Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 21, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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New To-Pay.
pur nmit. Fur in Hooiirlly. U'Kon
A t)rhiiti.
,it Inweat rate, LntouirttiVi olTloe,
('iiiiiint'H'liil Hank Building, Origin
yut UK NT A nVH-i Ditut houwn In Mood
rlllllltlllM. I'll'llly f HI "Mini MUllllhln
f,,i Kitrili'H. Imiiln Ht lilt) JCnturpliatt
WANTI':l--Mni mill Wiimvil Willi liml
uilliniit I'Xpi'ili ju'n to work fur tlm
ImhI fraternal order on tlm const. From
,M) hi I'iB per Wm-U lMlil for or HH')IX'- X.
AddiM Unk Ho (HI, Oti'Kuri ("II y.
HTIIAVt':i Oil HTOt.KN-Ui'Ht. whllti
I'IiikIIhIi Hi'ttiT, tt'H mnii 111 nli1, with
, innti cum, wlillii around (inn rye,
I.IIIHll Ul'oliml tlltf OtlllT , llllKlll
,pnl mi lilp nlinvn lull, lli wnnt fin
nilnin to II. H. Moody, fashion HuIiIi'N,
omkoii 'lty. Oregon,
Local Evci;t.
llciry Clerk, who wlih a number of
iViwIi,' hnnii'IiiIi m, inn In n specialty of
iiimimliiK nil of tlm I. ml bnuxti ln cm
K'l, wim on Tuesday sentenced by Mnyor
Mc.iiiiiicr to fifty i1ny In tlm tity jail fur
1i iinki'iini'M,
Just Cm 1'i'Ktly alibi wiiImIm KKo up;
lliiinmi.irhlffn Ik, 'in up; tulle' Hose
He llpi lll'W l.lieen unit UllibiillM at cut
M lee. ItKI) Kill INT MT(Hll'),
Alinllt twenty llieinlieiM of Hie Ori'Knll
I'lly Anminlily of Actinium, jxi 1 1 1 I ho
Molnlln Assembly a fraternal visit Bat
unliiy nlKht. Tlm I tip, wim madn by
private eiinveyiiiii' urid 11 most enjoyable
tliiin In reported,
At Ht, I'miiI'm Episcopal cliiire)), rector
the Itev, J', K. Hammond, Hei'vleti In
being helil every evening thl week lit
7:.'IU p. m. liml on Thursday inornliuf at
It mill on )ooi1 1'ililiiy the 3 hour pas
sion service will ho held from 12 to 1.
6ml-Wtkly Journal and Kntarprli
ont ytar for only 12.00,
Bubicrlba for Ilia Mml-Wtukly Journal
,d th RntarprUa, both, only 12 par
IjikI Kihluy Mfteinoon I'm kplme rte
f,i,t(1 the liiinluy IHiilt hVhiM.l riliio ly
11 lecue of 9 til 7.
Import ln direct from Kastern work
shops lell Iho story of cheap prices for
Mail BtJi goods at Miss Goldsmith's.
Mi. Madulliie lurenin arrived We.l
fl.Mtl MiMM'llW for vlalt t lti
linllie of her fillln
A.n..ir J, K. Neh
Wmitnl TiHiim l Imul lumlur fnnn
Vlolu to Oregon City. Teh-plume or ml
iN ting Moiilnoti l.umtMr Coin
puny. VhiU. Oregon.
M Kiohl. m fanner from Heaver Cr-ek
.i in the eliy Miiniluy report
....... ,,t nil klmlN In hi hM-allly hi
Itmil UhliiK eotelllloll.
Out of reNpei't li tleiith of 11 n lion-
oreil employe, tho lutn Kreilerhk M"yer,
the woolen mill plant of the Oregon City
Miiimfin lining Coinpiiiiy i liweil ilown
TiieNiluy ufi.-i iiimjii that the employe
might have un opportunity to attend th
lleciiiKH of a "pleil" form, th corre-
pnmli'li. 1. from N'eeiJy It few other
point together with aoiiiD eonimunlea
ttotm, Ineluillng that of "Civic Improve
ment," did not appear limt week. Th"
loiiimiinlratlon nfiirid to I puhllNheil
lllU werk.
Now I the llllie to gel
lint at Mix tliil.lamtth'.
Ill tie i r Ig'folv luie.
rl.i-nt with giMMl giMMla.
Now I the time to get
Hat at MIhn I lohtamllh.
win never before a hug".
..int. nt with gooit gMnU.
your Hauler
I'llcra run-
your K"ter
l'rlee eon-
Thfrn will lie Kanler Nervhe at the
tlnptlMt Chiiri'h Hun.lay at lo SO a. m
There will he tipeelal mur by the eholr
1111.I n erninti by the llev, 8. 1'. I'avl.
A Iih'mI Y. VV, I. A. ha l-en iirgaiilar.l
In Milwaukle. The next meeting will h
hel-l In the Kvangellial rhurt-h. April 20.
at . 111. All IntereNled re Invited
tri emne.
Altl-ton I the I.. nil- to bulb! you up
after a apell of the Ij Urlppn, (Stiaran
t.eil, Humple fiee. Cluiiinaii A Co.. da-
CnntaM Tremloilh rreteJ Carl
Ji.hna.m and J. J. Kdgren on the cliBrge
if lUhlng wuliout a lleetme. lioth men
me lleherini.n realdlna; on tlm Clnekama
river near thl pity.
Ml hh Kva Miinoii. if thl ilty. w the
kh.i of honor at a imrty that waajlven
lul Tburaitay evening at Condon, Kat
mm Oreffon, where the young lady I
Mritlna; with friend.
(lood Klour II Mi ai:k; Hlea 4e, Hoda
i", Hoiip 7 to 10 bar 'Hi; Hoap powih-r
lie pound, clothe plim. lo dm; Orangea
and Irf'inon It; lurh.
W. II. Koriney, the tulephona man, wa
In the city thl week Inaialllng a Hum
her of limn iitni'iUii lo hi already rxten
alve lelephone Nyatem, Tho Farmer'
Tolephone Company, Mr.' Hoiiney' line
ha eRtiihllnhei an otth e at Huntley Hum
Co.' ill ug More.
Kred Cadke ha removed hi plumbing
hunlnoH Into tha building III the Armory
Hull recently vacated by HHnx the eum
inlimlou di aler where lie will he located
tut t II the building he I erecting on III
property 011 North Main atieet I eiin-
"Hill MuthlMHi, Medlclnn-Man, a tory
y llcitiand W, Hlnclalr, appear In the
Argonaut for Apill 17. It In one of the
Im torle of the North-WHt that Mr
Hliu lull ha written, and dm.-ilbi a with
much Jiiiinni the method unci! by twu
altlemeii to grt rid of tnulealrable In
at lowewt rate. Ijitourrtta'a oRlce, Com
mergtal Hank Dulldlng, Oregon City.
After a trial of the rae that oceuple
the entire day, Judge Mrllrldo granted
Kloifiice K. Kennedy a divorce from C
I'Mgar Kennedy, who liutltuted the null
Other divorce decreea wm granted Ttie
day a follow: Adelphl Allen V. tiny
Allen: J. II. McKlbben v. Harah
M. hll.l.cll. John Clarence , ...atler v
Tumale Hlatler; l. Hlli.ll . J. Hi lull.
Jerry Young, aed 72 year, died M011
day night at the home of hi daughter,
Mm. William I'.iown at Hedlaud. A vlo
lent attack of heart dlai'uae following an
HIiii-km from pneumonia, wim the caune oi
ih-iith. 1 1. 1 um il had hi en m realdent of
thl county for thirty )ui and I ur
vlved by two daughter. Funeral aer
vice and burial limk place Wednemhiy
Waldo Adam. l. I. B.. of the Cnl
v.ialty of Iowa, ha accepted a poHlllon
In the dental parlor of lr. Ilealle. lr.
A. I,. Itealle ha nln returned to hi
office after an lllnea of typhoid fever.
At th Congregational manae April 19,
William Wllkliimin and Ijettle I'oyaer
were united In marriage, Itev. K. 8.
Ilolllnger. oltlclatlng. Mi, and Mr.
Wllklnaon will realdo on the Weat Slile.
Bargain Plan thla year Ijidle Walk
ing hut 4Se up; Urea hat $1.40 up,
lleautlful hat at two-third timml price.
OiTiildlne, wiitltlK to the Algoliaift
of April 17, tell under the caption of
"New York ICaat Hide," of a vlHlt to
the alum of that city, ami deHcrlhi
moHt i-ntertiilnhiKly what ahw anw there.
Do Yoa Know
81 Ml
If not vou should know, it's
a pure' article put up in
pint Mason jars full
Soli by all Leading Grocers
A atoiy of great range wii' Into which
I Interwoven the lonuintle ciIno1c of
aciiihiug timber land and the advance
mint of Irrigation. Thl production will
appear In the Oregon Hcnil-Weekly Jour
mil In aerial form. The Journal will b
clubbed with thl paper, tho two for
I;1 on, Huliactilia at once and read thl
great atory of life aa told by I'aul le
Monday night waa a red-letter day for
Oregon City Aerlo No. I9:t, Fraternal
Order of Kaglea. On that evening tha
charter wa iucd and twenty candldatr
were Initiated, Increasing the chartr
memherahlp of the order In thla city to
about U'5. Arrangement were bIho
made fur the nliRcrvauco of the Eagle
annual Memorial Day which fulla on the
drat Sunday In May.
An energetic lady can aocure tho agon
cy for thla city and aurroundlng country
for a high gruJo lino of Flavoring Ex
tract, Perfume, Toilet Article, Toilet
Soap, etc., by nddroHnlnj the Foama!!
Manufacturing Compnny, Dos Molnc
Iowa. They allow a big commission, Blao
give nrcmluma. Write them for aample
The Oregon Development Ix-aRiio con
vcntlon will he held nt tho Mnriunm
Oriuul Theatre, J'ortlniid, April 2ii nnd
27. Among the apenkcr whoae nnmi
aiuii'iiv on the programmo are: Oovernor
Chamhciialn. K. I-. Smith, Tom nichard
aim, II. W. (loodo, J. It. N. Hell. Frank
I. Vawtcr. II. A. Worthlngton, C.
(lalloway, J. H. Scott. J. W. Halley, W
H. Newhurry, C, C. llcckman and Jcf
feiHon Meyer.
The ardor of trout Manor la beginning
to cool an that the genernl public by
compaiiaon of report In enabled to Judge
BoniethliiR a to tho most successful
unglcra. It nppeara that tho record for
milking the largest catch thla season bo
longs In Kd Ucckner and Frank Brown,
who returned a few day ago with 700
trout, nfter a day's fishing on Husch'a
place, which Is reputed to bo n source of
great inspiration alike to hunters and
John Oleaaon, the good nntured mem
ber of th clty'a treet department force,
tually thought he had loal one nf hi
liiiud Tuesday, In fact, the extent to
Whloh thn member had been bandaged
NiiggeNted a fearful Injury, perhap ro-
(lulling HtnpiitMtlon. (jfleason'N friend
Joked lilin until he (Irmlly exhibited hi
hand when It wa observed that tha only
Injury NiiMlulned wm the severe mushing
of one of llni finger that had been caught
between two timber while In tha net of
oriHlruclltig a crosa-Wftlk,
Kvery detail connectiid with the flrt
imuiial ball to be given by the lCagle at
the Armory Monday evening ha been at-:
tended to and the prospect are bright,
or a very enjoyable dancing party and a
largo attendance. The Kagle propoae
to do thing JiiHt about right at thla,
their (hat public function, and have made
ampin provision for the comfort and con
venience of their guesla on thl occalon.
Those who attend the dance Monday
evening may be hbsiiiciI a good time.
The Oregon Boml-Weekly Journal, In
addition to containing I'aul tm Laney'a
new aerial atory, "The Bheephordor,"
I iNNiied twice a week and I brim full
of the cream of the new of tho world.
It ha decidedly tho heat market reporta
of any paper on the 1'aclllo Coast. For
the cltlxeu whose poatolllce facilities do
not Justify a dally paper, the Boml-Weekly
Journal I tha best Investment hi read
ing matter that can be made. For club
bing rate see the editor of thl paper.
l'at Hani of I'arkplace, who visited
Ht. Vincent' Hospital at I'ortland, Hun
day, report that Otto, son of Adolph
Aachoff, la one of the pal lent at that
Institution where he recently underwent
an operation for the treatment of a brok
en leg that had never healed properly
since the fracture occurred two year
Mgu, Among the other Claekama coun
ty patient at thl hospital Mr. Harris
found Mr. Kramball Hr of Oak drove.
who haa been receiving treatment for
fulling eyesight and la much Improved.
lion. F. V. Mlntle, a former representa
tive In th atate legislature from Clack
amaa county, died last Thuraday at hla
home at Owego. The deceased waa aged
HI yeara and had readied In Oregon alnce
KM. lie wu a native of ThornpHon
vllle, Connecticut. During hi residence
In thl county, Mr. Mlntle waa a prom
inent church worker. He also figured
In politics, having for three year been In
the employ of the Internal revenue aer
v Ice In Alaska following hla term In the
statu legislature.
8upcrlnt.-nd.iit Dixon and the members
of the committee having charge of the
Clackamaa county 1-win & Clark ex
hibit have been authorized by the execu
tive committee to employ all help necea-
aary to canvaa the county and aecure
suitable products for use In making up
the exhibit from thla county. The com
nilltee on awards fur samples contributed
to the display made It report and
awarded the cash prlxe among the uc
ccssful competitor. The sample con
tributed fni in the nueiieii for the mak
ing of a Mplvudld display of the product
of this county,
The annual graduating exercise of lh,o
medical department of the t'nlverslty of
Oregon were held at I'ortland Monday
evening. Among the membera .of the
class wu Harvey O. Hickman, of thl
city, who punned third highest In the fl
rial examination In a class consisting of 27
members. Mr. lllckmnn haa 'the
hearty congratulations of his many
friends In this city who predict for him
the successful career In the medical pro
fesslon that follows a strict application
to business and the mastery of every de
tail. For the present, lr. Hickman will
continue to All the office of house phy
sician at the St. Vincent a Hospital at
I'ortland, a position he haa acceptably
tilled for several months.
District Attorney Harrison haa re
turned Information against Charles
Straight and Jacob Wind. ' The former
charged with assault with a dangerous
weapon on Deputy Fish Wardona Smith
and Hull aa the result of an altercation
as to fishing right. The charge against
Wind Is that of selling Idjuor to a minor.
Both men will plead tomorrow. The In
dlctment of Wind Is the sequel of the
Juvenile court that waa held by Judge
Ilyun Monday when six young lads of
the city, charged with pilfering, dlsclos
ed that they had boon expending the pro
coeds at one of two saloons or a promt
nent drug store In thl city. The charge
a to tho Illegal sale of liquor la being In
vestigated by the authorities,
Jainea Dallantyne and W. W. Hoyer,
recently from Illinois and old-time friends
of our townsman H. P. Rrlghtblll, have
established at Hubbard a general mer
chandise store. The firm haa purchased
a complete stock that is fresh, new and
up-to-date, consisting of everything that
goes to make up such a business, These
gentlemen are possessed of that quality
push and energy that Is essential to
success In any business venture and the
people of Hubbard and aurroundlng
country are to be congratulated that the
firm decided to establish Itself In busi
ness at that thriving town. This firm
expect to have extensive trade with
tho farmers who will receive the highest
market price for all kinds of farm pro
Blaine While, of Can by, visited In thl
city Hnturduy.
Karl McAdarn haa gone to I'endleton
to Join hi parent,
A. M, Hhlbley, the sngn of Hprlngwater,
was In Hie city Tuesday.
If. J. i Jigger, an attorney from Haletn,
was In the city last Saturday,
Mis Ethel Grave visited with friends
at Forest Grove over Sunday.
Miss Gertrude K. Bashor visited with
relative at Halern Sunday.
Adam Knight, of Canby, waa trana-
uctlng buslnes here Tuesday,
Mr, and Mr. C.C, Iiabcwk have return
ed from a visit at San Francisco.
H. h. I'rlce, of The Dalles, visited thl
week with relative In thl city.
S. A, D. Ifungate, the surveyor from
Molalla, wa In the city Saturday.
George W, Spalght, of Hubbard, trans
acted business In this city Saturday.
Miss Ella I.utz haa accepted a position
In the confectionery store of J. A. Tuft.
Sheriff and Mr. John It. Bhaver spent
Sunday visiting with friend at Molalla.
W. J. E. Vlck, road aupervlsor of the
Molalla district, wa In the city Saturday.
Prof. E. F. Surface, of the . Currln
vllle school, was In the city laat Saturday.
Constable Trembath went to Canby
last Saturday evening to aerve some pa
Mr. and Mr. Walter L. Little have
returned from California where they pent
the winter.
Itev. C. A. llouael, pastor of the Meth
odlst Church at Canby, wa In the city
Henry Wolfer and C. W. Noblett, plo
neer citizens of Needy, were In the city
the first of the week.
Miss Elite McDonald, of Portland, has
been visiting In Oregon City, the guest
of Mrs. A. S. Dresser.
Mr. Matthias Meyer, of Han Francisco,
Is visiting In thl city a guest at the1
home of Mr. I. Selling.
Dr. WHIard More, of the Multnomah
county hospital, visited several daya last
week with hi mother In thl city.
Mr. and Mr. J. II. Cowing, of Alex
andrla, Minnesota, visited this week at
the home of Mr. and Mra. T. F. Cowing.
Dr. J. W. Powell, of Molalla. waa In
the city Monday arranging for the remov
al of hla family to their new home at
Albert Mount, of Solverton, visited
with hla brother, Dr. H. S. Mount, in
thl city, a few daya the latter part of
last week.
Mrs. Uxlcman Fisher, local manager of
the Great American Importing Tea Co.,
Is visiting relatives and friends in Eugene
this week.
Attorney John A. Caraon, F. N. Derby.
and E. C. Herren,, of fiulcm. were In the
city Wednesday In attendance on the
circuit court.
J. W. Moreland and family, of Wood-
burn, spent Sunday at the home of hla
mother, Mra. M. J. Moreland at the Cot
tage In thla city.
John William I leaden, an experienced
newspaper man has accepted the posi
tion of Oregon City correspondent to the
I'ortland Journal.
Mra. Harry Symea and daughter have
returned to their home f Salem after
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Daulton In thla city.
W. E. Mallory, one of the supreme offi
cer of the Lincoln Annuity Cnlon, of
San Francisco, is organizing an Assem
bly of that order In thla city.
D. R. Dlmlck, who now manages a
farm near Union Mllla, waa in the city
last Saturday. Mr. Dlmlck formerly con
ducted a Uvery stable In thla city.
Mr. Mabel C. Bacon spent several
daya at Hubbard thla week In the Inter
ests of the United Artisans with good
prospects of organizing an Assembly in
that town.
Max IJollach, bookkeeper for the Ore
gon City Manufacturing Company, has
returned from a two weeks' visit with
relatives at Eugene. Mr. Bollock re
turns greatly Improved in health.
Dr. J. W. Thomas, of Molalla. and
Mra. Mary S. Howard of Mullno, were
In the city Tuesday to attend a meeting
of the Clackamna County Lewis & Clark
executive committee of which they are
members, '
Ronald Jackson, of Portland, visited
with Oregon City friends Sunday. Mr.
Jackson's manw friends will be pleased
to learn that he has become the asso
ciate proprietor of a drug store at the
thriving town of St. Johns.
Misses Edna Caufield, Edna Daulton,
and Koerner, Jack Latourette and Roy
Kelly, Fred and Chas. Warner, students
at the 8tate University at Eugene, are
spending the F.aster vacation with rela
tives In this city. Fred and Chas. War
ner successfully made the trip by canoe,
coming down the Willamette.
Sam Mortis, tho Indian pitcher that
Portland used a couple of years ago Is
now pitching for Joplln, in the Missouri
Valley League. Lust week Morris pitch
ed against, tho. Chicago American League
team and got trimmed 6 to 1, It was not
the Indian's fault however, for he hold
Chicago down to four hit. Tho men be
hind him got buck ague from being up
against big leaguers and they booted the
ball around as if It were an old tin can
In a game of shinny on your own side-Exchange.
Among tho noteworthy contributions
to the exhibit that is to be made by the
LowIb & Clark Fair is that of G. Wal
lace, a successful farmer at Highland
whose samples did not arrive In the city
In time to enter Into competition with
the other samples that had already been
left. Otherwise the committee'! awards
would unquestionably have been differ
nt. Mr. Wallace brought In samples of
vhent, oats and apples, each of a su
potior quality. In addition he loft at tho
court house two samples of the finest
potatoes the writer ever saw In the state
They were tho Beauty of Hebron and
McJCInley varieties and average samples
of each weighed one and a half pounds.
The potatoes were perfectly formed, fully
matured and without a blemish. Tho
contribution mny be considered a valu
able one to the exhibit.
Have Mofe and Better
The value of spraying has been proved too
often to leave any doubt. The only way in
which spraying can fail to pay is to use inferior
material or to improperly use good ones.
We have a fresh stock of everything ne
cessary for all kinds of spraying and can, if de
sired, give you accurate instructions for using.
Two Good Ready
Made Insectcides
Swift's Aresenate of Lead is now being
used from Maine to Oregon for all leaf eating
insects One pound cans 25 cents; Ten pound
pails $2.25.
Formaldehyde Tree Soap
Will kill all insects and also prevent and
kill all fungus growths. Put up in bars at 25
cents Come in and get a booklet.
Huntley Brothers Co
Manufacturers and Dealers
in Lumber
Graham Hungate, who recently sus
tained serious injuries to his eyes and
face by the explosion of a rifle cartridge,
Is rapidly recovering and wiH not lose the
sight of the left eye as was nt first
feared. It waa while attempting to In
sert a 45 calibre cnrtrldge Into a 40
calibre rlile that the explosion took place.
J. David Adelstoln arrived in the city
yesterday from San Francisco, and will
take charge of the clothing department
that Is soon to be installed In the woolen
mill plant of the Oregon City Manufac
tilling Company. It is the purpose of
the management to manufacture a full
line of clothing. Thus does another of
Oregon City's manufacturing instltu
tions branch out, increasing its capacity
and adding to Its payroll.
Drs. Beatle & Beatle, Dentists, Rooms
16, 17 18, Welnhard Building.
Bnn th. M Kind Have Always Boiijjit
Never Sold by Druggists.
R. W. BAKER, Agent,
Willamette, Or.
Yard and Office Head of Molalla
1 -
Avenue, Opposite Everfiart's Store
A Few Hundred Dollars
is often the making of one's m success. Systematic
saving will soon result in the accumulation of the
few hundred dollars. The best way to save is to open an
account with us and add to it weekly or monthly as
you can.
C!7ie Bank of Oregon City
Those Barclay High School baseball
players are not afraid to tackle anything.
Last Saturday afternoon they went up
against the Hill Military Academy nine
at Willamette Falls. Although the vis
itors were much the older and exceeded
by many pounds the weight of the 16-
year olds of this city, the home team did
not wince but went into the game for
all they were worth. But the odds were
against them until the final Inning. When
the Barclay boys went to the bat in the
last half of the ninth, the score stood
15 to 11 in favor of the Military lads,
but by timely and effective batting, the
Oregon City lads scored five times, giving
a victory by a score of 16 to 15 in the
face of what seemed certain defeat. Ed.
Iteckner officiated as umpire giving good
satisfaction In a game that was witnessed
by a number of Oregon City people.
The Barclay team lined up as follows:
Charters, right field; Cole, second base;
Callff, third base; Roberts, short stop;
Wood, left field; Todd, pitcher; Blanch
aid, center field; Latourette, first base;
Young, catcher.
tures at prices that cannot be surpassed.
The quality of the work being considered.
If you desire to have any pictures taken
either of yourself or your places of busi
ness or residence, remember the home
photographer whose every Interest is cen
tered here In that his or her success Is
dependent on the character of the work
turned out.
Winter Rates to Yaqulna Bay.
In order to accommodate the many
people who wish to make a winter trip
to Taqulna Bay, the .Southern Paciflo
Co. will Bell, on Wednesdays and Sat
urdays of each week, until March 31,
1905, round trip tickets at low latea, to
Taqulna and return. limited to sixty
days from date of sale. Those who de
sire to take advantage of this rate should
apply to nearest Southern Paciflo agent
for tickets.
Oregon City was this week visited by
two smooth, transient photographers who
perpetrated the old graft of photograph
ing residences, offices or place of busi
ness. After Introducing themselves, the
fellows with the camera would request
the privilege of taking a photograph.
The request being granted, the picture
was taken and the next day an order was
solicited for a number of the photo
graphs.. To the credit of the people of
Oregon City, it may be said that the pair
did not prosper in any great extent this
time. The pictures made by such photo
graphers may be good, but there are lo
cated in Oregon City two competent art
ists who, in conducting galleries, strive
to keep abreast of the times and offer the
peopleo f this city the very latest plc-
Mllwaukie Grange has purchased from
the Master of the Pomona Grange the
prize wagon for $70.00. The payment be
ing guaranteed by O. E. Freytag by July
1st. Mr. Freytag, as a committee from
said Grange, came before the Executive
Committee of the Lewis and Clark, Clack
amas County Exhibit with a proposl
toin to sell to the committee the prise
wagon for $120.00, thus securing $50 for
the Milwaukle Grange, The committee
rejected the proposition as the time has
past for the Lewis and Clark Committee
to handle the selling of the wagon suc
cessfully to Its cause and did not see
the necessity of . paying any one grange
a bonus now, when the wagon could
have been purchased directly from Po
mona Grange by the Lewis & Clark Com
mittee for $70.00.
Beartb A TO KM Von Have Mways Bought
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