Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 21, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Oat Correspondents' Corner
2 fW lUU of Gossip From AH Parts of the County.
i trona on tha route. Harvey Gibson, of
liarton, bring tho ourrlor.
Correspondents are requested to re
new their work. We will furnish all
necessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear In
these columns every week.
A delightful, refreshing rain, of a few
hours' duration, fell Saturday and Sun
day. Although not actually suffering
for the want of moisture. It was thank
fully received by all growing vegetation.
The farmers of this section have com
pleted grain sowing and are now busy
planting potatoes. Early garden and fall
grain are looking well. The fruit trees
are heavily laden with blossoms, and as
the frost has done no serious damage,
everything is indicative of a bountiful
harvest. In fact munificent nature
seems to deal gently with Webfoot. Cat
tle on the range are not looking as well
as could be expected as the grass grows
slowly and the most of them come out
of winter quarters in a poor condition.
The rural free delivery route from
Barton, started Saturday, with Harvey
Gibson as carrier. Now we have the
mall, sell our farm produce, have our
groceries and other commodities, right
at our door. All that Is now lacking is
electric lights and the telephone, and we
would add a few more good roads, all
of which we have faith Uncle Sam will
add in time.
Henry Smith of George has been haul
ing lumber fro the Douglass mill, the
fore part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Woodle and baby
who have been the guests of J. P. Woodle
for the past fortnight, returned to their
home in Dover. Miss Myrtle Woodle ac
companied them where she will visit for
a few weeks. !
J. W. Douglass has completed a new
porch on his house which adds very
much to its general appearance. Mr.
Keith, of Dover, was chief carpenter
and his work bears testimony of his
skillful workmanship.
Mrs. Viola Douglass and daughter. Miss
Sabina, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Douglass, spent . Sunday at Fir
wood, the guests of Jas. De Shazer and
Rev. Patton, of Viola, preached at our
Mr. and Mrs. Ell Suitor wore visiting
Mrs. Suitor's parents last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J'rosser, of Forest Grove,
are the guests of W. J. Howlett and wife.
Elder Patton of Viola, preached at the
school house in the Douglass settlement
Sunday evening.
Mr. R. B. Gibson is preparing to build
a new house on his farm.
The last meeting of the Grange Sat
urday, the 16th, was well attended, there
being several of the Garfield Grangers in
The prospects at present are very fa
vorable for a good crop this season
which would be much appreciated by the
Won a Name of Fame
DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the fa
mous little pills, have been made famous
by their certain yet harmless and gentle
action upon the bowels and liver. They
have no equal for biliousness, constipa
tion, etc They do not weaken the stom
ach, gripe, or make you feel sick. Once
used, always preferred. They strengthen.
Sold by G. A. Harding.
Crops are looking fine at Alms. The
farmers all wear a pleasant smile.
A party at Mrs. J. N. Bramhall's last
Saturday evening was well attended, and
all say 4hey had a pleasant time.
Fruit trees are in full bloom and indi
cations point to a heavy fruit crop here
this season.
Forest Ranger O. V. Hickman, had
a busy time last week lighting fire on
Little Sandy. The fire was discovered
on the 11th and had burned over con
siderable territory before It was brought
under control.
George Gibbons, of Bullrun, and H. E.
Bramhall, are at work repairing the
Walker cret-k flume. It Is understood
that J. X. Bramhall will make a clean
up of his R. R. ties and cord wood left
over from last season.
The finishing touches are being put
on J. A. Hickman's store. This is the
only building ever erected at Alms which
hAa t ma rL' a et norma nun rta And ti.in
school house Sunday evening, April 16. ... . . F ... '
,. . : .. j completed, will be a credit to the corn-
Quite a crowd was in attendance. 1 mun,tv
Henry Glthens of Currinsville and H. '
Fitzgerald of Dover, were fishing on
Deep Creek Sunday. We were unable
to ascertain an authentic account of the
trip, but from an original tale one must
believe their skill and luck has been un
bounded, but if "seeing is believing"
then surely the quality was more than
the quantity In the "catch" they brought
R. B. Gibson is hauling lumber on his
land opposite the school house and In
the near future will begin the construc
tion of a house.
J. P. Woodle and sons Ray and Claud,
are building fence for A. J. Douglass.
Full of Tragic Meaning
are these lines from J. H. Slmmonr. of
Casey, la. To think what might have
resulted from his terrible cough ltehe
had not taken the medicine about which
he writes: "I had a fearful cough, that
disturbed my night's rest. I tried every
thing but nothing would relieve it until
I took Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which
completely cured me." Instantly relieves
and permanently cures all throat and
lung diseases; prevents grip and pneu
monia. At Howell & Jonea, druggists;
guaranteed; 50c and 1.00. Trial bottle
Don't Borrow Trouble.
It Is a bad habit borrowing anything,
but the worst thing you can possibly
b..'.:ow, is trouble. Whet sick, sole
heavy, weary and worn out by the pains
and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness,
Bright'a disease, and similar internal
disorders, don't sit down and brood over
your symptoms, but f.y for rclkf li.
Electric Bitters. Here you will find
cure and permanent forgetfulness of all
your troubles, and your body will not
be burdened by a load of debt disease.
At Howell & Jones drug store. Price
f". Guaranteed.
Coupons Given for DISHES
S pounds prunes ,,,.25c
Aim & Hammer Suda pound flc
Soda, bulk 4o ; Starrh 8c
Codfish, pound 10c; l'ork and Bean, ,7c
2 cans l'eaelies or Apricots 25c
Canned Pens 7'tc
Fresh Flower and Garden Seeds 3 for 10c
Ulg tablets, Sc; Shoe I-aees 1c
Ink, 3c; Vaseline, c; Glue ,,,.7o
8 lead pencils, rubber tips 6c
Sewing Machine Oil Be; sumo 4 oi can 10c
Oranges or Lemons 1c
Pkg. Pins, le; doxen clothes pins 1c
Wire Tacks Pkg, le; Shoe Tacks ,.,.2'tc
16-Inch Rasp 45c; Shovel 60c
Gold Dust, 19c in bulk 6c
Hand Soap, best and biggest ...,4c
Laundry Soup, 7, 8, and 10 bars 25c
Penns 4c; Soda pound 4c
Raisins, worth 10c, for 7e and 8c
Flour $1.06 up; Graham $1.05
Corn Meal 25c; best Lard ...lie
Coffees 10c, 15c, best 20c
Men's 60c and 60c Underwear for...... 44c
Men's Black Sox 3 pair 25c
Underwear, odds and ends 27c
Men's $1."5 part wool overshlrts cut.. 75c
Fine Shirts 40c, 60e, 65o ...80c
These are samples and about half price.
Neat Wool Suits $.1.40 value to close
Men's Wool Suits cut to $5.90
Pants to close "Be. 95c $1.45
Hoys' Pants, cut to 89c
Boys' Suits, long pants cut to $2.77 $4.87
Hoys' Two-Piece Suits were $3.20. .. .$2.44
La. lies' Hose cut to 9o, 14e 19c
Blankets and comforts, cut price
Corsets cut. 23c and up.
spools best thread 25c
Black Underskirts 70 and 95c
White lawn Waists 88c to $1.98
Big lot new val lace 4c up
Ready to Wear Hats , 48c and 98c
Trimmed Hats $1.47 uo
Up-to-date Hats, honestly made priced
on Dry Goods Profit Our Hats please.
Shoes, Etc
The recent showers are fine on the
crops, but they make lots of weeds in
the garden.
Mrs. Dr. Annie E. Roberts left last
Friday for San Francisco to attend her
daughter Katie, who is quite ill.
J. W. Douglass has gone to Eastern
Oregon to assist his son Walter with
his farm work.
Mr. A. Baker has commenced his new
house on his farm two and a half miles
from the city of Eagle Creek.
The R. F. D. No. 1 from Barton has
. commenced delivering mall to the pa-
And Diabetes
Announcement of the Discovery
of the Cure.
Miss Allie and Elsie Moore and Rachel
Tong, called on Miss Jeanette Newell
Sunday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and daugh
ter Rhoda, and Miss Emma Kleinsmlth,
were guests of Mrs. John Tong Sunday.
Mrs. Marie Swanson and daughter Hll
dur, of Portland, came out Sunday to
look after their farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Hammond Paulsen were
visiting friends and relatives In Sandy
last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forbes of Monta
vllla, were visiting their son, Mr. Del
Forbes, a few day last week.
A number of the Damascus Grangers
attended the Pomona Grange which was
held at Parkplace last Wednesday, April
12th. All enjoyed a very good 'time.
Mr. Almont Newell has returned to
Canada where he will continue work
ing for the Salem Nursery Co.
Quite a number of the young people
attended the dance at Harding Grange
Hall Saturday evening. A good time was
enjoyed by all.
Mr. Elmer Tong has gone to farming
In earnest this time. Which one of the
girls will it be, Elmer?
The stockholders of the John X Fulton Co.
of San Francisco stmounce to the world the
curability of Chronio Blight's Disease and
Diabetes based on hundreds of cures and two
years of demonstration disclosing about 87 of
recoveries. In attestation of these momentous
faots we present the names of some of the
stockholders, business and professional men of
this city, every one of whom had to have pre
vious opinions reversed and be satisfied of the
genuineness of the discovery before investing In
this corporation, viz.: Hon. Barclay Henley,
Attorney and ex-member of Congress; Taos.
Kirkpstrick, capitalist; Hon. D. M. Burns,
President Cardelsria Mining Co.; A. E. Shat
tuck. President Psclflo States Type Foundry;
Edward Mills, President Bnllock & Jones Co.;
Capt. Roberts, President Sacramento Trans
portation Co.; D. E. Bender, capitalist; Wm.
Sharp, capitalist; W. B. Bradford, Alaska
Packers Assn.; C. W. Clark, capitalist (Sacra
mento); W. C. Price, capitalist (Pasadena); G.
E. Bates, Attorney; E. O. Miller, Attorney;
Cbas. McLane, Agency Director N. Y. Life Ins.
Co.; Judge Below, ex-Supreme Judge State of
Nevada; Col. D. B Fairbanks, Cashier Peta
luma Savings Bank; R. D. Sessions, Attorney
So. Pac, S. R. Co., and many others
The list of the cured runs Into hundreds and
lnoludes druggists and physicians. The 13
of failures was largely among cases that were
at death's door and many such recovered.
The Specifics that have at last conquered
these dread diseases are known as the Pulton
Compounds. The Renal Compound for Bright's
and Kidney Disease is $1; the Diabetes Com
pound is $1.50. We have established an agency
In your city and yon will find pamphlets and
Compound! at
Charman & Co., City Drug Store.
New Cure for Cancer.
All surface cancers are now known
to be curable, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Jas. Walters, of Duffield, Va., writes:
"I had a cancer on my lip for years, that
seemed Incurable, till Bucklen's Arnica
Salve healed it, and now it is perfectly
well." Guaranteed cure for cuts and
burns. 25c at Howell & Jonea drug
Men s $2 and $2.25 8hoes for $1.75
Men's Full Stock Shoes $1.85
Boys' Full Stock 12 to 2, cut to $1.40
Ladles' $1.50 Shoes cut to $1.19
Red Front Store
LC. HAMlLTON,iProprictor
Bodily pain loses its terror if you've a
bottle of Dr. Thomas' Electric OH In the
house. Instant relief In cases of bunrs,
cuts, sprains, accidents of any sort.
Tax the Women of Oregon City the Same
as Elsewhere
Hard to attend to household duties
With a constantly aching back.
A woman should not have a bad back,
And she wouldn't if the kidneys were
Doan's Kidney Pills make well kidneys.
Mrs. A. Hill, residing at 35 1st Street,
Portland, Oregon, says: "I suffered con
siderable for a year or more from aching
pains in my back extending down through
the loins and In the region of the kid
neys. I had to be careful In doing my
work about the house which required
stooping or lifting for If I moved sud
denly I used to suffer severe twinges of
pain in my back. I used plasters and
several remedies but found little relief
until I got Doan's Kidney Pills. They
helped me from the first and finally
cured me."
Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City people. Call at C. G. Huntley
drug store and ask what their custom
ers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and take
no other.
If a Cow gave
mankind would have to
invent milk. Milk Is Na
ture's emulsion butter
put In shape for diges
tion. Cod liver oil is ex
tremely nourishing, but
it has to be emulsified
before we can digest it.
Scott's Emulsion
combines the best oil
with the valuable hypo
phosphites so that it is
easy to digest and does
far more good than the
oil alone could. That
makes Scott's Emulsion
the most strengthening,
nourishing food -medicine
in the world.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists
409-41 5 Pearl Street New Vrrk
50c. and $1.00. All druggist?
"Itching hemorrhoids were the plague
of my life. Was almost wild. Doan's
Ointment cured me quickly and perma
nently, after doctors had failed." C. F.
Cornwell, Valley Street, Saugertles, New
M mm KJ1 KJ mm ' M
mm 1
Bean the
Tl.. II - J u ... 11 11 I
iiib miiu tuu nava Always i
A Delightful Beverage
A Safe Stimulant
A Good Medicine
For Sale by
Bole Agency for Oregon City,
Miss Minnie Hubert Is working for
Mrs. A. J. IIukIich.
Mr. A. M. Kliehem Intends to lend a
surveying party Into Mnlio, to he none all
Mr. John Hughe visited bin sister Inst
Sundny, who was operated on In n Port
land ImepllHl.
Mis. Jneob t lurry, who win serious
ly Injured In runaway accident, Is now
slowly Improving.
Mr. Arthur Wolfer Is a frequent visit
or to MaekslMirg.
Chun. Mustier, who 1ms been wolklng
In the freight yards of Portland, Is now
homo to stay.
One of our prominent young bachelors
Is thinking seriously of going In to the
but tor business on an extensive miilo,
Mr. Merrill Itlnck, of Salem, passed
through our town on his way to IVoU.
Some lumbermen have bought the
Pntpcr place, and Intend to In J 1 1 I a saw
mill thereon, and construct a flume ten
miles long to Oregon I'lty, to dispose of
their finished product.
Scrofula, salt rheum, erysipelas and
oilier distressing eruptive diseases yield
quickly and permanently to the cleans
ing, purifying power of Burdock Blood
Funeral services over the body of the
late lieorge Wise were held at the Mult
nomah cemetery last Friday. Mr, Wise
was born here thirty-eight years ago,
where he lived till about three year ago,
when ho moved to the North Yaklmu
country. He was held In high esteem
by the people of the community - serving
continuously a school clerk for about
twelve years, and held other Important
offices In the school and church. In Wi
he was married to Miss Minnie I'anuisk,
who, with four children, survive mm.
The floral offering at the gruve were
elaborate and beyond further descrip
William Millard, who has been III I
slowly Improving.
The literary society will give u shallow
social soon.
Tito Kind You IIuvo Always Nought find MliUii linn boat
iu uho for over UO years, 1ms borno tlio fttjrmtturo of
ntttl Imh boon matin under bin ihjim
Honal HtiporvlNlou Mnoo It Infuticy,
4tacvt Allow no ono todoeclvo you In thin;
All Counterfeit, Imitation find " JuHt-nn-(rood, nro but
Experiments that trlllo with mid cmlantrer tlio health of
IulUuts and Chllilren-l'iperlenco ntfiUiiHt HincrlmouW
Cnntorht I n Imrmlean miliNtitiito for Cantor Oil, Pare
goric, Drop nml Mouthing Hjrtijm. It Irt l'lentuuit. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Nareotlo
DubHtunco. It uco In It puuruntep. It dentroyit Worm
mid allays FcverlHhneNH. It cure Dinrrhwa and Wind
Colic. It relieve Teething Trouble, cure CoiiHtlpatlon
find Flatulency. It aliiilluteit the Food, regulate tho
Stomach and IJowelM, giving healthy nml natural ftlocp,
Tho Children' Panacea-Tho Mother' Friend.
Bears tho Signature of
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tha
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Minua '. rt mvmw arMtr. atw ctr.
Enterprise for Job Printing
The House Furnishe
You paid to much iot your goods! Did your wife
ever accuse you
of such a crime? If so, prevent it for the future by studying
our prices. These prices are only tor the careful buyer,
reckless buyers are doomed. 1 he reckless buyer will spend
his money on slick talk, the careful buyer for value received
SS? Going to Build?
We have an immense
stock of Cedar doors and
windows on handilso
building hardware. Let
us figure for you we can
save you money. There
are some damaged doors
left from our disastrous
fire which will go cheap.
high grade
finish, fine
mirror, full
Steel Range
JO years guarantee
18 inch oven
6 holes
Most elaborate nickel
This Rocker
Of Wall
per double
roll and
per pair
and up