Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 21, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Country Correspondence
(lniiXK lluthrldgn till arrived limnii
fiiiin Coli'ttidn, wIm'I'm lui went for his
hiwilih. 'I''11' 'IIiI.iiiiI Mi)inr lo
IlIp IiIiii imy. H" ''.ll bi'lter Ullli'B
nulling lt"Hin.
I'. li ,!mhii' tn Hnlii(iwuifr imw, twt up
liv the Kslni'iidu T'U'ilnnm Co,
Ill,, rimtnr, Me. Allen, iiml A. M. Mlilb
will nlti-iul 1'ii'Hliytcry, lluil turn
y,.,,,. ii' Ml' IIIIIhIioiii,
Kiniu ii ml Miiiul HlllliU'y hIIi'IIiIim!
Hi,, ,iiy Hi Ml. t'lwiHiinl HrlXMtt liiiimi,
ni wi-i'k. They tui't a v-ry nlcn time,
,Mr, mill Mid, A. In'y ti I tin l-,t Dm
-ni,,tiit lrnnti Hi rinhiiliirr.
IMir lining" In hIIII Improving.
All mk, lull. hi lit growing rili'i'ly,
urn Di li, ml In pingi riming nicely iinili r
Hi.. iiiiiiMiK' iiiiiit uf Minn Alulki-y.
I'll,, Huinli'y school will hiivii it pro
giiuii M'l Hiiti'luy (Kimti't). ICvcrybody
K IIIVlll'll.
Wllllnitt H in t ( It m fit it 1 1 1 y In IuivInh iiilli
a nrlluilN lline, Hlilni'V In jnat getting
uvi'i' n spell of NlrkiK-Na, unit their on
.'Mink Iiiim come timiiH from VVhnIiIiimIi'I)
uii.I In now iilln nIi k.
Tim wiiiknii'ii hu vv commenced re
building Iti" tower thiil blew rr fniin Ilia
Wiiil her' delightful. Item having nice
growing NlmwrrN, Think tlm lut finals
nut iIiiiiiiih" tin fruit In till vicin
ity. The Ktgglltea. Unit Ih, unlit Cap Hhnn
nmi N fiirni, are urrlvliiK from North Ju
kuiu There ai four families hrm now,
ami morn coming,
Kuilirr Hutch, our fuimer ittor of Urn
l'i,-liyrrlnil chinch, In Ih-ib on n vllt.
I'lmihiit for ijn Hunduy evening Tim
bma made tilm up a little ptiiNii fur
wlil.li lh old gentlrmiiil wiin very giate-fut.
Tim "puli'iit tut tnip" Iimn left fur
pllltS IlllltllnWII.' Ho ll'UVI'N Ut ll'IIMt mm
linilll'll hcilltcd Kill,
Imvn Huberts left fur rsi'tt vt-r Creek
Hilly A nut In Iimn lost IiIh iniiHtiti'lin
llmli'i' pliiiHc keep.
Mr. unit Mrs, Mill "punt Hutidiiy wllh
I In, (III, nun fuitilly nf Molilllii, MImn (lib
niiii i'iiiiii, hiiinii Willi thi'in,
Mi n. Hkei'ii wit visiting AiiiiIi, I'l rmln
ntiii iluy thin week. '
Plant to Oat Rich
ara often friiHt ruled tiy sudden break.
ilown, dun to dyspepsia or cntiNtlpatlnn.
liriuu up mid tnko Dr. Klng'a .New Ufti
Wis. They tukn out th miilerliiin which
are- clogging your energies, nnd give
yoil H new start. Curs hriidiicha arid dir.
I tie n ton, At Howell A Jouc drug
Ntoi; 'itio, iiuurunterd,
W. II. Mnttoon ihn heen iii, poorl
for Noun, limn wllh NerluuN eotiKti.
W, J i. Hi own tuiN moved moNt of til
merelimullNM to IiIn new Nluni tiulldltiK.
Mr. Ui'iihm In IohkIuv for the IieerliiK
t'o. Nuwmlll.
An the fiirnfeiN 0f IIiIn pint hitv fln
Ulieil (hi.r NeedliiK for IIiIn leiuon. their
teuniN Nik now Neen on the rimd tiiiullliK
luinlier to OrcKon City und KHliieudii.
Mr, Itiimliilf tuiN been linpiovliiK hl
prelrilNI'N hern wllh n new picket fence.
I'M w ii r,l Miller look n loud of i-kkn
mid poultry to OrcKon t'lty for Mr. Ilrown
TiieNiluy. I
Ciipt, ('. (. ItrmiNon. of I'hlliidelphlii,
nod Itev, I'ut ton, in to IkIii revlvnl
llieetliiHN lit Kedlnnd, Monday evelilnif,
April i'tlh.
Itev, 1'iittnn will preach At Kedlnnd
HoiHtuy 11 ni , nud ut Vlolu, K p.m.
Mi n, fMmk (i nd MIhn Millar wer th
KiieNtN of Mr. and Mi. W, II. JoneN hint
Friday evenlnK.
MInn Annlti Cahlll and MInn May CiuvH
alleiided the entertainment at Mount
riciiNimt hiNt Krlday nlKht und reported
a nice time.
Home; of the yoiliiK folkN of (IiIn burn
atlinili'd the dame at Maple l.aiie IiinI
Hntiiiday evenlnu and reported 11 cold
Mr. (Icoi'kk Kanilnll und MInn Norn
(Iri'Mory cnllcd on Min. Jtolit. Clark on
MInn Millar rniido a flyln trip to I'ort
liind Hu t in 'In y,
Hevenil of the youiiB people hern m
teiided the revlvalN at Central 1'olnt
hint Huudiiy nlKlit.
Ttiere will hu Hn entertainment und
ten emu in mielul held ut the Inland Nchool
Iioiihc hint Hatuiduy evenluK, April 22.
'I'lie procei'iU will no toward KettlnK a
Olobe for III" Nchool Iiounii, All are cor
dially Invited.
A,' Kocher madu a bUNlnexN vUlt to
Portland hint TucNduy.
Tht) till In the Molalla, treNtlo In now
Thlrty-elKbt member of Harding
Orange ottfrided the Pomona NeNNlon at
1'iiikplace Wednendiiy. All had a good
ttlmoHt isotripletn, und the dteam shovel j time, only the crowd wan too large for
with Itn crew will Noon leave, for the : room, no crowded It wm a difficult
It develop that In Njilta of the froNt
und cold rabiN, there will yet be a heavy
prune crop In tblu vicinity. HlrawberrleN
urn uIho looking line,
Min. AiiriMlrong left IhhI Krlday to
Join her hiiKlmnd In Houthern Callfor
nla. where he (ion Npent the Winter In
(iicNt of health. Htm waN accompanied
by MrN. Didmari, her Nlnter-ln-law, who
will vlHlt for Nome week.
The thuiidciNtorrn which vlulted thin
region laM TueNday wan one of uch
violence a n In very rarely Neen In WeNt
ern Oregon, Lightning Ntruck Neveral
treeN In tblN neighborhood, on lolt,
killing a cow for Min, Myer.
I'hiiN. ImnlelN nud lmond Hall bnve
Klle Hulling down till Columbia,
.iiui.n,e luiirlngir und 0cr ICrlk
im Imve taken I lull nud 1 mill, 'I n plure
In A M i miiw mill.
Will JoneN mid noii M'ile, l-Mlth mid
Miiude HiiHbiind nnd Noimmi llowurd
nHiit Hutiduy wllh l".rn Joiun nnd wife.
Min. Hell KhunI Iuin golin to vlHlt her
duiiKtiter. Vudii King.
Itnlph KniiNl wiin Ni'iioimly hurt by
tiiiiRe kicking him Moiidny.
MInn (lino Horn wiin given a NurprlNe
pin I y In nt Halurdny evi nlng It wiin In
honor of her birthday.
Mr. J. II. ItiiritN made bimlncxN trip
to Oregoii City Monday.
MlN-N lnii nnd Annie Harry nnd the
MlNNiN llolmnollN Were I be glleNtN of Ml.
I.. l. KlggN hint Hunduy.
Mr, mid Mm. J. IVntngnr intended thn
f unci ni of MrN. John l.un h of i'ortlnnd.
Inleimnt tixik place nt the New Kin
MInn llclfllll Itll hlcr V'lNltrd N, IIH(I
S biNt Kililny.
a I A number of thn young folkN went flMi-
I lug IiinI Hunduy. A bountiful niirh of
Kmmii luxkeep, Hick HiivIn, IWrtliu
Hpuligler nnd Tom llinkiep WM l.lb' lul
vlniioiN Hiimliiy.
Henry Mny nnd noii Virgil, of Curu.
were hunting n ntiuy colt Monday.
Hill Hkeen und (tld While moved Mr.
Moony out from I'ortlnnd lh flint uf the
Near Huntley's Druti Htore,
Great Britain ami America.
flNh wn reported. They fulled to lnle
wliut kind were ritught.
Min. ( liirK unl gniiul -ln tigliler. were
culling on frleiidN here hint Huturduy.
Mr. and Mm. Hud Hilton of Cnuby.
werci vlNltlng relatlvra lute bmt Hunduy
Mr. nnd Mm. I,. I. IIiimin vlnlted Mr.
Wlllliim Irner and family IiinI Hunduy.
Mr. Hlevlna bun I lug lumber tblN
week from J. AdklnN" nuw mill. He In
teiulN to DiiInIi IiIn hotiNo In the near fu
ture. Mr. J. I.. ThomuN I Minting out
NtumpN nnd cleurlng Itind
Mm. IslfiltiN culled on Mm. lloughnn
lut Monday.
T. J. lirltncN In working for Mr. L. I.
April NbowuiN gluddcrf Ibe ln-artn of
tin furmeiN.
Tim Mother' Club will entertain the
tencheru of thn County Anaocluilon, Bat
unliiy, April i'i, In the (irnngv Hull.
A hot dinner will, b Nerved, ufter which
a "bolt program will b given In this
ANNembly Hull by the I'uikiluc pupllN.
A good iittetnliinc In hoed for.
Mm. I'nul Kreytug In Nlowly recovering
hut It will be Neveinl WeekN be fold Nile
will tin able to h ave thn Hiinutoi turn.
Twenty. lx i4udcnt of the Htuti)
I'nlveiMlty. griiduated Monday night from
thn medlciil depurtment In I'ortluti'1.
Among li graduate were Mr. II. A,
Html und Mr, Kred I'eacuck. Beverul
riiikpliiic people went to I'ortlnnd to
nii? them griiduutt) among which wcrn
Mr. and Mm. I.uchn, Mr. Holmm, MInn
(iiiurd, Mm. H. Joiun, Howurd Kttem,
Hugh I'lat I, MInn Cutter und MInn Wll
The llimkct KihIiiI wna a nucccnn In
every wuy, the proceed netted thirty
one ilollnr. The Nfhnol I thankful to
Mr. HumpNon of Oregon City for auc
tlonci i lug the biiNket and getting auch
a good price for them. Onu young lady'
liimkct Nold for 1(04, It I nice to be
young und hundNome.
The High Hchool boy enme homif from
Willamette KhllN lunt Krlday evening
wearing a broad Ninlle, for they were
winner In the bull game with the Ilur
cluy Hchool boy.
Mr. 8. 1'. Dnvl of Oregon City wa
In I'urkplnce Ttu-Ndiiy Hiking photo
grapliN. Ha diM' excellent work In the
way of building", view, etc.
Commencement Exercliet.
The commencement exerclu' of the
Mullno Bchool will be held Friday even
ing. April 21. 1 905. at 8 o'clock, M. E.
Church. Mullno, Oregon.
A apeclul Enler programme by the
McthodlNt Bundny School will be render
ed at 11 a.m. next Bunduy.
Mr. Jim. Adkln hn Nhlpped In another
cur of drcNNed lumber.
We WM Gtsiaajntee
to save you 1 0 per cent, oyer other dealers on either
Mixed Paint or Lead and Oil. If you contem
plate painting, and of course yoti do, because you
want your house to look the best in the neigh
borhood, don t hesitate after getting other prices
to come to us. We assure you the quality can't
VV tu tut, WAV y
use Lead, use Pioneer or Atlantic brands,
they are the best. If you use Mixed Paint you
want NEW ERA, it can't be beat.
HiiiiNblriD and April nfiower are Part
ing tlm young fern and other forag.;
plant for Ntock.
A petition In being circulated and very
generally nlgned to keep tho Htar Ilouta
from Oregon Clly to WIlNonvllIe, at leant
until a better Ncrvlce can be bad than
to have our mull go to Hherwood and
tay all night; tnrtln from there next
day at 11 a. m. and arriving here about
2:30 twenty-four hour later 'thun It
urrlve at the preent time. If the R, V.
I), could be erved from Oregon City or
even OnweKo, no one would object.. Bure
ly om relutlve or friend at Sherwood
want a Job bad.
Zacg EllegHcn, our road boN I to get
a road grader thl week to be run bv
Nteiim power.
Mr. 1'oweir Nlnter und niece are vl
lllng hlmaelf and wife at Stafford, and
'lUcNUay Mr. 1'oweirn ter and two
children enme to vlnlt them alo. Bo
they have a Jolly hoiiNe-full.
Mr. Dclaha, the Artlnan itrganlz:r, I
aguln In town In the Interest of hi
Order. - We heur that Gu Oebhart went
to conHiilt a doctor thlN week In regard
to hi" health.
Nearly all the balden born thl year
are girl and now Mr. Zacg Elllgnen
hu one.
A ure nlgn of peace and good will, ac
cording to the old algn, and HubhIu might
a well give up.
It eem like the Lewi & Clark Fair
I not got up for the people, a none but
a millionaire could attend and take hi
fumlly. a even the commutation ticket
admit only the one whone picture ap
pear up on the ticket and but few would
cure to go o many time without the
privilege of taking along the rent of the
family or a friend without paying extra.
There I not much encouragement for
we people lo end of our bet in the way
of furm product, etc., and not be allow
ed a reduction on a family or aeason
It wa thought by ome that It would
be arranged on a similar plan to subur
ban rail roads, with a book or ticket to
be punched every time It wa preented
at the gate, but It really appear at
prenent that the Fair ha been gotten
up exprennly for moneyed men outnlde
the atate. Now thin 1 the way It ap
pear to u common folk" and Oregon
people a a rule are a happy-go-lucky
ort, not given to pcNlmlHttc view, either.
What do you think Mr. Editor?
We hear later that Gua Gcbhart felt
better and did not connult a phynlclan.
John Wilkin had a barn raining last
week. , '
It wa a thirsty time. Men worked
and felt tired next morning.
tank to keep order and trannact bunl-
Mr. Al, Carey, of Bprlngwater, In con
templating thn purchase of a cream
epnrator, and go Into the dairy bunl-
The C. C. Creamery at fltone ha made
and gold during the pant year, $1 8,000
worth of butter. The company are in
tending to put In a Panteurlsslng appa-
ratu and nell weit crearn during the
inent young man from Logan. When
laNt Keen he wa In good company
coming to the dance. Hon't try to
take three girl next time and you will
get there all right.
It certainly look a if the county court
Intend to build the fjrldge at Barton.
The people of Ixigan and vicinity gen
erally, are opponed to the bridge a It
will be a very expenlve structure, and
only accommodate a few very Interested
land owner who are anxlou to boom
their private Interest at the expense of
the tax payer.
The Great
Slaughter Sale
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury.
a mercury will aurely destroy the sense
of mell and completely derange the whole
system when entering; It through the
mucous surfaces. Such article should
never be used except on prescription
from reputable physlclona, as the damage
they wilt do Is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall'
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. i
Cheeney & Co., Toledo, O., contain no
mercury, and 1 taken Internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous
surface of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the' genu
ine. H 1 taken Internally and made In
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney It Co.
Testimonial free. .
Sold by druggists. Price 75e per bot
tle. Take Hall' Family Pill for constipation.
Subscribe to The Enterprise.
Is Now Going on at
Cyclone of
If you
We trust the warm shower the past
week may undo some of the damage
done by recent frosts.
Mrs. F. Gerber and daughter have been
Visiting In Waahington county a few
There was a man out looking at the
farm of Mr. J. Boss one day recently.
Cues one of them changed thlr mind.
'They say" there is a cougar up the
river. In the bottom, that It even came
out In an open field where a man was
plowing. Maybe there Is, but am In
clined to think some one must use the
sume brand of refreshments they do
around Markham Hill, Portland.
Mr. F. S. Hutchlna has completed his
fence around his yard. Slowly but sure,
the good work goes on. Who'll be next?
Mr. John Hattan of Stone, also, has
enclosed his residence with a neat fence.
Something around the place that needs painting. If it's your house
we would recommend New Era Mixed Paint at $1.65 or Regal
Mixed Paint $1.50 per gallon. The first is guaranteed to wear five
years and both the manufacturers and ourselves stand back of the
guarantee This means that if any time during that period you are
not satisfied with the paint in every respect we will, without cost to
you, repaint your house at our expense. Couldn't be more fair could
it? Maby it s your barn, if so we can furnish you material at an ex
pense of 75c per gallon that will wear an age. Climax Carriage Paint
will make your old buggy or cart look like new, and the expense is
nominal. Two quarts, at 75c per quart, wil- cover an ordinary buggy.
One coat is all that is necessary. If your floors look shabby when
you are cleaning house buy a can of Varno-Floor Stain or Lacqueret
and touch them up you will be surprised at the improvement. A
package of Calcimo ot a cost of 50c will put a neat, new finish on your
wall. Remember we carry everything in the Psint, Oil, Varnish and
Brush line and will be glad to furnish you with all the advice and
information at our command for the asking. . , .
Reliable IDrxiggists
Yes, That Beaver Creek Flag.
The correspondent Intends to hold his
end of the pole when the teacher ac
ruses him of being mistaken in regard
to the fact concerning the Beaver Creek
school flag. I Insist that I am not. It Is
the school mam that cannot see straight,
and If she can she does not know how to
read straight, as any person who has
read the second reader through can
easily see that the correspondent did not
say "the Enterprise of last week" but
"as he was reading the Enterprise last
week" and these so-called replies ought
to remind the school mam that those
who live In glass houses should not throw
stones. Further I will say that the
school mam first said In the ex plan a
tlon that the pole was 10 feet long and
not the correspondent and any person
who makes such assertions as to say the
pole was 10' feet long In one Issue and
eight feet long In another, certainly
has not sense enough to last them over
Tes, you may judge for yourself. I
rnmnlnlned about the helitht of the staff
I on the building, what the flag was do
ing, what the clerk's wife did or what
the Board wanted done, but the first
question asked was "What Had Become
of the Beaver Creek School Flag
(Though the teacher seems to think that
herself and pupils have some great pre
serving second-handed breath.)
Furthermore, I did not ask the teacher
for any promise and I am sure that the
outsiders did more for the purchase of the
flag than did the present Inmates of
the school building. Therefore the flag
ought to be out on the staff where the
entire district can see It and not be
kept In the school room. As far as be
ing concerned In the flag:, every civilized
citizen of America Is concerned in the '
flag and the correspondent does not have
to go back to Benjamin Franklin for his
Information. He will stop right here at
Beaver Creek and not act as a craw- '
fish. I
Beaver Creek Correspondent.
ircumstances compel us
o close out our immense
stock of seasonable mer
chandise at prices that will
startle this community and
open the purse-strings of
every economical purchas
er. Everything will be
marked down.
Everything Must Go
A Cyclone of Bargains
A rare opportunity. To
miss this immense money
paving sale would be a grea
loss to vou Watch for our
ad in next week's issue.
Dry Gotxls, Fancy Goods,
Notions, Etc
Main Street, Harding Block,
Oregon City, Oregon
I have used one of your Fish Brand
Slickers for five years, and now want
a new one, also one for a friend. I
would not be without one for twice the
cost. They are just as far ahead of a
common coat as a common one is
ahead of nothing."
(Num m application.)
Be sure you dont get one of the com
mon kind -this It the tfflWEP
Makers of Wet Weather Clothing & Hats.
mark of excellence.
City Drug; Store
Paints, Oils, Glass,
Varnishes, Enamels
Large assortment of
(While the Enterprise 'Is glad at all
times to publish news and at the same
time communications that treat a sub
ject of general Interest throughout the
county, it occurs to us that this contro
versy over the Beaver Creek school flag
has progressed far enough. It Is a sub
ject that Interests only the patrons of
the Beaver Creek School District, and
the Enterprise, having given both parties
to the controversy space In the paper
once, feels that It has done enough.
Since the communications are becoming
somewhat personal In their character,
this pnper will have to decline a further
publication of these letters. Editor.)
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific.
Sure to Clve Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
iv, iim ,iii(,r. n liv. lino umi , TT - . .
visiting relatives at Salem, is home again, drives away Cold in the Head queuy.
xtesiores tne censes j.oj uy uuu.
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into the nostrils and absorbed.
Large Size, 60 cents at Druggists or by
mail ; Trial 8ize, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., Niw York.
The present rain Is very beneficial to
the crops.
Many of the patrons of this burg at
tended Pomona Orange at Parkplace last
Wednesday and report a good time.
Miss Bertha Hughes who has been
Alabastine in All Tints
Wm. Danlals went on a fishing trop
this week and he didn't get fishermen's
luck either.
Wm. Scnnlon Is Improving slowly.
Charles Bort who fell from ascaffold
Hnd lit on a cement pavement at San
Kranclsco last April, visited the Wm.
Hayes family Saturday and Sunday. Miss
D. Hughes and Mr. Bort went to Salem
Sunday night
Many of this burg have received Invi
tations to Miss D. Parrey's wedding at
Wurdner, Idaho, on April 2B, 1905.
The Shannon Brothers made a busi
ness trip to town this week.
L, Buckner is working for Mrs. Ed
wards at present.
A. Thomas was doing the sheep and
goat shearing act last week.
H. Henrlcl passed through this burg
on a load of hay this week.
Subscribe for the Enterprise.
are known by what they have
t rowu. or nuir a century they
hnve been the stanrtnnt haven't
railfil once to uroduce bigger, bet.
ter crops thun any others. Bold
by hII dDHlera. 109 Need An.
nuai rree to ail applicants.
Detroit, Mich.
i "i