F. Heard. 12.25 A. ltulley. 13 00 8. Bailey, 26.00 District No. 19. A. C. Warner. $3.90 It. 11. Taber, J.75 District No. V!. Fred China, $ .75 1). O. Hylton. 1.50 U. O. Secrest, 3.00 James Hettinger. 4 60 11. Anthony, 17.12 D. Fanehcr, 9.00 W. 8. Kamtall, 3. 00 Aug. Stouhely, 21.60 District NO. 17. E. C. Shall, $6.00 11. t". (illmore, 7.50 A. II. Knight. 825 District No. 18. P. Stageman. $12.00 P. Hollander. 2.25 II. A. llornsliuh, 1.60 K.' Jones. .75 Wm. Glunthcr. ' 1.60 K. W. llorrishuh, 16.26 District No. 20. M. T. Freeman. $7.60 J. T. Grace. IS. 75 J. Si'hiewe. 1.62 fred Iteaurer, 2,50 Ed. Mclntyre, 9.37 P. Schlewe, 1.50 0. Schlewe, 1.50 B. Sullivan, 13.76 Clarke Saw Mill Co., 15.00 District No. 21. Joe Carlson, $1.50 I.. Hubbard, 3.75 F. Countryman, 2.25 John Arquette, 3.00 John Ijifferty, 3.00 Joe Arquette, 10.00 John Ijifferty, 10.00 J. Ii: Wright, 10.00 W. E. Bonney, 10,50 District No. 23. Henry Deliz, 3.29 R. W. Zimmerman, 42.75 J. C. Marks, 6.00 J. F. Kerr, 1.50 Jas. McGlll, 4.25 C. Kocher, 6.76 1. D. Hutchinson, 3. 00 Jeff Leech. 1.50 D. 15. Voder, 3.00 District No. 24. John Gahlor, $9.00 John Cramer, 7.50 8. KaufTman, 2.25 L. D. King, 9.00 E. Hoffman, 3. 00 C. Haundrick, 4. 60 Otto Owen, 1.60 Simon Yoder, 8.00 R. I. Garrett, 9. B0 John Taylor, .75 District No. 29. J. C. 8nydcr. $5.00 District No. 31. Z. Elligson, $12.80 W. II. Woodhouse, 17.50 O. Keller, 1.75 H. Schatz, 1.75 Q. Volpp, 5.25 ..District No. 32. 8am Brown, $9.50 Henry Voss. 7.75 VV. I. Dodson, 1,50 Will Todd, 2.25 A. P. Todd, 9.00 W. E. Baker, 2.25 Bert Tooze, 7.00 H. 8. Bergman, 2.00 E. L. Haker, 19. 50 District No. 34. A. K. Ford, $0.25 L. Ford, 3.75 District No. 33. W. A. Proctor, $1.13 H. A. Doty, 1.13 Fred Wagner, 5,00 District No. 36. Lais & Co. f 40.65 Wm. Mortenson 3. 84 E. Peterson, 9.00 N. Blair, 4,80 In the matter of application for ap pointment as county clerk; Ordered that Fred W. Greenman be and is hereby appointed as county clerk to serve for balance of unexpired term of F. A. Sleight, late county clerk. In the matter of bridge reported by supervisor District No, 3, as in bad con dition; Ordered that bridge on the Damascus and Clackamas road be rebuilt and su pervisor ordered to do tho work. In the matter of the applications of Mr. Bowerman and Julius Friudrlch for county aid; Ordered that matter be taken under advisement. In the matter of the petition of R. A. Wright and others for powder to assist in the Improvement of Rlggs and Damm road; Ordered that the county allow the sum of $80.00 In tho purchase of powder, fuse and caps, work for Improvement to bo furnished by subscribers without cost to county, to be under the supervision of It. A. Wright lu the mailer of aid to Henry Wat tern; Ordered that warrant for said aid be drawn In favor of I'. W. Mprilgue, In the mailer of tolls on Ml. lloud A Harlow mad for year I'.bift; Ordered that lulls be as follows; Unn automobile l,n F.aeh four wheel Vehicle drawn by one span or yoke $2 00 Kach additional span or yoke 40 Kuril two or four wheel vehicle drawn by one horse ,,...$1.26 Kach saddle horse with rider Kach bin e or mule with pack Kach horse or mule luos Kach head of cattle loose Kach head of sbeeo. uoats or hous .75 .40 .15 .10 .02 and that the tolls from the western ter minus to points near Mt. Hood be one toll for round trip, all tolls to be col lected at toll gate about seven and 011c lislf miles beyond tho Salmon Hirer bridge. In the matter of the petition for In creased allowance for Miss Forrester; Ordered that petition be denied and that warrant for present allowance be itiawn In favor of It. F. Irrestvr. In the matter of payment of costs In ruse of C. II. Moore against t'lackumn Ordered that same be taken under ad visement. In the matter of subscription to re duce grade and Improve Parker II 111 In illstrlct 34; 1 11 del 'd taken under advisement to UN- certain manner of Improving and cost of same. Ill the matter of repairs of Shipley bridge; Ordered that this matter tie referred to Commissioner Win. llrohst and Su pervisor Ford. In the matter of petition of Farmers Telephone Co., for franchise; Ordered that said mutter tie continued until tint May term of this court In tho matter of the Petition of Wm. Smith and others for county mail, Ordered that Viewers meet at place of beginning of said road on the 14 1 It day of April. 1!H5. In the matter of the petition of I,. Uiibei tsmt and others for a county road; ordered that the Viewers meet at place of beginning on the 19th day of April, 1906. In the mutter of the petition of N. Nelson and others for county road; Ordered that Viewers meet at place of beginning of said road mi the 17tll of April, 1'J6. In the matter of the grading and Im proving Hohlander Hill; Ordered that said Improvement I tak en under udvlsement to ascertain cost. In the matter i.f the Improvement of liming Ik Kelso road on 'township line; Ordered that court visit nnd Inspect said roud before final action Is taken. In the matter of the petition of Milton W. Hmlih for cancellation ,1,' certain taxes; Ordered that this matter be laid over to allow petitioner to tile receipts for taxes claimed to have been nnbl. In the matter of ditching Grunge Hall and t 'nn by road; Ordered that supervisor use the labor and money subscribed and $.'5. 00 In ditching said road. In the mutter of the petition to vacate certain blocks, streets and alleys In town site of Kugle Creek; Ordered that said mutter be taken under advisement, pending a visit to same by Court. In the matter of the Barton and l-ogan road; Ordered that upon the payment of damages found due Fred Htulke, and the tiling of receipt for same, said road be accepted and established us a county road, and same to be opened with the labor of subscribers nnd petitioners und people Interested In said Mad. In the matter of tho application of ('. R Swan and wife for county aid; Ordered that a warrant for $4 00 per month be drawn for aid of said C, E. Swan und wife. In the matter of application of the Citizen's Bank of East Portland for set tlement of taxes; Ordered that the clerk accept the sum of $72.60 In satisfaction of mortgage tuxes for years 18!0, 1891 and ISM. In the matter of application of Port land General Electric Company for right to use portions of roads for transmission of light and power; Ordered that said application be grant ed subject to regulation of County Court. In the matter of clulm of Mrs. Bow erman for the care of David Mortlmore, a county churge; Ordered that she be allowed the sum of $8.00. In the matter of petition and sub scrlptlon of Crittenden & Saddler for Improvement of roud from Macksbiirg to Aurora; Ordered that some he taken under ad visement for Inspection and explanation of subscription payments. In the matter of petition of Wm. Smart to remove obstructions from county road to enable him to make needed Improve ment of same; Ordered that road supervisor of road district No. 2, open said county roud to full width by having pintles remove any fences or obstructions placed by them upon same. In the matter of tho appointment of A. If. Dowllng ns deputy sheriff, Ordered that same bo approved, lie to serve without pay. In the mutter of improvement of road from Clackamas bridge at Parkpluce to Clackamas; Ordered that County Judge have plans prepared for such Improvement, so that cost may be determined. In the matter of bond of F, W. firocn man ns County Clerk; Ordered that sumo be and Is approved. In the matter of saloon license of Annln Corrlgan at Estacada; Ordered that a license Issue to her for the remainder of the twelve months of this year. In the matter of plans nnd specifica tions for brldgo across Clackamas on Barton and Logan Road; Ordered that D. W. Klnnard prepare plans and specifications and submit same to this court In tho matter of the purchase of two Road King Graders; Ordered that two of said road graders be purchased, tho same to be delivered and operated to satisfaction of court be fore payment. In the matter of collection of delin quent taxes for several years; Women as Well as Men Are miserable by KirJney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble, jrryti ujhmi tho tnlittl tlisi'miraKCsaiiillcHst iisiuitliitliiii; licuutyl hki oi riiceriiil. lies sisill tliwii,eHr wlirit thckl(lneyiii8 out of order or ills, cased. Kidney trouble 1M liccotiia so jircvult'tit that it is not unroiii. 1111111 for it child tube born nfllUrtcd with weak kidney, lfllie child urinatesloooften, if tlin urine scalds the llesh, or if, when the child reaches uii nc when it should lie aide to control the jiiissukp, it is yet alllirtrtl with bed-wet-titiK, depend uioii It, therutiso of tliedllli culty is kidney trouldc, nnd tho first strji should be towards the treatment of these illiKrtiilltorHttn. Thisuiiiilriisuiit trouble is duo to n disenwd condition of the kidneys nnd bladder and not to hutilt ns most jiroiilo suijmhc. Women ns well as men nre mado miser able with kidney ami Madder trouble, mid (mill need the same ureal remedy. The mild and the immediate cllect of Swatnp-Kool ixiircuii.c.i. it 101,1 by druKKiti. ''lty cent and uiic-dollar 1 sie bottles, You limy have s sample Isittlc bv mail free, sis" iiumjihlet telling U slxntt Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of leuli monial lettrrs received from sufferers cured. In writing- lr. Kilmer & Co,, IliuKhamtoti, N. Y., W sure and mention this jMijier. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-kis.t, Dr. Kilmer's Swatiiu-Root, and the ad dress, lliiiRlmmton, N. Y., oil every Vittlc. Ordered that the cleik have prepared u list of said taxes fur years IH'.ifi i1( Ivwi, whbh remains unpaid, also a list of mortgage tuxes stilt delinquent for year IMJ, H'rj and IMS. so that wr runt may Issue for collection of Sams. In the mutter of appointment (,f r,mi supervisor for district No. ;; ordered that John labour be nnd is appointed such supervisor. In the matter of repair to brldg across llutte Creek at Monitor and tlm Hock Creek bridge; Otdervd Hint the llughy Lumber Com pany be notified o repulr the pier tn said bib l is nnd remove drift from around suuiu. In the mutter of Improvement of ril from llorlngs to Kelso; Ordered that what I known ns n.-w roud Is'iween Muring und Kelso shall be opened that upon subscribers paying In labor or money the amount of that the county will expend upon said rond the additional sum of Jloo, both subscription and money in b rxiM-nibd llllder direction of nullity rtnirt, In the niatter of Improvement of fond from Clackamas luidgi. 1,1 Intel section with rond tij Portland; Ordered that the coutiiy Judge have estimates prepared of cost of Improve ment of roud 'us now located and used and street In tiadston leading fioiii bridge. Ambiguous. A Hrondwiiy inlllliu-ry bouse (ins tliln rather ambiguous sign In a window In which several showy huts am displayed; MAOK IIY A CHILI) NINK YF.AItH OI. U After Twelve Years P.xifrlene In our Workroom. Enough For Him. "I see." said Mr, Ileiipeck. "that tin life of 1111 educated monkey ha been In sured for $;'5i),oiia." "Oh, well," his wife replied, ".im people go eruiy over Insurance. I think the $10,001) we are currying on your life Is plenty," At His Post. He wore the bliitt and he fell at hi post; lie wit only a man on a laut; In the dry and the hot and the cold and the wet Ills duty was there In the street For a pittance each day be wit sent to protect The weak from unpltylug foe, And there, all unluureled. he fell at his post And thcnihn awoke and arose. INDIGESTION t M tnrablsd with its, oh trouble. Thsdford's Bums Draught did mt mors goo4 Is on week thsa si! th doc tor's mcillnlns I look Is y.r."-MRB. HA BAH I. BUIRKIKLU, Ell.tUrllU, Isd. Tlie.lford'irsiack Draught quickly invigorates ths so tton of the stomach and cures evon chronio cases o indigestion. If you will take a small dose of Tbed ford'g Iilack Draught occa sionally you will keep your stomach and liver ia psr f out couditioa. THEDFuRW BLACR-DRAU5H H on sickness is caussd by constipation than by any other disease. Thedford'g Black-Draught not only re lieves constipation butcurea diarrhma and dysentery tad keeps tho boweli regular. All druggists Mil a-oat psaksgss. 'Thedford'i Black- Draught is the best medi cine to regulate the boweli I have ever ued." MRS. A. M. QUANT, Sneads Ferry, N. 0. HM of IwMis-Boot COH5TIPATI0H