)HB50.V CITV RNTKItriUSfi, FRIDAY, AI'ItIL 21, 1903. : ...Short Sklehead Stories... i TI!KHI!I.VTOI.D TAI.I1S 01' H R.UtlvM Msrs inlii'W lllilii'l', HtC'l 43 years, wild riled nl n linxi'linl lit lluttn, Miintmm, from llm ,.flr H at II Hill H lll Ml"l III lull, Willi blll'll'll Bl H'K"ii ''Hy Hi1 wt'i'k. Tim ili'iii'imiMl In niirvlvnl ty hi fmlii'i', two hIhIi-ik nml fni' liiiillii'iH. nf 'hiitn two, IVIi nml Mnt lliil't'i I'i'Kl'l" "I "ii'Ki'ii Clly. The Administrator Absconded CHiiIIiiii wild InmiiciI fiiiiii llm county nun! li'Milll III W tin' appeai'itui's III court of K. M. Miimmiii. A, Uimh-Nty, L.Woori link liil'l A. H, I'lirhllill, hiinilnmrn for A. 1', Cu. In mi, HlixnmilltiK inliiiliilNlnitor of Hi,, ixliitii f lit father, J, T. ('iii'liniii, ,1,.1'iiim il. to Nliuw riiimn why they rIiihiIi) ,,( i. lluliln for til" mini uf ulioiit flUOU h fiinilH tii loiiKliiii to llm inlulo Unit wi'li' i.iilnill''il lV t'ui'hlHll, llm ii'liiilnUllii tnr, who Iiiix li'ft thn I'liinily. J, J, Cookn In I In' tut'Ri'iit ailing inliiiliilNlrulor of (l, I'niuln, 0bicti to U of Chair and Broom lli'lntf iinKiiiilli'il with n t'lnilr and cliiia i, iilmiit th hoiimi Willi u groom la IniiliiHiit to whlrh U. T. linivin, of I'm ilmiit, i'iloiiily object ami iia it l nil Im Iota llli'il aull for illvori' from Ihllu I., liiovt-a, whom he ihiiiitca with thin iiniiiittiiiil oinliii't. Tim pintle were iniiiiliil ut VmirounT, VVnahliiKtoii, III ItW) nml I In- lulMreutmelit ruinpluliiiiri Of WU pl'l fit I Utt.l) I'llllllHIil (llJt'lllll tln yniia 1 ui)3 siud lliiil, terminating In alminliiiiini'itt of llm iluliillrf hy thn du fniiluiit In November, lum, Oontlimtn Art tuad ('liui'iti'x M, Wllnoii In a ault tiled In tin. I'll rlilt com t HKitlimt f. V, Nohh'lt nml V, W. II. Hiinimiii auk for Judg in, ill In tlm sum of IM 3 for whlrh hn allege tlm , fi iiituiiin n ir M'ioimlhl(i a IhiikIhiio'Ii for JuIiInIi WIInoii, guard tun f hla plaintiff llui of tlm fatutn of Ktnma J. VIIon,ili,iTMil, I'lniiitltT wit thn aolii loir of (In- tlet-etlent who lift ml ritnte of tlm vnlim of fluuo of whlrh Im claim to liiivn received only h pint, tlm Kuiirillun lutvlnM ttharomlfi) with futtilM to thn amount of IV.'tt 30 Will Hava Educational Exhibit IIiivIhk Ihiii naaiiri'il hy a meinher of (h ci'Ciitlvii committed of the I'lnrkn nun county 1-wla Clnrk t nhlhlt that tlm ncfrpmtry fuiida fur limliilllnic tho rduiuitlotiul rxhlhlt Will hn forthcomliiK, the tui'iuheia of tlm rdiieutlounl commit tee In thla county met ut thn court liouan Hut hi ilny for iiminiiliia and I'lnaalfylni thla deiurlment of the Clin kiinwia iiiuiily itlalny. Thla ffntum of (ho rxhlhlt' will comiirlKii nil klnda of nteta. diawliiK". toKdher with amn ihunuiil work and will h to llm credit of tho arhoola contribut ing. Olaen Felgni lllneai Circuit Judge T. A. Mi III hie convened thn Hirlng term of the Cliirknmna county circuit court In thla city Monday. Tho ducket Includi'B a number of cnaea, and l will engage thn limn of the court for about three wevka. Among thn moat Important criminal cmce arn tlmeo of May and Olaen, who wlih their accom plice arn charged with thn theft of a doaeii head of home In thla vicinity. Olmn hna been feigning rlta again but hla imaumed llltieiia ta believed til be merely fur the pHipum- of enllatlng pub lic aeullmeut In hla behalf. Salmon In the Molalla The micceaa of tlm flan ladder, Initialled at Willamette Knlla In thla city Inat Hum mer, nml i, roof In the nrrarnce of a great runny anlmon In thn .Mulnlla river, j I),ie Wright, of Mlmriil, reirt thnt ho I recently aaw a alngln arhool ronalatlng of a acorn of full-grown anlmon In thn OPERATION AVOIDED EXPERIENCE OF MIS3MERKLEY Bha Waa Told That an Operation Waa InaTlUbl. How 8b Eacapad, It When a rhyatclan tclla a woman auf ferlti(f with ovarian or womb trouble that an operation la neoeaaarjr, the very thought of the knife and the operating table atrikea terror to her heart, and our hoHpltala are full of women coming for ovarian or womb opcrationa. There are canes where an operation Is the only resource, but when one con siders tho great number of cases of ovarian and womb trouble cured by Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound after physicians have advised operations, no woman should submit to one without first trying the Vegetable Compound and writing Mrs. Plnkhara, Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is free. Miss Margret Merkley of 275 Third Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "Lots of utrenfrtb, extreme nervousness shooting pains through the pelvio organs, bearing down pains and cramps compelled me to seek medical advice. The doctor, after making an examination, said I had ovarian trouble and ulceration and advised an opera tion. To this I strongly objected and decided to try Lydia B. Pinkham' Vegetable Com pound. The ulceration quickly healed, all the bad symptoms disappeared and I am once more strong, vigorous and well." Ovarian and womb troubles are stead ily on the Increase among women. If the monthly periods are very painful, or too frequent and excessive if you have pain or swelling low down in the left side, bearing down pains, leucor rhosa, don't neglect yourself : try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. TMIJ W!I!K'5 MIN(H. iijipur Miiliillii rlvi'r near Liberal, Mr, Wright Hivr Unit tlllH Ik tlm KU'lldnt iiiiinlii'r of mil rm in (tint has been seen In Hint Mieiiiu lne thn paper mills were t'oiiHlrtii'li'il In this clly, MhultliiK off thn only mil iinil mean thn milnion huil for Ii'ImIiIiik thti upper Willamette, unit Mm tillmlitrle, Wat Accidentally Shot Tlm llffliaa hoily rtf IIiikIi lllilillnaon, thn JH-yi'iir olit aon or W, II, lllliiiaon, wiia foiinil liiat Thiiradny tnornlnr nnr hla fiillmr'a homo uri'li-r rnlliiT tnyalcr loua I'liciiiiiKtiiniTM. llii huil lii-rti ahot throiiKh Hoi hri'iiat by a rllln which wna foiiinl ahiiiit I'M) feet dlalimt. Coroner lloliiniii wna iiotlfli'd and mi InimrNt wna held, tlm Jury irtuinliiK n verdict of dentil hy itccldetitltl aliiiiitln, thn hiio lioHllloll hcliiK Unit III It'll Il II K over It lo(, hy thn aliln of which thn rlllu wna found, thn nrciiiin wna dlachiiritcd with fulnl reaulta, In Honor of McQInnla' Elaetlon Iietnlla of thn bnin0ct thnt la to bn klven hy Columhlit Hook and Ladder Coniimiiy In celehriitlon of thn nlnctlon of Ki un k McOlimla. one of tho metnhera, ua chief of thn OrcKu K'ly Voluntner I'lin Ilepni tinent, hnve been nrriinK'd. Tlm bniuiuet will b Klven at Wlllnmntte Hull tomorrow venliiKeinfwyprnfwypwyp Hull, thla eveiilnif. Frlduy, Am II 21, and In vllnlloim Imve been laaued to all of thn nrntiiliera of thn clty'a volunteer fire ilepnrtliieiit, There will bn rendered a mualcnl and literary program, Includ I ii M addieaaea by prominent firemen of tlm clly, nfter whlrh a aprcud will bn lIlKpOKI'd of. Flro Protection Mwnnuer Hhlvely at thn reiiieat of Kln Chief MrOlnnla and Aaalatnnt Chief Mcl'nrlnnd ma Inatalled In hla piny houan nn eiiliment fur protection from flro thnt la entirely adeitinta for thn anfety of thn building In cuan of Urn, There liiivn been lillired III III" bulldlllK two reela of hoan, enrh conalatlnK (if M feet. With thn pteaence at the opera houan of two mcmhere of thn fire depurtment at corn pul, Ho entertainment, thn public m it y bn aaaured thnt they will receive nil thn protection thnt mltit l nuked In rnao a fire ahouhl orrtir. With thn mjuliimetit thut la avnllnlile a fire could readily bn rkllniculaheil before it had Bullied any headway. A Plonear of 1851 K. !. Morley, who enme to Oregon In 1HM, died of ronaumptlon at hla home In thla clly Hundny. aged ts yeara, The decenaed wna a imtlvo of Iowa, where hn waa born March 13, 1M7. Coming to Oregon In IMil, Mr. Morley located In Mar lon county, afterwarde removing to I! trolt. Mnn county, where for 9 yeara he conducted a logging romp, coming to Ore gon City three yeura ago and becoming tlm proprietor of thn Cliff Houan. He la aurvlved by a wife, two aona and five daiightera. aa followa: Alvnh and Al bert Mojlry, Mra. Ina MgNUh. Ix-tha, (i-nevtt, Ida and N'lna, all of thla rlty. Interment took place at Lyon, Mnn county. Tueaday, after brief funeral aervlcca III thla city. v Died at Roieburg Mr. Henry l'reatton Holmca, until re cently of Mt. rienaunt, died at the Sol dier' 1 (onm, Hum-burg, Juat after mid night Hiinduy morning, April IS. The funeral will Inke place at Itoaeburg. The ltev, Clurencn H. I-ake of the Eplacopnl church, Horn-burg, olTlrlntlng. Mr. Holme wu a veteran of tho Indtun Wart and hn a wide circle of friend here. He wna a moat patient and eallmnble mnn, allowing great fortitude In hi differing from Aathma. He wna the uncle of Mia Motile Holme and Mr. Danlrl O'Ncll, with whom he lived for many year, and a communicant of Bt. I'mil' church, Oregon City. On Juno 15 he would have been 73 yenra of age, and win born in Clinton county, Mlaaoutt. A Noval Feature of Exhibit One of tho Intorcatlng feature of the Clarkamna county exhibit at the Lewie & Chirk Kulr will ho the floral denlgn of Mr. Cuhlll. Thee comprlne all of the native ahruba and flower In dcalgn they are not only natural but unique In their arrangement. For Inatunce, Mra. Cuhlll will ahow floral bnaketa that are living, not by any menna artificial. From a aoll foundation, different kind of ahrubbei7 hnve been grown and by train ing thn vine In their growth, either a dainty bnaket or ft landscape In the pro duct of the work of Mra. Cuhlll thnt rep reaettt month of hard and tlreaome np pllcntton. Bampfra of thla feature of the exhibit from thla county may be aeet ut the court houao where Mis. Cahlll hn left them for hmpectlon. Bill Can Go Soma Yet If liny one hna any serious doubt na to tho lighting qualities of W. W. Smith, better known na Hill Smith, tho tnto' vigilant deputy flah warden, there Is now aiimelent evidence to dlBinlsa that doubt. 11111 can get along with anybody ao long ns his word 1 not questioned, but if you Intimate that Smith hns miulo a statement thnt docs not entirely hur moiilne with the truth yoip had better prepare for gelf-protectlon or at any rate qualify your BHHci'tton. One night Inst week Fred Hinder, of rarkplaco, accused Smith of permitting certain parties to Huh In tho Clncknmaa river in violation oftlie law. This nottlud Smith and there was a mlx-up in which Hlmlcr took sec ond money. Chus. Straight, who ac companied Hlmlcr attempted to Inter fere and produced a knlfo with which he started In to separate the two combnt ants, but L. Rail, who was with Smith, took a hand In the fight and kept Straight at a dlatunce until Smith and Hlmler finlHhed. As a result It Is likely that Straight will have to answer before tho circuit court for asaault with a danger ous weapon. Redded hers Twenty-Eight Years Frederick Meyer, aged 62 years, died Sunday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lulu McCausland, In this city. Cancer of the stomach, for which an operation was recently performed, was the cause of death. Mr. Meyer was born In Germany, coming to the United States when but a few years of age. iMirlrm thn civil wur hn (nllateil In the H2il Indlnna Infntitry und at thn tlmn of hla denili wna a nicinher of thn Oregon (Jlty (I, A. II. 1'oMt, under whoan iiua il'a thn fiitmrnl aervltiea wcr conduct ed hy Itev, J, H, I.midahorouj(h lit tho Kliat I'reahylerlnn church at 2 o'clock Tueadiiy nflernoon, After tho wnr, thn thn dnceiiaed readied for a few yenra ut lienver, KuliiR from thern to Hart Krnn elaeo, thencn to Orenon, locntlnic At Orn Km Clly In 1K77. Willi thn cxreiillon of on yeiir, hn wna corithnioualy einployeil durliiK dla realdencn In thla clly hy tho Ori'Kon City MiiiiiifnctiirlNK Coiiiinriy. IiiiIiik hriid mechiinln at thn tlinn of hla dentil. Ilia wlfii died a yenr UK" nnil hn la amvlved hy linen children ua follow: Clly Trenaiirer Kred J, Meyer mid Mra. Iiilil Mi;Cuiialun, of thla city, mid Mra. K, K. Lotuurntto, of Ilnrvey, Wiiahlnu ton. ' Accepted, Without Examination- Thn following report refere to Itolund Johrmon, aon of W. Cnrey Johnaon and a former Oregon Clly boy;-Hlmiford Unl veralty, The npiolnlment of Kolnnd V. Johnaon, n atiident at Htnnford Unlver alty, to Weat l'olnt hue been accepted without hla being required to puna a mental exumlnutton. Credenttlnla ent from Htnnford regarding thn thn young innn'a acholnrahlp were regarded ua aufll cleiit by thn United Btutea Mllltury Acod emy lioiinl of exiiuilriera. It la believed thnt thla la thn flrat time In thn hietory of the echotil thnt an appointee hna re ceived a cudetahlp without flint being re quired to prove hla mental atundlrig by apeclul exninlniitlon at Went l'olnt. Thn announcement arrived ut the iinlvnralty yeaterduy. Johnaon la taking a law comae, jji, twenty-two yeare of age ft and la a rraldent of Portland. Ore. Johnaon la well known In college athletlca hern, having played on the dlumoi.d with thn Multnomah team ugulnnt the ninea of Hlunford and the I'nlveralty of Call leama of tho earnn unlveraltlea on tho Multnomah aituud, At Hlunford he la a member of the Chi Pal fraternity and one of the moat popular men In the atudent body. Ho will flnlHh the aerneater at I'lilo Alto before going to Went l'olnt to don hla cadet uniform. Draper Create! a Disturbance John Hraper, the Ijind Office practi tioner, hn aanoclutcd hlmaelf with Jim Campbell In the management of an api ary at llolton, Hut Monday afternoon, I tapcr unintentionally created a dlaturb nmii In thn peaceful aubilrb of llolton where tho firm' three hive of honey producer are atntloned. Tho people from whom tho bee were purchnaed were moving out of the prernlma and In the confualon, the bee hud begun to awurm. liraper wu notified and rs'iiented to re epond at once and look after hi proper ty. Propping (he latent Volume of land cnnc declalon which he wai perualng. lraper haatened to tkiltsn but the effect of hi appearance waa to atill further dlaturb rather than quiet the bcea which became very careleaa with regard to whom they lighted on and atung promla cotialy, In the mldat of the excitement. Iirapcr mude hla rarnpe and it la report ed thnt he did not atop running until after he had reached the auapenalon bridge, Hn did lint return to fare hla angered neighbor until t o'clock In the evening, by which time the uaunl peace and quiet, characterlatlc of thla auburb, had been reatored. Draper hua about concluded that If he la to continue In the bee bualneaa, he will have made a ault that I guaranteed to be atrlctly unti tling proof. THE WOMAN BEAUTIFUL Huntley Brother Tell Why Laxakola Beautifies th Skin. Prop In moat any time now and you are likely to aee one of the clerks wrap ping up a bottle ofLaxakola, and Ore fcoi' City ladle hava learned of tho remarkable effect of Laxakola upon the bile pigments and the beneficial ac tion It haa upon the skin and complex Ion la really surprlalng. Huntley Bros. Co. will tell you the demand for It Is Increasing rapidly; not ao much on ac count of the advertising, but because this or that lady drops In to the store with the statement that she been recom mended to try It. i Probably no other remedy ever made o enviable, a reputation In ao short a time, for Laxakola Is sold now In al most every prominent city In America. Should you need a mild, safe, gentle liquid laxative thnt will Improve your appearance, cure constipation, and will mike you -feel better In every way, try a 25 cent bottle of the great tonic lax ative, Laxakola. and your only regret will be thnt you did not know of this aplendld remedy before. "CIVIC IMPROVEMENT" SUGGESTS. Oregon City, Oregon, April 16, 1905. Editor Enterprise: I have been reading a great deal In the papers about civic Improvement In Ore gon City. Mass meetings have been called, committees have been named, the City Council has acted. Orders have Is aucd requiring the cleaning of the streets of the city, tho removal of all rubbish and the painting of telephone and tele graph pole. Hut not a word of protest Is being made against the erection of unsightly canvas shacks on . prominent business property in the very heart of the city. The structure on Main street near Hunt-'' ley Brother Company drug store is ccr talnly engaging sceneiy for the hundreds of visitors who will come to this city during the coming Summer. The ma jority of these people, coming by street car, must pass In front of this sight. I will venture to say that the opinions that will be formed of Oregon City on this account will not bo what they should. Vacant and desirable business houses being scarce, we may perhaps next ex pect to see erected on the adjacent ground a similar Inclosure to that .herein men tioned for the accommodation of a pea nut vendor while it would not be out of the way to witness the installing of a nigger-baby attraction also tinder can vns. Such attractions as these make ex cellcnt flretraps that are a constant source of menace to vaiuaDie adjoining property. This property Is entirely too valuable to be utilised for the accommo dation of such unsightly, temporary structures. While Imbued with this commondable spirit of Improving appearances generally and placing Oregon City In Its best dress before the openisg of the Fair, It might be suggested that the county court paint Marvelous The Victor Talking and Singing Machine HIS MASTERS VOICE It plays the beautiful perfected Operatic Records, Band Records, Orchestra Records, Male Quartette Records, Song Records, Violin Records, Banjo Records, etc. All these Records are given with a pure singing tone. :-: :-: :-: :-: Ottt Special Off ei You pay us for records and a small payment on the machine. Take the outfit home, beginning to pay for it in 30 days on easy installments. Otw Record Exchange Proposition We will allow full credit for quantity returned. J- Complimentary concerts daily in our Victor. You are cordially invited. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Cornet the suapenalon bridge which more closely resembles a weather-beaten land-mark than the expensive structure that It Is. Let the good work of cleaning and bruahlng up continue but at the same time let's be conslatent. Yours for the best city on the Coast. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT. The Right Nam Is DeWItt DeWltt's Witch Haiel Salve cools, soothes and heals cuts, burns, boils, brutaea and piles and all skin diseases. K. E. Zlckcfoose, Adolps, W. Va,, says: "My little daughter had a white swelling so bad that pelce after piece of bone worked out of her leg. DeWltt's Witch Haiel Salve cured her." It Is the most wonderful healing salve In the world. Be ware of counterfeits. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. GABRIEL., The large Kentucky Jack will stand throughout the season of 1905 at the C. V. 8toker farm, five miles south-east of Oregon City, near the Lealand School house. C. V. STOKER, Owner, June 80. Oregon City, Ore. Entertaining Fiction. One advatage of reading a serial story In a dally newspaper is that an Install ment of convenient length is received every day that does not consume an un due amount of the reader's time. An Installment of high grade serial story appears In every Issue of The Chicago Record Herald, a popular feature of that enterprising Chicago Dally. Among the successful stories which have recently been Enjoyed by Record-Herald Readers are "Soldiers of Fortune," by Richard Harding Davis; "The Thrall of Lief the Lucky," by Ottlllo Llljencrnns; "Tris tram of Blent," by Anthony Hope; "When Knighthood Was in Flower," by Charles Major; "Alice of Old Vincennes," by Maurice Thompson, and "Ghaustark," by Geo. B. McCutcheon. Every issue con tains also a short illustrated "human interest" story on the editorial page. Readers of the Record Herald can de pend upon a nver-faillng source af peasant entertainment in the noteworthy fiction that Is always to bound In Its columns. General Crop Summary. The first half of the week was dry, with frosty nights and warm afternoons. The last half was showery, and good rains fell In all sections of the State. The soli Is now In excellent condition for plowing and germination of seeds, and farming operations have made rapid pro gress during the past week. The stand of fall wheat Is good; the plant Is healthy and its growth during the week has been satisfactory. Spring wheat seeding Is well advanced, and In many sections completed. The early sown came up nicely and no complaints are made In any locality regarding its condition. Barley and oats are also doing well. Pasturage Is much better than usual at this season of the" year, and all grasses and forage plants are thrifty and promising. Lambing Is well advanc ed and the losses have been small. Goat shearing Is finished and the mohair clip THE M all Victor Records, providing you Is above the average, both in quality and quantity. Early gardens are up and good pro gress has been made in planting late gardens. Considerable land has been prepared for corn, and in the southern sections some corn has been planted. Early potatoes are doing well, except in a few exposed places, where they were Injured by the frost. Hops are thrifty and promising. The frosts have undoubtedly done con siderable damage to fruit, but to what extent correspondents disagree. Some think only a reasonable amout of thin ning has occurred and that the fruit crop will be better In consequence there of, while others claim that Italian prunes, peaches, pears, cherries and plums have been seriously harmed. Apples and French prunes have received but little In Jury. Some varieties of apples have not bloomed so full as usual,' but the con dition of apples is generally promising. Forget About Your Stomach. If your digestion is bad the vital organs of your body are not fed and nourished as they should be. They grow weak and Invite disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di gests what you eat, cures indigestion and all stomach troubles. Tou forget you have a stomach from the very day you begin taking It. This Is because it gets a rest recuperates and generally grows so strong and healthy that it troubles you no more. E. L. Babcock, Amherst, Minn., says: "I have taken a great many reme dies for indigestion but have found noth ing equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure." Kodol digests what you eat, cures Indi gestion. Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Belch ing, Heartburn and all Stomach trou bles. Its preparation is the result of many years of research. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. For the Season of 1905, Jeffries, the beautiful Clydesdale stal lion, foaled May, 1899, weight 1900. will make the season of 1905 as follows: Tuesday at Aurora, Wednesday and Thursday at Canby, Friday at Heinz' fed stable, Oregon City, Saturday at M alalia. Terms: $12.60 to Insure stand ing colt; $10 to Insure with foal, season $9, single leap,' $6. Season opens Tues day, April 18. M. R. BOTLES, Owner. Molalla, Oregon. About Rheumatism. There are few diseases that inflict more torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease from which such a varied and useless ot of remedies have been suggested. To say that It can be cured, Is therefore, a bold state ment to make, hut Chamberlain's Pain Balm , which now enjoys an extensive sale, has met with great success In the treatment of this disease. One applica tion of Fain Balm will relieve the pain, and hundreds of sufferers have testified to permanent cures by its use. Why suffer when Pain Balm affords such quick relief and costs but a trifle? For sale by Geo. A. Harding. Bsar th A T1 KM Vou Haw Always Bought Blgnatar of Entertainer Is Just What You Want purchase three times the store by the new improved Deserves Your Patronage. The growth of a community and the success of Its local institutions depends entirely on the loyalty of its people. It Is well enough to preach "patronize home industry" but except the service given at a home institution equals that of out- of-town enterprises, this argument car ries no weight and Is entirely disregard ed, as it should be. But with Oregon City people it is different. A few months ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas cade Laundry. It Is equipped with the latest improved machinery and is daily turning out work that is equal to any and superior to much of the laundry work that Is being done in Portland. Being a home institution and furnishing employment for many Oregon City people It is enjoying an Immense patronage. The high standard of the work being done commends it to the general public. Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop will be promptly called for and delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 1204. E. L. Johnson, proprietor. Adam's Mistake. "Things are going to be very pleasant here," said Adam. "My wife has no clothes, no neighbors and no servant girl problem to talk about." But it wasn't long before they had a baby, and realizing that silence could never be restored, Adam walked the floor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular. "Mothers buy it for croupy children, railroad men buy it for severe coughs and elderly people buy It for la grippe," say Moore Bros., Eldon, Iowa. "We sell more of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy than any other kind. It seems to have taken the lead over several other good brands." There is no question but this medicine Is the best that can be procured for coughs and colds, whether it be a child nr an adult that ts afflicted. It always cures ana cute qaicxij ai4 by Geo. A. Harding. 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire In Oregon, Washington (Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 towns. Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon City office at- Harding's Drusr Store.